#Buy Plexiglas
pamenar · 7 months
پلکسی پامنار
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در مورد پلکسی پامنار چه میدانید؟ مجموعه پلکسی پامنار که با نام تجاری پیشرو صنعت پامنار شناخته می شود با سابقه ده سال در لوکیشن پامنار تهران که بورس محصولات پلکسی و ورق های اکرلیک می باشد، سابقه فعالیت دارد و همیشه تلاش کرده تا فرایند تهیه ورق های اکرلیک را برای شما عزیزان تسهیل نماید.
قیمت پلکسی چطور محاسبه میشود ؟ هر ورق پلکسی دارای ابعاد 183*122 سانتی متر و با ابعاد یک میلی متر مشخص می شود و قیمت ورق های دیگر با ضخامت بیشتر بر مبنای ورق های یک میل محاسبه میشود.
ضخامت پلکسی ورق های پلکسی گلاس با ضخامت های بسیار متفاوتی در بازار عرضه می شوند،این ورق های اکرلیک کاربرد های بسیار زیادی در صنعت های متفاوت دارند ، از صنعت پزشکی ، تبلیغات ، کلید و پریز ، یا حتی صنعت قهوه ! کاربرد این ورق های پلکسی انقدر زیاد است که حتی در صنعت آکورایوم سازی هم از این ورق ها ب وفور استفاده میشود. ضخامت ورق های پلکسی از یک میلی متر شروع میشود و تا 50 سانتی متر هم تولید می شوند. البته در کشور ما ضخامت های بیشتر از ده سانتی متر به سختی پیدا می شوند. و بیشترین کاربر ضخامت های بین 4 تا 8 میلی متر می باشد.
لیست ضخامت های پلکسی :
پلکسی 1 میل پلکسی 2 میل پلکسی 2.8 میل پلکسی 4 میل پلکسی 5 میل پلکسی 6 میل پلکسی 8 میل پلکسی 10 میل
فروش پلکسی فروش پلکسی به چه شکل انجام می شود ؟ شاید این سوالی باشد که خیلی ذهن شمارا درگیر کند ، فروش پلکسی بصورت شیت یا ورقه ای انجام میشود و حداقل فروش پلکسی برای یک سوم شیت می باشد ، برای سفارش فروش پلکسی کمتر از یک سوم شیت بهتر است با قسمت پشتیبانی در تماس باشید.
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fashionbooksmilano · 6 months
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Folding screens from the 17th to 21st Centuries
Edited by Nicholas Cullinan. Graphic Design: Naomi Mizusaki, Supermarket, New York.
Texts by Thomas Aquilina, Nancy Berliner, Francesca Berry, Nicholas Cullinan, Whitney Davis, Frank Feltens, Wu Hung, Ido Misato, Paul B. Preciado, Ana Zabía e Siegfried Zielinski Interviste di Nicholas Cullinan, Niccolò Gravina, Mario Mainetti a Tony Cokes, Cao Fei, Wade Guyton, Anthea Hamilton, William Kentridge, Shuang Li, Goshka Macuga, Kerry James Marshall, Chris Ofili, Laura Owens, Betye Saar, Tiffany Sia, John Stezaker, Keiichi Tanaami, Wu Tsang, Luc Tuymans and Francesco Vezzoli
Fondazione Prada, Milano 2023, 448 pagine, 17x22,5cm, ISBN 978-8887029864, English Text with italian translations. euro 75,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
“Paraventi: Folding Screens from the 17th to 21st Centuries” è l’ampia esposizione a cura di Nicholas Cullinan presentata da Fondazione Prada a Milano dal 26 ottobre 2023 al 22 febbraio 2024. La mostra di Milano indaga la storia e interpreta i significati di questi oggetti, ripercorrendo le traiettorie di reciproche contaminazioni tra Oriente e Occidente, i processi di ibridazione fra diverse forme d’arte e funzioni, le collaborazioni tra designer e artisti e, infine, la creazione di opere inedite. I paraventi rappresentano il concetto di liminalità e di soglia fra due condizioni, in senso letterale e metaforico, in quanto attraversano le barriere tra discipline, culture e mondi diversi. 
Come spiega Nicholas Cullinan, “Pittura o scultura? Arte o complemento d’arredo? Elemento utilitaristico oppure ornamentale? Decorativo, funzionale, architettonico o teatrale? Questa mostra esamina con un approccio innovativo gli interrogativi e i paradossi che circondano la storia dei paraventi, una storia di migrazione culturale (da Oriente a Occidente), di ibridazione (tra forme d’arte e funzioni diverse) e di ciò che viene celato e rivelato. La nostra ricerca svelerà come questa storia e il suo manifestarsi nel presente coincidano con la storia di oggetti liminali e della liminalità stessa, in un processo di superamento delle rigide distinzioni e gerarchie tra le diverse discipline dell’arte e dell’architettura, della decorazione d’interni e del design”. 
Il progetto espositivo ideato dallo studio di architettura SANAA, fondato da Kazuyo Sejima e Ryue Nishizawa, raccoglierà negli spazi del Podium oltre settanta paraventi. Saranno inclusi sia opere di grande valore storico sia lavori più recenti provenienti da musei internazionali e collezioni private, oltre a una selezione di nuove creazioni appositamente commissionate per questo progetto a più di quindici artisti internazionali. Al piano terra del Podium, pareti curvilinee e trasparenti di Plexiglas, alternate a tende dalla linea sinuosa, evocheranno le forme di questi oggetti creando una serie di spazi caratterizzati da diverse condizioni luminose. All’interno di questi ambienti i visitatori potranno incontrare i vari gruppi tematici e confrontarsi con un fluido percorso espositivo grazie alla trasparenza delle strutture divisorie. Al piano superiore l’allestimento rappresenterà l’intera storia dei paraventi, presentati in ordine cronologico e disposti su piedistalli sagomati che ne enfatizzeranno le forme, in omaggio agli innovativi allestimenti museali del MASP di San Paolo, realizzato da Lina Bo Bardi, e al lavoro di SANAA per il museo Louvre-Lens.
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anseltv · 1 year
This is a pretty straight-up pen tool trace job, but I’m outta time to take it any further.
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I’m not really into tarot but I am really into Sayonara Wild Hearts. There’s a whole tarot motif going on there, and of course you can buy the cards from Annapurna’s merch store, so I got the deck and cut & sanded a couple pieces of plexiglas to make a little display for my car. It sits on my phone mount directly behind the phone itself, and I rotate the cards every week or two. Now I have a wallpaper-ready card template I can use to matchy-match them together.
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Check out Sayonara Wild Hearts. Rhythm games aren’t usually my thing but this one is a cut above most rhythm games or most games period. It’s a masterpiece of musical and visual fusion, so don’t try to play it on a tiny phone screen with your fat ham hands in the way — fire up the big TV and put on headphones, maybe.
One day I will achieve ~gold rank~ on every stage, but for now there is work to be done.
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untilltimestops · 2 years
Floor Lamps - Crucial Lighting Plan
One motivation behind why floor lamps are crucial in planning and decorating is because it helps make a feeling of equilibrium in any room. Their conveyability function find out more here makes the lamp mobile starting with one region then onto the next making decorating and makeover simple.
Because of the various well known style floor lamps have on the lookout, picking one that suits best one's taste and style and coordinating and matching them with other stylistic layout is simple. Workmanship Deco, Tiffany and Mission are only probably the most favored style. It offers an assortment of lighting components, including halogen and glowing. They can be used for various lighting purposes, for example, encompassing lighting, up lighting, spot lighting craftsmanship, and errand lighting.
This come in many tones, surfaces and completes like chrome, glass, metal, Plexiglas, wood and created iron. Some integrate texture or rice paper into the plan to make enormous detached lamp style.
Adaptable styles of floor lamps, similar to the offset or swing arm configuration are functional plans, permits light to be continued on the most suitable position. Floor lamps can likewise be used as additional light for perusing. There are plans that come total with a magazine rack connected to the lamp stand that are very famous these days.
Since most lamps are sold alone without shades or bulbs, ensure that the shade you will buy is viable with the lamp you select and the bulbs you want are promptly accessible on the lookout. There are close to as many shade styles to browse as there are lamp styles, including glass, cowhide, material and stained glass. Whether you are searching for functionality and planning purposes, there is an accessible thing to suit each creator's separating taste. You can find floor lamps online and wherever from retail chains and home improvement communities to fine furnishings and lighting shops.
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jodilinbio · 2 days
The summer of 1981 through the summer of 1984, when I was fifteen to eighteen years old, were the worst years of my childhood. The amount of stress, fear, anxiety, anger, confusion, frustration, and depression I experienced during this period was unbearable. I think that’s why I hurled myself out of a second-story window when I was seventeen in the spring of 1983 at a so-called private school that was run like a boot camp.
In late July 1981, when I was fifteen, my parents drove me to Brattleboro, Vermont. According to them, I was going to a place called the Brattleboro Retreat, which they made sound like a luxury resort. “You’ll come back a whole new person,” my mother said, reminding me that I wasn’t good enough as I was.
The place turned out to be totally shitty. The “retreat” was an adolescent psych ward. It was coed, and each kid had their own room. There were shower rooms, bathrooms, a small area where the nurse dispensed medication, a kitchenette for making tea or air-popped popcorn, a staff station, a sitting area, and a recreation room. There was also an enclosed outdoor porch and, of course, the “quiet room.”
Most of the windows were Plexiglas, but not all. The ones farther from the staff station had regular glass, reserved for better-behaved kids not deemed a threat to themselves. When a person was first admitted, they were usually placed in a room near the staff station. I didn’t move away from that area until towards the end of my sentence. I refer to it as a “sentence” rather than a stay or anything else because that’s exactly how it felt to me. It was like being in jail. I was miserable and felt trapped. My parents later claimed they were misled about the place being “nice,” but any decent parent wouldn’t have left me there for so long with how much I begged to go home. Surely there must have been a way to get me out if they truly wanted to, especially given how miserable I was, which I made clear during visits and phone calls. Perhaps they didn’t have complete control over the situation. I doubt I’ll ever know for sure.
We were allowed to smoke and have as much money as we wanted, but we couldn’t keep the money in our rooms. There was a small store on the ground level where we could buy cigarettes and other items.
As awful as this place was with its structure and control, I hadn’t seen anything yet. That would come the following year but that’s for the next section of this bio.
On my first day in Brattleboro, I asked to borrow and sign out another patient’s razor, which I used to cut myself. I couldn’t direct my emotions at those causing my grief, so I turned inward and took it out on myself as mean as it was to do to the girl to whom the razor belonged.
I spent the first half of my five months there on restriction, which usually meant I wasn’t allowed to smoke. My caseworker, Amy, reduced my cigarette allowance to just six a day. She said it was due to my asthma, but I always believed it was more about control. If I hadn’t had asthma, she’d have found another excuse.
When I was caught smoking more than my allotted amount, I lost my smoking privileges. When I was caught smoking in the rec room, I was restricted from the room. When caught on the porch, I couldn’t go there either. When caught in the bathroom, a staff member had to accompany me but thankfully, she stood outside the stall. When caught in my room, they removed my door and stripped my room bare except for my pillow, blanket, and a box of tampons.
One of the most degrading experiences was when someone informed a staff member that I had a cigarette on me that I wasn’t supposed to have. The staff member quickly grabbed me and forced me to run alongside her into the bathroom for a strip search. Being forced to run like a marionette was utterly humiliating as hell. Why couldn’t she have just asked me to follow her? At least she never found the cigarette I had hidden in my pants pocket. I reached into my pocket, closed my fist around it as I pulled the pocket out, and said, “See? I have nothing on me.”
The staff were determined to control everything. This included trying to change me into someone I wasn’t. Since I was a loner who preferred being in my room, they forced me to interact with others more than I wanted. I was only allowed in my room for one hour a day at which time I typically listened to music.
One day, after reaching the higher levels, Amy told me to tell someone if I started feeling suicidal again because suicidal people shouldn’t have extended privileges. In hindsight, it seems absurd to punish someone for sharing any negative feelings but that’s exactly what they did.
When I resisted their shit, they’d throw me into the padded room, bare except for a mattress. Once, they even put me in a body bag, immobilizing me from the neck down.
Towards the end of my stay, inspired by my experiences, I wrote a song called “My Time Has Come.” Looking back, it seems like a stupid, silly song, but it became my signature song over the years that I was into that sort of thing.
The biggest lesson I learned was that people aren’t always what they seem. Sometimes those who are supposed to be the most stable and knowledgeable are the most ignorant and misguided. I had thought adults knew it all, but often, they were worse than kids.
Overwhelmed with depression from how the retreat was run, I begged my parents to take me home, but my pleas went unanswered. One time I got so upset that I puked my guts out.
In the end, my mother was right. I did come out a whole new person—more bitter, less hopeful, less positive, less trusting. How could my parents have given up on me? How could they let me be treated this way?
I finally returned home in December, shortly after turning sixteen. Things weren’t much better, but at least I was home…for a while.
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breezybeej · 3 months
So you are made to feel like a criminal for the experience of... buying groceries.
"Food giant Loblaw, which has a nearly 30 percent share of the Canadian grocery market, has rolled out an array of sometimes heavy-handed measures to combat what it calls “organized crime.” The beefed-up security can include wheel-locking shopping carts and looming Plexiglas barriers (creating what one user on X called a “jailhouse feel.”) In March, Loblaw also began testing receipt scanners in Ontario. The pilot required shoppers to scan a receipt’s bar code to open a metal gate to let them leave the premises. Consumers immediately hated it, as it led to confusion at the exit, with loud alarms constantly going off. One customer quoted by the CBC said that, at a time of skyrocketing grocery prices, the measures are “just kind of kicking [shoppers] while they’re down.”"
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In my astrology chart the asteroid 1992TC is in Virgo in the 2nd house. And this song perfectly describes this placement in my chart.
The asteroid 1992TC in astrology means - Very dark, magical, demonic, ugly, astral forms.
Getting In Touch With My Inner Bitch-Christine Lavin
Getting In Touch With My Inner Bitch Words and Music by Christine Lavin Recorded live at the Caffe Lena in Saratoga Springs NY on August 20 1999 by Bob Noble of Hill & Valley Studio
Everybody thinks I'm a nice girl And that's true Except for one little hitch When I'm not being a nice girl I'm Getting In Touch With My Inner Bitch
Some people have an inner child Some people hear an inner voice Some people have inner calm Good for them! But me I've got no choice Some people have an inner cop Some people hear an inner clown But I've got me an Inner Bitch And it's hard to keep that Inner Bitch down!
I'll give you an example of My Inner Bitch, here we go:
One day I'm walking around in my neighborhood and a disheveled looking woman comes up to me and she's wearing a sign that says, "Please help me, I am so hungry!" so I dig deep into my pocket and I give her a quarter and I say, "Here you go, good luck to you." And she says, "Oh thanks a lot and God bless!" But as I walk away, I say to myself, I mean My Inner Bitch says to myself, "I don't think she's going to use that quarter to buy food I think she's going to use that quarter to buy booze." And her Inner Bitch looks at me and says, "25 cents, thanks a lot you cheap slut!" But we look back at each other and we smile, recognizing the subtle communication our two Inner Bitches have had and it feels good!
Some people have an inner child Some people hear an inner voice Some people have inner peace Well me I've got no choice Some people have an inner cop Some people hear an inner clown But I've got me an Inner Bitch And it's hard to keep that Inner Bitch down!
Ok, here's another example:
I'm standing in line at the bank because I have to cash a check.
Finally I'm at the head of the line and one of the two working tellers that day decides she needs to take a cigarette break so she looks at all of us standing in line and she smiles as she walks outside and lights herself a Virginia Slim. She's having an Inner Bitch moment. My Inner Bitch salutes her but I'm mad because I'm still in line. Finally the other working teller shouts that magic word "Next!" and I slip my $50 check under the bullet proof Plexiglas barrier she looks at it and asks me for identification "C'mon," I said, "I've had an account her since 1976 just check my name, it's on file." So she goes and checks my signature and she tells me it doesn't match the one that's on file I said, "C'mon!  It's only $50, I have to get my dry cleaning" and she says, "Oh? well maybe the dry cleaner will cash your check, but I won't!" And I realize I've been witness to two Inner Bitch moments in the same bank on the same day. What are the odds of that happening? So I get an idea. I say call the telephone number that's on file she does and she hears a recording of my voice telling the caller try my cell phone. "Call my cell phone," I tell her, she does and the cell phone clipped to my exercise shorts doesn't ring because the bank's walls are too thick. Instead my voice mail comes on and the bank teller rolls her eyes and says, "Oh, I'm supposed to be impressed, you have two voice mail accounts on two different telephones. I don't think so!" And she slips that $50 check back under the bullet proof, Plexiglas barrier. She thinks she has won. Her Inner Bitch starts dancing! But I find the bank manager and I have her dial my number, she listens and then she marches me right back to the bank teller and commands her to cash that check! The bank teller's Inner Bitch stops dancing, My Inner Bitch does the mambo. And the bank manager's Inner Bitch cha cha's out to the sidewalk and cuts that Virginia Slim cigarette break short! Ha!
Some people have an inner child Some people hear an inner voice Some people have inner peace Good for them! But me I've got no choice Some people have an inner cop Some people hear an inner clown Well I've got me an Inner Bitch And it's hard to keep that Inner Bitch down!
All right you're not convinced? This will convince you:
I'm on hold with the airlines. Sixteen times I've heard how important my phone call is to them. I'm trying to track down lost luggage... from a flight that was 5 hours late... due to mechanical problems. What? Oh I know what you're thinking... you're thinking this is just one travel cliche piled on top of another and you don't want to hear this song Well... aren't we the songwriter critic! You know I could say something about that outfit you're wearing. Then you could say something about my hair. And then I could say something about this criminal element you seem to be dating... You've been married for 21 years to that criminal element? You poor thing! Then you could say to me, well how come you're not married, I'm married! And, oh, but telling you I wouldn't advise you to get into this dialogue with me right now, because I'm telling you, My Inner Bitch can kick your Inner Bitch's butt!
Oh, I know there's a lot of nice girls here tonight But beware 'cuz deep inside Or just below the surface An Inner Bitch might hide And if you provoke her You had best stand back Oh, you'll never be the same Once you've been maimed In an Inner Bitch attack!
Some people have an inner child Some people have an inner voice Some people have inner strength Good for them! But me I've got no choice Some people have an inner queen Who's wearing an inner crown But I've got me an Inner Bitch And it's hard to keep that... Inner Bitch... down!
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lalsingh228-blog · 7 months
Aircraft Windows Market May See a Big Move
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Global Aircraft Windows Market Report from AMA Research highlights deep analysis on market characteristics, sizing, estimates and growth by segmentation, regional breakdowns & country along with competitive landscape, player’s market shares, and strategies that are key in the market. The exploration provides a 360° view and insights, highlighting major outcomes of the industry. These insights help the business decision-makers to formulate better business plans and make informed decisions to improved profitability. In addition, the study helps venture or private players in understanding the companies in more detail to make better informed decisions. Major Players in This Report Include, GKN Aerospace (United Kingdom) , PPG Aerospace (United States), Nordam Group Inc. (United States) , Gentex Corporation (United States), Triumph Group Inc. (United States), Saint-Gobain Sully (France) , Control Logistics Inc. (United States), Plexiweiss GmbH (Germany) , Perkins Aircraft Windows (United States), Llamas Plastics, Inc. (United States), Air-Craftglass Inc. (Netherland), Aerospace Plastic Components (Australia), Lee Aerospace (United States). Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/84054-global-aircraft-windows-market Aircraft windows are made of Plexiglas which ensure the protection of aircraft interiors from wind, UV radiations and maintain the air pressure balance of the aircraft. Aircraft windows market has high growth prospects owing to the increasing number of air travelers, technological development such as trajectory predictions, performance computation, transparent color video touchscreen on the aircraft windows, and others. Further, increasing demand for lightweight materials for aircraft windows to cut down fuel consumption expected to boost the demand for advanced aircraft windows over the forecasted period. Market Drivers
Rising Airline Passenger Traffic in Developing Countries
Increasing Replacement Rate of Aircraft Windows in Aging Fleet of Aircrafts
Market Trend
Emphasizing On Use of Lightweight Materials in the Production of Aircraft Windows
Technological Advancements in the Aircraft Windows Such As 4D-Trajectory Time Windows
Increasing Demand for Commercial Aircraft from Developing Economies
Growing Aircraft Interior Industry to Enhance Passenger Experience
Emergence of Windowless Aircraft
Enquire for customization in Report @: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/84054-global-aircraft-windows-market In this research study, the prime factors that are impelling the growth of the Global Aircraft Windows market report have been studied thoroughly in a bid to estimate the overall value and the size of this market by the end of the forecast period. The impact of the driving forces, limitations, challenges, and opportunities has been examined extensively. The key trends that manage the interest of the customers have also been interpreted accurately for the benefit of the readers. The Aircraft Windows market study is being classified by Application (Airliner, General Aviation, Business Aircraft, Others), Aircraft Type (Very Large Aircraft, Wide Body Aircraft, Narrow Body Aircraft, Regional Transportation Aircraft), Sales Channel (Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Aftermarket), Material (Glass, Acrylic, Polycarbonate, Others) The report concludes with in-depth details on the business operations and financial structure of leading vendors in the Global Aircraft Windows market report, Overview of Key trends in the past and present are in reports that are reported to be beneficial for companies looking for venture businesses in this market. Information about the various marketing channels and well-known distributors in this market was also provided here. This study serves as a rich guide for established players and new players in this market. Get Reasonable Discount on This Premium Report @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/84054-global-aircraft-windows-market Extracts from Table of Contents Aircraft Windows Market Research Report Chapter 1 Aircraft Windows Market Overview Chapter 2 Global Economic Impact on Industry Chapter 3 Global Market Competition by Manufacturers Chapter 4 Global Revenue (Value, Volume*) by Region Chapter 5 Global Supplies (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Regions Chapter 6 Global Revenue (Value, Volume*), Price* Trend by Type Chapter 7 Global Market Analysis by Application ………………….continued This report also analyzes the regulatory framework of the Global Markets Aircraft Windows Market Report to inform stakeholders about the various norms, regulations, this can have an impact. It also collects in-depth information from the detailed primary and secondary research techniques analyzed using the most efficient analysis tools. Based on the statistics gained from this systematic study, market research provides estimates for market participants and readers. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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beastboost · 1 year
Remember that the only truly body safe materials for sex toys are medical-grade silicone, borosilicate glass, and stainless steel.
Food-grade silicone, jelly silicone, jelly rubber, latex, thermoplastics (PTR/PTE), PVC/polyvinyl chloride/vinyl, and any silicone that’s not listed as medical-grade are not truly body safe materials. They all have microscopic pores that make them near impossible to sanitize, allowing for bacterial growth, and/or they can potentially contain harmful chemicals.
You may see Lucite (aka acrylic, acrylic glass, Plexiglas) listed as a nonporous body safe material, but it’s unknown if it truly is, so err on the side of safety. Borosilicate glass is considered the more expensive version of Lucite, but it is body safe.
Stainless steel is usually a safe bet overall, but if you have any sort of sensitivity to nickel, it’s best to avoid unless you can confirm it’s nickel-free.
Considering the relatively thinner skin, potential microtearing, and absorbency of the genitals, it’s important to not put anything in there that can cause an infection or leech harmful chemicals.
As always, be careful with what you’re putting in there, and don’t buy it if you can’t find a full ingredients list, even if you’re buying from what you believe is a reputable seller.
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pamenar · 7 months
Unveiling the Versatility of Plexiglas: Enhancing Your Business with Plexi Panar
In the realm of modern business, adaptability and innovation are key drivers of success. As industries evolve, so too must the materials and technologies that support them. One such material that has revolutionized numerous sectors is Plexiglas. From architectural marvels to creative displays, Plexiglas has established itself as a go-to solution for businesses seeking durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal. At the forefront of this movement is Plexi Panar, a leading provider of premium Plexiglas solutions, poised to elevate your business to new heights.
Understanding Plexiglas: The Power of Innovation Plexiglas, also known as acrylic glass, is a transparent thermoplastic often utilized as a lightweight, shatter-resistant alternative to glass. Its remarkable properties, including optical clarity, weather resistance, and ease of fabrication, have made it a staple in various industries worldwide. From signage and retail displays to protective barriers and interior design elements, Plexiglas offers limitless possibilities for businesses seeking to make an impact.
Introducing Plexi Panar: Redefining Excellence Amidst the growing demand for high-quality Plexiglas solutions, Plexi Panar emerges as a beacon of excellence. With a commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction, Plexi Panar delivers bespoke Plexiglas products tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses across diverse sectors. Whether you're an architect envisioning a striking facade, a retailer seeking captivating displays, or a hospitality establishment aiming for elegant interior accents, Plexi Panar has the expertise and resources to bring your vision to life.
Unparalleled Versatility: Applications of Plexiglas in Business
Architectural Marvels: Plexiglas transcends traditional building materials, offering architects and designers unparalleled freedom in realizing their creative visions. From dynamic skylights and façades to immersive interior partitions, Plexiglas transforms architectural spaces, imbuing them with luminosity and modernity.
Retail Innovation: In the competitive world of retail, captivating displays are essential for attracting customers and driving sales. Plexiglas's clarity and adaptability make it the perfect choice for crafting eye-catching product showcases, signage, and promotional materials that captivate audiences and elevate brand visibility.
Hospitality Elegance: From luxury hotels to trendy restaurants, ambiance plays a crucial role in the hospitality industry. Plexiglas lends itself beautifully to creating sophisticated interior elements such as sleek bar tops, elegant room dividers, and stunning lighting fixtures, enhancing the overall guest experience and setting establishments apart from the competition.
Health and Safety Solutions: In the wake of global health concerns, businesses are prioritizing the safety and well-being of employees and customers. Plexiglas's durability and transparency make it an ideal material for crafting protective barriers, sneeze guards, and hygiene stations, providing peace of mind while maintaining a welcoming environment.
The Plexi Panar Advantage: Elevating Your Business
Customization: At Plexi Panar, we understand that every business is unique, with its own set of requirements and preferences. That's why we offer personalized Plexiglas solutions, tailored to fit your exact specifications and complement your brand identity.
Quality Assurance: Our unwavering commitment to quality ensures that every Plexiglas product bearing the Plexi Panar name meets the highest standards of excellence. From sourcing premium materials to employing state-of-the-art fabrication techniques, we guarantee durability, precision, and visual appeal in every project we undertake.
Innovative Design: With a team of skilled designers and engineers at your disposal, Plexi Panar transforms concepts into reality, pushing the boundaries of Plexiglas innovation. Whether you're seeking a sleek minimalist aesthetic or a bold statement piece, our design experts collaborate closely with you to bring your vision to fruition.
Timely Delivery: We understand the importance of deadlines in the business world. That's why Plexi Panar is committed to delivering your Plexiglas solutions promptly and efficiently, ensuring minimal disruption to your operations and maximum satisfaction with the end result.
Conclusion: Embrace the Future with Plexi Panar In a rapidly evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. With Plexiglas emerging as a transformative material across various industries, now is the time to harness its potential and elevate your business to new heights. With Plexi Panar as your trusted partner, you gain access to unparalleled expertise, innovation, and quality, empowering you to turn your boldest ideas into reality. Embrace the future of business with Plexi Panar and experience the endless possibilities of Plexiglas.
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neonlittindia · 2 years
Custom Neon Signs for Home or Business
Custom neon signs are an incredible method to promote your business. They permit you to stand out enough to be noticed of individuals who pass your business regularly without requiring an extra publicizing spending plan. These sorts of signs range from absolutely custom to layout plans with customization choices.
Custom neon signs can be utilized by any business including bars, eateries, nail and boutiques, odds and ends shops and the sky is the limit from there. The cost of a sign truly relies upon the intricacy of the plan and how huge the piece is you intend to make. Numerous essential signs can be bought. They likewise will in general be more affordable than Custom Made Neon Signs and still make a similar measure of perceivability. These little ventures pay for themselves before long with expanded clients. A significant thought is that this is a onetime buy. It's anything but a reoccurring cost like different types of promoting like radio, TV, papers and magazines. While signs keep going for 8 to 15 years, numerous keeps going for a very long time. We have a set of experiences exhibition hall dedicated to more established signs.
On the off chance that you have a sign inside your business, wellbeing ought to be a thought while picking a spot to hang the sign. Some neon signs accompany a defensive Plexiglas cover to hold the cylinders back from contacting anything. Neon tubes are exceptionally hot, so you never need them to come into contact with anything or anyone. Subsequently, place them out of the way of clients and away from different materials.
Neon is accessible in scope of shadings and styles. Most sign fabricates have an inventory of layouts you can browse. Some come "with no guarantees", others permit you to add your organization name to them. Moreover, you can have a totally custom item finished with your logo or basically whatever other plan that you can think of.
Whatever plan or tones you use for your custom neon sign; it makes certain to bring your business more consideration. Individuals' eyes are consequently attracted to the splendid shades of neon and the initial step to getting another client is standing out enough to be noticed and telling them you are there.
You can track down some custom neon sign makers on the web.
A few organizations like Neon Sign World additionally have creators on staff to assist you with making the specific custom look you need. In the event that you are searching for custom work, you should get some information about an organization's plan capacities before you put in your request so you realize what's in store.
For More Details, Visit Us:
Neon Signs India
Custom Neon Signs India
Customised Neon Lights
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dailyblognews · 2 years
5 Money Saving Concepts for Certificate Framing At Your Workplace
In relation to giving prizes for reasons unknown, whether it's for the success or for recognition of the particular assistance or occasion, accolade certifications are a good, economical selection for all events. Having the capacity to get blank certificates and printing them in-property means you can develop awards for exclusive circumstances rapidly and with a minimum of costs. Nevertheless, for a little bit more cash you can put it inside a frame and really add to the impressiveness from the accolade.
Below are a few framing tips that aren't costly and are easy to do:
1. Cardboard matting is a means to add to the award having a minimum of expense. They are offered by stationery stores and frame retailers.
2. Buy normal certificate honor frames coming from a department store. They are the fundamental image variety frames with the window front.
3. Plexiglas certificate holders are available that you just push the certificate in. This can possibly cling on the wall surface or get up on a shelf.
4. Prize organization suppliers have oral plaque panels which are low-cost in big amounts. One way to affix the certificate is to install it about the plaque board and put a piece of obvious contact papers above it to close off it in.
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5. You will find certificate plaques that have a Plexiglas cover that anchoring screws in to the edges. Although this needs a very little work and is a little more expensive, this makes for any quite fashionable prize.
Whilst there are other framing options available, these are the most cost effective. Acquiring frames in mass from companies means you're removing the center guy, like accolade organizations and framing outlets and can conserve lots of money on each prize. The lowest priced frame over may possibly include a buck to the fee for the accolade as well as the most costly solution in the previously mentioned listing can nevertheless be purchased and place collectively for less than $10.
Getting the award certificate in the frame will add just a little to the expense of it, but the affect it provides for that particular person acquiring it is actually well worth it. If the award is framed the percentages of it simply being shown on a shelf or perhaps a wall structure is nearly a certainty which not simply tells the recipient of why they received the honor but shows for other people their accomplishment. Besides the great honor promotes the beneficiary to strive for yet another honor, but promotes other people to work for them also. You'll be very impressed how fantastic the certificate looks in the frame as well as the receiver of the email will appreciate the accolade much more and the custom frames for diplomas.
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leam1983 · 2 years
Welp, the evening went pretty much as expected. Walt's sudden spike of lust was sated, which sparked mine and Sarah's, and we all ended up as a somonolent three-headed heap on the couch.
I figured I'd kill the mood with the Big Whammy.
"What do you guys want for Christmas?"
Sarah sighed, Walter audibly groaned without opening his eyes. After a long while, the big guy elongated a single word: Foooood.
Yeah, a trip out to a decent restaurant. That's already in the cards. Sarah melts against Walter and reaches for my hand.
"One of the new Pokémon games," she says.
Yeah, that's doable.
Walt snores for a while, then wakes up. "What did you want, Grem?"
I shrug. "I dunno; my Darth Vader tee is looking a little threadbare, I could use a replacement. I buy whatever I need for upkeep or for hardware maintenance, and I'm not allowing anyone here to bust out anything expensive."
I spend a few minutes rattling off a few incoherent ideas, Walt's stopped listening and went back to swallowing flies, which I know to mean he's already workshopped Christmas well ahead of time.
Sarah's more or less the little sister I never had. Our mutual gift is a fun time together on the same LAN, likely involving some multiplayer-friendly game we've heard about. Last year's was Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, this year's is still undecided. We're trying to bring Walt in, so my plan is to at least get him going on casual stuff using one of my rainy-day GPUs I can never bring myself to pawn off. I've been buying parts on the cheap and ripping stuff out of old builds for years, now, so I have a Frankenstein's Lab's worth of computer components I could put together in something like a mid-range rig. What's obvious from this is that Sarah's the easy one. She'll withhold one fun little tidbit she could buy for herself on the assumption that someone has their eye on it. Find it, and you're set.
Walt's idea of a gift is twofold. Sensual and Sensory Walt is probably going to hug me, coax me into taking big whiffs of the slightly musty scent of his vest for the day, knowing that physical intimacy is a massive high for me. His idea of Christmas is going to be a long hug, an equally long kiss, and effusive nothings whispered to me in the relative privacy of our bedroom. Pair that with food, wearable scents and the unavoidable trip to the tailor's he goes on every winter, and you get a sense of his usual playing field, as far as gifts are concerned. Then there's Experiential Walt, who considers that things done with your loved ones matter more than even his own palate-pleasing favourites. He'll want us to thread our arms together while strolling around the Musée des Beaux-Arts, or slum around the Musée d'Art Contemporain as if we were rich enough to contemplate buying a piece for our Nonexistent Palatial Living Room.
"Billionnaires like Musk and Gates buy art to store it and watch numbers climb," he once criticized. "Art is like food, actually - it has no value unless it's consumed. Unless it's savored, broken down, sampled - mulled over. If I had half of Musk's capital, I'd buy a genuine René Matisse, lock it in a temperature-controlled Plexiglas chamber in my living room - and look at it every day."
It's a good thing, then, that museum passes are usually cheaper, and that there's plenty of stores that sell repros of classic and contemporary pieces on the cheap. Unsurprisingly, Walt describes the enthusiasm and energy of a Pollock piece using terminology borrowed from the act of eating - as well as a few sexual undertones.
"It's like Jackson's slavering with energy, drooling paint on the canvas, with the brush tip moving along with his focus of the moment. He's an aesthetic glutton in front of a buffet of colors orchestrated to Jazz - a man on a slow-burning orgasm ejecting all the nuances of release on a tapestry that's growing ever-more complex."
I consider myself a man of modest needs, Walt's always read like a Nouveau Riche born in the wrong tax bracket. Cigars and their paid-for lounges, museum outings, pricey hi-fi systems in the age of digital downloads and instant access, tailored suits - if he didn't know how to turn a pauper's fridge into a king's feast, he couldn't afford two thirds of his own lifestyle.
Luckily, I know enough to know the price tag doesn't matter. If I bought him a reproduced Mondrian, he'd pontificate over it as much as if I'd gouged out my liver to pay for an original.
Considering, mine and Sarah's plan is simple: one restaurant outing of his choice, plus four secretly-purchased reproductions for him to scatter about the duplex, to balance out us kids' Geek Cred hauls.
If I had a 3D printer and any skill with Blender, I'd get his likeness done in the style of a Julius Caesar bust, complete with toga and wreath - poke fun at his highbrow tendencies.
I leave this reflection remembering that I brought the heating down and that we're all due for bed. As per usual, waking Walt up is a bit of an ordeal after letting him sink deep, and he eventually follows me to bed like a dumpy and overdressed zombie with a loosened necktie.
"So," he asks, after yawning, as he removes his shirt and recovers his pajamas' top half, "what'd you decide on?"
"I just want to finish some other multiplayer campaign with Sarah, don't know which one yet - and I want more of this," I say, hugging the world's hottest Automotive Sales Adjunct.
He parts with another low, loving and appreciative grumble and spends a while stroking my back.
"I think Christmas' come early, this year," he soon remarks, as he keeps me pinned against him while guiding me towards the bed, as if I couldn't manage the few steps on my own or if I had some sort of clinical condition that necessitated I remain soaked in the body heat of someone who turns sixty in February.
"I'm giving you your first present tonight - and I'm giving it to you slowly and quietly. It's WFH for me, tomorrow, so Sarah'll get hers while you're closed off for the workday."
Looks to me like the Holidays might turn out to be a rousing success, this year.
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plasticssource · 2 years
Buy Coloured Sheets of Plexiglass in GTA at Plasticssource
Premier Supplier of Acrylic, Optix, Plexiglas, Acrylite & Associated Materials. Get free shipping on qualified Acrylic Sheets products. Buy Plexiglass Sheets & Acrylic Plastic Sheet Cut-To-Size Clear & Colors - Wholesale & Retail. Quality acrylic from industry leading manufacturers. https://plasticssource.ca/
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engineeringtrust · 2 years
Wall mountable fish bowl
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Wall mountable fish bowl install#
Wall mountable fish bowl free#
Midwest Tropical Midwest Tropical Aquarium Coffee Table - 25 Gallon Freshwater Acrylic (675) $ 895 $ 1,125. Select from distinct coffee table fish tank at to enhance the aesthetic appearance of your interior decor. wholesale Coffee Table Aquarium, find Coffee Table Aquarium wholesalers companies manufacturers factory and get best price on. Check out our fish coffee table selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Here are some similar items you might like. You can shop now for clear coffee table with acrylic fish aquarium at to get well-suited varieties of coffee tables. Get wholesale clear coffee table with acrylic fish aquarium with just the right specifications. Coffee Table, High Gloss Modern Style Coffee Table Storage Table with LED Light Living Room Storage Table Home Furniture with Drawer,Black,37.4 x 23.6 x 12.4inch. coffee table fish tank pvc pipe / coffee table fish tanks for sale / round coffee table fish tank / used coffee table fish tank for sale / wood coffee table fish tank. Aquarium coffee table fish tank with quartz stone surround and led lights. A twenty-five-gallon fish tank will weigh 290 pounds when filled. Coffee table is actually a fish tank comes with pump also fish and rocks there is also lighting absolutely gorgeous $899.99. to be used in fresh or salt water aquarium or betta fish tank. Buy Coffee Table Aquariums and get the best deals at the lowest prices on eBay! MIDWEST TROPICAL 28 Gallon AquaTable Aquarium Octagon. If you have any questions about your purchase or any other product Sale Price: $899.99 - $1199.99 (free ship/h) or 6 monthly installments of $150 - $200 with PayPal Credit Retail: $1025.00 - $1425.00 Innovative, liquid luxury truly art Our 3 Favorite Fish Tank Coffee Tables.
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Fill up the computer with water, and safely install fluorescent bulbs. Price and other details may vary based on product size and colour. What is a fish tank coffee table? This is a unique item to have in your home. If you are looking for an unusual and affordable fishbowl to hold a variety of fish, you should think about purchasing this style of tank by doing a search on eBay. A coffee table aquarium can let you show off your fish in the middle of the room. $16.86 $14.75 shipping or Best Offer Umbra FishHotel Glass 1.8 Gal Mini Aquarium Tank Bowl NIB Keep the monitors shape and dont break it combine the Plexiglas into the screen. By Toney Jones, 8 years ago on General Freshwater Questions. Discover amazing local deals on Coffee table for sale Quick & hassle-free shopping with Gumtree, your local buying & selling community. Aquarium Coffee Table, End Table Fish Tank, Hexagon Aquarium Furniture.
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fashionbooksmilano · 3 years
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Philip Treacy
Hat Designer
Philip Treacy and Marion Hume
Rizzoli, New York 2015, 312 pages, 34,5x27,1 cm,ISBN  978-0-8478-4650-4
euro 78,00
email if you want to buy :[email protected]
The work of one of the most influential and innovative hat designers of this century. Philip Treacy’s career over the last two decades has been prolific and high-profile. A visual delight, this book shares Treacy’s favorite designs in 250 striking photographs, curated by Treacy himself, and showcases his collaborations and personal relationships. Treacy has said, “Every hat I have ever made has begun in my mind as a photograph. I can see it on the model, at the right angle, before I even begin.” Indeed, his hats have been photographed by the most iconic image makers of our time, including Patrick Demarchelier, Richard Avedon, Steven Meisel, Mario Testino, Bruce Weber, and Irving Penn. And his hats have been modeled on equally famous heads, ranging from Grace Jones and Lady Gaga to the Duchesses of Cornwall and Devonshire.   Since his early friendships with Isabella Blow and Alexander McQueen, Treacy’s imaginative designs have been a synthesis of art and fashion, with materials ranging from silk and lace to Plexiglas and leather, trimmed with feathers or Swarovski crystals. Combining luxury and sophistication, his work has helped shape modern fashion. This first, highly personal book is a glamorous tour through Treacy’s world, and documents how a hat can evoke the magic of life and speak to the transformative power of fashion.
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