#mod spring
londoncallinghq · 15 days
as reservas estão atualizadas?
Oi, cinzinha!
Elas estão atualizadas sim! Acabei de fazer isso! Vou atualizando de acordo com que vai chegando fichas de cadastro, os nomes que não estão mais lá, são os que já enviaram as fichas e estão no appcount!
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pesquisalondoneye · 21 days
mods acho que o xwitter não vai voltar tão cedo, então seria bom focar no bluesky e em fazer um discord que sirva de auxílio pra grupos e afins do que esperar que o x volte a vida! e imagino que até ele voltar (se ainda voltar esse ano) as pessoas já teriam se acostumado com o lugar novo.
mod tenho testado o bluesky com outras comunidades e ele funciona bem! algumas coisas faltam (tipo grupos de dm) mas basta usar o discord pra matar essa falta e tudo funciona bem. o site do BS pode estar meio lento por causa da quantidade de pessoas que entraram em pouco tempo mas eu pessoalmente não encontrei muito empecilho.
Oi, cinzinhas.
Resolvi juntas essas duas asks por serem parecidas! Nós também estamos fazendo uso do bluesky e não vamos mentir para vocês, estamos gostando em partes e algumas coisas ainda não gostamos. Algumas de nós acreditamos que o twitter ainda volta mas também concordamos que o pessoal vai se acostumar com o lugar novo. O bluesky ainda é uma plataforma que lembra o twitter no começo dele e como não tinha muito público, não compensava fazer tantas atualizações.
Chegamos a conversar sobre o discord para os grupo mas também achamos que o bluesky possa sim fazer uma atualização muito em breve sobre ter chats em grupos, já que ele tem postado com frequência sobre novidades, principalmente a de postar vídeo na tl! De qualquer forma, caso o X volte e a central já esteja aberta, vamos fazer uma votação entre os players e o que vencer, seguiremos! No mais, vamos permanecer no nosso novo queridinho!
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elbdot · 1 year
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LITTLE COMIC based on how I made a friend at 1 am while crawling on the ground, picking up Maybugs to save them from getting squished by cars.
PRETTY SURE I must've looked like a strange little gremlin to any onlookers passing by. Also yes he held a bug like a CHAMP. He passed my test. We still hang out 😂
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nyaagolor · 5 months
Langworth is the funniest ace attorney ship ever created bc it implies that while Kristoph and Phoenix are engaged in 7 years of psychosexual warfare, Edgeworth is off in fantasy Hong Kong getting busy with interpol’s highest ranking furry
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bittwitchy · 6 months
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some new sad girl guy spring dialogue for sebby!
also bonus bc its summer 13 now and i already gave him a bouquet
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ask-spiderpool · 2 months
what happened to your twitter? It says it doesn't exist anymore :(
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tianasimstreehouse · 6 months
Deviled Eggs
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Eggs that have been bedevilled… beware! Just kidding, these boiled eggs have only been cut in half and then topped with a delicious mix of mayonnaise and curry powder, and garnished with garden herbs.
Requested by Kendra McDonald 💚🥚🐰
*REQUIRES the latest version of my TianaSims Cookbook to work*
Category: Meals
Ingredients: Any Herb, Eggs, Curry Powder, Mayonnaise
Skill Level: 1 (Homestyle)
Available sizes: Party
Dietary: Vegetarian-Safe
DOWNLOAD (Patreon): Deviled Eggs Milk and Cookies: Now! Sugar Cookies: 2nd April Public: 9th April
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narlieweek · 1 month
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narlie week 2024 : prompts
thank you to everyone for your feedback! here are the prompts for our fanweek.
reminder that narlie week is an event where for 7 days community members are encouraged to create any kind of fan content while following a list of prompts!
from september 26 to october 2 we will be reblogging your entries from the tag #narlieweek2024 (no spaces, be careful!). you can also submit your entries directly to this account. all kinds of fan creations are welcome, but make sure you've read our submission rules! if you have any questions, the ask box is always open.
here are the prompts in written form:
♡ DAY 1 - sweets / gifts ♡ DAY 2 - cooking / pride ♡ DAY 3 - scene from the show / comic ♡ DAY 4 - video games / dogs ♡ DAY 5 - comfort / future ♡ DAY 6 - au / crossover ♡ DAY 7 - free day
for every day, you can choose whichever of the two prompts you like best.
we are looking forward to seeing you art, fics, edits and any kinds of other creations, and we hope you have fun!! please don't forget to reblog this post or the interest check post, so more people can learn about this event!
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build-a-stim · 1 month
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mini beans pawlette (2024) with pastel pink and yellow spring themes for anon
X | X | X || X | X | X || X | X | X
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toyastales · 5 months
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This home was inspired by art deco and mid century modern design
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virtualfotodivision · 3 months
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Jesse Faden | 06.09.2024 | Alan Wake 2
Captured using ReShade.
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londoncallinghq · 17 days
amores, como tá o cronograma?
Oi, cinzinha!
O nosso cronograma está assim:
Envio de Cadastro: 08/09 Aceitações: 11/09 às 18h. Abertura para interações e call ooc: 11/09 às 18h. Abertura ic: 12/09 às 18h.
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pesquisalondoneye · 26 days
Com o Xandão fazendo o trabalho dele e o Musk não, vocês pensam em ir pra onde caso o Twitter se vá de vez? O Bluesky seria uma opção?
Oi, anon!
Estamos de olho em toda essa situação do X no Brasil, eu mesma não chego nem a me abalar de tantos anos que já participei da queda dessa rede no Brasil! Mas caso isso realmente aconteça dessa vez, já estamos planejando ir para o Bluesky! Olhamos outras opções porém elas são complexas demais, nos restando apenas o bluesky.
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elfcollector · 1 year
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autumn in val royeaux.
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weirdmarioenemies · 9 months
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Name: Spring Vault Debut: Super Mario Galaxy
Oh boy, a vault! A spring vault! A vault full of goodies and treasures, perhaps? Only one way to find out! Come on, Spring Vault, you have nothing to hide! Open up, and let us inside!
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Uh oh, lasers? Those goodies and treasures aren't good or treasured! Nevermind, Spring Vault. You can keep your goodies to yourself. I don't want them and neither does Mario.
This is Spring Vault, from Super Mario Galaxy! I didn't know they were called that, but as it turns out, the wiki didn't until pretty recently either, so I'm not alone. Spring Vaults are a stationary enemy that attack Mario by shooting circular laser beams from a safe distance!
Which raises my first question: are "circular laser beams" even something that can exist? Does light work that way? I wouldn't know! That sounds like a physics question and I know next to nothing about physics because I'm bad at math. I got my degree in Applied Weird Mario Enemies Studies at Wet-Dry World's Wet n' Wild Wuniversity.
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If you can hop over Spring Vault's possibly impossible circular laser beams, then you can jump on Spring Vault to reveal the real treasure: Spring! Jump on Spring Vault with the spring revealed, and you can get some impressive vertical, bringing Jump Man to heights never before thought to be possible...
Don't worry too much about breaking the Funny Robot though. If you leave it undisturbed for long enough, it'll fix itself by Recalibrating Its Spring Senors or some other vaguely technological-sounding mumbo jumbo. I don't know anything about computers either! I'm writing this post on a stone tablet!
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If you're familiar with your Weird Mario Enemies, you may note that Spring Vault looks similar to the Topmen from the same game, especially the Spring Topman, which loses out on its laser functionality to let you enjoy Springing on the go! But just as the Topman is a whole family of enemies, Spring Vault has a bit of a family of its own, which I'll cover beneath the cut!
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First up, we have the Sentry Garage, which is probably the closest relative of the Spring Vault. Sentry Garages are a similarly stationary enemy that can be jumped on to reveal the spring within, but instead of shooting out lasers, they shoot Topminis! I'd make another joke about the miracle of childbirth, but the name suggests these are just a Topmini storage unit...
Sentry Garage looks like a pretty stylish place to keep your Topminis, but if a plumber comes by and spins them into next Thursday, don't say I didn't warn you!
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Sadly, Sentry Garage is about as interesting as the Spring Vault family gets, because the rest of these are more "obstacle" than enemy. Like Ring Beamer, for example! No eyes or anything. Just a bunch of spikes. But sea urchins have no eyes and a bunch of spikes, and they're awesome, so maybe we should extend the same love to Ring Beamer. Make it feel loved. Make it feel like part of a family.
It's not trying to make you feel like part of a family though! Lasers? Spikes? Everything Ring Beamer does is a pretty clear indicator to Stay Away!
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Up next we have the Ball Beamers, but you can call them Banjo and Kazooie, because they have Nuts and Bolts! Like the Ring Beamer, these are more obstacle than enemy, but unlike Ring Beamer, they don't have spikes or anything. This makes them safe for Mario to stand on, but it also means you can't compare them to sea urchins as much. You win some, you lose some.
They're still not completely safe though, because you know. Circular laser beams.
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The thing is, whether they're an Enemy or Obstacle, Nintendo must have really fallen in love with the Ring Beamer family, because they've kept making new variants in subsequent 3D Mario games! Meet Ring Burner, introduced in Super Mario 3D World! Rather than lasers, this one shoots fire, but otherwise it has the same basic attack patterns.
Or at least it can have the same attack patterns, because some Ring Burners shoot fire in squares instead! Haven't you heard? It's hip to be square! This feels like it goes against the name, but oh well. Like Ball Beamer, these ones are safe to stand on, and they won't fire while you stand on it. Are they scared? Does Ring Beamer have feelings? Is that skull marking its actual face?
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That being said, by the time Super Mario Odyssey came out, "fire" and "being safe to stand on" were out of fashion again, because Pulse Beam brought back the lasers and spikes! Or rather, laser and spike. Pulse Beam thinks having more than one spike is excessive.
Pulse Beam also values its personal space, and as long as you don't disturb it, it won't disturb you. Pulse Beams will only start shooting lasers when hit by Cappy, so leave them be, and they'll leave you be! That being said, their lasers can clear out other small enemies, so it might be good to activate them if you're getting overwhelmed...
But be careful! Pulse Beams tend to activate other Pulse Beams, so once one goes off, you'll probably have to deal with a few. Time your jumps well, and you should be A-OK.
But hold on, what if I were to tell you that the Ring Beamer family wasn't restricted to the Mario franchise...?
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Happy Tunky Tuesday, because thinking so much about circular laser beams you gotta hop over reminded me of the Wave Breaker from Splatoon 3! This special weapon uses basically the same attack pattern, releasing circular shockwaves you need to jump over to avoid getting damaged, and since this is a competitive shooter, getting hit by the Wave Breaker also puts a target on your back, letting everyone on the enemy team know your exact location! Imagine, getting doxxed by a cup and ball toy. Those Splatoons have it rough.
Clearly the Splatoon 3 developers fell in love with this mechanic, because it shows up even in other game modes, with DJ Octavio's boss fight, the Amped Octostamp, and the Big Shot from Salmon Run using the exact same shockwave mechanics. The sheer scope of Ring Burner's influence can not be understated!
It's weird that talking about a Funny Spring Laser Enemy from Super Mario Galaxy eventually led me to talking about a different franchise in a different genre, but it's apparent Nintendo has fallen in love with this sort of obstacle. Gosh, Nintendo, if you love Circular Laser Beams You Need To Jump Over so much, why don't you marry them?
...I can be Spring Vault/Ring Beamer/Ring Burner/Wave Breaker/the rest's bridesmaid if they need one! I promise!
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darlingdawnvintage · 5 months
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Model Jean Shrimpton for Vogue magazine beauty edition 1966
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