saenora · 10 months
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onepiece-asl-lover · 4 months
Idk if your requests are open if not respond to the Privately but So idk if you actually feel comfortable writing for Luffy I am looki for one piece x reader writers who have the requests open and came across you anyway I request takes place after the time skip where reading I ask Luffy if next year they can celebrate Ace with Luffy aka next year on the day of his death instead of feeling sad they want me make sure Luffy is happy so they will spend the entire day doing things would love like eating us favorite foods and doing things he would love
I'm totally fine writing this! I'll try the best of my abilities to write what you requested. If you dont like it I can make another. Also I'll make it a Luffyxreader thing
First ever ask!!!!
"Changing a tragic into comfort" Luffy x Fm!reader
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You knew this day exact day your lover Luffy brother died. It had traumatized him so much that on the next year he sat in his room and barely ate, concerning you and the straw hats.
This year was the day that Ace died and when you woke up to hopefully to find Luffy next to you, you find him at your desk his hat covering his face and when you realized it he was asleep as you brought a blanket and tucked him gently.
Your head was clouded as you went onto deck watching over the railing the ocean. How couldn't you helped your lover the time he needed it the most. Were you just a bad lover and spouse.
You didn't keep track of time that Sanji called for dinner and Nami had to call you over. You could tell everyone was quiet today aswell. The death of the Fire Fist Ace and the traumatic Luffy had effect them as you guys all ate silently.
You step slowly as an idea clicked into your mind. Why don't you guys make him a small party a supporting comfort party with his favourite food items. It was the best idea you ever thought of till now as you spoke up from the quiet dinner hall.
"Please excuse me but I have an idea on how we can help Luffy." You said as you wiped your hands with a towel.
"Help Luffy?" Chopper asked as his little hands ate a loli Robin gave him.
"How can we help Luffy, we can't just being Ace back" Zoro said as he kept eating he wasn't wrong so Nami didn't hit him.
"I've heard of these things for people who have went through a traumatic event and losing sombody, it's called a..-" you tried to remember the title of this party.
"An offer party, where people who have gone through grieving often remember that it is the person who offered reassuring hope, the certainty that things will get better, who helped them make the gradual passage from pain to a renewed sense of life." Robin offered as you nooded.
Everyone seemed to listen up as you continued talking of a party and probably it might be f everyone in the crew. You know everyone in the crew as lost a loved one from a trainer to a father figure ect.
"I hope we could make a kind of party self care I believe where we get our favorite food, items, games, drinks ect and get comfort from each other."
"..." it was silent in the room it made you sweat thinking of their opinion and thoughts about this party thing.
"Y/n your idea is....SUUUUUUUPERRR" Franky says as he does his iconic pose."also can we have cola and bugers there too" he adds as you all laugh.
"And cottoncandy!" Chopper says as he jumps off Robin laps.
"The great captain Usopp declares he will want a grilled fish!"
"Yohohohoho! I would be delightful to have some curry aswell too!"
"I can pick Mikans from my garden!"
"I would enjoy sandwhiches"
"Mozuku seaweed"
"Guess I should get onto cooking then if I'll have to make all this food" Sanji chuckles a he goes to start cooking.
The dining room was as loud as it usually was which is more comforting then that dead silence a few minutes ago.
Nami ordered around for decorations. Zoro messed up. Usopp getting some of his fairytails books. Brook being out his guitar and getting it ready to place with. Franky using his robot skills and Jinbei helping Nami with decor. Chopper grabs some small royes he holds in his bag to show. Robin using her devil fruit to help around.
You smiled as you saw everyone getting ready as it remind you, you had to get Luffy as you trolled into his room.
"Luffy?" You said as you peeked your head through the door.
You see him staring at the window as you went next to him.
"Everything's alright?" You asked as you rubbed his head.
You sighed as you kept looking at him and brushing away fallen tears of his and plopped his strawhat back on.
"You know Ace wouldn't want you crying over him, he called you a crybaby when we were younger remember? He wound want you to accomplish your dreams to be the pirate king not let an incident stop you" you say as you rubbed his head.
You hear him sniffle as he wobbly answers.
"You-?re ri-right I should keep going no m-mattered what. Fo-far Ace"
"Yes, yes for Ace" you said as he slowly hugged him.
".....now how about we head outside? I think everyone wants you back as a captain? A crew can not be a car without a captain."
"Okay." Luffy said as he stood up as you stood up aswell grabbing a handkerchief wiping his tears as you lead him outside.
When you lead him outside onto the deck you could see his face light up at the celebrations with tables of food decor and the crew "helping" eachother.
"Luffy!" Chopper squeaked as he ran towards Luffy.
"Hey your back!" Usopp ran towards Luffy as well.
More and more people in the crew went to Luffy talking to him, showing him items they hold dear or giving him food
You could see him smile wide as he went around talking with his crew.
Usopp had a crafting stand and some childhood fairytale books
Choper has some little toys that Robin joined playing with him.
Sanji showed some childhood snacks he would make for his mother.
Nami opened her garden to anyone who could pluck a tangerine which was rare.
Franky shad a show to show off his robot abilities and skill.
Brook played songs for the crew.
Jinbei played around like a father being dragged to every station.
Robin reached some of an old language she used to know.
Zoro slept.
And Luffy laughed as he sprung around and also ate half the food.
You let out a breath as you saw Luffy happy again and enjoying the time with the crew.Everyone seemed so happy and joyous even when something tragic happened that turned into something joyus, and comforting.
Luffy wrapped his rubber arms around you thanking you for helping him and also letting him have party that is for everyone on the crew.
You loved this crew so much you would shake the world for them to be happy.
You couldn't hope for a better crew than this.
Shoutout to petalpetal for being my first ask I hope I did this the way you wanted this I really enjoyed writing this very much!
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arwenadreamer · 4 months
I got to ask my holy water question!
Wanted to ask this question since my first con, but it HAD to be asked at a J2 panel, not a Jared or Jensen only panel. This time, I managed to get the first question of the first J2 panel! (First panel of the day, hence all the greetings.) Here is a transcript of what was being said. (Of course I totally didn't record it, since that is not allowed.)
The boy's came on stage and said "Guten Morgen", then asked if just "Morgen!" would be okay as an equivalent to the englisch short form "Morning!". A little back and forth with the audience ensues, then I get the mic.
Me: "Morgen!"
Jared: "Much like - Morgen! Guten Morgen!"
Me: "Guten Morgen. And welcome to Germany!"
Jared: "Thank you! Dankeschön!"
Me: "So, I've read something a while ago, not even Supernatural related, but I really need to know if it's true, and maybe you two can help me out. Uhm, it said that water doesn't really show on camera when you use just plain water. It doesn't really stick to skin. So in order to make it visible on camera when you - let's say get splashed with holy water in the face, they mix lube in there?"
- everyone laughing -
Jared: "That may be a translation thing?" *laughs*
Me: "No, no translation thing."
Jensen: "No, you - thats, like, if we sweat, they use glycerine. So, ... *can't understand that part of my non-recording* ... on, which also sticks around longer than water, because water would just evaporate or absorb into the skin, so."
Jared: "Can you use glycerine as lube?"
Jensen: "As a matter of fact! That's a 'Guten Morgen!'"
Jared: "Ja."
Jensen: "Uhm, yes. So, there's a number of different products that, that we use, uhm, but often they'll come in with like a, just a water spray bottle and, and spray it on us just before the, the action and so, when you have a little bit of sheen or glistening or whatever, whatever the scene is, it's water but if it's supposed to last the whole scene they'll like, add some glycerine on your face but I don't think we ever refer to it as lube."
Jared: "Yeah."
Jensen: "That's on The Boy's!"
*everyone laughing*
Me: "I'll still never watch holy water scenes the same!"
Jared: "Uhm, I'll *intelligible* something else. If you watch a movie with snow - so they create snow, they shred paper, so they get paper like really small and they blow it up till it falls down on you. But if you see sombody with a jacket on and the snow is staying there not melting, it's not snow, it's paper. We did it on Gilmore Girls. But it just stay's there like snow would, doesn't melt. So, anyways, just *thought on tracks? *. Thank you so much!"
Jensen: "Thanks."
Personal remark:
I only googled it now, sadly I didn't have this information ready in the panel, but lube consists of water and glycerine! (There are other lubes as well, but this is a common sort of lube.)
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cookies-and-music · 7 months
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Ghost. - part 8: Atonement.
This chapter's musical suggestion is either What was I made for? or Ocean Eyes, both by Billie Eilish (couldn't decide).
Part 1 here - part 9 here.
SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him.
"Mobius, you don't understand, we found him. The man at the end of time." Loki ran a frantic hand through his hair, pacing in circles in the hallway. "We fought, and-"
The voice didn't come from Mobius. Loki turned and saw Lydia at the end of the hallway, with a hand over her mouth and wide, moist eyes.
They stared at each other for a moment.
"Lydia?" Loki tilted his head to the side before being pulled in different directions, as if he had become some sort of mush.
"Loki!" She cried, crossing the hallway towards him before he disappeared... and reappeared shortly after.
"What was that?" Lydia looked bewilderedly from Mobius to Loki, who shook their heads without responding, implying that they didn't even know. "Are you okay?"
"It's not as bad as it looks," Loki moved his neck to loosen it.
"You need help" Mobius grabbed his arm, beginning to walk, and Lydia positioned herself on Loki's other side. Her proximity made Loki tense; he wanted to tell her that she was a damn traitor, but there would be time for that later. He wouldn't be able to speak if he kept disappearing without completing a sentence.
"Does it look that bad?" he asked them.
"Absolutely not..."
"Hey," Lydia approached Loki, leaning on a railing to observe the landscape of the TVA citadel.
He turned towards her but didn't respond, looking back outside.
"I got you this" she handed him a takeaway cup with tea. "I'm not sure if you like it; I might have put too much sugar." As she prepared it, Lydia realized that it had always been him taking care of her, with small gestures like bringing her a hot drink when she was stressed.
Loki glanced from the cup to her before grabbing it with a nod and returning his gaze to the citadel.
Lydia mimicked him, taking a deep breath and a sip of coffee, hoping it would give her the courage she lacked at that moment.
"I'm glad you and Mobius managed to solve the problem of... you know... the disappearing act."
"Yeah," Lydia looked down at her shoes and took another deep breath.
"I wanted to apologize" she turned to him.
Loki finally looked at her, furrowing his brows.
"You... you were right about me. I was wrong, I turned my back on you in the name of what I thought was my duty and my ambition." Lydia took a deep breath, evidently, just looking at him was enough to take her breath away.
"I'm a soldier, Loki. I'm given a mission, and I execute it, and for me, that's all there is. But in doing so, I lost a piece of my humanity, with every manipulation and every lie. It's true, I hurt you while you've always been a friend to me." She mustered the courage to look him in the eyes, but it failed her. "And for that, I apologize. I don't know if you can forgive me or trust me again-"
She fell silent.
"It's been a long time."
“Has it?" Lydia tilted her head.
"For me, yes. A lot of things happened..."
It wasn't clear to her what he meant, as for her, it had been a couple days, or at least she thought, but she figured his words to do with his time jumps, or with the multitude of events he had experienced.
They looked at each other for a few seconds, and Loki saw that her face had a guilty expression, similar to the one he had seen on his own for several days, when he had believed her dead, before meeting her at the TVA. The expression of someone confessing their sins to a ghost.
"You sold me and Sylvie out to Renslayer to satisfy your ambition and quench your anger," Loki spoke calmly, as if he were just stating facts, and Lydia couldn't find anything to say in response, lowering her eyes under the weight of the truth.
Loki observed this too, before continuing. He was hurt by her, of course, but deep down, he felt he understood the feelings that had driven her and the weight of the consequences it carried.
"But I suppose I'm the last one who can condemn such things" he sighed to himself.
"I don't know if I can trust you again, but if it's forgiveness you seek" Loki captured her gaze with his "then consider it granted."
Lydia let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, captivated by his blue gems, and smiled at him, miming a "thank you" with her mouth. He nodded.
Lydia leaned on the railing next to Loki, and both took a sip of their respective hot drinks, savoring the silence for a few minutes.
"Would you mind telling me what happened down there, with... Sylvie?"
Loki moistened his lips before beginning. "We found him. The man at the end of time. We fought, and she pushed me through a time door."
"Why?" Lydia felt like she was missing a step.
"She betrayed."
A second passed.
"Well, clearly, you have a type."
That was not funny, but Loki laughed anyway.
Our boy is back, as promised. Gotta go fix my hair now, tomorrow it's monday and I have a real job, as a functional adult. Have a nice week everyone!
As usual, don't forget to like, comment and everything else.
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dopplerdora · 11 months
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People are talking about Heaven's Feel again.
Don't get me wrong, I likes the movies but... they could have been so much more.
Part of the problem is that as a story Heaven's Feel is ment to come after you do Fate and Bladeworks. The prior routes frame Heaven's Feel in a way that show the "point".
By the climax of Heaven's Feel Shirou's "team" has more power than in either other Route. Shirou has Archer Arm, Rin has the Jewel Sword and hasn't needed to use her Chrest to make a Pass for Shirou, Rider isn't Saber but she has Infinite Energy from Sakura, they even have Illya on their side. All this power, power and knowledge that could shake the world of Magi like never before honestly. All that power... and it doesn't mean a damn thing.
Because Power can't help Sakura, no amount of Power can help the one person they want to help. This isn't Fate; Shirou can't just project Caliburn, make a promise, and go be a hero. This isn't Bladeworks; Shirou can't just keep moving with his ideal, show his resolve through combat, and learn how to move forward. Rin can't just Blast the threat away with raw power. This is Heaven's Feel; Shirou's idea is worse than nothing because the "enemy" is his Family. Rin has the ultimate weapon for blasting away her problems... but the problem is her little sister. The world will end, to end thing Somebody Has To Die. Gilgamesh dies but that makes things worse, Zouken dies but that doesn't fix anything, and deleting Saber doesn't actually fix the problem. Because ether problem is years of torture and abuse, you can't fix something like that by punching the monster after the fact.
Heaven's Feel isn't about power, this is problematic because the movie didn't get that memo when animating it. The fights are beautiful, this doesn't in any way help the story telling outside of Rin's fight with Sakura which is more about Rin's internal conflict anyway. It hurts the story because the fighting takes up so much time that some of the characters don't get to show their parts properly... Also its way more Shirou than anybody else, this is a problem because Heaven's Feel has somewhere between Three and Five protagonists and Shirou is only one of them. That said if I go into how sombody in charge seems to hate woman as characters and seems to... think badly of sexual abuse survivors I would probably be here all day and also fail because it would start going into misogyny in Japanese culture and a bunch of other things.
To digress Heaven's Feel is a beautiful, painful, amazing story. The Heaven's Feel movie isn't bad but I feel like is didn't really read the assignment and tried to make an action flick.
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anti--transid · 1 year
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Welcome to my info post.
[pt: Welcome to my info post. /end pt]
Hi, Im Venus/Dizziebunnies, I am a former radqueer whom is part of the big 3 (anti contact) plus several other paras.
I'm making this post to help educate on what radqueer means, why its extremely harmful and why ex radqueers frequently describe it as a cult.
Please do not read this post/take caution when reading if you are triggered by any of the following:
abuse, zoophilia, pedophilia, necrophilia, grooming, racism, cults, nazis, blackface, ableism, slurs, intersexism, transphobia.
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What is a radqueer?
[pt: What is a radqueer? /end pt]
A radqueer is someone who is pro-transid, (often) pro-contact, anti-getting help, pro-M.U.D (medically unrecognized disorder/basically "coining" mental illnesses and sometimes physical health issues), pro-proship.
They may also go by other "fancy" labels that all mean the same thing (an example would be kandiqueer, bloodqueer, raverqueer, sinqueer)
I am a former radqueer who went by the users @\transm4sc, @\puppywife and @\sc3n3-v4mp1r3, if you knew someone who went by the names tearzah/dreamalgia/KAngel or Thesus, that was me.
I am making this post to help spread awareness and knowledge about this literal cult.
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What do transid and radqueer mean?
[pt: what do transid and radqueer mean? /end pt]
Transid is short for Trans Identity, things like transautistic, trace, transharmful and tranhateful, all that gross things.
Radqueer stands for Radical Queer, aka people who are rad-para, transid, anti therapy and pro encouraging delusions. (Please dont encourage delusions, it can easily make it so the delusional person harms themself or others. -sombody who had very bad delusions back as a radqueer.)
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Ok, but why are they bad?
[pt: Ok, but why are they bad? /end pt]
Radqueers are bad as they are ableist, pro-abuse, racist, intersexist, anti-recovery and pro-contact, often encouraging abuse, rape, necrophilia, blackface, incest/"consang" and pedophilia.
You may have heard of the terms "transabled" and "transracial", both of these are stolen terms, transabled was stolen from pwBIID and transracial was stolen from adoptees who were adopted into a family of another race. (a.e vietnamese child adopted into a jamaican family, white child adopted into japanese family, etc)
Because of radqueers, these terms are seen as bad and gross, making it so multiple pwBIID and adoptees no longer feel comfortable using these terms.
Many radqueers are openly pro-contact, even going as far as sharing "tutorials" on how to sexually arouse an animal, groom your sibling into an incestual "relationship", and sharing illegal content of minors and animals in sexual contexts. (Bear with me, im desperately trying to remain unbanned.. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) )
Radqueers are also extremely intersexist, believing that somebeing can "transition" into being intersex, many "transintersex" beings often saying the h slur, and speaking over actually intersex people.
They believe that with many things, such as ADHD, ASD, BPD, DID, OSDD, Narcolepsy and many others, I'm simply listing things I saw most frequently "identified as" by radqueers
They are also incredibly transphobic, as they openly consider being transgender a "transid", I have genuinely seen multiple radqueers claim that /srs
Don't even get me started on the "xenoautism" (basically like xenogenders but with autism???? No your autism cannot "feel/look like" a rainbow sparkle cat.)
Also, many radqueers openly romanticize/fetishize serial killers, I had the displeasure of having been mutuals with someone who was transplural and "split" a jeffery dhamer introject who refused to seperate from source, they CHOSE to 'split off' jeffery dhamer and then used an irl photo of him as a faceclaim, go by the same name, and constantly make cruel, humourless "jokes" about his source.
Its unfortunately not suprising that, that jeffery dhamers collective was shortly after exposed for emotionally abusing and gaslighting their partner at the time as well as pressure several other MINOR BODIED systems into erps, sending explicit photos and receiving explicit photos of that collective.
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Why do people call it a cult?
[Pt: Why do people call it a cult? /end pt]
Because, if compared to the BITE model, it checks off every box aside from "monetary"
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As a former radqueer, all of the above is things you see constantly in the radqueer community, you couldn't go one post without seeing any of these.
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Are there any alternative terms for *insert transid*?
[pt: Are there any alternative terms for *insert transid*? /end pt]
Short answer, yes and no, it depends what transid it is.
For things like transbody (like transhorned, transcattail, transblood) I'd suggest looking into aldernic labels!
For things like transage, look into chronosian.
However for things liked transmental illness and trace? No, and those labels aren't valid (unless its the original meaning of transracial.)
I'm sure if you dig around, theres some other non-problematic alternatives, or you could coin your own non-problematic alternative.
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Last notes.
[pt: Last notes. /End pt]
I will likely frequently update this, but this is as far as I can currently go without triggering myself and making myself violently uncomfortable, other former radqueers can feel free to reblog with more information.
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zuble · 8 months
can sombody please help me i set my virginity down and can’t find it anymore
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Incorrect Quotes Ft. My WOL, Vivian
Alisaie: There's no need to be afraid of me. I don't bite.
Aymeric: Yeah, but do you stab?
Alisaie: (looks down to her sword)
Alisaie: I don't bite.
Alphinaud: I thought you guys were fighting!
Alisaie: Fighting?
Vivian: Why would we be fighting?
Alphinaud: Well, you're both anti-social misfits filled with anger and rage.
Alisaie: Takes one to know one.
Alphinaud: Not my point here.
Vivian: Wait. Is that why you never wanted us to really meet?
Alphinaud: Kinda...
Vivian: What did you think was gonna happen?
Alphinaud: ... Murder...?
(Game Night. Fourchenault and Alphinaud Vs. Ameliance and Alisaie. Girls' team is DESTROYING Boys' team)
Fourchenault: (Leaning over to Alphinaud) If we loose, you're out of the will.
Alphinaud: I was in the will?!
Fourchenault: I forbid you to take another step down these stairs!
Alphinaud and Alisaie: (share a look)
Alisaie: Okay.
Alphinaud and Alisaie: (jump out the window next to the stairs)
Vivian: Chirurgens hope you get sick. Judges hope you get sentenced. Guards hope youre a criminal. Mechanics hope you have machinery trouble. Only a theif wishes you prosperity.
Thancred: Wishing you prosperity, Alphinaud!
Alphinaud: Is that my gil pouch?!
(Pitch black cave)
Estinien: Ahh! Something's got me!
Alphinaud: That was me! I'm sorry!
Vivian: The great Azure Dragoon- afraid of the dark.
Estinien: (gasp) Who was that?
Alphinaud: "Who's that?"? Who could it be? It's me and Viv!
Estinien: Are you my conscience?
Alphinaud: Wha- Yeah! Yeah! I'm your conscience. We haven't talked in a while. How are you?
Estinien: Hmm, can't complain, still an asshole.
Vivian: The Twelve give me strength...
Kryle: Guys, did you know that there is a knife that gets so hot it instantly turns bread into toast?
Alisaie: Dude... Imagine stabbing sombody with that knife.
Alphinaud: Well, if it was that hot it would instantly cauterize the wound so it wouldn't be very effective.
Vivian: It's effective if you want information.
Vivian: Clearly you haven't been backstabbed by the people you were supposed to be able to trust. Thancred-
Thancred: I was possesed!
Vivian: The Crystal Braves, Alphinaud-
Alphinaud: I was never part of that!
Vivian: Urianger-
Urianger: Did what I had to do.
Vivian: Raha-
G'raha: I was going to die in your place to cure you!
Vivian: Urianger, again.
Alphinaud: Im going to turn around now, and you better be on fire. You're standing there in flames and the only person who can put you out is ME! BECAUSE THAT IS THE ONLY CONCEIVABLE REASON THAT YOU WOULD WAKE ME UP LIKE THIS!
Vivian (WAR): (is actually on fire)
Alphinaud: Oh shit!
Hermes: I don't want to live on this star anymore. Humanity was a mistake. Just- Can sombody hit the off switch? On humans? Yeah?
Venat: No.
Hermes: Oh. Okay. We're not able to do that. (creates Meteion)
Alphinaud: There is no "I" in team.
Vivian (BLM): However, there are six "I"s in "Fuck it. I don't care how big the room is. I cast fireball."
Alisaie: I can't believe you got us into trouble! (Hits Alphinaud's arm
Alphinaud: ... (Hits Alisaie's arm)
Alisaie: (Hits Alphinaud's arm harder)
Alphinaud: (Hits Alisaie twice and takes off running)
Alisaie: (Chases after him)
(Alphinaud, Estinen, and Ysayle arguing)
Vivian: I wonder if a fall from this hight will kill me.
Vivian: So which one should we do first, they're both of equal import. -D'oh! (Facepalms)
Alphinaud: Uuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh............
Vivian: (Bangs her head aginst the wall)
Estinen: Why is it whenever I'm having fun, it's wrong?
(Alphinaud, Estinen, and Ysayle fighting. AGAIN)
Vivian: Another day, another migraine.
Estinen: Vivian! Still taking the long way to meet up with us I see.
Vivian: Don't say anything, Viv, remember your karma.
Alphinaud: But help from us make most people happy and what could be better than making people smile.
Vivian: Being dead. Or anything else.
Ysayle: Here's how things work. I speak to the dragons. You do what the dragons want done. The dragons are happy. We do that until we win this war and then we die.
Vivian: (Coming out of the final battle of Heavensward all beaten up and bruised) Too bad that didn't kill me...
Vivian: You mustn't tell anyone. Not even your closest friends and family.
Alisaie: Viv, I wont tell a soul. (Crosses heart)
Alisaie: Alphinaud! Alphinaud! I gotta tell you a secret! Alphinaud!
Alphinaud: (Painting his bedroom wall)
Fourchenault: (From the other room) Alphinaud
Alphinaud: (drops his paint brush) Oh sh- Yes!
Fourchenault: You better not be drawing on the wall again!
Alphinaud: (winces) Oh shit, he's gonna be pissed about this one... (stands back and stares at the masterpiece)
Vivian: You got coffee didnt you?
G'raha: Okay! Yes! I did! I went to the frickin Last Stand!
Vivian: Youre not supposed to have coffee.
G'raha: I know! I'm sorry! I did! You're right but I did it anyway!
Vivian: What did you have?
G'raha: YES! Sorry I jumped ahead to the next question.
Vivian: You need help.
G'raha: No, I need a latte! Question. Is it normal for your heart to sound like a weed eater?
Vivian: Raha, I think you're having a heart attack...
Alphinaud: My team? Let me tell you about my team. G'raha fought to protect his identity from the very people who could save him- why? Because trust has to be earned, and there are very few people he truly trusts. Urianger's intellect is a shield which protects him from his emotions and at the moment his shield is under repair. Alisaie overcompensates because she doesn't yet feel she's a part of the team. She needn't worry. Every day, Tataru fields dozens of requests for our services. And every night she goes home hoping she's made the right choices. Kryle fills her suroundings with figurines and color to remind herself to smile as the horror follows her and everyone else around. And Vivian, in many ways, is damned by her profound knowledge of others. Which is why she shares so little of herself, yet she pours her heart into every issue we come across. I stand by my actions, and I stand by my team. And if you think that you can find a better group for the job, good luck.
Alphinaud: Wow! This is amazing! Tataru did you cook this?
Alisaie: How do you know I didnt cook it?
Alphinaud: Alisaie, there are 10 people in the Rising Stones and you'd still be my 15th guess.
Vivian: (bringing in a large box) What would you say if one day I came back with like 6 domesticated carbuncle kits?
Alphinaud: What's in the box?
Vivian: ....
Alphinaud: What's in the box, Vivian?
Vivian: ....
Vivian: (defeated sigh) I think you know...
Vivian: Well PARDON ME! Not all of us have the power of spewing out fact laced bullshit!
Alphinaud: Oh! Complain, complain! You know, when life gives you lemons-
Lahabrea: I can blend in with people on the Source easy enough. Just let me tag along.
Emet-Selch: Wait. Say that again?
Lahabrea: (confused ) I can blend in...?
Nabriales: Do you have a disguise?
Lahabrea: Yeah. Don't you?
Emet-Selch: ...
Nabriales: ...
Fandaniel: ...
Lahabrea: You three have been screwing around on Eorzia this whole fucking time without disguises?!
Fandaniel: OKAY! NEW PLAN!
(The airship going through rough turbulence)
Vivian: (Silently says a prayer to the gods and tightens her seatbelt)
Alphinaud: Didn't know you were a bad flyer.
Vivian: I'm not. I just hate turbulence.
Alphinaud: You know turbulence very rarely causes airships to crash.
Vivian: Does me absolutely no good at the moment. Thank you.
Alphinaud: What we really need to worry about are Microbursts, sudden downbursts of air associated with thunderstorms. With a small airship like this, if we hit one of those at the wrong altitude- Pfbt- Pulverized.
Vivian: (slowly turning to Alisaie) I beg of you to make him stop. (More rough turbulence) OH DEAR GODS I'M GONNA DIE!
Hydalyn: Some of you may die. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
Jullis: Half of Garlamald wants you dead!
Vivian: Wow! A week ago it was all of Garlamald. Things are looking up!
Vivian: We should be quiet. We don't know where we are, or where they're hiding. All we know is they are dangerous.
Alphinaud: Viv's right. We should be care- (Gets snatched and dragged into darkness)
Vivian: (Hoarse Whisper) Alphinaud!
Vivian: ...
Vivian: (Hoarse Whisper) Are you alive?
Alisaie: (At the top of her lungs) GUYS I FOUND A LEVER!!
Alphinaud: Thancred's an acian?! Why didn't you tell me?!
Vivian: Well, because I wanted us to fail. (Grabs him by his shirt and starts shaking him) OBVIOUSLY I DIDN'T KNOW!!!!
Vivian: Hey mom.
Grace: What do you want.
Vivian: I got evicted, I need a place to stay.
Grace: (Slams the door in her face)
Alphinaud: How come we never knew you in school?
G'raha: You went to the Studium. I went to the Students Of Baldesion.
Alisaie: Fucking archons! We hated you.
G'raha: We hated ourselves!
Emet-Selch: (casting an AOE) No, but seriously, orange is a really fun color!
Vivian: (Narrowly dodging his spell and casting Fire III) But your entire room?- Woah!- I'm not painting my entire room orange!
Emet-Selch: (Shouts out in pain from Vivian's spell, gets back up and shrugs) Well then why did you ask me about paint colors if you're not going to listen! (Casts a wipeout)
Random Scion: Later, Hero!
Alisaie: Wait, did that guy just call you Hero?
Vivian: Yeah. He thinks that's my name.
Alphinaud: Well why dont you correct him?
Vivian: Been going on way too long now. Ya know the first time he said it we were just passing in the hall so I didn't say anything. And then the next time he said it he went, "Hey Hero, wanna doughnut?" and, I- I wanted a doughnut. Now it's five years later, the doughnut is gone and I'm still Hero.
Alisaie: Five years!?!?!
Alphinaud: Viv, you have to tell him.
Y'shtola: First, find a will to live.
Vivian: (Grabs ahold of the twins)
Y'shtola: Viv, that's the twins.
Vivian: Yeah.
Fourchenault: (Disowns the twins)
Vivian: (Pulls out a mace and gets ready to cast a stun spell)
Alphinaud: (Reaching a hand out to block her path) Not yet, Viv.
Thancred: The key to being a good theif is nice and stelthy. (Crashes into a shelf, everything comes crashing down loudly) Like a mouse!
Vivian: Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?
Emmanellian: Not until four.
Alisaie: Hey can you help me move this box? It's pretty heavy.
Vivian: Yeah sure. (Turns on light)
Alisaie: ...
Alisaie: So you gonna come help?
Vivian: I did. I made it lighter.
Alisaie: ....
Vivian: ....
Alisaie: Get out. Now.
Vivian: Fair enough.
Ardbert: (posesses Vivian) Ouch!
Vivian: Yeah...
Ardbert: What the hell?!
Vivian: I know.
Ardbert: EVERYTHING hurts! WHY?!?! And what's up with your shoulder?!
Vivian: I don't know, man. But can I offer you a mint?
G'raha: (confused ) You're giving me a sticker?
Vivian: Not just a sticker. A sticker of a kitty saying "Me-wow"!
G'raha: (offended) I'm not a toddler!
Vivian: Fine. I'll take it back.
G'raha: No, back off! It's mine! I EARNED this!
Tataru: SON OF A- (deep breath) Who spent 50000 Gil on a sword?!?!
Alphinaud: (whimpering) Oh no....
Alisaie: So uh, what did you do today?
Vivian: (struggling to contain laughter) Pft- ... I got you a cake...
Alisaie: Oh yeah?
Vivian: Yeah.
Alisaie: What is today, Viv?
Vivian: (once again, struggling to contain laughter) The day your grandfather died...
Alisaie: (nodding) Today is the day my grandfather died. Ten years ago. Alright, what does the cake say?
Vivian: "Sorry I died, Love Grandfather" (bursting out into laughter) I'm sorry!
Alisaie: This is why we're friends.
Alisaie: Welcome to the Rising Stones of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, where my depression is chronic but this ass is iconic!
Vivian: (facepalms, shaking her head) Oh Gods!
Alisaie: Actually, it's Alisaie, but common misconception.
Zenos: I could kill you if I wanted.
Vivian: So could another human being...
Alisaie: So could a dog...
Alphinaud: So could a decicated duck...
Vivian: You aren't special Zenos.
Vivian: Do you think I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Alphinaud: You're  a hazard to society.
Alisaie: And a coward. Do 20!
Vivian: (proceeds to try and fit 20 marshmallows in her mouth)
Vivian: (After killing Zodiark and starting the final days) Fuck! Guess I'll kill myself.
Alisaie: There's bleach under the sink-
G'raha: -And a rope in the closet if you want options.
Tataru, Krile, Y'shtola, Urianger, Alphinaud: ?!?!?!
Estinen: Don't be a coward, jump out the window. Have some style would you.
Thancred: Do a flip!
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azure-cherie · 8 months
Hi buddy 👋
First of all thank you for the game
So here is you reading ✨️
Who is coming for you in love ?
I can get its summary so you can meet this prson in summer or near beach they where a blue printed shirt or a pollo shirt they really have good body . They can be a student or a person who is working and here for enjoy there day . May be they approach you first this person is someone who really approch a specific kind of people but they give it a chance you can meet them near parking or in a cafe they can be your neighbor or there realative they like your style i get that you are a person who is only open into your freinds group and you dont like to interact sombody unnecessary you put you headphones or may busy into your phone but for your family and freind you are there soft little girl may be you are intrested in old love painting or colors you like to admire painting which show or represents love with deep meaning this person sees you as love at first site if you are a student you like to read literature or poitry and they goona live your deep thinking or you can understand meaning between word or line . If you put a love intest a side they going to approch again and again and going to make efforts for you may be like light colore or you like flower oe doing painting they goona love your work if you have long hair ( till uou back ) a little light brown hair they goona love it how they are curle from the last and they love touching them .🩵🫡
I hope you like reading i try my best as i am lack of energy 🙃( i wasted it on the trip with freinds yesterday) please drop a feedback for me i would like to know how much i want to improve my work :)
Thanks and love u
For me you can do a tarot readig about my future spouse love about me or show there love ? Initals-Riya ( capricorn)
Thanks and love u ❤️
Hey , thank you so much for participating, that seems quite interesting , neighbour relative woah , I'm actually quite and outgoing person I love to make friends until I get heavy energy from them , yes I love love paintings with deep meanings , I don't have long hairs but I do have brown hairs , woah I'm looking forward to this .
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Okiee let's get to your reading
I feel they show their love to you by acts of service by carrying around things for you by buying things for you , he nurtures a part of you and will help you with your abandonment issues or loneliness, they get you at an other level. They also are so kind to you and your needs . They might get you a pet to show you love . Love will also be shown through travel to nearby places visiting cafes etc. They'll admire your practicality. Your life will take a new turn after them coming into your life , they will also help you in taking a lot of decisions when you experienced decision fatigue , they'll also really make you understand your worth , you guys are meant for each other and they will show it to the world, praise you , accept you , gift you all the time . They also believe in serving you as they're queen and think you are fated , i see them telling their friends about you and I also believe after you have a kid they'll take care of the kid so much as well will be of great help and will love and care about you . They also help you with your fashion choices and in your spiritual journey they're a partner . Aww how is it that i heart shiv parvati kinda relationship, you are dedicated and determined and committed and so are they for you . I sense lot of flowers and home items , they believe in creating a safe space for you and show you how good life can get .
Love you too , hope it helps 😉
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xitzinn · 1 year
Concerned | July 31st 2023
I was going to post this on twitter but I felt strange, so I'm gonna express my feelins and thoughts here bcz this is like a empty room for me where i cant talk and write as much I can :D
The thing is like I am very lazy a have big project that it's not finish yet, honestly i fell like aloser, SOMBODY CAN HELP ME TO FIX THIS BIG PROBLEM that I have?
I feel like being kpoper is taking me so much time, but i don't know, maybe it's just me, I AM THE ONLY PROBLEM :((
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onepiece-asl-lover · 5 months
If F!reader was in Marineford and Ace and luffy are her younger "brothers"
Reader is older than ace by 2 years older. Deep angst ●
All you heard was shouting coming from all directions. You finished with the marine in your hand slicing the marine up and turning to see what the commotion was about. That's when you saw it.....Ace in Luffys arms and Ace having a hole right through his chest..you couldn't belive it..
Ace: Im sorry...
Luffy:wh-what are you saying? Dont be ridiculous! Sombody treat him! Please! Please help Ace! Hey sombody! Help Ace! Please!
You run towards Ace and Luffy. You can't just watch this and let the youngest of your brother suffer you have to help him! You run towards Ace and Luffy not paying attention to the wounds all over your body and that you could pass out by now due to exhaustion. You keep running..never stop until you reach them. Some pirates you know, try their best to stop you from running to put yourself in danger but you just push them aside.
Marco:Reader you need to stop running! You're going to pass out!
You dont stop to listen to them or let them stop you..you need to reach your younger brothers now! You finally reach them and kneel next to Luffy you look at Ace and you swear you dont belive this is real. "Im in a dream right, right..this cant happened I promised ill protect all of them I already lost Sabo I cant lose Ace now, Please let this be a dream, This cant happen, please..Im the oldest im suppose to help them not leave them to die..why am I so useless, Im so sorry Dadan I failed to do what I promised" you watch as the doctor leaves not being able to help Ace.
You hug Ace from behind while also hugging Luffy, wrapping your arm around both.
Ace:I can't hold out any longer. I can tell that my life is ending.
Reader:Ace..im so sorry I wasnt able to protect you, I promised ill protect you and Luffy when Sabo died.
Ace:You did your best reader, it was just fate, dont kill yourself about it.
Luffy: Oh yeah, Ivan-chan. Hey, I beg you! Inject that stuff into Ace! Please! Why can't you help Ace like you did me?! He, I beg you! Please! Help! Help Ace!
Reader:Luffy..it's no use
You hug both of them tightly
Ivan:Ace boy cant make it!
Luffy looks back at you and then at Ace.
Luffy:Huh no way! You promised us! You said that you'd never die..no matter what Ace!
Voices begin to muffle to you the fighting seems to be quiet all you can hear is Ace and Luffy you feel that a wire is wrapping around your heart and tearing it bit by pit into pieces until you can fell nothing, you don't relizes it but tears fall down from your eyes, and your breath quickens just looking at Ace you are shaking very quietly you feell that your voice is stuck and there is no way out, you hear voices in your head talking bad about you saying it's your fault that the ones you love and cared about are dying, and flashbacks come tunning into your mind about when you were kids playing together "Please, let this be fake, I cant feel anything, Ace..luffy, I want to scream but I can't my heart-
Ace's body hitting the ground takes you out of your trance as you move to side and sit next to luffy hugging him very gently. As you look at your hand and see its still shaking and covered in blood.
Luffy starts crying very loudly and you want to cry but suck it up knowing that you have to take care of Luffy.
You hear the crys off Luffy, and Ace comrades. Your tears fail to cooperate and fall down your cheek. You see luffy screaming loudly and you hug him tightly.
You see your vision getting blury and black spots appear in your vision. You totally forgot that you have a stab wound in your side and now your about to pass out but before you do you shout.
Then the world turns quiet and dark and you pass out.
"In the world"
Luffy loses it the same time you pass out and your both just stuck there not able to do anything.
Ivan:Straw Boy! Mask Girl! "There both out of it" Their lives are in danger!
Before Akainu can come and kill you both Jinbei comes and picks you both up and runs away to a safer place.
*A few days later I think?*
*Horrific images appear in your mind of Ace death ,what if you sacrificed yourself, what if luffy died instead ,what if- then it turns to an imagine of Akainu raising his fist about to strike you and Luffy.
Your breath quickens you look around and Luffy is not in sight and you just see Ace on the ground dead then another imagine of you see Sabo and Ace.
"How could you, what type of big sister are you! One who cant defend her younger siblings."
Then you see Akainu behind you and wake up into reality.
Senses coming back to you and all you can feel is rage. You destroy all of the machine in the werid room and come out the room looking around face darkned.
Penguin:Mask Girl your going to break the ship!
You punch a hole through the roof of the Polar Tang and jump out hitting the ground of an island where some people are (The scene where Luffy jumpes out the polar tang and shouts "where my brother") not seeing Luffy anywhere rage hitting you again you stronger this time.
Reader:My brothers...My brothers..MY BROTHERS, GIVE ME BACK MY FAMILY
You shout as you run into the forest looking for Luffy, destroying every tree, rock anything that stands in your way to find Luffy.
I need to watch more episode to know what happens next in the show. At 20 likes ill make PART 2.
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tnystrk-exe · 3 years
Everybody Loves Sombody
Warnings: Reader has knife injuries, internalized homophobia
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“My dear boy,” Laszlo sighed, taking in the sight of you from the bathroom door. “What troubles have you put yourself through this time?”
You sloshed water in your mouth and spat out now pink tinted liquid into the sink. “Got in a fight,” you shrugged, looking at him through the mirror, “Nothing major. No need to worry, hermoso.“
Shaking his head Laszlo went to grab his supplies to patch you up, making a mental note to restock it sometime soon. What a knack you had for using up his supplies. “And would you like to tell me the reason?”
“Not really.” You sat on the edge of the bathtub and pulled Laszlo’s stool between your legs. When he took his spot in front of you, you ran your fingers along his beard. “They were bad mouthing you. How could I allow that to happen?”
“I’m not a child, I can take it.” Still he didn’t resist leaning his cheek into your palm, eyes closed as he indulged in the contact. “Drágám, you mustn’t let people get under your skin for the sake of me. It’s not worth it.”
“No, I will get into every fight, because they’re wrong. As far as I’m concerned the only times ‘fuck’ and ‘Laszlo’ should be uttered in the same sentence is when it’s breathless and full of adoration. I always think it sounds so lovely when it’s gasped.”
Laszlo snapped his eyes open in surprise, a blush quickly heating up his cheeks. While the two of you had been together for many years in secret he still held some shyness. Vulgarities were considered more your specialty. How you enjoyed flustering your lover. You couldn’t help the look of devotion as you watched the usually smart man fumble with his own thoughts. Leading your hand down his neck, you pulled him in for a kiss, eager to show him how loved he was. Despite your best efforts you could never convince him that he was worthy of love. You didn’t mind using all your time to prove him wrong though. Pulling away from him, you kissed along his jaw. It could nearly be considered worship.
“I’d get beat a thousand times over for you, Lo.”
“You have,” he said, recovering himself with an unimpressed tone. However he was betrayed by the pulse on his neck that you were stroking with your thumb.
“A thousand times more should suffice then.”
He kissed your shoulder before pushing you away lightly. Getting his things ready, he set to work on cleaning you up. “How many was it this time?”
“Just two.” You gripped his thigh as he cleaned the cuts on your face with peroxide. “I could have taken them if they hadn’t pulled a knife. Luckily, they just went deep enough to think they made me feel threatened.”
“You’ve got no sense of self preservation.”
“Somehow, I don’t think you’re the best judge of self preservation. I pick fights with people, you have us chasing down murderers. Two very different things.”
“They’re still people,” he hummed, “Capable of horrible things, but human by all measures.”
He placed a final plaster on your cheek bone, satisfied with his work. The cuts in your mouth obviously weren’t too bothersome for him to have to care for though he’d obviously still send Stevie out for some medicine. You’d heal up soon enough just to eventually land you right back here. The moment had become a ritual of sorts. Often he wondered what in the world brought the two of you together. Why were you so seemingly devoted to the point where you’d risk yourself to defend him? Laszlo Kreizler dedicating his life to YN? That was logical. That made sense, but the return of that is what sent the whole equation into chaos. Then there were the mountain of differences that should have made you incompatible however they only served to make him appreciate you more. He loved you for your oddity and reluctance to allow others to sway your spirit. Strain was only ever brought on by the fact that the love the two of you had forged together had to remain in the darkness. Such a pure thing, the only good thing in his life, treated as if it was revolting only because of how you were born.
He hated it.
Everything that had to be done to make it seem as if you were nothing more than friends. An apartment he had to pay for and furnish that you’d hardly ever spent time in. “Business trips' you went on when people began talking. The girl you kept around so that no one would be suspicious. Even if it was for the sake of public image. A quid pro quo forged between the two of you so she could also lead a life with her secret lover. He couldn’t help feeling anything but jealous. Laszlo would have much preferred having you by his side at those events than having to watch you from the sidelines. Maybe eventually you’d wear her ring around your finger. Her husband instead of his as you should be. She’d be regarded as the person who loved you most in the world and he’d be resigned as nothing more than a friend you were fiercely protective of. What a cursed thought.
If only it was another time…
Laszlo watched you, raising a brow at your discontent look. His thumb worked to sooth away the small pout that your mouth adorned. “What is it, liebling? Are you in pain?”
“I was out in the world protecting your honor and all I get in return is a bandage?”
“You’re insufferable.”
“Yet you choose me time and time again, cariño.”
Diligently, Laszlo kissed every bandage and bruise. Bringing your hands to his lips, he left more scattered on your scraped knuckles. The taste of your blood lingered lightly on his lips, but he didn’t mind it.
You couldn’t help basking in the affection. Remembering back to the days when he wouldn’t spare a glance your way, look how far he’d come. It wasn’t easy by any stretch. However, you couldn’t ignore the pull to him no matter how hard you tried. The melancholy man, then still closer to a boy, held your heart in his fist the second you laid eyes on him. The definition of beauty and genius embodied in a perfect package.
He, unfortunately, hadn’t found the same thing in you, first he had hated you. Everytime he looked at you he heard his father’s words of disapproval. Disappointment… Imposter… Queer... If he was right about this… he had to be right about everything else. He couldn’t be allowed to be right about a single thing. Laszlo Kreizler was out to prove his father wrong and make a proper name for himself. All he had to do was not give you the time of day. His distaste for your presence was known because somehow he’d always have something to do. You’ve heard more goodbyes from him than hellos those first few weeks.
Still you didn’t allow yourself to be driven away. Everyone else be damned on your mission to get him. There was a reason he was so angry with you and suspected exactly what that was whenever you caught his eye. You knew he had to feel something too. He wouldn’t have reacted so extremely if he didn’t. So you started slowly, placing pastries and small snacks on his study desks when he was too taken with his books to notice. Sometimes specifically chosen dried flowers whose meanings would never wilt away would accompany the foods. This went on for a while. The silent victory you felt when you noticed him walking around with a book of floriography was unmatched. It seemed the quiet messages of care were doing the trick.
Slowly, he allowed you closer. You didn’t mind it, you understood his struggle. Sometimes you would get angry at yourself too. How much easier would it be just to find what you were expected to? Find a wife. A child or two. Maybe they might make you forget these things. They wouldn’t be worth the risk of losing. No longer having to hope the person of your affection would glance in your direction for a moment. But that never lasted in your thoughts. Especially not when you came across sprigs of thyme and blue salvia tied to a note with a meeting place and time.
So began your study sessions in a recluse field. Laszlo was admidant on being away from everyone when the two of you were together. Even if he wasn’t so outwardly expressive of it, he knew he reacted differently to you than the others. You had a calming sensation for him and helped him feel more at home in his skin. His angry quips lighter, less looks of annoyance and more fondness, and the way he allowed you to string him into your antics without as much complaint. They’d notice these things. They couldn’t be allowed to, it would be social suicide.
Those fears had done nothing to stop what was to come. The gentle pull you had on each other tugged you closer and closer. Until the night when both of you had too much wine and finally closed the space between. The kiss had been slow, careful but it had felt right after months of this long dance. Laszlo had pulled away all too soon, but you knew there wasn’t much longer. He’d be yours just as you were his.
“What are you thinking of?”
“Always you.”
“I’m right here.”
You stood up, making to grab your things to cut his hair. It had been a while since his last cut and you may as well take advantage of this time. He’d been spending a staggering amount of time in his study as of late. “Let’s go to one of the estates. The one surrounded by fields.”
“In the spring, drágám, you enjoy it more when the flowers are blooming.”
“Come, please.” Laszlo was accustomed to this ritual too and he would never lie and say it wasn’t his favorite. Moving his stool to the sink, he took his seat and leaned head back, you began to wash out his hair, making sure to massage his scalp as you did. “I do, but no flower could ever dream of comparing to you. You’re all I want. Let’s go.”
“What’s the haste?”
“Jane proposed to me, all business of course, but she did it. Honestly I never even expected getting proposed to…”
Laszlo looked at your face, guarded, “And? Did you agree? Is this some form of final outing?”
“No! Of course not! Would marriage be ideal for us? Probably. In theory it sounds smart. A constant shield, but I can’t do it. I mean I started ‘courting’ her because of the rumors of us. They’d never let you continue your work if they knew you chose to love me. That is how far I’d go. But marriage?” You shook your head rambling away. “I can’t do that to you. There’s only one person I’d die to marry and he’s right here with me. If you can’t call me your husband, I don’t want anyone else to do it. …Why? Do you think I should? I-I’ll do it if you want me to.”
The look on his face softened as he realized the jealousy he held for the woman was for nothing. It had been nothing before, but the possibility still singed when he thought of the idea. “Of course, I don’t. Loving you isn’t something I choose to do, I was destined for it. Remember how hard I fought against it? But how can one fight something they were born to do.” Laszlo sat up straight, resting his chin on your stomach as he looked up at you. He made up his mind about what he wanted to do within a second. What you deserved couldn’t be had, but he could do something that was just as good for you. “We’ll go in the spring. The wait would just be a couple months. You can do that for me, can’t you my dear boy?”
You nodded, pushing the wet hair away from his face. “I can, but you have to take me on dates from now until then. It’s the only way I’ll be happy about it,” you half joked.
“I wouldn’t dream of letting down my greedy boy,” he spoke quietly, leaving kisses along your torso. “You’ll get everything you wish for.”
“For as long as we both shall live,” he laughed as you tugged at his hair, “and even longer after that.”
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cookies-and-music · 7 months
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Ghost. - part 7: How do you plea?
This chapter's musical suggestion is Blood//Water by grandson.
Part 1 here - part 8 here
SUMMARY: Loki meets sombody at the TVA he once knew. Unfortunately she doesn't seem to remember him.
Time to bring some action here. All that sweetness and sadness was making me wanna puke.
TVA, 2021 – a few days later.
"I believe I know who you are."
"Well, Sylvie, since I also know who you are, I won't waste time introducing myself" Lydia opened the yellow folder containing all the documents related to the variant she had in front of her.
"Why did they send you?" Sylvie tilted her head, settling into the interrogation room chair.
"All the bad cops were busy," Lydia scanned the papers.
"I didn't know there were any good cops at the TVA."
"All the more reason why you should take advantage of the fact that it's me you've got," Lydia smiled coldly.
"I won't tell you anything," Sylvie spat.
Lydia refrained from rolling her eyes; losing patience wouldn't help. She had to find out what caused the NEXSUS event they and Loki had generated. It was her chance to move from consultant to actual analyst. Considering their entire existence was a mistake, comparing their files to those in the archive wouldn't be enough.
"And do you think your partner in the other room will keep his mouth shut?"
"Yes" Sylvie bared her teeth.
"Oh, come on. You know as well as I do how much he loves to talk" Lydia smiled.
"He knows the truth. The truth about the TVA and who works there" Sylvie leaned back, crossing her legs. "And about you."
"And what would he know about me?" Lydia sighed, bringing two fingers to her temple with a bored air.
"Everything. About how you betrayed him."
"And what about the TVA?"
Sylvie closed her mouth and looked away.
"Come on, Sylvie, we literally have all the time in the world. Do you really wish to spend it here?" Lydia spread her arms, but still, Sylvie didn't answer; she decided to press on.
"Let me make you a proposal, considering that I, at least, don't intend to spend the rest of eternity in this room: you tell me what caused the NEXSUS event on Lamentis-1, and I'll intercede for you with the higher-ups," she twirled a finger, "guaranteeing your survival."
Sylvie let out a forced laugh, shaking her head. "Your attempts are pathetic."
"Well, then let's hope my colleague in the other room is doing better than me" Lydia smiled acidly.
They stared at each other for a few seconds.
"Unlike you, Loki doesn't betray people who trust him."
"And you trust him, don't you?"
"The only person a Loki trusts is theirself" Sylvie crossed her arms.
Lydia observed her defensive posture and the way her gaze seemed to want to incinerate her.
"You know, someone once said that trust is the highest form of love" she leaned towards her.
"Then you really don't know anything about him," Sylvie mimicked her "there's nothing in the world that a Loki can love more than himself."
There it was. The NEXUS event. The opportunity to fall in love with oneself. What vanity enveloped Loki.
"Exactly," Lydia smiled bitterly.
Sylvie furrowed her eyebrows before widening her eyes. "What?"
"Thank you for your courteous cooperation," Lydia closed the yellow folder and stood up from the chair with a smile and bright eyes, ready to report everything to Renslayer, without thinking too much about the consequences her actions would have.
The next day, the TVA was in turmoil; the monitors in the control room were going crazy. From the sacred timeline branched out an immense number of other timelines, ramifications. There was no trace of Loki, and Lydia hadn't heard from him. She had been prevented from entering the room where he had been confined and ordered to stay away. When she had tried again, after reporting to Renslayer what she had discovered from Sylvie and being dismissed with a "good job, now go take a break," she hadn't found anyone, least of all him.
But people don't disappear; they die.
She had tried to talk to Mobius but had gotten nowhere.
"Until we have approval from the council, I can't tell you anything," he had said as he ran through the corridors in the general chaos.
"Can't you at least tell me if he's alive?"
"It's classified."
"You don't have a high enough clearance!" Mobius snapped, turning to her, whose analyst rank had not yet been confirmed. Then perhaps out of pity, his expression softened. "Until we have news, he's to be considered MIA."
Lydia was an agent of SHIELD, and even before that, she had trained at Quantico. Lydia knew what it meant when someone was MIA.
Lydia closed herself in a small room, leaned her back against the door, and slid to the floor, crushed by her own sense of guilt. It was her who had condemned them both, out of anger, out of ambition. Him, who despite everything, she had considered a friend, with sad eyes and kind words.
Even without being the material executor of their end, she had contributed to it by following the orders given to her. And the last words she had said to him had been, "Damn murderer."
She wanted to cry but couldn't. All she could do was breathe heavily, as if she had run the New York marathon. While in her head, his words during their last conversation overlapped.
"You hurt me." "You stabbed me in the back." "It's your fault."
Now it was true. All true. Everything she yelled she hadn't done had still come to pass. Perhaps that was the true meaning of the concept of "destiny"; or perhaps it was just the manifestation of her true nature.
I know. No loki. Y'all were here for him after all. He'll be back tomorrow, that's the reason I'm posting so soon. My girl needed a little kick in the ass in order to sort her feelings out. It is what it is. Let me know what you think of the story so far. I have recived no comments so I'm not sure what everyone is thinking, but I'm fine also with a little heart or a repost so I don't lose interest in writing. It' really helpful.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
TUA AU, this time for season 2 Tommy and Sam!
So. Tommy just got yeeted into the future after having a rather fiery breakdown. That happened.
And he doesn't remember much. He doesn't know where he is, how he got there, or why he feels so alone, like there's somebody - multiple sombodies - who should be here but aren't and it's freaking him out. All he remembers is burning, everything burning, before somebody else is there, telling him everything is going to be okay. He doesn't know who they are, but he thinks it was someone he loved.
(He also remembers a man in green and a mask that makes his breath go shaky, but not exactly why.)
And then you've got Sam. Sam, who lives alone with his dog Fran, is probably driving home after work, when he sees this kid on the side of the road, no adult in sight, nothing but his clothes on his back, probably homeless or a runaway, looks about two seconds away from a panic attack, and- well, what is Sam supposed to do? Just leave him there?
So he goes up to the kid, who nearly jumps out his skin, and after about two minutes of conversation it becomes clear that oh yeah, this kid is definitely not okay. Sam manages to catch his name, before his concern skyrockets as Tommy promptly collapses into his arms because he's had a long fucking day, alright?
Well. It's good thing Sam has that guest room he never uses.
So he brings Tommy home, waits for him to wake up, asks him some questions over breakfast, like where are your parents? What happened to you? Do you have anywhere to go? It's when Tommy gives a quiet no or I don't know that Sam promptly decides "okay, you're staying with me"
It's rough going for the first few weeks. Tommy isn't about to dash out the door like he first did when he woke up, but he doesn't exactly trust Sam either. Meanwhile Sam may not know about the superpowers, or the apocalypse or time travel, but he does manage to gather that this kid must have been through some serious shit. And a lot of his reactions and comments point towards having a not-so-good caregiver in the past, so he does his best to be patient, understanding, give Tommy his space and make sure he knows he doesn't owe Sam anything.
Things slowly get better. Tommy gets acquainted with Fran, who is good at calming him down when Sam can't, especially after nightmares. As the weeks go on, more and more of Tommy's memories trickle in, and Sam helps him deal with that. Tommy tells him he thinks he did some bad things in the past, and Sam tells him he doesn't think Tommy is a bad person, and that it's what he does now that matters, not the past.
A couple of weeks turn into a couple of months, and things are good. Tommy smiles more easily, trusts more easily, is less tense and wary, and Sam will admit that it's nice to have such a vibrant presence in the previously empty house. Maybe Tommy tentatively starts to experiment with his powers in private, getting better control, learning exactly what he can do. Maybe he even remembers that he had a family, that maybe they're out there somewhere. Things are good.
Except one day, things are not so good. Tommy's walking home from doing some errands, when he gets held up by this weird cat-like guy, who keeps asking him questions and is in general getting way too close for comfort. Tommy manages to lose him, and brushes it off. Guy was probably just a conman, or high, or a really creepy salesman. Then he gets home, and Sam is worried, tells him that earlier two guys came by - white hoodie and a guy who refuses to swear - asking a bunch of questions, trying to invite themselves in, and most concerning - they were asking for Tommy specifically.
That is... unnerving, but not necessarily cause for alarm. What harm could they really do? Then next day, the guys come by again, and they're a lot more persistent, keep trying to convince Tommy to come with them, that they can help him, they can bring him to his fanily, and Sam is really not liking the vibe he gets from these guys, and long story short a scuffle breaks out. Tommy uses his powers to scare the guys off, but not before Sam gets injured. Not majorly, but still.
Sam is understandably spooked, especially as it slowly dawns on him he might have bitten off more than he can chew- but no, he's not going to leave Tommy, he promised, he can't. They go to a hotel to stay the night, just in case.
Tommy, meanwhile, is spiraling hard. Because there are people after him, who apparently know about him and what he can do, about his family, and he may not know exactly what they want but it can't be anything good. And they're coming after him, after Sam, and Sam got hurt, Sam got hurt trying to protect him, Sam got hurt because of him, just like everyone else-
Tommy refuses to let people get hurt because of him anymore.
So, quietly in the middle of the night, he writes a note, telling Sam he's sorry, he shouldn't have to deal with, with Tommy, he shouldn't have to get hurt because there are more people out there who want to use Tommy's powers, that it's not his job to protect him. He tells Sam thank you, for everything, for the past few months that have been the best his life, that he doesn't know how to repay him and he'll never forget, and he tells Sam not to look for him, to stay away, for his safety and Tommy's peace of mind. He tells Sam goodbye, then he quietly slips outside, jumps on bus or a train, and walks away from the only stable caregiver he's had in years.
Sam wakes up, reads the note, and promptly decides fuck that, Tommy is a kid, he's Sam's kid, and Sam will be damned before he lets him be alone, because he made a promise to keep Tommy safe and he is damn well going to keep it. So him and Fran jump in the car, and set off for the nearest town.
(And maybe while he's there, he meets a blonde man who also seems to be worried about his kids, so...
Sam: Hey, have you seen a tall, skittish blonde teenager? Curses a lot, about 6' 1", kind of a smart-ass?
Phil: Tell me everything you know right now.)
Meanwhile, Tommy is walking down the street of some unknown city, oblivious to the pink-haired vigilante that does a double take when he sees him, disbelief all across his face.
It’s found family your honor. It’s Sam and Tommy bonding and becoming a family and oh god that’s giving me so many feelings and then Tommy leaves because he thinks he’s a danger to Sam and oh man. This hurts.
On the bright side though, we have everything coming together and we have the plot just slowly converge together and that’s great.
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funkyness · 3 years
Hey! As an autistic person myself, I tend to read too deeply into things bc nt will often say one thing and mean another, as in "Man I wish SOMONE had not left the door wide open!" or "If only sombody was to dress better/help with this/not say that" now as you can tell they don't tell me exactly what they want me to do, but they're upset so i have to figure it out, I need to figure if they ment me or somone else and how what they said pertains to me. Sorry for the paragrapth!
tbh i have only heard extremely passive aggressive people talk like that (mothercore haha) but yeah i can see where the confusion comes from !
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shimmershae · 3 years
My thoughts on Episode 3--Hunted.
 Most of you lovelies already realize this, but my thoughts tend to zig and zag quite a bit, lol.  So.  To save some of you the headache and spare you from seeing spoilers you’d rather not see yet, I’m again placing them behind a cut.  
First things first.  I have totally turned into Yvette Nicole Brown with her TWD notebooks, lol, and I’m not even sorry.  I just felt like it would be fun to go back when the final episode is in the books and see how well my thoughts from these early episodes line up with what I’m feeling when we say our (not-so) final goodbyes.  
But that’s enough about that. Let’s get to this thing.  
It really is insane how very much I love Melissa McBride.  Just hearing her doing the previously on TWD recap voiceover makes me ridiculously happy.  
Cole!  Dude!  We hardly knew ya.  
Not gonna lie.  That first shot of Maggie in all the chaos reminded of a shirt I’ve seen.  It says--”Well, well, well.  If it isn’t the consequences of my actions.”  
I have to hand it to Angela and the rest of her team.  These opening scenes--on all 3 episodes--have been BOMB so far.  They really hook you in right away.  At least IMHO.  
I realize I’m behind the game on this little tidbit, but how much do I adore the fact that Dog is now in the opening credits?  
Okay.  Alexandria might look like it’s been on some kind of post-apocalyptic bender but all our girls are looking beautiful as ever.  Maybe it’s Maybelline, lol.  
I love to see Kelly and Carol still gravitating toward each other.  It really speaks to each woman’s heart.  Carol wants to make amends so badly and Kelly just has the most lovely, warm, forgiving heart.  
Carol’s point about Alexandria still needing the horses to help with the heavy lifting and pointing out the walls and rebuilding won’t matter quite as much if they’re limited by their  hunger and what they can physically lift on their own isn’t wrong.  But I’m sure the same viewers that were okay with Daryl and Co. going out on Maggie’s suicide mission (using the same reasoning) and saying it made sense for the bigger picture will pretend not to recognize that the same element is there in Carol’s desire to go out there and look for the horses.  You know.  Because it was Carol’s idea and not that of their fave(s).  
Aaron, Man.  Or maybe I should say Angela.   You just had to put a pit of dread in my belly mentioning Buttons like that.  RIP, Buttons.  You deserved better.  I’m still traumatized.  
Look at all the babies bonding.  Look at RJ getting to sit at the big kid table.  
“My mom always comes back.”  She damn well better.  Those babies need her.  Until she does, though, Uncle Daryl and Aunt Carol (and Aunt Rosita and everybody else) are going to be there.  
Anyway.  Poor RJ.  He barely ever gets any lines, lol.  
Hershel and Judith are obviously the mini-adults in this group and baby Rhee is already more cynical and jaded than his sweet daddy was until they reached Alexandria and the wheels started to come off.  
So.  Does Maggie just think everybody’s already dead here or what?  Hmm.  
You know.  Any building can be creepy AF when the lights are off and it’s dark, lol.  Any building.  
So much darkness so far this season.  I’m going to have to invest in some blackout curtains.  I just know it.  
Where are all those stairs leading?  Why am I thinking of Hitchcock?  Am I mixing up my scary, suspenseful movies?  Probably.  
Of fucking course, Maggie dropped her flashlight.  Thank goodness she had that lighter at the ready just before Ghost Face Reaper took a swipe at her.  
Is that Father G with a screwdriver impaled in his thigh?  Listen.  These people deserve a Mega Bottle of pain killers and a week just vegging out in a soft, luxurious bed.  
All these horror movie tropes.  Some of them are cheesy, yes.  But I’m totally here for it.  
LMAO.  That’s it, Maggie.  A good old punch in the nuts works every time.  
Alden really is having a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day.  
Negan is still Negan.  Self-serving and looking out for number one.  But I believe the man really does feel the group is his group too.  He’s like that long lost, sketchy uncle nobody wants to acknowledge much less invite to the dinner table, but that bond?  However thin?  Is there.  
I am both hating that Maggie is being forced to work with the man that murdered her husband (my baby Glenn) and finding it fascinating the lengths she’s willing to go to survive.  This your plan, Angela?  
Rosita and Carol!  How sad is it that the last really significant scene I can remember the two of these women sharing was way back?  Before Rick and Co. attacked Negan’s outpost and Maggie and Carol were subsequently taken?  If only the show had done more of these kind of scenes.  
How much do I love all the girls working together?  Gimps would never.  They’d all be stuck back at Alexandria minding the kids and the community.  
Shallow aside--Rosita is so pretty in this scene.  
Rosita being worried about Carol honestly makes my heart hurt, because it’s about damn time more of them actually did.  Her saying Abraham is trying to tell her something in her dreams is interesting.  Angela sure loves her dreams, doesn’t she?  
Where are Daryl’s dreams, hmm?  No.  Seriously.  I guess they want to give some viewers plausible deniability until the bitter end.  
“Really?  We’re just gonna go toward the screaming?  Cool.”  Hahaha.  You know.  Even the smart people in horror movies sometimes bite it, Negan.  Just saying.  Maggie really does need to “stop running up the staircase” when she could just run out the front door though, lol.  
Poor Duncan.  I think you could have been another Tyreese, Jerry type for me.  
WTF does this show have against horses?  Those poor creatures.  
Kelly is totally me right now.  I’d be freaking inconsolable.  
Carol needed that hug.  Thank you, Magna.  From the bottom of this tired fangirl’s heart, thank you.  
Why give us that beautiful, golden shot with the horses when you’re planning to stab us through the heart later and twist the knife.  Oh.  Yeah.  That’s exactly why.  
Oh snap!  Father G’s delivery when he tells that Reaper “I’m not.  God isn’t here anymore.”  Cold as ice.  
Judas.  That the Reapers’ work.  Or.  Damn.  Either way, that’s harsh.  
Back to what Alden was saying.  All these oprhaned children.  Who’s going to take on Adam if he dies?  That poor kid has had a rough go of it.  Knowing that, makes you wonder what Alden was thinking volunteering for the suicide mission.  
Omigosh.  There went Agatha.  Terrible way to go.  Right, Beatrice?  
I’m sobbing.  Carol with the horse.  That hurt my baby so much but she hurt herself for her family the same way she has been doing since the Prison.  Melissa Mcbride?  When she cries, I cry.  Every effin’ time.  Aaron being there just made it hurt more.  But at least someone was there to see how and really take in how she continues to break pieces of herself off to keep her family as whole and safe and happy as she can.  
Rewinding a minute--that Magna and Carol conversation.  I get Magna’s reasoning too.  I do.  But Angela is just making everything so dire right now so that the sun when Connie is ultimate found shines a ltitle brighter.  
Those babies know they’re eating horse.  I could never.  
That’s got to be a different Coco.  She’s even smaller.  But she’s gorgeous.  
Fucking finally.  Angela having the other characters notice after an eternity of being blind to it, just how much Carol sacrifices of herself for them.  It’s so long overdue and I imagine Rosita’s even more worried for Carol now.  It’s a shame it’s taken 11 seasons.  My baby’s had blood on her hands trying to keep her family safe and whole and happy and fed for a long damn time.  So heartbreaking watching her try to scrub the blood away.  
Sweet, sweet hug that Kelly gave Magna.  She’s such a sweetheart kid sis to all of them, isn’t she?  
Interesting place of refuge.  A gutted church.  A visual symbol, Angela, of where Maggie and the rest of our people are now perhaps?  
“It’s easy for you, isn’t it?  Being reckless with sombody’s life...”  Maggie.  Maggie.  Those words would have hit so much harder if we hadn’t spent the majority of the last 2.5 episodes watching you ignore sound advice just because it came out of the mouth of somebody you (justifiably) hate.  
But will Alden be there when Maggie and Negan get back?  That is the question.  Or will he eventually Lucille himself?  
That little bit of lineup Negan music to remind the audience of Negan lovers and sympathizers that he once took great pleasure in murderously swinging a bag at people’s heads was a nice, subtle touch there.  Like agree with her or not, Maggie  is literally left to rely  on the hope, however small it is, that Negan has changed just enough that he won’t try to finish a job he taken on years before--killing what’s left of her.  
Oh lawd.  Next episode sees the return of a character literally nobody asked for.  How excited am I not?  
Dog better not be harmed or so help me.  
Now for Angela’s weekly explanations of WTF she/there were thinking because they been doing this plausible deniability thing so long some people out there watching with biased, muddy stan glasses can no longer separate head canon from canon.  
Is Maggie worried at all about Daryl or does she just assume his superhero powers are in full effect in this episode?  
“You can’t really say it wasn’t going to happen anyway.”  Not Angela pointing out that simply laying the blame for literally everything bad that ever happens at Carol’s feet isn’t the answer.  Say it louder for those in the back.  Alpha was going to do what Alpha wanted to do.  
“There is love there.  There is respect there.  However, there’s also frustration...”  You damn skippy.  Friendships and human relationships are complex AF.  Like Carol. She’s honestly one of the most complicated characters on this show and any show, IMHO.  That’s what makes her so memorable and such a lightning rod for discussion.  
I know I might be in a minority, but I really feel like they need more of those little scenes between the kids to keep things real.  
Kang saying she always feels like she’s going to get murdered in a staircase or parking lot is relatable, funny, and sad all at the same time.  It’s a girl thing.  
Why is Carol’s story giving me Dark Knight vibes?  Like I feel like she’ll gladly shoulder the burden of their distrust, their hate, or their judgment as long as the hard choices she makes keeps them safe.  And she’s still ultimately going to come back to save their asses even when they forsake her.  Just like Bruce Wayne/Batman.  Am I reaching too far, lol?  Because sometimes I do that.  
Anyway.  This is the third episode of the season and the third episode in a row that I mostly enjoyed.  I don’t know if I’m just so relieved and happy to have all the characters and my show back or what, but overall?  I’ve been pleased with the episodes and found something to love in all of them.  
There’s a much stronger horror vibe woven throughout Season 11 so far.  I feel like it’s a return to the roots of the show and I like that.  Literally none of the characters are making perfect choices and this viewer is here for it.  My only complaint so far is there hasn’t been enough Carol but what we’ve been given has felt like a gift and significant in a way that Gimps’ version was not.  Also?  I really hope the trend of the ladies working together and supporting each other continues because they rule the TWD world, lol.  
Hope you enjoyed at least some of my TWD word vomit.  
Until next episode.  
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