abyssal-art · 1 year
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daily-chilchuck · 1 year
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babylon-crashing · 2 years
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Q: What is the meaning of the Eight of Cups?
For me, the Eight of Cups is all about how we deal with problematic situations … and by “deal” I mean running away from it. It is a card full of disappointment and regret. This isn’t about being judgmental; the world is full of horrible, no-win situations that only get worse the longer we stay with them. It’s why we have the term, “Survivor’s Guilt,” which often accompanies PTSD. Free will can only take us so far. Or, as Goldsmith reminds us: “He who fights and runs away/ May live to fight another day;/ But he who is battle slain/ Can never rise to fight again.”
That might be true, but often it does not heal a spirit broken by shame and guilt. They say you never know how you’ll react during war until you’ve actually fought in one. I haven’t. I’ve been nearby but that’s not the same. A memory of my time in Peace Corps came back to me yesterday so I wrote this:
All through red suns at dusk. All through dark suns
at dawn. Those low rumbles. I’ve heard thunder.
I’ve heard earthquakes. Neither sound deafens
nor numbs me utterly like gun powder.
Once, while drunk (I was always drunk) some chums
and I drove to the outskirts of Artsakh,
“to watch the fireworks.” Back when my eardrums
were still naïve over certain noise. Raw
and green. The border guards turned us away.
Being dumb we parked on a hill to eyeball
the «pff-boom» flashes down in the valley.
That’s called privilege: turning someone’s doomsday
into drinking games. Fireworks fell. Nightfall
fell. We drank … numbing their rage and fury.
Armenia and Azerbaijan have been fighting for decades over an area of land called Artsakh (formerly known as Nagorno-Karabakh). While geographically it has been claimed by Azerbaijan its inhabitants are Armenian and since the fall of the USSR Artsakh has been a democratic republic, mainly unrecognized by the rest of the world. The First Nagorno-Karabakh War lasted from 1992–1994. I was living in Yerevan in 1997 while shelling and guerrilla warfare were still going on. It wasn’t the only military conflict happening in the area, though. That same summer I watch plumes of smoke billowing from the foothills around Mt. Ararat as Turkish troops battled Kurdish resistance fighters.
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cybersoldier82 · 2 years
The face you make when you realize you’re buddies with multiple extremely talented artists/writers that you love the content of(you know who you are/lh)
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It’s a wonderful feeling
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rainbowshipmate · 21 days
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Add me on Pesterchum!
I have it on my laptop and my phone, but I had to set it up as two separate chumhandles :((
So it's rainbowShipmate or rainbowShipmate7 although I might change my chumdroid handle to something else
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abergida · 1 month
Les grandes questions
Dan : si Marc pouvait s'apercevoir que je suis là pas loin... et que je le veux.
Paul : ahhhh trouverai-je un jour... au pire, me trouvera-t'on un jour ?
Yan : je trippe sur Dan mais je sais que lui ne pense qu'à Marc... crime de problème !
Marc : veux-tu ben me dire qu'est-ce que les gars de la gagne ont tous à rester là accotés au mur du collège à regarder dans le beurre... On pourrait aller faire une partie de ballon, juste se lancer un frisbi... se garrocher de l'eau au bord de la mer et s'amuser... eille, réveillez-vous !
Ken : me semble je fitterais bien sur Louisette, là... on a la même shape de corps pas mal... M'a lui en parler... me semble qu'elle est célibataire ces temps-ci.
Phil : Kennnn, jte connais... t'es pas aux filles toi me semble. Kessé ça!
Ken : ok chu pas aux filles mais je vais-tu m'empêcher toute ma vie d'essayer de quoi avec les filles juste sous ce prétexte-là ? Je veux savoir tout ce qu'il y a à savoir... pour comprendre ce qui se passe autour de moi... et les filles, même si je veux jamais vivre avec une vu que c'est toi que j'aime, ben les filles font partie de notre environnement. Mais je te vois venir... tu vas me dire que les oiseaux aussi sont là et les chats et les chiens...
Phil rit : merci de me rassurer, mon Ken. En attendant, viens jouer avec Marc. Y va finir par se tanner de nous autres, la gagne des rêveurs.
Ken : nooonnn, le beau Marc... faut pas arrêter de l'avoir sous les yeux, il est bon pour la santé. Et pis, y va peut-être s'apercevoir que Dan existe... tsé des fois... ca se peut !
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whats-in-a-sentence · 4 months
D'arcy returned empty-handed to Coolgardie, paused for a few weeks and set out for Mount Margaret with two prospectors, George Alexander and Michael Galway, and two fresh new chums.
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"Killing for Country: A Family History" - David Marr
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abyssal-art · 1 year
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Gay people: hey society im gay
Society: ok
Jerma985 but he's a baker: If i put you into a wheat grinder, you're probably bread!
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some silly art of my friends in a silly little game
also yall and others will be also drawn in this setting sometime @c-luigifan @aphid-kirby
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furoku · 9 months
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harpaleon · 1 year
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webguide · 1 year
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以前に投稿した#スノーピーク の#アイアングリルテーブル のユニット、#テーブルトップアーキテクト に新たなパーツが発売されて😅 #テーブルトップアーキテクトシリンダースタンド ? #箸立て ?、#ペン立て ?🤣 まぁ、あの手この手で沼は、深みを増すばかり😨 #tta は、#chums の#トイレットペーパーホルダー ぶら下げるのに便利だったりしてる✋ #キャンピングカー #campingcar #camper #motorhome #caravan #キャラバン #バンライフ #vanlife #adriacompact #アドリアコンパクト #車中泊 #オートキャンプ #camp #アドリア #adria #モーターホーム #終の住処 #隠れ家 #秘密基地 #snowpeak #igt https://www.instagram.com/p/CpXIpX7P-qX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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