#C:N ratio
oaresearchpaper · 10 months
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envcurevalaypatel · 3 months
How Does an Organic Waste Composting Machine Improve Your Canteen / Kitchen Waste? 
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Understanding the transformation of canteen or kitchen waste into a valuable resource through organic waste composting machines can significantly advance our approach to waste management. These machines not only help in reducing the volume of waste but also play a crucial role in creating a sustainable environment.  
1. The Process of Anaerobic Digestion 
Understanding the Biological Mechanisms: Anaerobic digestion involves a complex consortium of bacteria that sequentially break down organic matter. The process begins with hydrolysis, where complex organic compounds are converted into simple sugars, amino acids, and fatty acids. Following this, acidogenic bacteria ferment these monomers into hydrogen, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and organic acids. Acetogens then convert these products into acetic acid, hydrogen, and carbon dioxide, which methanogens finally transform into methane and carbon dioxide. This meticulous conversion process not only reduces waste but also harnesses it for renewable energy. 
Optimization of Digestion Parameters: Key factors influencing the efficiency of anaerobic digestion include temperature, pH, and the carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio of the feedstock. Operating at thermophilic temperatures (between 50-60°C) often accelerates the breakdown process, albeit requiring more stringent control of operating conditions. Maintaining a balanced C:N ratio ensures optimal microbial activity, preventing the inhibition of methanogens which are pivotal for methane production. 
2. Benefits to the Canteen Environment: 
Enhanced Waste Management Efficiency: Integrating an organic waste composting machine in a kitchen setting drastically reduces the volume of waste generated. By converting organic waste on-site, these machines minimize the need for frequent waste collection, thus reducing logistical costs and carbon footprint associated with waste transportation to landfill sites. 
Improved Sanitation and Odour Control: Anaerobic digesters seal off waste from the open air, substantially reducing problems associated with vermin and odor. This is particularly advantageous in enclosed spaces such as canteens, where hygiene and odor control are of paramount importance. The process also mitigates the risk of attracting pests that often accompany composting kitchen waste. 
3. Economic Advantages: 
Cost Reduction through Waste Diversion: By diverting waste from landfills, canteens can significantly cut down on the high costs associated with waste disposal. Additionally, the biogas produced can be utilized onsite to generate heat or electricity, further reducing energy expenses. This not only provides a rapid return on investment but also shields businesses from the volatility of energy prices. 
Revenue Generation from By-products: The digestate produced during anaerobic digestion is a nutrient-rich biofertilizer that can be sold to agricultural enterprises, providing an additional stream of income. This by-product improves soil health without the environmental drawbacks associated with chemical fertilizers, offering a green solution to waste disposal. 
4. Organic Waste Composting Machine Innovations: 
Technological Advancements in Composting Machines: Recent innovations in organic waste composting machines have significantly increased their efficiency and adaptability. These enhancements include advanced sensor technology for real-time monitoring of moisture content, temperature, and pH levels, ensuring optimal conditions for microbial activity. Additionally, newer models incorporate automated feed systems that streamline the process, reducing manual labor and improving overall system reliability. 
Integration of Pre-treatment Processes: Pre-treatment technologies, such as mechanical shredding and thermal hydrolysis, have been integrated into food waste composting machines to enhance the biodegradability of waste. These processes break down complex waste materials, making them more accessible for microbes during the digestion process, thereby increasing the rate of biogas production and overall system throughput. 
5. Regulatory and Compliance Advantages: 
Meeting Environmental Compliance: Using organic waste composting machines allows canteens and kitchens to meet stringent environmental regulations concerning waste disposal. These machines help in significantly reducing the greenhouse gas emissions associated with organic waste decomposition at landfills, thereby supporting compliance with national and international environmental standards. 
Facilitating Sustainable Business Practices: Beyond compliance, the adoption of organic waste composting machine innovations positions businesses as leaders in sustainability. This not only enhances their brand reputation but also aligns with consumer preferences for environmentally responsible companies. Furthermore, the reduction in waste handling and disposal costs through efficient on-site treatment provides a competitive edge in the market. 
Conclusion: EnvCure and Environmental Solutions 
At EnvCure, our mission is dedicated to addressing the pressing environmental challenges through innovative solutions like organic waste composting machines. By installing these machines, canteens and kitchens can play a pivotal role in reducing their environmental impact, turning everyday waste into a source of energy and returning nutrients to the earth. Our ongoing commitment is to support our clients in navigating these solutions, ensuring both ecological and economic benefits. 
Frequently Asked Questions: 
Q.1. How does an organic waste composting machine benefit our canteen/kitchen? 
Ans. An organic waste composting machine efficiently processes food waste from your canteen or kitchen into nutrient-rich compost. This reduces the volume of waste, minimizes odor and pest issues, and supports sustainable waste management practices. 
Q.2. What types of waste can the composting machine handle? 
Ans. Our composting machine can handle a variety of organic waste, including vegetable peels, fruit scraps, leftover food, coffee grounds, and even small amounts of paper napkins. It is designed to process typical kitchen and canteen waste effectively. 
Q.3. How long does the composting process take? 
Ans. The composting process in our machines typically takes 24 to 48 hours to convert organic waste into compost. The process is fast, efficient, and produces high-quality compost that can be used for gardening or landscaping purposes.
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Boost Your Garden's Green Potential with a Composting Enhancer
Gardening enthusiasts and environmentally conscious individuals alike have long recognized the benefits of composting. It's a fantastic way to recycle kitchen and yard waste while creating a nutrient-rich, organic soil conditioner for your plants. But what if you could make your composting efforts even more efficient and productive? That's where composting enhancers come into play, helping you unlock the full potential of your garden.
Understanding Composting Enhancers
Before delving into the details of how composting enhancers can supercharge your composting journey, let's first understand what they are. Composting enhancers, also known as compost accelerators or activators, are specially designed products that contain a combination of beneficial microorganisms, enzymes, and organic materials. Their primary goal is to expedite the decomposition process in your compost pile, leading to faster, more nutrient-rich results.
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The Science Behind Composting
Composting is a natural biological process driven by a diverse community of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and earthworms. These microorganisms break down organic matter like food scraps, leaves, and other biodegradable materials. Over time, this breakdown process transforms these materials into a rich, dark, and crumbly substance known as compost.
How Composting Enhancers Work Their Magic
Composting enhancers enhance the composting process in several ways:
Microbial Boost: Composting enhancers introduce a variety of beneficial microorganisms into your compost pile. These microbes are voracious eaters and break down complex organic materials more efficiently than naturally occurring microorganisms, leading to faster decomposition.
Enzyme Action: Enzymes are nature's catalysts, speeding up the chemical reactions that occur during composting. Composting enhancers often contain specific enzymes that target and break down challenging materials, such as lignin and cellulose.
Balanced Carbon-to-Nitrogen (C:N) Ratio: Microorganisms require a specific balance of carbon and nitrogen in the materials they consume. Composting enhancers help maintain this ideal ratio, ensuring that the microorganisms have the right "food" to work their magic.
Odor Control: Some composting enhancers can help reduce unpleasant odors that can sometimes be associated with composting, making the process more neighbor-friendly.
Nutrient Enrichment: Composting enhancers can increase the nutrient content of your finished compost, making it an even more valuable soil amendment for your garden.
Using Composting Enhancers Effectively
To make the most of composting enhancers, consider the following tips:
Select the Right Enhancer: There are various types of composting enhancers available, including organic and synthetic options. Choose one that aligns with your composting goals and preferences.
Follow Instructions: Different enhancers have different usage instructions. Always follow the manufacturer's guidelines for the best results.
Mix Thoroughly: Add the enhancer to your compost pile and ensure it is mixed evenly to maximize its effect.
Maintain Moisture and Aeration: Proper moisture and aeration are essential for successful composting. Ensure your compost pile maintains the right moisture level (similar to a wrung-out sponge) and turn it regularly to aerate and distribute the enhancer evenly.
In Conclusion
Composting enhancers are valuable tools for gardeners and eco-conscious individuals looking to optimize their composting efforts. They can help you create rich, nutrient-dense compost faster while reducing waste and benefiting the environment. Whether you're a seasoned composter or just starting out, consider adding a composting enhancer to your toolkit to supercharge your composting experience and unlock the full green potential of your garden. Your plants will thank you with lush, vibrant growth, and your garden will flourish like never before.
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"Organic Waste Composter: Today, Recycle for a Better Tomorrow"
In a world grappling with environmental challenges, taking steps towards a sustainable future has never been more critical. One such step is the adoption of an organic waste composter. These ingenious machines allow us to recycle organic waste efficiently, reduce our environmental footprint, and pave the way for a better tomorrow. In this blog, we'll explore the significance of organic waste composters, their impact on the environment, and how they empower individuals and communities to make a difference.
The Organic Waste Challenge:
Our daily lives generate substantial amounts of organic waste, including food scraps, yard clippings, and other biodegradable materials. When left to rot in landfills, this organic waste decomposes anaerobically, producing harmful methane gas—a potent contributor to global warming. Furthermore, the valuable nutrients locked in this waste remain untapped, while we continue to deplete our soils with chemical fertilizers.
Organic Waste Composters: A Sustainable Solution
1. Efficient Waste Reduction:
Organic waste composters offer an efficient way to divert organic waste from landfills. These machines create an ideal environment for organic decomposition, turning waste into valuable compost.
2. Environmental Benefits:
By composting with an organic waste converter, we reduce methane emissions and the strain on landfill space. Additionally, the resulting compost can enrich soils, reduce the need for chemical fertilizers, and improve agricultural practices.
3. Sustainable Gardening:
Compost produced by these machines is a nutrient-rich soil conditioner that promotes healthier plant growth, reduces soil erosion, and increases water retention in the soil.
4. Community Engagement:
Organic waste converters encourage communities to actively participate in waste management and environmental sustainability. These machines can be a focal point for education and community involvement.
How Organic Waste Composters Work:
An OWC Organic waste converter creates a controlled environment for the decomposition of organic materials. These machines mix organic waste with the right balance of air, moisture, and temperature to foster aerobic decomposition. Microorganisms like bacteria and fungi break down the waste, turning it into nutrient-rich compost over time.
1. Collection of Organic Waste:
The first step in composting is the collection of organic waste materials. This can include kitchen scraps (fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, eggshells), yard waste (leaves, grass clippings, small branches), and other biodegradable materials.
2. Layering and Balancing:
In a composting system, it's essential to create the right balance of "green" and "brown" materials. "Green" materials are rich in nitrogen and include food scraps and fresh yard waste. "Brown" materials are carbon-rich and include dried leaves, straw, and paper. Proper layering of these materials ensures an optimal carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) ratio for effective composting.
3. Aeration and Moisture Control:
Composting microorganisms require oxygen (aerobic decomposition) to break down organic matter efficiently. Most composters have mechanisms to allow air circulation. Some composters use turning or mixing to aerate the compost, while others have ventilation systems.
Maintaining the right moisture level is crucial. Compost should be as damp as a wrung-out sponge—neither too wet nor too dry. Many composters have features like drainage systems and lids to regulate moisture.
4. Microbial Activity:
Once the organic waste is added to the composter, naturally occurring microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and other decomposers, begin to break down the materials. 
5. Temperature Control:
Composting generates heat as a byproduct of microbial activity. High temperatures help kill pathogens and weed seeds and accelerate the decomposition process.
6. Turn or Mix:
Regular turning or mixing of the compost pile or materials within the composter helps distribute air, ensuring that all parts of the compost receive oxygen. This promotes even decomposition.
7. Maturation Phase:
Composting is an aerobic process that typically takes a few weeks to several months, depending on factors such as temperature, aeration, and the size of the composting pile.
The compost is considered mature and ready to use when it has turned into a dark, crumbly, and earthy-smelling material.
8. Harvesting and Use:
Once the compost is mature, it can be harvested and used as a valuable soil conditioner. It's rich in organic matter, nutrients, and beneficial microorganisms, making it an excellent addition to gardens, lawns, and agricultural fields.
Benefits at Home and Beyond:
An OWC composting machine is suitable for various settings, from homes to communities and institutions. Their benefits extend beyond reducing waste:
Homes: Reduce kitchen waste, create compost for gardens, and lower waste disposal costs.
Communities: Divert organic waste from landfills, educate residents about sustainability, and strengthen community bonds.
Institutions: Reduce waste management expenses, support green initiatives, and improve landscaping.
Taking Action Today for a Better Tomorrow.
As individuals and communities, we must take responsibility for our organic waste. By embracing OWC Machines, we can make a tangible impact on the environment and our immediate surroundings. It's a step toward a more sustainable, greener future where we recycle not just for today but for generations to come.
An OWC machine empowers us to recycle for a better tomorrow. By harnessing the natural process of decomposition, we can reduce waste, cut greenhouse gas emissions, enrich our soils, and create a more sustainable world—one compost pile at a time. It's a small change with a significant impact, and it's a change we can make today for a brighter, more sustainable future.
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chappythegardener · 1 year
How To Compost Goat Manure
Composting goat manure is an excellent way to convert it into nutrient-rich compost for your garden. Here are the steps to compost goat manure effectively: Collect the Manure: Gather goat manure from your goats or a reliable source. It is best to use well-aged or composted manure, as fresh manure can be too strong and may contain pathogens or weed seeds. Choose a Composting Method: Decide on the composting method that suits your needs. You can use a compost bin, compost pile, or a specialized composting system like a tumbler or vermicomposting (using worms). Ensure the chosen method allows for proper aeration and moisture control. Mix with Carbon-Rich Materials: Goat manure is high in nitrogen, so balance it with carbon-rich materials like straw, dried leaves, or wood chips. Aim for a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) of around 25-30:1 to promote proper decomposition. Add Water: Ensure the goat manure is moist, similar to a wrung-out sponge. If the manure is dry, add water during the mixing process to achieve the right moisture level. Avoid waterlogging the compost pile. Turn the Pile: Regularly turn or mix the compost pile to provide aeration. This helps maintain oxygen levels and promotes decomposition. Turning the pile every few weeks also helps break down the manure faster. Monitor Temperature and Moisture: Check the temperature of the compost pile using a compost thermometer. The ideal temperature range for composting is between 130-160°F (54-71°C). If the temperature is too low, turn the pile to increase heat. Ensure the compost remains moist, but not soggy, throughout the process. Allow for Decomposition: Let the composting process take its course. Depending on factors such as temperature, moisture, and pile size, composting goat manure can take several months to a year. Regularly monitor the compost for progress. Optional: Cover the Pile: Covering the compost pile with a tarp or other breathable material helps retain moisture and heat. It also prevents excessive rainwater from saturating the pile. Compost Maturity: The goat manure will be fully composted and mature when it turns dark, crumbly, and has an earthy smell. It should no longer resemble fresh manure. Use in the Garden: Once the goat manure compost is fully matured, you can incorporate it into your garden soil as a nutrient-rich amendment. Apply it around your plants or mix it into the soil before planting. Remember to follow local guidelines and regulations regarding composting and the use of manure in your area. Composting goat manure not only helps reduce waste but also produces valuable organic matter that enhances soil fertility and promotes healthier plant growth. Read the full article
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profikomp · 1 year
Revolutionizing Waste Management: The Aerated Windrow System
Composting plays a pivotal role in sustainable waste management, and the aerated windrow system has emerged as a transformative approach. By integrating aerobic composting techniques, this system redefines the decomposition process and offers numerous environmental benefits. This article will explore the concept, advantages, and implementation process of the aerated windrow system, highlighting its potential to revolutionize waste management practices and foster a greener future.
Composting with the Aerated Windrow System
The aerated windrow system involves the controlled decomposition of organic waste in elongated piles known as windrows. These windrows are meticulously constructed with a well-balanced mixture of organic materials, including food waste, yard waste, and agricultural residues. What sets this system apart is the introduction of forced aeration, ensuring a continuous supply of oxygen to the composting materials. Oxygen plays a critical role in the composting process by promoting the growth of aerobic microorganisms that efficiently break down organic matter.
Advantages of Aerated Windrow Composting
Implementing the aerated windrow system offers numerous significant advantages. Firstly, it enhances the decomposition process, resulting in faster composting compared to traditional methods. The controlled aeration minimizes the occurrence of unpleasant odors typically associated with composting, making it more environmentally friendly. Additionally, increased oxygen levels within the windrows reduce the emission of greenhouse gases like methane and nitrous oxide, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.
Furthermore, the aerated windrow system improves nutrient retention in the final compost. Essential elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are preserved, allowing for their effective return to the soil and promoting optimal plant growth. Moreover, the system's careful management of moisture levels and aeration reduces leachate formation, minimizing the risk of groundwater contamination and preserving valuable water resources.
Process of Aerated Windrow Composting
Implementing the aerated windrow system involves several key steps. Firstly, selecting a suitable site is crucial, taking into account factors such as accessibility, drainage, and proximity to waste sources and compost users. Once the site is chosen, a well-balanced mix of organic waste materials is selected, ensuring an optimal carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) to facilitate efficient decomposition.
The construction and management of windrows are pivotal in the process. Windrows are formed with specific dimensions, and their temperature, moisture, and oxygen levels are regularly monitored and adjusted as required. The introduction of an aeration system, such as perforated pipes or blowers, ensures a consistent and adequate supply of oxygen throughout the windrows. Proper aeration promotes the growth of beneficial aerobic microorganisms and maintains optimal composting conditions.
Regular turning and mixing of the windrows facilitate aeration, distribute moisture evenly, and promote uniform decomposition. This process prevents the formation of anaerobic zones and ensures efficient breakdown of the composting materials. Once the compost reaches a stable and mature state, it undergoes a curing period during which remaining organic matter continues to break down, resulting in a nutrient-rich end product suitable for soil amendment.
The aerated windrow system represents a significant advancement in composting techniques, offering enhanced decomposition, odor control, and nutrient retention. By adopting this innovative approach to waste management, we can minimize environmental impact, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and produce nutrient-rich compost. Embracing the aerated windrow system has the potential to revolutionize waste management practices and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future. Let us harness the power of organic waste by implementing the aerated windrow system, transforming waste into a valuable resource and paving the way for a healthier planet for generations to come.
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sciencespies · 2 years
Phytoplankton Model: Oceans of possibilities
Phytoplankton Model: Oceans of possibilities
Since 1934, the Redfield ratio — the recurring ratio of 106:16:1 of carbon to nitrogen to phosphorus (C:N:P) in phytoplankton and the pathways by which these elements are circulated throughout all parts of the Earth — has been a cornerstone of oceanography. While differences in C:N:P ratios exist and have been observed across ocean biomes, to date there has not been an established way to quantify or predict that variation. However, a new study from a University of Rhode Island professor could help to fill in the blanks for scientists studying and trying to understand these variances.
The study, published in Nature Geoscience and written by Keisuke Inomura, assistant professor of oceanography in URI’s Graduate School of Oceanography, with a team from the University of Washington, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Princeton University, could also have meaningful implications for climate research.
Essential to aquatic ecosystems the world over, phytoplankton provide food for almost all sea life; they also perform photosynthesis — taking in sunlight, water and carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen and carbon. In addition to generating half of the oxygen in our atmosphere, phytoplankton also impact carbon export and storage in the deep ocean, which, in turn, can affect the composition of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon export is substantially influenced by C:N:P ratios because the ratio indicates how much carbon is produced in relation to available nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus).
In examining C:N:P ratios, studies have shown that while C:N remains relatively stable, the ratio of N:P or C:P can vary significantly depending on latitude — with higher ratios in the subtropics and lower ratios in high latitudes such as the Artic or Southern Oceans. What hasn’t been known is why. To answer that question, the team incorporated a macromolecular model of phytoplankton into a global general circulation and biogeochemical model — essentially introducing the molecular composition within phytoplankton into a computational model that also takes into account ocean circulation and the nutrient cycle.
“We analyzed existing data on small and large phytoplankton, looking at their makeup — proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, DNA, RNA, etc. — and the relationship of these macromolecules to one another, how they take in light and nutrients and use that to replicate or grow,” said Inomura. The relationship between quantities of substances taking part in a reaction or forming a compound is known as stoichometry. “By resolving how much of each exist in phytoplankton within a new model, and incorporating that into an ocean framework — we are able to predict or simulate and analyze how the ratio of C:N:P will vary throughout the ocean and why.”
Findings show that while there is relatively small variation in the ratio of C:N primarily driven by common physiological adjustment strategies across all phytoplankton, the greater variation in N:P is mainly impacted by what plankton exist — large or small.
The new model adds an unprecedented level of detail previously unavailable on the macromolecular allocation of phytoplankton and how it acclimates to changing environmental conditions based on empirical data. The model can be used to predict and interpret macromolecular distributions in phytoplankton in the ocean, providing a framework for predicting biological and ecological responses to climate change.
“It’s always academically interesting to answer a big research question,” said Inomura. “And, of course, models get more fun and much more useful when they are based on empirical data. But what we’ve done by including this level of detail in our model is to help connect the dots for researchers by providing a real-life-based prediction of the elemental ratio everywhere in the ocean — including places researchers are not able to get to.”
Inomura believes this work could lead to a next generation climate model. The additional level of detail found in the macromolecular model can be instrumental in predicting future changes to the ocean’s C:N:P ratio and the implication of those changes on the atmospheric composition of carbon dioxide and temperature.
“There is still a lot we don’t know about climate change. The biology aspect in current climate models is one area that has provided uncertainty,” said Inomura. “It’s our hope that this model will help to better pin that part down.”
Story Source:
Materials provided by University of Rhode Island. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.
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huaqiangmachine · 2 years
How does biogas process organic fertilizer?
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To process biogas residue into compost fertilizer residue, we can summarize the whole treatment technology as:Dehydration (separated solids - 15% can be used as fertilizer compost) → composting (composting a large amount of biogas residues into high-quality fertilizers) → granulation (making composted biogas residues into granules for easy sales and storage) → packaging, our company is professional organic fertilizer machine manufacturers, here is a brief introduction. 1. dehydrationDehydration of the digestate is essential because the transport distances are often too great. Producers can use solid-liquid separators to separate biogas residues into liquid (typically 1-6% dry matter) and fiber fractions (typically 20-40% dry matter) 2. Biogas plant biogas residue solid phaseComposting During composting, biogas residues are decomposed under the action of atmospheric oxygen. Composting of modern biogas waste is a multi-step, closely monitored process with measured inputs of water, air and carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials (making C:N ratios equal to values of 15–25:1). The compost turning machine widely used in developing countries such as India, China, Nepal, etc. The whole process is assisted by crushing the digestate to size, keeping the oxygen concentration in the air above 15%, adding water and regularly ensuring proper aeration. 3. Granulation processThe granulation stage of biogas residue composting occurs after the compost crushing and screening process. The granulator is the key equipment in the production of biogas residue organic fertilizer, which directly determines the quality and appearance of the finished product. Common organic fertilizer granulators include: double-roll extrusion granulator, rotary drum granulator, disc granulator machine, new organic fertilizer granulator, new two-in-one organic fertilizer granulator, flat die granulator machine, ring die granulator, each granulator has its own production characteristics, and the fertilizer granulator machine price varies. 4. Packaging The automatic packaging machine is a fully automatic packaging machine with functions of automatic weighing, automatic bagging, automatic filling, automatic bag delivery and automatic sealing.
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davidstortebeker · 2 years
Taking Care of Business 1 – Humanure Composting with a Bucket
What can we do with our human wastes?
Probably one of the most important questions addressed by Permaculture is not the one about where things come from (food from our garden, water from the rain, energy from the sun, etc.) but where they go once we are done with them. Since the mere idea of trash (junk, garbage, rubbish, refuse, waste, but also pests, weeds, and bad people) contradicts everything Permaculture is about, a completely different approach is called for. Referring to the same things as scrap, raw resource, or compost, is a good start. In this way we start seeing the same things as solutions rather than problems.
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When it comes to human excrement, it doesn’t take more than a bit of an effort to view it as a rich source of nutrients (which almost sounds like food) rather than the pile of crap we’ve learned to treat it as. Clearly, in its original state it is nothing more than a nasty, smelly problem, and a potential source of further problems, such as insects and infections, if not taken care of properly. Unfortunately, some seemingly “proper” treatment methods are responsible for even bigger problems.
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The Bucket Chuck-it System
Doing a search on composting toilets will give you a good variety of ways to deal with our feces. The basic idea is always the same: covering our excrement with carbon-rich material will give it the optimal C:N (carbon : nitrogen) ratio for composting, while preventing the exposure to the air, thus keeping the smell and bugs in check. Probably the most common system for this is the two-chamber solution, where a full chamber has time to decompose while the other one is being filled over months. It is a good system, though it requires some construction work to set it up. But where would you go in the meantime? Or suppose you've just arrived on your newly acquired piece of property, without any structures whatsoever, and want to do an observation over the next few weeks. The bucket system is the ideal solution.
Probably the humanure composting system that requires the least infrastructure is the bucket. It’s just as simple as it sounds: a five-gallon bucket with an optional toilet seat on top, and a bag of sawdust on the side. Because of its minimal size, it is inevitable that it must be emptied once a week, at least. Initially, this might seem like a disadvantage. However, taking the bucket to the compost, dumping it out, covering it with some more carbon rich material, then rinsing out the bucket and dumping the water on the pile, can all be done in under ten minutes by one person. And because of the shallow depth of the bucket, it’s fairly easy to ensure that everything is 100% covered, at all times. For this reason I have found this bucket solution to be cleaner, less smelly, and less frequented by insects than the elaborate two-chamber composting toilets. So much so, that it’s even a practically feasible system for indoor use, as it can be seen on this photo of my friend's composting toilet in Hungary. Isn’t it pretty?
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And Once the Bucket is Full...
Don't wait till it's full! It's much easier to carry and empty it out if it is only about ¾ full. And yes, it needs to have a composting pile prepared, with more carbon-rich material on the side, such as straw. I’ve once had the pleasure to build a so called “Humanure Hacienda,” straight from Joseph Jenkins’ Humanure Handbook, a highly recommendable source on this subject. There the bucket can be emptied on the pile in the left chamber and covered with straw from the dry section in the middle. When that chamber is full, which should take at least a year, the right one can be used while the left side is left alone to decompose. After the second year, the first chamber is ready to be emptied. This compost is safe to use on plants whose edible parts don’t come in contact with the compost, such as fruit trees, hazelnuts, or even corn.
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Of course it should be noted, that before the two years are up, the compost should be given its proper respect. Don't mix it with other compost, have a certain sets of tools (shovels pitchforks, etc.) designated for the humanure compost only, and even once it is ready for use, don't fertilize your carrots or cabbages with it.
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All in all, I consider this the most flexible and most efficient way of dealing with one of our most ubiquitous products. It can be as simple as a bucket and a compost pile, or it can be as fancy and high-end as the structures in the photos. Of course, they are not the only type of sustainable toilets around, so stay tuned for more insights into humanure composting.
sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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annieboltonworld · 4 years
Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources
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An Over View of Organic Farming in Indian Agricultural System
Authored by N Tensingh Baliah
Now-a-days, organic farming practices are gaining importance as farmers have realized the benefits of organic farming in terms of soil fertility, soil health and sustainable productivity. Farmers are well aware with the use of organic liquid manures in organic farming. These organic manures play a key role in promoting growth and providing immunity to plant system. The principle of organic cultivation is attracting the farmers' world over due to its various advantages over modern agricultural practices. Essentially, it is a farming system which supports and strengthens biological processes without recourse to inorganic remedies such as chemicals or genetically modified organisms. Furthermost, the organic agriculture is more productive and highly sustainable one.
Keywords: Modern Agriculture; Organic Farming; Organic Manures and Crop Response
Green Revolution (GR) technologies are known to have enhanced agricultural production and productivity. The technologies greatly helped to address the food security of India, farmers using these technologies have to depend upon the purchased inputs. The small farmers, who by cash flow definition are short of cash, are therefore found to lag behind large farmers in the adoption of technologies. The manufactures of fertilizers and pesticides, the two major inputs of GR technologies, need fossil fuels and/or expensive energy, and are associated with serious environmental and health problems [1]. Modern agricultural farming practices, along with irrational use of chemical inputs over the past four decades have resulted in not only loss of natural habitat balance and soil health but have also caused many hazards like soil erosion, decreased groundwater level, soil salinization, pollution due to fertilizers and pesticides, genetic erosion, ill effects on environment, reduced food quality and increased the cost of cultivation, rendering the farmer poorer year by year [2].
In India, cropping system involves the usage of inorganic and organic fertilizers to improve soil health and soil fertility. However, the mismanagement and excessive use of inorganic fertilizers creates problems in soil fertility and the environment. Hence, a widespread need has arisen to go in for organic farming and cultivation. The efficiency of sole organic inputs in nutrient management was studied through the use of different types of organic manures. Organic farming is a productive system, which reduces or avoids entirely the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, growth regulators and other agricultural chemicals. The system relies on crop rotation, organic manure and biofertilizers for nutrient supply, biopesticides and biocontrol for pest and disease control and innovative crop husbandry practices for maintaining soil productivity.
Organic Farming
Organic farming is an approach to producing food products that is intended to overcome the negative impacts of the Green Revolution on soil, air, water, landscape, and humans worldwide. Organic farming methods are continuously being developed by farmers, scientists and concerned people all over the world. A central element of the organic farming approach is the efficient use of on-farm and local resources such as farmyard manure, indirect crop protection and local seeds. It pursues a course of promoting the powers of self-regulation and resistance which plants and animals possess naturally [3].
Organic farming is not based exclusively on short term economics, but also considers ecological concepts. It utilizes appropriate technology and appropriate traditional farming methods. This form of farming can also be called sustainable form of farming or sustainable agriculture. The principles of this method are: organize the production of crops and livestock and the management of farm resources so that they harmonize rather than conflict with natural system; use and develop appropriate technologies based upon an understanding of biological systems; achieve and maintain soil fertility for optimum production by relying primarily on renewable resources; use diversification to pursue optimum production use for optimum nutritional value of staple food; use decentralized structures for processing, distributing and marketing of products; strive for equitable relationship between those who work and live on the land and maintain and preserve wildlife and their habitats [4,5].
Nature Of Organic Manures/Fertilizers
Compost is one of the less concentrated organic manures, but it is extremely valuable in adding extra body to soils especially the sandy ones. Compost can also help to lighten heavy clay soils. The application of organic manure helps in increasing the organic matter content of the soil, in maintaining soil natural productivity [6]. According to the application of organic manures not only produced the highest and sustainable crop yield, but also improved the soil fertility and productivity of land [7]. A combination of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients might be helpful to obtain a good economic return with good soil health for the subsequent crop yield [8,9]. Bulky organic manures contain small percentage of nutrients and they are applied in large quantities. Farmyard manure (FYM), compost and green manure are the most important and widely used bulky organic manures. Use of bulky organic manures have several advantages: they supply plant nutrients including micronutrients; improve soil physical properties like structure, water holding capacity; increase the availability of nutrients; plant parasitic nematodes and fungi are controlled to some extent by altering the balance of microorganisms in the soil.
The bulk density, total porosity and aggregate stability of surface soil improve by the hugger organic matter levels of the organic farming soil. It is an excellent organic fertilizer is concentrated source of nitrogen and other essential nutrients. It has direct effect on plant growth. It has high K and C:N ratio values and wood ash had high K and C:N ratio [10]. Earthworms can serve as tools to facilitate several functions. They serve as "nature's plowman" and form nature's gift to produce good humans, which is the most precious material to fulfill the nutritional needs of crops. The utilization of vermicompost results in several benefits to farmers, industries, environment and overall national economy They are finely-divided mature peat-like materials with a high porosity, aeration, drainage and water-holding capacity and microbial activity which are stabilized by interactions between earthworms and microorganisms in a non-thermophilic process. Vermicompost treated soils have lower pH and increased levels of organic matter, primary nutrients and soluble salts.
Vermi compost is rich in N, P, K, Ca, Mg and vermicompost when used improve the water holding capacity. Supplementing N through inorganic sources, thus play a vital role in increasing the yield of the crop [11]. Neem cake consists of neem seed along with natural nutrients which is required for the growth of plants. Every part of tree i.e. leaves, flowers, fruits, bark, seed are utilized as a pesticides, insecticides, medicine, diabetic food, mosquito repellant. It is potentially one of most valuable and least exploited of all tropical trees. It has adequate quantity of NPK in organic form for plant growth. Being totally botanical product it contains 100% natural NPK content and other essential micro nutrients [12,13]. Wood ash is a residual material produced during the conversion of biomass to electrical energy by wood-burning power plants.
It is obtained from the combustion of wood. It can be related to fly ash since fly ash is obtained from coal, which is a fossilized wood An estimated 1.5 to 3.0 million dry tons of It is generated annually in the United States with 90% of the ash being land filled. Land spreading is an alternative disposal method which is 33%- 66% less costly than land filling due to the drastic rise of prices for commercial fertilizers, the search for alternative fertilizer resources becomes increasingly important [14]. The reutilization of residues from bio energy processes for plant nutrition is an important factor to save fertilizers and to realize nutrient cycling in agriculture [15]. The ashes remaining from combustion of biomass are the oldest man-produced mineral fertilizers in the world. They contain nearly all nutrients except of nitrogen (N) and can help to improve plant nutrition regarding phosphorus (P), the fertilizer effect of biomass ashes and the solubility of P in ashes are evaluated differently.
Crop Response to Organic Manures
Vermi compost: Vermi compost was found to be richer on P, K, Ca and Mg and enrichment of trace elements like Fe, Cu, and Mn. The application of vermicompost to plant resulted in increased root length and shoots length and plant biomass. The application of nitrogen through urea and vermicompost significantly increased the nitrogen and protein content in okra fruit over control. The number of fruits per plant, fruit length and fruit yield increased significantly due to application of 100 % N (90 kg/ ha) through urea and vermicompost over control. Vermicompost has been used in flowering plants like balsam, zinnia, celosia and marigold; Vegetable crops like tomato, carrot, and brinjal and fruit crops such as grape and banana [16,17]. Earthworm casts promote root initiation and root biomass and increase root percentage. Earthworm casts have hormone- like effect, influencing the development and precociousness of plants. Vermicomposted larval litter significantly increased the length and weight of shoot and root, shoot: root ratio and N, P, K uptake. Application of recommended doses of NPK fertilizers, earthworm and cow dung has much significantly increased the chlorophyll and protein contents of mulberry leaves. Rice grown on worm casts produced higher shoot fresh weight and dry weight and showed higher nutrient uptake, lower fertilizer response than rice grown on surface soils [18].
The application of vermin compost had a significant effect on root and fruit weight of tomatoes. In 100 % vermicompost treatment, fruit, shoot, and root weights were three, five, and nine times, respectively more than control. Where vermicompost was applied at 5 t/ ha or at 10 t/ ha, increased shoot weight and leaf area of pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L) compared to inorganic fertilizers [19]. The application of vermicompost 3 t/ h to chickpea improved dry matter accumulation, grain yield, and grain protein content in chickpea, soil nitrogen and phosphorus and bacterial count, dry fodder yield of succeeding maize (Zea mays L) and total nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by the ropping system over vermicompost [20] and increased the vegetative growth and yield of Hibiscus esculentus [21].
Farmyard Manure (FYM): Farm yard manure is an important source of plant nutrients. It is composed of dung, urine of bedding and straws. Application of FYM at 10 t/ha and poultry manure at 5 t/ha significantly increased number of branches per plant, leaf area index and dry weight per plant. The fresh and dry weight per plant was higher in the vermicompost and FYM treated tomato. The highest protein content in okra fruit was recorded with application of N (90 kg/ ha) through FYM, vermicompost, poultry manure and urea over control [22,23]. The application of 100 per cent RDF and FYM at 20 t/ ha significantly increased growth attributes viz. plant height at harvest, number of branches per plant, leaf area and chlorophyll content in okra [24].
The effect of organic manures on yield characters was significantly superior over inorganic fertilizer in brinjal. The maximum fruit yield was obtained with the treatment of FYM + vermicompost. The total potato (Solanum tuberosum L) tubers yield was significantly higher with the application ofvermicompost and FYM [25]. The results indicated that the farmyard manure and higher doses of potassium proved best to increase the yield of potatoes. Organic manures such as cow dung, poultry manure and crop residues were used as alternatives for the inorganic fertilizers but no conclusive results were obtained to ascertain which among these organic sources of nutrition gave a higher yield of tomato [26,27]. Application of farm yard manure, which contained both mineral and organic N, was used to improve soil fertility and rice yield [28]. A good response of potatoes was observed in shape of increased yield with the application of potash fertilizers alone and even better with combined application of FYM. Response of potato was very clearly observed with increased levels of potassium supply along with organic manures [29,30]. The plant height, number of branches, leaf area, and total dry matter production in various plant parts of chilli recorded significantly higher values with combined application of NPK + FYM as compared to NPK alone [31].
Neem Cake: Neem cake is rich in plant nutrients and in addition to that it contains alkaloids like Nimbin and Nimbidin, which have nitification inhibiting properties and release N slowly. The improved yield is due to neem cake application in brinjal. It is gaining popularity because it is environmental friendly and also the compounds found in it help to increase the nitrogen and phosphorous content in the soil. It is rich in sulphur, potassium, calcium, nitrogen, etc [32]. It is used to manufacture high quality organic or natural manure, which does not have any aftermaths on plants, soil and other living organisms. The application of 25% nitrogen through neem cake and 75% through poultry manure was found superior in the enhancement of the growth, yield and quality parameters of bitter gourd. The application of nutrients like neem cake, different nitrogen levels, and biofertilizers has a significant and vital effect on yield and quality attributes of chilli [33] and asserts the highest dry weight of root, dry weight of rhizome per plant and total dry matter yield from neem cake applied at 2.0 t/ha in turmeric [34].
Wood Ash: Wood ash increases soil pH and thus enhances the growth of neutrophilic microorganisms [35]. The higher pH increases the fraction of DOC which is the main resource for microbial growth [36]. Sludges are efficient N fertilizers, and thus the combination with wood ash should have increased plant growth as has been shown for corn [37] for poultry litter ash. An increase of extractable soil P after application of alfalfa stems ash. The positive effects of ashes on soil texture, aeration, water holding capacity and cation exchange capacity [38]. The application of ash promotes plant growth only if there is no N limitation. The high content of Ca, K and Mg in wood ash results in an immediate neutralization acid soils upon application. The ability of ashes to increase soil pH by oxides, hydroxides and carbonates of K, Mg and Ca is an advantage for the treatment of acidic soils [39].
It was found that increased in pod yield of okra with application of wood ash up to 8 t/ha. The burning of Sesbenia wood and incorporation of the ash into soil increased grain yield of maize markedly, while the application of ash young maize plants had significantly increased the yield of maize [40,41]. The yield of vegetable crops and nutrient content were improved by wood ash [42] and reduced acidity and increased cation availability in soils amended with wood ash [43]. There was great potential of reducing fertilizer and lime bills in maize production of an acidic soil by replacing it with application of wood-ash, since it helps to increase soil pH, available cations and yield.
Organic farming system in India is not new and is being followed from ancient time. It is a method of farming system which primarily aimed at cultivating the land and raising crops in such a way, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by use of organic wastes (crop, animal and farm wastes, aquatic wastes) and other biological materials along with beneficial microbes (biofertilizers) to release nutrients to crops for increased sustainable production in an eco friendly pollution free environment. With the increase in population our compulsion would be not only to stabilize agricultural production but to increase it further in sustainable manner. The scientists have realized that the 'Green Revolution' with high input use has reached a plateau and is now sustained with diminishing return of falling dividends. Thus, a natural balance needs to be maintained at all cost for existence of life and property. The obvious choice for that would be more relevant in the present era, when these agrochemicals which are produced from fossil fuel and are not renewable and are diminishing in availability. It may also cost heavily on our foreign exchange in future.
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16sock · 4 years
I’m going to start posting about papers I read as a way to help myself remember the ideas and spotlight cool papers that I think could be interesting for others.
Today’s paper is...
Representative diatom and coccolithophore species exhibit divergent responses throughout simulated upwelling cycles (2020). 
Authors: Robert H. Lampe, Gustavo Hernandez, Yuan Yu Lin, Adrian Marchetti
Published In: bioRxiv
Goal/Questions Asked: Why are diatoms the dominant bloomers in upwelling events? How does iron play a role in the different responses between types of phytoplankton? How does C:N ratio change and/or affect responses to the upwelling event?
Methods: Simulated upwelling conditions with representative diatom Chaetoceros decipiens and representative coccolithophore Emiliana huxleyi grown in artificial seawater. Semi-continuous batch culturing with two different iron concentrations (low iron, 3.1 nmol/L, and high iron, 1370 nmol/L). Cells were grown until nutrient exhaustion and stationary phase (late bloom conditions), then transferred to the dark (sinking out of the euphotic zone). Nutrient levels did not increase during simulated sinking. After 10 days*, cells were transferred to fresh media (simulated upwelling) and grown until stationary phase was achieved for two days, completing the cycle.
*from the paper, emphasis mine: “The 10 day time frame was selected based on satellite observations of timing between upwelling and as a point at which differences in lag time to return to exponential growth were observed between species.”
What I Learned: Upwelling conveyer belt cycle (UCBC) - phytoplankton at depth are upwelled and seed surface blooms, sinking back to depth when nutrients are depleted. Upwelling is anticipated to intensify from climate change. Iron concentrations in an upwelling event can be low relative to other macronutrients like nitrate.
Iron-replete: C. decipiens and E. hux both exhibited reduced chlorophyll and photosynthetic efficiency in stationary phase. Both grew near Redfield ratio in exponential growth phase and increased C:N ratio during stationary (indicating N-depletion). C:N ratios observed were as high as ~30:1.
C. decipiens and E. hux exhibited different temporal responses in terms of transcription. The diatoms seemed to upregulate genes before the upwelling event (in stationary phase), while the coccolithophores upregulated genes upon the return to light and nutrients. Diatoms are able to respond quicker, but coccolithophores may exhibit luxury uptake and ability to story excess nitrate.
The diatoms returned the exponential grown within 24 hours of returning to light and nutrients, while it took E. hux about 48 hours. Diatoms frontload nitrate uptake/assimilation genes, while E.hux downregulates nitrate transporters and upregulate ammonium transporters (E. hux has been shown to prefer ammonium to nitrate).
Iron-limited: E. hux was able to maintain a higher growth rate under iron-limited conditions than the diatoms, which may grant them an advantage under low Fe concentrations. However, they were still not able to compete with the diatoms upon being returned to upwelling conditions. C. deci’s nitrogen response did not seem to be significantly impacted by low iron conditions, but ammonium transporters were upregulated. Both E. hux and C. deci upregulated genes related to iron scavenging and iron stress.
Future Directions: Looking at upregulated unannotated genes for E. hux to identify function in iron stress. Further differentiating transcriptional responses among different species of diatoms, as well as differential transcriptional responses of E. hux in varied iron treatments. Further corroborating the findings under N and Fe colimitation.
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radical-agriculture · 6 years
do you have any tips for composting? our compost isn't decomposing well and I've been meaning to look into stuff about how to fix that but I don't really know where to start or what sources are good. if you could even just give me some sites that have trustworthy composting info that would be amazing (if not that's fine too, I just thought I'd ask since it seems like you have experience with this stuff and would know what's good). I love ur blog + I hope you have a wonderful day!
oh yes babe i’m glad you asked! ok so there’s two basic compost troubleshooting things i know of, which are:
1. your compost might need more oxygen and/or water – bacteria & fungi can’t do their thing as efficiently if they don’t have those two ingredients. if your compost smells like rotten eggs, there’s a good chance oxygen is the problem. depends what your setup is for holding the compost but if it’s in a trash can or something, try drilling a few holes, and no matter what the setup is try “turning it” more often - this means getting in there with a pitchfork or smth and mixing it all up. as for water, it should be pretty moist - not sopping but moist - so if it seems dry hit it with a hose or a watering can and turn it to mix it up
2., and this one is important, your carbon to nitrogen ratio might be off. a lot of times when people are making home compost they only include kitchen scraps, fresh grass clippings/freshly pulled weeds, animal manure if it’s a homestead, etc. which are all great compost components but are also all very nitrogen-rich ingredients. if this sounds like you, it might help a lot to mix in carbon-rich ingredients like shredded newspaper, dry leaves, sawdust, etc. good compost has more carbon in it than you might think – the C:N ratio should be about 30:1 (and this gets tricky bc its not like … 30 times as much paper as veggie scraps, so don’t worry about numbers too much, just play around with adding more paper or whatever). HOWEVER, you also could have too MUCH carbon in there (maybe your house has a ton of dead leaves?), which might also be your problem because that can slow down decomposition. in which case, try to get your hands on some more nitrogen-rich ingredients to add to the mix, or just stop adding as much carbon.
basically the things to remember are that compost is “alive” and needs water, oxygen, and the right kind of food! its almost like having a second garden. here is a website for really detailed troubleshooting if none of this works: https://www.planetnatural.com/composting-101/making/problems/ happy composting!!!
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prabhatfertilizer · 2 years
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Prabhat Shakti is a non-toxic #organicmanure that contains key nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in an organic form with a low C:N ratio.
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Hydroponic Growing of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) Using Bioorganic Liquid Fertilizer from Groundnut Husk and Onion Bulbs
Bioorganic liquid fertilizer not only increases bioorganic fertility of crops (in comparison to the control and prototype fertilizer), but also accelerates their maturation and nutrient quality. Thus, the present study was aimed to produce bioorganic liquid fertilizer from groundnut husk and onion bulbs through aerobic fermentation in open containers. The result indicated that bioorganic liquid fertilizer solution from groundnut husk and banana peels through aerobic fermentation in open containers. Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) were found to be significant between bioorganic liquid fertilizer and compost tea (used as a control) solution. The quality of bioorganic liquid fertilizer solution produced in the present study was indicated that all measured parameters including PH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Carbon(C), Nitrogen (N), and C:N ratio was found to be significant between compost tea and bioorganic fertilizer solutions. The performance of lettuce irrigated with bioorganic fertilizer solution in both soil and hydroponic medium (sawdust) was performing better than compost tea solution. It was found that most of the measured parameters including above ground biomass per plant (BMW), Days to Maturity (DM), and Head Weight Per Plant (HWP) were found to be significant, between compost tea and bioorganic fertilizer solutions, for all soil grown lettuce and hydroponic growth using sawdust. However, there was no significance difference observed for Number of Leaves per Plant (NLP). Further evaluation of fertilizer should have to be done by conducting field experiments for various crop plants.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/biotechnology-microbiology/fulltext/hydroponic-growing-of-lettuce-(lactuca-sativa-l)-using-bioorganic-liquid-fertilizer.ID.000128.php
Read more Lupine publishers Goggle Scholar Articles: https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=X4tPijcAAAAJ&cstart=20&pagesize=80&citation_for_view=X4tPijcAAAAJ:70eg2SAEIzsC
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Nursery of the Black Tiger Shrimp Penaeus Monodon Postlarvae in a Biofloc System with Different Carbon Sources
The experiment comprised five treatments including a control without any organic carbon addition and four different carbon sources applied in biofloc system namely sugar cane molasses, fine rice bran, cassava powder and combination of rice bran and cassava at an estimated C:N ratio of 12. The nursery phases were assessed in tanks with a volume of 450 L for 30 days. The black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) postlarvae with an average weight of 0.01 g were randomly stocked at density of 600 Ind. m-3. Results showed that carbohydrate addition resulted in better water quality and shrimp performance than that in the control system. Among the different carbon sources used, cassava and molasses have slightly increased the survival of shrimp. Overall, use of sugar cane molasses as carbon source seem to be more effective that gave better water quality, survival and production of shrimp.
Read more about this article: https://juniperpublishers.com/ofoaj/OFOAJ.MS.ID.555821.php
Read more Juniper Publishers Google Scholar articles https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=V6JxtrUAAAAJ&citation_for_view=V6JxtrUAAAAJ:ldfaerwXgEUC
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chappythegardener · 1 year
How To Compost Cow Manure
Composting cow manure is a great way to transform it into nutrient-rich organic matter that can be used as fertilizer for your garden. Here are the steps to compost cow manure effectively: Collect the Manure: Gather cow manure from a reliable source. It is best to use well-aged or composted manure, as fresh manure can be too strong and may contain pathogens or weed seeds. Choose a Composting Method: Decide on the composting method that suits your needs. You can use a compost bin, compost pile, or a specialized composting system like a tumbler or vermicomposting (using worms). Ensure the chosen method allows for proper aeration and moisture control. Mix with Carbon-Rich Materials: Cow manure is high in nitrogen, so balance it with carbon-rich materials like straw, dried leaves, or wood chips. Aim for a carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio) of around 25-30:1 to promote proper decomposition. Add Water: Cow manure should be moist, similar to a wrung-out sponge. If the manure is dry, add water during the mixing process to achieve the right moisture level. Avoid waterlogging the compost pile. Turn the Pile: Regularly turn or mix the compost pile to aerate it. This helps maintain oxygen levels and promotes decomposition. Turning the pile every few weeks also helps break down the manure faster. Monitor Temperature and Moisture: Check the temperature of the compost pile using a compost thermometer. The ideal temperature range for composting is between 130-160°F (54-71°C). If the temperature is too low, turn the pile to increase heat. Ensure the compost remains moist, but not soggy, throughout the process. Allow for Decomposition: Let the composting process take its course. Depending on factors such as temperature, moisture, and pile size, composting cow manure can take several months to a year. Regularly monitor the compost for progress. Optional: Cover the Pile: Covering the compost pile with a tarp or other breathable material helps retain moisture and heat. It also prevents excessive rainwater from saturating the pile. Compost Maturity: The cow manure will be fully composted and mature when it turns dark, crumbly, and has an earthy smell. It should no longer resemble fresh manure. Use in the Garden: Once the cow manure compost is fully matured, you can incorporate it into your garden soil as a nutrient-rich amendment. Apply it around your plants or mix it into the soil before planting. Remember to follow local guidelines and regulations regarding composting and the use of manure in your area. Composting cow manure not only helps reduce waste but also produces valuable organic matter that enhances soil fertility and promotes healthier plant growth. Read the full article
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