#But the tortoise life doesn’t appeal to me
pokemonfrommemory · 2 months
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I wonder what Pokémon live in the little tree?
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rustedleopard · 2 years
Whenever I think about how I characterize Porky, I always come back to this quote I read in a short story in the Twelve Kingdoms series regarding the trial of a prisoner named Shudatsu, who (among many other crimes) killed a young child just to steal the small amount of cash he had on him, and held no remorse for his crime. This is the quote:
The bitter realization occurred to Eikou—the man himself possessed no powers of self-analysis. His was an unexamined life. He had no substantive awareness of his crimes and was not about to face up to his actions and gain that awareness. Calling himself “trash” was the tortoise shell he crawled inside, and he was content to stay there forever. No words would persuade him otherwise and no words could wound him. (Prison of Dusk: Chapter 8, Twelve Kingdoms, trans. Eugene Woodbury. Emphasis added by me).
This quote makes me go !!!!!! because that’s exactly how I characterize Porky: someone who is capable of doing so many horrible things because he uses “I’m a terrible person” as his armor to protect himself from doing any sort of self reflection.
My interpretation of his character is why seeing him being characterized as “a terrible person who was always going to end up a monster” or “innocent because his family/Giygas who made him this way” irks me so so much! Saying that Porky was always a terrible person doesn’t really show respect to his character. He’s an abused child. His parents demeaned him and in the Japanese version, his father physically abused him in the beginning of the game. Unconditional love, kindness, and respect were likely commodities in his house (and while Porky’s closeness with Picky is left a bit vague, Picky did wait for Porky on the hill when he ran off. Meanwhile, during Fourside, Picky was abandoned at home while Porky and his father (and mother? My memory is a bit foggy) were living it up, so make of their relationship what you will).
But on the other side of the coin, saying that Porky’s family/Giygas is solely responsible for his behavior is annoying because he’s capable of independent thought. Porky does have at least some idea of what’s right and wrong considering that he begs for Ness’ forgiveness in Happy Happy Village after kidnapping Paula and joining a cult. And while Buzz Buzz admits that Giygas sways people to do evil, my interpretation of how Giygas’ powers work is that he cannot force you to do anything that you aren’t at least somewhat willing to do: he can only make the worse options seem more appealing. If he was capable of outright possession, then what stops him from possessing your sister/mom/dog/every NPC you encounter and making them attack you? There’s still a choice to do the right thing, even if he can make you feel like the wrong choices are more appealing.
To me, Porky is someone who was born in unfortunate circumstances which made him feel powerless and weak and when an opportunity arose to get power (wealth, influence, followers), he jumped on it. And when people grew upset with him because the power he’s accessed is hurting others, instead of doing some self-examination and giving it up, he saw himself as the victim and doubled down. He took the words that people threw at him, “horrible” “terrible” “rotten” “bad,” and decided that if that was how he was going to be seen both as the abused child and as Giygas’ right-hand man, then he may as well live with it and enjoy his power regardless. In the end, being a terrible person was a place of safety for him because he would never have to confront his own actions and see that the only thing he’s truly accumulated is a wealth of shame.
#pokey tag#this is a follower exclusive take BABEY!#please ignore my poor attempt at an in-text citation. i'm not about to bust out the purdue owl for this#i 100% believe that if porky didn't have such an awful family he wouldn't have ended up that way#the circumstances of his birth put him at a disadvantage to resist g.iygas' influence#but he still took a shovel and dug his morals down until they were doing limbo w/ the devil#that was a choice that he made for himself.#i know he was a kid and kids do stupid stuff but he's also old enough to know basic morality#and that teaming up with the Universal Cosmic Destroyer is a really bad thing to do#and also turning animals into chimeras/brainwashing people/trying to destroy the world/etc is really bad too#this is about a medium level take on how i interpret him. it doesn't hit every point but it hits the major ones#this is why i can't see porky trying to redeem himself. redemption cannot arise from an outside mediator#and he doesn't want to redeem himself either. he wants to enjoy himself and his power. he doesn't want to take things seriously#he'd rather live inside the title of 'a bad person' because it's easy. he never has to ask himself hard questions#he never has to confront himself or grow or change at all. he does what he wants because he's 'a bad person' so you can't expect#better behavior from him.#this is also my interpretation of his character though so like. if you disagree that's fine#variety is the spice of life (and salt is the seasoning of death so don't be salty in my inbox)#(also please please read the 12k chapter link i left above. context may be hard to understand but i see so many similarities between Porky#and Shudatsu that it's insane)
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Advice to Work on Yourself 📢 in May 2022: Aquarius
8 Wands - 8 Swords - Temperance
Regarding: 8 Cups
Right off the bat, we see 888, which is probably a very important message for you. 8 in tarot is the number of Strength, the self, ego, financial abundance, and self preservation. 8 Cups is an energy of having to leave something behind in order to find your 9th & 10th Cup, what’s here isn’t enough for you. Clarified by 6 Wands, with so many 8’s, this could be referring to an ego death, which is a necessary part of everyone’s shadow work & spiritual ascension. This is also saying that you like to focus on the positive (who doesn’t?) while being completely zip shut mum about the negative, pretending it doesn’t exist. You don’t talk about any of the inner experiences you’ve gone through, the growth and hardships that have changed you, you just focus on the good and talk about the good. Being an Aquarius... this one is tough for me. I’ve learned over many years that your life is no ones business, and a lot of people watch & don’t care, or want you to fall...but, apparently Spirit disagrees with that. So. There goes my ego I guess 🤣
You’re to bring balance to your communications about your family circle, your business, your relationships. Talk the good and the bad. Don’t wait for conflicts to heal and leave everyone wondering what’s going on. Of course...if they’re close, they know right? They should. It’s not just up to you to reach out. There’s a fine balance there, especially for an Aquarius. If you’re talking to anyone, 10 Pentacles shows you needing to open up to your family. It’s also saying if you’re currently in some kind of conflict, especially with family, there is the potential to heal these relationships. With the necessary ego death mentioned. And more open honest communication. Is it more important to be right or to be loved? I have conflicting advice on that one too 😆 I’m just gonna shut up, Spirit is 100% guiding this one. To have 6 Wands clarifying 8 Cups, some of you may have already done this, and have come out the other side victorious...the message about communicating still stands. People don’t know you unless they know both/all sides of you. Good and bad. Isn’t that the appeal? Spirit has Aqua’s number in May... take from this what you will, however it resonates for you. Stop hiding yourself.
Animal Oracle: Tortoise 🐢
“You’re too fragmented, so do whatever it takes to get grounded.”
When you’re feeling pressure from any number of fronts - pulled this way and that by the demands of modern life - it’s very easy to succumb to a false sense of urgency, feel out of balance and fragmented, and be in a constant state of tension. You can become forgetful and have difficulty sleeping. You may even attempt to stabilize and center yourself by resorting to the use of addictive substances or activities, hoping that they’ll help you feel more at home in your own skin. Meanwhile, your mind rushes ahead from one thing to the next, while your body tries to play catch-up. The technological web consisting of computers, the Internet, cell phones, television - plus the noises all around - creates a constant assault on your senses. Exhausting, isn’t it?
First, recognize that most things that you treat as emergencies or crises are merely inconveniences. Then, slow down! Move slower than you’re accustomed to, practice breathing slower and deeper every opportunity you get. This in itself helps you align with your internal rhythms, rather than being in a state of continuous reactivity to outside forces. Putting your bare feet on the ground allows you to truly experience your solid connection to the Earth. When you do, notice the difference in how you feel, and see if your mind isn’t at least a bit calmer. It may be challenging at times to do any of this, but it can be done. It just takes your clear intention & willingness.
Artist Oracle: SOPHIE CALLE
- Put on a good show for the surveillance camera.
- Distance makes the heartbreak stronger.
- Invade neighboring states of privacy.
- Learn to Meditate
- Create a Financial Vision
Guitar 🎸 on 6 Wands shows that music is a great way for you to overcome any issues you’ve had in your life, or expressing yourself through music if you’re talented or so inclined. Music can also play a big role in meditation, so make sure you’re listening to things that bring you joy & healing, what makes you feel good.
Broken Heart 💔 on Sophie is repeating the message of hiding the bad parts of yourself, your life, your conflicts. You feel like these sorts of situations and the emotions that come with them aren’t fit for public consumption, when the most popular movies made and songs sung are all about pain. People search it out, and resonate with pain above anything else.
Hamsa Hand 👁 on Page of Swords, facing up, is a universal and spiritual sign of protection against evil, jealousy, hatred and insecurities. This is Spirit saying you’re safe to communicate openly, you have nothing to fear. Connected to Temperance & 10 Pentacles, this can be reconciliation in your family, and a note to remain balanced, take it slow, there’s no rush. If something affects you badly, or is too hard to discuss, or it’s making you get defensive, just stop. Gain your composure, and try again later. Know your own boundaries.
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rainstormcolors · 4 years
for the shipping meme- trustshipping 8, 13, 36, 39?
Thank you for the ask. I was at work, so apologies for the delay. Trust is an underappreciated ship. Again, these are just my own thoughts on things.
 13) What do they do for fun? Do they have a favorite activity or do they like to switch things up?
They call each other on the phone, her in Egypt or Britain, he in Japan or America. They talk about their days.
When they’re in the same country, they share dinners, first at overpriced restaurants and then later on at their homes. She convinces him to visit the museum or aquarium with her. They walk along the river’s edge as the sun sets and the sky blazes, and Seto is stunned by how beautiful Isis is.
 36) What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
I think both characters can have issues with being emotionally distant at times, which is a problem that can be amplified by a long distance relationship, which I feel these characters would have for stretches. There would be times where the two would need to rely on those around them rather than each other.
But this turns around to them understanding and respecting each other’s independence and space.
The strength is in the machination of the ship as the tortoise within the story of The Tortoise and the Hare. The couple moves along, and they have those distant patches but they move past them, and they move forward together and it’s not showy but trusting and steady.
 39) Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed who first?  When did they realize they were in love?
I think Isis develops feelings for Seto first, because through his stubbornness and his belief in those things greater than gods and fate, he helped save her family and he helped save her. Her affection begins to sprout from that soil, and it’s why she doesn’t mind going out of her way to bump into him when she makes her occasional trips to Japan. At some point she understands she feels romantic longing for him.
The evolution of their relationship would be steady and quite slow. I think it takes further time for it to sink into Seto that he carries romantic feelings for her himself. It’s hard for me to say who kisses who first after this.
 8) What do the like best about their partner?
On the Seto side, Isis is composed and strong-willed and elegantly strong-willed, and she’s devoted to the ones she loves in a way that helped him to understand himself. He admired this within her, and it was something within him too.
For Isis, their history is deep.
The name Trustshipping takes on a more profound meaning. At the museum, Isis manipulates Seto to host Battle City and she tells him, “I trust you.” Of course what she’s actually trusting is the chained fate the Millennium Necklace has shown to her. But when that point of time is met, the truth of what she should trust is revealed. She’d been following fate like a blindfolded prisoner walking the plank, but the blindfold was ripped off. Putting trust into Seto came through and he ripped off her blindfold. And he came through for her again as they connected through their devotion to their brothers, and they could see in each other there was light worth fighting for.
(I tend to imagine Isis might admire DSoD Kaiba for similar reasons; fighting fate for something worth fighting for.)
I’m answering this one last because I kind of can’t help but steal some quotes from a friend’s old post to answer this, because they worded it with such poignancy and I could never top it. This is the appeal of the ship:
“And Seto’s belief in his own agency and self-worth and in his ability to be the change he wants to see in the world and all that literally saved Isis from despair in canon. I don’t really think there’s anything about him that Isis could possibly admire more given the amount of personal significance that held for her. […] He utterly saved her, and I don’t think he even recognises or realises the inherent worth in himself for having grasped the life and the future she’d lost in his hands, and throwing it back to her. I want him to see and to know how precious and complete that gesture was – that he cannot be a failure so long as he’s saved somebody.” (X)
You just can’t top that.
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jackidy · 4 years
If You Let Me: Chapter 3
Rating: T Pairings: Demyx/Zexion, Demyx/Ienzo (Eventual/Slowburn) Characters: Various, Zexion/Ienzo Centric Setting: BBS to KH3, Canon compliant mostly
Warnings: Canon Character Death (Temporary)
Summary: “It’s almost a shame really, that you probably won’t survive this.” Only he did. Spending the prelude to adulthood as a nobody, a supposed empty husk of a being was never an option any of them considered, least of all a newly named Zexion who would be living every last one of them.
Note: And we are back!! Moving was made a lot more stressful by unforeseen circumstances both personal and nationwide. Short chapter as writers block raised her head but hopefully things will be better by next chapter. 
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter 
Year 3
It’s hard to not become lost within the world of Crescentia, the sight of space igniting excitement in his bones as the heavy smell of industry, stale and fuel heavy, settled in his lungs like a welcome hug. His second visit to this world, to observe and record its people, its status and the spread of darkness but none of that mattered, his orders pushed to the back of his mind as black coats melded into those of the world: soft browns, comfortable and easy to move in, soft fabrics, loose clothes and tight boots.
Zexion adores it here.
“I do wish you’d stop running off as soon as we land.” Despite Vexen’s sour remark, the excitement Zexion feels is not quenched, only half listening to the scientist’s complaint as a ship flies overhead, sails seemingly made of shimmering gold, sailing straight for the abyss of space. “Are you listening to me, child?” He’s jerked out of his amazement, hand firmly on his shoulder as if to tether him to reality, finally looking up to Vexen who not annoyed but understanding.
“Not a word.” Perhaps its cheeky, a comment too far but he finds himself not caring, breathless with exhilaration and the closest he’s felt to human in near three years. To his credit, Vexen says nothing, simply sighing and shaking his head before letting go of Zexion’s shoulder, gesturing forward with his hands with the smallest of smiles on his lips.
“Don’t go too far.” The scientist sighs, allowing Zexion to run off, his gaze never straying to far from where the child was. Any other time he’d be annoyed, slip away with an illusion and then deal with wrathful consequences later but in this world, in this world the pressure of his expectations was merely a blip in the background, muffled by the wonder at every marvel he saw.
Radiant Garden and the advancements in technology, now laying dormant in the castle’s bowels, had never felt less important to him. What was the power of the heart in comparison to the lure of adventure? The appeal of flying galleons soaring through the night sky to endless discoveries a sirens call?
Vexen is, as always, easily distracted by oddities, the market littered with both curiosities the scientists could barely fathom to the more familiar and mundane. Baked goods sold alongside livestock, monsters of the deep space that almost resembled the shadow creatures that dwelled outside the marble walls in The World That Never Was, missing only the symbol to denote their true nature.
But then, the Shadow Heartless also never had them.
Perhaps that’s why Vexen is observing them so closely, listening fully enraptured as the salesman spills their pitch. From the abyss of space, found on some remote planet that was begging to be colonised, docile and somewhat clingy, would make an excellent pet for his young son. These worlds were fully of strange beings, Zexion knows this, Vexen knows this, but the hauntingly yellow eyes and jittering movements seem out of place even in this bazaar of galactic wonders.
“Do you have any other creatures like this?”  It’s hard to miss the way the other’s eyes light up, fully trusting a sale was to be made, scaled and clawed hands rubbing together in either excitement or from the cold, both Nobodies assuming it to be the former. “Would there be anywhere my son could go whilst we discuss? Children can be rather talkative and the end outcome is, well, to be a surprise for my wife.”
Zexion refrains from snorting, his humour brought to life by the mere thought of who the mystery wife back at the castle was. Xaldin? No, Lexaeus? Perhaps. Xigbar and Xemnas were just laughable, Zexion acting ever the innocent and unsuspecting child as he was led to a nearby stall. Manned only by an elderly woman, strangely tortoise like in appearance, a stall full of an all manner of delicacies, baked, golden and still warm, as claws deftly wove wool together.
“Stay here and don’t cause any trouble for, Ms Bones.”
Is it Vexen or the seller who speaks? Zexion doesn’t know, nervous as he takes the seat next to the creature, her large yellow eyes watching him all the way. She had pupils, she’s not one of the heartless monsters, but, then again, she wouldn’t be the first heartless creature he had met with pupiled yellow eyes. Xehanort held firmly onto that title, even if Zexion was a greater monster than even he. It was his fault the lab had been built in the first place.
Without that lab, none of this would have ever happened.
“Do you like stories, young master?” Her voice creaks as she speaks, like old wood in a storm, pausing her knitting to offer him a pasty from the table before continuing. It’s still warm, the heat welcome in both his finger tips and mouth as he cautiously took a bite, nervous as to what he might taste only to find the warmth of a homemade meal wrapped in layers of flaky, buttery pastry.
He nods, both in enjoyment of the food and to encourage her on, the monster of an elder not so much scary now as she was inviting, sharing in the same curse Lexaeus had. Intimidating yet warm. Perhaps all the best people were, for Zexion himself was neither of these and, by no means, one of the better people.
“I have many stories, let’s see…” She frowns as she ponders, knitting paused as she stares at a spot in the market stall roof before something seems to sparkle in her eye, an excitement seeming to burn through her. “Have you heard of the great Captain Nathaniel Flint?” He shakes his head this time, mouth still filled with food, old lessons from both Dilan and Ansem on the rudeness of speaking with a full mouth as clear as ever. Ms Bones grins, or so Zexion supposes, crooked teeth exposed as she swoops in, a little too close for comfort, knitting abandoned on her lap before leaning away, becoming more expressive as she recalls the tale of her choosing. “There are nights when the Etherium is as calm and peaceful as a pond of the planet Pelasnor…”
As the months have passed since his initial request, Zexion has grown to dread the one on one meetings with Xemnas. By no means frequent but always end the same, with a look of disdain and contempt every single time he failed to achieve what Xemnas wanted him to, something easier said than done when the only thing the other had given him to work with was a girl with blue hair. None resided in his memories, none of any significance at least, the only memories of blue hair belonging to the old Saix, Isa.
Zexion has his doubts that the girl Xemnas wants to remember was Isa.
The whole process of helping his superior to remember would be easier if he allowed him to use his book to it’s full potential, Zexion tensing with annoyance as his elder once again admonished him. “Your lack of improvement with your abilities is disappointing, VI.” Never one to mince his words, was he? Zexion inhaling slowly to try and temper down the remark clawing at his throat. “Try again.”
“The result will be the same, sir, I need more information to work from.” Vexen would be proud of the civility, he thinks, unclenching his hands as he studied Xemnas’ face, waiting for a reaction. Nothing. It doesn’t even move. A blank canvas of a face just looking back at him, as if he hadn’t even registered what the child had even said. “If you make contact with my Lexicon, things will be easier.”
That garners a reaction, both a frown and glare marring Xemnas’ features and Zexion feels every bit the child he was, something akin to fear creeping down his spine. “Disappointing.” Xemnas repeats, the dismissal clear in his voice, Zexion not bothering for it to be vocal before standing to leave. A shake in his hands, he takes a breath, a shallow bid to calm the anger curling within him as he offered his superior both a mock bow and an ever so ingenuine apology.
“My apologies, sir. I’ll aim to be less disappointing to you next time.”
If Xemnas notices the contempt in his voice, the older nobody says nothing, a lazy wave of the hand the only indication Zexion gets that the other heard a word he said. Good, he thinks, opening a portal to his own quarters on the off chance Xigbar would bother him for secrets once more, he’d rather the superior think of him as beneath his expectations of the child.
Would make proving him wrong later all the more satisfying.  
The lab is cold, freezing even, Zexion curious as always as to if Vexen made it that way or if he was simply unaware of the chill, a curious side glance to the redhead exuding heat near by causing Zexion to conclude that maybe, just maybe, it was intentional. His lack of respect and joy for Axel, both as a Somebody and a Nobody, would be humorous if Zexion wasn’t concerned he’d become an unforeseen casualty in the process.
Vexen’s experiments on the creatures from Crescentia seemed to have been going well then, newer creatures than the ones they initially brought back blinking back at the trio with curiosity, though some cowered whilst others prowled, clearly hostile. Was that why Axel was here? Make shift security in case something went wrong? He wasn’t usual present for this but he’d been ushered into the lab by an almost excited Vexen, energized ramblings of needing a witness to his hypothesis spilling from his lips.
And that’s how he finds himself sat here, clipboard in hand, looking between Vexen, still muttering to himself as he bent over a lab report, and Axel, finger poised and ready to tap on the glass of the nearest enclosure. “Confirming my earlier thoughts, the samples we collected from Crescentia have proven to be heartless. Whilst this world holds no known keyblade wielder, theorized to be the only thing to truly destroy a heartless and free the heart within, this world has show resilience in that they have not only managed to subdue the creatures but also cage and transport them without the means of darkness.”
“Would it be ridiculous to suggest that perhaps they were waiting for a place with more prey? Crescentia is a bustling port.” Zexion pipes up, the lab falling into silence bar the tap of a finger on glass, Vexen’s face seeming to go through the motions of denial and acceptance of Zexion’s concept, clapping his hands together before rubbing them together as yet another wave of giddy energy washed over his mentor.
“That would suggest a level of intelligence not exhibited in the others, something for further research and development. Would you be willing to- “He cuts himself off, both scientists turning to the red head as he continued to tap, the heartless inside growling as it once again lashed out against the glass. “Continue to tap that tank, VIII, and I will tap you with the spiked edge of my shield.”
Axel pauses midtap and Zexion bites back a laugh, the red head clearly not bothered by the withering glare sent in his direction, something that only added to the hilarity of the situation. “You’re the one ignoring me here, doc, you said there was a reason you forced me down here.” Axel straightens and shrugs, an illusion of cocksure grandeur upon him as he smirks at the blonde. “Gotta entertain myself somehow.”
“You’re here to assist in taking down a specimen should it escape and attack.” His voice is firm, Zexion recognising it as the one he frequently used upon Xigbar whenever the other lurked around the labs, his gaze now reserved for the file in his hand. As if the younger nobody wasn’t worth the effort of looking at. “Frankly, I’d have asked for anyone else but it seems the Superior deemed it required everyone else be mission bound.”
A splutter of indignation, Zexion taking a shaky breath in as the laughter threatened to overflow, Axel’s protests over Vexen’s remark seeming falling on deaf ears as the elder Nobody simply ignored him in favour for his research.
Its difficult to not look at Saix.
The wound is new, still fresh but it fails to look it, a faint swelling around the eyes and the red hue that came with it the only thing that gave away any hint to the recent wound. Cauterised, a giant cross to mar his face stretching from brow to cheek, Zexion can only wonder when looking at it won’t bring a cold feeling of unease to his stomach. ‘You know who did that to him.’ A voice whispers in the back of his head, a voice that suspiciously sounds like his whole self, cloaking himself on instinct as the smell of moonshine and cinders permeated the library.
“We should have been more careful.” Saix’s voice is hushed but all noises carry in an otherwise silent library, Zexion’s grip on the book tightening as the teenaged pair walk past, two pairs of eyes scanning the alleyways between shelves for any sign of life in an almost paranoid fashion. Illusions only work if you’re silent, Xaldin had lectured as much months ago and he’d committed it to memory ever since, regulating his breathing to something more silent and shallow as he listened in.
“We were careful.” His voice is soft, Zexion peering through the bookcase to find Axel reaching for Saix’s face, hand quivering before a cheek before the preteen moves away, grimacing both over the act and the sight of the scar. It was bad enough he was eavesdropping in on the clearly private conversation, why add further discomfort by bearing visual witness to it. “He hurt you, Isa.”
The silence returns, Zexion ready to make his escape, planning to summon a clone outside the door to open it only to hesitate as he hears a drawn-out sigh. “We should stop this, Axel, at least until we know his suspicions have been dropped.”
“Do you not care about finding her anymore? I thought the whole reason we joined was for her!”
“We got careless and now her name, his brand, is across my face.”
Calm and collect verses a heat and fury, a contrast in tones but both spoken with underlining meanings that Zexion was not privy to knowing. The stench of acrid smoke is almost suffocating, steadily building as the exchange continues, the illusionist taking a deeper breath to launch his escape when the argument comes to a head. Acrid smoke simmers away into almost nothing, the hostility in the air evaporating, leaving the young nobody curious as to what Saix did to both calm and soothe Axels temper.
“He hurt her. He hurt me. I won’t let him hurt you.”
It’s been a while since his last lesson with Lexaeus, the gentle giant almost always off world recently due to missions now assigned by Saix, leaving much of Zexion’s explorations within the science of food in his own hands. He’d missed it, though he hesitates to admit it, a sense of normality in their otherwise abnormal non-lives, the sound of a knife against a chopping board more soothing than it had any real reason to be.
“Where were you sent this time?” Zexion enquires, hair meticulously pinned out of his eyes as he worked his way through the potatoes for today’s lesson. There’s no response at first, the child wondering if the other had even heard him, opening his mouth with every intention of repeating the question when he finally gets his response.
“How was it?”
The knife pauses, accompanied by a thoughtful hum.
A choked laugh, the mixture of a dry delivery and little to no change in expression, if Lexaeus hadn’t intended the comment as a joke then he had failed in delivery. Taking the next potato, he grimaces, placing it to the side before reaching to the next, the duality of his sense of smell, both a blessing and a curse, never more apparent.
“Spoilt?” Zexion nods, setting about his work again, counting each of prepared tubers before continuing. One per person. It’s what the recipe called for but it was doubtful everyone would eat the food they provided, they hadn’t before now and Zexion has difficulty believing that would change now. “You’re getting better at recognising the differences.”
“I’ve had time to practise, I wasn’t trusting Vexen to cook for me.” Vexen was many things. A brilliant, if not slightly mad, scientist who strove the test the limits of what was thought possible. His most prominent father figure. Somewhat paranoid in most matters involving the Superior, though, Zexion can only surmise this was in response to the events that lead to this hollow existence in the first place. But he was, in any shape or form, a cook, his reservoir of culinary knowledge extending little beyond the simplest of dishes and, whilst delicious, the pallet can only withstand scrambled eggs and toast for so long.
This gains him a chuckle, Zexion wiping peelings and the rejected vegetable into the bin, turning back to his work station only to be presented with a small knife and the instruction to cut into one-inch cubes. “What if I cut myself?” He feels ridiculous asking, he’s more than old enough to use a knife to prepare food and had done whilst Lexaeus was gone, his gloves hiding the evidence of misadventure with knife skills whilst alone in the kitchen.
“Then you’ll learn not to do it again.”
He wants to take off his gloves, to exhibit the plethora of small nicks in his fingers and prove the giant wrong, staring at his hands a little too intently before taking the knife from Lexaeus and sighing. There was no point in worrying him, he thinks, the momentary satisfaction of proving him wrong wouldn’t be worth the aftermath like it was with the rest of his peers, tongue poking out from lips as Zexion set about completing his task.
They’ve recorded details of the heartless brought from Crescentia, from size to attack style, the only thing lacking in their basic research of the creatures to be if they would release a heart upon perishing. Nobody within the world was a keyblade wielder, at least to their knowledge, and it seemed unlikely they would find one to complete this aspect of their notes anytime soon.
Researching the intelligence of the heartless had proved fruitless beyond proving that, despite the evidence to the contrary in Crescentia, they didn’t hold a higher semblance of intelligence. Slouching over the desk, a task easier said than done when it was built for Vexen, Zexion pinches his pen in the middle, sending the heartless tank opposite him an intense stare as he rapidly tapped the ends of the pen in tandem.
Something was bothering him, something he couldn’t yet put his finger on, counting down the five minutes Vexen said he’d be absent for in mumbles as his thoughts ran wild with potential theories and hypotheses. Most encountered held a lower level of intelligence, some attacked in pack formation like feral wolves, they all had bright yet hollow yellow eyes and some had symbols on them whilst others had none.
There was something here they were overlooking, something obvious and it infuriated him, no doubt it bothered Vexen too. One hundred and sixty-four seconds. Two minutes and fourteen seconds. That’s how long he had to come up with even a slither of an idea of what this all meant in the grand scheme of things, pen flying from his fingers after his grip slackens and a tap too hard.
A lesser nobody brings it back, a Scholar, one of Vexen’s own personal type, all points and stiff lines. They were more pleasant to look at than the lowest of them, the dusks, boneless creatures that would drag themselves hip forward when Zexion imagines it would be better to slither on the floor like a snake. The opposite of heartless, the small shadows at least, who juddered and quaked with every movement, seemingly as stiff as rusted iron whilst the dusks were as fluid as water at times.
He’s still looking at the Nobody when Vexen returns, tea in hand and countdown forgotten, a clearing of the throat snapping Zexion from his thoughts as he jolts up, clearly startled as his eyes settle on his mentor and fellow researcher. “Surely I wasn’t gone so long, child, that you felt the need to daydream.”
“Not daydream, but observe and think.” Zexion corrects, accepting the cup of deep red tea as it was handed to him, refraining from slouching as he nursed the hot porcelain in his hands. Anything to warm his hands in this lab without vocally asking Vexen to do something about the cold, knowing full well the elder would either ignore him or admonish him for something that was apparently the cause of his poor circulation. The past three months as assistant on Vexen’s mission to catalogue and code the different heartless had confirmed that Vexen was not only immune to the chill of his lab but likely also the cause.
“Did your observations lead you to any conclusions of interest?” A loaded question, by all means, their goals the same but what qualified as a point of interest between the two did not always coincide. Zexion takes a large swig of his tea, still too hot to count as fully drinkable but would aid in the next few moments should Vexen dismiss his idea as something not worth thinking about, his throat burning as warmth spread through his system.
“We’re two sides of the same coin, the result of what happens when a human or being loses its heart. If they follow a similar ranking and classification as we do in terms of power then…”
“Then it would not be out of the question if the higher ranks have the power to control the lesser heartless.” Vexen finishes, no cold dismissal in the air as it appeared the blonde was not only taken with the concept but on board with it. Within the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t overly important, not really, thoughts of the heartless only stretching as far as an annoyance and a tool to be used to gain access to Kingdom Hearts within the Organisation. Xemnas might know more but, as with most things, he was too tight lipped to spill any secret knowledge he may have.
“You know this all serves no purpose, right, Child?”
“Yes.” Zexion nods, thought for a moment before the faintest of smiles tugs at his lips. He wonders if Vexen can still recall the small, nonsensical experiments they would do as somebodies, when he’d walk up with the confidence only a small child could muster and slide a crude drawing over a wooden desk of what he wanted to do and the results he wanted.
They were always simple. How to make flames burn in different colours, how different things contort and change under extreme temperatures, or if they even did, and, more often than not, how to cause the most amount of damage in the smallest amount of time. Childish in nature and, yet, Even still approached them with all the seriousness of a man on the brink of a new scientific discovery. It’s what initially inspired him to delves into the sciences, the desire to be just like Even.
“You’ve left a feeling of nostalgia in me, young one, a fleeting joy.” His voice is oddly soft, Vexen not looking at him but Zexion knows him to be smiling, no matter how faint it may be. How long has it been since they shared a moment like this, without a hint of resentment addled disappointment towards each other? As what they were regardless of form, a father and son both overly invested in a shared topic. “You’re swaying me onto a dangerous trajectory, the day is not ours to waste."
The silence stretches on, cobalt meets acid green and a grin brimming with unrestrained mischief stretches the child’s lips. “And yet I see your body turning towards the cabinets filled with the potential for mischief, old man.” A manic smile returns his and Zexion can barely contain the excitement coursing through his veins.
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ianmrid · 3 years
Another pokémon generation, another great set of pokémon to choose from for my top ten. I really don't think that there are any pokémon that I think are awful - they all range from average to fantastic. Additionally, in Sinnoh, I loved the big expansion on the new evolutions to old pokémon concept - and I think this Top 10 reflects that. As is always the case, I have included both the original Gen4 sprite as well as the shiny sprite, with all sprites taken from Platinum for the sake of consistency. Gen4 also marked my first first shiny since Gen2, and although Bibarel didn't sneak into my list, I really just wanted to mention it again!
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10. Roserade
The last slot on the list is always tricky as it edges out all your honourable mentions, but I couldn't have a list without Roserade. The first of several on this list that is a new evolved form of a previously establised pokémon, Roserade is a perfect example of how this can breathe new life into a pokémon family. I can't imagine ever bothering with Gen3's Roselia which was fine, but nothing too special. But with it evolving into the masquerade ball-inspired Roserade, it was always on my list. I trained one on my Pokémon Pearl team and I think it is now my favourite Grass/Poison type - sorry Venusaur! Also, the shiny is lovely; the blue and red rose-hands change to black and purple and it looks so good. If this was a top ten list of shinies, Roserade would be even higher up!
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09. Honchkrow
Honchkrow gets into this list head of the regional bird of Sinnoh, Staraptor (which I also think is great), for a couple of reasons. I think Staraptor is great, but the type combination Normal/Flying just isn't as interesting as the cool Dark/Flying type of Honchkrow. Additionally, as with Roserade, I love how it takes the previously average Murkrow from trickster crows to a group of lackeys who surround the Mafia Boss that is Honckrow. It's a great evolution concept. I also enjoyed training my Honchkrow (again on my Pokémon Pearl team) to combine it's Super Luck ability, the Scope Lens held item, and the high critical hit chance move, Night Slash, to dish out a crit every three attacks or so. I don't hate the shiny either, although I wish it was a bit of a deeper purple as it does stray dangerously close to hot pink. Still at least it isn't yet another blue pokémon turning to this colour!
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08. Lopunny
I feel like Lopunny isn't a pokémon that would be on many people list of favourites, and I totally see why. It is weirdly sexualised - not too surprising given it seems to be based on a Playboy bunny - with the way it hold it's arms in front of it's chest to give the impression of cleavage (which it thankfully doesn;t actually have) and the 'wolf whistle' cry that cannot just be a coincidence. I never planned to use one but I needed a male Lopunny to help hunt for a female Combee, and he ended up sticking around on my Pokémon Diamond team. A big part of this was the headcannon I had that given it is a pokémon with such a feminine design, my Lopunny was a bad-ass pokémon drag queen! I also really like the shiny with the (thankfully not hot) pink highlights. YAAASSS!
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07. Floatzel
I'm not even sure exactly why I like Floatzel so much - but it really appeals to me all the same. I like the animal it is based on - the Weasel presumably, although it could easily be a stoat, ferret, or otter - and think the design with the dual tails acting as a propeller is really cool. I also like how the rubber tubing element of it's design doesn't make look clumsey or inept like a Water-type pokémon, with what is essentially a flotation device, could easiy end up. Floatzel is another pokémon that I trained on my Pokémon Diamond team and it is both quick and relatively hard hitting on both the Attack and Special Attack sides, which makes it nice and versatile, especially when playing through and requiring it to learn both Special and Physical HM moves. The shiny is nothing to write home about though, essentially a more washed out orange. Maybe they were going for a gold colour, but if so it just looks kinda off. I'll stick with the original, thanks!
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06. Mismagius
After two original pokémon lines, I'm back to new evolutions to old pokémon, and also my second drag queen pokémon! Another feminine-styled pokémon, my Mismagius is male earning it the nickname Ru Pol (because Ru Poltergeist was just a little too long). Evolving from the very overlooked Misdreavus, I always planned to use Mismagius on a team and he becomes the third member of my Pokémon Pearl team to get into the Top Ten. Really great Speed, Special Attack, and Special Defence, combined with a really good movepool for great type coverage makes Mismagius an excellent pokémon that I was a big fan of before even playing through the Sinnoh games. I'm also a fan of te mustard-coloured shiny, but if I had to choose between the colour options, I think the original is slightly better suited to a spooky Ghost-type.
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05. Hippowdon
This is the first pokémon in my top ten that I didn't actually train in Gen4. This is odd because if I had produced the list without playing the games and the chance to bond with various other pokémon, then I think Hippowdon would have been in the top three. Part of the issue here is how difficult/late in the game you can get one. To catch it's pre-evolved form, Hippopotas, you need to capture a certain number of Unown in order to get into the tunnel where it lives. Since I had all the Unown forms in Emerald, I was never going to do this again, so I never caught it. The fully evolved for is available in the post-game, but this is far too late. Even so, I still love it as a pokémon. I really like the design of a scary looking, Ground-type hippo with sand pouring out of it and I think the sexual diamorphism in colour between the male and female forms helps make up for the fact the male form's shiny is rather lackluster, being just a more washed out beige. One day I will definitely train a Hippowdon of my own!
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04. Mamoswine
Sinnoh certainy introduced some cool (Ice-type pun not intended) Ground-types, as this is the second of three in this top ten, as well as the fourth out of five that evolve previously established pokémon. Interestingly, after Swinub appeared in my Gen2 top ten, this is the first time two members of the same evolution line have been in a list of my favourites! Mammoswine was a key member of my Pokémon HeartGold team and is such a great addition to the Swinub/Piloswine family. According to in-game cannon, it is essentially a pre-historic evolution that only happens in certain circumstances in the modern day which makes it feel like a fossil pokémon, but without the need to saddle it with the Rock-typing. Unfortunately, on the shiny side it draws the short straw of the family as it just looks a bit weird compared to Swinub's aquamarine or Piloswine's lovely golden coulouration.
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03. Vespiquen
Moving into the top three, Vespiquen is another pokémon that I liked before I ever played through Sinnoh and was very keen to use on a team. It's not hard to see why I like it; it is a fearsome-looking Queen Bee with a great honeycomb design, and the fact it can be a bit of effort to obtain since it only evolves from female Combees makes it feel like a prize when you finally get one. I had earmarked Vespiquen for my Pokémon Platinum team but it ended up missing out as, despite being part Flying-type, it can't learn the HM Fly. This caused me to drop it out for Drifblim in the end, but it is another pokémon I would love to train someday. Although I definitely prefer the original colouration, the more angry-looking orangey-red of the shiny is still a great look, but the idea of shiny hunting a female Combee doesn't sound like fun at all!
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02. Yanmega
Yanmega was a late choice for my Pokémon SoulSilver team, but using it there rocketed it into the top ten, as I hadn't really ever considered it muc before using it on that team. It actualy combines everything I like about my previous two entries; it is a bad-ass looking Bug-type with an amazing design, and it is also a pre-historic evolution, based on the huge dragonflies that lived back then and evolving in the same way as Mamoswine. Since it is a new evolution to Johto's Yanma, it made sense to use it in the Gen2 remakes over and above Vespiquen, which share the same typing but only really has ties to Sinnoh. Finally, Yanmega has a realy excellent shiny with the blue version looking so good and it right up their with Roserade for best Sinnoh shiny!
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01. Torterra
As we reach the number one slot, it shouldn't come as much surprise to see a member of a starter pokémon line here. The starter lines are always among the best designed pokémon of any region and my favourite from Sinnoh is easily Torterra. It has an excellent design concept; a Grass/Ground-type tortoise with an entire eco-system on it's back, my Torterra was an integral part of my Pokémon Diamond team. Given how much I like a lot of starters families, it is interesting that this marks the first time a fully-evolved starter has made the list, although the first-stage evolutions have been well represented with Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil, and Mudkip all previously representing their various regions. The only downside to Torterra is that I don't love it's shiny. It certainly isn't bad, but the variation of green used just can't hold a candle to the original.
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Wow, I can't believe that I am finally at the end of Generation 4. As always I will be posting all the lovely art that I had commissioned of my Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, and SoulSilver teams before I move onto Gen5. I know these upcoming games are often considered rather devicive within the pokémon fanbase, but I also think this view has softened over time so it might actually be more of a case of fans of the franchise not enjoying new things. Eiter way, I'm excited to see how I fare with Pokémon Black and White!
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dealstick4 · 4 years
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Grownups need no special prep work for the examination; nonetheless kids may need some prep work, depending upon age, previous experiences, and also degree of count on. The parameters appraised by a lensometer are the sphere, cylinder, axis, include, as well as in some cases, prism. The lensometer is also made use of to inspect the precision of modern lenses, as well as is typically with the ability of marking the lens center as well as numerous other measurements important to proper efficiency of the lens. In between 1781 and also 1789, silver spectacles with moving expansion temples were being fabricated in France; however it was not up until the 19th century that they obtained considerable appeal. John McAllister of Philadelphia started producing spectacles with gliding temples containing looped ends which were much easier to make use of with the then-popular wigs.
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In the new 3-year diploma program, one semester each of period of around 4 months, is invested out on attachment every academic year. Presently, setups are being made for an affiliation to be built with the Division of Optometry, KNUST. Currently there are about 100 opticians in the country. As a requirement for registration in any type of province of Canada opticians are called for to finish a program at one of the NACOR certified training establishments. Individuals from a global jurisdiction might put on a rural regulative company for an analysis of similarity of their education and learning.
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bellamyroselia · 4 years
I found an unfinished KI fanfic from my computer and some stuff in it was pretty funny
“It’s hard to get any friends when you’re only angel around...”
“And what about Dark Pit? Is he currently unobtainable or something?”
“Well, he doesn’t want to fight right now, so... I guess he is.”
- Pit and Palutena
“Saltwater springs do indeed exist.”
“They do?!”
“Didn’t you just say you found one?”
-  Palutena, Pit and Dark Pit
“Hah! I only speak the truth and if Palutena thinks she’s so much better than me, she should come down here and challenge me herself!”
“... Challenge accepted, mortal.”
-  Arachne and Palutena
“It’s not like you have to. Dad never told mother about Dionysus and it turned out fine.”
“Palutena, mother killed Dionysus when she found out where father was keeping him and his heart had to sewed to father so he could be born again...”
“... You know what? You’re right. That was a terrible example.”
-  Palutena and Ares
“Hey! I thought this was about your daughter, not about that who has the biggest harem or horde of children.”
 -  Palutena
“I don’t know what responsible parents do!”
-  Ares
“You youngsters, always bored because there’s supposedly nothing to do...”
“You’re getting old, auntie Palutena.”
“You take that back!”
-  Palutena and young Nike
“You truly are a one big softie when it comes to your children, aren’t you?”
 -  Palutena
“Are you sure this isn’t about that golden apple? Because it sure does sound like it is...”
“Shut up.”
-  Hermes and Palutena
“You know what Discordia? You take your job way too seriously.”
“When I’m with you, the job practically does itself.”
“I hate you.”
“That’s a one strong word, Palutena! You can’t truly mean that, insulting your own dear sister like that-”
“You caused that problem in the first place!”
 -  Palutena and Eris, who’s referred by her Roman name
“Who’s Pyrrha?”
“... Please tell me you’re joking.”
-  Palutena and Pandora
“I did always found it weird that he just came out of nowhere. I should’ve guessed that dad was on it again.”
 -  Palutena
“My snakes are much cuter than hers.”
“... He sure lives up to his name.”
“He’s not wrong.”
-  Erichthonius, Medusa and Palutena
“What happened to our sweet baby brother?”
“... I was killed. Do you really need more reasons?!”
“Fine then, don’t tell.”
 -  Palutena and young Dionysus
“How was your day?”
“I must say auntie, I didn’t expect to save so many people from their own stupidity today.”
-  Palutena and Phobos
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, maybe you could make an argument about his hair resembling that of a black-maned lion. They too seem to have a horrible case of root growth.”
-  Palutena and Deimos about Phobos
“I’m not going there alone Lucina. And don’t forget that I’m smart.”
“Palutena, you know that’s highly debatable.”
 -  Palutena and Eileithyia, who’s referred by her Roman name
“And what’s Poseidon going to do? Put me on a trial?”
-  Ares 
“That rings hollow considering that dad isn’t your only brother. And it’s not like my aunts are all that smart either.” 
“Are you insulting me?”
 -  Nike and Palutena
“For the last time, I’m not going to do your dirty job! Get rid of your mother yourself!”
-  Viridi to Phosphora
“You do have some experience about killing giants, don’t you?”
 -  Palutena about to make Artemis cry
“What’s that in your hair?”
“It’s dried blood.”
“But why-”
“Oh, there’s luxury urns with hot springs and rivers in them? Well, apparently giants can only afford cheap knock-offs then!”
-   Palutena and Ares
“Why you’re acting like this?”
“Oh shut up you old hag, you’re not my mother!”
 -  Viridi and Aphrodite
“All this happened because of her?!”
“She’s my mother. I couldn’t let them hurt her!”
“She caused this mess! Why are you protecting her!?”
“...You know what? Fine! It’s not like you understand any of it because you never had a mother! You could never understand the bond between parent and child!”
-  Palutena and Ares
“Bath bomb!”
“Traffic-light-eyed freak!”
“... Is this why childhood is important?”
-  Palutena, Aphrodite and Hermes
“So sweetie, could you please explain why you don’t like Viridi?”
“Apollo told me she’s going to ruin my wedding!”
-  Palutena and young Harmonia
“What’s the point of having wings if they’re useless?!”
“Sweetie, it’s because you haven’t learn to fly yet. All you need is practice.”
“I have to do what?”
-  Palutena and young Adrestia
“I don’t know how to read yet.”
“Don’t worry, sometimes I think your father doesn’t know that either.”
-  young Adrestia and Palutena
“And why do you think so?”
“Because unlike you, I have every-man-appeal.”
-  Palutena and Aphrodite
“That has a lot of sexual energy in it. Are you sure these are for warfare?”
“I knew you were a freak Palutena, but what made you think that anyone would ever use bows and clubs in bedroom?”
-  Palutena and Aphrodite
Why is that import god still here?!”
-  Apollo about Pyrrhon
“Can things get any worse?!”
“I founded a city and got married!”
 -  Viridi and happy-go-lucky-drunk Dionysus
“Your descendants don’t count as your children.”
“Pothos and Himeros are my sons.”
“... Fine, you win this round.”
-  Palutena and Ares
“How did he manage to fit Thanatos into that small box?”
“Really? That’s what you’re wondering?”
-  Ares and Palutena 
“Angels aren’t allowed to get married, is that right?”
“What? Of course not! What made you think that?”
“Well... Actually, now when I’m thinking about it... Nobody would want to marry Adrestia anyway.”
-  young Harmonia and Palutena
“What’s scarier than a bomb?”
“According to your sister, sex is.”
“Things like these are why I don’t understand what Cadmus sees in her.”
 -  Deimos and Palutena
“You look a lot like their deceased son.”
“... What?”
-  Palutena and Dark Pit
“Young lady, explain this blasphemy right now!”
“She pays me better. It makes everything much easier.”
“For the last time, it’s not my job to pay for you!”
-  Palutena and Adrestia
“He’s adorable. What’s his name?”
“As if I would tell that to you, brainfart.”
-  Palutena and Aphrodite
“Hey! If you’re dumb enough to throw a tortoise, it’s your fault if it hits you on the head and you die.”
“But who threw the tortoise?”
“Hawks. They do that on a daily basis!”
“But they can’t throw, only drop...”
“And I saw when a hawk dropped a tortoise which lead to a death of a philosopher. Nature is scary.”
 -  Zephyr and Pit
“I have two girlfriends because I’m a better lover than certain others.”
“If that’s so, what about-”
“He’s a playboy.”
-  Zephyr and Palutena
“Honestly, I’m surprised that this hasn’t happened before. I guess all you needed was little help from mortals.”
“That sounds so morbid when you put it like that...”
 -  Palutena and Pit
“What was he even doing?”
“My guess is that he tried to make Viridi proud, but got drunk.”
“Because of you?”
“He’s a danger to society when he’s sober!”
-  Palutena and Hermes
“Then be thankful you haven’t heard stories of certain gods or mortals.”
“Like who?”
“Trust me Pit, you don’t want to know.”
-  Palutena and Pit
“Oh, so when lions do it it’s ‘sad, but normal part of life and we shouldn’t interfere’ but when I do it to a city that stopped worshiping me, I’m abusing my powers?”
-  not-so-happy-go-lucky-drunk Dionysus 
“Oh don’t you dare! I’m going to make you...”
“Make me what, suffer? You can’t kill me and even if you could, you wouldn’t be able to make it painful.”
“That’s it you little son of a-”
“Children, TIME OUT!”
-   Macaria, Phobos and Palutena
“I’m this close of sending him to Underworld.”
“Aren’t you overreacting a bit? He’s grieving...”
“And it’s getting on my nerves! He must get his fiancee back!”
“... A stone just dropped from my heart. Thank heavens.”
-  Apollo and Palutena
“Who names their child ‘breath of life?”
“It says ‘soul’, idiot.”
“You’re both wrong, it actually says ‘butterfly’. But they’re all practically the same thing so I don’t blame you for confusing those words.”
“Somebody isn’t telling the truth here.”
 -  Pit, Dark Pit and Palutena
“It wasn’t me! It was my body!”
-  Pit
“Hey! What do you think I am, a monster?!”
“Well, you do have six limbs...”
“I have six limbs?!”
“Palutena, did you teach him anything?!”
-  Pit and Apollo
“Lady Palutena, is he always this angry?”
“No, just when someone rejects him. He doesn’t take it well if people don’t like him.”
 -  Pit and Palutena
“You should be careful. Those sheep could kill you otherwise.”
“I figured it out myself. Do you have any advice that could be useful?”
“Well, there’s those thorn bushes there.”
 -  Dark Pit and Psyche
“That’s... Disturbing.”
“That’s rich coming from someone who locked a girl into a house full of invisible people.”
- Pit and Dark Pit
“So that’s why you refused to talk about it earlier? Because goddess of light was no match to goddess of beauty when it came to beauty?”
“Pit, this is your last warning.”
“And I have no questions about that anymore.”
-  Pit and Palutena 
“Come on ants! It’s time to eat the baby bird.”
“Baby bird? What baby bird... Wait, I’m the baby bird aren’t I?”
 -  sober Dionysus and Pit
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ducktracy · 4 years
92. buddy’s adventures (1934)
release date: november 17th, 1934
series: looney tunes
director: ben hardaway
starring: jack carr (buddy), bernice hansen (cookie), billy bletcher (king/cop)
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ahhh, a promising start, right? anything telling you that buddy is on an adventure means it is just going to be CHOCK FULL of action packed fun! actually, the buddy cartoons WOULD take more of an adventurer turn, a trend adopted by some of the porky cartoons (most notably porky in wackyland). in an ill-fated hot air balloon ride, buddy and cookie end up in “sourtown”, where the residents aren’t nearly as open to accepting buddy’s optimism.
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a good start to the cartoon: buddy dumping sand bags off an ascending hot air balloon, accompanied by an anxious cookie. buddy has gotten his final redesign—i like it a lot! i think it looks much better than his earl duvall version. he appears much more likable and cute. cookie’s also gotten another redesign, both reverting to their tom palmer roots in a way.
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buddy exercises his genius by remarking “look, cookie! in a few minutes we’ll be on mars!” cookie laments “you and your dirty inventions, i wish i hadn’t come along! i’m afraid!” initially, i didn’t think much of the opening. i laughed at the ridiculousness of buddy suggesting they’ll go to mars—but now that i think about it, it’s a good opening. opening right in the middle of some “action”, establishing some personality. buddy makes inventions and has dreams of exploring, unflappable optimism benefitting him and him only. i think that’s cute! maybe i’m just desperate for any shred of personality in these darn characters.
buddy laughs in dismissal, saying “what’s there to be afraid of?” a lightning crack and boom of thunder put him in his place as he sinks in the basket, laughing sheepishly “must’ve been something i ate.” i think this is the most we’ve ever heard buddy talk in a cartoon. well, maybe not, but some cartoons he only says one word! it’s refreshing.
anthropomorphic storm clouds further put an end to buddy’s optimism, a cloud blowing the balloon around and another boxing it like a punching bag. there’s a strange scene as the surroundings around buddy and cookie melt, like a dream sequence. i was REALLY thrown off—is this the wizard of oz? another porky’s romance? wholly smoke? or the great piggy bank robbery? is it a cartoon surrounded by a demented dream? evidently it was just a jab at some cinematography, as everything focuses back to normal. i applaud them for trying something different, but it doesn’t deliver and comes off as vague and confused, motive muddled in time.
some snake storm clouds spit lightning at the balloon, snapping the lines to the balloon. buddy and cookie tumble in the air, the falling basket thankfully scooping them to relative safety. the basket slide across a few cliffs like a sled, and the couple skids past a sign that reads “TO LEMONIA — THE SOUR DOMAIN”. they narrowly skid under a bird (a dodo? buddy in wackyland?) who laughs as they whiz by... quickly eating his guffaws as an anchor hooks on the bird’s foot and drags it along.
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an anthropomorphic castle swallows up buddy and cookie as they slide into their new domain, the sled breaking against a sign. buddy’s optimism is endearingly amusing as he announces “...well, here we are!”, refuted with a “alright, buddy, where are we??” from cookie. a sign welcoming them to SOURTOWN answers cookie’s inquiry. perhaps a neighboring town to the one in the rankin bass santa claus is coming to town special. rules include: NO LAUGHING, NO SINGING, NO DANCING, and NO JAZZ MUSIC. the past 92 cartoons broke down to their bare essentials!
of course, buddy laughs off the arbitrary rules, already setting himself up for danger. cookie scowls at him and points offscreen—a great gag of laurel and hardy in stocks, imprisoned for smiling and laughing respectively, laurel sniveling incomprehensibly.
nevertheless, buddy is undeterred as he leads cookie through the town, the two of them pausing to watch a trio of men saunter through the streets, accompanied by furtive music. the men gather in front of “YE PESSIMISTS CLUB” (relevant today, huh? and drink some vinegar, just to show us how really sour they are. it’s certainly coy but amusing. they sing about how they never laugh or smile, life just a bowl of lemons. i thought one of the laws was no singing, and yet they’re singing about how they hate singing?
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good hearted buddy interrupts their groveling, correcting in a sing song voice “pardon me, but you’re all wrong. life is much more cheerful! that’s no way to sing a song, listen and get an earful!” he grabs the spare mandolin one of the curmudgeons had been using and sings a song of his own (haven’t found any indication as to what it is he’s singing). buddy is still pretty bland, but this is the most personality we’ve seen yet, and i enjoy it! i love my optimistic characters, so maybe that’s it. various animals and plants scat along with buddy, an angry woman closing her shutters and silencing any form of singing from the wildlife.
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an amusing gag as a police officer takes off his hat and peers inside, a note reminding him that the laws include no dancing and no singing. hard to remember, ain’t it? he approaches buddy and cookie, the pessimists scramming at the sight of the cop. he tells him that they’re headed for the “sour pen”... that’s a new one! he rides away on his scooter, buddy and cookie shanghaied in a little box behind him.
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we finally meet the king of sourtown, a man who sequences lemons on his head and drinks the juice. a beverage fit for a crabby king! i love how asinine this entire cartoon is. it reminds me not even of disney, but like a pseudo willy wonka setting. it’s nice that we actually have some story structure and plot, and that buddy and cookie converse with each other as have a sliver of personality to them.
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the king spots buddy and cookie, insisting they’ll “be sentenced to the spanking hand.” sure enough, YE OLDE SPANKING MACHINE awaits. absurdly strange, but good! i suppose. this isn’t phenomenal, or great, even, but it’s a refreshing change from the monotony we’ve been seeing as of late. cookie asks “what do we do?”, to which buddy whispers back “leave it to me!” and whips out a harmonica from his pocket.
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highly amusing to watch buddy blare the harmonica in the king’s face, running around to all sides of him and making sure to get up in his business. it reminds me of the droopy cartoons by tex at mgm, a little pest you can’t get rid of. tex’s the blow out would also serve as a precursor to those cartoons, porky in droopy’s place, and tortoise beats hare would be an expansion of the blow out. fascinating! anyway, buddy’s is delightfully annoying, on purpose this time. cookie dances to the harmonica music as a line of knights observe, the king exerting every effort not to succumb.
gradually, various knights themselves become inflicted with the jitterbug, one of the knights using a leg from a suit of armor as a saxophone. the king’s beard dances, as do his legs snapping together... finally, he admits defeat, declaring “it’s got me, pal! it’s got me!”
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cookie conducts the knights, who join in on a chorus, and the whole town becomes enthralled with the power of music! the king shows off his slick moves, animation jaunty and appealing. he even slips off the rug and lands straight into YE OLDE SPANKING MACHINE (i love the YE OLDE), breaking into a fit of hysterics. back to buddy and cookie, who are sitting on the king’s throne, cookie sporting buddy’s hat. iris out as the two of them embrace.
with every review, i watch the cartoons twice. once for the initial reaction, and once when i’m going back and typing the whole shebang. first watch, i didn’t like it very much at all. i thought it was boring and coy, the ending where they all dance being the true highlight. but thank god for the second watch—this is now one of my favorite buddy cartoons, if not favorite. it’s not a fantastic cartoon by any means, it still leaves a lot to be desired, but it also fills SOME holes. buddy’s design is much more tolerable, boyish and cute. his optimism, albeit pretty one-dimensional, is very uplifting and endearing. the absurdity of the whole cartoon was very refreshing, and i’m glad we actually had some plot this time. it felt like a very subtle, subdued, distant relative to porky in wackyland. maybe because of the dodo bird in the beginning? it was an enjoyable cartoon, and i recommend it! it still isn’t perfect, the first half dragged on for quite awhile, but it actually stands out as a cartoon i can recognize and look back on in future reviews. the 1934 season has seldom been memorable.
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leoratarr44080-blog · 7 years
Accident Between The Planet And Forming World Gave Birth To Moon.
Trains are managing behind time nowadays as well as this offers me extra opportunity to assume on astrology (even though on travel). Specific paths, home windows as well as other positions in holy places and tombs were utilized to observe the sun and also moon and various other objects. That is off Moon the world place for a certain graph ought to be actually assumed and predcitions to become created accordingly. The the planet in aspirations commonly stands for the mindful thoughts while the moon is typically thought of a representing the subconscious. From each one of the heavenly bodies that record our attention as well as captivation, none has a more significant impact on life on planet The planet in comparison to that is actually very own moon.
The most dangerous strike performed the Bataclan, a popular concert location where the Californian rock group Eagles of Death Metal was actually executing. A popular type of candle light is actually a diya Folks likewise offer one another sweets such as laddoo and barfi, and the other areas might gather for a theological event and also get-together.
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The Harvesting Moon games are readily available all over an amount of systems however certainly never created their way to PC making COMPUTER video games like Harvest Moon a well-known question for Harvesting Moon supporters. You can to begin with envision that the astrology is the mix from studies of the sunshine and also various other planets however if you consider deeper, moon impact on our lifestyle can be found in a whole. Recognizing that something is actually not right with moon appeal need to come as evident considering that that doesn't refer anything i loved this was shown in university. I such as the moon looking photo.i like's constantly really good to stroll in the moon light.i think the moon signifies imagination. Yet another blue - Bromo Blue - named coming from the popular strong blue Bromo-Seltzer container, is actually a glass color created coming from Cobalt. If you can easily manage to monitor the moon many early mornings straight, you can easily watch as the sundown shadow moves across its own face, till nothing stays but a slim bow. My children enjoy moon money as well as mommy will certainly enjoy that this does certainly not acquire as well as solidify stuck in the carpeting. The moon finishes to orbit the Planet and also come back to the same setting overhead within 27 times, 7 hrs, 43 moments and also 11 secs.
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The collection is very popular and also with new spins and dimensions being actually included, the experiences from the ninja tortoises only gets better. Our understanding from exactly how the Moon influences the ocean tides makes it possible for prophecies to become made regarding the moments and heights of high, low, spring and also neap trends.
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gabriellakirtonblog · 5 years
How to Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation
A motivated client is a paying client.
In the world of personal training, some don’t feel it’s their job to motivate clients to adhere to the programs they create, and that’s fine. Others embrace the role of cheerleader and even de facto psychologist.
We are nearing the end of January, and it’s reported that 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions will fail by the second week of February. Is there something you can do to keep your new clients who are struggling with motivation coming back through the spring months and beyond?
For starters, you could tell them about my new book. Wink and nudge.
The reasonable trainer preaches being a tortoise and not a hare. Slow and steady wins the weight-loss race. If your client sees their dead grandma beckoning them toward the light, you’re pushing them too hard.
Often, the same approach is taken with motivation: slow and steady. A forced march of baby steps across a behavioral tipping point where habits are slowly formed and become “sticky.” This approach has merit, because behavior change is hard. Case in point: rampant obesity and low rates of exercise adherence.
But inspiration to get and stay fit can also happen in a flash. And research reveals such people make bigger changes and have higher adherence rates. (When I write “research reveals,” it’s all in that book I mentioned.)
A simple explanation of how this works involves social psychologist Milton Rokeach’s model of personality. It’s like that line from Shrek where he says, “Ogres are like onions.”
People are also like onions. When you cut them, there can be crying. Wait. What I mean is, we have “layers” to our personalities. At the outer layer there are our actions, our “behaviors.” Go down a level and we have “beliefs.” Another level and there are “attitudes.” Then even deeper are “values,” and finally, there is the core identity, the “self.”
When solely focusing on that outer layer of behavior change, baby steps are key, because suffering. We don’t like suffering, and if you minimize it, you’re less likely to backslide. The small changes are considered tolerable.
It reminds me of Winston Churchill speaking in the House of Commons in 1947:
“[D]emocracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
The slow and steady approach to behavior change sucks, but it sucks less than the others.
Except perhaps not.
READ ALSO: Forget About Setting Goals. Do This Instead.
How Change Can Happen in an Instant
Baby steps are concrete. They don’t always work that well, but the path is readily discernable. It’s a series of small, definitive actions where the most significant problem is adherence. But when you focus on changing deeper layers of personality—a person’s identity and values regarding exercise—adherence has the ability to be far higher, the change more profound, because passion has been ignited.
It’s also a more enigmatic approach.
Such profound change in identity and values, where a person has what I call “a holy sh*t moment” (which is why I call my book The Holy Sh!t Moment: How Lasting Change Can Happen in an Instant), isn’t something that happens slowly. It’s not a tortoise. It’s not even a hare. It’s more like a ballistic missile of insight into one’s life, a finding of purpose. It’s a hard pivot that transforms a person’s being with an overwhelming sense of rightness about this new direction in life they feel compelled to take.
But the path to such a transformative experience is far from concrete. Psychologists John Kounios and Mark Beeman wrote in their book The Eureka Factor,
“Insights are like cats. They can be coaxed but don’t usually come when called.”
As a trainer, you may be in a position to help your clients coax such a cat.
If you converse with them about things other than programming and technique, getting into how they feel, psychologically, about their training, you can help inspire sudden change. It’s how they feel not just about their training but about themselves.
Telling people to suck it up and power through is rarely useful for those who are struggling. It’s better to tap into their emotional, passionate drivers based on those internal levels: the identity and values stuff.
I’ll tell you a story about my friend Chuck Gross. Chuck weighed over 400 pounds; he’d been heavy ever since childhood. He referred to it as an “anchor” on his personality. He’d tried and failed to lose weight many times, but he hated exercise and watching what he ate.
But one day, his wife walked out of the bathroom with an unexpected announcement: a positive pregnancy test. And Chuck felt the lightning strike. This time, he knew it was going to work. He knew he would get in shape and keep the weight off. “I didn’t have to struggle with my motivation,” he told me. “It came built in.” He lost 200 pounds and has kept it off for more than a decade.
This doesn’t mean you should start advocating pregnancies. It’s to drive home the point about identity and value changes. Chuck suddenly had a new mantle thrust upon him, that of a father. In an instant, he was inspired to become the man his child needed; being a fit dad was something that held tremendous value for him. (Incidentally, I wrote a piece about Chuck’s life-changing epiphany a few years back, and the PTDC named it the number-one fat-loss article of 2015.)
You can inspire your clients to become the best versions of themselves, and to live lives concordant with their deepest values, by appealing to their emotional drivers of what gives them purpose. Because perhaps that purpose will involve seeing what their bodies are capable of.
Make Sure It Sticks
Clients are prone to wavering motivation. Life gets in the way. The desire to stick with the program wanes. Trainers hate it when that happens. You don’t want to lose clients to apathy. You can design the best program possible that fits their abilities and matches their interests and gets them to achieve their goals, but if they lose their ambition for those goals you may struggle to pay bills.
It’s not your job to be the sole source of inspiration for a client to train, but you can play an assisting role by opening discussions on how they feel about the process, their progress, and their ambition for the future.
Because the standard-issue “rah-rah, you can do it!” isn’t enough. To help them unlock their exercise passion so motivation is no longer a scarce resource, you need to go deeper. Give them something to think about, even if it means giving them some psychological homework.
READ ALSO: Your Client Stopped Getting Results. Now What?
You do a training session with a client and it goes great. They’re in the zone, in a great mood. They crush it. Ask them why it was so great. Don’t accept “because you’re such a great trainer!” as an answer. Sure, it’s probably true, but you want to know what was going on with them, in their head, in their life, that tapped into some primal desire that made today such a kick-ass effort. Why did it feel good? What part of their personality was awakened in that moment?
Ask them if that person who kicked ass today felt more like the person they really are, deep down, yearning to be set free and reign supreme …
Ack. Barf. Sorry.
So maybe don’t use those exact words, but that’s the idea. You can nudge them toward a life-changing moment that awakens their desire to achieve great things with their body just by getting them to start thinking about it, by letting them know a rapid change in their motivation level is possible, by getting them to believe it can happen for them.
You can nudge your clients by recommending they spend some time thinking about their identity and values and how it relates to regular exercise. Tell them to spend some time analyzing these aspects of their personality. Advise them to put some real mental effort into it.
Then tell them to do something else.
The trick about a life-changing moment is that it doesn’t come while you’re actively trying to uncover it. Those thoughts need time to meander and collide, so they have a chance to gel in a profound way. Sudden insight arrives when one least expects it, when engaged in some form of distraction. It comes in the shower—the whole shower-thoughts thing—or while out for a walk, in nature, away from technological distraction.
I know people who had sudden insight strike while cleaning a toilet, while walking across a parking lot, while bonding with a shelter dog.
As a trainer, you likely can’t do a lot more than nudge this. As you well know, what they’re mostly after is guidance on lifting things. What’s more, sudden insight is a “comes from within” phenomenon. But there’s also the fact that most people don’t even consider the possibility of rapid mental transformation. Once you let them know it’s a thing that happens, they may begin considering it could happen for them.
And perhaps you’ll suggest they buy that book of mine to further help them achieve it.
And if it does happen for them? Don’t stand in the way. At last year’s Fitness Summit, my friend Kelly Coffey talked about her own life-changing moment. She went from killing herself with drugs and alcohol to wanting to crush herself with exercise. And the last thing she needed was someone to harsh that vibe by telling her to take it easy.
If someone comes at you inspired to go long and hard, show them the right way to do it so it doesn’t break them. Appreciate, admire, and encourage their passion.
Don’t kill their fire; stoke it.
This article is adapted from The Holy Sh!t Moment, by James Fell, on sale January 22.
        Your Client Is Motivated, But Are You Ready to Confidently Build Amazing Fitness Programs?
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  The post How to Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation appeared first on The PTDC.
How to Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation published first on https://onezeroonesarms.tumblr.com/
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fitono · 5 years
How to Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation
A motivated client is a paying client.
In the world of personal training, some don’t feel it’s their job to motivate clients to adhere to the programs they create, and that’s fine. Others embrace the role of cheerleader and even de facto psychologist.
We are nearing the end of January, and it’s reported that 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions will fail by the second week of February. Is there something you can do to keep your new clients who are struggling with motivation coming back through the spring months and beyond?
For starters, you could tell them about my new book. Wink and nudge.
The reasonable trainer preaches being a tortoise and not a hare. Slow and steady wins the weight-loss race. If your client sees their dead grandma beckoning them toward the light, you’re pushing them too hard.
Often, the same approach is taken with motivation: slow and steady. A forced march of baby steps across a behavioral tipping point where habits are slowly formed and become “sticky.” This approach has merit, because behavior change is hard. Case in point: rampant obesity and low rates of exercise adherence.
But inspiration to get and stay fit can also happen in a flash. And research reveals such people make bigger changes and have higher adherence rates. (When I write “research reveals,” it’s all in that book I mentioned.)
A simple explanation of how this works involves social psychologist Milton Rokeach’s model of personality. It’s like that line from Shrek where he says, “Ogres are like onions.”
People are also like onions. When you cut them, there can be crying. Wait. What I mean is, we have “layers” to our personalities. At the outer layer there are our actions, our “behaviors.” Go down a level and we have “beliefs.” Another level and there are “attitudes.” Then even deeper are “values,” and finally, there is the core identity, the “self.”
When solely focusing on that outer layer of behavior change, baby steps are key, because suffering. We don’t like suffering, and if you minimize it, you’re less likely to backslide. The small changes are considered tolerable.
It reminds me of Winston Churchill speaking in the House of Commons in 1947:
“[D]emocracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
The slow and steady approach to behavior change sucks, but it sucks less than the others.
Except perhaps not.
READ ALSO: Forget About Setting Goals. Do This Instead.
How Change Can Happen in an Instant
Baby steps are concrete. They don’t always work that well, but the path is readily discernable. It’s a series of small, definitive actions where the most significant problem is adherence. But when you focus on changing deeper layers of personality—a person’s identity and values regarding exercise—adherence has the ability to be far higher, the change more profound, because passion has been ignited.
It’s also a more enigmatic approach.
Such profound change in identity and values, where a person has what I call “a holy sh*t moment” (which is why I call my book The Holy Sh!t Moment: How Lasting Change Can Happen in an Instant), isn’t something that happens slowly. It’s not a tortoise. It’s not even a hare. It’s more like a ballistic missile of insight into one’s life, a finding of purpose. It’s a hard pivot that transforms a person’s being with an overwhelming sense of rightness about this new direction in life they feel compelled to take.
But the path to such a transformative experience is far from concrete. Psychologists John Kounios and Mark Beeman wrote in their book The Eureka Factor,
“Insights are like cats. They can be coaxed but don’t usually come when called.”
As a trainer, you may be in a position to help your clients coax such a cat.
If you converse with them about things other than programming and technique, getting into how they feel, psychologically, about their training, you can help inspire sudden change. It’s how they feel not just about their training but about themselves.
Telling people to suck it up and power through is rarely useful for those who are struggling. It’s better to tap into their emotional, passionate drivers based on those internal levels: the identity and values stuff.
I’ll tell you a story about my friend Chuck Gross. Chuck weighed over 400 pounds; he’d been heavy ever since childhood. He referred to it as an “anchor” on his personality. He’d tried and failed to lose weight many times, but he hated exercise and watching what he ate.
But one day, his wife walked out of the bathroom with an unexpected announcement: a positive pregnancy test. And Chuck felt the lightning strike. This time, he knew it was going to work. He knew he would get in shape and keep the weight off. “I didn’t have to struggle with my motivation,” he told me. “It came built in.” He lost 200 pounds and has kept it off for more than a decade.
This doesn’t mean you should start advocating pregnancies. It’s to drive home the point about identity and value changes. Chuck suddenly had a new mantle thrust upon him, that of a father. In an instant, he was inspired to become the man his child needed; being a fit dad was something that held tremendous value for him. (Incidentally, I wrote a piece about Chuck’s life-changing epiphany a few years back, and the PTDC named it the number-one fat-loss article of 2015.)
You can inspire your clients to become the best versions of themselves, and to live lives concordant with their deepest values, by appealing to their emotional drivers of what gives them purpose. Because perhaps that purpose will involve seeing what their bodies are capable of.
Make Sure It Sticks
Clients are prone to wavering motivation. Life gets in the way. The desire to stick with the program wanes. Trainers hate it when that happens. You don’t want to lose clients to apathy. You can design the best program possible that fits their abilities and matches their interests and gets them to achieve their goals, but if they lose their ambition for those goals you may struggle to pay bills.
It’s not your job to be the sole source of inspiration for a client to train, but you can play an assisting role by opening discussions on how they feel about the process, their progress, and their ambition for the future.
Because the standard-issue “rah-rah, you can do it!” isn’t enough. To help them unlock their exercise passion so motivation is no longer a scarce resource, you need to go deeper. Give them something to think about, even if it means giving them some psychological homework.
READ ALSO: Your Client Stopped Getting Results. Now What?
You do a training session with a client and it goes great. They’re in the zone, in a great mood. They crush it. Ask them why it was so great. Don’t accept “because you’re such a great trainer!” as an answer. Sure, it’s probably true, but you want to know what was going on with them, in their head, in their life, that tapped into some primal desire that made today such a kick-ass effort. Why did it feel good? What part of their personality was awakened in that moment?
Ask them if that person who kicked ass today felt more like the person they really are, deep down, yearning to be set free and reign supreme …
Ack. Barf. Sorry.
So maybe don’t use those exact words, but that’s the idea. You can nudge them toward a life-changing moment that awakens their desire to achieve great things with their body just by getting them to start thinking about it, by letting them know a rapid change in their motivation level is possible, by getting them to believe it can happen for them.
You can nudge your clients by recommending they spend some time thinking about their identity and values and how it relates to regular exercise. Tell them to spend some time analyzing these aspects of their personality. Advise them to put some real mental effort into it.
Then tell them to do something else.
The trick about a life-changing moment is that it doesn’t come while you’re actively trying to uncover it. Those thoughts need time to meander and collide, so they have a chance to gel in a profound way. Sudden insight arrives when one least expects it, when engaged in some form of distraction. It comes in the shower—the whole shower-thoughts thing—or while out for a walk, in nature, away from technological distraction.
I know people who had sudden insight strike while cleaning a toilet, while walking across a parking lot, while bonding with a shelter dog.
As a trainer, you likely can’t do a lot more than nudge this. As you well know, what they’re mostly after is guidance on lifting things. What’s more, sudden insight is a “comes from within” phenomenon. But there’s also the fact that most people don’t even consider the possibility of rapid mental transformation. Once you let them know it’s a thing that happens, they may begin considering it could happen for them.
And perhaps you’ll suggest they buy that book of mine to further help them achieve it.
And if it does happen for them? Don’t stand in the way. At last year’s Fitness Summit, my friend Kelly Coffey talked about her own life-changing moment. She went from killing herself with drugs and alcohol to wanting to crush herself with exercise. And the last thing she needed was someone to harsh that vibe by telling her to take it easy.
If someone comes at you inspired to go long and hard, show them the right way to do it so it doesn’t break them. Appreciate, admire, and encourage their passion.
Don’t kill their fire; stoke it.
This article is adapted from The Holy Sh!t Moment, by James Fell, on sale January 22.
        Your Client Is Motivated, But Are You Ready to Confidently Build Amazing Fitness Programs?
While every client’s fitness program is different, you don’t have to start from scratch.
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  The post How to Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation appeared first on The PTDC.
How to Supercharge Your Client’s Motivation published first on https://medium.com/@MyDietArea
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shellicouch91-blog · 6 years
Common Brake Repair service Mistakes.
Using a banking company could truly conserve you loan, yet there are likewise ways in which you shed a considerable amount of money. All things considered, these are actually a few of one of the most well-known mistakes that home owners commonly make the second they choose to substitute their old windows along with PVC windows. If you cherished this article and also you would like to acquire more info concerning yellow pages online (special info) nicely visit the web-site. Work toward beating these blunders as well as just about anything, and whatever you prefer is actually within your comprehension. Therefore, attempt to find oversights and also failures as an ideal chance to find out as well as develop as a person. The choice is your employer finding out the mistake anyway as well as discovering that you're at shortcoming - which is actually certainly not a great condition to become in. Indeed, errors benefit our team - they make our company that our company are actually and also commonly make up our very most valuable jewels of understanding and also knowledge. Understand that your problem along with your youngsters' errors resides in fact a representation from your difficulty handling your own mistakes; recognize this as well as manage your own concerns to begin with. You may get in touch with RI Legal representative David Slepkow by mosting likely to Rhode Island Loved ones Regulation Lawyer or by calling him at 401-437-1100. There is actually a concept that an entity or even individual can easily not be brought in even more responsible just by being in the relevant information establishment and passing along relevant information taken in good faith in the view that this was true, or even at the very least without knowledge from the chance from falsity or even error. And I once again show peace of mind in all of them that they have that within all of them to avoid creating that oversight once again. An additional approach of getting this capability is actually to learn some of the standard techniques and stay clear of the absolute most usual oversights. Still, this is actually certainly not where most identifications are actually swiped and also that is a huge blunder to assume that simply securing your own stuff can easily make a primary distinction in your identity burglary threat. By that time it was actually practically inconceivable for me to locate the identity and place of the canine owner so I needed to decline the instance (which I believed possessed a settlement deal market value from at least $50,000 to $75,000). Another common oversight created by those that are actually trying to improve their look is actually feeling that they have to possess the most basic. You could constantly seek quotes and review this along with four to five requests and also select the very best. Merryll Manning: Trapped On Secret Island through John Howard Reid was actually published greater than twenty years back in Australia. It is important for you to be actually and prevent this error organized other expenses like examination expenses, appraisal expenses, lending processing costs, etc There definitely are indisputable, only choices you created based upon the perceptions you had at the amount of time. These children reside in pair of other places-one place where they possess the passion as well as support of their papa (parents), as well as yet another where they experience that if their blunders were uncovered, they will be actually undeserving from that love. When I see one, I'm simply a really outdated entrepreneur and also a quite seasoned entrepreneur which created every blunder in the manual as well as can acknowledge one. Even though the parts appear to suit, there will be actually identifiable sign that a blunder was actually created upon steering the auto. If you don't record identity fraud problems early, you are in for a planet of injured as you aim to acquire your economic life back in order. However, this is actually certainly not the oversights that we make that define us; that is actually how our experts opt to grab the parts from our lives after these mistakes and proceed. He was actually having an occasion along with a wage earner while his partner was actually passing away of cancer cells He likewise identified it as an oversight. Occasionally gaining your RI Kid Wardship has to do with the errors that you stay away from as opposed to exactly what you do straight. Business & Entrepreneurial Students: I have actually questioned 163 from the field's ideal service thoughts so you don't have to make the exact same errors they have. Thereby, a defendant may not eventually state that she or he was confused when they in fact recognized the scenario. Although every person miscalculates every now and then, please do certainly not ignore the value of appropriate sentence structure. You created the oversight merely given that you discovered on your own in a placement through which your judgment about a profession was being challenged as well as you were actually facing the awkward setting of having to accept that you mistook. Massage therapy blunders include errors in pressure, or not signing in with the customer about his or her convenience. Don't create the error of waiting for someone or something to follow along and also make you delighted. Simply puts, the errors that take place in suggested profiles and also goods profiles are the celebrations that have an effect on the net income. Very most essentially, he profited from the mistake and began to have a so much more self-displined method to cash flow. BLUNDER 5: Poor inner linking- Hyperlinks are actually the links between internet sites and are actually essential in enhancing the internet website traffic. The 5th mistake business create is actually to certainly never look at generating a graphic and identification for their business. Having said that, the fully grown as well as qualified point to perform is actually to have up and accept to your manager or supervisor that this was you that created the oversight. BLUNDER 3: Replicate or unoptimised material- A lot of satisfied farms exist on the web that offer write-ups on various subjects that have been copied from other resources. Tools that locate an incorrect action or part could be used to blunder verification a process. When I refused this, I at that point presumed about exactly how I would create that post and made a couple of tips I might make use of those suggestions to create a write-up on my own, so that short recurring article produced a suggestion for me yet that won't be actually copying. Oversight # 1) Acting Needy: Some of the greatest tricks of tourist attraction as well as seduction is a man who appears like he carries out NOT need to have a girl. The third usual vehicle fixing mistake auto proprietors make is actually not being available for discussion with the auto mechanics involving the repair work method. Poor choices or flawed processes can easily at times trigger blunders, but that doesn't imply that every poor end result is actually a mistake. Instead of splashing around on the error you've created, concentrate on just what you can do to deal with the issue. This is all important and also should be very carefully looked at when making an instruction plan primarily created you, and also as your physical body and also bodily ailment changes thus need to your system. Still, this is not where very most identifications are taken and this is actually a significant oversight to assume that just securing your personal stuff can create a major variation in your identification theft danger. By that time this was basically inconceivable for me to uncover the identification and site from the canine owner so I must decline the scenario (which I thought had a settlement worth from at least $50,000 to $75,000). One more popular blunder brought in through those that are aiming to enrich their appeal is thinking that they must have the simplest. Absolutely take the thought that your little ones are doing their absolute best, and that they'll know a lot faster regarding their errors if they are in a setting that takes mistakes. Sight just what took place as an experience that will definitely improve your behaviors and also behaviors, therefore you won't produce the very same oversight once more. Acknowledging blunders suggests strength: Agreeing to look into, go out on the edge, and also fall short, especially before others, signifies somebody who relies on herself and also her capability to be successful. Like I pointed out above, my greatest mistake after passing was getting excited and purchasing a vehicle prematurely. The third blunder is actually that once the firm experiences a difficult time, they reduced their marketing spending plan and also pull inside their layer like a tortoise. As well as if you carry out have an individual in your lifestyle which is attempting to keep you off moving and forgetting on, understand that this is their personal planet they are developing and that they could take pleasure in securing those feelings as well as thoughts from previous blunders over you.
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mylymedlife · 6 years
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This is me in a crowd. Notice I am calm and not freaking out.
That’s new.
Don’t be fooled by the champagne. It’s just a prop. I wish I drank, but alcohol and lyme don’t get along.
At any rate, I’m a little behind on my blog. I didn’t have time over the holidays, and then I started the new year with Influenza, so I am just getting back in the saddle.
We have a little catching up to do, so let’s go back to mid-December.
We were invited to a holiday party. There were going to be over 200 people there, I wouldn’t know most of them, and I wouldn’t know when I was going to eat, what I was going to eat or how it was going to be prepared.
Miracle one: I went.
Miracle two: I had a great time.
This type of event was standard fare for me prior to the lyme/raging anxiety chapter of my life. But post-illness, evenings like this became impossible. Too many stars had to align in order for me to participate. Namely:
I would need to have enough physical energy, which was never a given (still isn’t, frankly).
My emotional demons would have to be in check, which they rarely were. Simply being around other people became threatening, jarring and intolerable to me. You could never understand unless it happened to you.
My stomach would have to be feeling well enough to eat food I didn’t prepare. A shaky GI tract needs to be handled with extreme care, which makes eating out quite anxiety-producing, particularly if you don’t have a lot of control over the situation.
I can’t tell you how many times I said no to going out. The physical and emotional price I paid to get out the door just wasn’t worth it.
But that was then.
Now, I am healing, and more things are becoming possible for me (see previous post for detail). When we received the invitation to the party, I said yes without hesitation, surprising both myself and my husband (who is a saint). I wasn’t anxious when I said yes, however, I was sort of waiting for it to creep up on me.
But it never did. I was slightly nervous, but never anxious. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, I decided to focus on everything that would be fun -- being with my husband, dressing up, dancing, taking part in the holiday spirit.
For the dinner portion of the evening, we were seated with 10 people, of whom, I knew three -- my husband, and the couple that invited us. Normally, this would be a nightmare scenario for me. It would be hard enough just to be in the room with that many people, but to have to make conversation with strangers on top of that was asking way too much.
But I did it. I socialized, and talked and ate. Just like a normal person. 
So often when I’m in a situation like this, I’m completely in my head trying to calm the chaos happening in there. But this night, I was not in my head. I was in the room. What a glorious feeling that was. I was fully present to the sounds, smells, laughter and joy. You see, when anxiety is screaming, it’s the loudest voice in the room, and nothing else stands a chance. But my anxiety was quiet, making room for a whole lot of other joyful noises.
The feeling was indescribable. I felt like myself again. I felt free. I was out and socializing without a care in the world. Just like I used to back in the day. Back when my digestion and my brain and my body worked the way God intended. 
Of the many things lyme has stolen from me, my ability to be carefree tops the list. I miss it like you can’t believe. At some point over the last eight years, my mind went into a mode of hyper-vigilance, marked by a radar that is always scanning the horizon for trouble. That damn radar exhausts and frustrates me. Especially since most of the “danger” it registers is not real. But anxiety doesn’t care about that. There’s nothing logical or rational about anxiety. Trying to appeal to anxiety with reason is about as effective as speaking French to somebody who only speaks Chinese.
That was a hard lesson to learn. It seems so obvious to tell yourself the 14 reasons you don’t need to be afraid to be in a room with friendly people who have no intentions of harming you in any way. But the obvious answer never gave me the intended results.
Over time I have learned to avoid what I call “taking the bait”. Anxiety is trying to goad me into a conversation that will go nowhere good. So, I simply stopped engaging. Or, more accurately -- I try not to engage. It’s very easy to get lured into taking the bait, and I often still do out of habit. But I have learned to recognize when I’m going down that road, and that’s where the aforementioned re-direction comes in. It takes a lot of practice, though, and sometimes I have to re-direct over and over and over. 
Said another way, this is a process, and I’m still very much in the thick of it. There is no overnight cure, and I have to work hard every day. It takes an incredible amount of mental energy to keep my brain from going to unhelpful places. But it’s what I must do if I want to get back “out there.” Out in the world where the fully functioning people are. Out in the places I used to travel with ease.  Staying at home and isolating is still the easiest choice for me. But I’m trying to make conscious efforts to engage in the harder choices. It’s not easy to do the hard thing (duh), but I’m going to keep trying.
In the scenario of the tortoise and the hare, I am the tortoise. I don’t remember the story exactly, but I’m pretty sure the tortoise ended up getting there. Slowly. I’m pretty sure I will do the same. But in due time.
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nuzblog · 7 years
As promised, what follows are my thoughts on the 151 Pokemon in Gen 1 that I have something to say about.
#001: Bulbasaur I really appreciate this guy's concept. Reptomammals are dope and that's pretty much definitely what it is, and the concept of a plant and animal reaching this sort of symbiosis is definitely really awesome. The fact that Bulbasaur manages that while also being beautifully simply is great. Bulbasaur is great, and very good, conceptually. That said, I feel his design and especially his evolutions' designs are missing something somehow. Perhaps it's that the animal half of the pair is so plain? Perhaps it's that as it evolves, it only becomes uglier but not particularly cooler? I'm unsure. I do love them, but they aren't my favorite starter in this generation.
#008 Wartortle This guy is. Yes, the middle form. I love middle forms so much. Now, Squirtle itself is pretty simple. A tortoise that shoots water, big whoop, right. And I can agree with that. But Wartortle brings it to the next level. Besides getting a clear and distinct attitude, it also gets these beautiful ears and tail, that flow so elegantly with its design. They're definitely referential to the minogame, the legendary 10,000 year old Japanese turtle with a tail made of seaweed, likely a legend spawned by turtles that would swim through seaweed and carry it with them. The coloration and pattern of Wartortle's "fur" also makes it look like seafoam, and its Hermes-esque ears and trail of seafoam are the perfect fit for a fast swimmer like Wartortle.
#010-#015 Caterpie, Metapod, Butterfree, Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill I really love the "larva-chrysalis-adult" evolution line as the game's tutorial for the mechanic of evolution, and I think having Pokemon that follow that evolution pattern so early in the game that evolve so quickly is a frankly brilliant design decision. I think here is the place that makes most clear that Pokemon's original inspiration was insect collection. The subversion of expectations with Beedrill is great too. I could mention other things about these guys, like how Caterpie is straight up a faithful recreation of a real life caterpillar, and how Kakuna has arms, but my main point is that these guys fill a great gameplay purpose. My only thing - they don't necessarily need to be Bug type insects every time, do they? Bagon in Gen 3 has already shown that insects aren't the only ones that follow the same evolution pattern. I'd be interested to see some other type of creature follow the same evolutionary pattern.
#024 Arbok Why doesn't Arbok's hood have different designs depending on what region it's caught in? They stopped even giving it different hoods based on the game it's currently in. That's so lame, yo.
#042 Golbat I don't... hate Golbat. I think his giant mouth is fantastic. But... it also loses Zubat's fantastic lack of eyes, AND after R/B it loses its fantastic giant tongue and tiny squinty eyes, the best alternative to no eyes for a bat. Like... what happened? Where did all of Zubat's charm go?
#047 Parasect This is my favorite Pokemon in Gen 1. Cordyceps is basically my favorite fungus, and I urge you to look into it as the real world basis for Parasect if you're unfamiliar. I also love that Paras is like... it's like a cicada with mushrooms on its back, but it seems like a sort of symbiosis, right, like Bulbasaur. But instead of growing together, Paras' growth is stunted and its brain emptied, its eyes losing their pupils to signify that it has become completely zombified as a puppet of this fungus that has grown through its body. This is the first hint in the Pokedex that Pokemon are actually absolutely horrifying, and I love it. I love it so, so much.
#050 Diglett I find the simplicity in Diglett's design absolutely perfect. It has exactly as many features as it would ever need, and it does exactly what you'd think it would. The fact that it's more of a whac-a-mole than an actual mole is brilliant to me, and I find the "what's it got underground" mystery absolutely brilliant as a design decision.
#061 Poliwhirl Neoteny ahoy! I love the Poli line's tummy swirls, but even more, I love that Poliwhirl and Poliwrath are neotenous tadpoles, the exact opposite of what you'd expect from a game where just 50 Pokemon ago, real life metamorphasis was serving as the inspiration for an evolution family. Like, tadpoles are the second most instantly recognizable creatures that exhibit metamorphasis, and yet, these ones don't. And their visible intestines!!! So good. Such perfectly simple designs.
#069-#071 Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel Pitcher plants are awesome and these guys bear the perfect resemblance to them. I love that Weepinbell is more of a trap than a creature, with its tree hanging hook and its acid-slobbering mouth. I love that Bellsprout is a walking nozzle thing on these flimsy looking root limbs. I love Victreebel's angler lure, and understated teeth. I love that James had one that kept trying to digest him. I just... this guy rules.
#083 Farfetch'd "A duck comes bearing green onions" is an approximate translation of a Japanese phrase with two separate meanings: a fortuitous but unlikely happenstance (such as, while starving in the woods, having a duck approach you holding the perfect garnish for duck soup), and a fool ready to be taken advantage of (such as the duck itself, offering you green onions while being clueless to its own implied demise.) Farfetch'd is, fascinatingly enough, BOTH - it is an incredibly rare Pokemon granted to you in exchange for a very common Pokemon... but it is also a fairly weak Pokemon with low stats that is foisted upon you in exchange for a Pokemon that can yet evolve to greater power. Absolutely brilliant.
#091 Cloyster Okay, so, I've danced around this topic with the name Okeefe for my Sheller, but like... let's be real here. Cloyster looks exactly like a vulva. Some people might list this as a bad thing about Cloyster... but I would not. I think it's great.
#108 Lickitung Why don't more Pokemon have giant tongues? Anyway this guy rules.
#122 Mr. Mime This thing is so creepy... I love it. It's like a horrible marionette, and it takes mime powers literally by turning moves like light screen into the gimmick of the Pokemon. Its weird joints and suckered fingers are so brilliant and just... augh it makes my skin crawl in the most perfect way.
#124 Jynx Okay, so, here's the thing. Yes, Jynx definitely uses the same racist shorthand as minstrel shows or DBZ's Mr. Popo, and that's awful and changing it was a good decision. But beyond that, Jynx is also an aquatic seeming creature (given its fins, at least) that has long human like hair, and a body that resembles a long flowing dress, and has pretty plain breasts. It's also a creature that sings and dances and gyrates to manipulate minds. In other words, it's a SIREN, and not only that, but it's a siren that, rather than being some kind of pretty fish lady, looks to me a lot like a mollusc of some kind. There's so many parts of its lore that fascinate me, like its speech that supposedly closely resembles human speech but is in no recognizable language. Oh, and it also looks like an opera singer, and also some people seem to think it resembles a certain yokai (even though the only reference to some of the traits used to justify that resemblance seem to have been made up by the Pokemon fans trying to justify the comparison.) And, just as a side note, I think the fact that this mollusc, in trying to seduce humans, decided the most beautiful form it could try to emulate would be that of a short and rotund person of color is pretty fantastic. Like, yes, that absolutely is the pinnacle of human beauty, thank you for noticing, Jynx. Just, please do try to look a little less like a thing humans do to be racist.
#126 Magmar Boober.
#137 Porygon It is a tragedy that this guy has been basically banned from anime, since it's such an appealing design motif. Computer generated graphics as a concept for a Pokemon is clever in itself, and like... it's a weird red and blue duck thing! And it's so blocky and weird! I love it.
I actually had less to say about a lot of these guys than I thought I would. Let's real quick go over my top ten Pokemon in the gen:
#1. Parasect #2. Porygon #3. Victreebel #4. Scyther #5. Paras #6. Grimer #7. Diglett #8. Jynx #9. Cubone #10. Weezing
At least, last time I listed them out. This seems about right to me.
Anyway, that's my thoughts on the Pokemon of Gen 1. Maybe some day I'll talk about some others? But that's as much as I think I needed to before starting Gen 2.
Speaking of, I've already started playing Silver. Not sure when I'm gonna write and post that update though. I still have another entry for Blue in the process of being made still.
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All Eggs Dish Through Chun Hoi Lo
Beginning with the best appealing feature of this particular improve, Lecturer Willow has merely found out that eggs possess unique sort of designs on all of them relying on the strolling distance needed to hatch all of them. As is regularly the scenario along with these methods, Shaolin Shuffle has a decent handful of Easter Eggs that you could find out if you understand exactly what you are actually performing. The unique throwable tools vary off the angry hen which hatches out off a gold egg and also is going to explore beating the black out of whatever to Joe Swanson quickening around in his intensely equipped wheelchair. I am actually highly satisfied along with you given that although you were actually itchy of obtaining lordship (supremacy) you stayed a sound speaker of truth (didn't lie to accomplish victory); because of this you would gain the lordship on this cosmos. as well as you will gain impartiality with me or even would be honoured through me. Off this day distinct idols of your own would obtain recognizeded in various shrines and also you would get worship". This practically indicates how properly you control just how a muscular tissue decreases your body system weight. That, and also to rejuvenate Latitude (Locations) to Maps instead of Google +. Past that, they may do whatever they desire along with Earth as for I'm concerned. A large part this Brand-new Area field is the provision from The planet monitoring records coming from gpses developed and worked through private firms. The electric motor end layer contains several ion networks that open up in reaction to natural chemicals and enable favorable ions to get into the muscle thread. Don't enter into the animal look for now as you already have the reddish slippers with you. In personality psychological science, spot from command laid outs what does it cost? a person strongly believes that they are inevitably task for their effectiveness as well as failures. Based upon the YouTube video recording sensation from Surprise Eggs, this game today provides little ones an excellent active method to appreciate opening their very own eggs to discover what's inside. Including an instinctive drag as well as decrease developer made especially for the contact display, this strong application will change your website design world. Other gameplay factors like investing your cash money on towers that could assist you out are actually a wonderful addition, yet this doesn't reduce the sensation that you're walking on egg coverings when attempting to switch parts into position. http://egeszsegeseletmod-blog.com/bliss-hair-spray-a-szep-eros-haj-ar-velemenyek-hol-lehet-megvasarolni/ is this symbiotic relationship that has been taking in much more of the moment and effort from analysts and also theorists in the associated industries from news, behavioral science and political science considering that concerning the center of this particular century. In each from the 200 confusing levels, you appear with a team from dinosaur eggs in different graphic designs. Certainly not merely was this hugly significant, yet this is actually understandable and also still amusing to this day. Considering that China is such a substantial market for many business, any type of international technology provider will deal with highly effective rivals when they aim to get in the nation. Dutch astronaut Wubbo Ockels recommended that the Earth has cancer, much like him, in a tragic information. A lot of Internet firms have attempted as well as cannot enter China due to lack from localization. In Hex Slide 10,000 though the procedure from autos and parking area is actually replaced through a range from hexagons joined to a variety from shapes, the facility is specifically the same though. 5 hrs of screen-on time is doable if I am actually possessing a Wi-Fi heavy day with whole lots from making use of the phone for scanning the internet and texting. Every tortoise that was actually viewed or shot due to the World Earth II staff was accumulated and returned in to the ocean," a spokesperson for the program said to followers on Twitter. Class Earth - financed by National Environmental Education and Training Foundation (NEETF), details top programs in groups of many preferred, climbing stars, home university, and also for Planet Day. The velocity from wind with a woodland is actually greatly influenced by the quality of plant life. The egg crate occupies almost one-half of your screen, along with the remainder dedicated to chickens clucking down the battlefield. You'll need to feed your egg - and also that is actually not therefore straightforward as choosing a food items and dropping this into the mouth. You are actually visiting have to have the ability to elevate a minimum of 130 measurement tons of stuff (a.k.a. haul) into The planet orbit. If you happen to be wonderful, one day right here is exactly how it is going to resemble, but don't panic if it does not. A day is devoted in Goslar, packed with timber-framed buildings and also an 11th-century imperial palace. 1 day I want to find you working from one of our main nationwide labs," pointed out DOE Assistant Rick Perry, congratulating every one of the finalists. You may likewise put your eggs into cold water as well as bring to a boil after that specified the timer, yet this needs you to know and see when the water starts to boil. You'll obtain your initial egg basket for free, however if you yearn for a lot more (you may raise approximately six at once), you'll have to buy additional. I have discovered that allowing my idea device to strengthen me and also guide me, I have the ability to handle just what that is actually that i may control. The Good Grips has a brought up side for fracturing eggs and also the lower container will certainly keep egg shells off falling into your batter.
Grown-up gain ₤ 25 pre-booked, ₤ 30 on the time; loved ones ₤ 55 pre-booked, ₤ 60 on the time: the Shakespeare Express (0121 708 4960; ). So, the application contains 41 dishes with bit-by-bit guidelines as well as you could additionally capture and also share photographes from your developments, which is actually kinda enjoyable. Instead of residing in full command from themselves, they have lost hope their freedom to factors and also individuals which need to not matter to them.
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