#But now that she’s fused with an empty body she’ll be ok?
completeoveranalysis · 4 months
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OH! OK I didn’t see that coming! So when Mokona says that the big and little Sakuras have MERGED TOGETHER, she means that the Original Child “Sakura” that has been frozen in time since the moment she was cursed has now fused with the empty soulless body of her clone, the Sakura copy we’ve been following since Chapter 1?
So, “Not Sakura” and “Empty Body” Sakura are now one person?
I want to ask “But what does that mean?” but Kurogane has already beaten me to it and even Fai doesn’t know the answer.
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mithrilwren · 4 years
ok idk if this has been asked yet but #22 for shadowgast or #23 for beaujes?
I finally finished this!! Thank you so much for your patience
soulmate au prompts: the one where once you meet your soulmate, it’s physically uncomfortable to be apart from them for too long.
[also on Ao3!]
Jester doesn’t realize it, at first, that anything has changed.
Her whole body is in pain, everything is in pain, she has never felt pain like this before. She doesn’t think she could bear to again.
Three days in the dark, with manacles around her wrists, a gag in her mouth, and her heart clenching every time she hears a scream ring out from the chamber beyond. Sometimes, it clenches with no reason, an ache in her chest like a scarf wrapped too tight around her heart, and no way left to tell if oxygen is still making it into her lungs. Her fingers have long gone numb.
She thought she heard Beau’s voice, while they were on the cart, crying ‘Molly’ into the open air. In her mind, she cries ‘Traveller’, who has never left her alone before, and when he does not answer, she cries out to the only others who’ve stayed. She cries ‘Molly’, and ‘Caleb’, and ‘Nott’, and ‘Beau’, and doesn’t let herself lose hope, though she doesn’t know how long she can hold onto it.
(Cries ‘Beau’, softer now, as she relearns what it is to sleep alone.)
Beau doesn’t realize it, at first, but that’s not really surprising. She had nothing to compare the feeling against.
She’s never had anything like this group before.
(Had never had-)
The squeeze in her chest as she looks over to Jester’s bedroll and finds her blanket empty is disproportionate to the gravity of the situation, at least then, before any of them know what’s happened. Later, she’ll call it a premonition, that aching churn inside of her - not a fortune or a magic trick, but just the inevitability of it all. Like she should have known that this would fall apart.
Molly is dead, and the others are gone, and she never said goodbye to Tori, and thought that was what loss was. She was thrown out of her parents’ house, and thought she knew then, better still.
She didn’t.
She doesn’t know if she’ll live through this, if they don’t-
They have to.
She can’t do this alone.
(Not anymore.)
I’m going to go sleep in my own room.
Jester shrinks back, cheek smarting like she’s been slapped, though Beau is across the table, too far to reach her-
Too far to-
But it’s only one night, right? And- and Yasha will be there. It won’t be the same as waking up next to Beau, but at least she won’t be by herself.
There’s an empty pit in her chest, growing hollower, and Beau is still there so she really shouldn’t feel this bad already, but what if this is the end? What if Beau never wants to room with her again?
(What did she do wrong?)
I thought that’s what you wanted.
Of course it’s not what she wanted. Of course it’s not. Beau wants-
Well, she only said it because she thought if she didn’t, then she’d have to hear Jester say the same thing to her. That she wanted a garden room to herself, filled with all the pretty things that Beau can’t provide: luxury, security, a door that latches with a key. Peace and quiet. Something beautiful to wake up to.
(And besides, pain’s always a little easier to bear when you’re the one holding the switch.)
But now Jester’s hurt too, and Beau doesn’t know how to make it right, other than to take back her words, pulling them back inside herself with a new sprinkling of guilt on top. Guess it’s true what her father said: she somehow manages to break everything single thing she touches.
(How’s she supposed to be there for Jester, in all the ways she needs, when she can’t even fix herself?)
Beau doesn’t need to think hard to come up with an offer.
It needs to be a sacrifice, of equal weight to what Nott’s suffered.
It would hurt, to be alone. It would hurt more than anything else she can imagine. But she knows now she could bear it. She can bear a hell of a lot more than she knew. And even if she can’t, well- Nott can’t bear much more either. And it’s better that it’s Beau. It’s better. Then at least, if it’s all got to end sometime, the pain could actually mean something.
She doesn’t look at Jester as she walks into the hag’s cottage. Doesn’t look at anything but her own feet.
At least if it’s only her, nobody else has to feel this way.
Beau walks out the door, and says what she offered, and Jester can only think in syllables.
No no no-
No time for thinking. No time to contemplate the way her heart is pulling out of her with every step she takes away from Beau, pleading with her to stay.
If she closes that door, she might not come out alive. She might not survive this, if it all goes wrong.
But if she lets Beau go, Jester doesn’t think she’d survive that either.
She shuts the door before anyone can stop her.
Jester always thought it was strange, that her body should feel so hot inside, when what comes out of her is ice. Tieflings are supposed to burn, but it’s frost that courses in her veins.
And still, she’s always felt warm. Her mother used to tell her so. Even Beau gives her most of her share of the blankets on nights they share a single bed, saying she doesn’t need them with how hot Jester runs.
(Beau never lets Jester close enough to see if her olive skin is just as warm as Jester’s blue, though her feet are always cold in the morning.)
Lots of things in this world are cold. Jester’s magic is cold. The ocean is cold.
Stone is cold.
She watches Beau’s skin turn ashen, that skin that might have been warm go icy and grey, and she freezes too. From her throat to her stomach, any trace of warmth snuffs out, and she is screaming, and she is running, and she is-
-glad this is the last thing she sees: a blue lake, and violet eyes, open wide and shining. Beau gets just enough to time to turn her head towards Jester before her neck locks in place, before her vertebrae fuse and her spine becomes one rigid column. She gets to see her, one more time, before everything goes dark.
She’s almost glad, that it’s her chest that petrifies first. By now, she can hardly stand to be out of Jester’s sight - mere minutes before the ache becomes unbearable. She’s not sure her organs could take the pain of saying goodbye with a look, instead of words.
If she has to live forever in a body that will never touch Jester’s again, then at least her heart will hold together. It won’t have a choice.
Her vision fades, and fades, and she sees grey. Grey water, grey eyes, and-
So much blue.
The tension releases from her shoulders first, as small hands knead warmth back into her bones, and Jester is here, in front of her, alive and smiling, and as the oil drips down her back and seeps between her ribs Beau’s chest feels-
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jadehqknb · 7 years
Aomine works as a soldier for Japan's National Guard and their biggest challenge so far is the crime organization that's working with aliens that invaded the planet. Aomine's s/o was a genius scientist who was abducted by the organization and Aomine hasn't seen her since. Years later he found out the org has been utilizing her extensive knowledge to help in the evolution of aliens and humans alike so he has no choice but to stop her. He also found out that the s/o is actually a clone. (1)
The real s/o was killed, but the clone was injected with her memories so she knows Aomine. Angst, and you get to decide the ending. Sorry this is more sci-fi than supernatural but I still hope it’s acceptable. Thanks and good luck with your AU event! ^^ (2)
So anon, I really like this idea but my brain took me in a different direction so while the essence of your request is here, I changed up a few things. Also, warning for violence and death. I don’t want to say who or how because it will spoil it more than it already has so if the idea makes you squeamish, skip this one.
As the dust settles, Aomine blinks. That was one hell of an explosion. Turning, he smirks at Kagami. “You really know your shit when it comes to being explosive.”
“Was that your bad attempt at a pun? You’ve been hanging around Izuki too much,” grumbles Hyuuga, shifting the weight of his semi-automatic.
“Hey, I resemble that remark!”
“Will you all shut up! We need to focus!” snaps Riko. The words are barely out of her mouth before gun fire erupts. Struck in the shoulder, she hisses in pain but she fights through it loosing off her own shots towards the advancing enemy.
“We need to get to the central core,” shouts Aomine over the fray, “Tetsu, come on, let’s go!” The ace shooter and shadow bob and weave around the debris, rushing through corridor after corridor as their squad covers them.
“This way!” Kuroko indicates, ducking around a corner only to come face to face with one of the aliens. He skirts back, unable to raise his weapon in time but a splash of blue and not red signals his partner has saved his ass.
“I swear, Tetsu, I don’t know how you’ve survived the war this long, you’re a terrible shot even when you do manage to get your finger on the trigger.”
“Thanks, Aomine-kun,” Kuroko breathes, heart still racing at just how close he came to death.
The two blue haired males continue on their way, the sound of gun fire echoing behind them. They can only hope all will make it out of this alive. Finally, they spot the door they’ve been searching for and rush through it before Kuroko grabs his barricader and slides it into the handles. “It won’t give us a lot of time, but enough to get this done,” he comments. When Aomine doesn’t respond, he turns, eyes widening. In front of them, stand hundreds and hundreds of pods, all filled with bodies.
“Wha…what the hell is this?” Aomine chokes out.
As they get closer, both notice the figures are grotesque, some with extra limbs, some missing limbs. Some have two or three heads while others have none. But the most terrifying realization is that the pulsing resonance in the room are heart monitors. All of these…things…are alive.
A feminine voice startles both males and they raise their guns towards the sound. Normally a shoot first and ask questions later kind of guy, Aomine hesitates at hearing his first name. No, not just his first name, a name he hasn’t heard in years. There’s only two people in the entire world who call him that, or rather called him that since he knew them both to be dead. As his eyes fall on the woman moving towards him, he frowns; he doesn’t know her at all so how does she know him?
“I can’t believe it’s really you,” she whispers, heedless of the heavy hardware trained on her.
“Who the fuck are you?” Aomine can’t help asking. “And stay right where you are!”
Blinking away tears, she keeps moving, propelled towards the one person in the whole world she never thought she’d see again. “It’s me, Dai-kun, it’s ________.”
Aomine narrows his eyes, trigger finger twitching. “Don’t you dare say her name, you bitch!”
She flinches, then smiles warmly. “Of course, I forgot, I’m….I look different now,” she comments, “but it’s really me. I know! I’ll prove it! Ask me something you know only _______ would know.”
Aomine can feel himself trembling. How long has it been since he heard her name? If he had his way, no one would think it let alone speak it aloud to him and here’s this bitch, their enemy, casually claiming to be the one person in the entire world he loved more than anything else; more than himself, more than basketball when he played it once upon a time.
Why hasn’t he shot her yet?
Kuroko opens his mouth to protest but Aomine is already speaking. “Where did we meet?”
“You were on the roof top at school. I’d just finished practice with the dance team and went to get some fresh air and found you. We talked and you asked for my number but I wouldn’t give it to you that easily.”
“What did I leave in your locker?”
She smiles, but it’s not _______’s smile, it’s the smile of a stranger. “A basketball with your number on it.”
Aomine wants to believe no matter how impossible it is, that this is true. That somehow, _______, the love of his life is within this unfamiliar shell. But these questions are too easy. He’d been warned, been threatened by the mafia who ran with these bastards that they’d get him. They knew he was a threat, that as an ace shooter on the Vorpal squad he’d be a menace to them and he has been. So it’s no wonder they’ve sent someone to-
“Aomine-kun.” Kuroko’s voice startles the taller male; he’d completely forgotten he was here. “We need to hurry.”
“Go on then, I’ll be right there,” Aomine replies.
“Just go, Tetsu!” he snaps.
“Be careful, remember, they’re tricky.” Kuroko moves past the woman, her heedless of where he’s going and why. She knows she should care and a part of her is positively screaming to act, to kill them, to protect what she’s worked so hard to create but she can’t. Not now that he’s here.
“I never thought I’d see you again,” she murmurs but at the look in his eyes she pauses again. “I can see you’re still not convinced, ok then, ask me something really, really personal. Something you know for sure no one else in the whole world would know except for _________.” It feels weird speaking about herself in the third person but if it’s what Dai-kun needs to move forward, to understand, to believe that’s it’s really her even if it’s a different body, then she’ll do it.
Aomine takes in a deep breath, his mind racing trying to think of something while at the same time berating him for even playing this game. No doubt this is a delay tactic, a way to make sure he doesn’t complete his mission but he’s missed her so much and he’s heard about this. Heard about people running into strangers who claimed to know them, claimed to be someone they weren’t, but it always ended up the same way; with someone or something dead.
Swallowing, Aomine looks her in the eye. “What did I say to you after the first time we had sex?”
She sniggers, the sound foreign in his ears. “Oh Dai-kun, of course your mind would go there,” she chides. Settling herself, she returns the intensity of his stare. “You told me that I beat you and it was the closest thing to a confession of love I’d ever get.”
Pain slams through Aomine’s chest at the remembrance, at the feel of her beneath him that first time, of her scent surrounding him, her lips on his, his hands on her. He’d forgotten, forgotten all of that until now, the memories too painful to allow to the surface so he pushed and pushed and pushed until he tread upon them, until they no longer haunted his dreams. How could this…. thing know so much about him and his ________?
“How?” One word filled with so much.
“I…when I was taken, they tried to make me work for them. Torture, you don’t know the meaning of the word but I wouldn’t give in. They broke my body trying to weaken my mind but I wouldn’t give up. I…I wouldn’t betray my own kind.” Her voice quivers and he has to stop himself from drawing her in. He can’t, this can’t be real!
“So,” she goes on, tears spilling on the ground, “eventually they decided if I wouldn’t comply in my own body, they’d put my mind somewhere more controllable.” Aomine’s gut clenches, whatever food he’d managed to shove in his mouth today wanting to erupt back out of it. “They removed my brain and fused it with one of their kind. That was three years ago and I’ve…well, you can see.” When her arm extends behind her, Aomine clenches his fist.
“You made those?! Why, what purpose could they possibly serve?” he roars. “My _______, would never….could never do that!”
His weapon clatters to the ground, hands fastening around her throat. Wide terrified eyes stare into his. “I don’t know what the fuck you did to her to get the information you did or the purpose of doing it, but one thing I do know is you are going to die. If she’s still alive, I’ll find her, but I doubt that.”
She chokes out, “Dai-kun….I….I’m right here. Stop…please…”
“No more lies!” he bellows, squeezing harder, feeling her pulse thunder against his fingers. A garbled noise of pain leaves her lips which are rapidly turning blue, her nails scratching and clawing at his skin but he’s relentless, eyes full of rage and hate and death. Because he’s fully dead inside now. He’d always hoped maybe he’d find her one day but that hope is gone. He knows she’s dead.
Just like the woman who’s now on her knees, eyes rolled in the back of her head. When he releases, her body crumples to the ground in a heap.
“Aomine-kun, we-“ Kuroko stops short, eyes wide at the sight of his ace standing over the very dead body of the woman he’d seen before.
When Aomine lifts his head, Kuroko almost shrinks back. There’s no more light, no more life, just empty vacant pools. “Let’s go, Tetsu,” he says lowly, stepping into the corridor and shutting the door. They begin running again, Kuroko pressing a button on a remote once they’re clear and another explosion rocks the foundations of the compound.  
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