#But they still boil down to basically just.
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My take on the regional Sora’s trend! She’s an alien now >:3
I had no idea what to do for this initially, but then it hit me, I could just shove her into my OC story. If I have the motivation I might shove everyone else into it too! I roughed out some ideas for the main cast while working on this.
A (sort of) brief lore explanation and tag list under the cut o7 (also tumblr killed the quality so click for a better view etc etc)
A lot of this still a work in progress since I’ve been changing this species lore a lot recently, but! Starsino’s are a semi-aquatic vaguely amphibious + reptilian race, whose society at large bears a striking resemblance to Imperium (hence why I chose it for Sora). Their eyesight is not great, and as a whole the species used to have a sixth sense that would them navigate in difficult to see areas like underwater (similar to a platypus!). At some point the ✨Space Fae✨ (not an 100% accurate description but it’d take too long to explain their lore afshhdf) came down and gifted them the ability of True Sight. Which expanded their sixth sense to allow them access to telepathic/telekinetic abilities. Eventually the ✨Space Fae✨ got bored and left but also took the True Sight with them, which inadvertently cut off their species ability to access this sixth sense at all, which caused their entire society to collapse. Not everyone lost their “sight” but the majority of people did. Some people are still born with the sixth sense and even True Sight, they’re called Seers and True Seers respectively.
Nowadays there are two major factions of Starsino’s society, The Dictatorship, and The Cult. Both are trying to restore everyone’s access to the True Sight they’re just going about it a different way. There’s a lot more to it them this but it can basically be boiled down to a Science Vs. Magic thing.
Sora being born with True Sight (which is where her tech manipulation stuff comes in), is taken from her family as a baby and given to the Science People to experiment on. Eventually she escapes and makes it out of Starsino controlled space. Where she meets Arin! Who is just some human guy who managed to get off of Earth somehow, idk I haven’t really worked that all out.
Anyway! Gonna try to not let this be an all consuming project like my AU’s usually are, but it is oh so tempting
Tag list -
@Inspectorghoul @fading-through-existence @juniperjellyfish @carmelo-san @lightningchicken
@crying-over-cartoons @officercooks @mywasasi @ashclouds366 @basicallyjaywalker 
@finn-m-corvex @garmaballs
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ssruis · 19 hours
I have a weird and maybe a little bit ooc fanfic idea where it's basically a collection of times that at the beginning of the new school year whenever Rui is too focused on his work to cause trouble and Tsukasa can catch a damn break for once An begins to get on Tsukasa's nerves by breaking the school rules in Very Minor and Insignificant ways. Like wearing her uniform slightly incorrectly. Leaving her piercings in. Speed walking in the hallways. Etc. And whenever Tsukasa tries to approach her about it she pulls this monologue on him (paraphrased)
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She does this for like a week or so out of sheer pettiness & the fun of it but stops very soon because 1) She feels bad for making him upset by reminding him he was part of Rui's shenanigans during the first year. He's remorseful enough about it 2) Touya glares at her and it makes her die inside a little bit 3) She feels like she still owes Rui some for the tutoring and that extends to Tsukasa in some way 4) An can hold a mean grudge but she's not a vengeful person by nature so it kinda just stops being fun or satisfying and she goes "wait this is pathetic actually. Why am I doing this". & Then she stops doing this. And Tsukasa is still mildly haunted by the happenings
HELP MEEE THATS SO FUNNY…. Tsukasa is so confused & stressed by this and anytime a reminds him of his past transgressions he does his “augh i have failed as a senior by acting so irresponsibly in the past” thing. An looking at tsukasa doing something akin to his dollfes untrained card over this & shes like ohh he’s kinda pathetic. now i feel bad. Tsukasa very casually asks Toya if something’s going on with An & then the next time she’s in the sekai she walks into the cafe to see Toya sitting at a table with a coffee & he’s like “ah shiraishi… please have a seat 😐☕️” (an remembering all the times Toya has gotten peeved about Akito being a little rude to tsukasa & promptly entering soggy wet cat mode & apologizing) (Toya was literally just going to ask if she was ok).
My one fic idea with An boils down to her asking nene to eat lunch together & nene’s like “tsukasa isn’t here so I’m eating with rui today sorry…” and an (who still feels some semblance of responsibility despite her best efforts & is like oh god tsk isn’t here to corral him he’s gotta be up to something) is like “oh that’s fine I can join you guys :).” & she’s treated to a first hand seat of rui acting like tsukasa has gone off to war. He has no desire to do anything mischievous it’s not fun when tsukasa isn’t there to get mad. She’s watching nene coerce Rui into eating lunch & is internally like wow this is really sad (oblivious to the fact that she does this when kohane is sick and can’t come to practice)… tfw you wanna hang out with that pathetic green thing but she has to take care of her deeply over dramatic purple clown friend.
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fantoccia · 2 years
As for him. The answer has been and always will be
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brushstrokes-art · 1 year
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some elaboration on Pokemon AU, toying with ghost’s design a lil and tossing in some extra designs (now with lore!)
as you can see, the vessels are fucked up little ghost-types. probably not the most fucked up ghost-type pokedex entries out there, tho.
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crayonverse · 3 months
details bout michael n eins dynamic. 2 me (cw physical/emotional abuse, cannibalism, suicide/suicidal idealizations, ableism, self-harm)
michael only refers to himself as eins father when he wants ein to do something, any other time hes just michael .
lets ein not refer to him as sir to make him feel more "special" .
after eins mom broke up w zack she sorta got a bit. out of it. she started neglecting ein and she became depressed. The First Step in ein distrusting others bc his mother stopped paying attention 2 him. michael used a small amount of his magic to control her and make her drown herself in the kitchen sink and then kidnapped ein, making it look like she had killed herself and ein had ran away. .
just as a small thing of me hcing ein as a transguy, michael named him ein bc the meaning of "ian" (which is what his name is just spelled weird) is "God is Gracious" as a constant reminder that michael "saved" ein. .
ein wasnt tested on w forever potions (in the early stages w the other kids) because michael absolutely could not let Zack know he had his other stupid kid. when ein found out about the testing he was extremely upset bc he wasnt "special enough" for it. picture ein 6 years old begging for medical malpractice to be used on him .
he was tested later but as a teen when michael got out, since he didnt have access to the other children. although he wasn't able to use the full potions since he didnt have access to emeralds at the moment, so he used diluted versions of the potions that weren't as powerful via syringes. ein gets a fear needles from it .
when michael n the other two idiots were locked in the pocket dimension ein went through a brief depressive period bc the One Guy he (thought) cared about him disappeared. when michael did get out he didnt tell ein immediately bc he . doesnt like ein but when he found out ein got arrested he told ein that he should stay in jail for a few months to "learn his lesson" .
slightly unrelated but when michael wanted him out of jail he also wanted ein to disappear off the radar so he faked eins death in jail. originally he wanted ein to die in like a riot but ein, sensing an opportunity, asked for it to say he killed himself instead. the opportunity being aphmau half way into her uni course looking up her old high school bullies to see what theyre up to and just finding out ein is Fucking Dead .
the potions michael uses on ein are mainly magic power related (like eins Green Laser) because he likes manipulating ein into doing things rather than using his magic because its "more fun" .
michael subconsciously views ein as his actual son (mcd travis) bc he feels like "this one is a better son" or whatever .
not a specific thing but mother knows best reprise from tangled is a Viewpoint on their dynamic 2 me .
ein is internally scared of michael but he never verbally says that and if anyone asks him if he is he denies it immediately bc he doesnt want pity. you can see it in his eyes though. elizabeth is really the only other person who mentions it but she mostly uses it to make fun of ein because she "doesnt think its that bad" (<- she is unaware) .
bc of michael ein absolutely hates unwarranted physical touch. he reacts violently if anyone grasps his shoulder from behind or touches his upper arms. the only touch he usually allows is people lightly touching his hair/head bc he still registers it as headpats (grabbing his hair usually results in him biting) .
michael usually physically threatens or abuses ein to reprimand him but sometimes he throws ein into the Metaphorical Torture Box for entertainment .
basically most of the things michael does to ein is for his own amusement .
he also heavily dehumanizes ein to convince him to do evil acts, rationalizing it to him as "you arent a person so is it really that bad??" ein does not view himself as an actual person at this point more so as a nameless soldier, a weapon, etc .
i used this for an old fic n stuff too but also michael makes ein commit cannibalism to forcibly dehumanize him more. he wants to make ein feel entirely disconnected from humanity (like michael feels for himself) so ein will basically be a "mini michael" .
ein also consciously copies michaels mannerisms/speech. only really elizabeth n zack notice it however and it just fucking freaks zack the hell out (elizabeth is also freaked out by it but mostly ignores it) .
theres just a general theme of a loss of control for ein in general. he gets a small allowance from michael and hes not allowed out overnight, all his communication is usually internally with the researchers or guardian forces. most of the time ein self isolates from them, viewing them as beneath him and michael. when they try to talk to him its a 50/50 whether he'll tell them to fuck off or he'll hiss at them .
another specific detail is pre s4 ein fucked up a potion and instead of his usual reprimand, michael used pliers to defang ein. in his head its the one thing ein can't rationalize about michaels actions (the one "seed of doubt" he has). he usually makes excuses for michael's actions towards him but being defanged is the only one he struggles with since he knows that michael knows how important his wolf side is to him .
pre s5 and just like at the end of s5 (when ein was seen on the bridge) he was going through another depressive episode bc he missed his ears and tail. he was mainly just going through the motions of his daily life but he was barely holding on. michael repeatedly discouraged ein from committing because the plan would be messed up because of it (michael said that directly to him) and he would imply that ein would be a traitor if he went through with it. .
michael actually flipped between discouraging and encouraging ein to commit to see what he would do. .
he's caught ein self-harming before, w ein attempting to either drown or smother himself. michael doesnt like doing this regularly but most of the time he lets ein hug him so he feels "comforted". other times michael just scolds him and tells him to not do it again. .
i also hc ein as a low empathy autistic (bc # me) and he used to stim very openly and loudly but michael disliked that part of him so he "trained" ein to not stim in public which just results in him being constantly overstimulated, a contributor to Ein being fucking mad all the time. hes like a hair trigger away from a meltdown at all times .
the only method of stimming ein can usually get away w is when he scratches his arms/scabs. unfortunately he doesn't trim his claws and it usually results in ein making himself bleed or reopening scars. michael has attempted to get him to stop doing this but its pretty much a compulsion for ein at this point.
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tearlessrain · 3 months
I will never not be pissed about how covid has been handled. I don't really talk about it anymore because it's not going to change anything and I'm just gonna end up being That Guy evne more than I already am in general but. I'm just terminally pissed about it. the fact that so many people died who didn't have to, the fact that disabled and elderly people were so blatantly thrown under the bus to the point that a lot of people weren't even pretending to care, the CDC straight up lying multiple times and making it abundantly clear that the economy is more important than human life (or quality of life). the fact that everyone acts like long covid doesn't exist and "you won't die stop worrying about it," the fact that everyone (mainly the government and corporations but I see it on an individual social level too) is so desperate to get back to "normal" that they threw out a bunch of things that were actively improving lives like normalizing wearing masks during flu season/in doctors offices, and making more jobs remote, and respecting peoples' goddamn personal space. the fact that for some reason the prevailing opinion is that it's been long enough now and we should all get over it and accept it as a part of life and purposefully do nothing to mitigate the risk from this still very present and dangerous illness because you're harshing everyone's vibe.
it just really sucks man idk there's no point to this.
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honeycircuits · 14 days
Why is thinking of a reblog game where: you know a lot of stuff about that subject and people have fun reblogging and seeing the results, so hard? 😭
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softlystarstruck · 1 year
Hi! Was curious why you left the fandom, if you don't mind sharing. Or if we can follow you somewhere else? Since you're not using this blog anymore?
short answer:
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long answer: my chronic illnesses have gotten so bad and i am so sad all the time and i barely have the energy to do necessary things let alone things For Fun. and the drarry fandom feels like it moves very fast so everything about being in it (and writing in general) felt like an obligation rather than something fun so. that’s pretty much it :< you can follow my main blog @celestialbee if you want to see pictures and art that i like but that’s really all ive got right now
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Yesss @ your tags on the Childe post. I want to add that even if someone is shaped by trauma/an extreme upbringing, as he very well may have been, unless someone is insane or having an episode of something their actions are still them. It makes his behaviour more sympathetic but (or rather AND) he still has agency over his actions.
I feel like ~the discourse~ can be terrible at handling this sort of character because it can suck at acknowledging the uglier side of mental illness and neurodivergence- the way that hurt people hurt people- with nuance in general. So he has to be sorted into Traumatised(TM) and therefore forgivable or Irredeemable(TM) and can't be sympathised with at all.
yeah! childe is, pretty obviously, traumatised (and as you said may or may not have had an extreme upbringing we don't really know yet iirc but it could be implied), but i feel like that makes it even more important to acknowledge that, as you said, his actions are still his, because i feel like people have this tendency to look at a character and then either decide that everything they ever do even slightly wrong is completely justified and forgivable because they're traumatised or label them as an irredeemable monster and disregard the aspect of it that stems from the fact that they themselves have been deeply hurt because that means that they can't continue to view that character as having absolutely no humanity anymore.
as you mentioned, i think the main issue with the discourse is that people seem to have such a hard time reconciling the fact that someone can be shaped by trauma and their upbringing and still be aware of their actions and the consequences of those actions, and then because of that they end up sliding to one of the two extremes with their interpretation of the character and like. they can be traumatised and shaped by that trauma and still have their actions be Them. they're not being controlled by some Ghost Trauma Force or anything lol (unless as you said they are insane or having an episode of something but that's a different topic) they are Choosing to do those things and therefore have accountability for those actions; this also means, however, that it would be literally impossible for every action they take to come from a place of pure evil - people can, in fact, exist in shades of grey in terms of morality (shocking, i know)
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darcyolsson · 8 months
ethel muggs is a better person than me bc if i were her and then gained control of the events of an alternate universe version of my town and the people in it i would probably just cause unimaginable pain for them on a daily basis. the way they treat my girl in the early seasons is so casually horrible and for what....... get away from that typewriter gayboy i'm torturing your polycule
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dropthecop · 8 months
why did my boromir post get notes i'm scared
#my roommate requested Boromir Tags Rant in the replies of that post so i suppose i will put that here#BASICALLY it all boils down (in my brain) to people hating this dude for like. getting mind controlled. like it was NOT HIS FAULT‼️#local man tries to take and use an object that specifically influences people to want to take and use it; mord at 5#like ?????#thats the whole POINT of the ring that's the whole reason FRODO had to carry it. he was one of the few people who was super resistant to th#thrall and influence of it#boromir is Just Some Guy (i mean he's like royalty sorta-kinda or whatever but he's just human he doesnt have any special Ring Resistance)#it's NATURAL that he would be tempted#like we SAW what it did to bilbo. we saw him being possessive of it and using it more than he should etc. but when it's bilbo then#apparently people suddenly gain thinking skills and realize that he was being influenced by an outside force#but when it's boromir suddenly its a moral failing???? america explain#plus also like. he was overcome for all of 2 minutes. and as soon as he realized what happened he CRIED bc he was so disgusted w his action#NOT TO MENTION SACRIFICING HIS LIFE FOR MERRY AND PIPPIN#NOT TO MENTION THAT EVEN WHILE INFLUENCED BY EVIL RING 5000 HE STILL ONLY EVER WANTED TO USE THE POWER FOR THE GOOD OF HIS PEOPLE#NOT TO MENTION [gestures at everything to do with faramir]#like. think for 4 seconds. use your brain. would an evil man cry after realizing he was influenced into doing something bad#would an selfish evil man sacrifice his life to save 2 funny hobbits#anyway i like him#also from like an out-of-universe perspective boromir trying to take the ring shows the power of the ring. it shows that it was able to#overcome even this Good Guy Character. you are not supposed to read/see that scene and take away from it ''boromir is bad''#you are supposed to take away from it ''wow the ring is SO POWERFUL that it could even influence such a good guy as boromir''#THATS MY OPINION ANYWAY#OH ALSO WE SAW FRODO GET INFLUENCED BY IT. ngl i forgot that happened for a minute. but EVEN FRODO caved for a bit#theres a reason why boromir's death is framed as a tragedy. it's not a bad guy getting what he deserved#it's a good man who will be missed and who died too soon#do you Really think aragorn would have kissed his forehead if he was evil. come on.#AND LIKE PIPPIN SWEARING FEALTY TO DENETHOR OVER IT??? that's a whole other can of worms but AUGH. pippin..........#Absolutely Agonizing.#can't be bothered to fix the grammar mistakes in this sowwy#my post
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coockie8 · 3 months
Actually it should be legal to rush the stage and start beating a guys ass when he starts being blatantly bigoted or predatory disguised as "jokes".
Standing on stage in front of a microphone is not a go-ahead to say whatever the hell you want without consequences because you're "joking", and so many comedians need to be reminded of that.
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noriaki-kak · 10 months
Hewo,,,,I was wondering if you had any writings tips! Where did you learn your craft? Do you have a favourite author?
Ooh man, my answers to this are probably gonna be kinda disappointing ghfgd. I’m pretty much entirely self taught for fun and I don’t read as much as I wish I did nowadays. I like to try and match the way I write to the time period the scene’s setting is closest to. So a lot of my stuff ends up sounding flowery and old fashioned.
I’ve been wanting to find the time to start reading more because that’s one of the best ways to refine how you write, seeing what other people are doing. But for now, what I do is just look back at things I wrote a while ago and pick apart what I like and don’t like about it and what I wanna do with that in the future. It’s easier once you get some distance from something to look at it objectively.
I’m honored you’d think to ask but I’m truly the worst person to give tips bc I barely know what im doing gjfgd. I feel confident in writing character scenes with heightened intense emotions but everything else is a bit of a struggle. And I’m not even sure how to put into words what my process is even for the stuff I’m confident with.
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hella1975 · 2 years
loveeeeeeee when my one very spoilt flatmate says some shit about how she treats her mum/how she talks to her mum and me and my other flatmate just look at each other for a silent moment and both just go 'no id be dead'
#like flatmate no.1 is the spoilt one and ive known her as well as flatmate no.2 since not just first year but FRESHERS#like these are my uni 4lifers we've known each other since the first two weeks flatmate no.2 i met on my first DAY#so it's quite funny bc ive SEEN flatmate no.1 change her atittude over time#and i think it's a joint effort of being exposed to different people at uni#and also bc ive just beaten her down every time she says something even remotely ignorant/spoilt#like i normally wouldnt give myself that much credit for a single person's character arc but flatmate no.2 BARELY saw us last year#and me and flatmate no.1 were basically joint at the hip so it was a proximity thing more than me just being super cool and inspiring#so basically what im getting at is that in first year she was sooooo shamelessly spoilt#and it was so clear she just had never hung out with people who WERENT spoilt#and nowadays she's v good at letting herself be the butt of the joke and she still gets iffy about dumb shit#but generally speaking she takes what we give her now whereas she used to ARGUE and that boiled my fucking blood#and it means we can talk more easily about these things and one thing that comes up A LOT is the difference in parenting#like i shit you not this girl uses a baby voice on her parents. it's actually uncomfortable#me however i was raised with a bloody mercenary whose genuine worst insult for us was to call us middle class LMAO#like my mum put tough love into the dictionary her VERBATIM catchphrase is 'fall in or fuck off'#and flatmate no.2 is ESTRANGED from her mum and has a very on-off relationship with her dad that has all round left her very independent#like for her there was no one there to spoil her and for me the person that was there would literally have rather died than have spoilt kid#so flatmate no.1 will say some bratty shit and me and flatmate no.2 are just there like??? are you fucking deranged???#the example that caused this post is that flatmate no.1's mum went into her room#and she was like '.... it smells like weed in here darling....' and my flatmate POINTED AT HER WEED AND WENT 'YEAH THAT'S WHY'#and she was telling us as a haha funny and i was like. THE DISRESPECT?#like my mum would be less angry about the weed than she was about the fact i didnt even respect her enough to hide it if that makes sense#she'd fucking clobber me id be out on the bloody street LMAO#spoilt kids and/or pushover parents just baffle me like i have never won a fight against my mum what are you even doing#'why didn't you do [rebellious thing] as a kid' BITCH I WAS SCARED LMFAO#hella goes to uni
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husbandhannie · 2 years
what gets me the most about the nct dream thing is that it was an edited video and not a live.....someone okay'ed these comments
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braveburned · 1 year
someday I'll subject the dash to my insane there's nothing stopping amnesia and fnaf from taking place in the same universe because vitae and remnant are the same thing just with different names theory
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