nationallawreview · 2 years
Ankura Cyber Threat Intelligence Bulletin: August - September 2022
Ankura Cyber Threat Intelligence Bulletin: August – September 2022
Over the past sixty days, Ankura’s Cyber Threat Investigations & Expert Services (CTIX) Team of analysts has compiled key learnings about the latest global threats and current cyber trends into an in-depth report: The Cyber Threat Intelligence Bulletin. This report provides high-level executives, technical analysts, and everyday readers with the latest intel and insights from our expert…
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monster-fuzz · 5 months
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boysnberriespie · 1 year
Straight up obsessed with posts that give me a look into the minds of genuinely insane political takes that are more akin to conspiracy than actually applicable
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444names · 10 months
Names generated from the front page of Wikipedia on this date, plus Greek islands, excluding the letter "S"
Abogon Abooko Aften Ageri Agingle Agiri Agramine Ainetter Airet Alinry Amaiaki Amarof Amoto Amouptione Ampionovolo Amponed Amure Ancle Ander Andri Annom Anovioner Anter Anticould Antikina Arach Arakintia Areently Aring Armarling Armeni Armurlifo Arocidako Arompity Aronal Atemproy Atentikouri Athath Atherigna Aticloni Atorg Atrittara Attero Aturphatia Aulli Avdouria Avica...
Banini Barequal Barly Bathack Batudia Beero Befkal Begavgo Begia Biden Bookioped Bouba Boung Brochaly Brociven Broved Bélan Caloni Camothivion Camvolf Canmaigo Carbadalia Carhoi Carnafop Carof Cartikavra Cartle Chacte Chalia Chamed Chill Chlove Citze Civer Colfere Colia Comegald Coner Conimion Conome Corcemar Coretted Corit Cormia Cothred Cotogp Cough Coulling Courentiko Covada Covate Covatintly Crequalli Crime Crity Croki Cronvonitta Dayeant Delou Derian Dermed Deubel Deveraki Dichana Difon Dionic Direntalaza Ditoggypt Dittal Doporia Droin Droyean Eadeval Eantzo Earent Efkath Egacan Egyaiginn Elail Ellind Emarcy Embecent Encil Epica Epiemadca Eralonea Ergrit Erienti Eubatila Factematter Faddend Fartiong Ferovouba Finoulatur Firakrong Fireceant Fired Fireing Firing Flegylia Fleminve Forpicard Forpio Fotichadcar Fouba Foulia Fraiagia Fralinnia Frameri France Frovid Ganer Garna Gathacaraki Glamed Glaza Glefokytho Glemia Glifor Goraeiael Gounn Gragrowne Grakeannout Greada Grecrecri Grich Gyaidence Hacturlovro Haliago Halymakro Harliffe Hembefer Hericorom Herikoi Hical Hidear Hiralik Hiramay Hiverepi Hivero Hugoi Hundectuda Ikeria Immegace Immytholi Inali Inandent Inathona Inator Inaximoch Inela Inganitil Ingle Inoin Inovali Inthonia Intill Iriand Itinavada Ittlynto Kadayedia Kadita Kalaterni Karifnower Karliego Kartian Kartime Kavalaforn Kavdon Keatenti Keford Kentikamme Kering Kerlia Kidecre Kidill Kinrizark Knomy Kolfece Kouda Koufornerin Kougonger Koundro Kourch Kouria Kourliko Kourpiew Koutt Kracte Kravry Kyncit Kythodevin Kytikiatil Kyttela Lampi Lanyorliffe Lapich Lated Later Leferibleve Leiran Lemation Lencea Lenti Lentlynte Leoni Leved Leview Lidoped Madilo Maign Maitron Makakythald Makra Makrakroyed Makro Makythouti Manderli Marago Mared Marlia Marnettalli Martit Materi Mathilon Matoln Matunni Mclavdon Meara Melboula Metteri Mexime Mikon Molactem Monia Mornala Muladcan Muladin Mulaza Mulia Murafo Murdeurandi Mytherikon Naigiracy Nefarmada Niamia Nived Numbidia Onvou Operina Opoly Opoul Otimno Otorg Overi Pager Pagooki Paplan Parcy Pardecen Pardi Parna Parnaia Paropoul Patali Pated Pathe Patitte Patta Paximexi Paximilount Pelada Penchived Penti Pergra Petallo Peted Pettly Phoung Pigaire Piramvouri Pitiggin Pitogri Plafotogp Plakyroada Planted Plantiapaxa Platimeria Pluernefale Plumbiderg Polly Polmarlifal Potia Potimon Pougo Poung Pourviettly Practe Prapoudieti Preher Preng Prent Prentipul Pricany Prictun Prime Prind Prinely Progp Pronarchou Proph Prove Rakran Rearia Rearman Recal Rected Rectembeia Redingylid Reence Rentina Renting Rentzge Repenter Retalindra Revia Rhamathived Rhize Rhound Rhown Romentergon Talafird Taterichann Temnow Tentzed Thakial Thakinviet Thand Thandia Tharecemadi Thency Thettal Thilingu Thilo Thinaforcy Thnovicha Thoda Thonta Timothia Tiongu Tionia Tokina Toreperoi Tralloponia Trece Trepetal Triegarld Troadder Tudakrane Tuder Twartimnold Untionive Utchralen Utroi Vadylaza Vallo Valournana Vatheriberi Vathira Vathro Verini Vichincea Vicle Vionge Vital Volmait Vracy Wenti Werappet Werimed Werinoun Whichembid Whida Whilouda Widan Wikoi Wimed Woriaelco Wrich Wrinik Wrize Yearhotter Yonal Yorcy Youndia Zafory Zarlion
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mercoglianotrueblog · 4 months
They want WWIII as excuse to default
R.F. #Kennedy Jr:#US #EU 'game of chicken' in #Ukraine triggers #nuclear strike
#UK govt, under #WA'masters,leads citz into #war which they don't want & lies, lies,lies
#Russia lost 27 M people vs #Nazis in WWII but #West rehabilitates it on its borders
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ethericbliss · 2 years
#Audit Bloomberg Pennsylvania Police: Scott Price. He is tartgeting Citz...
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pike-the-great · 2 years
9 декабря 2022 г., пятница.
Выходной день.
Встал в 8 с чем-то утра, пожарил яичницу с картошкой и луком и как раз подошло время начала первого четвертьфинала чемпионата мира по футболу. Вскоре после окончания первого начался второй. Посмотрел оба.
Хорватия - Бразилия - 1:1 (пен. 4:2) Нидерланды - Аргентина - 2:2 (пен. 3:4)
Параллельно отредактировал 17 статей из кулинарного справочника.
Теперь можно сходить на прогулку и подумать, как провести пятничный вечер.
Прогулялся до радио. Там поиграл в MUME хоббитом 18-го уровня. Поднял его до 19, посетил новую зону вокруг Bree, но сильно не вникал в детали. Получил изрядное количество tps и xp и около 20 gold coins. Получил citz in rdell and rented there.
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iso3200net · 4 years
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Marquam Bridge, study 6... or maybe it is Tilikum Bridge, Study 2
I've been working on a work project the past couple weeks. We have a customer who has encountered an issue with Tri-X film and I work with a darkroom tech who tends to jump at shadows but then never pursue them. So Kodak sent me a couple pro packs of Tri-X to test shoot. Specifically it was to see if I could produce static electricity exposure on the film. This is a thing that happens, but not that often. Film itself has an anti-stat layer in designed to help prevent this and environmental conditions have to be just right. Personally I was not expecting success with this... or I suppose it would actually be failure, but I set out to see what I could do nonetheless. In truth, a part of me likes projects like this. I like the technical exploration of film only slightly less than the creative exploration of it. Many years back I spent over a year photographing all the bridges of Portland with nothing but Tri-X. Over the past year I have shot very little Tri-X as I have been trying to keep room in my cameras for alternate black and white films. There are only so many film backs out there to fill.... So it was nice to have Tri-X back in my Hasselblad. And with those two together again I figured there was no better place to head than the bridges. As luck would have it, I was gifted a chill, foggy night that was the cherry on top.
It didn't take me long to finish off a roll of film. And none of it showed static exposure. Oh well, I expected as much. The project goes on though and the count stands at something like 6 exposed rolls so far with no sign of this issue. Still a few more rolls to go but it doesn't appear the film is proving any more susceptible to this than normal.
Oh, and it was fun to revisit these bridges and find some new compositions on them.
Hasselblad 500C Kodak Tri-X
Photo taken by Zeb Andrews.
Sharing great work taken on a film.
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issymalabudja · 6 years
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palmtreepalmtree · 3 years
If I had done this conference as a drinking game and taken a sip every time someone says "due process," I'd be wrecked.
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lawschoolruinedme · 6 years
you had a post a little bit back about sovereign citizens, and they're honestly the best people to get answers from in the kind of firm I work at (creditor's rights) - I clearly don't get to laugh a lot because of my job. we have one guy who always titles his motions to the, "so called Honorable Judge" with "your incorrect and false case no." the man refuses to put a zip code because he doesn't believe in them, and they always cite the UCC codes when responding. it really is golden.
Dear Counsel Jane Doe (if that even is your real name you dirty dirty liar) 
With this letter are three of my signatures on cocktail napkins. Since I am something of a celebrity in Ecuador, I trust this will satisfy my $50,000 debt
[Named Redacted Even Though I Sent The Letter]
Starting the birthday weekend off right by getting drunk on Crown Royal and watching hockey - AMA
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thylionheart · 6 years
I was going to stretch the truth a bit for a funny post abt boys in my class comparing the Roman republic to WWII but then IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED??
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rem-ir · 6 years
Jesus fucking Christ this would be bad
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scotianostra · 4 years
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Happy 59th Birthday Scottish actor Frank Gallagher.
This is a story I like, I picked up a lot from interviews Frank did, I like stories where someone overcomes some sort of adversity, even if it is of their own making.
  Frank is best known for his role of Gangster, Lenny Murdoch, he was born 1962 and brought up in Coatbridge,  his education started at the local St. Monica Primary School. He lost his father aged two and his mother brought up Frank and his 4 siblings single handed. As a child Asthma and chest-related illnesses saw the schoolboy spend years in and out of hospital, on return to school he was playing catch up but never  achieved the promise he showed before his illness, he spent the last two years of his High School playing hooky.
  In an interview Gallagher admitted by his teenage years arrived so did a taste for Buckfast.  By the age of 16 the youngest Gallagher brother was practicing  hard to become an alcoholic and was in and out of juvenile court for petty crimes so often he was on first name terms with the clerk of court. Barlinnie Prison was just a couple of miles along the motorway and it beckoned him to reside there for a spell. But then a guardian angel came down from Heaven (well, Cumbernauld) to rescue him, offering an It’s a Wonderful Life changing moment.
  “I had a probation officer, David Ramsay, who was also a social worker – a lovely, big, gentle man. And he was exasperated with me. One day he took me aside and said to me: ‘What do you want to do with your life, Frank?’ “At this stage it was desperado stakes. So he said to Ramsay: ‘I’ve always fancied being an actor or a singer.’ And within a couple of weeks I had an audition at the Citz [Citizens Theatre in Glasgow].”
  Frank admits to the next stage of his life not being plain sailing, the social work department paid for him to attend a drama course, the trouble was getting him along to them, he recalls Ramsay catching him halfway through a buckie session and persuading him to return to the class, his lack of high school education meant he thought he was out of his depth, Gallagher admits that “I had been having problems. I wasn’t confident. I didn’t even know what improvisation meant. It was only later on I realised it meant showing off" On his return to class that night, half foo o' the tonic wine gave him the confidence to perform. Frank says “The trick then was to go sober, which I managed. And before I knew it I was making my own way to the drama club, taking the bus.”
A teacher at the drama group saw his potential and got Frank an audition to the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, which he passed, Gallagher finished drama school in 1987; his first part on stage came in 1988 with John Cairney’s musical about Robert Burns, Scot Free. He cites his "lucky break" as the part he landed with Peter Mullan's Orphans in 1997, if you watched the film Frank was "Tanga" the Chinese takeaway delivery driver
  He also made five appearances in Taggart as different charters, as well as many stage roles, he has played bad boy Lenny Murdoch in River City since 2005 now, although he was away from the screen for two of those years, he is married with one son.
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tiara1969 · 4 years
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💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 https://www.instagram.com/p/CItZ-3KsMqgx23ptvfip-cycVZEySe-DZaszqI0/?igshid=cg66jwrcbyfo
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reasonandempathy · 4 years
The neoliberal comment was unwarranted and a derogatory comment to refer to the status quo; I'm just frustrated. Sorry. Our fundamental differences in thinking come from your reliance on the existing legal institutions for implementing change and my abandoning them. Im the same anon who pointed out the mechanisms for wealth redistribution won't work bc we cannot expect lawmakers or the exec branch to go after billionaires, not even on a local level. Why have reform if no1 will implement them?
But the evidence against changing the hyper capitalist status quo is overwhelming, from legal precedents set by Citz United, to the Pentagon using $1B pandemic funding for defense contractors (the Hill), to Micrisoft/Amazon ostensibly controlling Seattle, to Walmart controlling Arkansas, to local economic vaccuums left behind when Walmart leaves communities that force it out through taxes. Repubs are finally right; they made it so the rich hold jobs hostage.
I mean...Before saying anything I fully understand where you’re coming from, and I am in no way saying that it can be a reasonable response to the world to just say “fuck it, we have no power here.”
I come from a background where I actually helped get bills done in my state government, though, from an activist perspective.  Small things, yeah, but also billions of dollars for environmental clean-up, a ban on fracking state-wide, a state-level DREAM act and broader scholarships for higher education.
These are relatively piecemeal in the scope of everything wrong with the country, but they had and continue to have practical, tangible, real positive impacts for people I will not meet, have no chance of meeting.  I can’t, in my personal recommendations and choices, just ignore that.
You can definitely have real and substantive impacts on people’s lives through the currently-existing legal system.  So I refuse to disregard that potential lever of power.
I’m also very familiar with how rights have been worn previously, and that it’s hardly ever been fully legal or bloodless.  I would like to minimize that violence (full avoidance is impossible at this stage).
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