#CBKW Trial 2
officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          ' Do you wish to know HOW that murder took place ? All of you were floundering about; trying to figure out exactly what the circumstance of this mystery was. Of course, some of you were CLOSER than others. But I shall tell you the truth. '
          The tone of the clown's voice makes you shudder as you are forced to listen to it after you just saw VERONICA literally burn to a crisp. Of course, you had noticed that her demeanor had gone back to its usual, calculating ways as she called for voting ------- but now ? Now it hit harder than ever.
          ' Sammy was CORRECT about Lillith being up to no good. That demon was angry, MURDEROUS even when Foxy & I had to resort to springlocking children. She was indeed arranging for a murder herself. At around 10:30 PM that night, she pulled Veronica into a verbal agreement to meet with her at the backstage at around 6:30 AM. Of course, Veronica was suspicious ----- & she grabbed a KNIFE from the kitchen around 10:45 PM before returning to her room for the night. While the rest of you rested; Lillith was preparing for the murder that she was SUPPOSED to commit. '
          ' At around 11:30 PM, Lillith left her room to begin. She held a personal grudge towards KAYLE for being an angel & went to her room. Apparently, its molting season for a birdbrain like Kayle & Lillith took advantage of that by taking her PINING FOR PINEAPPLES book & putting a bunch of FEATHERS in it. Lillith then took a SPARE PIRATE OUTFIT from the stage & stole the closet medkit from children who are actually deserving from it like Riley. She went to the kitchen & took a KNIFE from the kitchen as well, slicing her hand & writing a message on the FRONT BLANK PAGE of the book, staining the spare pirate clothing with blood & then using the medkit to bandage herself up. What did it say again ? I believe it said ' CLIP THY ANGEL WINGS ' but you never got to see that. She tossed the bloody knife deep into the TRASH CAN where it got food particles on it. She then put the EMPTY MEDKIT BOX & the BLOODY PIRATE CLOTHING into Kayle's drawers. Her final stop was the backstage where she planted the PINING FOR PINEAPPLES BOOK & THE FEATHERS before taking a DRILL GUN & hiding underneath an ANIMATRONIC HEAD before running back to her room. She was in a rush & believed that Sammy was going to be tending to his nightshift but ------ with the special bond that Sammy & Riley are sharing, Sammy put Riley first. Though ------ at one point, Riley DID want water & asked Sammy for some. Sammy was going to go to the kitchen but ----- HE CAUGHT SIGHT OF LILLITH & did not want to get involved. He went to a Lolbit for the water instead. '
          ' At 6:15 AM, Veronica woke up & grabbed her KNIFE; hiding it on her person before meeting Lillith at 6:30 AM. Lillith, wanting to catch Veronica off guard & kill her, insisted that Veronica stay outside & keep watch for any animatronics. Lillith STALLED; beginning to take apart the suit on display & pulling off the ARM of the animatronic to waste time. Lillith then opened the door & attacked Veronica, leaving her with a DRILL WOUND on her shoulder. Lillith & Veronica fought, leaving Veronica's HAIR at the scene of the crime & leaving Veronica herself with a very bruised wrist. Veronica eventually overcomes her & STABS Lillith multiple times. After Lillith died, Veronica catches wind of exactly what Lillith was planning when she sees the feathers & the book on display. Not wanting Kayle to be framed, Lillith stained the original note with blood & turned to the BACK BLANK PAGE, framing the first person she could think of, C.HOROMATSU. She wrote ' WHO'S THE SLIMY ONE NOW ? ' to purposely direct attention to C.horomatsu before wiping her hands dry on her pirate outfit. She goes to the stage & grabs the medkit that had been replaced THAT MORNING from the dining area as well as a SPARE PIRATE COSTUME. Foxy saw her running back to her room BLOODY to dump the medkit & the pirate costume.  She then returned to the scene of the crime to grab the feathers, bloody drill, & bloody knife, & DUMPED THEM ALL in C.horomatsu's room. After that, she goes back to her room to change & clean the drill before dumping the clothes into C.horomatsu's room again & returning the drill to the backstage.’
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          But even as Baby’s words catch you off guard; the horror only grows. The surprisingly CRUEL grin that Lauren begins to sport that alerts you to Foxy's laughter afterwards, and when you finally glance over, he's...definitely not as frightening as he had been earlier. What in the world is going on here?
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          "Aye, even though the murders began 'cause we were startin' to springlock kids, some of ye already came to th'conclusion that the suits involved in th'murders were NOT the suits meant for springlockin'...
          An' ye'd be correct. We didn't leave th'suits backstage like a buncha bilge rats woulda figured! No, instead our little 'heroes' were thinkin' about destroyin' them ---- which we 'ad expected, especially after extendin' the motive like that.
          They were IDIOTS, but don't ye worry ------ This won' be the las' you'll see of the suits. In fact, ye migh' see 'em comin' up if ye fuck up while in 'ere..."
          & that's when you realize it. The melancholy behavior from Baby. The EXPLOSIVE anger from Foxy. It was all a trick. THEY LIED TO YOU.
          When the fox begins CACKLING proper, you feel a chill down your spine ---- as well as the sinking feeling in your stomach foretelling a world of pain & misery.
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tcmpcd-arched · 6 years
Tense, non-expectant inhale as brown hues shook at the sight of his party-mate’s sobbing. Trials and motives tend to be tense, but this specific motive has brought multiples of the party-goers into a constant state of lost, and anxiety. Those who lost their loved ones from the outside world, fought strong, but the fact it lead to murder, was a part of the warden’s plan, a motive’s goal completed. The boy couldn’t help but to clench the podium with both hands, antagonizing the situation around him, around them. Empathy is projected through the clenching of his teeth, the shaking of his arms as his hands switched to clenching themselves, balled into fists once his head tilts down towards the floor.
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“ I know how you feel...losing contact with the ones you love is one of the worst things that could happen to someone. How they are lost is just up to fate. And yeah, it hurts. We all fought hard, and those who lost them fought to except what has happened. But it isn’t the end of the world! We still have a chance to change things around here right here and now! I’m... sorry Banchou.... “
A shaky exhale after his secondary inhale made Tempo stare back at who deems more mostly as the murderer. It hurts, voting for someone who only caused an accident. But then, if the vote was wrong, someone else has to be sacrificed.
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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        You're on the edge of your podium; waiting, watching as everyone cast their vote. What a nightmare of a trial this was ! You can only hope that no one thought to vote you ------ & if they did ? You could only pray that no one else thought to follow in their steps.
        & then, it happens again as the television sets unveil themselves from the curtains; playing the sing-song dirge before erupting with STATIC. Circus Baby steps forth; smiling as she speaks.
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        ' Your time is up. '
        Suddenly, names fill the sceen; rather than the face of the murderer like last time. You read the names to yourself & realize ------ these aren't just names. These are VOTES.
Veronica Sawyer - 30
Edward Enns- 4
S.ammy L.awrence - 2
K.aramatsu M.atsuno- 1
Kayle - 1
Henry Dobbs - 1
C.horomatsu M.atsuno - 1
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        ' Unlike the last time, the votes were         not unanimous. Many of you disagreed         with each other. Though, considering         these numbers ------ it reached the point         that it did not matter at all. Many of you want         Veronica DEAD. But were you correct ? '
        & then, the names disappeared; revealing the face of the murderer as confetti rains down upon her & children CHEER upon her misery.
        ' You are correct. Veronica Sawyer         is indeed the KILLER. A tragic tale         that I will explain later ----- but for         now ------ '
        Before Veronica can even dodge; the claw from Circus Baby's abdomen lunges forth again, seizing her & tossing her into the execution chamber.
         ’ Now remember, everyone MUST          watch the spectacle that is about to          take place. Or else —– you will too          be punished. Now —— ’
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         ’ Enjoy the show ! ’
          A pause. & then she holds up ------ Oregano.
         ' Before we start however ------- no, Tinydachi.          We appreciate your vote for Veronica but ------          no, animatronics cannot smoke. We'll be tossing          this in the trash. '
        Goddammit, Tinydachi.
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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        ' I think that this trial has gone         on LONG ENOUGH. '
        The clown steps forward; previously forlorn expression fading to turn into that of a smirk. She seemed all too pleased with the CHOICE she was about to make next.
        ' We are all at a standstill now ------         & no one seems to want to confess         to having taken the life that they did.         I do not blame them though. They         WOULD be essentially throwing their         life away if they did. '
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        ' We are left to wonder ------- was it an act         of vigilante justice ? Self defense ? Or         something more ? '
        An exaggerated shrug as she looked onto the crowd once more. It's clear who that decision falls upon.
        ' That is up to you decide. You         may cast your votes now. '
❥ Please send your votes HERE
❥ You will have two chances in the event you manage to vote wrong. The first wrong vote will result in nothing save for some hurt feelings & mistrust. The second vote will follow with an execution, regardless of innocence. 
❥ You may vote for whoever you’d like ( except for Wardens & Shopkeepers ); including yourself. However, take caution as you are essentially voting someone to die.
❥ You are allowed to think over the trial & ask any final questions or make any final posts. The voting period only ends when the majority of partygoers have voted.
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          Of course, Baby looks visibly appalled. She’s about to speak before —— oh dear. The literal lousy NEET just invoked the fox’s wrath. He’d purposely screech his hook down the wall, like CLAWS on a chalkboard.
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         “What?! What. Ye…fuckscum! Shitweasel!          Ye piece of depraved goldfish shit! THIS          be yer focus on the trial? As soon as this          trial ends, I’ll put ye in a suit an’ see how          ye would like to ‘FUCK’ one!”
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
◆ @lukissed ◆ has joined the party !
          It's the middle of trial. Everyone is arguing back & forth. Everyone is suffering. & then Circus Baby notices someone just. Standing back & avoiding it like any reasonable person.
          ' Oh. '
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          ' You're a thing. '
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
"Is there a way to tell if anybody was shoved into the suit despite it not being a springlock suit?"
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          ’ Do you not remember what I had told          you from the very start of this game ?          If you were shoved in any other animatronic          suit that wasn’t a springlock suit —— you          would not come out of it in one piece. ’
         ’ There are many crossbeams, wires, &          animatronic devices in the other suits ——          so if you were to be shoved inside, the          partygoers would have only discovered your          eyeballs & teeth popping out of the mask. It          would be difficult to clean that out -—– let          alone in anything but a mangled mess. ’
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          ' As HONORABLE as your attempts to           ------ claim the child are; perhaps we           should redirect each other back to the           case before ------ '
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          A small glance at Foxy. It looks like he's about to blow a GASKET. He really wants to find out who ' fucked ' with the suits.
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          ' Hm ------ '
          ' I must admit ------ that DRILL that the           animatronic repair workers keep           mentioning is rather odd. Cleaning the           drills is not required in the animatronic           job. In fact, it is discouraged considering           there are electrical parts in the animatronics. '
          ' So why would someone take the time to           clean it ? One has to wonder ------ ‘
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purplematsuno4 · 6 years
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He actually wouldn’t mind drowning at least then Poseidon might show up and save his ass from this stupid murder game place. “I don’t mind if this room floods, but I imagine the rest of you would so shouldn’t we hurry this up.”
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
"Was the drill used to deliver DEATH?"
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                ‘ It wasn’t used as the murder weapon,                  but it DID get blood on it. Perhaps it was                  used to deliver an injury? ‘
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officialcbkw-blog · 7 years
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          ' It baffles me WHY no one has questioned           the animatronic head & the drill ------ surely,           that must be an important piece of evidence. '
          ' The animatronic heads are rather large ------           of course, the animatronics here are smaller           than myself but ------- they are still larger than           the average human. I wonder if someone would           have ever thought of HIDING something in those           heads for their convenience ? '
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