#CBD Beauty Oil In New York
brightlotusmoon · 2 days
Parents & Kids Smoke Weed Together for the First Time | Strange Buds | Cut
When my dad and I got high together it literally felt like a magical moment.
Dad gets his weed from his Freemason brothers so it's very high quality. He likes to keep his flower in old film canisters and grind it up in his studio surrounded by his paintings. He has this beautiful ceramic bong from the 1970s. He likes to smoke from the wood and corncob pipes he used in the past.
In Brooklyn, we lived next to the first head shop in Brooklyn. The owner was my "spiritual godmother" and one of my favorite people. She wore amazing outfits and it took me decades to realize how Fabolous she really was. I dreamed she held me and told me goodbye, two days before she died, when I was a teen.
My father was born in 1939, so imagine living through all that history and being around to see marijuana legalization in New York and smoke it as much as he wants in his art studio, reducing arthritis and pain. He doesn't even have any of the health problems people his age have. He's not on any prescription medication. He takes supplements and he smokes weed.
My mom takes CBD oil to sleep. She doesn't take any prescriptions. She teachs basic restorative yoga to other 70something women. I feel like the cannabis genuinely helps.
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relaxcbd · 2 years
Why is CBD the new rage in beauty?
CBD is known for its calming and relaxing benefits, which is why it's become a popular ingredient in skincare products. CBD can help to reduce inflammation, redness, and puffiness, making it ideal for those with sensitive skin. It can also help to control oil production, making it an excellent choice for those with oily or acne-prone skin. CBD in New York City is even used to treat conditions like psoriasis and eczema.
Let's talk about it in more detail.
CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is a type of cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are compounds found in the cannabis plant and interact with our body's endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system is responsible for regulating various processes in the body, including pain, inflammation, mood, and appetite. CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system to help to modulate these processes.
One of the notable benefits of CBD is its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is a natural body response to injury or infection, but it can also be a response to stress, allergies, and other irritants. Chronic inflammation can lead to various health problems, including heart disease, arthritis, and even cancer. CBD in New York City can help reduce chronic and acute inflammation.
CBD is also known for its soothing effects. It can help to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. CBD is often used to help people with insomnia get a good night's sleep. In addition, CBD can help to ease the symptoms of conditions like anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD.
CBD is also an excellent choice for those with oily or acne-prone skin. CBD can help to regulate oil production and prevent clogged pores. CBD products can also help to soothe and calm irritated skin.
If you're looking for a new skincare ingredient to try, CBD is a great option. CBD in New York City can offer many benefits, including reducing inflammation, promoting relaxation, and controlling oil production. CBD products are available in various forms, including oils, serums, creams, and masks. You can find CBD products at your local beauty store or online.
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soignbeauty · 3 years
CBD Vanilla Beauty Oil - This facial oil rich in critical antioxidants that are needed to restore a youthful glow along with vitamins E and B, and 500mg of CBD. It gives amazing skin softening and moisturizing properties this oil is perfect for those with oily or sensitive skin types. It has a light moisturizing feel and absorbs well into the skin. It consist of integrients like Hemp seed oil, jojoba oil, CBD isolate, vanilla terpene, limonene, linalool etc.
CBD skin care is the most natural and effective way you can treat your skin. Rich in anti-oxidents and anti-inflammatory properties - CBD can be used to treat aging skin and wrinkles, acne, dry skin, psoriasis and eczema.
Apply two to three drops evenly to the face, neck, and chest both morning and evening. Pregnant women, infants, individuals taking certain medications, and individuals with sensitive skin or any serious medical condition should use with caution - if unsure, consult with a physician or medical professional before use. As with any new skin product, a patch test should be done before use. If irritation occurs, discontinue use. For external use only.
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foodreceipe · 3 years
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CBD is everywhere. But is it a scam?
The super-popular cannabis compound, explained.
Anyone who tells you anything definitive about what CBD — or THC, for that matter — does to your body is lying
By Dan Nosowitz dd
Part of 1 - The mind, explained The coffee shop in my Brooklyn neighborhood has a chalkboard outside. It usually reads something like, “Our soup of the day is coffee.” Recently, though, it’s had a marijuana leaf on it, drawn in green chalk.Recreational marijuana is not legal in New York state. What the coffee shop is selling is CBD-infused lattes; CBD, which stands for cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. Out of curiosity, I bought one. It cost $9 and tasted like a latte with that hint of marijuana herbiness you get from a weed cookie. Google research informed me I would not get high but would be calmer, less anxious, maybe a little sleepy. I have no idea if I felt anything at all. Mostly, I felt like I just spent $9 on coffee.
My coffee shop is not unusual in selling CBD products. In New York, and all over the country, you can find CBD oil in convenience stores, CBD vapes in smoke shops, and CBD tinctures and topical creams in beauty stores. You can buy CBD dog treats in Chicago, a $700 CBD couples massage in Philadelphia, and CBD chocolate chip cookies in Miami. CBD is also being combined with ice cream, savory snacks, and cocktails. Even Coca-Cola is reportedly working on a CBD-infused beverage.
CBD exists at the confluence of three huge consumer trends. The first is the herbal supplement boom, a $49 billion-a-year industry that has seen rapid expansion since about 2010. The second is the rise of the anxiety economy, in which all sorts of products, from fidget spinners to weighted blankets, are pitched as reducers of the mild panic of everyday life. And the third is the near-overnight creation of a legitimate cannabis industry, thanks to the spread of marijuana legalization.
The exact legality of CBD is tricky. The Drug Enforcement Administration maintains that CBD is federally illegal but will not bother going after anyone for possessing or using it. Many argue that a provision in the 2014 farm bill allowing industrial hemp pilot programs, mostly aimed at the textile industry, actually made non-THC use of cannabis legal; while the much-delayed 2018 farm bill signed into law at the end of the year made industrial hemp legal nationwide, CBD has largely yet to be reclassified.
It doesn’t really matter: The result is that anybody, in any state, can seemingly buy CBD online or in a local brick-and-mortar shop without fear of arrest. That availability made CBD at least a $350 million industry last year; some estimates suggest that by 2020, annual sales of CBD products could top $1 billion — and some say it already has.
Despite this, CBD is something nobody knows much about, and certainly nobody is monitoring it properly. CBD is widely marketed as a supplement, despite the Food and Drug Administration saying it does not qualify as such (this is because it is an active ingredient in drugs which are either approved or under investigation to be approved). According to the FDA, the 2018 farm bill “preserved the agency’s current authority to regulate products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds,” though the agency has largely ignored CBD up until now. On the FDA’s FAQ page, a vague answer maintains there are “many factors in deciding whether or not to initiate an enforcement action”; the agency plans to hold a public meeting and generally fact-gather “in the near future.” The Department of Agriculture handles research grants and pilot programs for hemp, but that’s where its involvement ends.
Research and regulation of cannabis in general is decades behind other crops and drugs because of its long prohibition. We’re in the early stages of a chaos period that will last a decade at minimum — a substance has to be legal in order for scientists to figure out how it works and for the government to figure out how to ensure it’s safe. Clinical trials take years to complete and will have to build on each other to create a competent understanding. Coupled with modern technology’s ability to disseminate truths, half-truths, and complete lies, this means we’re in a phase ripe for scams, intentional and not.
Both researchers who work with CBD and professionals who actually grow the raw material — those who best understand this compound and how it interacts with the human body, the people with the most investment in and knowledge about it — are skeptical to the point of scornful about consumer CBD products.
Esther Blessing is a professor and researcher at NYU who performs and reviews clinical trials on CBD’s effectiveness in treating post-traumatic stress, anxiety, substance addiction, and other conditions. Speaking about widely available and unregulated CBD oils, she says, “This is the main scam, snake oil thing going on out there now.”
CBD is about as poorly regulated and understood as a product this popular can possibly be. It’s not accurate to say that CBD, as a whole, is bullshit. From a medical perspective, it’s promising; recreationally, it’s interesting. But that doesn’t mean the stuff you’re buying works.
We know basically nothing about CBD
Anyone who tells you anything definitive about what CBD — or THC, for that matter — does to your body is lying. Nobody knows. The legitimate research out there is extremely limited, and the slow drip of legalization — medical use, then personal use, federally illegal but permitted by certain states and cities — has made it incredibly hard for researchers to do their jobs.
Here’s what we do know: The cannabis plant contains a wide variety of chemical compounds, many of which fall under the broad category of cannabinoids. There are more than 100 — exactly how many, we’re not sure. The best-known and certainly most profitable are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Both of these compounds stimulate the same receptor in the brain, called CB1, but have differing effects on the brain. Researchers aren’t totally sure why.
It may have something to do with the fact that THC stimulates that CB1 receptor a lot, in turn triggering the psychoactive effects of marijuana like disturbed sensory perception, impaired motor skills, and anxiety. Conversely, CBD stimulates CB1 very lightly, causing some effects that seem downright opposed to those of THC including relief from anxiety, stress, and hyper-excitability.
Unlike with THC, CBD’s effects aren’t limited to that single receptor. These effects are not precisely known, though CBD certainly has some impact on CB1’s sister receptor (CB2) as well as a receptor called 5-HT1A. When the 5-HT1A receptor comes into contact with a material that agonizes it, the effects can include reduced anxiety and increased calmness.
The limited studies out there indicate that CBD has, in its various interactions with the brain and immune system, some anti-inflammatory and anti-anxiety effects. It can balance out the effects of THC by reducing the anxiety THC sometimes brings, and many in the industry are big on “broad spectrum” or “full spectrum” configurations, which use many cannabinoids at once.
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theyearoftheking · 4 years
Book Thirty: The Dark Half
“Stark reached out, not physically, but with his mind, and seized that disappearing tail of Thad’s mental probe. In the eye of Stark’s own mind it looked like a worm, a fat white maggot deliriously stuffed with offal and decay...”
So, let me tell you about the dark half inhabiting my house... a little over a year ago, we decided to get Waverly, our beautiful golden rescue pet angel, a friend. She loved spending time with her dog cousins, and would sink into a deep depression when we’d bring her back home again. Seriously. Look at this beautiful face. She is truly an angel in dog form.
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So, we found a rescue beagle (my daughter’s alleged dream dog of the week). 
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I was not prepared for beagle life. Biscuit Beast tore through two different cages, pooped (and smeared it!) everywhere, and chewed up everything from Legos, to Ugg boots to video game controllers. And the sight of a pom-pom on a hat makes her crazy with uncontrolled chewing fueled rage. She was an absolute menace. We tried everything from melatonin, to CBD oil, to just flat-out not leaving the house. She is a lovely, cuddly dog... but her mouth gets her in trouble every time. 
And then quarantine happened. Biscuit Beast has been thrilled to have her people home with her 24/7 all day, every day. Lots of cuddles, walks around the neighborhood, and all the personal interaction a beagle could ask for. We even left on two short jaunts, and she didn’t chew anything. She received all the praise for being the best dog in the world.
And then yesterday, I walk upstairs to find this. She gnawed my copy of The Dark Half like it was a t-bone. And it made no sense. We had been home with her all day, she had a long walk around the lake, and plenty of attention. But her dark half just can’t be tamed. Oh, Biscuit Beast. To know beagles is to love them. 
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Biscuit Beast may destroy everything she can wrap her strong little jaw around, but at least she’s not violently killing people, and threatening lives everywhere she goes, unlike George Stark in The Dark Half. I guess I’ve got that going for me?
The Dark Half was fun. It was my first time reading it, and you could almost hear Steve whispering, “Wouldn’t it be funny if Richard Bachman came to life and became my murderous alter-ego?” The author’s note actually reads, “I’m indebted to the late Richard Bachman for his help and inspiration. This novel could not have been written without him.” 
It makes you wonder what the relationship between an author and his pseudonym is like. Is it dark? Does it take you in directions you don’t expect? Do you end up resenting the pseudonym for contractually forcing you to write books outside your comfort zone? Steve had created an entire biography for Bachman, and seemed almost gleeful about killing him; not unlike Thad Beaumont, the main character in The Dark Half. 
The book opens with child Thad, who is suffering from horrible headaches and seizures. He goes in for surgery, and the neurologist finds remains of a fetus in Thad’s head: an eye, part of a nostril, three fingernails and two teeth. *Shudder*
Thad grows up to become a relatively famous writer, and we find him reading a People magazine article discussing how he “killed” his pseudonym, George Stark. The article even includes a picture of Thad and his wife, Liz, standing on Stark’s grave. His gravestone reads, “Not a Very Nice Guy”. Thad seems equally amused and embarrassed by the article; and quickly brushes it to the side in order to help his wife care for their adorable twins, Wendy and William. 
Then, shit gets weird. The police show up on Thad’s doorstep, ready to arrest him for a brutal, local murder they’re confident he committed. After all, his fingerprints are all over the crime scene. There’s only one small problem: Thad has an iron-clad alibi for the night of the murder, with witnesses galore attesting to his presence. 
The police are thrown. 
Meanwhile, several more brutal murders are committed in New York City, including a young man who had figured out the Thad/George connection, and was attempting to blackmail him. Written in blood on his wall is the phrase, “The Sparrows are Flying Again”. The other murder victims are all people who were associated with the People magazine article. Very strange. 
But Thad is starting to put some pieces together. In his office, he also finds the words, “The Sparrows are Flying Again” randomly scratched on a piece of paper. It reminds him of when he was a kid, and the sounds of birdsong would precede one of his bad headaches. He has his suspicions about who the real murderer is. He makes the logical jump that it has to be his pseudonym, George Stark. Because, who else would it be?
Spoiler: It’s George Stark! 
George calls him from one of the murder scenes to gloat, and basically tells Thad he’s not ready to be dead yet. And Thad needs to get started on his next Stark novel. George doesn’t have a lot of time left... his body is starting to deteriorate into a gross mess, and unless Thad starts writing, George is going to (literally) waste away. 
So, George ends up kidnapping Liz and the kids, and takes them to their Maine cottage, where he holds them hostage until Thad starts working on his next novel. Thad starts writing, which causes George to heal, and Thad to take on George’s ailments. There’s some negative, co-dependent symbiosis going on here. Eventually, Thad stops writing, and summons billions of sparrows to bust in the house and peck George to death, before carrying him off to the depths of hell. 
Why sparrows? Well, because they’re psychopomps of course! For those not versed in ancient Greek, psychopomp means, “guide of souls.” According to Thad’s fellow professor, Rawlie DeLesseps, “...those who conduct. In this case, those who conduct human souls back and forth between the land of the living and the land of the dead... Gatherings of sparrows are rather more ominous... sparrows are said to be the outriders of the deceased... which means their job is to guide lost souls back into the land of the living. They are, in other words, the harbingers of the living dead...” 
 Y’all... there is so much going on here. Is George a metaphor for Steve’s drug addiction? Think about it... the more it took over, the sicker Steve got. And it kept him from doing the kind of writing he always wanted to do (novels like this, compared to dung-heaps like The Tommyknockers). Once his addiction was banished and dragged back to hell, he was reunited with his family and kids. Maybe a little bit of a stretch, but thought provoking. 
I really liked this novel; it was tightly edited and well written, it kept my attention and it gave me a glimpse into Steve’s crazy brain. And it had some fun Castle Rock mentions... like that time George Bannerman helped solve that string of nasty murders (The Dead Zone), only to be taken out by a rabid dog (Cujo). Rest in peace, George. 
No Dark Tower or Wisconsin mentions, just good, clean, Steve fun. 
Total Wisconsin Mentions: 24
Total Dark Tower References: 22
Book Grade: B+
Rebecca’s Definitive Ranking of Stephen King Books
The Talisman: A+
Misery: A+
Different Seasons: A+
It: A+
The Shining: A-
The Stand: A-
The Drawing of the Three: A-
Nightmares in the Sky: B+
The Dark Half: B+
Skeleton Crew: B+
The Dead Zone: B+
‘Salem’s Lot: B+
Carrie: B+
Creepshow: B+
Cycle of the Werewolf: B-
Danse Macabre: B-
The Running Man: C+
Thinner: C+
Dark Visions: C+
The Eyes of the Dragon: C+
The Long Walk: C+
The Gunslinger: C+
Pet Sematary: C+
Firestarter: C+
Rage: C
Cujo: C-
Nightshift: C-
Roadwork: D
Christine: D
The Tommyknockers: D-
Next up is Four Past Midnight, another collection I’ve thumbed through. Four Past Midnight contains classics like The Langoliers and Secret Window, Secret Garden; which was an excellent movie. When I started reading The Dark Half, my husband told me what a great movie it was. I asked him for the plot, to see if it was similar to the book, or a Lawnmower Man type situation. He then proceeded to give me the entire plot of The Secret Window. And tried to convince me they were basically the same story. I’m going to reserve judgement. So, stay tuned for that. I hope everyone is staying healthy, washing hands and wearing masks. 
Until next time, Long Days and Pleasant Nights,
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jeaniej-rose3 · 5 years
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I love the compliments I've been get in since adding the Green Goddess these past 2 weeks. Feeling great in my skin. You see this Glow!!! This miracle facial oil visibly reduces redness, soothes irritation, balances oil and prevents dryness. • 100mg of CBD • dry oil for easy absorption • suitable for sensitive skin • vegan • hypoallergenic • fragrance-free • sustainably sourced #momssupportingmoms  #multitaskingmom #nyc #streetsquadmom #momlife #curvymom #bxmom #representative #nymom #skincare #budget #smellgood #workingmom #avonrep #jeanie #aptwife #avon #makeup #workathome #keepthefaith #goaldigger #community #beautyboss #beauty (at Jeromes Park, Bronx, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8he1kIAsA1/?igshid=1oc29mty3lb6k
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Sephora Pulls the Trigger on Selling CBD in Stores with Lord Jones
Less than a year after first dabbling in selling CBD products online, Sephora is finally ready to bring its offering to stores. On Friday, Sephora began selling an edited assortment of Lord Jones’ skin care in 171 stores in New York, California, Indiana and Kentucky. Lord Jones’ body lotion and body oil, with 100 milligrams of broad-spectrum CBD, will be available in stores next week, and in September, Lord Jones’ Royal Oil that retails for $100 will be present in stores. Lord Jones, which got its start as a direct-to-consumer brand and also sells a line of CBD gumdrops, chocolates and tinctures, has been seen as a category builder for Sephora, as it was the first CBD brand to be carried on Sephora.com in October 2018. Today, Sephora sells 14 CBD and cannabis-infused products on its site, from the likes of Saint Jane Beauty and Herbivore. Lord Jones will be rolling out six new products throughout the rest of 2019, first on LordJones.com and Sephora.com and then in stores. Read more on Glossy.
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hiramschmidtca · 5 years
Marijuana Is Good For Skin Care
In Marijuana, there’s a content called CBD. The CBD contained in some of these products has various properties. For example the CBD content in the bath bomb and essential oils can help provide a relaxing effect and reduce stress through the aroma. So far in the United States alone the use of essential oils containing CBD has also been widely used by spa sites, one of which is the Harlem Skin & Laser Clinic in New York. Even at the clinic also uses essential oils containing CBD as facial cleansers, serums and facial moisturizers. While the use of CBD on mascara is useful for moisturizing, increasing volume to increase the length of lashes. In addition, the high CBD content for cosmetics can also help soothe the skin, relieve inflammation due to acne prone skin.
Formulated for various skin types, some products also have various benefits ranging from disguising fine lines to signs of aging, hydrating dry skin to overcoming redness of the skin. Even from September 2018 products from such companies are also available at cosmetic retailers from France, Sephora. The British Lush brand also released ‘Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics’ Jasmine and Henna Fluff – Eaze hair treatment’ products based on hemp oil to treat dry and unruly hair. There is also a beauty brand Orgins, a subsidiary of Estee Lauder, which also releases products containing hemp oil. While for domestic hemp oil products can be obtained through Organic Supply products that provide a variety of essential oils and carrier oils that have been established since 2015. Indeed, if you look deeper, the use of marijuana and hemp oil as a basic ingredient in skin care is not something new. This plant has been recognized to have many benefits in the treatment and beauty industry, including to relieve inflammation and can provide a relaxing effect. Moreover, cheap weed is everywhere and you can look up the weed online.
So what are the benefits of cannabis-based skin care? The New York Times reviewed the trends in CBD Oil. CBD itself is a substance other than THC contained in marijuana. These substances are beginning to be used in skin care products whose function is to reduce pain and reduce anxiety.In the beauty industry, CBD itself is developed as a product of mascara, moisturizer, sleep mask, bath bomb, serum, lip moisturizer, and essential oils. Launching the Independent, as long as the compound is used in very small quantities, it can be sold legally. Actually, if used in the appropriate dosage, marijuana budget buds skin care itself is clearly not dangerous. In Canada, buy weed, weed grinder, and rolling papers online is really possible now such as https://www.weed-deals.ca.
source http://www.thepalacevenue.com/marijuana-is-good-for-skin-care/ source https://thepalacevenue.blogspot.com/2019/06/marijuana-is-good-for-skin-care.html
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terryrayca · 5 years
Marijuana Is Good For Skin Care
In Marijuana, there’s a content called CBD. The CBD contained in some of these products has various properties. For example the CBD content in the bath bomb and essential oils can help provide a relaxing effect and reduce stress through the aroma. So far in the United States alone the use of essential oils containing CBD has also been widely used by spa sites, one of which is the Harlem Skin & Laser Clinic in New York. Even at the clinic also uses essential oils containing CBD as facial cleansers, serums and facial moisturizers. While the use of CBD on mascara is useful for moisturizing, increasing volume to increase the length of lashes. In addition, the high CBD content for cosmetics can also help soothe the skin, relieve inflammation due to acne prone skin.
Formulated for various skin types, some products also have various benefits ranging from disguising fine lines to signs of aging, hydrating dry skin to overcoming redness of the skin. Even from September 2018 products from such companies are also available at cosmetic retailers from France, Sephora. The British Lush brand also released ‘Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics’ Jasmine and Henna Fluff – Eaze hair treatment’ products based on hemp oil to treat dry and unruly hair. There is also a beauty brand Orgins, a subsidiary of Estee Lauder, which also releases products containing hemp oil. While for domestic hemp oil products can be obtained through Organic Supply products that provide a variety of essential oils and carrier oils that have been established since 2015. Indeed, if you look deeper, the use of marijuana and hemp oil as a basic ingredient in skin care is not something new. This plant has been recognized to have many benefits in the treatment and beauty industry, including to relieve inflammation and can provide a relaxing effect. Moreover, cheap weed is everywhere and you can look up the weed online.
So what are the benefits of cannabis-based skin care? The New York Times reviewed the trends in CBD Oil. CBD itself is a substance other than THC contained in marijuana. These substances are beginning to be used in skin care products whose function is to reduce pain and reduce anxiety.In the beauty industry, CBD itself is developed as a product of mascara, moisturizer, sleep mask, bath bomb, serum, lip moisturizer, and essential oils. Launching the Independent, as long as the compound is used in very small quantities, it can be sold legally. Actually, if used in the appropriate dosage, marijuana budget buds skin care itself is clearly not dangerous. In Canada, buy weed, weed grinder, and rolling papers online is really possible now such as https://www.weed-deals.ca.
source http://www.thepalacevenue.com/marijuana-is-good-for-skin-care/ source https://thepalacevenue.tumblr.com/post/185550842696
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rosemalmbergca · 5 years
Marijuana Is Good For Skin Care
In Marijuana, there’s a content called CBD. The CBD contained in some of these products has various properties. For example the CBD content in the bath bomb and essential oils can help provide a relaxing effect and reduce stress through the aroma. So far in the United States alone the use of essential oils containing CBD has also been widely used by spa sites, one of which is the Harlem Skin & Laser Clinic in New York. Even at the clinic also uses essential oils containing CBD as facial cleansers, serums and facial moisturizers. While the use of CBD on mascara is useful for moisturizing, increasing volume to increase the length of lashes. In addition, the high CBD content for cosmetics can also help soothe the skin, relieve inflammation due to acne prone skin.
Formulated for various skin types, some products also have various benefits ranging from disguising fine lines to signs of aging, hydrating dry skin to overcoming redness of the skin. Even from September 2018 products from such companies are also available at cosmetic retailers from France, Sephora. The British Lush brand also released ‘Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics’ Jasmine and Henna Fluff – Eaze hair treatment’ products based on hemp oil to treat dry and unruly hair. There is also a beauty brand Orgins, a subsidiary of Estee Lauder, which also releases products containing hemp oil. While for domestic hemp oil products can be obtained through Organic Supply products that provide a variety of essential oils and carrier oils that have been established since 2015. Indeed, if you look deeper, the use of marijuana and hemp oil as a basic ingredient in skin care is not something new. This plant has been recognized to have many benefits in the treatment and beauty industry, including to relieve inflammation and can provide a relaxing effect. Moreover, cheap weed is everywhere and you can look up the weed online.
So what are the benefits of cannabis-based skin care? The New York Times reviewed the trends in CBD Oil. CBD itself is a substance other than THC contained in marijuana. These substances are beginning to be used in skin care products whose function is to reduce pain and reduce anxiety.In the beauty industry, CBD itself is developed as a product of mascara, moisturizer, sleep mask, bath bomb, serum, lip moisturizer, and essential oils. Launching the Independent, as long as the compound is used in very small quantities, it can be sold legally. Actually, if used in the appropriate dosage, marijuana budget buds skin care itself is clearly not dangerous. In Canada, buy weed, weed grinder, and rolling papers online is really possible now such as https://www.weed-deals.ca.
via The Palace Venue http://www.thepalacevenue.com/marijuana-is-good-for-skin-care/
source http://thepalacevenue.weebly.com/blog/marijuana-is-good-for-skin-care
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thepalacevenue · 5 years
Marijuana Is Good For Skin Care
In Marijuana, there’s a content called CBD. The CBD contained in some of these products has various properties. For example the CBD content in the bath bomb and essential oils can help provide a relaxing effect and reduce stress through the aroma. So far in the United States alone the use of essential oils containing CBD has also been widely used by spa sites, one of which is the Harlem Skin & Laser Clinic in New York. Even at the clinic also uses essential oils containing CBD as facial cleansers, serums and facial moisturizers. While the use of CBD on mascara is useful for moisturizing, increasing volume to increase the length of lashes. In addition, the high CBD content for cosmetics can also help soothe the skin, relieve inflammation due to acne prone skin.
Formulated for various skin types, some products also have various benefits ranging from disguising fine lines to signs of aging, hydrating dry skin to overcoming redness of the skin. Even from September 2018 products from such companies are also available at cosmetic retailers from France, Sephora. The British Lush brand also released ‘Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics’ Jasmine and Henna Fluff – Eaze hair treatment’ products based on hemp oil to treat dry and unruly hair. There is also a beauty brand Orgins, a subsidiary of Estee Lauder, which also releases products containing hemp oil. While for domestic hemp oil products can be obtained through Organic Supply products that provide a variety of essential oils and carrier oils that have been established since 2015. Indeed, if you look deeper, the use of marijuana and hemp oil as a basic ingredient in skin care is not something new. This plant has been recognized to have many benefits in the treatment and beauty industry, including to relieve inflammation and can provide a relaxing effect. Moreover, cheap weed is everywhere and you can look up the weed online.
So what are the benefits of cannabis-based skin care? The New York Times reviewed the trends in CBD Oil. CBD itself is a substance other than THC contained in marijuana. These substances are beginning to be used in skin care products whose function is to reduce pain and reduce anxiety.In the beauty industry, CBD itself is developed as a product of mascara, moisturizer, sleep mask, bath bomb, serum, lip moisturizer, and essential oils. Launching the Independent, as long as the compound is used in very small quantities, it can be sold legally. Actually, if used in the appropriate dosage, marijuana budget buds skin care itself is clearly not dangerous. In Canada, buy weed, weed grinder, and rolling papers online is really possible now such as https://www.weed-deals.ca.
source http://www.thepalacevenue.com/marijuana-is-good-for-skin-care/
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trenttrendspotter · 6 years
CBD Is the New Green
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Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the gateway to the plant-based wellness movement (see What Hemp Legalization Means for Beauty), and points to a massive opportunity for topical beauty products. But there are challenges.
CBDs Explained
This low-THC, non-intoxicating cannabinoid compound can be derived from cannabis or hemp, the latter offering greater regulatory flexibility. The majority of CBD oils and other CBD products come from hemp.
There are a number of ways to extract CBD from the cannabis plant; some are better than others. The extraction process determines whether CBD is an isolate or a full-spectrum extract. Isolate, or pure CBD, is quickly coming into favor.
While increasingly popular, CBD is still very much in a pre-clinical-proof era. People are reporting anecdotal benefits for treating inflammation, sore joints, anxiety, depression, seizures and many more ailments. (Brands making these claims must follow the U.​S. Food and Drug Administ­ration’s requirements for a drug.) In addition to relaxation, it’s commonly used to enhance yoga and running.
CBD is available in topical and sublingual forms, in gel caps and tinctures, and is smokable, vapable and edible. Ongoing research has resulted in the compound sometimes being paired with other plants to enhance results.
CBD in Beauty
Wellness junkies are crushing on CBD because beauty editors and micro-influencers have turned the compound into a darling ingredient. Of course, companies are also dashing to throw it into every formula.
For example, CBD’s extreme anti-inflammatory properties led to its use in skin care. In addition, there are CBD bath bombs, mascaras, lip glosses and other products coming to market.
And, because CBD has been a marketing buzz word with little regulation, it’s sometimes hard to even know if CBD-touting products contain any compound at all.
Cannabeauty at Retail
The Farm Bill will likely simplify how CBD beauty products are sold. CBD has traditionally been listed on Amazon’s no-sell list, but savvy consumers could still find CBD-containing brands if they tried.
From my point of view, the best practice is for retail to be held to a higher standard. If you are going to retail CBD successfully and be a part of the plant-based movement, you’ve got to sell responsibly.
What’s Next?
And while marketers are trying to figure out how to capitalize on CBD, the R&D community is focused on its cousin, cannabis-derived terpenes. Terpenes are found in the essential oils of cannabis and enhance the effects of CBD, providing another pathway for synergistic formulations.
The Queen of the Prom
During a recent talk titled “CBD and Its Herbal Allies,” held at ABC Carpet & Home in New York City, Lou Sagar, CEO of Evolver and creator of Alchemist Kitchen, referred to CBD as the “queen of the prom.”
The panel discussion included insights of Rachelle Robinett of Supernatural, Zachary Clancy of Urban Farms and Benjamin Banks-Dobson of Hudson Hemp, all of whose companies are located in upstate New York, which has been dubbed the Sonoma of plant-based healing. The rise of such a large industry in a relatively short time points to a booming industry.
Cannabis has the potential to be even bigger business than it is news. Stay tuned to the science, politics and buying trends on CBD. It’s moving quickly.
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washpart51-blog · 6 years
Buy Cbd Can Be Fun For Anyone
Because concerning this, CBD oils are beautifully legal in to every condition, with yet except a prescription. It is actually certainly not shocking that Blue Creek creates the list twice with its own wealthy blend of coffees. as well as consequently the beauty service isn't on the point of lose out. Internal departments solely study from their own really own blunders. So much so, cbd oil is now part of the winery sector. If you are actually wanting to make an effort rejuvenating coffee that has been actually infused with CBD oil, after that you can easily start along with these 10 brand names which are commemorated for their taste as well as spice. Forget edibles, marijuana lollipops or marijuana cookies, because it is all concerning the brand-new cannabis white wines. There's no certain order in the listing, but we did thought about the taste, the price, overall appeal and certainly, the presentation, to see that would make it into the list. Blue Spring Coffee Raspberry Lotion Costa Rica. CBD oil, exclusively, is nonpsychoactive (it will not acquire you higher) as well as is affirmed to supply remedy for ache, stress and anxiety as well as depression, induce longing and also possess medicine as well as anti-acne homes. whereas many CBD Oils contain exclusively trace amounts of CBD, also that little quantity will save up in your system as well as ultimately create a falling short medication take an appearance at. The marijuana and also red wine mix is family member new in this side of the globe, so there aren't a lot of brand names available yet. Speaking on partnerships, companies usually keep long-lasting kinship consisting of local Tv or radio stations for Public Relations purposes. Herman also stated around assumption the marijuana business appears procedure a facelift. Top 10 CBD Oil Coffees. We execute develop yet move inexpensive options as social media web pages then online pay-per-click campaigns, as well as that frees upon cash after expand somewhere else. From gold cashew to peach to coconut dairy and even more, you can easily find the best coffee flavor in a chilly mixture that tastes terrific and also satisfies. It was actually once constantly a tiny gnarly. The coffee beans are actually from South American, however they have actually been baked in New York Area for that trademark preference. - is doing just that. - Mr. - von Pfetten claimed. Leading cdb instilled glass of wines. Blue Spring Coffee Irish Lotion Costa Rica. If you are actually hoping to attempt rejuvenating coffee that has actually been actually instilled along with CBD oil, after that you can begin with these 10 companies which are actually celebrated for their taste and also zest. If thou want according to discover the word out respecting something, companies carry out compose on the grip launch as well as yoke such in the appropriate hands fairly quickly. Cannabis-derived elements believe fashionable, and that they can supply a raft of manageable advantages, that beauty companies ar swiftly to promote. The Ultimate Guide To Cbd Oil Benefits Weare CBD NY Trademark Blend. Coming from certainly there, you may buy the label of coffee bean bag you desire to experience even more flavors. Currently it's fun to find modern-day, low, excellent styles. Ignore edibles, cannabis lollipops or marijuana cookies, since it is all about the brand-new marijuana white wines. The coffee beans are actually organically developed without any herbicides, chemicals, or fertilizer made use of as well as possess an abundant, natural taste.
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orbemnews · 3 years
Yes, Pot Is Legal. But It’s Also in Short Supply. In New York and New Jersey, the race is on to grow legal weed. In Orange County, N.Y., there are plans to build a large cannabis cultivation and processing plant on the grounds of a defunct state prison. About 25 miles south, over the border in New Jersey, an industrial complex once owned by the pharmaceutical giant Merck will be converted into an even bigger marijuana-growing hub. In Winslow, N.J., about 30 miles outside Philadelphia, a new indoor cultivation complex just celebrated its first harvest. The advent of legalized adult-use marijuana in New York and New Jersey is an entrepreneur’s dream, with some estimating that the potential market in the densely populated region will soar to more than $6 billion within five years. But the rush to get plants into soil in factory-style production facilities underscores another fundamental reality in the New York metropolitan region: There are already shortages of legal marijuana. Within New Jersey’s decade-old medical marijuana market, the supply of dried cannabis flower, the most potent part of a female plant, has rarely met the demand, according to industry lobbyists and state officials. At the start of the pandemic, as demand exploded, it grew even more scarce, patients and business owners said. The supply gap has narrowed as the statewide inventory of flower and products made from a plant’s extracted oils more than doubled between March of last year and this spring. Still, patients and owners say dispensaries often sell out of popular strains. “There’s very little stock,” said Shaya Brodchandel, the chief executive of Harmony Foundation in Secaucus, N.J., and president of the New Jersey Cannabis Trade Association. “Almost no wholesale. As we harvest we’re putting it straight into retail.” Harmony purchased the former Merck site in Lafayette, N.J., late last year and is awaiting permits to begin construction, Mr. Brodchandel said. Because marijuana is illegal under federal law and cannot be transported across state lines, marijuana products sold in each state must also be grown and manufactured there. Federal banking law also makes it nearly impossible for cannabis-related businesses to obtain conventional financing, creating a high hurdle for small start-ups and a built-in advantage for multistate and international companies with deep pockets. Oregon, which issued thousands of cultivation licenses after legalizing marijuana six years ago, has an overabundance of cannabis. But many of the other 16 states where nonmedical marijuana is now legal have faced supply constraints similar to those in New York and New Jersey as production slowly scaled up to meet demand. “There’s always a dearth of flower in a new market,” said Greg Rochlin, chief executive of the Northeast division of TerrAscend, a cannabis company that operates in Canada and the United States and this month opened New Jersey’s 17th medical marijuana dispensary. In New York, where the medical marijuana program is smaller and more restrictive than New Jersey’s, the menu of products includes oils, tinctures and finely ground flower suitable for vaping. But the sale of loose marijuana buds for smoking is prohibited, and only 150,000 of the state’s 13.5 million adults who are 21 or older are registered as patients. With modest demand, there has been little incentive to boost supply. Until now. Adult-use marijuana sales could begin within a year in New Jersey and in early 2023 in New York, industry experts predict. “I would be a fool not to be making the product,” said Ben Kovler, the founder and chief executive of Green Thumb Industries, a cannabis company with operations in both states. “There’s not a lot of inventory sitting around,” he said, at a moment when there’s a “tidal wave’’ of demand on the horizon. “It’s not likely there’s going to be enough supply,” Mr. Kovler said. His company, he said, was awaiting final approval from New York State to begin construction on the grounds of the former men’s prison in Warwick, N.Y., Mid-Orange Correctional Facility, which was closed in 2011. Citiva, a competitor, is also building a new production hub there. A cannabis testing lab and a CBD extract facility, urbanXtracts, are already there. “We’re calling it a cannabis cluster,” said Michael Sweeton, Warwick’s town supervisor. “It is the definition of irony,” he added about the reinvented role for a correctional facility that boomed during the war on drugs, imprisoning 750 men at a time and providing 450 jobs. New York officials said that the state’s hemp farmers will play an important role in the effort to generate enough cannabis to satisfy what is quickly expected to become one of the country’s largest marijuana markets. With fewer overhead costs, and a smaller carbon footprint, hemp farmers who expand to grow cannabis for certain uses may even be able to undercut indoor-facility prices for at least part of the year, officials said. Hemp, which has much less of the intoxicating chemical found in cannabis, THC, is used to make CBD oil. New York’s law also permits individuals to grow as many as six marijuana plants for personal use; New Jersey’s legislation does not allow so-called home grow. In the coming months, both states are expected to issue regulations to govern the new industry. Each has framed legalization as a social justice imperative and has dedicated a large share of the anticipated tax revenue to communities of color disproportionately harmed by inequities in the criminal justice system. Trying to balance the goal of building markets focused on social and racial equity against the inherent dominance of multistate corporations with early toeholds in the region will be crucial, officials in New York and New Jersey said. “They should have that ability to help jump start the market,” Norman Birenbaum, New York’s director of cannabis programs, said about the 10 medical marijuana companies already licensed to operate in the state. But it should not come “at the expense of new entrants,” he said. Jeff Brown, who runs New Jersey’s cannabis programs, said the market has room — and a crucial need — for newcomers. The state’s current operators, he said, “are not by themselves going to be able to supply the personal-use market.” The issuance of two dozen new medicinal licenses has been delayed for more than a year by a court challenge, and some of the 12 current operators, Mr. Brown said, have been slow to take full advantage of their ability to expand. This has resulted in caps on the amount of cannabis that can be sold to patients in a single visit. Lines to enter stores, intensified by Covid-19 regulations, are common. “You can’t always find the strain that you may have found works best for your condition,” said Ken Wolski, a retired nurse who now leads the Coalition for Medical Marijuana, a nonprofit advocacy group. “And that’s a very frustrating thing for patients.” The supply-chain challenges have taken on new urgency in New Jersey, where the state’s medical marijuana dispensaries are expected to be the first locations where adults can legally buy cannabis without clearance from a doctor. First, however, dispensaries will need to prove that they have an ample supply for patients and facilities that can adequately accommodate both types of customers. The market in New Jersey has grown since 2019, when Gov. Philip D. Murphy, a Democrat, authorized a major expansion of a medical marijuana program that had languished under his predecessor, Chris Christie, a Republican. The number of dispensaries has tripled. There are now 500,000 plants being grown throughout the state, up from 50,000 in 2018, Mr. Brown said. In March, 20,000 pounds of cannabis products were on hand in New Jersey, up from 8,000 pounds the previous March, he said. Still, the price of flower in New Jersey hovers between $350 and $450 an ounce before discounts. In California, the average price of an ounce of premium marijuana was about $260, according to priceofweed.com, a frequently cited price directory. “Popular products run out and prices are still higher than we’d like to see them,” Mr. Brown said. “The key to all that is more competition.” Last month, Curaleaf, which operates a dispensary and two cultivation facilities in New Jersey, eliminated its half-ounce limit on sales of flower after a strong yield at its new indoor-grow facility in Winslow, said Patrik Jonsson, the company’s regional president responsible for seven Northeast states. Workers at a similarly large cultivation facility in Boonton, N.J., operated by TerrAscend, put hundreds of plants into bundles of coconut coir in early 2021 to begin a four-month growing and drying process. Tiered platforms are now filled with rows of pale green and purple-hued plants. TerrAscend’s new dispensary, in Maplewood, N.J., drew a line of customers within hours of opening earlier this month. Stuart Zakim, one of the first people in line, talked to a cashier — the “budtender” — about alternatives to the product he originally requested but was told was not in stock. “You’re not waiting in the dark for your dealer anymore,” said Mr. Zakim, a longtime medical marijuana patient. “You’re walking into a beautiful facility.” “The supply issue,” he added, “is really the biggest issue.” Source link Orbem News #Legal #pot #Short #Supply
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jennmapp · 6 years
My Top 10 Summer 2018 Essentials
The Hot List
Can you believe it's already mid-July? 
Between launching my first book - Clothes the Deal: The Guide For Transformative Personal Style - and leaving my job to start a closet coaching business, traveling for clients, styling Author Incubator Red Carpet launches, an overnight wedding, more than a few parties and plenty of family travel -  summer 2018 has been especially swift.
All that activity has provided a lot of practice styling, packing, repacking and refining my summer outfit skills all while staying true to core philosophy: Less = more, grooming is paramount and self care key.
Here are my top 10 hacks to help you do just that. 
My Top 10 Summer 2018 Essentials 
#1 Strapless Bra Alternative:
Ladies. I cannot say enough about the life changing magic of Bring It Up Breast Shapers (known as "Sticky Boobies" in my house). I've been a fan of adhesive bras for years but since I discovered this product in March, Bring It Up Breast Shapers have officially replaced Nu Bra as my go to solution under tank tops, spaghetti straps and strapless tops and dresses. I recommend them to all my clients and am currently waiting for my 4th set to arrive from Amazon. You can re-use a pair up to 25 times with proper maintenance (or in my case, no maintenance) and the manufacturer claims they can hold their own on bra sizes up to 36-38 DDD.
#2 Easy Outfit Formula: Madewell Audio Tank Top + Madewell Pull On Shorts
In May I bought a Madewell Audio Tank in ripe persimmon (orangish red) and a pair of Madewell Pull On Shorts in army green and was so pleased with the fit of this combo that I bought another tank in ivory and two more pairs of pull on shorts in black and chambray. My beach trip last week confirmed that this easy to accessorize, easy to wear combo is the perfect summer outfit formula. With three more family vacays to go between now and Labor Day, you will definitely see plenty more variations of this look.
#3 Ultimate Add A Layer: Subtle Luxury Pool to Party Kimono
Summer is all about lightweight, double duty outfit solutions. The name of this Pool to Party Kimono by Subtle Luxury says it all. I've worn this (multiple times) over the Madewell relaxed casual outfit formula above as a going out outfit and over my actual bathing suit at the beach and pool. It's light, luxurious and, at now on sale for $29.99, looks a lot more expensive than the price tag.
#4 Perfect Pop: Organic Hoops + Layering Necklace + Novelty Ring
The lightweight theme continues with this gold tone accessory combination that seems to work with every summer outfit: ADMK organic double hoop earrings (from Covet Boutique in Arlington, VA), Madewell layering necklace (gifted from client), Madewell Looker ring and a gold hammered cuff (gifted from client).
I love how this delicate costume vignette layers beautifully over my forever jewelry and is still light enough to support bolder pieces like my Hermes cuff and still not feel like I'm wearing 100 different accessories.
#5 Forget Flops: Birkenstock Gizeh Birko-Flor T-Strap Sandals
Admittedly, I was the first person to bemoan the return of this ubiquitous '90s norm core sandal.
I was wrong: Birks are life.
Now my feet cringe at the sight of an arch enemy flip flop and with this pair in trend forward metallic leather (mine are rose gold) I am hard pressed to find a reason not to wear them ALL OF THE TIME. 
#6 Fake Tan Plan: Tan Towel Self Tan Towelette Plus + Body Glow BB Cream
My secret to not looking like a city girl at the beach - Tan Towel. In the week leading up to any skin bearing activity, I run a Tan Towel self tanning towelette over dry, clean skin once a day, followed by a generous serving of Tan Towel Body Glow BB Cream (which smells amazing, if you can believe it). Literally everyone asks where I got my tan. Like, literally, everyone.
Just don't forget to wash your hands.
#7 Impact Sandal: Cecelia New York Hibiscus Sandal
I love nothing more than a statement neutral and nothing says summer like a huge flower on your foot. When I am not in my Birkenstocks, I am finding a reason to wear these beautiful shoes by Cecelia New York. If nude isn't your thing, they also come in pink and snakeskin. Worth every penny.
 #8 Lash Blast: Rodan + Fields Lash Boost + Glossier Lash Slick Mascara
With pool plunges, humidity and lots of travel, summer begs for a lighter makeup bag. My solution? Focus on lashes. Initially I was incredulous about R+F Lash Boost but after asking so many girlfriends how their lashes got so long I invested in a tube (and yes, at $150, it is an investment). After two weeks my eye lashes were noticeably longer and now, four months in, all I need is a quick swipe of super natural Glossier Lash Slick (also recommended by a client) for a luscious lash look that doesn't need a lot of extra makeup.
#9 Cannabidiol Calm: Charlotte's Web Hemp Extract Oil
This summer I left a stable career of 16 years to risk the house on a capsule wardrobe coaching dream. Chill #AF? Um, no. But after I heard about the calming benefits of CBD oil on That's So Retrograde (one of my favorite podcasts), I bought a bottle and was delighted to discover a few drops of Charlotte's Web Hemp Extract Oil under the tongue 2-3 times a day really does calm my nerves - and it's amazing for cramps, restful sleep and gracefully flying cross country with two children under six. And yes, it's 100% legal.
#10 Sun Savvy: Rodan + Fields Broad Spectrum SPF 50 Sunscreen
Last but not least - the best beauty advice I ever followed was printed in Allure Magazine in early 2001 - if you want to look younger and live longer, wear SPF 30+ religiously every single day, regardless of weather or season. Almost two decades later I've amped my minimal coverage to SPF 50 and keep a bottle of Rodan + Fields Broad Spectrum SPF 50 Sunscreen in my beach bag for frequent re-applications. 
What's In Your Beach Bag, Baby?
Share your summer staples (or just stop by to peep my daily FB lives and capsule fashion inspo) on the Tiny Closet Survival Guide Facebook Group. 
Looking for an easy digital beach read guaranteed to change your perspective on what it takes to cement personal style? Download a free copy of my new book Clothes the Deal: The Guide For Transformative Personal Style. Can't wait to hear what you think!
Be the Bright!
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