medusas-daughter · 3 months
for all of S7's faults (and i really don't need to list them) we had some great moments too that were sadly overshadowed by the finale, like we had coparents diyoza/octavia and clarke/gaia that were just so beautiful and perfect and they each tried to protect hope and madi and give them the childhoods they deserved that was beautiful and with how little sapphic rep we have in tv in general i'm a sucker for crumbs those two sets have me giggling kicking my feet everytime them appear on screen like the way clarke and gaia look at each other and bare their souls they have never had a single casual conversation and i'm here for it and the way octavia and diyoza just roast each other 24/7 and trust each other implicitly and have impeccable chemistry is just hot as fuck love itt
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i love shipping/wishing two characters were friends after they either had one conversation, looked at each other blankly ONE TIME or never even met. it’s all in my head and i get to make my own canon, but then i rewatch the show/movie and just get so disappointed when i realise none of it ever happened.
like, what do you mean octaven had one interaction in s1, minty never happened, fox and harper weren’t dating, bellamy and murphy were “just friends”, emori and raven weren’t space gfs after the time skip, niylah literally called octavia the sun and then stayed friends, and clarke and gaia literally raised a child together and had a domestic dinner scene for nothing to happen??????
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okmcintyre · 4 months
send me a character and I'll list:
favourite thing about them: Clarke's tenacity! Her first scene? She fights off two armed guards and LOCKS THEM IN HER CELL BEHIND HER. Then how she handles herself at the dropship ("You think we care who's in charge!?"). Her commitment to getting her people out of MW (despite every other leader before her failing to do so). Praimfaya. AFTER Praimfaya... When Clarke sets her mind on something, she's a force! 💥
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least favourite thing about them: I hated seeing how much crap she put up with in S6 (and even some of the earlier seasons!) I wish she'd value herself enough to apply that tenacity to her own well-being 😅
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favourite line: my answer always changes, but today it's this one from 512. It was refreshing to see Clarke own that 'Wanheda' part of herself after so many years. Loved that energy for her ⤵️
"What if I never see you again? No, not possible. How can you be sure? It's simple. You may be the Commander, but I'm the Commander of Death..."
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brOTP: MURPHY! Their dynamic is sm fun!!
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OTP: Bellarke. For sure 100% I'm always rooting for those two wonderful fools.
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nOTP: I still think the Clarke x Gaia vibes felt really... off? I wasn't a fan. And Cillian definitely wasn't my fave either, but I guess he's actually not meant to be 😅
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random headcanon: Eventually, earthkru has settled peacefully and trained a team of medics: so Clarke decides, after some convincing, to take up life as an artist.
(Though sometimes, when she can't sleep, Bellamy and Madi still find her helping patients in the med tent...)
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unpopular opinion: she wasn't completely wrong with all her S5 decisions. Some of them, like shock-collaring her daughter? YES! But feeling obligated to get a 12 year old girl tf away from Wonkru and Blodrenia? Maybe not a bad call 🤷‍♀️ Her method was lousy, but her intentions not completely un-understandable.
...and her red hair was COOL! 🤣
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song i associate with them: I'm gonna be predictable again bc ofc it's this one!
favourite picture of them: so many to choose from, but here's an adorable gif! ✨
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smww4ever · 5 months
Diana & Kal-El
I had this sitting in my drafts for months. I don’t where I was intent on going with this. Think it stems from always hearing arguments on how Diana doesn’t understand humanity because she’s a goddess and Clark will go crazy without LL.
Humanity created these two fictional characters and really dumps on them. Lately have been seeing them, being killed all the time. Our vision has been skewered.
Mother and Father of Superhero’s
Diana & Kal
Diana is of the Earth whether her origin is penned as being fashioned from clay or a demigod daughter of Zeus, her origins are from Gaia, Mother Earth. Even the Genesis creation story fashions all of humanity from dust.
Kal-El though human-like in appearance is an alien from a different galaxy strategically sent to earth by his scientist father. His father calls him to be an example to humans, to empathize and understand their weaknesses and strengths. Being that he is raised as a human, he knows humanness and gains more knowledge as he comes into his complete self. Both Clark and Kal are Superman.
Superman and Wonder Woman are aspirations for all of humanity. Aspiration is defined as “a strong hope or wish for achievement or success”.
All of humanity grounds Superman. Not just one person. He is essentially tethered to Earth. (via X)
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wonderswritings · 2 years
The Dark Years
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Summary: Five years. The last of the human race in a bunker. Our friends in space. Five years. Who knew that in those five years we’d turn into monsters. 
Warnings: Angst, Character Death, Child Character Death, Blood, Murder, Killing, Sorta Dark Themes
Pairings: Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader, Clarke Griffin x Fem!Twin!reader
Request: FF AU where Octavia killed reader after she killed Raelyn n Maria n reader was grieving/angry so they fought n reader lost the Bellamy's reaction to finding out she was alive and killed by his sister
Fighting For… Masterlist
Send me FF requests! 
Tags are Open!
This one's a long one. I tried to keep the timeline canon with FF but somewhere along the way I messed it up so it's a good thing these are au's 😂 
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
One year after Praimfaya:
Grabbing your head, you slid down the wall to the floor, tears streaming down your face.
“Why won’t you just leave me alone?”
A hand reached for your knee, squeezing.
“Because I love you.”
You sniffled, shaking your head as you looked up.
“But you’re not here.”
Bellamy smiled, slightly tilting his head to the side.
“We promised, remember? Always by each other’s side.”
You shook your head, tears streaming down your face.
“I- bu- but yo-you broke it! You left me. You left me! You left me behind! Yo- you left me.”
He shook his head, tears welling in his eyes.
“I didn’t want to.”
You shook your head, lowering your head back onto your arms.
“YN, sweetheart, please, look at me.”
You sniffled, shaking your head. You tensed when he grabbed your arm, gently pulling at it, causing you to lift your head, looking over at him.
“If I could be here with you, I would. I would do anything, give anything, to be by your side. I never meant to leave you.
You sniffled, shaking your head.
“You hurt me.”
He shook his head, sighing softly.
I never meant to hurt you.”
“I- I’m going crazy. I- you have to stop.”
You shook your head, pushing yourself off the wall so you were standing, walking away from Bellamy.
“You’re not here. You’re in space. You’re so far away. I- I will always love you, Bellamy. But you- you need to stop. I- I can’t keep doing this.”
Bellamy stood up, walking towards you, wrapping his arms around your middle from behind, leaning his head down onto your shoulder.
“I’m still here because of you, sweetheart. Because I love you.”
You sighed, your shoulders slumping as you shook your head.
“Then you should leave because of me.”
You turned your head to the side, sighing when you didn’t see Bellamy, shaking your head as you fell to the floor, tears welling in your eyes.
“I love you too.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
One year and five months after Praimfaya:
“YN, listen to me. You’re a natblida. The clans will follow you.”
You shook your head, scoffing.
“Wonkru, you mean. There are no cans. We are all one clan. Wonkru.”
Gaia shook her head, sighing.
“Come on YN, even you don’t believe that.”
She reached out, placing her hand over yours, slightly squeezing.
“You can lead us, you should lead us. Be our commander.”
You shook your head as you stood, pulling your hand from hers.
“We tried that once, remember? A lifetime ago, and it didn’t work.”
Gaia sighed, shaking her head.
“Because we were facing our doom, and Roan had a way with words. You are a natblida, YN. If you ascend, the people will follow.”
“Octavia is my sister. I’m not going to turn my back on her, not now, not ever.”
“YN, the people are already fighting her.”
“Which is why we have the fights.”
You turned towards Gaia, shaking your head.
“You’re talking about a coupe. I won’t do it. And if I were you, I’d stop talking about it. Octavia is our queen. I will never turn my back on her. It’s time you stop trying to defy her.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
Two years after Praimfaya:
You shook your head, cutting Maria off as she walked further into the room.
“Don’t. I’ve already heard it from Rex. I don’t need to hear it from you either.”
“I wasn’t going to mention it.”
“You were thinking about it.”
“I wasn’t.”
“But, if I was thinking about it, I’d agree with Rex.” “Maria.” “Don’t Maria me, YN.”
Glancing over at Maria, you shot her a look that fell flat. “You said you weren’t gonna mention it.” “Yeah well, you kept going.”
“I take it back.”
Maria grinned, shaking her head.
“Too late.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
There was a knock, causing you to sigh as you got up, walking towards the door and opening it. You scoffed when you saw who it was, slamming the door shut. You turned, walking back into your room, clenching your jaw when you heard the door opening and closing.
“So help me Gaia-”
“I just want to talk YN”
You shook your head as you sat down on your bed, leaning back against the wall.
“No, you want to try to get me to become the commander. It’s the same conversation with you. All we do is talk in circles, and I’m tired of it. How many times do we have to have this same talk?
Gaia shook her head, slightly grinning.
“Until you agree.”
Gaia cut you off, taking a step forward.
“YN please. I promise, when you become the commander, everyone will follow you. They did it before, remember? When she refused to lead, you stepped up. For those two months, we all lived in peace. That was under your rule, not hers. Wanhei is our commander”
You shook your head as you crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at Gaia where she stood.
“No. I can’t. I won’t. There is too much at stake. I have people to take care of, a family.”
“You’re not the only one here with a family, YN. And you wouldn’t be alone in the fight. You have people who would stand with you.”
“Just like she does. Or did you forget that the majority of the guard is with her? And why does it have to be me? Literally anyone can start a rebellion. It doesn’t have to be me.”
“No, it can’t. You are Wanhei. Legendary Wanhei. You hold more power than you could possibly know.”
You tilted your head to the side, looking over at Gaia, slightly glaring at her.
“What would your mother have to say about this, hmm? If she learned that you are here, talking to me about treason. What then? Even she couldn’t stop Octavia from putting you in the pits.”
“She would understand. Even she knows that what Octavia is doing is wrong.”
“Yet she hasn’t stopped her.”
“Because she would be killed.”
You scoffed, shaking your head.
“And I wouldn’t? There is too-”
Gaia lifted her hand, cutting you off.
“Whether you like it or not, you are the only one who can stop this.”
You watched Gaia as she turned, walking towards the door, you called out to her when she opened the door, causing her to stop and turn back towards you.
“I’d appreciate it if you’d stop talking to Rex and the others. I’ve made my decision. And nothing will change it.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・ 
Two years and four months after Praimfaya:
“Tensions are rising. They’re taking sides, drawing the battle lines.”
“Stop them.”
You shook your head, sighing.
“I’m not fighting a war.”
“Whether you like it or not, you are.”
You turned, looking over at Maria.
“Please, Maria, can’t you just listen to what I’m saying? I don’t want to fight her. I don’t want there to be another war. I don’t want to fight. All we’ve done since we landed is fight. And I’m tired of it.”
Maria sighed, walking towards you, reaching out and taking your hand in hers.
“I know you are, and you deserve the chance to be able to live in peace, truly. But I’m sorry. The only way to achieve that peace you want, is to fight. One last fight. One last war.”
You took a deep breath, mulling it over before you looked over at Maria, sighing.
“One last war.”
She nodded, leaning forward and pressing her forehead to yours.
“One last war.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Two years and eight months after Praimfaya:
“Surrender. Surrender and this can all end, today.”
Shaking your head, you winced as Octavia’s sword cut into your chest.
Octavia opened her mouth to say something when there was a yell, both of you turning. Your eyes widened as Octavia moved her sword away from you, swinging it out towards Maria.
“No!” You moved, tackling Octavia and kicking her sword away as you straddled her, grabbing her arms and holding her down.
Your chest heaved as you turned, looking over at Maria where she laid.
She groaned, causing you to panic more as you turned back towards Octavia, her eyes widening as you lifted your hand, punching her in the jaw. You scrambled away from her, falling to your knees next to Maria, your hands hovering over her as you looked her over, muttering.
“What did you do? What did you do?!”
Maria looked up at you, tears welling in her eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
You shook your head as you placed your hands on her stomach, applying pressure.
“Stop. You need to save your strength.”
“I’m sorry I’m doing this.”
You huffed, looking around for something to use to stop the blood as you shook your head.
“Doing what?”
You tensed, looking down at her, clenching your jaw.
“You are not dying.”
You turned, screaming for help, seeing Octavia moving out the corner of your eye. You kept talking to Maria as the footsteps grew louder, Delania and Rex appearing next to you as Jackson kneeled across from you. 
“What happened?”
One of Jackson’s students appeared next to him, moving your hands out of the way as he pressed gauze onto Maria’s wound.
You leaned back onto your legs, tears welling in your eyes as you shook your head.
“She- she took the hit for me.”
Jackson’s face fell slightly as he nodded, more people arriving. You helped them pick Maria up, placing her on the gurney. You held Maria’s hand, tears clouding your vision as you all rushed to medical.
You looked down at Maria, shaking your head.
“No. I’m not going to li-”
She grabbed your wrist, shaking her head, causing her to wince.
“Please. Take care of Raelyn.”
Jackson looked over at you, shaking his head.
“We have to put her under now, if we want to save her.”
Maria tightened her grip on you, slightly shaking her head as she started to shake.
“Please ai niron. Promise me.” (my love)
“I promise.”
You leaned down, pressing your lips to hers, tasting blood.
“But you’re not dying today.”
She started to seize, blood falling from her mouth as Jackson yelled at you to leave. Tears were streaming down your face as Delani and Rex pulled you out of medical. You shoved them away from you, rushing towards the trash can, heaving. You leaned against the wall, bent over at your knees as you took deep breaths.
“Where is she?”
You shook your head, looking over Delani.
“Where. Is. She.”
“Still in C-block I believe.”
You nodded, standing up and making your way down the hall, Delani and Rex following after you.
“YN, YN wait!”
Rex grabbed your arm, forcing you to turn back towards him, causing you to glare at him.
“If she’s still there, and that’s a big if, Miller and the rest of the guard will also be there. You’d be walking into a death trap.”
“I don’t care.”
“If you go there, she will kill you. And then what? All of this would have been for nothing.”
You pulled your arm from Rex’s grasp, glaring at him.
“I. Don’t. Care.”
Delani stepped forward, placing his hand on Rex’s shoulder, causing Rex to look over at him.
“Let her go.”
Rex was cut off when Jackson appeared, walking towards the three of you.
Jackson looked over at you, slowly shaking his head.
“YN, I- I’m so sorry.”
You took a step back, shaking your head.
“But Maria, she- she lost too much blood. She coded after her seizure, and we couldn’t bring her back.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you walked towards Jackson, stopping in front of him, shaking your head.
“Yo- you have to say it. You have to say it, Jackson.”
Jackson took a deep breath as he reached out, placing his hand on your forearm.
“Maria died. She’s dead.”
A broken scream escaped you as you fell to the floor, tears streaming down your face. Delani knelt next to you, grabbing you and pulling you into his chest as you screamed and sobbed, your screams heard all throughout the bunker. You stayed there for hours, Delani staying next to you while Rex and Antara stood guard at one end of the hall, Fara and Norix standing guard at the other end of the hall.
“Rae- Raelyn.”
“We’ll get her.”
You shook your head, leaning back so you could look at Delani.
“No. It- she needs to hear it from me. It should be me.”
Delani sighed, nodding.
“Alright, but perhaps we can clean up first, yeah?”
You looked down at your clothes, seeing the blood stained on them. Maria’s blood. You nodded, looking over at Delani.
“Raelyn should be with the other kids so the room should be empty.”
Delani nodded, placing his hand under your chin, gently forcing you to look up so you weren’t staring at the blood anymore.
“We’ll send Fara, just to be safe.”
“She can’t tell Raelyn if she’s there.”
“She won’t. I promise. But just to be sure, I’ll let her know not to say anything.”
You nodded, watching Delani as he stood, walking down the hall to Fara, the two talking before Fara left, Delani returning to your side.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・
Three years and six months after Praimfaya:
“This is wrong YN.”
You scoffed, shaking your head as you pulled your cloak on, glancing at the spot where he stood.
“You’re not really here Bellamy. You don’t get an opinion in the matter, or a say in it.”
“Except I will be here, in a year, I’ll be here. I’ll have a say then.”
You huffed, turning on your heel, walking to the door.
“That sounds like a then me problem.”
Bellamy fluttered away when you walked through him, slamming your door shut behind you.
I wouldn’t want this YN. You know I wouldn’t.
You shook your head, scoffing as you walked down the hall.
“It doesn’t matter what you want. Not anymore.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Four years after Praimfaya:
You turned, smiling as Raelyn ran to you, falling to your knees, letting her wrap her arms around your neck as you leaned down.
“Ai strik skaifaya.” (my little star)
You leaned back, pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, you hand lingering on her cheek.
“Did you have fun with your ani?” (aunt)
She nodded, her face breaking out into a big smile as you stood, picking her up, holding her on your hip.
“Yes! She showed me the pits and we spared with the sticks!”
You made a face, tilting your head to the side, seeing Delani walking towards you both.
“She showed you the pits?”
Raelyn nodded as Delani shot you a look, causing you to shrug in response as he sat down at the table.
“Yeah! It was a lot of fun!”
You shook your head, looking over at her, grinning.
“Guess what my little skaifaya?”
“Delani has a surprise he wants to show you. Just for you.”
She jumped, squirming in your arms as she turned towards Delani, making grabby hands at him. He laughed, getting up and taking Raelyn from you, Raelyn wrapping her arms around his neck. He tickled her sides, causing her to laugh, a smile growing on your face as you watched the two.
“Are you ready to go see your surprise, strik won?” (little one)
Raelyn nodded, laughing as she clapped her hands.
“Yes! Yes! Please!”
Delani laughed, nodding towards you.
“Give your momma a hug and a kiss and we’ll go.”
Raelyn nodded, trying to get out of Delani’s arms, Delani laughing as he put her on the floor, Raelyn running to you. You knelt down, wrapping your arms around Raelyn as she pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek.
“Love you momma!”
You smiled, kissing her forehead.
“I love you to, little skaifaya. Be good for your uni, okay?” (uncle)
She nodded, jumping up and down.
“I will. Promise!”
You laughed as she ran back towards Delani, Delani picking her up, handing her to one of the guards, promising her it was a part of her surprise when she deflated. Once Raelyn was out of the room, he turned towards you, tilting his head to the side as you stood.
“She showed Raelyn the pits?”
You nodded, clenching your jaw.
"Of course, she did. Blodreina can do no wrong.”
Delani shook his head, shooting you a look.
“What are you going to do?”
You turned towards Delani, shaking your head.
“She may be Blodreina, but Raelyn is my child. And I specifically told her that I didn’t want Raelyn anywhere near the pits. Nor do I want her learning how to fight. She’s still a kid.
“Delani nodded, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I know, but she’s only doing what she’s being. All of us grew up learning how to fight.”
You huffed, throwing your hands up, glaring at Delani.
“She just turned four! She’s still too young to be holding a sword, let alone seeing the pits!”
Delani placed his hand on your arm, shaking his head.
“YN, don’t do anything you’ll regret. Raelyn already lost her mother, she doesn’t- she can’t lose you too.”
You shook your head, walking towards the door.
“She won’t.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
You glared at the guards who were blocking the entrance, stopping you from entering.
“Ban we au gon ai wonwe.” (move out of my way)
They didn’t move, causing you to huff as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“Nau.” (now)
“Teik emon gouthru klir.” (let her pass)
They moved their spears back to their sides, stepping to the side. You huffed, nodding as you walked into the room, glaring at Octavia. She was sitting in her throne, watching you as you walked towards her, fiddling with her knife.
“Are you out of your mind? You took Raelyn to the pits?”
Gaia shared a look with Indra as you stepped closer to Octavia, glaring at her.
“After I told you I didn’t want her anywhere near them?!”
“YN, maybe you should-”
You glanced at Indra, shaking your head.
You turned back towards Octavia, glaring at her.
“You showed her the pits and then you sparred with her? Are you insane?!”
“Every child must learn to fight.”
You shook your head, pointing a finger at her as she twirled her knife against the armrest of the throne.
“No! Not every child! They have a choice.”
She lifted her head, tilting her head to the side as she looked you over.
“Except Raelyn. You took that choice from her.”
“She just turned four! I told you, I do not want her to learn how to fight until she makes the choice for herself!”
She shrugged, returning her attention to her knife.
“She asked me.”
You scoffed, shaking your head.
“No, the mighty Blodreina mentioned it. Raelyn has never expressed an interest in fighting.”
You stepped closer to her, yanking the knife from her grasp, causing her to look up at you, glaring at you as you threw her knife to the floor, placing your hands on the armrests of her throne, leaning down towards her.
“Raelyn is not to go near the pits again and you are not to spare with her.”
Octavia scoffed, shaking her head as she clenched her jaw.
“I believe Wanhei has forgotten her place. She is not in charge her. I am.”
She stood up, causing you to take a step back.
“Wanhei ste ded. Teik emon kom emon baggeda. Bokn ai nomon ste dednes. Kep emon der.” (wanhei is tired. take her to her room. being a mother is exhausting. keep her there)
The guards standing beside her nodded, moving towards you and reaching for your arms. You scoffed, pulling your arms back, glaring up at them.
“Nou toch op emon.” (don’t touch me)
You turned, walking towards the door before you stopped, turning back around, matching Octavia’s glare.
“Blodreina is not allowed near my daughter again. When I see my sister instead of Blodreina, then you can see her.”
The guards pushed your forward, causing you to huff as they escorted you to your room.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
You jumped up when the alarms sounded, running to your door and opening it. The guards Octavia had bring you to your room once again blocked your path, causing you to glare up at them.
“Ashon!” (move)
They shook their heads, barely sparing you a glance.
“Kom nau!” (now)
“Osir don hedon.” (we have orders)
“My daughter is out there! Now move, or I will make you.”
They glanced at each other before they stepped to the side, causing you to nod.
“Smart choice.”
You ran down the hall, pushing your way through the people who were running to their rooms.
“Delani! Delani!”
You ran into his room, your eyes widening when you didn’t see him or Raelyn. You turned, running back out of the room.
“Wanhei! Wanhei!”
You turned, watching as Rex ran towards you, his chest heaving.
“They took them!”
You made a face, tilting your head to the side.
“Who took who?”
“Blodreina. Sh- she took Delani and Raelyn.”
Your eyes widened as you turned, running to the pits. Octavia’s guards lined the fencing of the pits and the walls, each of them watching you as you ran to the front. You gasped, coming to a stop as your eyes landed on them. Octavia stood over Raelyn, a bloodied sword in her hands.
You ran forward, falling to your knees beside Raelyn, picking her up as tears welled in your eyes.
You pushed her hair back out of her face, your eyes widening when you saw the streak of blood they left behind on her forehead. You looked her over, seeing the growing spot of blood on her front.
You shook your head, sniffling.
“No, no. Raelyn, Raelyn sweetie, wake up.”
She didn’t move, causing you to shake your head as you reached up, wiping your tears.
“Ai strik skaifaya, beja.” (my little star, please)
You hesitated as you reached down to her neck, checking her pulse.
“Please little star.”
You leaned down, placing your forehead against hers when you felt no pulse, sobbing.
“Strik skaifaya!” (little star)
You sniffled, taking deep breaths as you leaned back, looking over at Octavia, your eyes landing on her sword that dripped blood.
“You did this.”
You shook your head, gently lowering Raelyn to the floor before you stood, stalking towards Octavia.
“You did this!”
You slammed into her, pushing her to the floor. You punched her, tears streaming down your face.
“You did this! You did this!”
You continued to hit her until someone grabbed you, yanking you off her.
“Let me go! Let me go!”
They tightened their grip on you as they pulled you away from Octavia, someone helping her stand. She looked at you as she wiped the blood from her lip, slightly shaking her head as you tried to pull yourself free.
“Let me go!”
She nodded at the person who was holding you, causing them to let you go. You sniffled, turning back towards Raelyn. You knelt beside her, reaching out and hesitantly closing her eyes before you picked her up, ignoring the way her head rolled to the side, hitting your chest as you walked out of the pits.
“YN, you kno-”
You shook your head, glaring.
No one stopped you as you walked out of the pits. Everyone starting to come out of their rooms now that the alarms had stopped, stopping when they saw you. No one stopped you, but you could hear their whispers and murmurs as you passed them.
You looked up, seeing Delani come out of a room, holding his side, his hand bloodied. He went to say something when his eyes widened, looking up at you as tears welled in his eyes, shaking his head. “No.”
You said nothing as you walked past him, hearing him follow behind you.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Five years after Praimfaya:
There were whispers, of the shadow who stalked the bunker. Wonkru refused to call you by your new name, Trikdaun, instead choosing to call you Kriptrikova, the demon shadow. Blodreina called for your head, the elites patrolling the halls, searching for you. It’d been a year since you went into hiding, keeping to the shadows, away from prying eyes. Bellamy and the others were meant to return yesterday, but there was nothing. No sign of any attempts to open the bunker from the outside. No radio calls were made, the same static sound the only thing received. Time was given, the slither of hope that’d been lost years ago had returned, but twenty-four hours later, and that hope was once again squandered. It’d settled in, the reality that this was life now, and there was no chance of ever leaving the bunker. It also brought a sense of dread, because while the visions you’d have of Bellamy had slowed, they were no longer a prominent fixture like they were the first two years. But you’d been seeing again, since the announcement came over the speakers that the bunker was going to be our new reality, you started to see him again. He never said anything, and all it did was confirm what you’d known for some time, Bellamy was dead. It was real now, with them not returning, it solidified that they were dead. And now there was nothing stopping you.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
She jumped, her eyes wide as she turned towards you.
You stepped out of the shadows, pulling the hood of your cloak down.
“You told me once that Wanhei is our commander. That the people would follow.”
Gaia took a deep breath, nodding.
“I did.”
“So then do it. Make me the commander.”
Gaia’s eyes widened as she gasped softly, slightly shaking her head.
“No. Wanhei is the commander and the people will follow. Make me the commander Gaia, or I’ll find someone who will.”
Gaia stepped forward, shaking her head. 
“No, no. I’ll do it, but YN, are you sure?”
“I’m here, aren’t I?”
“No, I mean, are you sure that you should do this now? Yo- you’re grieving. I’m not sure-”
“Do you want to spend the rest of our lives under Blodreina’s rule? How many more people have to die before she’s stopped?”
“YN, I just want you to be sure. It’s could be dangerous-”
“That wasn’t a problem before. You weren’t worried about it being dangerous when you would come to my room every week and beg me to do it. Nor were you worried about it when you’d go behind my back and talk to the others. You’re not worried that it’s dangerous. You’re worried that I’ll be like Sheidheda. I promise you, I won’t. Yeah, I’m angry. And yeah, I want her dead. But this isn’t about me. This is about those we’ve lost, and those still living. It’s about who we are. Things need to change. Or we’re all going to die as monsters.”
Gaia took a deep breath as she turned, walking away from you.
She moved some things around before she turned, walking back towards you and opening her hand, showing the flame.
“Let’s get started.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Five years and four months after Praimfaya:
“This end’s today!”
Everyone cheered, lifting their weapons.
“Nou Blodreina nowe!” (blodreina no more)
“Nou Blodreina nowe! Nou Blodreina nowe!”
The cheering turned to screams as a flash bomb went off, smoke grenades being thrown not long after.
“Nyxheda! Nyxheda this way!”
Delani grabbed your arm, pulling you away as you covered your face with your other arm. It was hard to see through the smoke, people slamming into you as they tried to get away. Delani pulled you out into the hallway as the alarm sounded, the lights turning red when the first gunshot sounded, causing you to stop, pulling your arm from Delani.
“Nyxheda, no!”
You turned back towards Delani, shaking your head.
“Those are my people! I will not stand by while they’re being slaughtered!”
You turned to run back when Delani grabbed you, holding you down. You managed to wiggle free, reaching back and punching Delani in the face, causing him to let you go. You ran back in, trying to help those you could, get out. When the smoke cleared, you gasped, your eyes widening. Bodies laid on the floor, blood practically covering the entire floor.
“Oh god.”
Tears welled in your eyes as you looked around, slightly shaking your head.
You turned, seeing Delani and Gaia slowly walk in, looking around, their eyes widening.
“Blodreina did this. She has to pay.”
“YN, the flame can’t be telling you t-”
“It is! They are all screaming for vengeance. Including Lexa. So don’t try to tell me that this is wrong or try and talk me out of it. Because I’m done. One way or the other, this ends, today.”
You turned, walking out, your hand on the hilt of your sword. The voices from the flame were growing louder, overlapping as you walked down the hall. You turned, letting out a scream as you slammed your fist into the wall. You leaned back against the wall, sliding down to the floor, drawing your knees up to your chest, resting your arms on top of your legs, looking your hand over. Your hand was bleeding, the black blood spreading as you tried to wipe it so you could see the damage but all you were really doing was making a bigger mess. The blood spread, covering the top of your hand. You opened and closed your hand, testing the pain when you realized, the flame had stopped talking.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
It was quiet, too quiet. The lights still flashed red, but the alarms had stopped and now everything was quiet. 
You turned your head, looking up, seeing Delani and Gaia, Rex walking out from behind them. He moved to kneel next to you, nodding towards your hand.
“We should clean that up, yeah?”
You said nothing as you gave Rex your hand, watching as he started to clean the blood away.
“We- there’s twenty-eight dead. A couple are injured, but so far, they don’t look life threatening. Norix, he was- he didn’t make it.”
You clenched your jaw as Rex wrapped your knuckles, Gaia stepping forward, moving to kneel in front of you.
“Blodreina and her guards are waiting, they’re at the border.”
Once Rex was done you clenched and unclenched your hand, nodding as you stood.
“Then it’s time we go to war.”
Rex stood, shooting you a look.
“Wait. Are you hurt anywhere else?”
You clenched your jaw, shaking your head.
“YN, you went back where they were openly shooting. Are you sure that you weren’t hit?”
You huffed, nodding.
“I’m sure.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
She was waiting, just like Gaia said. Standing in the middle of her people, waiting. You stopped in front of her, the line separating Wonkru and Dokwokru between you both. She looked you over before she glanced at your people, the group of them standing on either side of you and behind you.
“You’re still alive.”
“Shocker, I know. But you did kill others, good people.”
She clenched her jaw, looking over at those next to you.
“You all have a choice, one I’ve offered you before. Join Wonkru, and live.”
Her people stood taller, yelling as one.
“You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru!”
She smirked, nodding slightly.
“You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru. You still have a chance to live.”
She looked over at you, slightly shaking her head.
“It doesn’t have to be like this.”
You clenched your jaw, tightening your grip on the hilt of your sword.
“Yes, it did.”
You charged forward, lifting your sword and bringing it down towards her, everyone else starting to fight.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
It was chaos. Everyone was fighting each other, and between the fights were those trying to help the injured. Somehow you’d found your way into the arena, just you and her. Your hand burned while the flame yelled at you to finish it, finish her. She’d lifted her pistol, aiming it at you but you hit her hand, causing her to miss, the gunshot ringing in your ears as you kicked the pistol away from her. You punched her in the face, her head snapping to the side from the force of it while you kicked her legs out, causing her to fall to the floor. You climbed on top of her, placing the tip of your knife at her throat, your grip on the hilt of it tightening as you leaned down towards her, looking down at her.
“The twin.” You smirked slightly as you turned, looking over at Octavia. “The girl under the floor.” She grinned, nodding. “We’re going to get along just fine.”
“You both act like a married couple.” Octavia looked between you both, her eyes slowly widening. “Oh my god, you’re together! This is the best thing ever.”
“Thank you.” Octavia grinned, shrugging. “Well, you are my future sister-in-law.”
“Promise me, you won’t put my name on the list but Bellamy will be on there. Him and Octavia both.” Clarke took a deep breath, nodding as she leaned forward, grabbing your hand. “I promise.”
“She can’t die Clarke, please.” Clarke squeezed your hand, offering you a small smile as Octavia was taken to medical. “She won’t. I promise.”
“It’s my decision YN. I know what the odds are. And if I fall, at least Bellamy’ll have you.” You sighed, nodding as you wrapped your arms around her. Octavia hesitated before she returned the hug, sighing. “Make sure you kick their asses.” “I will.”
“For five years? We’ll make it our bitch.” Octavia snorted a laugh, shaking her head. “Thank you.” “For what?" “For being here.”
“No. She needs to do this herself.” You scoffed, shaking your head as you grabbed your knife. “Wanhei and Oeslaya together.”
“It’s okay, YN. Bellamy would want you to be happy.” “It just, it feels wrong.” Octavia shook her head, kneeling in front of you and grabbing your hand. “YN, you deserve to be happy. So, if she makes you happy, then be with her. It’s okay.”
“Octavia, this is Raelyn. She’s Maria’s daughter.” You glanced over at Maria, seeing her nod, offering you a small smile. “And mine.” Octavia smiled, reaching her hand out towards Raelyn. “Hi sweetheart.” Raelyn made a face at Octavia’s hand, causing you to grin as you bounced her in your arms. “It’s okay, this is your aunt, your ani.” Octavia looked up at you, tears welling in her eyes. “Really?” You nodded, smiling. “Of course Octavia, you’re my sister. You’re family.”
Your grip on your knife loosened as you leaned up, the flame growing louder, the voices of the previous commanders overlapping over each other.
You moved the knife away from her neck, shaking your head.
“No. No, this isn’t- I won’t. Too many lives have been lost. I won’t add my sister to the list.”
Octavia leaned up slightly, clenching her jaw.
“But I will.”
She grabbed your hand holding the knife, a sickening crack sounding as she twisted your hand, plunging the knife in your chest. You gasped a choked cough, blood spilling from your mouth. You slowly lowered your head, looking down at the knife. Octavia jerked the knife up as your hand let the knife go, the force of it causing you to fall back, Octavia moving to lean over you.
“Yu gonplei ste odon Nyxheda.” (your fight is over)
You gasped as she plunged the knife deeper, coughing up more blood. With a harsh yank she pulled the knife out, blood pouring from the wound. She stood, dropping the knife as you started to choke on your own blood, walking around the arena. You slowly turned your head, your vision becoming blurry as you watched her pick something up. She turned, walking back towards you, cocking her gun. She stood over you, aiming at your head.
“The war is over.”
You closed your eyes when the gunshot sounded, expecting to feel nothing. But you could still feel the pain in your chest. Peeking your eyes open, you saw Octavia running away as more gunshots sounded. Slowly turning your head, you blearily made out Delani leading the others as Gaia kneeled next to you.
Coughing, you turned to look at her, shaking your head.
“Ga- Gaia.”
You lifted your hand, noticing the shake as Gaia took it in hers.
“You’re gonna be okay. We did it. Wonkru’s forces are no more. Those still standing surrendered. Blodreina is on the run.”
You smiled, coughing as you nodded.
“We did it.”
She nodded, smiling down at you.
“We did it. You did it.”
“I- I did it.”
You watched as she turned, yelling.
“Oh my god.”
You looked over, seeing Jackson kneeling next to you. You grinned, coughing.
“Hey Doc. Do- Don’t think you can get m-me out of this one this time.”
He shook his head, cutting your blood-soaked shirt and peeling it away.
“Don’t underestimate me. I’ve gotten you out of some pretty bad situations before.”
You laughed, gasping as you coughed, Jackson shooting you a look.
“Stop laughing. And stop talking.”
“Aye aye, Doc.”
You turned your head to the side, letting Jackson work, sighing softly.
Maria smiled, tears welling in your eyes when Raelyn ran out from behind her.
“Strik skaifaya.” (little star)
The tears started to fall as they walked towards you, Maria kneeling next to you, Raelyn sitting beside her.
“You’re here.”
Maria smiled as she nodded, reaching out and cupping your cheek.
“Always, ai niron.” (my love)
Gaia shook her head, slightly tapping her hand against your cheek.
“Keep your eyes open, YN.”
“You- the flame. When I die-”
She shook her head, squeezing your hand.
“You are not dying.”
“When I die, you have to- to take the flame.”
“Pro- promise me.”
Gaia sighed, nodding.
“I promise.”
You gasped, your eyes widening slightly as you smiled.
He smiled as he kneeled next to you, pushing your hair back out of your face.
“I’ve missed you. So much.”
“Not like me.”
He laughed, nodding.
“Open your eyes YN!”
You gasped, your eyes opening. Jackson leaned over you, pushing your hair back out of your face.
“We almost lost you there for a second. I know you’re stubborn, but at least work with me and not against me.”
You huffed, nodding.
“I’m going to put you under, here. I can’t risk moving you so, we’re going to do the surgery here.”
You nodded, muttering a soft “okay” as Jackson disappeared from your view.
You turned, gasping.
Gaia’s eyes widened, looking down at you. Your eyes were closed, a soft smile on your face as you muttered.
Gaia held her hand out when Jackson went to put you under, shaking her head.
“Gaia if I don’t-”
“It won’t matter. It’s too late.”
Lexa kneeled next to you, smiling.
“You’ve done well strik gona. You’ve fought well.” (little warrior)
“I’m tired.”
She nodded, grabbing your hand, gently squeezing.
“I know. And it’s okay. You can rest now.”
Delani was kneeling next to Gaia, tears in his eyes as he squeezed your hand.
“You can rest now YN. We’ll be okay.”
They watched you take a shaky, broken breath, your eyes slowly falling shut. Delani gasped a broken sob as your hand fell limp in his. He turned towards Rex, Fara and Antara glaring.
“Find Blodreina.”
They nodded, leaving the arena where Octavia had run out. Someone had come up behind Delani, handing him your cloak. Delani placed it over you, tears streaming down his face, blurring his vision.
“Nyxheda has fallen.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Eight Months Later: (six years after praimfaya)
He’d looked everywhere, but he couldn’t find her anywhere, causing him to panic. He found Indra once he was back above ground, making his way to her.
She turned, looking up at him.
“Indra, where is Octavia? Where’s my sister?”
Indra shook her head, sighing softly.
“A lot has happened, Bellamy. Things are different now.”
“Where is she?”
Indra turned, nodding slightly.
“Bellamy, this is Delani.”
Delani turned, looking Bellamy over, slightly glaring at him.
“He’s one of the four in charge. He can answer whatever questions you have.”
Bellamy nodded, looking up at Delani.
“Where’s my sister?”
Delani huffed, looking back down at Indra.
“Rex, Antara and Fara are waiting for you.”
Indra nodded, walking off, Bellamy crossing his arms over his chest as he glared up at Delani.
Delani clenched his jaw, looking over at Bellamy.
“She’s alive.”
“Where is she?”
“There are some things you need to know first.”
Delani turned, walking off. He huffed as he came to a stop, looking over his shoulder.
“Are you coming or not?”
Bellamy clenched his jaw as he nodded, muttering as he followed after him.
“Yeah, I’m coming.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Tears welled in Bellamy’s eyes as he looked down at the journal, shaking his head.
“She’s alive. Sh- she made it.”
Delani hummed softly, watching as Bellamy slowly flipped through the journal.
“There were six of us. We brought her back. And we protected her. When she woke up and was stable, she started to write. I have them all.”
Bellamy slightly made a face, tilting his head to the side as he looked over at Delani.
“You do? Why?”
“She stopped writing for a time, but then she picked it back up.”
“Why do you have her journals?”
Bellamy shook his head, huffing.
“Why are you the one telling me all of this? Where is she? Where is YN?”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Bellamy followed behind Delani, making a face as he eyed the two men who stood next to the door.
“Where are we going?”
Delani didn’t answer him as he opened the door, nodding as motioned for Bellamy to go first. Bellamy shot him a look as he walked by him, his eyes widening as he walked in, Delani closing the door as he entered.
“What is-”
“You wanted to know where she is. This is where she is.”
Bellamy made a face, shaking his head.
“I don’t-”
“YN was killed eight months ago. By your sister.”
Bellamy’s mouth fell open as he turned, looking over at Delani.
“Octavia became a tyrant. She was Blodreina. She killed YN’s girlfriend. And then she killed her daughter. So, YN became Nyxheda.”
“Shadow Commander.”
Delani walked towards the table, picking something up, turning towards Bellamy, lifting his hand, showing the flame.
“This is YN. She was our Commander. She led us here, to today.”
“What happened?”
“There was a war. It started at the border, but it ended in the arena. YN- the flame was angry. Octavia was supposed to protect us, but instead she killed us. And they were angry. YN was fueled by her own vengeance, the loss of you, and the vengeance of the flame.”
“Loss of me?”
“On the five-year mark, when there was no sign that you were coming, that was the day she became the Commander."
Bellamy stopped breathing, shaking his head. If only they could've made radio contact, then maybe, just maybe everything could've been avoided and YN would still be here.
"And when it came down to it, she chose to let Octavia live. She couldn’t do it. Octavia was her family, her sister. She’d always said that she could never turn on Octavia, could never hurt her, no matter how many times we pleaded with her to become the Commander, she would always say no. She chose to let Octavia live, and Octavia chose to kill her. I wasn’t with her, not until the end, but Gaia was with her. Her and Jackson. Gaia said that YN saw you. She saw you, Maria, Raelyn. She even saw Lexa. After- after we’d captured Octavia, and we’d helped the wounded, this place was built.”
Delani turned, placing the flame back on the small stand on the table.
“A sanctuary built to honor those we’ve lost, and honor the one who saved us. I have her journals because YN trusted me to have them.”
He grabbed the remaining journals, handing them to Bellamy.
“But I believe she would’ve wanted you to have them.”
Bellamy reached for the journals, tears falling down his face as he looked down at them.
“You haunted her.”
Bellamy sniffled, making a face as he looked over at Delani, whispering.
“She saw you everywhere. She told me the first time she saw you was when she was out there, trying to get to the island. But she said she was delirious and in pain, so she didn’t think anything of it. Not until it happened when she was in the bunker. She always said she couldn’t hurt Octavia, but really, I think the main reason why she couldn’t was because of you. Because she still loved you. The journals can tell you more. They will tell you more. She was more honest with them than with me.”
Delani sighed softly, nodding.
“Octavia is in the cells. YN refused to kill her, and no matter my feelings, I will honor her wishes. I always will. So, Octavia lives. If you want, I can take you to her.”
Bellamy nodded, taking a deep breath as he looked over at Delani.
“Take me to her.”
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Bellamy’s head was racing as he stood in front of the door, taking a few deep breaths before he reached out, opening the door. She was sitting on the bench, looking down at the floor. She slowly looked up, her eyes widening as she gasped.
She jumped up, running towards him, wrapping her arms around him. She stepped back when he didn’t return the hug, nodding slightly.
“You know.”
She walked back to the bench, sitting down and leaning back against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Well, go on, get it out. Say it.”
Bellamy scoffed softly, shaking his head.
“I- ho- how could you?”
“She deserved to die. You are Wonkru or you are the enemy of Wonkru. And she was my enemy.”
Bellamy shook his head, laughing harshly.
“Do you hear yourself? YN was your friend. She considered you to be her sister!”
Octavia clenched her jaw, tilting her head to the side. 
“You think I don’t know that? That I don’t know what she did for me? What she lost? I told her to be with Maria. I was Raelyn’s ani.”
“Then why did you do it?”
Octavia looked away from Bellamy, scoffing.
“She deserved it.”
Bellamy shook his head, huffing.
“No, she didn’t. Look at me.”
Octavia shook her head, causing Bellamy to take a step forward, growling.
“Look at me.”
She turned, looking back at him, clenching her jaw.
“You are my sister, but you are not my responsibility.”
Bellamy turned, banging on the door. Once it opened, he walked out, not sparing Octavia a glance. Once the door shut behind him, she leaned her head back, tears welling in her eyes.
・☆: *.☽.* :☆・  
Gaia was checking the back of Madi’s neck, Delani helping her while Clarke checked on Madi, making sure she was okay. Bellamy stood at the door frame; his arms crossed over his chest as he watched them all work.
Clarke shot a worried look at Gaia, Gaia walking around the bed so she was in front of Madi, kneeling next to Clarke.
“Madi, how are you feeling?”
Clarke made a face, tilting her head to the side.
Gaia looked over at Clarke, translating. 
Gaia’s eyes widened as she leaned forward, looking up at Madi.
“Aunt. You’re talking about YN.”
Bellamy’s heart started to race as Madi nodded, smiling as she stood up.
“No wait, Madi-”
She walked past Clarke and Gaia, walking towards Bellamy and grabbing his hand. He slightly made a face, moving to kneel in front of her.
“She says hi.”
Tears welled in Bellamy’s eyes as Madi let his hand go, moving to hug him, her head on his shoulder as she spoke.
“She says she loves you and she’ll always be by your side.”
A broken sob left Bellamy, remembering the day they made that promise.
“I thought you were dead.”
Bellamy shook his head, leaning down, softly pressing his lips to yours.
“I’m right here.”
You sighed, slightly shaking your head as you bit your lip.
“But you weren’t.”
He ran his hands up the top of your thighs, shaking his head as he crowded into your space, placing his hand under your chin and gently forcing you to look up at him.
“I promise, I’ll always be by your side. I’m not going anywhere.”
You nodded, sighing.
You placed your hand on his chest, the other creeping behind his neck, playing with the coarse hair.
“And I promise you, I’ll always be by your side.”
You leaned up, Bellamy closing the remaining distance between you, kissing you. You leaned back first, pressing your forehead to his.
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Everything Tags:
The 100 Tags:
@kloy344 @lexajaye 
@dani5216 @kelseyd07 
@bxnnywatts @thebookisbtr 
Bellamy Blake Tags:
Fighting For… Loves:
@lizlil​ @topazy @ldl0809​ 
@dani5216 @euphor6a @electr1city 
@kelseyd07 @sgarrett49​ @wonielover
@faith-quake @poisoned-girl​ 
@mariaenchanted @sunrisesinthewest @dhaddy-winchester​ 
@multi-fandom-lover7667 @alltoowell-taylorsversion
202 notes · View notes
reiignonme-moving · 2 years
                  A  COURT  OF  THORNS  &  ROSES.
AELIS   (  OC / Illyrian / Anya Chalotra fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. QIANNA   (  Daughter of Tarquin OC / High Fae / Angel Coulby fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. RHYSAND   (  Canon / High Fae / Regé-Jean Page fc / bisexual  ). TAMLIN  (  Canon / High Fae / Austin Butler fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                A  SONG  OF  ICE  &  FIRE.
AEGON I TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Travis Fimmel fc / straight  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. AEGON III TARGARYEN   ( Canon / Human / Toby Regbo fc / straight ). AEMMA VELARYON   (  Twin of Lucerys OC / Human / Caitlin Stasey fc / bisexual  ). CASSANA ESTERMONT   (  Canon / Human / Poppy Drayton & Lara Pulver fc / straight  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. CASSANDRA BARATHEON   (  Canon / Human / Laura Berlin fc / bisexual  ). CERSEI LANNISTER   (  Canon / Human / Lena Headey fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. DAEMON TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Matt Smith fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAENAERA VELARYON   (  Canon / Human / Yasemin Allen fc / pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAENERYS TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Emilia Clarke fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. DOREAH   (  Canon / Human / Kylie Bunbury fc / bisexual  ). DREAMFYRE   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Jing Tian fc / lesbian  ). ELLARIA SAND   (  Canon / Human / Melike İpek Yalova fc / bisexual  ). JON SNOW   (  Canon / Human / Kit Harington fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SARA SNOW   (  Canon / Human / Katherine Langford fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SANSA STARK   (  Canon / Human / Charlotte Hope fc / bisexual  ). SARELLA SAND   (  Canon /  Human / Jessica Parker Kennedy fc / bisexual  ). SEASMOKE   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Wang Haoxuan fc / pansexual  ). SHAENA TARGARYEN   (  Semi-canon / Human / Freya Mavor fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. SILVERWING   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Elle Fanning fc / straight  ). VERMITHOR   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Ruairí O’Connor fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. VISENYA TARGARYEN   (  Canon / Human / Katheryn Winnick fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. VISERION   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Jamie Campbell Bower fc / bisexual  ). VHAGAR   (  Canon, but with human form / Dragon / Gaia Weiss fc / straight  ).
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ANTHONY BRIDGERTON   (  Canon / Human / Jonathan Bailey fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. DAPHNE BRIDGERTON   (  Canon / Human / Phoebe Dynevor fc / straight  ).
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BILLIE JENKINS   (  Canon / Witch / Ashley Benson fc / bisexual  ). WYATT HALLIWELL   (  Canon / Witch-Whitelighter / Chris Zylka fc / bisexual  ).
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             CRIMINAL MINDS.
EMILY PRENTISS   (  Canon / Human / Paget Brewster fc / pansexual   ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                CHRONICLES  OF  NARNIA.
CASPIAN X   (  Canon / Human / François Arnaud fc / straight  ).
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CLARK KENT   (  Canon / Kryptonian / Henry Cavill fc / straight  ). CONNOR KENT  (  Canon / Kryptonian/Human hybrid / Robbie Amnell fc / bisexual  ). BARRY ALLEN   (  Headcanon based / Metahuman / Alberto Rosende fc / straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. RAVEN ROTH   (  Canon / Human-Demon hybrid / Camila Mendes fc / demisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. RICK FLAG   (  Canon / Human / Joel Kinnaman fc / straight  ). WALLY WEST   (  Canon / Metahuman / KJ Apa fc / bisexual  ). ZATANNA ZATARA   (  Canon / Human/Homo Magi / Samantha Logan fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP.
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MALEFICENT   (  Canon / Fey / Angelina Jolie fc / pansexual  ).
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                DISNEY  DESCENDANTS.
ADELINE   (  Daughter of Aurora & Philip / Human / Adelaide Kane fc / straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ANEXANDER CASTILLON   (  Son of Anastasia Tremaine / Human / Alexander Vlahos fc / bisexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BEATRIX   (  Daughter of Aurora & Philip / Human / Eloise Smyth fc / bisexual  ). KATJA OF ARENDELLE   (  Daughter of Anna & Kristoff / Human / Tamzin Merchant fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. TRUEFER BELL   (  Daughter of Tinkerbell / Fairy / Perrie Edwards fc / pansexual  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                DOWNTON ABBEY.
ALICE CRAWLEY   (  Younger sister of Matthew / Human / Anya Taylor-Joy fc / straight  ). THOMAS BARROW   (  Canon / Human / Rob James-Collier fc / gay  ).
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                HARRY POTTER.
ASTORIA GREENGRASS   (  Canon / Witch / Alexandra Park fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BELLATRIX BLACK   (  Canon / Witch / Adelaide Kane & Eva Green fc / bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. BILL WEASLEY   (  Canon / Wizard / Joseph Morgan fc / bisexual  ). SALAZAR SLYTHERIN   (  Canon / Wizard / Luke Evans fc / straight  ).       TAG DROP. SUSAN BONES   (  Canon / Witch / Holland Roden fc / lesbian  ). VICTOIRE WEASLEY   (  Canon / Witch / Dove Cameron fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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                LARA CROFT.
LARA CROFT   (  Canon / Human / Chloe Bennet fc / bisexual  ).
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ADRAN   (  OC / Eternal / Ricky Whittle fc / bisexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. AHURA BOLTAGON   (  Canon / Inhuman / Sam Claflin fc / pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. AJAK   (  Canon  /  Eternal  /  Salma Hayek fc  /  bisexual  ). ANGELINA VON STRUCKER   (  OC  /  Mutant  /  Sarah Jeffrey fc  /  lesbian  ). BEN PARKER (  Canon  /  Human  /  Hugh Dancy fc  /  bisexual  ). BOBBI MORSE   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Claire Holt fc  /  straight  ).       STARTER CALL. BOBBY DA COSTA   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Henry Zaga fc  /  straight  ). BUCKY BARNES   (  Canon / Human / Sebastian Stan fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. CAROL DANVERS   (  Canon / Human/Kree / Brie Larson fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. CLINT BARTON   (  Canon / Human / Luke Mitchell fc / bisexual  ).   TAG DROP. KIRA LEON   (  OC Black Widow  /  Human  /  Sofia Carson fc  /  pansexual ). LOGAN HOWLETT   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Hugh Jackman fc  /  bisexual  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. PRISHA CHAKRABARTI   (  OC / Mutant / Deepika Padukone fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. STEPHEN STRANGE   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Benedict Cumberbatch fc  /  straight  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. STEVE ROGERS   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Chris Evans fc  /  bisexual  ). SUSAN STORM   (  Canon  /  Mutated human  /  Yael Grobglas fc  /  bisexual  ). THENA   (  Canon  /  Eternal  /  Angelina Jolie fc  /  pansexual  ). TONY STARK   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Robert Downey Jr fc  /  bisexual  ). VANESSA CARLYSLE    (  Canon / Mutant / Morena Baccarin fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. WANDA MAXIMOFF   (  Canon  /  Mutant/mutated human/witch  /  Elizabeth Olsen fc  /  bisexual  ).       TAG DROP.
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                MARVEL  NEXT  GENERATION.
ANNIE SUMMERS   (  OC Jean x Scott daughter / Mutant / Kat McNamara fc / lesbian  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. BILLY MAXIMOFF   (  Canon / Mutant/witch / Josh Hutcherson & Jamie Dornan fc / gay  ). TOMMY MAXIMOFF   (  Canon  /  Mutant  /  Grant Gustin & Channing Tatum fc  /  bisexual   ).       STARTER CALL. VALERIA RICHARDS   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Skyler Samuels & Rachael Taylor fc  /  lesbian   ). VIKTOR BARNES   (  OC Natasha x Bucky son  /  Human  /  Brandon Flynn & Nathaniel Buzolic fc  /  straight  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP.
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APHRODITE   (  Greek Mythology / Goddess / Diane Kruger fc / pansexual  ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ARTEMIS   (  Greek Mythology / Goddess / Marie Avgeropoulos fc / pansexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. VALI LOKISON   (  Norse Mythology  /  God  /  Freddy Carter & Adam Driver fc  /  gay  ).
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               ORIGINAL  CHARACTER.
ADELAIDE WEATHERINGTON   (  Journalist / Human / Amanda Seyfried fc / lesbian  ).   ABOUT PAGE. STARTER CALL. ALYA GLENN   (  Baker  /  Elemental witch  /  Alisha Wainwright fc  /  pansexual  ). ARTHUR FITZ-CLARENCE   (  Duke of Oxford  /  Human  /  Tom Hughes fc  /  pansexual  ). AVA DE ENVIE   (  Owner of adult entertainment business / Succubus / Hayley Atwell fc pansexual  ).   TAG DROP. CALLEIGH DAVENPORT   (  Dancer / Human / Taylor Swift fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. ELIZABETH DURANT   (  College professor  /  Human  /  Carla Gugino fc  /  straight  ). JACK PRICE   (  Bounty Hunter  /  Human  /  John Krasinski fc  /  straight  ). JUPITER GRAY   (  Lawyer / Vampire / Gina Torres fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. PIPER LOPEZ   (  Secretary / Human / Ana de Armas fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. SARA MEYER   (  Housewife  /  Human  /  Charisma Carpenter fc  /  bisexual  ). SAVANNAH DAVIS   (  Freelance Photographer  /  Shapeshifter  /  Laura Vandervoort fc  /  straight  ). SERENITY VALENTINE   (  Bounty Hunter  /  Human  /  Megan Fox fc  /  pansexual  ).       STARTER CALL. SHAW RAWSON   (  Security guard / Alpha Werewolf / Shemar Moore fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. VEPAR   (  Grand Duchess of Hell / Demon / Katrina Law fc / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. ZAHRA LENNOX   (  Bail Bondsman  /  Human  /  Vanessa Morgan fc  /  bisexual  ).
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               PEAKY BLINDERS.
TOMMY SHELBY   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Cillian Murphy fc  /  straight  ).
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              PERIOD  DRAMA.
ANNE BOLEYN   (  Tudor Era / Queen Consort of England / Natalie Dormer fc / bisexual   ).   ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. RICHARD III   (  Wars of the Roses era / King of England / Aneurin Barnard fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. ROBERT BRUCE   (  War of Scottish Independence era  /  King of Scots  /  Chris Pine fc  /  straight  ).
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CAROLINE PENVENEN   (  Canon  /  Lady of Killewarren  /  Gabriella Wilde fc  /  straight  ). ROSS POLDARK   (  Canon  /  Master of Nampara House  /  Aidan Turner fc  /  straight  ).      ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL.
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              SHADOW  &  BONE.
GENERAL KIRIGAN   (  Canon  /  Grisha  /  Ben Barnes fc  /  straight  ).   STARTER CALL.
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               SHERLOCK  HOLMES.
SHERLOCK HOLMES   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Matthew Goode fc  /  straight  ).
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               SONS  OF  ANARCHY.
JAX TELLER   (  Canon  /  Human  /  Charlie Hunnam fc  /  straight  ).
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               STAR  WARS.
AHSOKA TANO��  (  Canon  /  Togruta Jedi  /  Logan Browning & Rosario Dawson fc  /  bisexual   ). ANAKIN SKYWALKER   (  Canon  /  Human Jedi  /  Hayden Christensen fc  /  bisexual   ). BEN SOLO ( Alternate  /  Human Jedi  /  Matthew Daddario fc  /  straight   ). PADMÉ AMIDALA   (  Canon / Human / Natalie Portman fc / pansexual  ). QI’RA   (  Canon / Human / Emilia Clarke fc / bisexual   ).   STARTER CALL. REY OF JAKKU   (  Canon / Human Jedi / Daisy Ridley fc / bisexual  ).     ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. SOLA LARS   (  OC daughter of Beru & Owen  /  Human  /  Jenna Coleman fc  /  bisexual ).
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              STRANGER THINGS.
APRIL HARRINGTON   (  Older sister of Steve  /  Human /  Dakota Johnson & Jennifer Love Hewitt fc  /  lesbian   ). AMBER HAWKE   (  OC  /  Human  /  Taissa Farmiga & Mandy Moore fc  /  straight   ). BRIAN HAMMOND   (  OC son of Benny / Human / Jeremy Allen White & Taylor Kitsch fc  / bisexual  ).   STARTER CALL. EDDIE MUNSON   ( Canon  /  Human /  Joseph Quinn & Garrett Hedlund fc  /  bisexual   ). STEVE HARRINGTON   ( Canon  /  Human /  Joe Keery & Sebastian Stan fc  /  bisexual   ).   TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. THEA BUCKLEY   (  Cousin of Robin  /  Human /  Billie Lourd & Jes Macallan fc  /  straight   ). TIMOTHY HAWKE   (  OC  /  Human /  Timothée Chalamet & John Francis Daley fc  /  gay   ).
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ALEXANDER MILTON   (  OC Anna x Dean son  /  Nephilim  /  Chris Wood fc  /  bisexual  ).
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ALEXA BRUCE   (  OC / Witch / Emma Dumont fc / lesbian  ).   TAG DROP. BONNIE BENNETT (  Canon  /  Witch  /  Kat Graham fc  /  pansexual  ). DAVINA CLAIRE   (  Canon  /  Witch  /  Danielle Campbell fc  /  bisexual  ).       ABOUT PAGE. TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. KLAUS MIKAELSON   (  Canon  /  Original hybrid  /  Joseph Morgan fc  /  straight  ).       TAG DROP. STARTER CALL. KOL MIKAELSON   (  Canon  /  Original vampire  /  Nathaniel Buzolic fc  /  pansexual  ). MATTHEW MIKAELSON   (  Canon ( son of Freya & Mathias )  /  Witch  /  Cody Christian fc  /  bisexual  ). OLIVIA KENNER   (  Sister of Jackson OC / Evolved Werewolf / Willa Holland fc / straight  ).   TAG DROP.
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BYRON WILLIAMS   (  OC  /  Human  /  Jensen Ackles fc  /  pansexual  ).
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            COMING SOON.
KALLIAS  (  ACoTaR  ),   BELLA SWAN  (  Twilight  ),   CHARLIE WEASLEY  (  Harry Potter  ),   DAERRA TARGARYEN  (  A Song of Ice and Fire  ),   OBI-WAN KENOBI  (  Star Wars  ).
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What about Clark Kent x reader where reader is the adopted sister Lois? Hear me out. All the angst and all reader being in love with him, him keeping them away. But one day Lois runs to him and says reader is missing for 3 days, whole city searches for reader as she was family of the famous reporter. While our reader is in the tri state area aka marvel universe? Eh? Eh? Apparently reader was an archangel, so of course gaia, the creator of everything being her mother, she could travel every universe, unfortunately while travelling to dc, she lost her memories and then the lane family took her in. Now Clark realised he loved reader buuuut, reader was already in relationship with starfox aka eros? Thanks brother? Reader then goes with eros to dc universe and this time more prepared doesn't loses her memories, everyone in justice league became happy of her coming back, specially Clark but reader doesn't know them and they have three sets of golden large wings behind her back, she fights them out of confusion why they call her some other name. You can choose rest of the plot. I know its long! I am so sorry!!
So i opened my requests for the first time in a long while now and I know I'm late but this is a great example of why you should read someone's rules for requests before requesting. I don't write for fem readers or do crossovers.
These are my request rules
As a general reminder I write non female reader x no female characters only. There are more than enough other writers on here who I'm sure would be more than happy to take on this request.
I love the enthusiasm but I'm not the guy for this request, sorry.
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ravens-repose · 8 months
Game of Thrones
Daenarys Stormborn:
A Song of Fire and Shadows - Daenarys Stormborn x OC ❣️🔥 - coming soon
Sandor Clegane:
Iron and Gold - Sandor Clegane x OC ❣️🔥 - Part 1 ,
Tormund Giantsbane:
Jorah Mormont:
Dance of Dragons - Jorah Mormont x OC - coming soon
Loki Laufeyson:
Bucky Barnes:
Steve Rodgers:
Natasha Romanoff:
Peter Parker (aged up Peter):
The 100
Clarke Griffin:
Bellamy Blake:
Ash Kom Azgeda:
Gaia Kom Trikru:
Lexa Kom Trikru:
Rowan Kom Azgeda:
Raven Reyes:
Resident Evil
Alcina Dimitrescu:
Bela Dimitrescu:
Cassandra Dimitrescu:
Daniella Dimitrescu:
Karl Heisenberg:
The Arcana
Julian Devorak:
Asra Alnazar:
Nadia Satrinava:
Crosswires - Poly! Junkrat & Roadhog x OC ❣️🔥 - Part 1 ,
Crosswires - Poly! Junkrat & Roadhog x OC ❣️🔥 - Part 1 ,
Cole Cassidy:
Junker Queen/Dez:
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hedaswarrior · 4 years
As someone who hasn't watched the show since the absolute tragedy that was 3.07 would you mind possibly explaining the importance of Gaia's name being all uppercase? I appreciate it :)
Well, truthfully, capitalizing it in the script is just for emphasis. Last we knew Gaia was left behind on earth, not having been in the bunker when they went off to Bardo. So it was just like GAIA was also there. As for my 👀 comment... there were scene in the beginning of the season that hinted something might happen between them, also in the script:
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Here is what Jason said in a post finale interview:
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ghostlybelladonnas · 4 years
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togetherkru · 4 years
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I didn’t sign for this…
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lesbiandipity · 4 years
If you don’t ship Clarke and Gaia what are you DOING
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abstractmindscape · 4 years
Remember when some people shipped Clarke and gaia at the beginning of the season before Gaia vanished never to be heard from again?
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puthyflapps · 4 years
Raven needs to walk on Claia after sex cuddles.
She needs to walk in on them having sex and join 👁👄
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
maybe im crazy but i feel like that clarke gaia scene was meant to be a bellarke scene 😭 it’s usually them discussing the big moral dilemmas so these scenes with gaia of all people feel kind of forced because they had no prior friendship?
I don’t think it was meant to be a bellarke scene, but she DEFINITELY served to be the confidant that is usually bellamy. So I understand why you would feel that way.
It says something that the only time she can speak in this open way about her feelings and goals and needs is to Bellamy. She’s been isolated a long time, even before Praimfaya, her ties to other people have been strained or cut. 
I think that’s part of her story. 
She needs to rejoin humanity and remember her people. I mean, if you think about it, one of her flaws is that she’s the princess in the tower, making decisions for other people without considering what they want or need. 
In order to get over that, she has to come back and start talking to people, and listening to them, and sharing with them her real motivations. 
Sometimes it is easier to open up to a person who you don’t have an emotional connection with. So opening up to Gaia, could be a stepping stone to joining the rest of her people, no longer as Wanheda,  but as Clarke. 
And I don’t think her conversations are forced with Gaia. They DO have a connection. It started in season 5 with their concern over Madi. And maybe for Gaia it was about the flame, but she ended up choosing Madi OVER the flame, thus winning Clarke’s trust. Clarke has been trusting her daughter to Gaia for a while now. Gaia witnessed Clarke in her grief as she fought for her daughter. She shares the pain of losing a parent. They share the loss of losing everything that gave their lives shape. 
In other words, Clarke and Gaia have parallels in the narrative, and the characters are recognizing those parallels and feeling a kinship to each other. This, to me, is not forced, it’s organic. 
Is this season the first time they share their feelings about something other than Madi? Yes. That’s how friendships start. It’s a leap. You trust another person enough to share yourself. 
Another reason Clarke might talk to Gaia and not one of her own people? Clarke is not in CHARGE of Gaia. Gaia has her own authority that comes from outside of Clarke’s sphere of influence. Clarke is not responsible for her, and hasn’t felt that burden from season 1-4. A burden that keeps her separate from them. And that they have blamed her for. Maybe that’s why she only ever talked to Bellamy like that (but not about her more tender emotions-- too dangerous since they’re about him.) 
Narratively, Gaia might be a bridge back to her people, back to her softer emotions. I’m not sure. Let’s see if she starts confiding in Murphy and Raven and Emori and Miller too. Or it might just be a substitute for Bellamy as a confidant so she doesn’t explode. Also, another way to look at it... if she only has Bellamy as a confidant, then she NEEDS him in a way that is codependent, because she only gets that from him. But if she has other confidants, then her attachment to him is NOT confidant, because she is whole on her own.
There are actually a lot of ways to look at Clarke x Gaia that fit with the narrative and character development that doesn’t make it forced or just another love interest to keep bellarke apart. (also, if keeping bellarke apart were the motivation, it’s unnecessary, because b/e would serve that purpose. since that’s not the motivation, that’s not what’s going on here.)
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