ladymirdan · 2 days
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Why is he so cute!!?
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wh40kartwork · 6 months
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by Ivan Klimenko
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wh40kgallery · 6 months
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Imperial Fists vs Khorne Daemons
by Igor Sid
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Kharn the Betrayer vs Death Company Chaplain by Paul Dainton
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tagedeszorns · 8 months
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For 2024 I am planning to read everything Salamanders I have missed so far.
Interestingly enough, they are not really that niche as one may think - the sheer amount of books and stories is about twice of everything Emperor's Children and three to four times the amount of everything Word Bearers.
So even after reading the Omnibus (the old version, without Rebirth) I have lots and lots of stories to get to.
I started with Rebirth - and the first thing that happened was me getting hit with ... Elysius having cut his beautiful hair! Why, oh why?!
Now he has a shaven head and the long silver locks are gone. I am devastated.
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elrojograndestudios · 4 months
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I am the lazy chaplain, Charlie Slaplin. Gonna kill me some xenos, and do some nappin’.
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bonefydskeleton · 4 months
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The Deathwatch imparts upon all a sense of loss. Sometimes a brother, sometimes yourself. But when control is wrested from us, we fight back with constant forward momentum. Giving up is not an option.
Still it begs the question: how different am I under this new coat of paint?
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The things I’ve done, that I’ve seen, that I’ve thought… I leave it behind, steeled by my resolute faith in the God Emperor. May he guide my Crozius true and keep the wings ever sharp- sharp as my mind and hearts against doubt and chaos.
Commission for @tymekphoenix of his ex-Black Templar turned Deathwatch chaplain for his kill team.
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front-line-head-line · 9 months
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Thought of the Day: The wise man learns from the deaths of others.
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galgannet · 6 months
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In celebration of Asmodai's rebirth as a Primaris I drew my beloved chaplain in all his glory. Behold the Master of Repentance! (The color version will be available later.)
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beastofnurgle · 10 months
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Wanted to show off this completely amazing chaplain dreadnought that my girlfriend made for me! Definitely check her out on Twitter.
I'm so happy ... Look at him. He's got a giant crozuis and so many candles!!!
This is for my upcoming Star Phantoms Badab War army.
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wh40kartwork · 4 days
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by Vitaly Perevoshikov
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wh40kgallery · 6 months
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Deathwatch: First Founding
by Michael Phillippi
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Solace In This Place
Author's note: More of Ramiel in Husbandry. Thanks to @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Cedric.
Past -=- Next
Warnings: Some Panic. Discussions of Petras.
Summary: Ramiel has noticed that Cedric seems upset about something. He goes to his brother and lends his aid as an apprentice chaplain as best he can.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
"Cedric," Ramiel says calmly, carefully, "My dear brother, I have noticed that you seem a bit more distractable than normal."
Cedric turns to look at him, Ramiel had noticed the subtle flinch from his fellow Primaris Marine and the way that his eyes dart from place to place.
Seeking out opportunities to find cover, or trying to trace where enemies are and could come from. This reaction is deeply concerning, since so far, the First Borns in this base have been very gracious, welcoming, and soft.
Admittedly, they dislike worship of the God Emperor, and the lengths of their discomfort and dislike of it, has caused him to curtail public displays as best he can. Quietly tending to prayers with Cedric in silence.
As a Judicar, he's oath-bond not to speak of worship as such, as he's not gotten the rank, the honor, and the right to speak such word out loud yet.
He hasn't gone through those trials yet, and while he's so glad to have brother's Arnault and Roland around, neither of them have the training, nor are they apart of the Chaplains to help him through his trials either.
"... I heard Chaplain Feldarim of the Imperial Fists speaking to," Cedric's voice almost cracks and he looks away.
He looks around with renewed fervor as his voice drops to a whisper, making sure that none can read his lips except for Ramiel. He takes a couple of deep breaths.
"Captain Chaplain Petras," Cedric says tremulously, "Is one of the people that Chaplain Feldarim was speaking to."
Ramiel can't stop the swirl of emotions that well up in his hearts to due that whispered phrase. He closes his eyes and sways a little, as he goes through the calming rituals to keep his emotions in check.
Something small inside him is screaming in terror and heartbreak. Gently, carefully he grabs that part of him. Soothes it as best he can before stuffing it into a box deep within himself.
"The Honorable Chaplain Captain Petras," Ramiel starts for a moment.
He pauses as he tries to figure out what next to say that wouldn't cause undue concern. He looks around his eyes flickering from person to person.
"Is an elder brother of ... strong personality and ch-character," Ramiel says, silently cursing himself as he thinks of the punishments that he will have to give himself for the crime of stuttering, especially in public. "I am glad that you told me that he's... around."
Cedric blinks at his brothers, his eyes overbright and Ramiel pretends that he doesn't notice that Cedric is crying. Ramiel very carefully telegraphs his movements as he gently reaches out and puts a hand on one of Cedric's shoulders.
Ramiel feels very undressed as he's not in armor. Due to not being on duty shift and Per The Rules, since he's not on duty shift and Ancient Terra is... supposed to be safer, at least while in this base, he's not supposed to wear armor.
"Perhaps his visit to this base shall be brief," Ramiel says, even though the light has faded from his eyes. One might even says that the joy and hope that had slowly been nurturing within him had died a sudden and brutal death. "I... need to go tend to the elder Chaplains in the Reclusiam."
"He might be there," Cedric says alarmed.
"That is a possibility I will need to face," Ramiel says, his voice having gone hoarse and croaky. "Templars do not shirk from any trial or task set before them."
Cedric's hands clenched and unclenched at his sides and Ramiel points out softly, quietly, "Your mentor isn't here to... give you aid and advise. If it is the God Emperor's will, I shall greet. Mine."
"He doesn't," Cedric starts and stops, "He doesn't know for sure that we are here. If we are careful, we can keep it, that way."
"Does he know that there are Primaris Marines on this base?" Ramiel asks. "Does he know that there are Black Templar Primaris in this city?"
Cedric looks away, he had accidentally overheard part of the conversation with Feldarim and Petras. Ramiel notices the way that Cedric shifts and his hearts sinks.
"He knows of at least a Primaris Black Templar is on Base," Cedric admits quietly.
Ramiel seems to sway and stagger a little at that. He takes in a couple of deep, shaky breaths, and notices that he keeps shaking. He should stop doing that. He needs to project strength and calm so that he can help Cedric.
They had managed to find the rest of the others, and they gathered together as they quietly spoke about what they might do in order to avoid Petras.
"What is going on here, young ones?" A deep, slow voice rumbles out from down the hallway.
Most of the Scout-lings tense up, but Cedric and Claude give each other a look as they politely greet the Chaos Traitor Marine Apothecary.
Hura had noticed that some of the shy younger Space Marines were gathering together and seemed like they were nervous and trying to plot something.
Hura is ever one that tries to find opportunity to do something or see what has others all a flutter. It makes it so that he learns and finds out a lot of different things and gets him something that others crassly call 'black mail'.
Not that Hura calls the intelligence that he gathers that. Just tidbits of information that could be valuable to use at a later time and place if necessary.
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nightscalestudio · 7 months
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Unfortunately, we urgently need money to treat our relatives, so the price for Carcharodon Chaplain was greatly reduced, to my regret, this money will not go to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, at the moment we are in greater need. You can also find this miniature on eBay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/354894980609
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thebetterdevil0 · 2 days
When Angels Cry
3,000 words. A short story about a Blood Angel, and his brother who has fallen to the Black Rage.
My first time writing something like this. Please enjoy.
Sergeant Marneo was well built, even for a Primaris Marine. The Blood Angel was already a tall boy before the surgeries, and he emerged from them even taller. His brother Hadrian had joked with him that the apothecaries had switched Sanguinius’s gene seed for Vulkan’s during his surgeries. He was less than receptive to these jests. As Hadrian placed his hand on the console to open the door, he remembered those joking moments fondly.
Whatever jokes Hadrian may have made before, they were quickly put to bed by the sight that lay before him. His former Sergeant was chained to a wall at the far end of the room. Needles and tubes filled with various fluids and pharmaceuticals probed his skin in numerous places along his chest, upper arms, and thighs. Marneo appeared to be in a state of delirium, but the burning black eyes that stared at Hadrian betrayed that conception. What stared at Hadrian were not the eyes of some washed out drunkard, or half asleep vagrant, but the eyes of a killer overcome by rage.
As the door closed behind him, Hadrian slowly removed his helmet, and mag locked it to his side. The sound of the armor clicking into place caused Marneo to stir. His head rolled upwards, and his eyes narrowed at Hadrian. He said but one word, filled with malice and hatred. “Brother.”
Hadrian felt his hearts sink upon hearing the hatred in the word. “Hello Brother. How are you feeling today?”
Marneo lurched forward from the wall in an attempt to claw at Hadrian. He was held back by the chains and various needles holding him back. “Why do you care Traitor? Why do you continue to torment me with these visits?”
Marneo seemed to relax in the chains, but the black orbs of hate in his skull remained fixed on Hadrian. Hadrian reached into his back pocket and produced a small, orange fruit. “I brought you something brother. Mangoes. From our home world. Chauntea. Do you remember it brother?”
The scent of the fruit worked it’s way into the air toward Marneo. The scent only seemed to enrage him. “I remember we ate these together before you betrayed our father. Before you led your Black Legion against him.”
Hadrian was disappointed by this response, but he remained determined to get through to him. “Would you like a mango brother? It will help you feel like yourself again.”
Marneo’s face tightened. “Is it poisoned? I would expect nothing less of you traitor. Now I ask again, why are you here?”
Hadrian’s hearts sank further. Still he refused to accept the truth. “I’m here to bring you good news brother. I’ve been promoted. I have your job now brother.”
Hadrian tried to force a smile onto his face. Marneo thrashed angrily in his chains in response. “TRAITOR! YOU DON’T DESERVE THE GROUND YOU STAND ON HORUS! NOW GET OVER HERE AND FACE ME!”
The stone door opened again. The figure of a Blood Angels Chaplain stood in the doorway. The Chaplain called forward for Hadrian. “He is gone brother Hadrian. He belongs to the Death Company now.”
Sergeant Hadrian hung his head low in defeat. He put the mango back in his satchel and turned to leave. Marneo’s continued thrashing and screaming echoed through the room as the door closed once more. Outside, the Chaplain pressed a button on the door console. A warning klaxon sounded inside the cell, followed by a rush of pharmaceuticals flooding into Marneo’s body. The anger drained from his eyes as the drugs worked their way through him. He slumped back against the wall, propped up by his bindings as he entered a deep sleep. “Brother… why…”
Lieutenant Hadrian Antinous of Wyvern Squad entered his brothers cell once again. It had been many years since he had seen his brother Marneo, and he was eager to deliver the good news to him. A small part of him hoped that Marneo would have come to his senses by now, that he would take Hadrian in his arms and cry out in joy at his brothers success. The rest of him knew this to be a farce.
Marneo was chained to the wall, in the exact way he had been when Hadrian left him. Marneo was fully awake upon entry this time. He made no effort to acknowledge Hadrian's presence. Just like before, Hadrian removed his helmet and hung it at his side. A faint smile adorned his lips as he spoke to his brother. “Brother Marneo, it is good to speak with you again.”
Marneo looked up at him, but made no effort to speak. Hadrian continued. “I’m a lieutenant now brother. We fought a mighty battle against the Orks on Madrigal. We killed so many my armor was green rather than red when we were finished!”
Hadrian forced a short laugh, hoping for his brother to respond. A glance. A movement. A word. Anything. His apparent lack of aggression gave Hadrian hope. Hope that maybe the Rage had left his brother. Maybe he had been cured. Maybe he had been saved. Maybe the Sanguinor-
Marneo lunged at Hadrian from his position on the floor. Once more, the chains and needles kept him from attacking his brother. In the rattling of chains and the screams of his brother, Hadrian heard the sound of his hope shattering. He watched on in despair as his brother continued screaming at him. “YOU BETRAYED ME! YOU BETRAYED OUR FATHER! YOU BETRAYED THE IMPERIUM! WHY HORUS? WHY?”
Hadrian hung his head low. He removed his helmet from it’s mag lock at his side, and placed it on his head. His HUD blinked back to life, displaying readouts of Marneo’s physical condition. Several warning klaxons blared at him pointing to elevated hormone levels in line with the Black Rage. He felt a tear well up in his eye as he turned to leave. Marneo called out after him. “YOU SCORN ME HORUS! GET BACK HERE AND FIGHT!”
Hadrian wheeled around, his hearts pounded in his chest, anger flowed in his veins, the Thirst flared in his mind as he spoke. “I AM NOT HORUS, BROTHER! I AM HADRIAN! I AM YOUR BROTHER! YOUR… friend…”
He took a deep breath to pull his emotions back under control. He felt his Angel’s Teeth had been stirred from his gums, and he forced them to retract. “Goodbye brother.”
He knocked on the stone door three times. The door grinded open slowly. He turned to look at his brother one last time before leaving. Marneo continued screaming after him, until the warning klaxons in the cell blared again, and once more he was sedated.
Captain Hadrian Antinous of the Blood Angels Third Company was a sight to behold. His armor gleamed from a fresh coat of polish put on by his serfs, while numerous trophies and embellishments decorated his Gravis pattern Primaris armor. His helmet kept his face hidden as he stomped through the deck of the ship. Chaplain Relus followed him closely, listening to every word he spoke. “I want them ready to move by the end of the next planetary rotation.”
Relus stroked the head of his crozius staff and nodded. “Will you speak to… him, before deployment brother Captain?”
Hadrian froze. He hadn’t even considered that. He had been too wrapped up in the battle preparations to remember. “I-”
He felt a tear welling in his eye. He took a breath and tried to force it down. Relus looked at him quizzically.
“Brother Captain?”
“Yes. Yes brother Chaplain. I will speak with him.
Relus had his own reservations about his Captain’s decision, but the sound of thundering guns outside reminded him there were more pressing problems at hand. “Very well. I will leave you undisturbed.”
Hadrian continued down the hall to the cell of his former sergeant. The Death Company had already been deployed three times before Hadrian had been made a Captain, and each time Marneo had survived mostly unscathed. Protocol would have dictated his immediate execution, but Chaplain Relus felt he could still be of use to the Emperor, and so he was allowed to live. As Hadrian approached the cell, he had a feeling in his gut that this would be Marneo’s final stand. As he punched the authorization codes into the door console, memories replayed in his mind of their time together. Joyfully stealing mangos from their neighbor on Chauntea, playing various games together with their other brothers in training, fighting together on Talos III where Marneo was lost to the Rage…
Hadrian blinked that last memory away as soon as it appeared. In time for the stone door to grind open once more, for what Hadrian hoped would be the third and final time. He stepped into the room, leaving the door open behind him. He did not intend to stay long this time.
Marneo again, was already awake. This time instead of being chained to the wall nude, he was fully armored in the black battleplate of the Death Company. He lunged for Hadrian the moment he entered the room. The eve of battle always stirred the thirst of the Blood Angels, and the Death Company was no different. Marneo’s eyes screamed with intense fury, scanning the room for any possible threat. The only threat he could identify was Hadrian, so he focused on him. Gnashing his teeth and pulling on his restraints. “WHERE ARE THEY? WHERE ARE THE TRAITORS?”
Hadrian smiled under the helmet. Part of him was glad he wasn’t the target of Marneo’s fury for once. “They will be here soon brother Sergeant. You will have your revenge.”
Marneo threw his head back and roared. “BRING ME THE TRAITORS! BRING ME HORUS! I WILL TEAR HIM LIMB FROM LIMB!”
Hadrian stepped closer to Marneo. He reached into his satchel and produced a small, orange fruit. He had pocketed the mango from the mess hall earlier, intending to eat it while in his quarters, preparing for battle. Instead, he held it up in front of his brother. “Would you like a mango brother? It will help you keep up your strength. You will need it if you are to emerge victorious against the traitors.”
Marneo snarled as the scent of the fruit worked it’s way into his nose. He breathed it in deep. Hadrian thought he saw the Rage flicker in his eyes for a moment. After a moment of deliberation, Marneo leaned his head forward, and took a bite of the fruit. Hadrian continued to hold it for him, as if he were feeding a large animal. Soon, only the pit of the fruit was left. Hadrian placed it in his satchel to dispose of later. “How do you feel brother?”
The Rage returned in full force as he struggled against the chains. “I feel like tearing off Horus’s head and presenting it to Father stuffed!”
Hadrian removed his helmet and held it under his arm. He held his brothers gaze for a moment. The thought of what was to come returned to his mind, and his head drooped. “Brother… I know you do not remember me anymore, I know you do not remember the things we did together, but I want you to know I am proud to have fought at your side, and I am eager to see you fight once more.”
Hadrian turned to leave, placing his helmet back on his head. He was about to exit the room, when he heard a voice. “I am proud of you too.”
Hadrian paused. The words came from Marneo, but they did not belong to him. He suddenly felt his blood slow. The Red Thirst had been dancing in him as he awaited the coming battle, but now it fell completely silent. He felt a uniquely divine presence radiating from behind him. He wanted to turn around, to face whatever was there behind him, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. He felt as if he was frozen in place.
“Your brother cannot say it, but he is as proud of you as I am, my son.”
Those final two words finally snapped Hadrian out of his stupor, and he wheeled around to face whatever was behind him. What he saw defied all logic. Throughout the halls of the Blood Angels ships and fortresses, there were countless paintings of Sanguinius. His golden blonde hair flowing magnificently from his head while pristinely white wings carried him across the battlefield. The face of his dead Primarch was well known to all Blood Angels for this reason. Standing before him was that same divine visage. The form of Sanguinius appeared to hover over Marneo, emanating divine power and grace. In one hand he held a mighty golden sword, and in the other a golden chalice filled with blood. Hadrian’s jaw dropped open as his armor’s sensor suite failed to identify what was happening. “F-father?”
Sanguinius’s mouth did not move when he spoke. His words came from Marneo’s mouth, as Hadrian looked on in awe. “You care deeply for your brother. You care for your Chapter. You care for the Imperium. You are the heart of your Chapter, Captain Hadrian Antinous. You are the swift hand which will guide them to victory this day, and beyond.”
Hadrian fell to his knees. No amount of effort from him could stem the tide of tears streaming from his eyes. A direct vox line from Chaplain Relus opened on his HUD. The Chaplain’s barrage of inquiries and commands were ignored by Hadrian, still too enraptured by the sight before him.
Sanguinius’s face remained stoic throughout the whole exchange. He turned his head to the side and raised the chalice. Blood overflowed from the chalice and spilled onto Marneo, coating his black armor in red. Hadrian watched his brother bathe in the blood flowing from his Father’s chalice, before a hand on his shoulder pulled him back to reality.
Hadrian snapped his head to attention and launched off the floor into a battle stance, the Red Thirst suddenly pounding in his veins. Chaplain Relus yanked his hand from his shoulder in surprise as Hadrian scanned the room for threats. He turned back to look at Sanguinnius, and saw he was now gone. Marneo was no longer covered in blood either, and he was back to screaming and thrashing angrily, demanding to be loosed upon Horus and his legions.
Hadrian took a deep breath and focused on quelling the Thirst within.
Relus’s tone was marked with a single shred of worry, something he often did well to hide. Hadrian rolled his shoulders and took another breath. “I am fine, brother Chaplain.”
“Brother Captain I must insist on-”
“I said I am fine!”
Hadrian snapped at him with a hint of anger in his voice. Relus sensed the hostility and decided to back off. Hadrian looked back to Marneo’s screaming, thrashing form, and finally closed the door to his cell. “Continue your preparations brother. I will check in with you before we deploy.”
He did not wait for Relus’s response before leaving. The tears streaming down his face persisted for several minutes before he finally reigned himself in.
“Are they dead? All of them?”
“Yes brother. All of them.”
Hadrian’s battleplate had sustained significant damage in the battle against the Necrons of this world. He was missing a pauldron, and his breastplate was in pieces. Saying nothing of his various trophies and embellishments which had been destroyed in the fight. Chaplain Relus finished reading off the Death Company battle report, while Hadrian listened attentively. “…Brother Marneo died gloriously. He tried to fight an Overlord by himself and nearly won. He died in the battle, but his efforts weekend the beast enough for one of our tanks to land a scorching final blow.”
Hadrian nodded curtly. “Thank you, brother Chaplain. You are dismissed.”
Relus saluted Hadrian, and both men left the war room. Hadrian returned to his chambers, and called in his serfs to begin the rites of unarmouring. As he waited for them to arrive, he realized one of his side pouches was still intact, and that it had something inside it. He reached into the pouch and fished out a small seed, with bits of orange still stuck to it. He realized he forgot to throw out the mango pit before the battle.
His serfs entered the room, and hastily began preparations for the rites of unarmouring. One of them noticed the seed in his hand and approached him. “My lord, do you wish me to dispose of this?”
Hadrian looked to the serf, then back to the seed. “No. Have it cast in amber and hung on my breastplate. This will serve as a replacement for the many trophies I have lost.”
The serf bowed and took the seed from him. Hadrian watched him leave, before stepping up to allow the remaining to serfs to begin. As the armor was stripped from his body, and the glove underneath was unfastened and removed, he felt the weight of his sorrows lifting from him for but a moment. While he waited for his serfs to fetch him proper clothing, he stood at the viewport in his quarters, gazing into space. The Cicadrix Maledictum would be coming into view soon, and he would need to close his window. For now, he simply took in the sight of the endless stars, and the ships that danced through them. Picturing his fallen brother, dancing somewhere amongst those stars.
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