bnha-imagines-hcs · 6 years
Hey dude! You're making great stuff! Could I please have B, K, and W from the fluff prompt for Aizawa, Hizashi and Spinner? You know Aizawa and Hizashi are my darlings, but I've recently developed a fondness for the lizard boi.Thank you so much!
( the lizard boi… is kinda cute. but what is UP with his SWORDs!? | also i fucking love kamojis… JesUs ChrisT )
fluff alphabet;
| aizawa; headcanons.
BREATH     just exist… in his life… y ea h. tbh aizawa is just always A Huge Fan of u and the fact ur there in a nice way, so like??? yeethaw bby always a fan.
he a sucker for the whole boyfriend shirt thing, it’s just he doesn’t have a whole lotta clothes beside his professional look (dress shirt and slacks) and his actual working look (fuckin… pullover/overall/bodysuit thing lmfao wtf). you could,, ofc,,,,,, put on a huge frigging sweater - the kind commonly used as a dress - and like… thigh highs…. ehrem. (kitty pattern optional but super effective.) and just. hair down (or up) and just. and just.
                    be there.
also if u ever back him up or lead him in a fight, whether it’s frontline business or just you tryin ur best to evacuate a few peeps, well… that’ll do the trick. #synergy TM. he loves the fact ur partners, so anything that actively demonstrates/proves this is… multo bene.
honestly tho just breathe this hobo is a total softie and he so weak for love… so weak for love.
KISS    he actually adores kisses, yet doesn’t indulge often - as with most things that bring him simple pleasure & relaxation, shouta straight up forgets. just- forgets about it. 
it’s not small pecks and chaste things that he really adores - those are. kinda awkward, really. if it makes ya happy go for it, gestures, but. ehh. eh? eh.
long and involved kisses, that’s where it’s at.                                     hands messing w/ ur hair as he draws you close or draws in close himself or both or (we’re very big on equality here), able to drown in dark & warm comfort, feeling u and keeping u locked away in his little corner of the world until you’re ready to go. these happen in private, if aizawa can help it. it’s his prize for bein’ a martyr all the damn time (cough needlessly hard on himself cough), so the rest of the world can fuck off and just let him have this.
he doesn’t initiate ‘long and involved’ in public; don’t mistake this for a lack of interest! he’s just being decent (●´∀`●)
WILD CARD     the only thing high-maintenance about shouta is the situational factors. he just wants to chill, have a home that is place & person, someone he can have intelligent conversation and comfortable silence with… just to share their lives without infringing on each other too much.he’s very… myeah. non-conventional? if you’re poly and he’s not, have fun with that it’s cool. if you’re busy a lot like him, that’s cool. if you wanna live separately, np. if you need to take time to yourself for a couple years, you do you.what he does demand is truthfulness. not that you don’t have secrets, but that you can just say ‘man i don’t wanna tell you’, rather than deceit. he’s a liiiiiiiittle sensitive about lies, even small ones.
2) also.. he loves to just read together. he doesn’t have a fireplace but if he did, it’d be readin’ by the fire.
| hizashi; headcanons.
BREATH     no offence but this man’s usually short of breath, what with the constant noice production. the things about life that leave him breathless are what drive him, what fuel him - it’s always somewhere on his mind.if he ain’t livin’ his best life, he about to.
so honestly? hmmm. he’s most often kinda in that state, but – ohhh yeah. big droopy sweater + thigh highs used as sleepwear or just. just. on his s/o… pls sit on his lap. pretty please? pleeeassseee… frick.movie night and it’s warm enough and u come out in that and sidle up to him and oh ooohhhh b o y . he’ll just curl an arm arnd you and light his hand upon ur arm, real gentle, not pouncing or w/e just - enjoying tf out of that.
KISS    mmmmmmmm, y e s. hizashi does not, in fact, believe in PDA - the term and general consensus suggests that displays of affection are somehow meant to be absent from day to day life, as though we ought hide our hearts and pretend to be cardboard.not exactly this guy’s thing.
where shouta will seek out privacy for a kiss with real feeling, hizashi– won’t. sure, if things get particularly heated he’ll suggest a break or a, hah, room (if others haven’t already). but as long as it’s warm loving mmmmm yes i love you mmmm hizashi feels there’s nothing improper about it and will give very few shits about commentary. you will end up in a bitchfight with him if u push it- kisses without wandering hands are not indecent, gdu, and any attempt to make he or his partner feel shame over it will be met with… vehement opposition.
alternatively if you are simply highly uncomfortable and respectful about it, ofc they can save it for when you’re not forced to be in the same room as them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
     every kiss is a real kiss \o/. hizashi positively glows under the weight of lil pecks and ‘i’m leaving’ / ‘i’m back’ / ‘i’m gonna miss u already’ / etc cheek kisses. very fond of the ‘let’s kiss every lil bit of ur face’ style. subscribed to ‘oh? you think this part of u is undesirable? KISSSSSS’ series. proud author of ‘3 hours of body worship is an aperitif, my love’.
WILD CARD     swings and like, those old-school playgrounds for preteens - those are still the shit. hizashi loves lazing around on a swing, gently rocking back and forth while talking about everything or nothing. it’s easy, there’s literally no pressure whatsoever, it’s nostalgic.pushing each other on the swings?? chill as fuck. riding those errr those things w/ the big-ass springs underneath - also cool. oh my god riding those things err SHIT IDK WHAT IT’S CALLED ... ‘cable ways’ ..? The Shit.
just innocent play time pls. no stress & chill.
| spinner; headcanons.
BREATH.      pls. pls play games w/ him and go wild - that’ll do it. if you rock out playing racing / gta / etc games, he’ll love watching u go go go and just. hang back. needlessly awe-struck. it’s just nice to share smth he loves, smth non-serious without strain, and have the person he likes enjoy themselves with it.
KISS     well it’s scaly, we can’t deny that. ‘s not bad though, and that’s esp true if you’re more of a monster fucker than a coward. smooth, stumbly, and generally a lil awkward cuz he’s not at all used to ppl even ??? wanting ?? a lil smoochy smooch from him??? yeah.
eager, though. spinner’s got pretty normal dreams with yer picket fences and vidya games and maybe even a house that’s like inhabitable… yeah. a life where you can just reach out and touch and have it be affection rather than… disgust……… he’s always more affectionate than sexual - that’s more important to him, and his self-image is such that getting turned on doesn’t even really happen. and boy does he have an assortment of cute lil kisses as a result.
soft, careful pecks to test the waters even though you’ve responded well 50 times already - spinner’s someone who’ll ask for permission more often than not, wary of finding out something good has become something… not so good. it’s a hang-up he’ll not let go of soon. lingering ‘i can’t believe this is happening oh shit should i move? fuck am i-’ cheek kisses while he’s arched awkwardly to reach over the couch.sloppy ‘i can’t believe i’m this lucky but i’m too sleepy to question it’ morning / late night kisses.‘hey i was gone for a while and i can’t believe u still want me to kiss u!!! sc o rrrrrre and also oh god are u ALRIGHT.’ less restrained, embraces, face kisses, accidentally kissing ur eye. that happened.he has an excited ‘oh my god u made us hot chocolate’ kiss that stems from i’m living the fucking life finally ho god. 
he’s just. so happy. so happy to have someone he likes and likes him back, smn he can just be domestic with. sure he does crazy shit, but he loves to.. be homey. and lots and lots of little, tentative kisses at every opportunity.
also mini hand touches, but he’s still working on that.
WILD CARD     pls sit on his shoulders and let him scale rooftops like that. adrenaline junking together is The BeesKnees. u wanna get thrown?? the boi will throw u. u wanna cliff dive?? yeet let’s go. u wanna rollercoasterrrrrr rid es. s /? !? ?!? FUCK YES LE’S GO.
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Not Happy Anymore Part 4
This fanfiction includes cursing, violence, fighting, gore, blood, major character death, grief, torture, and quite a bit of suffering. Please don’t read if you aren’t okay with that kind of stuff.
This is based on @atomiktaco ‘s versions of antisepticeye, darkiplier, and a little bit of jack and mark. I hope you enjoy ^-^
Finally Jack realized what Anti was saying and his eyes widened in terror. He knew why Anti told him to run and what would happen if he didn't. It would be safer for both of them if he listened. So he took off, guilt filling him as he left his friend to be slowly torn apart by the glitches and his own mind.
Anti screamed again, his voice winding inside itself over and over again and started to make a piercing and grating sound that felt as if it was made to make people bleed, to make them suffer. Yet all it did was add more pain as he began to writhe on the floor.
"W-won't-t let-t-t yo-ou," he gritted out between clenched teeth as the glitches surrounded him, forcing him to feel the pain and grief he had made. His fingers twitched and he forced them to dig into his arm, to make him feel pain, *real* pain instead of the horror that grated at his mind. Until suddenly something new began to happen. As he tried to fight the sadness that he had felt before, he was given more to grieve over. He started to sob. He tried to hold it in but all that did was make his tears start to stream down his face without a sound. Instead he heard the static, the crackling, the breaking, and somehow that made it worse.
Memories flashed before him.
His mother's scarred yet gentle hands holding his tiny ones as she taught him how to make bread. 
His shoulders shook with so much force and he let out a whimper as a sliver of pain shot through him again.
His father's soft and warm hands guiding his trembling hands as they sewed their first blanket together.
His hands clutched at his chest as he curled up in agony and wept for those he had lost, those he had killed.
His sister's callused hands tracing his own as she made up fairy tales about the world just for him.
And with that he broke. He started to wail, tears pouring down his face as he begged for this pain to stop. Please just god make it stop. But it didn't. It tore and it tore and as Anti cried it just got worse. As if it got pleasure from his pain. Because this was pain. This was grief. This was suffering. His heart felt as if it was being torn from his chest and he clawed at it, as if destroying it would make it stop, drawing blood with his nails as he cut through his shirt and into his skin.
"PleaS-se," he whispered as his nails dug into his chest. The tears still streamed down his face. The whimpers still came from him as he tried to fight it. Until suddenly he felt something. A hand on his shoulder, so like those in his memories, but different, more real. "D-DaRk?"
"I'm here," Dark whispered, but Anti couldn't hear him. The glitches struck him again and he screamed, his body twitching from the torment. He struggled to lift a trembling, twitching, bruise-covered hand to his friend and Dark caught it before it fell. Anti started to breathing faster and he whimpered again, his other hand clutching his chest as his eyes flashed so perilously close to the black that filled them when he lost complete control.
"Ma-aKe i-i-it sToP," he begged, voice twitching and breaking as his eyes screwed shut. His breath caught in his throat, pain beginning to overwhelm him again. "Pl-e-eAs-Se."
"I'm here, Anti. I'm here," Dark told him, voice soft and calm as he looked down at his friend. Anti was almost completely covered in glitches, shuddering as he tried to fight against the agony that threatened to overcome him. "We can do this."
Suddenly Anti stopped. He stopped screaming, he stopped crying, he stopped struggling. His hand slipped out of Dark's. For a second, he almost looked calm, even as his shirt continued to soak up blood from the gashes on his chest. But then his body went rigid and he got up from the ground, facing Dark with now soulless black eyes that peered out from a deathly pale face covered in a spiderweb of pulsing black veins. He stepped closer and closer to Dark, glitches crackling around him as an unnatural and twisted grin appeared on his face.
"We always get through this don't we?" Dark whispered, voice too low for Anti to hear.
" I͝͠s̛͟ ̴t̸̛h̸͞í̀s̶̡͜ ̴ẁ̷h̵͜át̕͝ ýo͘͝u̸ ̸w̷͡a͠n҉̢t́e̸̶͡d͜?͟ " Anti giggled as he swung his fist at Dark, trying to hurt him, to break him, but he didn’t even flinch.
"Everything will be okay," Dark told him, his voice soft as Anti spun and elbowed him in the stomach.
"Yó̵ù̸̧ ̡͢m̛͘͡a̷̢dè ş͝u͢͞ŗ͜e ̨͢i͜͏t̸ ́͠w҉o̧͡u̶͡ļ͢d̵ ̛͜ņ̛e͜͡v̛e͏̕ŗ̶͘ ̡b̵̛e ̀́͟á̴͞lri̛g̴̨ht̴̡̕, " Anti’s voice twitched as he punched Dark's breastbone with all his strength. Yet he didn’t budge. Anti’s movements started to get more violent, more desperate to hurt someone, anyone.
"You can survive," Dark said, his voice so sure, and Anti glitched at his words. As if he was getting control back. But still he struck again.
" I̵͠ ͞do̴n't̶̛͜ ̡͞f́̕ù͟c҉̛ķ̶i҉̶͡n͜g̴̸ ̨́w͞an̨̧͡t͡ t̵o̡̕͢! " he screamed at Dark, tears starting to drip down his ashen face as he tried so hard to hurt him but couldn't. His glitches flared up again and he fell onto the ground, starting to sob as he finally gained control back. He curled up into a ball as he shook from the grief and agony as the memories burned his heart over and over again. His fingers clawed into his chest but he couldn't get to his heart as tears poured from his eyes and he shuddered with the force of it all. "PleAsE!" he begged between whimpers and sobs until the glitches struck him again and he screamed. "MaKe iT stOp!"
Dark looked at Anti in agony, a couple tears trailing down his face as he watched his friend struggle and scream in pain. He knew this cycle would never end. He knew Anti would break over and over again and he would lose control over and over again. And Dark- Dark didn’t want him to suffer. Not forever. Not because of him.
"We were happy weren't we?" Dark asked him, voice catching in his throat and another tear trailed down his face. "For a little while anyways? I- I guess it's over now."
And with that he lifted his shaking hand, pictured Anti's suffering, bloody heart in it, and clenched his fist, finally, finally letting Anti be happy.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 (You are here)
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
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surujuttu · 7 years
kaikki planetsist ja galaxyst!!!:O
Thx thx hun!! •ᴥ•
Mercury: What’s your full name? My first name is Emilia and my second name is Aino. Not saying anything else, sorry.
Venus: What’s your first language? Finnish. Perkele saatana vittu. 
Earth: Where’s your home? Well aren’t these getting more and more invasive? Anyway, Southern Finland.
Mars: What’s your sexuality? I honestly don’t know I repeat I have absolutely no idea. Treat me well and I’ll love you, regardless of gender.
Jupiter: Do you have any siblings? I have three older brothers (honestly they’re step-brothers but that sounds mean and they’re important to me) and two younger siblings.
Saturn: Any pets? Nooo. We used to have four cats, but two of them died and now the other two live with my grandma and I miss them so much.
Uranus: What’s your hobby? Does crying count? Ok but for real, I’d say reading, drawing occasionally, sleeping and studying, if you can call it that.
Neptune: When’s your birthday? 10th of May!! I’m going to be old!!
Pluto: What time is it right now where you are? It’s 12:06 pm.
Moon: What are you currently studying/hope to study? Right now I’m just desperately trying to inhale everything my high school’s compulsory courses are about. And I have an exam tomorrow and I have not studied at all please help me. But I really love history so I’m kind of focusing on it.
Milky Way: Who’s your oldest friend? ?? I’m guessing @not-her-e because I met him over a year ago? Well, started talking to him properly but yeah. (I literally have no older friends I’m a sad sack of despair)
Andromeda: Do you consider yourself social? Oh my god no no no. I’m 100% sure I’m anything BUT social.
Black Eye Galaxy: Do you believe in love at first sight? I don’t think so? I mean it’s a sweet idea but it’s almost too good to be true.
Cartwheel Galaxy: When was your first kiss? Six months ago I’m such an innocent person
Cigar Galaxy: How’s your flirting skills?They are so bad oh god no
Comet Galaxy: Have you ever had to leave a relationship because someone changed too much?Yeah, he became a douchebag so lmao bye
Pinwheel Galaxy: Would you date the last person you talked to?The last person I talked to was my mum so pl ea s e  d o  no t
Sombrero Galaxy: Do you have a crush right now? We’re dating so it doesn’t count as a crush anymore I guess
Bode’s Galaxy: Have you ever had a secret admirer?Not really, not so much a secret admirer but a person trying to get laid and being ominously kind about it
Sunflower Galaxy: Would you date/make friends with someone out of pity? No no no that’s the worst kind of douchery and I prefer not to pity people, I’d rather empathise with them
 Tadpole Galaxy: Would you deny a relationship/friendship? No? I mean my last relationship was shit so I pretend it never happened but otherwise no.
Whirlpool Galaxy: Have you ever cried over a breakup? I cry over everything so obviously yes.
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