frumpkin-biscuits · 6 months
Essek, helping Fjord pretend to be a prisoner: can you create an illusion of chains?
Fjord: oh yeah let me just grab some manacles from our bag!
Essek, who keeps thinking the Nein can’t get any weirder: why… do you have that
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Campaign 2, Episode 90
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piratespencil · 2 years
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Listening to c2e90 and Matt just starts dropping lore about meteors full of rare odd metals that are rumoured to be falling from Ruidus???
(Every time we get some Ruidus lore in c2 my c3 brain goes wild...)
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Fjord: Is memory modification a thing?
Jester: Yeah!
Fjord: It is?
Jester: Yeah, I mean, I can do it.
Fjord: What do you mean?
Jester: Like, I could make you think that something different happened than happened.
Caleb at first just having a sad expression of like “Yeah it’s a thing” and then looking at Jester as she’s speaking and just briefly looking wary and leaning away from her...
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xhorhaus · 11 months
i think adeen is a solid reminder of the fact that even though essek is warming up to the nein, he is still very much someone with his own agenda
watching this knowing about the essek spoilers to come is almost more interesting because the foreshadowing is so good in retrospect. essek has good reason to be terrified of what might happen should the nein poke their nose into this too deeply, but he's also walking a tightrope with what he's supposed to say
Also I'm sure adeen did something that made him get picked as the fall guy but it still sucks??? Like he remembers doing things but not why he did them and one of the things he remembers is OBVIOUSLY false to us listeners in retrospect,,, so why him?? This is one of those moments that really makes me wish we could see essek's side of things when the nein aren't around
also like he was banging his head against a wall and crying that's kind of impossible to not feel a little bad about
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luolands · 2 years
Essek's work and responsibilities
Essek, c2e135: I only ask because I've seen a great many prospective talents like yours grow unfocused in times of.. necessity, and decisive action.
Marisha, c2e136: Does he have War Caster? He does, right? Matt: He does.
EGtW: He is eager to use the conflict as an excuse to practice the deadlier aspects of dunamancy
Essek, c2e94: It prevents me from some of my capabilities throughout the day each time I do this, so while I'm here in my home and things are not requiring me to be elsewhere rapidly, thankfully this is a moment in time in which I am more useful here in the city.
c2e99: [You see one of them, a familiar visage of the Taskhand Adeen Tasithar.] Jester: Essek, did you ever talk to him? Did you hang out with him? Essek: We once knew each other. For a while. Jester: Does he suck? Essek: That is a word, yes.
(Taskhands are warriors: Taskhand Durth Mirimm, an elite warrior governing Jigow; Taskhand Verin Thelyss, an echo knight governing Bazzoxan. The Dynasty has dunamancers partnered with warriors: Thuron - the echo knight infiltrator in Zadash - was partnered with a drow who cast a graviturgy spell similar to gravity sinkhole. Lythir VaSuun, a high-level graviturgist, was partnered with a high-level echo knight to lead a border scouting party.)
Essek, c2e91: And you believe that the individuals that make the laws and employ them across your empire are more capable than these mages? Do you not think there is perhaps a necessary balance between the two that maintains the order?
EGtW: The laws of the dynasty, which stem from the faith of the Luxon, are enforced by a network of trusted Aurora Watch captains and soldiers.
EGtW: Essek is both respected and feared for his intelligence and cunning.
c2e74: Now who you see arrived at the front: a male drow, short white hair, a perpetual soft smile, a similar mantle of armor to the soldiers that you saw exterior, but beneath it, a cloak of dark purple just drifts below and obscures the entirety of his body.
c2e57: A similar mantle to what you noticed Lythir wearing, but much more elaborate. You can see the robes that he's wearing that pretty much entirely obscure the body.
Essek, c2e90: We've investigated Adeen, found him already halfway across the Ghostlands on his own, shrouded and seeming to attempt escape. We ambushed and retrieved him, and have spent the better part of the past day interrogating him.
Essek, c2e77: There is indeed one beacon that still remains in the grasp of the Empire. We have.. numerous ways of pushing towards that goal. However, should you have been careful in your dealings, you have a little more reach within the Empire than someone such as I would, of course.
Twitter: Shadowhand is a title granted to those who focus on the dark mysteries of Exandria for the Bright Queen. This includes both subterfuge and arcana (like a specialist in the dangerous unknown). Spies, mages, and investigators that reach a certain station can be granted this title.
Essek, c2e131: I just know that I've also survived this long, weaving the intricacies of deceit like I have, by knowing how best to keep myself.. out of the complications as best as I can.
Essek, c2e80: I already have a few operatives looking to infiltrate- to locate and infiltrate the Cult of the Angel of Irons, you said it was, in hopes of gathering more information. Jester: You have? Essek: Yes, since you gave me this information a while back. ... I have a lot of plates I'm spinning at any given point in time. This is one, and I'm now giving it a bit more prominence, so.. I apologize to have misled you to think otherwise. And I also apologize for my attitude yesterday. I have been under some pressure.
Essek, c2e98: I mean, there has been a shadow war between the Dynasty and the Empire for.. decades. This is just the first time that it's brimmed out of the control of those that waged it.
Essek, c2e98: I just want to warn you about getting too close. I'm tied.. to a lot of dangerous individuals and teeter in the shadows at the crux of all of this conflict, intentional as it may not have been.
Essek, c2e131: I can find a place to go. I am capable of being slippery when I need to be.
Essek, c2e57: Take care of them and should you need anything, well... we'll know.
c2e79: [You made an additional deal for rapid transportation with your sponsor, Shadowhand Essek Thelyss. Who agreed, begrudgingly, for the very last time to do this.] Liam: The last, last time. Marisha: He keeps saying that. Travis: He can't say no. [Wow he's just racking up the debt points with you guys. He's going to make you do some fun stuff down the road.]
Essek, c2e78: I trust that your interests are forthright. I'll need your help soon anyway. Jester: He said he would need our help soon. He seemed like he would do it.
(Soon after) Jester, c2e81: Is there any news of the war? Allura: Yes. There has been a series of attacks on some of the military siege installations within the empire. There was an assault on some of the weapon creation factories in Hupperdook. This was about four days ago, as well as a counter assault by the empire within Xhorhas.
Jester, c2e63: Did you want to come, Essek? Essek: I have my own business to attend to, but I will vouch for their capabilities. And my tutelage.
Essek, c2e70: There is a lot of business I must attend to as well. As you've heard from the Bright Queen, a lot of things are moving and my interests lie elsewhere beyond a kiln.
EGtW: He is eager to use the conflict as an excuse to practice the deadlier aspects of dunamancy, and also curious to see what the powerful minds of the Cerberus Assembly may have gleaned from their research into the beacon they stole.
Leylas, c2e57: (turns and goes) Shadowhand, can we confirm that there has been some kind of imperial goblin capture? Nott: He's not a goblin like I am. (...) He's a halfling man. His name is Yeza Brenatto. He's a chemist. Essek: Yes, we do indeed have this figure in our Dungeon of Penance.
Leylas, c2e57: Well, first, I will say that this prisoner of yours that you're requesting could possibly be returned to you. I do not know the scope and depth of his involvement with the conflict to the west, but I'm certain the Shadowhand will inquire and if there is anything else required, we will attempt to close our interrogation and return him to you.
Essek, c2e90: All of this has been given, elements of it, to attempt to force them to fill in the blanks, to prove our.. curiosity and let them prove that they were involved. But upon magical inquiries, forcing of one's will, and through physical... persuasion, we managed to excise the truth, and the Taskhand has given his hand, if you will.
Essek, c2e90: Trust me, there's been plenty of punching for two days, I do not think that you would maybe- Beau: But do they have magical punches that make people talk? Essek: We have magical means of forcing the truth, if that's what you're talking about.
Fjord, c2e90: Is there any reason why you haven't told her yet? Are you trying to confirm or gather, or? Essek: I was- if you're going to, in a point of extreme tensions in warfare in which the queen is impatiently waiting for any sort of concrete proof as to why the ceasefire was necessary, we wanted to make sure that we presented it as an entire package, as opposed to piecemeal. It is better.. and also we need to cross our Ts as well, in the instance that perhaps any of this information is incorrect.
c2e63: Previously, you had all the raised platforms with the chairs of the different den heads that were there and the five chairs that were on the main central raised portion of the platform where the Bright Queen was. Now, you can see maybe six individuals present. Two on one side, two on the other and there is the Bright Queen and the right hand there. It seems like this isn't a formal gathering of all hands on-deck, more just general matters. You see Essek is present on the left side, Mirimm is in the right up in her chair.
Leylas, c2e63: They've been assigned as your wards, you trust in this, yes? You believe them? Essek: [Essek's sitting there in the chair, you can see the hands just barely crossed poking through the cloak] I trust them. Leylas: [She gives a nod] Well, we shall plan accordingly. They will rue the day they tried to assail us on their terms.
c2e70: Already, you can hear voices bustling. It's a little more active than last time you were here, when it was somewhat half as intense. You can see all the seats are filled, both on the two opposing house sides as well as the central chairs that flank the Bright Queen's throne. ... You can see a troop of four individuals, three drow and one hobgoblin are carrying a table out past you. It seems to be a map of probably Xhorhas. The length of the table will probably lead it quite deeply into the Empire and Western Wynandir. Essek: [You look over and you can see across the way, Essek has been sitting down in one of the chairs] Well, if a safe and quick means of transportation is required, that would probably be my specialty.
Essek, c2e133: The pursuit of magic, in the ways that we know it, in the ways that we've been disparately, but in some ways similarly raised and studied. At a certain point, it becomes about the self. It becomes about what I can do.
Essek, c2e124: I was granted this post and for the time being I am enjoying the change of pace, strangely. Jester: So you really don't know very much about Aeor, then? Essek: I'm learning as we go, but I just asked to be sent far away. And from what I'd heard, there was quite a bit of competitive acquisition of relics. And if I'm to be honest, that is an intriguing thing. I mean, I'm a man of arcane study, and if there are things here that can continue to progress my- well, my personal studies, then that would be, that'd be perfect.
Essek, c2e124: (Discussing Aeor's ruins) Well, there's quite a bit down there. I've only been in myself a bit, but we can go over that.
Essek, c2e124: I should not leave this outpost, I have responsibilities here and people that rely on me.
Essek, c2e124: Starguide Uraya, Uraya Hythenos, perhaps. A goblin friend of mine, I believe they spoke to you when I was unable to reach out that day. They have returned to Rosohna to deliver reports.
c2e141: He eventually began to feel the possible prying eyes of Dynasty discomfort, and absconded from the Aeorian trade post. (...) He went there to continue his business for the time being, because at least it was far away and there were people there that relied on him, but even that he eventually left.
Talks, c2e89-90: But as a person of his training, his station, and just his general persona and how he likes to present himself, he would never openly show that concern at first.
c2e124: He's intently listening and seems to be genuinely disturbed by the information that he's received. He's taking it in, he's very controlled. Like he's used to listening and, you know. His demeanor since you met him has been very constructed. It is very much an element that he instinctually puts forward. But even in that space you could see him being very contemplative and trying to just take it all in, and nod.
Beau, c2e91: Does the Dynasty have us bugged in this house?  Essek: It would not surprise me if they, at times, chimed in. You have been under watch, here and there, since you've arrived as you were a.. challenging addition to the proximity of the Bastion Fjord: To be specific, we've seen ourselves being watched. We were hoping it was you? Essek: At times it was. No, but it was part of my assignment when you first came under my wing to ensure that there wasn't any chances of undue.. Empire business finding its way within the proximity of the Bastion.
Wrap-up: He immediately was like, "I'll take care of them, I'll work with their business, I'll figure out what they're going, and I'll be their chaperone," essentially. And so it was him just trying to cover his ass, while also trying to figure out what you were up to, what your connections were, how much you knew.
EGtW: Twelve hours of daylight each day can become painful and physically detrimental to those beings adapted to subterranean life. To mitigate this problem, powerful dunamancers have woven arcane shields to temporarily block out the sun above Rosohna. 
Wrap-up: (Verin) was like the brother that kind of got him, and they got along okay in a family that Essek did not get along with at all, and was surrounded by people he didn't get along with. He didn't get along with his parents, he didn't get along with most people in the Dynasty unless they helped him maintain and advance his position of power and influence and so.. you guys fucked him up!
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nerdandtie · 10 months
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Stormwood & Associates: C2E90. Dark and Smoky (Small World Part 4)
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fagdyk · 2 years
Find a friend who looks at you when talking about something you're passionate about the way Ashley looks at Taliesin while explaining his tarot lore
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septembermonologues · 2 years
pov one of your players just said that the ancient, powerful, divine sources of power an entire culture worships as a deity are “poop of some kind, but like, god poop”
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ashleyinwondrland · 2 years
Yasha “do we know anything about Essek?”
Beau “yea does he have kids?”
Caleb “what’s his mothers name?”
Nott “that’s a stupid question, no body knows that.”
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your-turn-to-role · 3 years
so today in my random rewatch of whatever cr scene is coming to mind today, im looking back at episode 90, specifically essek telling the m9 they have adeen tasithar in custody, that he was the angel of irons’ dynasty mole, and also the one who traded the beacons
and like one of those is a blatant lie, but on rewatch knowing what we do about essek, it’s actually kinda hilarious how long he takes to actually outright tell them that? like essek hides stuff by nature but he’s a lot more accustomed to lies of omission (and while this is the episode before the dinner party, i suspect he’s already close enough to them he finds it hard to lie to their faces)
they ask him straight out if adeen was the one who traded the beacons and essek’s like “he sure was definitely working with obann and the angel of irons cult yes”
and then another two whole minutes pass before he finally manages to get the words out to connect adeen to the beacons directly
and THEN, beau asks if adeen's important enough to have access to the beacons how haven't they run into him already, they can't have missed someone like that
and then fjord asks why hasn't he told the queen yet if they've had him for two days
like it's canon essek didn't get any sleep the previous night can you IMAGINE the heart attack
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vethbrenatto · 4 years
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criticalsorcery · 5 years
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hope not
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jadequarze · 5 years
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Welcome back Yasha
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aeor-falls-to-ruin · 5 years
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xhorhaus · 11 months
the way they are immediately just like yes let's gaslight fjord about his bathrobe,,, this is what besties look like
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