captaincolorblob · 2 years
Fandom: Donnie probably hates puns lol
Also Donnie:
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gigijb1969 · 1 month
April 26, 2024, Friday, Opening Day of Rockets 2024 in North Texas
Rockets 2024 opened today at the North Texas launch site in Jack county. Three schools were slated to test a total of 26. Of those, two aborted, one from each Birdville (BCTAL) and Carroll High School and 21 were tested today here in North Texas. It was a long day. Final launches just barely made the daylight thresh hold before the final mission complete was called for the day. Storms loomed in…
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Most of these laptop stickers I get. Jupiter Jim, to be expected. Mad Dogs and clan symbol, makes sense. Pizza, obvious. But wth is CTAL?!?!
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greenelectricsky · 2 months
It's time I should tell you a little more about my OCs, not only in my Scenes. I organised them by 3 AUs, and alphabetically in every AU, so it would be easier to find them!
1. My first, the oldest AU:
Adonis, Cream, Cysiek, FanFanGrace, FinFun, Jemmysweets, Mirage, Papyrus, Silenia, Sky, Tango, TuśTuś (or TusTus without Polish letters)
AU's situation: One ugly day Macavity made a trap to his next "plan" but it backfired spectacularly, when not his target but a cat witch, Silenia from the Wanderers Ctal, fell in it. She was angry, furious even, and she had a word with him, without his consent or permission. He was perplexed at first, intrigued by her powers and slowly, slowly, year by year they fall in love. She never falls in his ways, rather pulled him out of them, making him maybe not decent, but not evil at least. And they had a kitten, FinFun. At the same time, Munkustrap and Tugger fall in love and ask Mistoffelees, if he could with his magic, bring them kittens. So Misto took a bit of fur from each of them, and in his magic hat, he brewed two kits, Cysiek and TuśTuś. They are miks of the two of their fathers in looks and temperament. So, here we go.
Adonis, he/him
Ashera cat, one of the most pricely cats in the world. His hoomans bought him without thinking about a simple fact - this is an animal, alive thinking creature, energetic and full of life, with needs they need to meet. But they wanted a manifestation of their money, another piece of art to their home, something that showed their status, so he was neglected. He quickly became a menace and had enough of this stiff house, those stupid hoomans so he just... ran away. And he was happy like never. Finally he wandered to the junkyard, where he found a new home. Well, he found it after he brought them a new virus, and almost everyone was ill (very or less) and he helped, because it was from his home and he was immune. Husband with Cream, FinFun , Sky and TuśTuś.
Cream, he/him
His hoomans were murdered, after they were found, he end up in the shelter, and ran away from it. He wandered some time and found a way to the junkyard and stayed there. He is an excellent cook, especially when we talk about preparing food from scratch. Very warm, but has a temperament, and he is very serious about food. He is at war with Jerrie and Teazer, and Skimbleshanks often is a victim of these events. Husband with Adonis, FinFun, Sky and TuśTuś.
Cysiek, he/him
First of tuggerstrap's kittens. He is definitely Tugger's son, brave, funny, he likes attention and has problems with rules. Often causes chaos with FinFun or drama with Tango. Acearo, he likes flirting, but nothing more. He is living at the veterinary clinic and often helps the tribe with medical problems, mostly by himself. When something is very serious, he takes the cat to this clinic and meows so as long as it is needed for someone veterinarian to take care of the patient. And hoomans there like him, because he calms down most of the regular patients, is very well behaved and helpful.
FanFanGrace, he/him, ftm
Very elegant, very cute, very beautiful and very, very boring cat. Most of his time he sleeps, begs for food or is petted by customers of his hooman jewellery shop. At the junkyard his den is a cave from 101 nights. Full of items from everywhere. Beautiful, strange, useful, etc. things he uses as gifts or just to use them when something is needed.
FinFun, he/him but in reality is agender, just looks like a tom and he doesn't care about pronouns, so it stayed he/him, if you use anything else he is like "whatever" and go with it
Son of Macavity and Silenia. He wasn't wanted guest at the junkyard at first, but with time they liked him enough to let him live with them. He is very powerful, even more than his father, who has almost no idea about it. His mother knows more, but still not everything. One thing Macavity knows for sure: if he hurt anyone in the junkyard, FinFun absolutely will go ballistic and probably will kill him. FinFun is very protective about both his families, so also talking ill about his father or mother (without reasons at least) can be very... unwise. Also, his main goal in life is to cause as much mischief and chaos as he can, so he is good friends with Jerrie and Teazer, Pouncival etc. Husband with Adonis, Cream, Sky and TuśTuś.
Jemmysweets, she/her
Sister of Jenny and Jelly, daughter of Gus the theatre cat, wife of Rumpus Cat (dead) and mother of Munkustrap. She loves to tease with Tugger, but she loves him. Not from the start, but well... Protector and fighter with Rumpus, after his death she started to teach cats how to fight and stay alive. She loves her garden.
Mirage, he/him
Demisexual, demiromantic. He lives with his hooman at an esoteric shop. He is magical a bit, but uses it mostly at unruly or rude customers. His owner has no idea about it. He loves to read books and science papers or articles on the internet. Also, he is an illusionist. He hates his father (aggressive tom, leader of a street gang), like those of his brothers and sisters who go with him.
Papyrus, he/him, ftm
He is living in the library, where he plays with kids or calm adults and reads books. Mostly that last one. He hates his whole family, who is disgusted by him and his peaceful life with hoomans. He likes cats from the junkyard, teaches kittens how to read and write, he tells them stories and brings books. He adores his friends.
Silenia, she/her
Witch, she lives in the forest mostly, with Macavity. She is from the city clan, the Wanderers, but being close to so much noise and hoomans wasn't to her liking, so she left. She knows nature, herbs and simple magic, but she also has wild, dangerous powers. Also, she can be lethal when someone attacks her, and has no problem with killing. She loves her husband and son, even when they irritate her to no end.
Sky, he/him
Somalian cat. He was travelling from Greece to America on the airplane, but something went wrong, he ended at the wrong airport and he was scared. Airport workers weren't prepared for his temperament and he ran away. After some time he found the junkyard and... stayed. Protector and hunter, he is fast and strong, but he is afraid of heights. Very calm cat, but you can see when he is angry, even when he doesn't do anything to show that.
Tango, he/him
Deaf angora, kicked out from his home, found by a homeless queen and kept by her. He hated his condition for a long time, but she slowly taught him how to live with it and be happy. Her death was traumatic to him. Now very sweet, happy, a bit sassy cat, who loves to dance with cats and hoomans. Very stubborn. He learnt signing all by himself.
TuśTuś, they/them
Second of tuggerstrap's kittens. Way more calm and shy than their brother. Their main job is repair, create and build anything that can help the others in their everyday life. They are trying to be Protector, but aren't very good at that - their mind wanders too easily and they can be lost in minutes after leaving the tribe's territory on the patrol. Husband with Adonis, Cream, FinFun and Sky.
2. Less happy, more dramatic AU.
AlmonDisco, Amberlina, EarthyRose, FlowerFlow, Haze, HoneyTrap, SpicyJuice, Shyny, Vanilliarity.
Here the situation is completely different. Munkustrap was living as a home cat, half as a purring sweet plushie, half as a street hero, Rumpus Cat. Sadly, Rumpus gave trouble to The Rats Clan one time too many and they killed his friend/roommate cat and threatened his hooman family. So he fled and found the tribe, befriended with Tugger and Mistoffelees. But he just couldn't help himself, and very fast was back to Rumpus heroics, and met Macavity, a cat with a terrible reputation and heart of gold, even if grumpy, and his helper, Griddlebone (Victoria for the tribe, when Macavity was Plato sometimes. They were in a fake relationship as those alter egos, to help keep theirs alibis). He was fighting, in secret, with The Rats for a long time, but needed to cut all his contacts with the tribe (he was "expelled" by Old D. who knows about everything, Griddlebone was his eyes and ears in the tribe) and becomes a "Napoleon of crime". They were working for some time together, fighting and planning, Macavity and Munkustrap fell in love, and in an magical accident they became fathers of two kittens, Haze and Shyny. It was hard for them to fight, raise kids and almost constantly running away from The Rats, but somehow they managed it, with Victoria's help, Munkustrap still living double life. In the meantime, Rum Tum Tugger and Mistoffelees have their own children, almost the same age as Haze and Shyny, a year older. Also, they (Misto mostly) try to find out and destroy the Napoleon of crime plans, knowing nothing about The Rats. At some point The Rats attacked the tribe, wanting to get Old D. and Demeter (kill or capture, not a big difference) and Munkustrap's secrets were out. In the panic and hurt he was expelled, everyone was thinking he was Macavity's spy and this attack was his fault. Old D. tried to calm them down, but at that moment this was mostly impossible, so Munku just gave up and left. Victoria was never suspected and kept that, like a Plato. For Tugger it was a very hard time, he loved Munkustrap like a brother and all those lies hurt him badly. Together Mac, Munku and Griddlebone finally managed to push off The Rats, Old D. (and some others, like Skimble, Jenny and Jelly) was still voting after them and a year later Macavity, Munkustrap with their kittens, and Victoria were back in the junkyard. Tuggoffelees's kittens almost immediately loved munkavity's kids, which was a big pain in the ass for Tugger, who still had a deep wound in his heart and was very vocal about it. Macavity was lashing every time when Tugger attacked Munku, which wasn't helpful. Only after when The Rats were truly pacified for once and good, maine coon and Munkustrap found time to talk and resolve everything between them. So yeah, a bit of a crazy story ;) So, my OCs:
AlmonDisco, he/him
Tuggoffelees's kitten, happy, bubbly cat, too cocky sometimes, mischievous, next tribe magician. Stubborn, sassy and have no problem with talking about what is on his mind. He had many more or less serious fights with Tugger about Shyny, whom he loves to no end. Powerful magician, powerful fighter.
Amberlina, nonbinary, she is using she/her but mostly from laziness, she doesn't care about them
Aseksual, panromantic, demiromantic. Tuggoffelees's kitten. Her magic is concentrating on her words, they can cause physical pain but also change someone's mind or take charge over them. Calm, pragmatic and bit pessimistic.
EarthyRose, she/her mtf
Tuggoffelees's kitten. Happy, calm queen. loving and caring about everyone. She can tell when someone is telling the truth or lies, but has a problem with moments when someone doesn't tell about something. She knew Munkustrap is hiding something, but is loyal to the tribe.
FlowerFlow, she/her
Tuggoffelees's kitten. Very happy, very bubbly creature, lively and almost always moving, running, dancing, jumping etc. She loves colourful things, her den is like a rainbow. She is the heart of every party in the junkyard.
Haze, he/him
Munkavity's kitten. Quite big tom, red with black stripes. His magic helps him fight and after heal him or others, if he wants. He rather avoids the rest of cats, because of the time when they were for the first time at the junkyard, and a lot of them showed him and his family their aversion. Especially because their angry words hurt his brother. He is in threesome with Oranglow and HoneyTrap.
HoneyTrap, he/him
Tuggoffelees's kitten. He is similar to AlmonDisco, but more wild and dangerous. Excellent hunter, this is his main occupation, less fighter and protector than brother. He is with Haze and Oranglow.
Shyny, he/him
Munckavity's kitten. Smaller than his brother, black fur with red stripes, less fighter, more magician. His powers are similar to Macavity's, like levitation, making shadows, teleportation, but also wandering by shadows, he can catch someone in them, create mist, voices... and many more. Shy, he prefers solitude, spare his family and AlmonDisco. The last one he loves with all his heart. He loves kittens and prepares them for them funny shows with shadows.
SpicyJuice, she/her
Tuggoffelees's kitten. Solid, calm, sure of herself and her abilities. Munkustrap's right hand, main protector when he was expelled, and his right hand again, when he was back. It was she who made him the Main Protector again, even when he didn't wanted to.
Vanilliarity, he/him
Tuggoffelees's kitten. Most peaceful, calm, sweet and nice cat you can meet. He loves everyone, and always cares about them. He loves to sing and do that almost constantly.
3. Last AU
Here is an absolutely different situation. Macavity is evil and deprived, and one of his goals is to kidnap Moon, Sun, Star, who are very powerful magicians and Bumblee, who is a protege of Old D. Moon, Sun and Star are kittens of Rum Tum Tugger, Mistoffelees and Munkustrap, they live as a happy threesome. Bumblee is a kid of Alonzo and Jemima's, connected with the universe and moon, especially Jellicle Moon.
Son of Alonzo and Jemima. After the mother he can see the future, talk with ghosts etc. He is Old D's protege, probably future Lider, at least this is what everyone thinks. He is terrified by that idea, because he incorrectly interpreted his second name and he is sure the one wrong decision and he destroys the tribe. Happy, bubbly cat, hate fights. Not very sure of himself but sure of his abilities. Best friend of Moon, Sun and Star.
Son of Mistoffelees, Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger's. Walking the biological encyclopedia, he knows everything about plants and animals. He doesn't like to sit at home, prefer wandering. His magic is about hiding, making his tracks invisible, helping him survive in the wild.
Son of Mistoffelees, Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger's. He is an astronomer and knows everything about stars, moon and calendar. He loves his job. Once he saw a Jellicle Cat herself with his magical, blue eye. His magic is about bending elemnts.
Son of Mistoffelees, Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger's. He is a fighter, Protector. Very stubborn, lively and energetic creature. His magic is about fighting and explosions.
And there is OC who don't belong to any of my AUs, so he is here, alone.
Tikku, he/him
He lives in happy polycule with Munkustrap and Rum Tum Tugger. He was born on the other side of the city and he wandered to the junkyard. He is a bit shy, but stubborn and sweet cat.
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injunade · 1 year
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Electroencephalogram epileptic seizure, electrocardiogram epilepsy and Joy Division
ctal heart rate (HR) changes as measured with electrocardiography (ECG) was shown to be useful for seizure detection in patients with focal epilepsy,15-18 especially temporal lobe epilepsy. Ictal tachycardia was observed in 71%–84% of the seizures.19-21 To illustrate this, Figure 1 shows the behind-the-ear EEG and ECG signals during a selected seizure.
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babyawacs · 22 days
#keypoint the utilisation of even bulk operators like { #braces #br ackets ( parenthesis ) } may already break how windows linux os systems merge useraccountr permissions in acl lists @debian .@debian @swiftons ecurity .@swiftonsecurity @swiftonsecuriti @linux @windowsdev .@windowsdev .@techpowerup .@cnet .@wired @wireduk  lets justfor fun verify h o w # windows  merges user permissions in acl systems and how it diverges from o ctal linux  and vice versa  hideous user rights extension attacks use likely right this mechanism of which idonot know enough of  but you do
@debian .@debian @swiftonsecurity .@swiftonsecurity @swiftonsecuriti @linux @windowsdev .@windowsdev .@techpowerup .@cnet .@wired @wireduk lets justfor fun verify h o w #windows merges user permissions in acl systems and how it diverges from octal linux and vice versa hideous user rights extension attacks use likely right this mechanism of which idonot know enough of but you do #keypoint the…
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eceenergy · 3 months
51.2V Stackable Energy Storage Battery-B
51.2V Stackable Energy Storage Battery-B
Stackable home energy storage system, with a flexible modular design. High system integration, safety, long life and good performance. They are applicable to all home storage systems. Support 4 battery modules in parallel, the use of capacity up to 5.12~25.6kWh. Easy-to-install minimalist design, freely removable lithium iron phosphate battery module, support capacity expansion to meet photovoltaic power storage and home daily power demand supply.
Using EVE, CTAL and other brands of high quality cells, product quality is guaranteed. Support the RS485 communication connection with various mainstream inverter brands.
Specification of 51.2V Stackable Energy Storage Battery-B
Rated Voltage(V)
RatedCapacity (Ah)
Rated energy(KWh)
System operating voltage range(V)
Max continuous charge current(A)
Max continuous discharge current(A)
Recommended C rate
Recomend charge/ discharge current(A)
Operating temperature(℃)
Communicating function
Battery size(W*D*H/mm)
Battery box
can be used in offgrid and hybrid steups, compact design
Alarm and protection
Over voltage, under voltage, short circuit, overload, over current, over temperature, low temperature protection, etc.
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alpaine · 6 months
ctal (constantly thinking about lolex)
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zouljazz · 10 months
Salvador Sobral, Marisa Liz, Maria Reis e Paraguaii actuam Santa Maria da Feira
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certification-exams · 2 years
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daagencyde · 3 years
Testmanager – Modernisierung eines klassischen Berufsbilds - da Agency
★ From da Agency Tech Blog ★
Testmanager – Modernisierung eines klassischen Berufsbilds
Der klassische Testmanager als Bestseller Historisch betrachtet ist der Testmanager ein Bestseller. Betrachtet man Statistiken für den ISTQB® Certified Tester Standard, so wird das Zertifikat „Advanced Level Test Manager“ nur noch vom „Foundation Level“ Zertifikat übertroffen, welches Voraussetzung für alle weiterführenden Zertifizierungen ist. Etwa jeder sechste Inhaber des Foundation Level Zertifikats erwirbt statistisch betrachtet früher oder
Read more: https://www.da-agency.de/pressemitteilung/testmanager-modernisierung-eines-klassischen-berufsbilds/
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gigijb1969 · 1 year
April 28, 2023, Thursday, Opening Day of Rockets 2023 in North Texas
Rockets 2023 opened today at the North Texas launch site in Jack county. Five schools were slated to test a total of 20. Of those, two moved to the Central Texas Launch next week and 18 were tested today here in North Texas. It was a long day. The final rockets did not reach Stage 3 until early evening. Morning launch start times are generally hopeful estimates, contingent on clearances from…
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breadgenie · 7 years
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alexaustin619-blog · 4 years
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