labwebs · 11 months
🕸i love the insom games so much but wow are parts of the fandom exhausting like no duh miles is the main spider-man in that universe now peter is taking a break what part of that doesn't get through your skull
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Name: Corral Foster Lynn Thomas
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight (Heterosexual)
Birthday (Zodiac): April 21(Aries)
Species: A human being with a touch of imaginary help
Ethnicity: American
Native Language(s): English
Nationality: ???
Appearance Info
Height: 5'3
Skin tone: peach skin tone
Eye shape/color: almond shaped eyes with a hint of forrest Green eyes
Hair style/color: short hair with a korra hairstyle, Light red hair.
Outfit style: Skater clothing or oversized hoodies, she tends to wear her baseball shirt with red sleeves and her navy shorts. (her outfit in the drawing)
Accessories: Her Necklace, it's a small sized boo
Markings (birthmarks, scars, etc): Freckles
Alignment Info
Hero/Villian/Civilian: Anti-Hero (Synonymous)
Rank: ????something to do with the supernatural department
Powers/Abilities: imagination Manifester/manipulation
Fighting Style: she hits people, she tries karate but she isnt very good at it
Weapons: Her imagination 
Background Info
Personality: Corral is a chill but feisty teenager, she uses her powers for protection, or she's just curious. Corral has many mood swings She can be all calm and later, she could be arguing about something that doesn't make sense. She doesn't like getting challenged because she will try her hardest to defeat the challenger. Corral is the daugther to Frankie And Jackie they like being called the Lynnsters (they combined their last names together).
Backstory: Jackie and Frankie meet when Jackie was 26 and Frankie 34, in a fair since the foster closed Frankie tried to find a new path in life. Jackie and Frankie had many things in common such as their love for cartoons and having a similar name. Jackie and Frankie wanted a child but it was impossible for them since they couldn't have any kids the only way they could have a kid was if they Imagine a child of their own but Jackie didn't think it was a good idea because people will discourage Corral and tell she's isn't real. But there was still hope for this Couple and that hope was a unknown person.This unknown person gave them a piece of Imagination that can't be erased or effected,a power that can give anyone what they desire but it came with side effects when Corral was born she was born with the power of making Things out of her imagination. Sadly the foster home for imaginary friends closed and Corral never got to visit or incounter any of the imaginary friends but she has a small treehouse where she keeps some of the imaginary friends.It may be a small tree house but it's rather big in the inside, the tree house can be only seen to people who believe in imagination.
Jackie Lynn Thomas (Mom)
Frankie Foster (Mom)
Madame Foster (Grandmother)
Fanny Foster (Great great aunt)
Janaya (Adopted brother)
Jackie (Corral's mom)
Jackie is that type of mom that is very serene and a nature enthusiast.Jackie taught her how to skate and some other sick skating tricks. Corral has many similarities to Jackie,she's calm and chill, same music tastes and they both vibe to the sound of the oceans. Though Corral can get angry sometimes Jackie knows how to calm her.
Frankie (Corral's mom)
- After the closing of the foster, Jackie and Frankie started helping animals and other people who are need of help. Jackie helped Frankie a lot, by not stressing a lot and calming down, they both decided they wanted a kid and by that they got Corral. Corral gets her tough, and slacking attitude from her mother Frankie.(Anger issues too). Frankie tells all the stories about each and every imaginary friend and Corral loves those stories that she was inspired by them.leading Corral to follow the same footsteps as her great great grandmother did, helping Imaginary Friends.
Sky Marquette
- Corral thought she would be the only one with the abilities she has but when she stumbled upon Sky Marquette she was fascinated by her powers, they were similar to Corral's but just that Sky had critters. Corral sees Sky as a little sister to her.
- Corral and Ty just talk about supernatural stuff and reasons why Bigfoot is real. They prank people or just sell them fake products like Ty sells and Corral helps Ty run away from them and hide all the evidence.they're really great buds.
Miscellaneous Info
"I have a trick up my sleeve "
"If you hit the yeet, you'll get BEAT!"
"Just Chillllllllllllllllllllll"
- Frankie gave her the name Korra but Jackie wanted it to be Coral, so these two improvised also Frankie and Jackie Have a obsession over cartoons that how they got her name.
- Corral isn't good at sport, she just really doesn't like sports.
- Corral thinks the Butterfly siblings are neat, she tries to be good at fighting just like they are.
- Corral believes in myths.
 Short story
"If you want to win you will have to take on the weakest member, we're eliminating every hero one by one"says Drake
“You mean her"*points at Corral making strange gestures with her hands*
"Yeah, that will do...." "Are you sure that thing is part of the little group?..she looks like fry sauce.."
*Corral turns around and looks at them*
"I'm no thing,I'm a person, you guys need to chill get on the spiritual level." as Corral moves her hands in a spiral and a bunny appears in her hands.
"You got to be kidding me,shouldn't you be in a magic show or something. Now shoo, go away before you get hurt" says
The bunny pops a gun out pointing it at the villain
"You think this is a joke, I don't like being challenged. I suck at challenges" says Corral
Created by Corrgis on DA
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bardigang7030 · 4 years
chillllllllllllllllllllll 😅😅😅
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