mikaikaika · 1 year
Don't think about Phil just sitting there staring at his lost kids' accessories as he is forced to bear witness to it 24x7 in acknowledgement of what he has lost, as he is sat there just remembering all the good moments they've had to keep him going. Don't think about Phil trying to break through the walls, the door, the window his hands bleeding and nails breaking from all his efforts. Don't think about Missa coming back to the house to an empty bed and the love of his life nowhere to be found. Don't think about how the Sinfonia-Minecraft house is now the most silent it has ever been.
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alienssstufff · 1 year
Have to be honest I get sad over people being suspicious over Codeflippa because she’s not the “Real one” and a Code. Ofc she’s not real, and she’s obviously a code, that doesn’t mean she’s bad and doesn’t deserve love 🙄
physically she is Codeflippa but she’s still /a/ JuanaFlippa know that
JuanaFlippa in relation to q!Slime is more than just the egg he looked after, she’s a Concept
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splatattackz · 1 year
hmm I wonder if cucuruchos aggressiveness towards q!tubbo is sparked partially by whatever reason there was to him being in the limbo-prison and the iceblock. whatever he did to piss (presumedly) the federation off enough to get that sort of punishment.
because this is a type of violence/attitude weve seen from cucurucho very rarely when dealing with troublemakers- the only times i can remember were of course when they chased q!cellbit with a chainsaw and when they struck q!maxo down with lightning for drilling into the fed offices. and those 2 are people that cucurucho really doesnt like anyway. so i really wonder if theres a deeper reason to how it reacts to q!tubbo..
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somebluemelodies · 9 months
look i have no idea how much of this is real/literal and how much of it is just q!Roier hallucinating an astronomical amount and/or symbolism but i think one thing feels absolutely certain and it’s that Cucurucho did in fact take him bc he was using means he shouldn’t to find q!Cellbit and they’re experimenting on him in some way(s)
when q!Cellbit ultimately finds out what happened… nervous laughter
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eternallovers65 · 1 year
Thoughts about dramatrio as a forever viewer (and occasionally bad and baghera viewer)
From q!forever's perspective, you can see how the dramatrio was always a duo and not a trio. qbad and qbaghera do not trust forever, and if they do, they don't trust him enough for their secrets.
- They never supported qforever during his presidency (qbad did vote for him, tho). qbad always complained about everything forever did, even tho qforever always tried to listen to him and everyone else.
- qbaghera did not told him the secret about her childhood, but she told qbad. Just like bad didn't tell qforever about the fed worker he kidnapped but he told qbaghera.
- "Oh but qforever took his waystone first" he did that because he asked for an item and no one helped him, so he got tired of helping people but no one helping him
- Also, qbaghera is dapper's mom, and qbad is pomme's dad. qforever was never included in this conversation.
- They say forever will get easily manipulated by the federation because he's the president, but yesterday both bad and baghera said they don't think cucurucho is bad
- They both banned forever from their houses
Anyway, they like to have forever around for the fun part of it, to joke and all but when stuff get serious they don't tell him anything and keep talking about him behind his back. And the only people that actually trust qforever is the favelafive
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quackurucho · 1 year
so i was thinking about the clip of qbad making fun of cucurucho and pulling them around and i just caught something i didn’t notice at first. qbad asked them if they don’t like being someone’s toy and asked if it makes them angry and they replied no and qcellbit, who was right next to them and adding insult to injury, went “what so you like it?”
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amberizedcasey · 10 months
cucurucho staring at the camera and shaking everytime a minor inconvience happened was so funny
also the eggs being like "tf u doing here?" and him being so confused HA GET FUCKED
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tomfrogisblue · 3 months
Oh, but be damned that window of possibility.
The "2" at the end of the Final Event Cinematic.
The entire D.R.A.G.O.N. cutscene, with the list of eggs being confirmed canonically deceased. The ones in stasis chambers, decidedly NOT deceased by juxtaposition in the scenes. An open story thread.
The CC's themselves, reiterating that, given a guarantee that the events that ended QSMP 2024 would not be allowed happen again, they would each jump at a chance to rejoin.
The fucking bio underneath the QSMP Global twitter account, unchanging and taunting: "Soon."
...That damn window of possibility.
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gooperts-gunk · 8 months
imagining cucurucho as a pathetic little guy crawling to any of his favorite islanders and going "they took my managerial job from me. im just doing contracted work now. i owe them nothing but i won't tell you anything confidential. they could take me around back and shoot me any second but i have plans to finish." but he showed up normal today so nevermind, skull emoji LUL
is it too late to make him be a little upset like in a silent way. like he lingers around a person they ask "wtf is up with you why aren't you leaving". i want q!bbh comforting him like "it's ok to lose ur purpose cucurucho! i lost my purpose when the federation brought me to this island! imagine what my boss will think when he finds out my soul quota is down... i think what's happening to you is called karma! :)"
okay maybe i just miss q!bbh and cucurucho interacting and i miss special guest crumbs but that's besides the point i want bearfailure cringeflop cucurucho, just sopping wet bear, the rabbits leave him out in the rain. living out of a dirt house with 1 cyan sofa in it.
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theoishidden · 1 year
cucurucho hate club reblog this if you hate cucurucho
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cheddertm · 1 year
But basically here’s what I got for a cute QSMP AU where Juanaflippa, Tilin, and Trump are on a mission to save their parents from the bastard that is Prince Cucurucho
So like,,, everyone on the QSMP used to be a pirate crew and one day they go to an island where it is told that the King’s greatest treasure lies there (and as pirates they gotta take it)
But instead of like gold n shit it’s dragon eggs :O which obviously they take. But because of this, they all decide to split up to take care of their eggs because if they keep being pirates, the kingdom will find them faster and take their kids!!!11!
Present time, Juanaflippa’s actually knows about the pirate crew and the stories bc Charlie tells them (and draws them out) to her as bedtime stories. Of course Charlie changes a few details and names but the main plot is still there
Now it’s Juanaflippa’s 9th birthday and her two best friends are coming over to have a sleepover!!! Everyone arrives pretty early so the kiddos go to Juana’s room to go play n everything until Cucurucho arrives and wants to know where their kids are.
Max who went to the bathroom sneaks into Juana’s room to tell them all to hide in the special hiding spot. (All the parents have this for their kid just in case) He tells them all to cover the hole and afterwards count to 10, as if they were playing hide-n-seek
But ah shit Cucurucho takes the parents and fucks off and when the kids come out to see the prince take away their parents, Juanaflippa recognizes Cucurucho from the story Charlie and Mariana tells her and is like “ah shit our parents were pirates”
Now it’s up to Juanaflippa, Tilin, and Trump to try to find the rest of the crew and save their parents!1!1!1 [wacky hijinks ensues]
Anyways thanks for reading this far ahead, of course this isn’t perfect or anythint but its my silly idea thag i might work on more later and when ors not barely like 1 am
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POV: Juanaflippa is beating the shit out of Cucurucho
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manglechan1204 · 1 year
qcellbit and or qjaiden for the character bingo? :D
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Here qCellbit ! I love him very much, he is our little paranoid cannibalistic catboy 😌.
I'm sorry I only see jaiden through other people pov, so I don't know her character very well..
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factorialsotherfandoms · 11 months
There's always the third option for who murdered the Federation worker - there was talk at one point of black&red Cucurucho being from a universe where /everyone/ had a warped copy. It was on one of Philza's streams, but I don't remember whose idea it was.
So it's always possible that's true and parallel dimension Cellbit has slipped on through.
I don't consider it especially likely but its possible.
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qsmprambling · 6 months
My god Sipi, Ollie, and Bad are so funny together 😆
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
I can’t get over how funny but also how interesting Cucurucho’s intense hatred towards Tubbo is. Like you’d think Cucurucho would also hate Cellbit like that given how many times they’ve clashed, but they still regard Cellbit with more amusement than genuine annoyance. They chased Cellbit with a chainsaw during his first week on the island, but you could tell Cucurucho had fun tormenting him and was doing a lot of it for kicks. And yknow what? Cellbit gave them exactly the reaction they wanted. He was terrified.
But Tubbo? Cucurucho pulls a gun on Tubbo and he just goes “oh chill the fuck out and put the gun down.” They yell at Tubbo for his drill and he starts planning to build an even bigger one. And I think that’s what grinds Cucurucho’s gears so much. No matter what they do, Tubbo won’t give them the reaction they want. They can’t crack him. I think they know that if they threw Tubbo into a dark underground maze and chased him with a chainsaw a la Horror Movie Protagonist Cellbit he might get freaked out for a second, but then he’d just be like “what are you a fucking theatre kid?”
All this is to say I think Tubbo pisses Cucurucho off in a way few other islanders have been able to do, and because of that, they’re not going to stop until they find out exactly what will make Tubbo break
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kiwioala · 8 months
transcripted egg reports:
1. Who are your parents? "philza and missa" 2. Which parent do you spend the most time with? "philza" 3. What have you learnt from your parents? "to trust yourself and those closest to you" 4. Do you feel weak? "not much different. i'm okay, i don't feel weak"
1. Who are your parents? "BadBoyHalo and Baghera" 2. How are you currently feeling? "like killing a certain bear in front of me but also than that nothing" 3. Have the cookies made you feel happy? "cookies is cookies so I guess yes"
1. Who are your parents? "foolich y vegetta" 2. Do you hate somebody? "la sunny" 3. Do you feel weak? "debil?? no, yo soy fuerte y mamadisima"
1. Who are your parents? "mamae bagi, mami mouse, mama niki and eomma tina" 2. Have the cookies made you happy? "I trusted you it would be safe and that trust killed me. change the baker of the cookies" 3. What do you know about the Federation? "you could give me my life back, but i'm not perfect enough am I?"
1. Who are your parents? "PA TUBBO, POP SLIME, MA LENAY :D" 2. What have you learned from your parents? "THAT IM THE CUTEST :D" 3. What do you know about the Federation? "MY STEP PA WORKS HERE :D ILL TAKE OVER SOON >:D"
1. Who are your parents? "apa quackity, apa mariana, y apa roier :-D" 2. What do you value the most? "que mis apas sean felices asi muy muy felices :]" 3. Who do you get along with best on this island? "con mi bestie leo, mi awelo foolish, y soulmate empanada!! :D"
1. Who are your parents? "fit and pac, you should know" 2. Do you hate somebody? "maybe. but thats personal right?" 3. What do you know about the Federation? "only what the federation wants me to know. thats what you do, right?"
1. Who are your parents? "Papa Phil, Papi Wilbur, Pa Missa" 2. Do you hate somebody? "No mames cucurucho. maybe" 3. What do you value the most? "I value quality time, something papa Phil and Chay gives me :D"
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