#C: Stede Bonnet's Father
iris-writesx · 10 months
now that i’m grown i’m scared of ghosts | gentlebeard
read it here, or read it on ao3 <3
akdkwf i feel like this one is WAY worse than the last fic i posted, so everyone be nice about it. i wanted to write hurt-comfort so bad and i was thinking for ages about what to write, but then i realised i obviously had to inflict pain onto stede. go me :,)
but if anybody has any ideas for more fics like this please tell me!!! i’d love to get inspiration from other people <33
title is from “would've, could’ve, should’ve” by taylor swift x
2k words — hurt-comfort and whumpy, nightmare fic, mentions of stede’s trauma, panic attack, vomiting
He had never seen so much blood.
Of course, that was a hard statement to make as a pirate — but Stede wasn’t sure, now, if he had ever truly been one.
But he really hadn’t ever seen so much blood before. He didn’t even know that someone’s head contained so much of the stuff. He couldn’t look away.
Chauncey — or what was left of the poor sod, anyways — was splayed out on the floor in front of him, his head fired open by the gunshot, bleeding out into the damp greenery beneath him. Stede’s stomach lurched as he stared, but he couldn’t look away. Even as he heard himself scream — a deep guttural noise that he felt as it ripped itself from his chest — he couldn’t look away.
It was his fault. His fault.
People kept dying and it was because of him.
Nigel was dead, Chauncey was dead, Izzy had almost died, and he had essentially killed Blackbeard — “You even managed to bring history’s greatest pirate to ruin.” — and who’s to say it wouldn’t happen again-
Chauncey’s body shifted and Stede felt himself scream again, stumbling backwards. Just as he had seen visions of Nigel — impaled by his sword, talking to him — Chauncey lifted his head, or what was left of it, and Stede felt cold with the horror that flooded him, then, as Chauncey lifted the gun once more, aiming at him.
“The Stede Bonnet reign of terror ends toni-”
Stede was rigid as he flinched awake, his heart in his throat, breathing so rapidly that he was near on hyperventilating. It took him a moment to blink and recognise his surroundings, but it was the warmth of Ed beside him that grounded him. Asleep beside him, hugging most of the covers, Ed looked peaceful.
He didn’t even realise that he was crying until his chest hitched, painfully so, and Stede had to wipe his eyes as his vision blurred over with his tears. It wasn’t a conscious decision to get up and out of bed, he just started walking, out of the Captain’s quarters and out towards the deck.
He used to do it a lot, when he was a child. Sneaking out into the garden at night when he was upset to look at the stars. It always calmed him. A habit he had picked up again since going to sea, he went out when he was feeling upset to stargaze. Sometimes it helped. Distracted him enough from the plagues of his mind to calm down, and by the time he had named as many constellations as he could remember off the top of his head, he was calm enough to return to bed.
But as Stede reached the edge of the deck, gripped the railing with such a tight grip that his knuckles went white and his hands shook, he could tell that this time the stars wouldn’t help. In fact, being outside on his own probably made it worse. Stede gasped for air, sobs erupting up and out of his already sore chest, and he could do nothing but hold onto the railing and cry.
He felt like a child, and whenever he felt like a child, he thought of his father.
“A weak-hearted, soft-handed, lily-livered little rich boy. That’s all you’ll ever be.”
He was right, annoyingly and embarrassingly so. If his father could see him now he’d just be disappointed. Ashamed. Regretful.
What had he become? A façade of a pirate who had nothing other than a string of deaths and mistakes haunting him.
He couldn’t even say that he had the accomplishment of being a father, after he had left Mary and the kids to chase his silly little dream. Of course, the second time he had left her he did it right, but he often thought about his old family sometimes, his children.
And Ed… he had messed up so many times on that front. Sure, now they were stronger than ever, they were something, but it didn’t change the fact that Stede had fucked up. He had left him, and Ed had become… become The Kraken, which in itself had caused so many unnecessary horrors.
Like Izzy’s leg…
Stede could remember the first time he had realised just what had happened. Saw the look on Izzy’s face — the grief — and realised that he had pushed Ed so far that he had hurt the person most devoted to him.
And that had been Stede’s fault. Because he had been so guilt-ridden after killing Chauncey.
…in a sick manner, he realised it all sort of came full circle.
Stede leaned further over the railing and his stomach actually lurched that time, his jaw clenching with the will to keep his dinner in his belly. After a moment he gasped around his tears, his face wet and cold, hands shaking, chest aching, lily-livered little rich boy.
“…mate, where are you?”
The distant call from inside the ship was registered, but Stede couldn’t make himself pull away from the railing. He was still making a poor attempt at choking back his sobs, and not throwing up, and it was all too much.
Would it have been better if Chauncey had successfully killed him that night?
“Stede! Fuck, man, I’ve been looking for you all over. Why’re you out here?” Ed’s voice was at that scratchy-deep tone it was at when he was sleepy, and where it usually filled Stede with fondness, it just piled up more guilt. He had woken him up, ruined his sleep. Now he’d have to comfort him.
“Just- just wanted some air!” Stede sniffled, not turning to face him. “Go back to bed, darling. Be there soon!”
Instead of hearing Ed comply, he heard boots knocking against the wood of the deck, growing louder and closer. “You alright, babe?”
The urge to accept the comfort was so strong, so strong he ached with it, but so much had been his fault and he wasn’t… he wasn’t deserving. Stede didn’t deserve anything good, he certainly didn’t deserve Ed.
Maybe Chauncey should have-
Stede did throw up that time. He gripped the railing even tighter, if that were possible, and leaned as far over the railing as he gagged, the contents of his stomach spilling out and into the ocean.
Ed was by his side in a second. His hand was on his back, a firm palm rubbing between his shoulder blades, and he knew Ed was talking, spoken comforts — not because he could hear him, just because he knew Ed. No, he couldn’t hear any of it, not over the throwing up or his sobbing or the sound of Chauncey’s gun firing in his memory or his father’s words or-
“Stede, hey, you’re alright, c’mere, I’ve got you.”
He only realised he was still hung over the railing just sobbing when Ed pried him off of it, away from the cold wood and into his arms instead. Ed was warm, and Stede was selfish as he clung to him, sobbing into the crook of his neck.
“Fuckin’ hell, man, you’re freezing? Why did you come out without shoes you nut? You’ll get sick.” Ed was being so kind — rubbing his back and talking to him and trying to warm him up — and all Stede could do was cry-
*“…lily-livered little rich boy-”*
It was after a minute or so that Ed must’ve realised something else was wrong. Stede felt his grip on him shift, hands on his shoulders instead, bringing him back enough so that Ed could see his face, and Stede could see his.
Ed deserved so much better.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” One of Ed’s hands cupped Stede’s face and the warmth was so nice, he nuzzled into his palm as he continued to cry. “Stede? You’re fuckin’ scaring me, man. Talk to me.”
His chest hitched, breaths nothing more than short sharp bursts, and he really did try to form a coherent explanation for his little tantrum, but all he could get out was a whimpered little sentence;
“I- I had a nightmare.”
Ed’s eyebrows scrunched — perceptive, his Ed was, he could probably tell that it wasn’t just a nightmare — but he didn’t mention it. Instead, he was just pulled into another hug, lips against his hairline, warmth surrounding him, and after another couple of minutes or so he felt like he could finally breathe.
It took him more time than that to calm down, but Ed was patient. He whispered soft comforts to Stede as he worked down from crying, until he could finally breathe smoothly, until there was merely silent tears tracking down his cheeks. Ed had been the only person to ever help like that when he cried. His father certainly had never done it, but then again, fathers weren’t supposed to be kind, were they?
…were they?
“Sorry,” was the first thing Stede murmured, the word muffled against the skin of Ed’s neck as he spoke, where he refused to pull his head from just yet. “Sorry, love. Didn’t mean to cause a fuss.”
“Hey, c’mon, don’t apologise for that shit,” Ed stroked his back again, kissed his hair. “Do you feel any better?”
Stede nodded, huffing out a breath. The breakdown really had taken a lot out of him, he felt so tired — his body lulled against Ed’s, head pounding, chest aching. He was actually feeling the cold, too — so much that he had started to tremble in Ed’s embrace, his teeth near chattering. Ed seemed to notice at the same time, as he wordlessly started to lead them both back inside, and Stede just silently went with him. He wanted nothing more than to lay down again-
Well, he wanted nothing more than to fix all of his past mistakes, all of his problems, but that would never happen. If anything, he’d just end up causing more someday.
His expression crumpled slightly, tears slipping faster down his face.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Ed asked as he pushed the door to their bedroom open, ushering them both inside before he shut it again behind him. “The nightmare, I mean.”
He didn’t want to. Stede knew he’d have to explain it to Ed one day — Chauncey, what happened in the woods that night, what compelled him to go back to Mary. But he couldn’t say it yet, not when he would probably just get so worked up again.
Instead, he asked;
“Do you think it would’ve been better if I had died?”
Ed looked mortified. He froze stock-still, no longer walking them back towards the bed, and just stared at Stede for a moment.
“I just mean, I’ve had so many attempts on my life by now, surely I’ve got to give in sometime, right? Make it fair for everyone else?” He tried to joke, sensing Ed’s horror. But the sight of him — face red and blotchy, eyes teary, trembling — probably didn't help.
When Ed finally seemed to catch up with himself, he grasped Stede so desperately by the shoulders it shocked him. “Never fuckin’ say that again, okay?” Ed squeezed his shoulders again, and for a moment it looked like he might cry. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me so don’t- don’t say that.”
Stede’s eyes widened, once again feeling guilty. He was upsetting him. “I’m… I’m sorry-“
“Don’t apologise, just… don’t say that. You’re fucking amazing-“
“I’m not.”
Ed scowled at him. “You are. You’re the best fuckin’ pirate out there, you hear me?” He brought Stede closer by the shoulders and kissed him, hard, his mouth hot and his urgency more pressing than any arousal that normally would’ve been in it’s place. “If you weren’t here, if you had died, it would’ve ruined my life, and everyone else’s on this ship. They need you. I… I need you,” one of his hands lifted, stroking Stede’s cheek gently. “Don’t say that, don’t… don’t even make me think about you not being here, okay?”
“Okay.” Stede’s voice was hoarse as he spoke, almost in shock. He had never had somebody care for him so violently before. It was foreign, but also selfishly felt so good.
…he was allowed this, wasn’t he? He was allowed to be happy?
“Tomorrow,” Ed started, only stopping to kiss him on the lips once more, just a gentle press. “We’ll talk about the nightmare, and what’s bothering you,” he kissed him again — kissed him until Stede hummed and nodded in agreement. “But tonight, I’m going to show you just how much you should be here.”
Stede was crying again, big fat tears that rolled down his cheeks, but he was smiling.
Maybe he didn’t believe that he was worthy of any of it, but Ed did. And if Ed did, then maybe — just maybe — Stede would some day have a chance or believing it too.
“I love you.” Stede’s voice was barely above a whisper, but he knew Ed heard it. Saw it in his smile.
Ed kissed him again, sighing. “Love you more.”
comments would mean the world <3 requests are open!
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decent0distraction · 9 months
*sigh* ok
I didn’t want to do this. In fact, I have avoided this particular alternate universe as much as I could. But I got bored in Bio and started writing this dumb little thing instead of making flash cards.
I may fail Biology but I’ll never fail making strangely angsty and intriguingly amusing Our Flag Means Death AU’s.
(Update: I got a C)
This AU is, drum roll please….
Yeah, not my best pitch. But hear me out. Or don’t. I won’t know either way. [as]
Sorry, I’ll get to the point now.
Stede Bonnet is a rich kid at a rich private school, King George Academy, until he decides he’s going to the nearest public school, Queen Anne High School. His girlfriend, Mary, only finds out he’s breaking up with her and leaving when her friends message her asking if Stede has a brain tumor or something (sparking the flames of “Stede Bonnet died” rumor)
But Stede isn’t dead! No, no, he just committed social-suicide to…captain the Queen Anne cheer squad??
There’s two problems with this. One, there isn’t really a squad for Stede to captain. I mean, there’s a few students who need the extra credit, a couple that have nothing better to do, and some who need it for their college applications. So yeah, if you count a bunch of weirdos and misfits who have no cheerleading experience whatsoever as a squad, then yeah, Stede’s good to go.
The other problem is that while the school itself doesn’t have a cheer squad, a group of talented students travel to the only top schools and their best games to cheer the teams on. This squad-for-hire is captained by Edward Teach and his head cheerleader, Izzy Hands.
Stede likes to think he and Edward are the same, but let’s get one clear. Edward is a captain because his team is so good that no one sees the need to strap a teacher or coach to the squad. Stede doesn’t need an adult chaperone because no really gives a shit. That lot is a team?? Since when? Ah, who cares?
Got it? Cool.
But by the time Edward and his squad return to Queen Anne, the word has gotten out that a fancy private school twink has built a team that’s attractive in the way that ugly purse dogs are cute. Or something like that. You know, the circulation of the rumor mill at this school is very concerning.
Edward sends the best of his team, Izzy Hands, to check out this new squad.
Total mean girls moment when Izzy approaches Stede with Ivan and Fang, the two of them getting into it and the principal getting involved.
And the principal, who I haven’t put a character to yet but the idea of Spanish Jackie breaking up this fight like the principal in Mean Girls, yk
“Hell no, I did not leave East High for this” or was it north east high? Northeastern high? Someone fact check this quote, please? Thank you.
Anyway, whoever the principal is, they pause bc
Stede Bonnet?? As in father’s the inventor of the toaster strudel, that Stede Bonnet?
Or was it something else?
Who cares; the point is, why is this kid in this principal’s school and why are they just now finding out about it?
That’s not important right now tho because it’s become apparent that this school doesn’t have room for two squads so they make Stede and Edward co-captain one large squad. And since it’s clear this is gonna be a problem, they assign the weird old history teacher, Mr. Buttons, to chaperone.
(If I find the flash card I wrote on, I’ll update with any extra details I wrote that isn’t already on this post)
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triflesandparsnips · 1 year
This is (still) not the OFMD medical horror essay
...but there I was, minding my own business and looking up recipes in apothecary manuals, and I accidentally opened up the 1653 edition of John French's The Art of Distillation.
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(...although this printing is from 1667 -- maybe there's an even earlier edition, who knows, 17th century publishing was weird what can I say.)
SO TELL ME JOHN FRENCH, what should we know about baths -- by which I mean, what did Stede know?
Or better yet-- based on these publication dates (and for maximum angst)...
What did Stede's dad know?
Maybe I am doing medical horror here, WHOOPS OH WELL.
Seeing [that] by bathing and sweating most diseases are cured, especially such as proceed from wind, hot, and distempered humours, or cold and congealed humors; because all these are rarified, and evaporated by transpiration in sweating, or bathing, I thought it a thing much conducing to man's health, to set down such a way of bathing and sweating that might be very effectual, and appropriated to any particular disease or distemper.
So what I like about this paragraph is that, leaving aside the "new and cool" way of bathing that our man French here is about to describe, it tells us what the reading audience may already know about the Wonders of Bathing-- specifically, that:
bathing and sweating? serve a similar purpose
and that purpose is to evaporate (or "rarify", which may mean... make less dense? OKAY, MERRIAM-WEBSTER) the humors
which humors, you may ask? why, the hot and distempered ones (what might make a young lad sass his father), or the cold and congealed ones (what might make a young lad pick flowers and cry a lot)
French then goes on to give us a rundown of his awesome new inventions for bathing, all of which come down to DIFFERENT TUB-TYPES connected to a STILL:
A, Signifies a hot Still with two pipes going into two wooden vessels; In this Still you may put either [herbs], or spices, with water, or with Spirits, and distil them by which means, they that are in the vessels will presently be forced into a sweat, by vertue of the subtlety of the vapours. And this indeed is as a good and effectual a way for sweating as any can be invented: You may by this means appropriate your ingredients to the nature of the diseases.
Figure 2. Well, technically figure A for French, but essentially the primary mechanism for creating enough heat to make the patient sweat in their bath, plus a bunch of medicinal bits and bobs (and... alcohol?) to aid in said pickling sweating.
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B, A vessell wherein a man fits in the bath. Now this vessel hath in it a door, for the easier going into it, which fashion is far better, and more convenient, than to be open only at the top.
Figure 3. (or B.) BEHOLD THE BATH BOX. Lock ur boy in until he sweats the gay out.
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C, A long vessel where a man that is weak, and not able to sit up, lies and is bathed.
Figure 4. OH LOOK. IT IS. A FULL-SIZED BATHTUB. For the ~weak.
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Figure 5. Stede Bonnet's entirely impractical tub (plus or minus one extraneous Blackbeard). Compare and contrast.
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So... what else can you tell us, John French. What else could Stede, with historical accuracy, been subjected to?
Let's start with:
Whatever temperature of steam his medical professionals (...or father) thought he could "bear" before it got diverted away.
Now you must note, that these vapours must not be hotter than the Patient can bear: also if the vapour come forth too hot upon the body of the Patient, he may by putting a pipe, upon the end of the pipe that comes into the vessel, divert the hot vapour from his body, and so it will not offend him that way.
He could have been forced to stay in the heat until he fainted...
Note, that the Patient, as soon as he begins to be faint, must come forth, or else he will suffer more prejudice than good by his bathing;
...but otoh maybe he got given booze to prevent that. GIVE THAT KID A LAGER I GUESS.
and also to prevent him from fainting, let him take some Cordial, or cold Beer, which will much revive him, and make him endure his bathing longer, as also make him sweat the more.
When he was All Done sweating in the bath, he could've been bundled into his nice comfy bed... to sweat until he could no longer "bear it" again...
As soon as the Patient comes forth, let him go into a warm bed, and sweat as he is able to bear it,
...and yup, still possibly fainting all over the place, not at all a concern...
and take some Posset-drink, or Broth, or such like warm suppings, as also some good Cordial if he be very faint.
...and definitely not something that could happen to him over and over again, until he was "better" by whatever metric someone might decide to judge him.
The patient may according as his strength will bear, and his disease require, bathe more seldom or oftener.
And so with all this in mind--
--if someone wants to write up some deliciously heart-wrenching hurt/comfort around all this--
--let's just say it wouldn't be unrealistic.
Figure 6. Oh Stede. You are potentially so conflicted about the hot pirate who just wants to find comfort in your nice big symbol of your medical trauma bathtub.
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Your Life, Your Art
by TeaCub90
'Aaaaah, me hearties! We here at Out To C(on) UK are more delighted than a pirate with a pegleg to announce two more guests for this year’s big summer event: Edward Teach, known to audiences nowadays as Captain Kraken, titular character of the HBO/BBC series of the same name and Stede Bonnet, the beloved author of the original Kraken novels on which the show is based. Fans will be able to purchase photos and autographs and even attend a talk between our favourite shipshape guests, who will be appearing at the convention both Saturday and Sunday.'
 A convention, and family.
Words: 7800, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Alma Bonnet, Jim Jimenez, Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death), Crew of the Revenge (Our Flag Means Death)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs, Alma Bonnet & Stede Bonnet, Alma Bonnet & Stede Bonnet & Edward Teach
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Actors, Family, Found Family, Teenage Alma Bonnet, Protective Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Father-Daughter Relationship, Author Stede, Actor Ed, Past Drug Addiction, past trauma, Conventions, Established Relationship, Secret Relationship, Romance, Harassment
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/45160162
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I love and check out this brilliant place constantly (it's my go to place to find fics <3 ).
I was wondering if you knew of any fics that explored Stede coming on his own as a human and pirate post s1/fix-it sort? Like... stede learning to be a pirate, having friends, where he learns that he doesnt defile beautiful things and is not a lilly livered little rich boy (*cue goose getting his head cut off scene*)
Most of the ones i've read deal with Ed accepting himself and/or forgiving Stede .
Thanks for all your hard work!!
Cheers m'dears
- a big fan <3
Thank you that's so kind!
We did a post along similar themes a little while back, Stede comes into his own, so to speak.
Here's a few more that might be of interest...
I will be the man my father never was (these tears help my flowers grow) by blueberrywizard [T], [4,622 words]
"Stede watched his father purposefully stepping on the flowers before he walked away.
Stede cried himself to sleep that night, still tasting blood in his mouth, but he finally learnt the lesson – flowers weren’t something that men could enjoy. The fact that he liked flowers more than people was disgusting. It was the reason why his father was disappointed in him, why the other boys bullied him so relentlessly – they must think him so stupid, idiotic really (weak, spoiled, lily-livered, rich boy), that it took him so long to understand what they had known from the beginning of their lives."
Or: How Stede Bonnet learnt to stop worrying and love flowers like he always did.
Beauty Lies Behind The Hills by jfs_anna [G], [1.329 words]
Stede had been running all his life; from his father, from bullies, from duty. It didn’t click that maybe, just maybe, he may have been running toward something.
blossom by wrizard [M], [1,000 words], MIND THE TAGS
Fucking, to Stede’s utter, baffled amazement, is good.
Stede, and sex, and wanting.
~ Mod C
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gentlepyrate · 2 years
why stede seeks out israel hands when he is scared/has gotten to the point of trusting izzy just a little bit, an essay :
stede bonnet is a man well acquainted with fear. he spent his entire childhood afraid of his father, his peers, himself. he spent most of his adulthood afraid of standing out, afraid of doing something wrong. he runs from things because that's all he knows how to do. he has always insisted on being himself, but the fear is always present, and if danger arises, it was always either (a) swallow himself and hide, (b) run, or (c, and this is what he chose most often) be himself anyway and accept that he would be criticized/hurt for it. when stede became a pirate that was him dropping all pretense and throwing it all on the line for a chance at real happiness, for a chance to say 'fuck the consequences, i want to find a place where I don't have to be scared anymore.'
stede bonnet never faced israel hands with fear. despite him being an asshole, a dangerous man, by all rights a representation of many men that stede had dealt with and suffered from in his past, stede never responded to him with a, b, or c. even when stede hated him, israel hands caused him to grow because he invited in a fourth option - (d) be yourself and be proud of it.
stede is a natural instigator of change. stede also hates change, particularly that which he isn't prepared for. israel hands does not change -- israel hands gets unburied. stede digs out his heart and bares the hidden bits.
so in the terrible moments, where not only does option d disappear, but sometimes even option c, there is one man aboard the ship who stede knows won't and can't hurt him (ed would be mad and he just. i cannot explain it he just knows izzy won't kill him) and who he knows won't change. even ed changed, and it was terrifying. 
izzy is always fuck you and fuck off, he's always aggressive even when he’s not. he's dependable. stede doesn’t think he can break izzy hands - he doesn’t have to worry about monitoring his actions so much, doesn’t have to be afraid to become glass. stede naturally gravitates, in moments of fear, to safe places, and due to his stability, israel is a safe place. he can lose himself. he doesn't have to hold together. 
izzy is also a guard dog. stede knows he bites, and he knows he will bite people who hurt him in particular. he knows izzy will take care of it (him) just like he takes care of edward. izzy will protect him and!! here's the best part! stede doesn't have to be afraid of being judged. izzy had already hated him. he tried it. and it didn't work. he already thought (thinks?) stede is weak, pathetic, cowardly, so izzy can't slip the rug out from under him. at worst, things return to the way they were.
in summary, israel is dependable, protective, and he's already given his worst, so stede sees him as a safe space. thank you and goodnight.
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[PODFIC] To Stede, This Morning
by LoopyDangerFrog
In July of 2003, music journalist Lucius Spriggs travels to Valle Crucis, North Carolina to secure the interview of a lifetime: a candid, one-on-one conversation with the elusive country music legend Edward Teach. He expects the basics - talking to the infamous Man in Black about what the industry was like at his prime, the potential to unlock an exclusive confession or two, if he was lucky. But the story Lucius gets from Ed starts in the spring of 1963, when Ed Teach met Stede Bonnet. A story of chances taken, D-I-V-O-R-C-E, nudie suits, and an unconditional love spanning across forty years.
Words: 89, Chapters: 3/12, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Lucius Spriggs, Alma Bonnet, Louis Bonnet, Israel Hands, "Calico" Jack Rackham, Anne Bonny, Mary Read, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death), Fang (Our Flag Means Death), The Swede (Our Flag Means Death), Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney, Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Buttons (Our Flag Means Death), Benjamin Hornigold, Edward Bonnet | Stede Bonnet's Father
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Lucius Spriggs, Mary Allamby Bonnet/Doug, Mary Allamby Bonnet & Stede Bonnet, Anne Bonny/Mary Read, Black Pete/Fang/Lucius Spriggs, Israel Hands/"Calico" Jack Rackham
Additional Tags: Drinking, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, The vintage country music au none of you asked for but you're getting anyway!, The thought process was 'What if Ed Teach.... was Johnny Cash' so here we are, Hospitalization, Infidelity, Canon-Typical patricide, Time Skips, The author's very strong feelings about adirondack chairs, Country music references ahoy!, Fanart, I cannot promise this will always align with canon I'm sorry, pls don't @ me I am just here to vibe and info dump about my interests, This is baby's first fic so pls be gentle dskfjhdskjf, Jenkinsian levels of historical accuracy, Calico Jack isn't an antagonist he's just annoying and real into Izzy Hands, Brief mentions of domestic abuse, mild violence, Alternate Universe, Podfic, Podfic & Podficced Works
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44834134
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by MissingLeftSock
“You never tried it?” “No.” “What, never ever? Not even a little?” “No, Ed, I didn’t! You know how much of a bastard my father was, can you imagine the beating I would have gotten if I’d been caught? Absolutely not worth the risk.” “I’d have thought boarding school—” “It was a Catholic boarding school, Ed.” “…Fair point. Nuns are scary.” “Terrifying.” “Well, shit. That’s depressing. Wait, hang on, I got an idea. ROACH! C ’mere a sec!” “…Why do I feel like this isn’t going to end well?”
Stede tries edibles for the first time, with mixed (mostly positive) results.
Words: 4523, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Cooking Lessons
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Stede Bonnet, Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Lily the dog
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Additional Tags: Recreational Drug Use, Marijuana, edibles, Safe Sane and Consensual, Riding, Roach makes pot brownies, Stoned Sex, Adorable puppy is adorable, Stede Bonnet Being an Idiot, Blackbeard | Edward Teach Gets a Hug, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Author may or may not be drawing on personal experience, you can't prove anything
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42938751
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Hello!! Do you have any recs for fics with trans fem/nonbinary/gnc Ed?
OK, this one's a long one...
and I will still live here by finalgrrrls [T], [903 words]
"She doesn't really recognize herself anymore but she feels a little bit more at home with her body than she did a few hours ago"
Or, the one where Ed has a moment alone with herself and finds that she's more than just her father's son.
oh, I will ruin you by lighthouselove [E], [2,337 words]
It's fun to take the Gentleman Pirate apart, and easy, but not boring, no, never boring. Sinking ships had little allure to the infamous Blackbeard now, not when there was a pretty little man aboard his own ship who knew so little about the many sins of the flesh.
tippet-de-witchet by etben [E], [1,676 words]
“What should I call, ah—” Stede brushes a thumb along the relevant portions of Ed’s anatomy, savoring the contrast between slick skin and coarse, wiry hair. “That is, there are so many terms, and some of them are really rather—well.” He grimaces. “I know we’re pirates and all, but calling it your ‘harbor’ seems a bit much.”
All Of You by bbygrlblackbeard [E], [2,444 words]
it's Stede and Ed's first time and they're very nervous--it's been years for both of them and they're feeling insecure, not to mention that Stede has never been with a man before and Edward is nervous about how Stede might react to something he wants to share with him. Cute fumbling middle aged men that just need a hug (and a good fuck).
the earth of me by mercurtyhatter [M], [1,650 words]
tfw you go to the get tied up store and you accidentally end up with a gender
Good morning on galleon by Aivelin [NSFW Picture], [E]
Mod C's comment: I don't think they allow this on Tumblr anymore. :)
What a fool I’ve been by chibifaery [G], [5,047 words]
Stella Bonnet realizes the horrible mistake she made and her true feelings for her Co-Captain Edith Teach and must make things right.
The Virtues of a Good Bath by chibifaery and gingerkitty [E], [20,628 words]
Edith is excited to attend a fancy party and wear Stella's fancy clothes, but first Stella insists on a bath, and then helps Edith get dressed.
See also: Lady pirates crushing on each other don't know what to do about their feelings.
Lovers and Madmen by ElapsedSpiral [E], [4,445 words]
Ed said "nah, all good" but what he meant was, god as his witness, he was going to marry the [expletive] out of Stede Bonnet.
My take on a marriage fic, featuring Stede almost getting cockblocked by his own lack of self-esteem, Ed going full Bridezilla and the poor crew having to deal with them both. Unbetaed.
Capsize on Your Thighs by ElapsedSpiral [E], [5,017 words]
What's the best way of getting over the Gentleman Pirate? Probably not rebounding onto Calico Jack. Featuring Jack hitting on basically everyone who isn't Stede, yet more of Jackie's husbands and Ed going full Meg Ryan. Unbetaed.
I could not find a fic that was explicitly tagged or describing a non-binary Ed / Edward Teach / Blackbeard, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Perhaps our followers could help?
~Mod C
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