hwaightme · 2 years
Your fan, Jongho (part 1)
(part 2) (your fan ml)
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⚽pairing: jongho x footballer!gn!reader ⚽summary: a bulletpoint-style drabble of what it would be like to have jongho stanning you. part two here ⚽wordcount: 1.4k ⚽warnings/tags: unedited, jongho falling fast, you are a football prodigy, hongjoong lowkey is a wingman, jongho hiding feelings, sports, football, cute romance, overall wholesome vibes (lmk if anything isn't here) ⚽a/n: thank you so much for all the support and kindness <3 here is a bit of a brainwave I had, which may or may not turn into a series for all members (think "Your fan, _____)~
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An avid football fan, he was proud to know the names of any new players who were making the rounds as rising stars
While casually viewing highlights of the team that won the national championship not long ago, he took note of you.
Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, you were a fresh face on the field for him.
Recently you took the sports world by storm, having qualified for major championships an really moving up in the ranks to become a renowned forward.
Jongho, along with many of your team's fans, could not help but be captivated by you.
For him, it was your perseverance that did it. And the way the uniform looked on you but that is BESIDES THE POINT
He would never say that. Only hard work, professionalism and... oh no did he have a celebrity crush?
Was this how ATINY felt????
He was in a blur while he went down the YouTube spiral, starting by watching one of your most recent post-match interviews, and never quite finishing his deep dive because there were always more videos to watch.
Probably nobody would ever know that he was indifferent to you; as in, he was more than watching you and your team play.
He was cheering YOU on, knowing the training you did and the tough challenges you overcame. Cheering YOU on because he knew unlike any other what it was like to have the world scrutinizing you.
Cheering YOU on because that was what his heart felt inclined to do. Jongho had a separate football account, and even though he did not really interact with other fans, it gave him exactly what he wanted - the ability to live out his fanboy dreams, be it football overall or to learn more about you.
Actually went to see the matches you have been announced to play in, if time allowed.
Though either way he knew he would enjoy it because, well, he likes the sport, if you weren't playing since first half-time he hated to admit but he'd pay a little less attention.
This man had learned your club's songs and fanchants, hands down. Easy as pie.
Okay so he was still a tiny bit in denial about having a full-blown crush on you because "why would he experience any sort of affection towards someone he has never met"
Almost got caught by the other members when he was smiling proudly at his phone screen, rewatching an advertisement you recently starred in, kind of in the fashion: "look at my bias go, they are so amazing I cannot believe that I have the opportunity to watch!!!!!"
But he was prepared - so he quickly switched to some ATINY edit from one of their shows as soon as he saw someone attempting to creep up behind him; deception 100
Then came the fateful day, one during which his heart actually flip-flopped, did a spin and soared like his high notes.
A video interview with you for a magazine had been released, and for some reason or other ATEEZ kept on being bombarded with it on twitter. It got to the point where even the totally ‘football indifferent’ members were curious.
The next few minutes were excruciating for Jongho – squeezed between San and Yeosang, the group gathered around to check what the fuss was about, or whether it was just ATINY going a tad... enthusiastic after the comeback, for fun.
The adrenaline rush that accompanied trying not to reveal his excitement was eating Jongho from the inside. You were literally going into depth about your childhood dreams and motivations, how you trained and what you were hoping for in the future.
So far so… normal? Only Jongho was hyped (even though he had a poker face on)
The interview moved in a musical direction. The magazine enjoyed presenting what celebrities listen to in their free time or when going about their day, so they always asked what the top tracks of their interviewees were.
And you being the legend you are, after thinking about “what song has been playing on repeat recently when you are in the gym?”, said “Well, Guerrilla by ATEEZ is fantastic. I have been listening to that quite a bit.”
It was at this moment all members lost their minds
Woop-wooping, screaming and hollering, they were punching each other’s shoulders
You, an internationally sought-after player, rising star in football, completely unrelated their world just so happened to listen to their music?
Jongho was on cloud nine
But seeing as you were continuing to talk, aggressively shushed at the rest of his members
“The power and passion in their music in general is unreal. Like take this song. That high note, on ‘flashing light’, going into the chorus… makes me run double-speed.”
“Have you been to their concerts?”
“Not yet, unfortunately, but hopefully stars will align.” And that was that. Jongho was offered congratulatory pats on the back for having his part be mentioned. No wonder ATINY were spamming their social media accounts.
Jongho waited until everyone is back to chaotic neutral to slink away into his dorm room and rewatch the video again. And again. A gummy smile not leaving his face.
That was when he got a thousand lightbulbs flashing above his head – rushing, he asked his manager if it was okay for ATEEZ to follow you on social media, talking some nonsense about ‘possibly adding more popularity and going with the trend’… the details did not matter, he got what he wanted and was really giddy about it.
Soon enough, your official account was also following them back. (the crowd goes wild)
If only he could see you, in the backseat of a car with your agent, squealing in excitement when you saw THE notification pop up. You shook the living daylights out of them, continuously pointing at your screen and repeating “OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH DO YOU SEE WHO IS FOLLOWING ME ATEEZ IS FOLLOWING ME OHMYGOSHICANNOTHOWISTHISREAL”
Unbeknownst to you, your agent was already liaising with the right people at KQ to potentially arrange an informal meeting – yes, you were lucky you had them working with you. You down-played just how much you listened to ATEEZ while preparing for matches but could not help mentioning your respect for the idols.
It worked out well because suddenly ticket sales for your next match went up? And generally, publicity was looking good? Agents were not mad at all.
Fast-forward a couple of weeks, and after a brilliant match with you scoring the winning goal on the 91st minute, you had the chance to meet your number one fan.
Jongho had no idea how he was fortunate enough to have this arranged for him – apparently he was almost not allowed to go, with some staff stating that Hongjoong should be the one to do the networking, but Hongjoong, being the captain, and having caught on that Jongho was a lot more ‘involved’ with your activities than anybody else, demanded the maknae to represent ATEEZ.
The man was over the moon when greeting you in person for the first time. Though you did not have much time to talk, nor could you dive into anything that would reveal your mutual pining seeing as you had whole armies of staff floating around you, photographers and videographers around every corners… both of you had a great time.
You felt as though he understood you without any extensive explanations needed. Not only was he knowledgeable about the sport, but he was just… so attentive and gentlemanly.
As more people were leaving the stadium and the changing rooms, finally you had a moment of quiet to yourselves. And in that exact moment, Jongho sharply inhaled and produced, seemingly OUT OF NOWHERE, the most recent ATEEZ album.
He was not sure whether to gift you the album or a Lightiny, but chose the former to be less ‘imposing’ and risking to force fandomship upon you or something. Pretty much went full rumination-station, which was quite unlike him.
Either way you would have been incredibly grateful and would have displayed the present on one of your shelves. The fact that someone you admired and who you felt admired you was thoughtful enough to bring anything made you soft.
Grinning wide, you wished each other success for the future and hoped to meet again soon.
Which was MUCH sooner than you would have imagined. Since once you got home and opened the album, a neatly folded piece of paper fell out with a cute note from Jongho and his personal number.
Now that is a clean goal.
a/n: thank you for reading! Here is part 2
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jotchia · 9 months
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hugging isn't enough i need to meld our bodies together like clay
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choijaehui · 11 months
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my beautiful princess with a disorder
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eoieopda · 1 year
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they're so unserious. i simply cannot deal with this.
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teezertales · 1 year
so i hear yall want a part two to Knock It Off...
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venomgender · 1 year
18 and 19<3 and 2. if you have an answer for that one
YOU JUST WANT TO SEE MY GUYS SUFFERRRRRRRRRRRR but ok. i stay silly. im going to ignore the cop out answer of 'finding his mentors dead and mangled corpse' (cjh) and 'the people he grew to lead and trust suddenly trying to kill him and chase him away, resulting in him having to kill some of his best friends to survive' (shua). because thats the obvious one
18. a memory that still makes your OC angry?
choi jaehui was orphaned very young as a child and every adult he had in his life viewed him as a worthless burden upon them, so every time he sees children treated as lesser-beings he gets REALLY angry because he knows what it was like to be treated like that. thats why whenever hes asked to come in as a guest speaker for a school he always says yes, on condition that he gets to teach the elementary classes (this, of course, makes the headmasters running the school angry because they believe anyone can teach children the basics, but only a master like choi jaehui can teach and answer questions that more advanced classes might have)
for shua one thing that gets him consistently angry is when people look down on the abilities of the people he has lead and trained, because he takes it as an insult in his ability to teach and pass on skills. he finds it incredibly insulting when someone says one of his students is talent less, even if he only taught them for a short amount of time
neither of them really have a 'this one very specific thing makes me get angry when i think back on it' moment in their lives, at least not anything more superficial than like. my crush called me ugly >:( kind of things. its more of actions towards others that they see that makes them mad. lol !
19. a memory that still makes your OC sad?
as i said choi jaehui did not have the best childhood, to say the least, so he always thinks back on his childhood with a sort of melancholy, but one moment that he always remembers with sadness is when he was about 9 or 10 and he found a cat injured outside his house, and he asked his aunt and uncle if he could keep it and nurse it back to health, and their aunt and uncle made some sort of remark of "we already have to spend extra money feeding and taking care of you, why would we ever take in an animal as well?" it makes him so :( when he thinks about how he wasnt able to help the cat. he tried his best to find someone who could take it in but was unable to, so the best he could do was leave it at the closest tavern and hope someone saw the cat there and decided to take it in
(and no the cat wasnt shua. thatd be funny and a certifed yaoi moment but it wasnt shua it was just some random cat he found)
for shua MAN ive been here for like 10 mins trying to think of something. he had a pretty good life before he got betrayed by the people he trusted the most and had to flee for his life and become an outlaw i cant really think of anything in his life that LINGERED that left him sad. before all of that. not anything with substance at least again stuff like 'i was rejected by my crush :(' or whatever but not anything beyond that
2. describe your character's voice. do they have a voice claim?
Man youre the voice actor guy not me. i dont really think about this stuff but choi jaehui is very soft spoken. he has the kind of voice that makes you feel Calm when you listen to it. when he takes on the mantel of the like. king of the underworld or whatever it becomes a lot more Sharp and strict sounding, but he is still overall a very soft spoken guy
for shua its like. i cant even describe it TO BE HONEST its a lot like how i hear jotchie in my head which means nothing. bratty is not the right word but i cant think of anything else. very arrogant but also very needy sounding LOL. i cannot describe his voice well....
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orbitlola · 1 year
pov its a beautiful day in may but you are stuck inside due to severe pain , drugged up just to be able to sleep
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profranboy · 2 years
Rewatching Torchwood: Children of Earth just to feel something again
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davescumbag · 2 years
never in my life
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hwaightme · 2 years
Your fan, Jongho (part 2)
(part 1) (your fan ml)
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⚽pairing: jongho x footballer!gn!reader ⚽summary: a bulletpoint-style drabble, continuation of part 1 ⚽wordcount: 2.5k ⚽warnings/tags: unedited, jongho is an undercover athlete, yeosang seizes opportunity, hongjoong is in on the secrets, sports, football, cute romance, secret relationship, seriously in love, overall wholesome vibes (lmk if anything isn't here) ⚽a/n: thank you so much everyone for waiting for this one <3 enjoy and please reblog, comment leave a like! lmk if you would like a new moodboard for this part, or anything at all <3
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"Where are you going, Jongho?"
"Bro it is literally midnight and we just filmed two stages. Two! You are actually going to be dead tomorrow if you go."
"No pain, no gain. See you later, I'll be quick."
Jongho's behaviour was becoming increasingly erratic and unpredictable.
One moment he was stonefaced and would barely speak, and the other he would do an entire live belting love songs at the top of his voice.
And there were his disappearances to the gym, which he was now claiming acted as his alone time that no one should interrupt. To be frank, even if the members wanted to they would not be able to, seeing as Jongho was secretive of its location.
Hongjoong had a couple ideas as to what it could be, but chose to not share it with the others out of respect for the maknae. If he wanted to keep things on the down low, he should have the right.
But as a responsible hyung and captain, Hongjoong felt it to be his duty to pull him aside. This had started a few months ago, but recently had become noticeable. He chose to ambush Jongho when he was sure the younger would not be able to escape.
Other members were still getting ready for a photoshoot, while Jongho and Hongjoong had some time at their liberty to lounge around.
"Hey, Jongho, can I talk to you for a minute? Outside."
Jongho's blood ran cold at the sudden change in tone. What did Hongjoong want to talk about? Mustering his best impression of a confident and self-assured man who was totally not hiding anything, he followed the older man outside of the changing room and into a more private seating area.
"Okay, so, I don't mean to pry but excuse me what the heck?"
Well that was unexpected. Jongho's eyes widened.
"Wh-what do you mean, hyung?" He cursed at himself; what was that uncharacteristic stutter? Who was he right now? He felt his throat go dry.
"You know exactly what I mean, Jongho. What's up with you? And don't tell me that it is nothing, I have eyes and a brain."
Jongho desperately wanted to make some snide remark in return, but knew better than that. In Hongjoong's eyes he could read desperation and it was almost as if he already knew everything, but just wanted to hear Jongho admit it.
A silence weighed down on the pair, and to the maknae it was as heavy as the world.
For the majority of his life, he prided himself on being the type of guy who was not afraid of anything. If there was a challenge, he was ready to face it head on even if others told him that it was a lost cause.
For him, that was an opportunity.
Mature, dependent. Both mentally and physically strong. Even though he was an idol, he had the mental resolve and drive of an Olympian.
And this exact mindset was why he was confident that he could give you his heart.
Truth be told, you had his heart since a pretty long time ago anyways, just not romantically.
But that came to change when you and him started "hanging out", initially just as two people who admired one another's work, and then as two people who were undeniably infatuated.
The champion mindset also helped both of you plan ahead and form date strategies that were specially designed to fool press, had they ever gotten on your tail.
From unexpected route changes to even sometimes timing your dates, you and Jongho had taken a very tactical approach. As if you were training for a competition. So much so that maybe that was what made Jongho start behaving that way in general.
Which did work then it came to more distant friends and colleagues, but... not the other members of ATEEZ. And especially not Hongjoong. Jongho should have known better. Now he had to come clean.
So he began. Began by recounting the time that he received his first message from you after the his silly escapade with the note stuffed in his group's album.
"Okay bonus points for promoting us. But she was already a fan of ours, no? What if she had the album?"
"It was a risk I was willing to take."
"Anyways, that was off-topic. Do go on, I have yet to hear any details about why you are mystery man as of late."
So Jongho explained how you two had the bright idea of organising your dates at various gyms during times when the only types of people who could be there would be true gym bros or staff. Hongjoong had to admit, it was definitely the most careful approach he had heard in a while. Some other members' past attempts had been comical.
Jongho brushed over and not to mention the fact that you had been at one of their recent music show performances, though you did have a good covery story since you were with with two fellow team mates who were fans of some of the other groups that performed.
But what no one was aware of was how both you and Jongho disappeared for a solid quarter of an hour just to meet - luckily he knew the venue like the back of his hand at this point, so there were enough places to choose from.
After reiterating that both him and you were placing security and reputation above all else and were approaching every rendezvous with the seriousness of an investor risking his entire stock, he diverged.
He wanted to appeal to Hongjoong's emotions, something which he rarely did... to anyone really. It was more likely that he would approach someone and throw a couple of playful punches than drown in some 'feels'.
Hongjoong was so taken aback that he was almost disgusted, but nevertheless sat through Jongho's monologue on how "you know you go compose music and come back at random times, or you spend hours modifying clothing or shoes or something and that time is never enough. Well that is how it is with Y/N."
"Believe me, I am still very much career focused, and, I'll have you know, so is she, but even though..." he paused, unsure if he could even use the pronoun in the way that his mind wanted to, but decided to go with it
"we are in different worlds... different playing fields," he chuckled, "we are one in the same when it comes to values, principles and what we want overall."
"And what about when you go on tour, keep in mind, that the only reason why you were able to meet was because we did not have any schedules abroad yet. The next half a year is going to be crazy if you want to keep this up." Hongjoong countered, leaning against the wall behind him and giving his friend a once over.
He could not catch a single trace of the nervous wreck that had initially followed him into the room. Before him stood a man with intent, one who had is heart set and mind clear. And that was evident from Jongho's answer.
"Oh we have that planned out. If you want to hear the details, I'd be happy to explain." When he received a nod in confirmation, he proudly elaborated on how you two had spent an entire evening, two weeks ago, comparing schedules and down to the possible hours available, wrote out contact times and rest breaks in your phones.
"Damn, isn't that like... overwhelming?" Hongjoong felt tired just from hearing that.
"But it works, so it is worth it." Jongho stood his ground.
All this conversation really did was confirm that he indeed was serious about you, and was not going to let go any time soon, if ever.
Hongjoong had no choice but to give his blessing to the maknae, not before scolding him and telling him to be a bit more chill with the others and for him to keep that military energy to his relationship.
Mission success. He was free. And most importantly, free to love.
Once the captain was out of the room, and Jongho himself was heading out, he took his phone from his pocket to shoot you a quick text divulging the details of what just happened, and to wish you luck for the coming stressful period of trying out for the national team.
He grinned to himself when he opened the conversation with you. Both of you had saved each other as "PT 🏋🏻‍♀️" and took the liberty to choose the strangest photographs that both obscured identity and had the power to start a laughing fit.
His photo of you was a blurry shot of you mid freestyle routine, contorted like a forest goblin and reaching after the football like it was "your precioussss"
Oh gosh he was in love with this.
To be fair the photo that you had of him was equally as flattering, and on top of that your collection need not be 'homemade', as you had eagle-eyed memelord fans on your side to give you bullying content (all in good fun of course, you could never attack this teddy bear who you had completely fallen for)
His entire focus on the screen, he barely noticed a wild Yeosang, totally still, with a smug face.
"Oh hey, Yeosang, didn't see you there. What brings you out here?"
"Room got too loud. Mingi is singing something that sounds like death metal, Woo has reached the stage where he is laughing so hard no sound is coming out and 'joong and 'hwa look like lost parents."
"I see. So the usual." Jongho looked off to the side awkwardly, while Yeosang held his gaze level and was unfazed.
"You are down bad, bro." A short phrase, but one that shot through the maknae, making him gasp and nearly burst out laughing. So he heard everything. Of course he did.
"Any chance of making you keep this quiet?"
"I'll give you exactly one way to bribe me, and then I'll take this with me to the grave if you want."
"What is it?"
"Fried chicken. Any time I ask. For a month."
"Done deal."
"Pleasure doing business with you. Now let's go, we've been doing whatever for long enough."
And that was how Jongho managed to arrange for your relationship to be kept entirely secret for the next year and a half.
You had qualified for the national team, and ATEEZ was making it big. He was cheering for you, and you were cheering for him.
Though the time you could spend together fluctuated and was constantly adapting, neither of you were ever deterred by it, taking it day by day, being open and highly responsible when it came to your relationship. You two were the constant.
Slowly but surely, Jongho's reputation as an idol sports ace came to an ever higher prominence, as in a couple of variety shows he showed off his impressive coordination when doing some football tricks, power when during a match against another team he completed owned the game as a forward (how could he perform in any other way he was your boyfriend, for goodness' sake)
Hongjoong and Yeosang were totally not grinning like Cheshire cats, having the knowledge that they did. After any time Jongho presented his newly improved skills in a show, Yeosang would approach him to give him a pat on the back, in the style of "you did your girl proud"
Now, after the 1.5 year mark, right about the time when you two began to discuss the potential for making the relationship even more serious, together you decided to approach management to see how you could proceed.
Frankly, neither your agent nor any other staff could care less - pop off kid, you go be a power couple, so long as you make it to practice at 5AM and be a beast out on the pitch. You had not been worried about how that discussion was to go, so it went smoothly.
Jongho, on the other hand, was cracking. He had heard far too many stories of fellow idols being cancelled, getting into scandals or being fired all for just... being in love? And the last thing he wanted was to lose you.
You agreed to accompany him and be there if he needed it.
Though it was a long conversation, the boss was astounded at Jongho being the member to approach him with such a situation. His tactics had to be commended.
Upon hearing that you were waiting outside of the office, you were invited in at the speed of light, only to find out that, as luck would have it, the boss was a supporter of your team.
Your heart light, Jongho's face adorned by a gummy smile and the boss getting an autograph (which you were hesitant to give because you knew you needed to improve and grow, but the boss insisted, saying "an ever brighter future is ahead of you") - you two walked through the building, hand in hand, straight into a practice room where the rest of ATEEZ was gathered.
Jongho had asked Hongjoong beforehand to gather the members just in case, and if things did not work out just make it a legit practice and let him fight his management. But fortunately, things went as best as they could.
And now he could relish in the rest of the members' shock as they saw you walk through the door, HANDS LOCKED WITH THEIR PRECIOUS MAKNAE
After the initial wave of shouting, louder even than the stadiums where you had played, all of you settled down in a circle, mainly to interrogate Jongho and to inquire into your entire life.
The members took a liking to you, realising how you had full understanding of their profession, had total respect of any boundaries, and at the same time, was kind hearted and humorous.
And then you produced small gifts for each of the members out of your bag, and hereby, you gained full approval.
On any other day Jongho would probably punch the living daylights out of Mingi, San and Wooyoung teasing him about "when the wedding was" and call Seonghwa a sentimental mother. But he was too happy to care.
Yunho was happily chatting away with you, while Yeosang was busy unpacking his present.
Jongho caught eyes with Hongjoong, who was sitting to his right and was attempting to quieten the more 'enthusiastic' members down, and reciprocated a warm smile, appreciating the quick thumbs up.
He squeezed your hand, knowing that he was always going to be on your team. Cheering you on.
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choijaehui · 3 months
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the character refs on this blog are old as fuuuuuuck and so out dated... so here are the most recent ones i made for artfight. character profiles under the cut
Name: Choi Jaehui Age: 29 (Oct. 31) Pronouns: he/him Gender: male (trans)
Jaehui is an ultra powerful archmage who goes on a journey to take revenge on the people who killed his master with disgraced knight Joshua Caballero. His key character traits include really awesome things like "repressing all of his negative emotions until he explodes" and "negative self worth despite being one of the most necessary people that keep the entire world from exploding." These traits are only made worse by the torture labyrinth he goes through throughout the story.
Name: Shua Caballero Age: 28 Pronouns: he/him Gender: non-binary
Shua is a disgraced knight that works together with the archmage Choi Jaehui to uncover the greater conspiracy the nobles of the kingdom they live in have created to take control of the world. He dedicated his life to the prestige and honor that comes with being a knight, so he's only now getting to really learn about himself. He's mainly discovered that he's really slutty.
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iamacolor · 2 months
kang huyeong according to hongju: he doesnt laugh. he's expressionless and disloyal. he's inhuman. he's like a smart preschooler.
also kang huyeong with hongju:
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eddiemunsonsdick · 1 month
I don't ship johnto...but I might just to spite people being stupid.
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venomgender · 1 year
very enamored by xanders perception of cjh because it always has a hint of like. The Chill One thats tired of everyones shit and like sure he is relatively calmer than shua (and by extension the bjs) he still very much. his first reaction when seeing his mentors--a man that was like a father figure to him--dead body wasnt 'oh no im so sad' or 'who did this' it WAS very much 'fuck it i'll condem my soul to sufferening for all eternity or whatever. lets bring him back with forbidden magic' which like. is not normal! cjh is very much as insane as shua and everyone else its just a lot less obvious. shua and cjhs """"ship dymanic"""" is very much 'insane one and calm guy but when you look the calm one is so fucked up too. maybe even moreso' and i love them for that. sicko4sicko
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witchlingcirce · 3 months
Maybe I’m just a hater but I feel like Kit being named Christopher Jonathan doesn’t make any sense.
Now obviously the both of these are just two very common names, but I feel like the point of them are that there a very common shadowhunter name combination 😭
Also, neither Rosemary or Johnny grew up raised as shadowhunters and they even kinda disliked shadowhunters. So idk why they would name there son that??? 😭😭
Also he has ancestors with names like Auraline and Ephraim like COME ON BRO STEP UR NAME GAME UP!!! Don’t be ANOTHER CHRISTOPHER
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kimmyungcanjunot · 11 months
My favourite thing about how Chae Jonghyeop plays Kang Bogeol is that you can watch the poor man go through every stage of grieving before he accepts the fact that once more he has to be the one to save the fools he is surrounded by.
Nonsense: happens. Bogeol: I would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.
Proceeds to throw himself into danger and silliness because what's he gonna do? Let his brother and friend solve it themselves? They won't.
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