#But it seemed rather funny to me when I saw that scene with Moxxie and Verosika's crew
Lyste vs The Ex-Girlfriend.... (Mission Failed)
Task force soldier 1: Awh, look at the little one. He's got a wittle rank plaque.
Lyste: Please don't condescend me, ma'am. I-
Task force soldier 2: Want a kissy little guy?
Lyste: *nervous* A kind offer...but, I'm married.
Y/N: Hey. How about sending a little message from me, back to your limp...dick...commander?
(Soldiers jump at Lyste while laughing)
Lyste: *screaming* Don't touch that!
Aresko: *races forward and presses his face and hands on the glass* Lyste! Don't let her access any of your holes!
(Lyste runs back into the hall, with his back to the door, panting and walks by visibly battered and shaken with red lipstick kisses all over his face)
Lyste: *stammering and shaking* I... I gotta go lie down...now. *Faints and falls on the floor*
Aresko: Oh, this won't STAND!
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robintheredwonder · 4 years
Helluva Thoughts after EP 2
Might as well post those bc I wrote a lot
Spoilers underneath the ‘
From the start Stolas' wife [Stella] seems to not be too 'happy' with having to get up to tend to Octavia. I'll pass this off as her being tired [bc a child screaming in the middle of the night isn't a pleasure] but it also makes me think things started being bad for a while now. I'd also say it's supported by Octavia dreaming that only Stolas was gone, as well as her only having a drawing of him and her in her bedroom. UPDATE-- she also only has a photo of her and Stolas in her room. Stella is definitely not that involved in my mind now.
'I used to think love would be fun' in Stolas' song makes me 100% sure smth started happening early honestly. Even if they were in a forced marriage, it feels like he did try to make it work, maybe, only up until he realized it wouldn't.
'Now all my stories have been told, except for one' makes me sad to be honest. He's sure there's nothing more to his life at this point but his daughter. His daughter is the only important thing for him now.
Anyways Stolas best dad award
On my first watch I felt bad for Stella thinking she was so upset bc Stolas is cheating-- Rewatching it makes me feel like she's upset mostly because it's an imp he chose out of everything, much rather than the fact that he isn't fixing their relationship or working on it.
It's kind of obvious Stolas grew apart from his daughter but I also think he is trying his best. Given what Octavia says later on in the episode, it makes me think he did kind of not realize how much his fights affected her and, with how eager he was to get out, that he was avoiding the family all-together at times.
Stolas' swear words get mostly censored, while other characters' don't. With his line about naughty language it makes me think he censors himself on purpose. Octavia is eating Robo Fizz cereal-- Fun detail but also if Stolas is the one doing the groceries oh man.
Blitzo calls Millie and Moxxie 'M&M' which is their fandom ship-name. Thank you vivzie >:3
I don't know why but the fact that Blitzo doesn't even reach Stolas' waist is very funny to me
Somehow Moxxie being a helicopter mom doesn't shock me
The posters on the wall eye-- 'Does lulu world have a sexy robot?' 'Not lulu world stop sending complains' 'Stop asking' 'Everyone is so mean to me' 'I'd never do that to my bff Lucifer'
This park is just a big reference to the goofy movie ngl-- From Looloo's 'ahyuk ahyuk ahyuk' to the fact that the dad is thrilled while the kid isn't to other mirrored scenes-- good kush
The more I watch this the more I realize the worst thing hell brings you- Capitalism.
Blitzo being a clown previously is so funny to me-- But also it kind of makes sense, in a way? I thought he'd only have a show with his sisters but it makes more sense that he'd be the circus clown. Also makes me wonder if his relationship with his family isn't so good given they were all in the circus but he seems to detest even thinking about it. HOWEVER, he also has a poster of his show with his sisters-- Perhaps there's more to it than I think.
I find it so fucking funny that Robo Fizz copies Charlie's song-- Just further shows that Loo Loo land copies EVERYTHING Lucifer does huh. Speaking of which, they also have an apple mascot-- Didn't Lucifer love apples in this show??
'I don't know what that thing is but I want that thing' - Gravity Falls reference to Wendy and Dipper in Season 1. Vivzie do you have a ship to confess? [Now that I think of it, Moxxie does remind me of Dipper]
This is just me pondering but we see Blitzo purring while here Moxxie is hissing. Can different imps do different things? Are they based off of different animals?
'Does anybody love you, Blitzo?' I know this is meant as a joke but it lowkey hits hard, especially if he doesn't speak to his family anymore.
Stolas' hat changes with his emotions and I think that's really cool tbh
'But home doesn't even feel like home anymore' hits hard honestly. Octavia didn't choose to be in this household, nor did she choose to live with a dysfunctional family. I can't blame her for blaming her dad, even if Stolas deeply cares. It's obvious Stella is angry and that's probably reflecting on her also, not to mention the fact that she has to see her father fall in love; Even if Stella and Stolas never quite got along, she probably still saw the two of them as in love when she was younger and didn't think it's possible for them to fall out of it.
Stolas being unable to finish his sentences makes me think he wants to speak to her about how he feels, but doesn't want to break her heart.
I knew stolas was powerful but motherfucker can turn imps into stone-- Holy shit.
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Millie got kidnapped--
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luki-fanfic · 3 years
Helluva Boss 5: The Harvest Moon Festival
Huh, Helluva Boss usually drops by mid month. Wonder why this episode is taking so long to put toget-
*Episode airs*
Oh. That’s why.
I’ll admit it, my interest in HB was waning. Episode 3 and 4 honestly didn’t do much to keep me interested. Spring Broken had a lot of plot and writing issues, and I felt the concept could have been better executed. C.H.E.R.U.B was more solid, but did have some issues, and just wasn’t that fun to watch.
Harvest Moon on the other hand? Oh boy, now there’s an episode. I am, if you’ll pardon the pun, back on this horse. World building, the action scenes, incredible animation, relationship development of the bad kind, more worlds, interesting characters! It gives us so much to work with.
Spoilers abound, so read carefully.
That said, I will start this with my biggest complaint – and it’s one I’ve had for several episodes, but this one really rammed it home due to the ‘sneak peak’ clip we had of the opening. In the black and white boards, the swearing was limited, and honestly the writing was pretty witty. Then we got the finished product – certain lines were missing, and several words had been replaced with random swearing. Considering what the scene was, it felt like the finished product was a step down – I really wish the scriptwriters would realise random swearing isn’t always funny, and they’ve given proof that their writing is snappy as is.
Anyway...onto the actual episode. We learn that I.M.P seems to be building up their business as Blitzø has 15 clients looking for a kill. Considering he had to do a sale to get a multiple kill, and the other episodes show him basically going out straight after getting the job, they’re clearly building up a name for themselves.
This is further shown with the arrival of Striker, who compliments his decision to go into business for himself, since most Imps don’t. This is new information, since we’ve seen Wally attempt to start his own business – although clearly it wasn’t going well – but if Striker is to be believed, most companies in Hell, even Imp City, don’t have Imps as the owners. Maybe it’s a financial capital thing, maybe it’s partially Hell’s racism, or maybe Imps just generally prefer to follow, which Striker seems to allude later. It’s hard to say with the information we’ve got at this point, but it does put I.M.P in a slightly different light – and probably explains why Blitzø is fairly incompetent when it comes to running the whole thing. He has literally no one to ask or use as an example, and the society he lives in generally assumes he’s going to fail by the nature of him being an Imp.
In fact, even though Blitzø owns I.M.P, he is still completely dependent on Stolas and his Grimoire. Without it, I.M.P is screwed – the reason they’re even at the Harvest Festival is because they can’t work. And that’s what Striker tells him in the final act. Their society has made sure that he can never truly be successful on his own merit, no matter how hard he tries.
I’ve seen some debate on whether what Striker told Blitzø was true or just an attempt to let his guard down. It’s hard to say, because Striker says and does some very conflicting things, but I’m going to believe it was genuine. Why?
He lets Millie and Moxxie live to have leverage over him. He does insult Blitzø to their faces, but why would he need leverage once his job was done?
When Moxxie learns the truth, he doesn’t even try to talk him round, just kill him. Millie is also tossed to the side – possibly because neither of them are ‘superior.' Blitzø gets a full on speech about their superiority and how much he respects him, even if he’s hiding a knife in his tail for if he can’t talk him round.
When he has Blitzø on the ground at his mercy, he doesn’t mock him. Instead, he tells him he genuinely thought they’d be a good team. He had the advantage, but doesn’t take the chance to continue the insult.
Like most Imps, Striker seems to dislike the demon royalty, but at the end of the day, is also working for one (and can I say that twist was brilliantly well done? It made SO much sense but I honestly didn’t see it coming). What is his end goal? Is he envious that Blitzø has some kind of power of Stolas while he has to be obedient? Is he aiming to kill Stella once Stolas is down? Maybe opening an assassination business to take out anything Overlord and above? We just don’t know.
And with that, we’ll step off this train of thought to speak about something else very important in this episode. Stolas. Specifically his relationship with Blitzø, and precisely how wrong it is.
I admit it, I future-shipped them, especially thanks to the Instagram (which become a bit of a bait and switch when the insta-accounts were declared ‘non-canon’). I acknowledged that the relationship was problematic and needed some serious work on both sides before it could really be a functioning relationship, but this episode hammered home exactly how much needs to happen in a way the other episodes didn’t. The pilot and Murder Family treated Stolas as a gag, and then Loo Loo Land made us all care about him and his actions. But Harvest Moon showed the other side of it, and I'm not sure the ship can realistically recover.
Stolas considers Imps as inferior, to a ridiculous degree, and Blitzø is no exception. He has absolutely no respect for Blitzø, and holds all the power in the relationship. We saw this a little in the previous episodes, but they were either alone, or Blitzø was working for him, and surrounded by people aware of the relationship. His actions could be somewhat explained away.
In Harvest Moon, Stolas proves he treats Blitzø this way even in public. Blitzø has very obvious issues regarding his name, so Stolas persistently using a nickname and treating him the way he does around people who aren’t aware, says a lot about how much Stolas doesn’t care about Blitzø’s opinions. Even if Blitzø does have some feelings for him – which I do suspect due to his panicked attempt to explain it as transactional. If he didn’t care, he would probably find it easier to explain. At the same time though, he’d be happier if he could get the book without the monthly visits, because what he has with Stolas isn’t a relationship, no matter what Stolas tries to pretend. Any feelings Blitzø develops puts him even further under his control.
Part of me wonders if the relationship evolved between the pilot and the first episode in planning, and that’s why we have such a disconnect between the Insta relationship and the canon one. I’m really hoping the series addresses it in the future.
Finally, lets talk about that final reveal. Stella has hired a hitman to kill Stolas – even armed him with two angel-tech guns.
(Which, also finally gives us confirmation that Imps/Hellhounds/Succubi can die from conventional weapons, but the higher ranked native demons need angel weaponry to off them).
Stella is also confident enough to scream it over the dinner table. Stolas either doesn’t care, or isn’t paying attention – if he doesn’t care, if definitely puts his motives regarding the original invite up in the air, but if he isn’t paying attention? Then it’s another point in the anti-Stolas tab.
That said, this scenario does ask a question. Why don’t these two divorce? Stolas is clearly not in love any more, and living together clearly isn’t doing Octavia’s mental health any favours if she’s literally hiding behind her music rather than interact with her parents. He should be the first to offer a divorce, but he hasn’t brought it up. And if he hasn’t, maybe the reason Stella hasn’t is because they can’t?
It’s generally assumed that the two of them have an arranged marriage, and that Stella’s anger at his relationship with Blitzø is due to his status more than the cheating. But then wouldn’t it make more sense to hire a hitman to kill Blitzø rather than Stolas? Choosing to kill Stolas, even if it would hurt Octavia, suggests it’s the only option left to her.
I’m guessing we’ll (finally) get some Stella development next time Striker appears, and get an idea of what makes her tick. But for now, I suspect the two of them regularly had lovers on the side, but kept it discreet until this point. Stolas refusing to keep his relationship with Blitzø quiet is causing untold damage to their name and status. Stella wants rid of a man who not only doesn’t love her (if he ever did), but is constantly humiliating her for not hiding his much lower class lover (which we know by this episode he doesn’t even attempt), and since the rules of Hell for demons of their status doesn’t allow divorce (or perhaps their arrangement doesn’t), assassination it is.
Hell, maybe the plan was to kill Stolas, and frame Blitzø for it. Striker clearly knew about their relationship before they met (which should have been a red flag now that I thing about it), so Stella probably mentioned him. It would also put the recruiting on another level, if Striker actually did get Blitzø involved at the final moment and teamed up.
Oh, and as a final amendment? If that angel-gun that Striker left behind is not now in the hands of I.M.P and becomes a key piece when Asmodeus, Mammon and the real Fizzarolli show up? I will be very disappointed.
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hokkaidossoul12 · 3 years
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I based this drawing from a scene from Helluva boss Striker vs Moxxie at 0:49 except I changed it a bit to fit the events of the story.
(click on keep reading to see the story)
I really wanted to draw what the kidnapping looked like after the key master got their body back, it happens when Dorothy got the left side of her head split open by a group of dangerous bandits who found out that she had a key in her head that unlocked a hidden room in the valley. She had passed out from the injury, Showdown and Penny had found her and ended up bringing her to Doc to see what he could do. When Dorothy came back into consciousness she found that she found that she couldn't see from her left eyes and that the left side of her head was bandaged from her ear to her eye, and she found out from Doc that he had to remove her eye from how much damage her head was in. But as she listened to Doc she found how weak she was because of the impact, it turned out that the bandits managed to rough her up, it resulted in her being too weak to even be able to walk properly. Doc then decided to set up a spare room in mending room/home for her to stay the night, in the meantime Dorothy talked to Showdown and Penny, but the dog-wolf couldn't help but feel nervous about the situation. And as Doc had finally finished setting up the room for Dorothy they noticed that the sun was going down, Showdown and Penny then took their leave and headed back to their homes. Dorothy had quickly settled herself in the room shortly after. She felt worn out and tired, Doc took notice as he watched her settle in and insisted that she have a early night. And so that what she did and Doc left her to settle down while still making sure she was alright, Dorothy had slipped off her grey boot and dark blue gloves to let her fluffy limps air out from the events from that day. Dorothy had then crawled into the soft bed Doc had prepared for her and curled up under the blankets, it had been a while since she had slept in a bed as comfy as this, it helped her to get to sleep quickly. Doc smiled, he then closed the door to give her privacy as well as keeping the room dark enough for her to sleep. Meanwhile, the group of bandits had travelled on horses to get to the hidden room of the valley. They each debated on who would use the key on the door, one of the bigger bandits from the lot decided to do it themself. The big bandit grabbed the key they got from Dorothy's head earlier and went to the door that would lead them to the hidden room, they were quick to slip the key into the key hole of the door and unlock up. The big bandit smirked as they pushed open the door. But, they're smirk dropped when they found only a figure inside of the room, it looked to be a dead body that laid at the back of the room, their clothing seemed to be dirty with dust and bits of rust covering their body. The big bandit grumbled as they turned back toward the rest of the bandits, "well...what's in there?" one of the other bandits spoke, "nothing...all except for a rotten corspe" the big bandit answered. The rest of the group of bandits let out anger groans. But, as they're attention was lead away from the room the seemingly dead puppet that laid on the ground had quickly came to life, the puppet seemed to suddenly become taller and lankier as the rust and dust from the puppet quickly disappear with a magic that the figure had used. "ugh...I knew this would all be for nothing!" one of the other bandits growled, the bandits still not noticing that the puppet in the room stand up and start walking toward the open doorway. The puppet in the room seemed to have extremely sharp teeth with golden yellow cat eyes, the puppet seemed to wickedly smile as they were now half-way toward the door. Then, one of the bandits smirked and chuckled, "well, at least we got to split that mutt's head open, the scream she let out was perfect!" then the other bandits also smiled and laughed, the puppet in the room overhead what they were saying and their smile dropped. "yeah, Dorothy sure was fun to torment" one of the other bigger bandits said with a smirk, but the mention of Dorothy's name in the situation made the figure in the room suddenly become filled with rage and they then made
the rest of the way out of the room, their cat eyes glowing brightly in a sign of anger. Quickly, the puppet pulled the key out from the door with enough forced to shatter it, making a loud sound that caught the bandits' attention. The bandits were quick to pull out their guns and aim them at the puppet from the room. But, as one of the bandit's took their aim on the puppet they saw something about the puppet that made them pause, they then realized who the puppet really was, the bandit's eyes widened in fear as their gun suddenly dropped from their hand. "n-no...it's them!" the now weaponless bandit backed off in fear, the puppet from the room then gave an angry smile. One of the other bandits looked that the weaponless bandit who was cowering in fear, "what are you going on about? who is 'them'?" the bandit asked, raising a brow. The weaponless bandit then looked at the bandit and said, "they're... they're t-the key master!" one of the other big bandits looked back and scowled, "that is physically impossible! the key master died years back and hasn't came back since, this is just one of those stringless puppet! now get over yourself and stop being such a baby!", the puppet from the room narrowed their eyes. "so...you think I'm just 'stringless', huh? would a 'stringless' be able to talk?" the bandits then turned to the puppet, surprised at how the puppet suddenly spoke. Suddenly, the puppet took a few steps forward without any trouble "would a 'stringless' be able to walk like this?", the bandits then held their guns up shakily at the puppet. The weaponless bandit shook and backed away from the others and went into the direction of where the horses were, the puppet saw this and their smile widened, "would a 'stringless' be able to do this?" suddenly, the puppet snapped their fingers and a loud sound like chain crashing against the ground was heard behind the bandits. They then heard the frightened cry of their horses behind them, the weaponless bandit turned to the horses to see them scatter and run from the area. "n-no, our horses!" the weaponless bandit said and the others turned back to see the horses were gone. The bandits then turned toward the puppet again who was now closer to them, this caused the bandits to jolt and hold their guns back up at the puppet, the bandits then could see the puppets face properly. One side of the puppet's face was covered with a mask while the other side seemed to had pointy bumps that were all over the open side of the puppet's face. They then recognized the mask and realized that...the weaponless bandit was right, it really was them, the key master. They also found that the key master was also inhumanly tall compared to all of them, making the bandits now shake as they stared at the key master. Then, the weaponless bandit decided to make a run for it, the key master saw and they suddenly disappeared. The bandit's were then confused and fearful at where the key master went. The weaponless bandit then saw the key master suddenly reappear in front of them, they let out a yell of fear as the key master suddenly grabbed them by their neck and lifted them off the ground. The other bandits then turned behind them to see the event unfold as the bandit in the key master's arm now trembled in fear, the key master then leaned in towards the fearful bandit. The key master's eyes then glowed before they're mouth opened to reveal their sharp teeth, the key master then began to inhaled but...it wasn't the air, the bandit scream as they felt their life drain before them, the key master was sucking the soul from they're body. After a few moments, the bandit screams faded and the bandit's body was left motionless, the bandit's eyes were now completely blacked out, the key master then chuckled before dropping the now motionless bandit down. The other bandit made scared sounds as the key master stared down at them. "tell me...do you think that I'm a stringless?" the bandits looked at each other before looking at key master again. The key master then snarled and lunged toward the bandits, "DO
YA?", the bandits whimpered and shook their heads, too afraid to speak. With a chuckle, the key master began to prowl around the bandits, the bandits shook in their boots as they tried to not lose sight of the large puppet. Then suddenly with a swift motion, the key master summoned chains that tripped the bandits, making them each fall on their rears as the guns dropped from their hands. Quickly the key master swept up the guns and broke them apart without much effort, showing how much strength they really had. The key master then walked towards the bandits and towered over the lot of them. "w-wait! can't we talk this through? I mean...we could help you out with what you need" one of the bandit spoke with a nervous smile, trying to see if they could get out of the situation they were in. Another bandit spoke up, "yeah, we could get you anything, like money, alcohol, stuff like that." The key master looked down at the bandits, seeing them trying to bargain with them, it was rather amusing to watch the bandits struggle to find excuses. But, the bigger puppet didn't care about any of things the bandits tried to offer them, all they wanted was the bandits to suffers for their earlier actions on Dorothy. "Do you really think that your petty little offers are going to save you? heh, I find that quite funny, your all trying to dig your way out the predicament you got yourselves into. But, I don't think you realize the mistake you all had made, so let me make it clear to the lot of you." Then, in a trice, the ground around the bandits began to shake before they felt something snapped around each of their wrists, ankles and necks, they looked to see that chains had come up from the ground around them and now had them all chained in place. Then, the key master suddenly used their magic on the key in their hand to turn the key into a long scythe-like weapon. The bandits tried to struggle against the chains as they saw the scythe in the big puppet's hands, "you had messed with someone that you shouldn't have messed with, you messed with her, you messed with my little pup. You all could've done something else that would've left you danger free, but no...you had to do the one thing that pushed me over, you had to hurt her, you had to hurt...my... DoRoThY. And for that...you will all pay with your LIVES!" the bandits then each let out a loud scream as the key master brought the scythe across each of their bodies, over and over, tearing them apart and ripping their souls from their bodies before consuming them one by one. The key master then felt a serge of power run through them as they took a deep breath in and out. The key master then out a loud cackle as they looked down at the deep bandits below them. "It's great to be me again!", the key master then used magic on the scythe which turned it back into a key again before tucking the key away in their cloak. The key master then smiled, it was then that a possessive side of the key master came out as they thought about Dorothy once more. To touch her again and hold her against them, to feel the soft fur on her cheek as they touched her face, they wanted her oh so badly. They knew exactly where to find her, they knew she was still alive from the bandit's attack as they knew the an injury like how she suffer wouldn't be enough to kill her. But, it also meant that it would make her a lot weaker than saw was. "now, for my little pup~" they snapped their fingers, getting rid of the chains from the bandits before disappearing, going to find Dorothy. The night went on, Dorothy was in a deep sleep on the bed of the spare room of Doc's mending home. She happily snuggled into the blankets where it was warm and soft. But, she was so sound asleep that she failed to hear the sound of a figure creeping around the room, they had locked the door of the room and hid the key. The figure then went towards Dorothy as she slept, the figure brought a hand to the dog-wolf's cheek and gently caressed her face. The figure looked her lovingly, a toothy grin on their face, they knew she was in a deep
sleep. Quickly, the figure pulled the blankets off Dorothy's top half before grabbing her wrists and summoned something into their hands, they were metal fist mitts with a lock on each mitt to keep the mitts connected together like handcuffs. The figure was quickly to put the fist mitts on Dorothy's hands, locking her hands and wrists inside of mitts and putting a spell on them so she couldn't use her own magic to break the mitts. The figure then covered the blankets back over Dorothy to make it look like nothing had happened. The figure then crept around the other side of the bed and leaned in toward her fluffy ear, they chuckled in her ear softly, making Dorothy shiver in her sleep. "Dorothy~ wake up, Dorothy~ Dorothy~", the dog-wolf whimpered as the figure whispered in her ear which made her starting to slowly wake from her deep sleep, the figure then chuckled in her ear again, causing her to wake up in a frightened state. She sat up and turn toward where she heard the figure whisper in her ear but...she saw nothing, she looked around the room to see if there was anyone in the room with her, she couldn't see anyone there. She sighed and pulled herself to sit at the edge of the bed, "hmm...maybe it was just in my dream...or in my head?" Dorothy said to herself, she then went to rub her head with a hand only to feel her arms move at the same time, she become confused and tried to move her fingers only to find that they were tightly confined within something. "huh?" she looked down at her hands and her eye widened, she saw the metal fist mitts over her hands and wrists. Fear welled up inside her as she stood up and tried to break the cuffs with her magic only to find that it didn't work, she gasped seeing that they were magic proof. She then tried multiple times to break the cuffs only for it to fail for her and she let out a huff. Dorothy whimpered, "how is this happening? why can't I get them off?!", Dorothy then heard a deep chuckled behind her that she heard before. "heh, I find it so cute how your trying so hard to break them~", quickly Dorothy turned around and saw the key master behind her. She saw that they were no longer the ghost she saw them as before but they were now a tall, lanky puppet with golden cat eyes, she looked up at them and backed off. "h-how...are you..." she then saw them pull something out from their cloak, she looked at it closely and saw that it was the key that was in her head when the bandits had split her head open. Dorothy shook, "no...n-no..." the key master looked down at her with a smirk before putting the key away and leaning down toward her. "I knew you would you would react like this when you saw me again, so I cuffed your hands to stop you from even being able to do anything~ not even to defend yourself~" the key master purred as they looked down at her. Dorothy then quickly turned toward the door and try to turn the knob even with the cuffs over her hands only to find that the knob wouldn't turn, meaning it was locked. "oh, and just if case you tried to get away, I locked the door to stop you from being able to leave~", in a panic Dorothy slammed herself against the door as hard as she could, "HELP! DOC! DOC!!!" Dorothy cried out loudly, trying to call for Carver. She continued to try this over and over until she felt her body going weak, she continued to cry out Carver's name in hopes that he would come to her aid. The Key Master smiled wickedly and went toward Dorothy, knowing that she was becoming weak, they swiftly wrapping their arms around her and pulling her back, she screamed while squirming in the key master's hold. "CARVER! PLEASE! CARVER! CAR-MMMH!" suddenly the key master brought their hand to Dorothy muzzle tightly, clasping over her mouth and nose. Dorothy let out muffled screams as she continued to struggle against the key master's hold. She then began stomping her feet against the ground as she tried to make as much noises as possible, the taller puppet knew that Doc would be alerted to Dorothy's sounds eventually. The key master then briskly pulled
Dorothy back and away from the door before lowering themself down and forcing Dorothy's feet off the ground, pressing her closer to them so they had more leverage on her. Dorothy was left helplessly struggling against the key master's grip, they were so much bigger and stronger than her so her struggling now did nothing to help her at all. Dorothy then looked down at the fist mitts on her hands, she knew this would be her last hope as she tried to swing them up into the key master's face. She almost was able to hit them so she tried once again but with more force to hit the key master, but...they had seen what she tried to do the first time and dodged her hit, not being phased too much by this. The key master then let out a small, breathy laugh at her attempt to hit them. "heh, smart move~ I should have thought you would've done that, but now it'll be so much easier for me!" Dorothy then went to try and hit them again with the fist mitts only to find that they felt heavy, so heavy that she couldn't even lift her arms. She looked down at them to see a magic aura around the mitts, the key master was using a spell on the mitts where then forced the metal mitts on Dorothy's lap and keep them stuck in place on her lap. Dorothy continued to let out muffled screams while still trying to struggle against the key master. The key master knew Dorothy couldn't do much now so they leaned down close to her face, "shh...don't worry, little pup~ I'll make sure your safe and SoUnD~" they're eyes glowed as they stared down at Dorothy possessively, Dorothy let out a muffled cry as she looked at them, tears forming in her eyes. Dorothy knew now that Doc wouldn't able to hear her now making her muffled scream turned into muffled sobs as she had become weak in the the key master's hold. "that's it~ good little pup~" they said as Dorothy began to stop struggling, she had gave up trying to fight them now, she stopped struggling and just shook in the key master's hold. The taller puppet felt the dog-wolf's tear hit they're hand. They looked down at her and they're smile dropped for a moment seeing her cry, they then brought they're other hand to her face, using they're thumb to wipe her tears away, "aww, little pup...it's ok, don't cry..." they then saw her hiccup a few more tears. The key master then brought Dorothy closer to them, they're hold on her was more loving now as they suddenly changed her position and held her bridal style now. They then saw that Dorothy's eye was closed now and her body laid limply in their arms, she had become unconscious the key master holding they're hand to her muzzle. They then released her muzzled and stood up with Dorothy in their arms. They then went in the middle of the room before the key master had disappeared with Dorothy and to they're mansion. They took her to their bed and placed her down onto it, the bed was surprisingly clean despite not being used for a long time. The tall puppet then pulled the blankets over her to keep her warm. They then took off their cloak, putting it up on the coat rack in the room before sitting on a chair in the room near the bed, they smiled before falling asleep in the chair. In the morning, Doc had woken up from his sleep and once he got himself ready for the day he had gone to check on Dorothy. But, when he did he found that the door was locked, he thought that he must've accidently locked it and went to go find the key when he found it was nowhere to be seen. He then instead found the spare key and unlocked the door only to find that Dorothy was nowhere to be seen. He then saw her gloves and boot still in the room, he then found something on the ground, they were dents in the ground along with big bootprints on the ground. Doc had then realized that she had been kidnapped, and the only one he could think of who wouldn't done it was faceless since doc thought Faceless may have teleported to get to her. Showdown and Penny had come to see Doc and Dorothy a little bit later on, Doc had explained what happened and it was quickly spread throughout the whole valley,
that faceless had kidnapped her. But, when Faceless had been taken in to be question he had no idea that Dorothy was even kidnapped in the first place. But, this wasn't good enough for the townsfolk and folks even tried to get him arrested. This had gone one for two to three days until faceless had enough and he went to search for her himself. Faceless had eventually found out who had actually kidnapped Dorothy and was extremely shocked and surprised, he used to be friends with the key master years back until they fell out with each other once the key master had turned evil. Faceless had then thought of a plan to rescue Dorothy from the key master and bring her back to town. Although, it would be difficult for him to do so since the key master was just as strong as he was and maybe even more than Faceless, but, that wasn't going to stop faceless easily.
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