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The next day… "I quit Magia Seminar." Sion disappeared, just like he promised…
GUI : Sion… I can't believe he really left…
KAI : …He's serious, isn't he?
KAI : Ah, I may have been a bit too hard on him… But he's such a jerk, I snapped.
EMMA : …You two really wanted Sion to stay, huh?
GUI : …He's really a kind person. And he's very talented and smart and really good at what he does, I… I really looked up to him!
KAI : He's always pissing me off but deep down he's a great guy. I'm at my best henever he's around. He just inspires me to work harder.
KAI : Did he really wanna be alone so badly?
KAI : …So we're not good enough for him, is that it?
EMMA : ……
EMMA : (You hate being with me, too, huh?)
Kai's words had me reflecting on some things, as well.
EMMA : …Hey, Navi? Can I talk to you for a minute. You don't have to come out.
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NAVI : …What?
EMMA : You looked really sick yesterday. It's had me worried…
NAVI : If you're asking if I'm feeling better, of course I'm not…
EMMA : …Right.
NAVI : You don't have to worry about us. It's not like we can disobey our master anyway, right?
NAVI : So you can just go ahead and ignore all that whining we were doing yesterday.
NAVI : We're just tools to use at your convenience, anyway, so just use us as you see fit.
EMMA : N-No, Navi, that's not… I've never looked at you that way, and neither has Crow or the others.
NAVI : I… I'm tired. See you later, Master.
EMMA : No, N-Navi!?
EMMA : (I'm really out of my depth here, huh?)
EMMA : (If you don't like humans. …If you don't like being with me… Then we really need to rethink this whole relationship…)
Nevertheless, they continued to stubbornly avoid me… And there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it…
????? : ………..
????? : That's it. It's okay…
EMMA : (Hm? I recognize that voice…)
EMMA : Noah?
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NOAH : Emma. What's wrong?
EMMA : I was just getting some air. Is it just you out here? I thought I heard you talking to someone just now?
NOAH : Oh, that's Ange. See?
ANGE : Nyaa?
EMMA : Oh, yeah! Hehe, hi Ange! You seem to be in a good mood today.
NOAH : She likes being stroked here, see?
ANGE : Nya〜n♪
EMMA : That's just like you, Noah. You've already captured Ange's heart.
EMMA : So you understand how animals feel, that's… That's good…
NOAH : Hm?
EMMA : If only we could understand each other's feelings as easy as you do, we'd have nothing to worry about…
NOAH : ……?
EMMA : Oh, umm, sorry… That was a little bitchy, huh? Just pretend you didn't--…
NOAH : How the Hell am I supposed to know how others feel?
EMMA : Huh?
EMMA : But… Aren't you always talking to Korokuro?
NOAH : That's because I've known Korokuro for so long, I just know what he's like.
NOAH : It might look like we're talking, but it's not like I'm reading his innermost feelings.
EMMA : Is that so… It always looked to me like it was coming from the heart…
NOAH : What I'm doing is something else entirely.
EMMA : Something else… Entirely?
NOAH : Yes.
NOAH : Humans are such a pain in the ass.
EMMA : Y-Yeah?
NOAH : We know all the words, but all we do is fight. We lie and hide our true feelings. We're really troublesome creatures.
NOAH : That's why I don't fit in. And I never intend to.
No one ever told me the details of how Noah ended up in the Moon Wanderers.
But Gran had once told me that Noah grew up in a place without other humans, and had no contact with them ever since he was a child.
NOAH : But you know what that guy, Eden, told me…?
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EDEN : You don't like being alone, do you? Heh, I see…
EDEN : You're right. Humans are the most troublesome creatures in the world. We're cynical and hide from the things that truly matter.
EDEN : But I'm sure you'll be fine. Just treat them the same way you treat the animals.
NOAH : …Hm? And how do I do that?
EDEN : You're trying to understand them, right?
EDEN : You don't care if they bite you or scratch you. You just wanna know what they're thinking.
EDEN : If you meet someone you think you want to know. Just do the same thing.
EDEN : Sure, you might get in a fight and beat the shit out of one another, but… Once you get past that…
EDEN : You'll start to see the "truth" in them.
NOAH : At first, the Moon Wanderers were a pain in the ass. Now I'm used to them.
EMMA : (You don't care if they bite or scratch you…?)
EMMA : Trying to understand the other person, huh? It sounds so simple, but… But it's a really important part of any relationship… How could I forget?
EMMA : Thanks, Noah, I think I've got a better idea of exactly what I need to do…
NOAH : No need to thank me. It is the king's duty to help his men, after all.
EMMA : Hey, Noah, what exactly do you mean by "King"?
NOAH : The king of the forest, whose duty it is to protect the weak.
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SION : Fuck! I'm so close… I can feel it… I just need more magic…
SION : If only I could perfect the forbidden arts, I'd have all the power I need!
SION : …It'll bring me one step closer to my dream… Of becoming a Grand Meister and mastering Anima's Arts…
????? : …Uuuu… Wwaaa…!!
SION : What the-!? Who's there!?
NANASHI : Hello, apologies for dropping in out of the blue like this.
SION : You were at the crossroads!
NANASHI : Heh, the forbidden arts, you say…? That's the spirit, kid.
SION : What are you doing here!? I'm warning you, don't fuck with me!
NANASHI : Hey. It's Sion, right?
NANASHI : Tell me, Sion, do you want power?
SION : …Huh!?
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