#But ye I love Mido
sobashahzadi · 7 months
🎵cuz girls look better in a real tight sweater🎵
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I adore genderswap Mido sm I can’t even tell u
PROCESS cuz I think it’s nice to look at
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sagie-artzz · 10 months
Idk what I was going with this. Uhm. Bnnuy and other things
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heatobrienswife · 9 months
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back2bluesidex · 10 days
From Within - JJK [Masterpost/Announcement]
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Pairing: Widowed!Jungkook X Fem!Reader
Theme: Angst, pining, eventual fluff, eventual smut, arrange marriage au, bffs to strangers to lovers au. Drabble series.
Summary: When you fell in love with Jungkook, you wished for your life to turn out as one of those clichéd fairytales, where two best friends fall for each other and live happily ever after. But were you lucky enough? Probably not because you had to watch the man taking vows, kissing the love of his life and promising forever right before your eyes. Unfortunately enough, now you are having to witness him breaking down bit by bit standing at his wife's funeral.
Warnings: angst, minor character death, pining, angst, unrequited love, eventual smut. NSFW!!
Patreon Membership Exclusive Drabble Series.
A/N: I will be updating once a week. The length of each chapter will be 1k to 1.5K since it's a drabble series.
Chapter Index:-
Part one: First and second heartbreak [Posted]
Part two: The bad news [Posted]
Part three: An unexpected proposal
Part four: ?
Part five: ?
Part six: ?
Part seven: ?
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Dear Jungkook, Honestly, I don’t know what to write or even how to write to you.  I don’t know how I will present this card to you, or how you will even take it. Or what will you think after reading it.  But what I know is that I love you. I have loved you for as long as I can remember. I have loved you everytime you annoyed me, teased me, protected me, held my hands, patted my head, hugged me… I have loved you from the deepest corner of my heart. And I think it’s the right time to let you know this one secret that I hid from you.  Hope you aren’t angry.  But most importantly, I hope you don’t feel pressured to say yes just because I am your bestie. I know you probably don’t feel the same and it’s okay.  But if there is even the tiniest consideration in your heart for me, not as a friend but as a partner, then please come to the park near our elementary school.  I will be waiting for an hour from the time you receive this letter.  – Xoxo Y/N. 
It was graduation day when you decided to deliver the card to your best friend. However, after the ceremony Jungkook basically vanished. 
You looked for him everywhere you could, only to find him in the annex building. 
His face was flushed, as if he was embarrassed. He was looking in every possible direction, as if to avoid the person standing right in front of him. 
Before him stood Jung Mido, a well-known figure in your university since she was the student body president. 
“Mido-ya I- uh I really like you, will you-” he got cut mid-confession as Mido rose on her feet and placed a kiss on his lips. 
Jungkook looked starstruck and so in love.
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kurokonobrainrot · 3 months
I love thinking about the miracles casually mentioning the wild shit that happened during middle school in front of their high school teams.
Kise : Oh this remind me of the time when we got involved with jewelry store thieves during a festival. Momoi accidentally took possession of their loot.
Kaijo : Excuse me, what ??
Murasakibara : I love this flavor of maiubo, Mido-chin once stopped a robber on a scooter by throwing the exact same box at him.
Yosen : A driving scooter ?? From afar ?? Ha ha you must be joking, this level of accuracy and strength isn't possible-
Murasakibara : Yeah he ruined my maiubo...
Kuroko : A couple contest ? This brings back memory, we once participate in a couple contest with my friends from Teiko.
Seirin : You mean the miracles ? As couples ?
Kuroko : Yes, i was paired with Akashi-kun as the wolf and red ridding hood
Seirin : Haha, Akashi as the wolf i can imagine that.
Kuroko : No i was the wolf. Half of them had to cross-dress.
Seirin : Wait seriously, do you have pictures ?? Hey don't disappear finish the story first !!
Kuroko will not finish the story, he will keep the mystery going for as long as he can.
Aomine : Don't be crybaby you can play with a sprained wrist, Haizaki did it all the time after Nijimura beat the shit out of him.
Too : Come again ??
Momoi : Akashi has been spotted saving a baby's life by catching them with lightning fast reflexes before his stroller collide with a truck once.
Too : I refuse to believe that
Momoi : Are you saying MY informations and data gathering are incorrect ? :)
Akashi and Midorima probably have the craziest stories and they'll be unnecessarily vague about it.
Murasakibara casually dropping Teiko lore to his teammates happens a lot in this Drama audio (He mostly talked about Akashi, because of course he would) and this is honestly once of the funniest one.
I should probably make a separate post about it because it truly is a masterpiece and it 100% deserves it
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hunieday · 30 days
Nikaido Yamato - Drama Collection vol.2 Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Natsume Minami: Good evening, Nikaido-san.
Natsume Minami: I heard that we'll be appearing together on a variety show next time to promote the drama. I look forward to working with you.
Nikaido Yamato: Hey there, Natsume-chan. Thanks for your courtesy.
Nikaido Yamato: So about that show... they said the theme this time is "youth" in relation to the drama, and they sent a bunch of surveys about it
Nikaido Yamato: What did you answer, Natsume-chan...?
Natsume Minami: Oh. Aren't you looking forward to the talk on the show?
Nikaido Yamato: Well yes, but I'm just wondering about the direction you’re gonna be taking
Natsume Minami: Direction?
Nikaido Yamato: Are you gonna answer it lightheartedly or seriously?
Natsume Minami: Well, I think we need to be serious.
Natsume Minami: That's why I even answered the 5th "Please describe your flavor of youth" question seriously.
Natsume Minami: I wrote that it “tasted like milk tea."
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, so that's what "flavor of youth" means, as in what you drank the most back then.
Nikaido Yamato: Well, ŹOOĻ sells the tough-guy image well so you should be fine with that answer.
Natsume Minami: What do you mean back then? I was talking about when I was in school, I was really into drinking black tea.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, I see!?!?
Natsume Minami: Oh my. What did you think I was talking about?
Nikaido Yamato: No, my bad. It's nothing.
Natsume Minami: 
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Natsume Minami: So, what's your flavor of youth, Nikaido-san?
Nikaido Yamato: Uhhhhhhhhh...
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe melon...
Natsume Minami: How adorable. You like it, don't you?
Nikaido Yamato: Well, yeah...
Natsume Minami: Did you also eat it during those "back then"s you mentioned?
Nikaido Yamato: Forget about that LMAO
Nikaido Yamato: But maybe we’re too young to be calling it "youth", I just liked it as a kid and used to eat it a lot.
Natsume Minami: I’m guessing “youth" refers to teenage years, but it's complicated to define. There were other questions about what we did after school.
Nikaido Yamato: I see. You were busy with work, Natsume-chan.
Natsume Minami: Yes. Unfortunately, I was always so busy with work that I don't remember much of my school days.
Natsume Minami: If anything, I think now feels more like youth for me.
Nikaido Yamato: I get that.
Nikaido Yamato: Hanging out with those guys feels like I’m back in junior high.
Nikaido Yamato: We do things like chugging soda in the middle of summer, having snowball fights in winter, it’s like I’m doing kid-like stuff all year round.
Natsume Minami: Sounds fun. It's like having a little family.
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe LMAO
Nikaido Yamato: ŹOOĻ kinda feel like siblings too
Natsume Minami: Wait a moment. Who's the oldest?
Nikaido Yamato: That’s what you’re concerned about?
Natsume Minami: It's extremely crucial.
Nikaido Yamato: If we ignore the age, the oldest would be Inumaru, then you, then Mido, and the youngest would be Isumi I guess...?
Natsume Minami: I see. Our interpretations aren’t too off, but Mido-san and Isumi-san could probably be reversed.
Nikaido Yamato: Huh? Mido’s the youngest?
Natsume Minami: Since he’s a cute guy.
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe Natsume-chan is the oldest son after all...
Natsume Minami: You're also quite cute, Nikaido-san.
Nikaido Yamato: Where though!?!?!? I'm three years older than you, I’m a grown man who loves beer!
Natsume Minami: During skateboard practice you asked, "Natsume-chan, if I fall, will you help me?" 
Natsume Minami: I thought the way you were trying to tug at my heartstrings by acting like a spoiled child on purpose was cute.
Nikaido Yamato: Don't say it was on purpose LMAO
Natsume Minami: Your character this time resembles you in that aspect quite a bit.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, he was pretty spoiled wasn’t he?
Nikaido Yamato: He couldn't accept his best friend leaving, so he blamed everyone around him for his problems and vented his bad days to his friends so they would comfort him
Nikaido Yamato: Wait... I kinda feel like I’m having déjà vu...
Natsume Minami: Oh?
Natsume Minami: In reality, all he wanted was to skate with his best friend again, but he couldn't say that one word, so he struggled with despair all the while.
Natsume Minami: He was unable to be fully emotionless, so he couldn’t help but show vulnerability and kindness to those who loved him, which resonates with you deeply.
Nikaido Yamato: Damn. You really went into details 
Natsume Minami: It's fun. I enjoy discussing acting with you.
Nikaido Yamato: I feel the same thing. I feel like we fit each other’s style more every time we’re acting together, Natsume-chan.
Natsume Minami: Are you flirting with me?
Nikaido Yamato: So wanting to work with you more is the same as flirting with you now?
Natsume Minami: You're making me blush.
Nikaido Yamato: Liar LMAO
Natsume Minami: It's true. You said "I just wanted to laugh and skate again. It’s enough for me that I was able to do it today." in the script. Your expression at that moment was just like that.
Nikaido Yamato: That’s the one thing you praised me for on the spot, it's embarrassing to hear it again in text
Natsume Minami:
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Natsume Minami: Being able to discuss our work like this feels like youth to us, doesn't it?
Nikaido Yamato: Maybe you’re right! I'll write that the coffee I'm drinking now is the flavor of youth.
Natsume Minami: Can I match your answer? I was just drinking some too.
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, what a coincidence. Though the flavor of youth turned out quite bitter.
Natsume Minami: It's a special flavor, just like us.
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silverynight · 1 year
Explosive, explosive love
Things have changed in the UA, well... actually it's just class A in particular; their explosive gremlin has softened a lot, but only when Midoriya is involved.
And everyone is aware of it and what it means... Except for the green haired boy himself.
Ochako and her friends are studying for finals; Midoriya is helping them with math because he's the best at solving equations. The thing is, he spent the day training without a pause and now the boy is clearly exhausted. He's about to fall asleep on the couch.
"Deku-kun, you should go to your dorm... We can finish this on our own," Ochako assures him.
"Uraraka is right," Iida agrees. "You look really tired."
"I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" Midoriya smiles, holding back a yawn. "This last problem is important, I don't want you to fail..."
Of course, he collapses on the couch a few seconds after that, in a position that looks almost painful.
"It looks like he's going to break his neck," Ochako comments with worry, although Todoroki is already standing before assuring the others he'll take the boy to his room.
But he doesn't get to do that. Out of nowhere, Bakugo walks in with a blanket in his arms, and carefully leans closer to Midoriya.
"Hey, Izuku," he whispers softly. Ochako didn't know his voice could sound like that until now. "I'm going to carry you to your bedroom, but you have to help me, okay?"
"Kacchan?" Midoriya blinks his eyes open for a second, prompting Bakugo to smile fondly at him. "Okay."
The explosive blond wraps the boy in the blanket and takes him in his arms with an expertise that tells Ochako he's done that more than once.
Everyone is too surprised to say anything, even after Bakugo leaves the common room with a sleepy green bean in his arms.
However, he comes back alone and sits on the floor in front of them, after taking Midoriya's notebook.
"So where were you? What was the nerd helping you with?"
"What?" She blurts out.
Bakugo rolls his eyes, getting slightly irritated.
"Are you going to help us?" Iida asks, looking as surprised as Ochako feels.
"What else, glasses?"
"I don't think we want your–"
"Stop, Todoroki," Ochako cuts him off. "We really need his help."
"I'll help you only if you don't mention this to the nerd," Bakugo says. "Tell him he did finish the lesson, okay?"
Ochako has noticed that Bakugo gets more "aggressive" when he's embarrassed.
"Yes, we do, but tells us why first," she insists, because she needs to know.
"Tch! Fine!" Bakugo growls, cheeks turning slightly pink. "Izuku will feel bad in the morning because he fell asleep before helping you idiots with all the math problems. I just want you to tell him that he did help you until the end."
Ochako turns around and notices that Iida and Todoroki are looking at Bakugo with the same shock she feels at the moment.
"So he doesn't feel bad?"
"Yeah, that's the damn point! Do you want to pass the test or not?"
"Then shut up and listen!"
The next day, Midoriya sits on their table for breakfast and starts apologizing when Ochako interrupts him and assures him he finished explaining all the math problems to them.
"Really?" Midoriya smiles, hopeful and happy. "I don't remember..."
"That's because you were really tired," Todoroki adds, putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him. "But you helped us a lot."
"I'm glad!" Midoriya beams and Ochako notices that even though Bakugo is telling something to Kaminari and Ashido, he is actually listening to their conversation as well. He immediately relaxes as soon as he sees Midoriya smiling.
He really cares about Midoriya, doesn't he?
Shota notices... It's his job to notice after all, because he needs to tell his students about their own strengths and weaknesses. And right now Bakugo is getting easily distracted by Midoriya.
It wouldn't have been a problem if he hadn't gotten hit by Kaminari's lighting twice in a row and almost lost the encounter because of it.
And all because Midoriya had hurt himself, trying to defeat Todoroki.
Bakugo clearly worries about him and it's almost like Midoriya's pain hurts him physically as well, at least judging by the way he grimaces every time he hears the other hiss in pain.
"Bakugo!" Shota calls. "Come here!"
Kaminari looks relieved and even sits on the ground while Bakugo grumpily stomps his way towards the teacher. Shota doesn't miss the way he keeps glancing in Midoriya's direction.
"Hey," Shota lowers his voice before looking at him in the eyes: "I know you care about him and that you worry a lot, but you need to trust him. Midoriya can take care of himself."
Bakugo looks at the ground, looking embarrassed for being caught staring at Midoriya, but he doesn't deny it.
"In a real battle you could've gotten yourself severely hurt because of it. And I know Midoriya wouldn't like that and you know it too."
"I do know. He'd blame himself."
The fact that Bakugo worries more about Midoriya's feelings than his own well being concerns Shota, but he decides that's a conversation for another day.
"If you plan to become his hero partner, you need to work on that as well. If you get hurt during a fight against real villains then you'll leave Midoriya to deal with them on his own."
Bakugo tenses, but Shota knows that he finally understands the situation.
"I'll be more careful."
Bakugo has always been a fast learner and he adapts quickly to his surroundings. Sadly, for Kaminari, he's not longer distracted (well, not that much because he still makes sure Midoriya is alright every now and then, but he makes sure not let his guard down when he does it).
He wins his match and smirks when Midoriya wins his own and in front of the rest of the class, walks towards the green haired boy to make sure he's alright.
Then Bakugo starts cleaning some of the scratches on Midoriya's cheeks while glaring at Todoroki over the green bean's shoulder.
Shota sighs.
Class A keeps witnessing how much Bakugo cares about their Midoriya and they start wondering if they should help the blond out.
Midoriya gets sick right after the summer break starts and Bakugo makes soup and feeds it to him because the broccoli boy is too tired and shaky to do it himself. They go to recovery girl's office and after she gives them medicine, Bakugo makes sure he takes it.
Of course... Bakugo gets sick, but Midoriya is more than happy to return the favor; the only problem is that a Bakugo with fever has less inhibitions than his normal self.
He ends up looking like a cocoon (with a blanket wrapped around his body) and lying on Midoriya's lap while he demands headpats.
"Give me a kiss, nerd!"
This makes Midoriya blush to the tip of his ears, but he doesn't think much of it because (as he's constantly telling Uraraka) is probably because of Bakugo's fever that he's acting that way.
"Of course, Kacchan," he whispers, lovingly running his fingers through Bakugo's spiky hair before pulling it away to press his lips against the blond's forehead.
Mina is getting tired of them.
Bakugo gets better and he goes back to basically being Midoriya's perfect future husband.
He makes sure he eats and is constantly worrying about his training...
Mina finds them once in the common room; Midoriya is falling asleep as Bakugo reads something to him from his own notes.
Bakugo notices this, but he doesn't look upset, he just keeps reading in the softest tone of voice, Mina would've doubted it was actually him if she hadn't been watching him moving his lips the whole time.
Midoriya finally falls asleep and Bakugo puts a pillow on his own lap before helping Midoriya rest his head on it.
Then he starts running his fingers through his hair, not even flinching when Mina gets closer.
"If you wake him up–"
"I won't, I promise... It's just... why?"
"He's been having nightmares lately and he's afraid of sleeping now. But I just made him tea and I'm planning on keeping an eye on him so he should be fine."
Sometimes Mina wonders if Bakugo notices, if Bakugo can hear how besotted he sounds.
"Tell him how you feel."
For a second, Bakugo panics, but then relaxes as soon as he notices Midoriya is still fast asleep.
"I don't deserve–"
"Don't finish that sentence, Blasty... Or I'll tell Midoriya and I know he'll get very pissed at you for saying something like that."
Instead of getting angry at her, Bakugo chuckles and smiles fondly at Midoriya as he keeps running his fingers through his hair.
"You're right, he'd get mad."
It seems like Bakugo is going to actually follow Ashido's advice; yes, she told the others and class A has been impatiently waiting ever since.
Everyone's in the common room and suddenly Bakugo walks in with his cheeks slightly pink as he gets closer to Midoriya.
"Can we talk outside, Izuku?"
"Of course, Kacchan! Is this about our training session?"
"Not really..."
No one dares to follow them, but they certainly look through the windows and watch as Bakugo nervously stares at his own shoes and then looks back at Midoriya before telling him something.
Midoriya freezes, but his face starts turning pink until his freckles disappear for a moment.
Then, as they watch expectantly, the green bean jumps into Bakugo's arms and gives him a kiss on the lips that the blond returns with enthusiasm.
Then he stops before turning his head to glance at the window.
"I KNOW YOU'RE STILL WATCHING, PERVERTS. LOOK AWAY!" He yells right before Midoriya spots them and buries his head in the curve of Bakugo's neck in embarrassment. The blond puts one of his arms around him while he flips the rest of his classmates off.
Even though he's scowling at them, they all can tell he's very happy now. Midoriya is flustered but he's still enjoying himself because Bakugo starts kissing the top of his head to calm him down.
Everyone's very happy for them.
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japeneselunchtimerush · 6 months
Continutation of my previous post but its just incorrect quotes.
Kise: what's a word that's a mix between angry and sad?
Akashi: malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated
Aomine: smad
Akashi: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. 
Aomine and Kise: Ours just say “No.” 
Akashi: And I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Mayuzumi: you played me like a fiddle
Bokushi: actually, fiddles are quite difficult to play. I played you like a cheap kazoo
Akashi: Kuroko, please keep an eye on Kise. He's gonna say something to Midorima and get himself punched.
Kuroko: Sure Akashi-kun, I'd love to see Kise get punched.
Akashi: Try again.
Kuroko: I will stop Kise from getting punched.
Akashi: Correct.
Akashi: oh, are you and Kise no longer…
Aomine: smushing booties?
Akashi: …yes that’s exactly how i was going to phrase my sentence, Aomine.
Bokushi talking to Nash: you think you can just bully people, but you can’t. it’s not okay.
Bokushi: i’m the bully around here. ask anyone.
Bokushi: i only feel one emotion, and it’s indifference.
Oreshi: last night you drunk-texted the whole team a bunch of heart emojis.
Bokushi: ...indifferently.
Murasakibara: i really miss these people, the whole team. Aka-chin, Mido-chin…
Murasakibara: …i forget all their other names.
Himuro: *judgemental eyebrow raise*
Midorima: You know archaic Latin?
Akashi: I got bored with classical Latin.
Midorima: You know normal Latin?
Akashi: Yeah someone from my knitting club taught me.
Akashi: You don't know everything about me Midorima. Now do you want a sweater or a scarf?
Momoi: 'You'll never find the body' is such a boring threat. A better threat would be; 'You'll never stop finding the body.'
Akashi, bored: Or just say, 'They'll be finding parts of you for at least four months...and you'll still be alive for three of them.'
Momoi: Now that's a threat!
The rest of the GoM: *horrified silence*
Murasakibara: do you think I could fit fifteen marshmallows in my mouth?
Midorima: ...you are a hazard to society
Aomine: and a coward. do twenty
[Akashi after the GoM do something really stupid but he's running on t-2 seconds of sleep and a cup of tea]
Akashi : I am offended. I am angry. I am very tired. So I am gonna take a nap but when I wake up, oh you are *in* for it.
The GoM:...
Four hours later...
Akashi: How. DARE. You!
Kuroko: remember how furious you got that time when Aomine ended a letter with "thx" instead of "thanks"?
Akashi: why would you bring this up??
Himuro: So,Shuu , tell us everything! Did you call Akashi’s dad first?
Nijimura: I actually did!
*time skip back*
Nijimura, on the phone: Mr Akashj? I’m calling to inform you that I plan to ask your son to marry me. But since it’s 2016 I am NOT asking for your permission since he is not your property. NOR WOULD HE BE MINE IF HE CHOOSES TO SAY YES! He’s a strong independent man and he don’t need no man! That being said I truly hope he says yes. But it’s HIS decision so just BACK OFF!
Hinuro: aww, that was perfect! What did he say?
Nijimura: I have no idea I left a voicemail I’m terrified of him.
[Back at it again with the nijiaka]
Bokushi: Wait you like me?
Mibuchi: Yes
Bokushi: ... for my personality?
Mibuchi: I was surprised too
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Can I interest y'all in some uhhhhhhhhh kokeriey?????
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Notes on my thought process drawing them under the cut because I love sharing my thoughts :)
Mido was the easiest to draw because he's pretty much exactly like his canon design, I only made some small tweaks. The little elements that I did add were to further emphasize the peter pan-ness of his look-- I don't know if that was intended by the developers originally designing him or not, but esp with the upwards pointy hat and the green clothes, Mido happens to already look very peter pan-y. This works for me because I feel like Mido really well showcases some of the negative aspects of peter pan as a character (the story itself is a whole other industrial size oil barrel of worms) ie his immaturity and selfishness, so I enjoyed leaning into that reference a little. Either way he's the pure embodiment of 'little shithead' and I enjoy him very much actually.
Fado was also pretty easy to put together, I sort of melded some elements from Wind Waker Fado because (tosses Fado at you) woe transgender kokiri be upon ye. This version of Fado has yet to gender-trans tho, that's kind of something that's just brewing for now. I'm having a lot of fun with them in the rewrite as a very deadpan, monotone and blunt kind of character. The thing that I ended up messing with the most was actually their hair colour. All the Kokiri in the game have blond hair and blue eyes (except Saria who has green hair and blue eyes) and I thought that was cringe so Fado is the only one in this lineup who still has blue eyes, but I made them very icy and piercing in a sort of "imm shaking im so scared please put some brown contacts on her" sort of way (slash ref)
Saria's a sweet little muffin cutie patootie precious cabbage roll sweet potato pie. I made her the shortest of this lineup, but her and Link are actually very close in height. Overall her design is also pretty much the same, but I changed up the colours all a bit bc a) Kokiri diversity reasons and b) oh god so much green help help me she was so so green oh my god it's so saturated and intense aaahhhhh. So as a whole I made her whole colour palette darker and slightly less saturated, and her hair is still green but a much darker forest-y green. Plus I made her shorts longer because she's a kid who plays in the woods all day she should have more suitable outdoor shorts.
Oh yeah and they all have pockets now. if there's one thing I know for sure about Kids Who Play Outside is they're always putting shit in their pockets. Pebbles and sticks and leaves and worms and stuff. Biohazard pockets as far as the eye can see
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you get it so much i could genuinely spend hours talking about bakugo and midoriya’s characters and their development and how genuinely well written they are and then an exploration of their dynamic on top of that and why it’s one of the best in media atm AND I MEAN THAT but people are so busy tripping over themselves to be like ‘UHHH ☝🏼😂 MHA IS CRINGE’ or the fans themselves absolutely butchering the characters (bakugo in particular is like a toxic wasteland now do not approach do not stop within a 10 mile radius etc) that it’s pointless and it makes me so MADDDD anyway hiiii corey i put mha in ur inbox do u still think im hot
and like... as far as midoriya and bakugou are concerned, they're like... forced into almost Every fic i read :/ like i'm out here looking for class a being a family fics without midoriya or bakugou trauma or hero worship is that SO MUCH TO ASK!!! i'll be under the denki-centric tag bc he's my special lil boy and like bakugou being in most of them i Get bc of the bakusquad bUT like denki is Also Smart and, imo, understand his quirk better than midoriya, so why do we need to force midoriya in there to explain how denki's quirk works tO HIM??? or like. people will bring up midoriya's past in like every fic that isn't about him or bakugou's kidnapping (which like fair ik that was traumatic for literally everyone but i'm not looking for balugou fics) and i'm just. i want sero hanta fics. not sero is worried about midoriya fics.
oof okay i have a lot to say apparently. am a lil bitter bc my favorite characters are denki, sero, kodai, and ojirou (and the bakusquad like i LOVE kiri) and finding they centric fics without just... let's talk about bakugou and midoiya is HARD they have PLENTY of they centric fics!!! i don;t mind them Being in other fics, but like... do we Haveto mention how amazing and special they are in Every Fic??? like... they're not the only ones who work hard and made it into class a??? so did literally everyone else??? midoriya isn't the only one who was bullied or gets anxious sometimes (and people make him like... weirdly anxious too like must protect him and i'm just... ugh) and midoriya isn't the only sunshine in class a (horikoshi literally said that denki is the glue that holds the class together but, no, everyne go ahead and make it mido...) and bakugou isn't the only one who's experienced something traumatic nor is he the only one who cares about others but is bad at showing it. and they aren't the only contenders for #1 hero and anyone in class a could beat them in a spar like... i don't think they're unbeatable??? denki could beat them. ojirou could beat them. satou could beat them. shouji. hagakure. kouda. aoyama. sero. mina. jirou. the list goes on. and they could beat all the people i just listed any day too!!! it just... it doesn't always have to be like "gosh i'll never be a hero like deku" like??? you got in the Same class he did.
ahem. anyways. uhhhhhh i LOVE midoriya and bakugou. hate the way fans act like they're the only characters that matter. yes this angry rant is bc i was looking for denki centric fics the other day and most of them were more midoriya centric even though that wasn't tagged and denki centric was. when you're reading a fic about the trauma of someone other than mido and baku and then one of them has to take over and be like "listen to My trauma" and suddenly it's aboyt THem.
anyways hella i still think you're hot in fact i think it makes you Even Hotter
(also no shame i literally made the password to last week's vocab quiz "SERO HANTA" like in all caps bc of the leaks and bc i love him.)
sorry about the angry rant about the two main characters do you still think i'm hot-
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tokyogruel · 5 months
8 for the ask game im curious >:) don't hold back
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
this one got long
im kind of in the smaller circle of fans that thinks mikoto is the best written prisoner and the best love story ever told so i really dont see much of this anymore- but,, the fear/idea/opinion that mikoto is a flat, poorly-written depiction of DID. he's not. he is the best depiction of DID i have personally seen. his CV has voiced at least one other DID-coded character
(kaneki ken, whose whole story is- and im sorry this is a long tangent- but hey my mom abused me, i do a lot of fawning towards the people around me. oh m,uy god i went on a date that ended with me being turned into a half-ghoul, i feel inhuman and scared. oh and now im being tortured and ive come out of it feeling like a completely different person with a drastically different appearance. im fucked up. oh when i get put into the most traumatizing situations ever i revert back to my "tortured self." i talk to past versions of myself in my headspace. oh i got stabbed in the brain, now im sasaki haise, a reflection of my past self who fawned a lot and felt more soft and human. and i look and act different again. oh fuck i got triggered horribly and i remember im kaneki, rinse and repeat until he finally gets his happy ending)
but anyway back to mikoto. he reads very heavily as someone with DID who is not in a safe position to discover his system, so his parts blend together to try and be as "whole" as possible- he is RGB and the color wheel, a spectrum. blue is a soft color, its his main color (though his official color "grey-blue" is very notably a toned down, dull version of a true blue). he is probably very detatched from the red-tones of his system, his anger and pride and distress, he acts like he's fine when, internally, he's having 40 breakdowns at once. he'll forget about the bad parts after a while, like they never happened! until his next breakdown, when all those repressed feelings and memories come flooding back, only to get shoddily tucked away again. rinse and repeat.
and then he faces something terribly traumatic- he murders someone. (which, yes, is traumatizing to the murderer too) that (and coming to milgram) probably sparked John's "birth"- the need for an emotional protector, and/or a new host. the parts of him that killed someone get shoved to the back of his brain by mido, greenkoto- his gatekeeper. but these parts still bleed into him, hence all of MeMe. his unforgiven verdict likely pushed away the main offender in his murder(s), and john took his new identity to protect mikoto from his new threats (kotoko and the warden), but after seeing mikoto act one way, only to act totally different (john pre-name, a budding identity, a new protector/host) his DID becomes way more noticeable. john is very blunt, his more emotional parts are detached. if he shows too much of them, they could get hurt again, and he cant have that
but pre-milgram, mikoto and john were not consciously aware of their DID, they were "single." when a system is forcefully discovered, the "single person" facade shatters, fragments become more apparent, and separate identities take time and effort to form a "person" or "people" john can not be born AND become a fleshed-out identity overnight, it takes time. (also im listening to neoplasm again and ahhh, he refers to his host/emotional parts/the blues of him as his heart. i love john so much)
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jungle-angel · 4 months
Outer Range x Camp Half Blood x Wizarding School Face Claims
Ok guys so the lovely @floydsmuse and I have been going back and forth about a crazy idea if the Abbott family ran a ranch that was a mix between Camp Half Blood and Hogwarts. For all you Yellowstone fans out there too, yes the Dutton gang is involved and helps with the running of the school. I couldn't help but think too that it's not just the Olympians that come to the school or have kids here, oh hell no!! We've got a ton who have come from across the globe, so check these out (lol, I apologize, I'm a giant mythology nerd so prepare yourselves for this weird ass thing). Some may or may not have taken on the role, so be forewarned (lol).
The Gods and Goddesses (Face Claims)
The Olympians
Zeus-Sean Bean
Hera-Jennifer Connelly
Demeter-Erica Cerra
Hestia- Melina Kanakaredes
Poseidon-Kevin McKidd
Hades-Clive Standen
Athena-Brie Larsson
Aphrodite-Natalie Dormer
Hephaestus-Alex O'Laughlin
Ares-Wyatt Nash
Apollo-Chris Evans
Artemis-Rose McIver
Hermes-Jake Picking
Dionysus-Diego Luna
The Egyptians
Isis-Gal Gadot
Hathor- Naomi Scott
Osiris-Mido Hamada
Anubis-Markus Hamilton
Horus- Mena Massoud
Ptah-Charlie Rawes
The Orishas (Nigeria)
Yemaya-Angela Basset
Shango-Winston Duke
Obatala-Idris Elba
Oya-Ayo Edebiri
Aja-Gugu Mbatha-Raw
Ochosi- Daniel Kaluuya
Oshun-Lupita Nyongo
Eshu Elegba- Denzel Whittaker
Ogun-Jeremy Sample
The Mayas, Aztecs and Incas (DO NOT ASK ME TO PRONOUNCE ANY OF THESE, lol)
Ixtlilton-Danny Ramirez
Ix Chel-Salma Hayek
Chicomecoatl-Gina Rodriguez
Quetzalcoatl-Oscar Issac
Inti- Christian Meier
Mama Killa-Magalay Solier
Mama Qocha-Claudia Llosa
The Celts and the Norse
Brigid-Jesse Buckley
Thor-Chris Hemsworth
Loki-Tom Hiddelston
Hel-Katie McGrath
Cerridwen-Eve Hewson
Neith-Jaime Dornan
Odin-Anthony Hopkins
Frigga-Rene Russo
Freya-Whitney Hoy
Freyr-Domnhall Gleeson
Gods and Goddesses of Asia
Kali-Zoe Saldana
Saraswati-Ashwariya Rai
Lakshmi-Lara Dutta
Guan Yu-Daniel Day Kim
Mazu-Gemma Chan
Mayari-Angel Locsin
Xiwangmu-Michelle Yeoh
The Jade Emperor-Ken Wattanabe
Zhurong (Chong Li)-Harry Shum Jr.
Native American and Polynesian
Kamohoaliʻi-Jason Momoa
Maui-Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Hi'iaka-Lindsay Watson
Pele-Mapuana Makia
Spider Grandmother (Navajo)-Lily Gladstone
Sena (Inuit)-Anna Lambe
Grandfather-Wes Studi
Grandmother-Tantoo Cardinal
Tó Neinilii-Dallas Goldtooth
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scarlet-yuno · 3 months
halo.... It's me...... if you don't mind,, can I request midokoto and yuno's opinion on reader recently graduating from high school!
Platonic for midokoto obv but for yuno's relationship with the reader is up to you to decide!
Tysm if you took my request btw‼️‼️ you are the only person that has ever written midokoto the way I perceive him he is very. Dear to me,
ANW hope you have a good day?!!?!?!? Don't over work yourself and make sure to eat and drink!!ヾ(^-^)ノ
heyo nonnie !!! I'M RLLY SORRY THIS IS SO LATE HAHA I GOT BUSY WITH SCHOOL STUFF i assume u graduated when u requested this so congratulations on my behalf!!! (ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH??? HEHEHEHHE I LOVE YUNO AND I LOVE MIDO IF YOU COULDN'T TELL)
mido's part obviously platonic, yuno's can be read any way you want
he's the calm type of excited.
jokingly asks if you cheated, death glares at you if you say yes (even as a joke)
he says he'll let you bunk with him if your college of choice is near his apartment. (read: do not. his place is a mess)
he's happy for you, but mainly just for selfish reasons
you're a lot more free now so he can finally drag you to resturants for family discounts LMAOOOOO
she's graduating with you! yipee!
drags you onto stage when its time for her speech and gives you a big ol' hug and declares to the entire audience that you're the entire reason she even studied
asks you which colleges you want to apply for... definitely not so that she can apply for the same ones... haha...
yuno's report card is actually godly so she won't have much problem getting in, anyway
she just wants to be near you
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tickling-giggles · 2 years
Birthday Tradition
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Summary:Nothing special just some birthday tickles for broccoli boy😼
July 15th 7:15 A.M. (LOOK AT MY JOKE👈🏾☠️)
Deku wakes up doing his normal routine when finally looks at his phone and sees today is his birthday. He gets real excited as he puts a tie on that kacchan gave to him back in middle school to wear on his birthday.
8:00 A.M. he arrives to class 1-A but what he expected…. didn’t happen. He walked in everyone acted like it was an ordinary day.
“Oh hey Mido-Bro nice tie”Kirishima complimented. “Oh uh thanks” Deku replied not really expecting “THAT”.
“Good morning Midoriya nice tie” Shinsou smirked as he walked to his homeroom.
‘Okayyyyy something is definitely going on don’t know what but it’s something’. Deku walked over to Kacchan which as usual having his feet propped up on his desk “What do you want Nerd” he looked up from his phone.
Deku said nothing as he sat down infront of him leaving him confused as ever. Todoroki then walked up to him. “Hey Midoriya I want to— “YES… yes I meant justtellmee” Deku excitedly interrupted Todoroki.
“Have you gotten a spare pencil” Todoroki asked in a weird accent. “Todoroki that sentence didn’t even make sense but yes I do”Deku sighed had he handed him a pencil.
“Oh I was speaking like how Hamilton speaks Thankyou though also nice tie I like it” Todoroki bluntly replied before heading back to his desk.
‘talk about a teas— WAIIIT I get it now this little thing they have going on is some stupid prank for me to fall for HA jokes on them I’ll just act like I don’t care’
“Young Midoriya I see your thinking hard and class hasn’t started yet” All might teased hinting to him that he was mumbling.
“Izuku I like your tie it looks nice” Aizawa complimented before falling asleep on the floor “Thankyou Mr. Aizawa” ‘THE TEACHERS ARE ON IT TOO WOW so mean😒’
3:10 P.M. He went through the ENTIRE school day without receiving a single birthday wish BUT he kept in mind that this was some stupid little prank that his classmate were pulling on him.
After showering he plopped down onto his bed an— *bzzt* “Come down stairs Nerd” is what he received from kacchan before groaning and heading downstairs noticing that the light were off in the hallways and he assumed that the elevator wasn’t working so he took the stairs clutching onto the railing for dear life.
“Hey kacchan im downstairs I got your message it’s really dark I can’t tell if that’s you on the couch or not” Deku babbled as he slowly inched his way to the couch before two big hands wrapped around his torso.
“Wow katchan your really rubbing off onto him” Denki smiled.
“Sorry Mido-bro it was so hard ignoring you” Kirishima apologize.
“Yeah especially with that cute tie you had on” jirou teased.
“Yeah it was quite adorable”Momo added on.
“YOU GUYSS” Deku blushed covering his face.
“Stupid nerd” Bakugou scoffed.
They all sanged happy birthday and ate some delicious cake. “Tape-Face, Tenticles” Bakugou called them signaling them.
Sero shot tape at dekus wrist and shoji pulled his arms behind the couch. “What’re you guys doing” Deku nervously asked since he was in this vulnerable position.
“Dekuuuuu I know you haven’t forgotten about our Birthday tradition” bakugou teased as he cracked his knuckles.
“Kahaccahan dohon’t”the anticipation was KILLING him.
“your already giggling and he hasn’t even touched you yet”Denki teased.
“Sorry no can do it all apart of tradition” Bakugou shrugged his shoulders before scribbling at his sides.
“Kahahahcchannn nohoho”
“kacchan yehes Oi shittyhair dunceface wanna join” bakugou turned towards them with a shit evil grin on his face.
As they each grabbed a foot and scratched the sole.
“Wow Midoriya this sock feels veeeeeeery nice it’s so soft right kiri” Kaminari chuckled turning towards kiri. “Yeah Mido-bro this is like the softest sock every” Kiri added on.
“*GASP* MIDORIYA HOW RUDE WE WOULD NEVER” they both dramatically gasped.
“Ya’know what just for that get his hips bakubro” Kiri sassed. “I was already gonna shitty hair” Bakugou rolled his eyes.
“nononohoOHOHOHOHO” bakugou had suddenly paused.
“And now for the grand finaleeeee” bakugou exaggerated before he took a deep breath to blow 16 raspberries.
“And a few more just for good luck”
“Alright I guess I don’t want to kill you just yet” bakugou joked as everyone cleaned up seeing that Deku was K.O asleep on the couch.
“Oi four-eyes, Crafting table im going to take him to his room” He notifieds them as he tossed the tired piece of broccoli over his shoulder and carried him to his room. Tuck him into bed tossed him onto his bed.
“Heh happy birthday Izuku” bakugou smiled as he turned off the lights and closed his door.
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traynslations · 1 year
Mido Torao Sugao Rabbit Chat Part 5 - A Horror Mystery?
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Tsumugi: Mido-san, congratulations on the release of Sugao!
Tsumugi: I learned a lot from that interview article!
Torao: Oh, you’ve read it? I hope that it was helpful.
Option 1: I loved the part where you talked about your charms!
Torao: You mean that part of “know yourself first before knowing how to charm”? I think there are many people in the world who don’t realize their own charm.
Option 2: Your interview about your sex appeal was wonderful!
Torao: If you have confidence in yourself and stand tall, it will come out naturally. My manager told me that he would like to try out what I was saying.
Option 3: You look wonderful on the cover!
Torao: Thanks. Come to think of it, Izumi Mitsuki also sent me a Rabbitchat with his impressions. It’s typical of him to compliment me straight up, saying that I was really cool.
Torao: You also have good charm.
Tsumugi: How do you mean…?
Torao: You look like a small animal, but you’re actually bold and unpredictable. 
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Tsumugi: Can you read what’s on my face?
Tsumugi: Everyone in IDOLiSH7 says it’s easy to understand because it’s often on my face, so if that’s the case, I would be happy about it!
Torao: It’s just that they don’t understand. 
Torao: Even if I can read simple emotions, I feel like I’m caught in your pace before I know it. 
Tsumugi: Me!?
Torao: It’s my first time with such a woman (laughs)
Torao: You can be proud. It’s because I’m praising you. 
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Torao: Does the fact that you messaged me mean today is your day off?
Tsumugi: Yes, I have a day off in the afternoon today!
Torao: I see. I got a call during my long-awaited break; Touma scheduled himself to come to see a movie with me in a little bit.
Torao: It’s a pity that we just missed your schedule. 
Tsumugi: Ah, that’s wonderful…! There’s something different about watching at a movie theater and watching at home!
Torao: Well, we do have a theater room.
Torao: Touma said he wanted to see it on the big screen anyway, so I had no choice.
Tsumugi: That sounds like a lot of fun! What movie are you watching?
Torao: It’s a mystery story recommended by Minami. He said that the audience can also speculate about the culprit as they watch. It seems that it gained popularity from the drama and was derived into a movie. 
Tsumugi: Oh, I think I know that movie!
Tsumugi: It was advertised with the catch phrase, “In which scene will you find out who the real criminal is?”
Torao: Oh, that’s right. Minami figured it out in 32 minutes. Touma is excited about surpassing Minami’s record. 
Torao: I’ll tell you what time he got after. Please look forward to it.
Tsumugi: It’s going to be a hot match…!
Tsumugi: I’ve never seen it myself, so I’m curious, but I heard that it has quite a few horror elements!
Torao: Eh
Torao: Is that so?
Tsumugi: It seems that it was once talked about as a horror mystery with thrilling elements; I remember vaguely that there were some haunted parts that appeared.
Torao: Isn’t the mystery the main thing?
Torao: I see
Torao: That sounds like a totally different story
Torao: It looks like Touma came
Tsumugi: Please enjoy it!
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End of Part 5
TL notes: Please contact me if there are any mistakes with the translations! (Remember I’m not a professional translator).
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