thejudeduarte · 3 days
Liliver and Van would give Cardan regular updates on Jude during her exile because ofc he'd be worried sick abt her
Liliver, Van, Garret and Cardan would all play EXTREME truth or drink but because they can't lie is extra serious and ends up with a very annoyed Jude
Frequently during the exile Cardan would get super drunk and tell Liliver and Van about how much Jude means to him and when he got her the dress, write her name all over the paper and when they kissed in tcp ect ect. Liliver would probably end up crying herself to sleep that night (I don't blame her)
Liliver loves noodles and when she introduces Cardan to them he gains a new obsession with Chinese take-away
Liliver would make funny harmless bombs or potions to put people to sleep or something and plant them in Lady Asha's room. For fun, of course
Jude would braid or do Lilivers hair for her often
Cardan would help apply Lilivers make-up sometimes
Cardan insisted on putting on a party or celebration for Liliver and Van so he brought funny party hats and stuff from target and threw a party in their base
All the new recruits would be too scared to talk to Cardan (I know I would be)
The court got Cardan a pet snake/snake toy as a joke for his birthday one year and he wasn't very impressed
Liliver and Jude would often have 'girls night' but instead of doing face masks or whatnot they would throw daggers at targets and talk about the best way to kill someone with minimal damage. And gossip, of course
Cardan would go to Van for life advice a lot
I've never done hc so I hope you like them!! And I love the court of shadows so you knew they had to be my first lol
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chaiichait · 2 months
Jude fr
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1800naveen · 4 months
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(Looking at you, Garrett)
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(The mom is Madoc)
The Ghost:
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(I want him and Taryn to get married, HOLLY)
The Bomb:
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The Roach:
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Might make a part 3 with other characters. I'm going to bed, have a good day/night/afternoon!
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thebombofficial · 6 months
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All the court of shadows wanted to do was play a game of cards. That’s all we wanted. But nooooooo-
Get it together guys
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junessquill · 25 days
hi guys!! I don't post on tumblr much but I'd like to start trying to :) I've been thinking about a Folk of the Air X Percy Jackson AU and I wanna share my ideas so far 🤞
Jude and Taryn would be unclaimed and live in the Hermes cabin for the sake of being similar to the tfota plot, but Vivienne is a daughter of Ares and when there was a monster attack that killed their mortal parents.. they were forced to flee. (Jude and Taryn are also mortals who can see through the mist)
I'm still conflicted on the Greenbriar siblings, considering they all are said to have different atributes(like Cardan has his tail) but for now I'm going to say they're all children of Zeus(their mom just gets around what can I say 🤷🏻‍♀️) so that they have a big impact.
Nicasia is a daughter of Poseidon and I assume not a mortal mother as well. Locke is a son of Apollo(everybody put their thumbs down in unison bc I hate Locke but it fits) as well as Oak cause they're half-brothers and it fits. Valerian is a son of Ares cause it fits his aggressive crazy ass personality 😭
Wren/Suren is either a daughter of Hecate because of her magic or some kind of monster to fit her characteristics.
I'm still conflicted on the court of shadows but I know the ghost is definitely a child of Hermes 💀 and I wanted to make all of them children of hermes until I remembered that the roach and the bomb have something going on..
Tiernan is a son of Athena and Hyacinthe is a son of Ares(these may change but I need them here I love them)
Heather is a regular human who I can't decide if she should see through the mist or not because of her fear of faerie when she saw it. Maybe later be granted to see through the mist?? Idk how 😭🙏
Also for funsie bc I like the darkest part of the forest!! Ben Evans is a son of Apollo, Hazel is a regular mortal but they have the same mother. I imagine they both haven't gotten to camp yet somehow 💀💀(nobodys after his ass 😭) Severin is a son of Hades who when the pact was made-- was cursed into sleeping for eternity !! Yay funsie fun !!
I hope u guys enjoy this :) bye bye!!
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clockworkbee · 4 months
So, tumblr is doing a community thing, kinda like discord? (Idk, never used discord but I get the idea, I think) and anyway, I made one 😅 apparently it's to be approved first
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viivdle · 2 months
how often per chapter would it be acceptable for me to mention cardan's tail?
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furrylightphilosopher · 8 months
GHOST:I will steal him from his bed before he can even sense it.
ROACH:I will offer him all the riches in the kingdom.
BOMB:I will kidnap Jude and he will come running *haha*.So simple.
JUDE: *opens a bottle of wine loudly*
CARDAN(from another room):Jude wait for meee!!!!!
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thejudeduarte · 1 month
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Court of shadows be like
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chaiichait · 8 months
Why I love tfota
JURDAN! (For obvious reasons)
The clothes (delictable descriptions of otherwordly dresses and doublets)
Jude's hair! (I believe this gets it's own category because of how creative I can be with Jude's horns)
The politics! (Conflict of interest? SUCCESSION CRISIS? OVERWORKED SECRET HAND TO THE THRONE??! Sign me up!)
Jude's girlbossing (Or just general bossing)
Cardan's shenanigans (What more can I say?)
The worldbuilding (The beautiful yet uncanny alien world of Faerie was what drew me in the first place. I love the worldbuilding of the tantalizing High Court that really, as a reader, put me on edge along with the main character. It was almost like I couldn't always be comfortable while reading because I was always trying to anticipate the next pitfall. Plus I felt really smart when I figured out some of the mystery Holly Black cleverly laid out in clues :) .)
The court of shadows friendship (they will support each other no matter what!)
How Holly Black brought in other characters from other books (I know she's been doing this for a while but MAN it makes me want to read Tithe)
The drama (woahh reading HTKOELTHS was crazy. The gossip so intense.)
The writing itself (Honestly learned so many words and ways to structure sentences from these books. Helped out with my own writing a little.)
Jude conquering over everything in the end despite the faerie's judgements about her being human was so satisfying.
All the friends I made! (This series is already good but yall made it better.)
I could honestly go on and on but this list is way too long (And I haven't even talked about the majority of the side characters yet!). Thank you for reading.
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1800naveen · 4 months
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The Ghost:
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The Bomb:
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The Roach:
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Might make a part two tomorrow or whenever I have time!
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thebombofficial · 5 months
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Do you think I could pass as a human like this?
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peace-andharmony · 1 year
Brb, just watching this for the 10th time
"You'll be back from Hamilton but with Cardan"
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magicmaster2018 · 1 year
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clockworkbee · 2 years
That's literally the Court of Shadows and Cardan except, he's the one who'd say the highlighted lines and Jude would say the last one,
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