#CW Romo Piper
starrysupercell · 2 years
Imagine not moving to main because of seeing something and immediately thinking of a ship. Bingo thing, LCA (or Nelle or Scene stealers) <3 and if ya wanna get really out of context, then bad timeline duo >:3 I'm not asking for the wives, but Para too *wink*
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Bad Timeline Coworkers bad timeline coworkers bad timeline cowo--
No context for anyone but us XD I think about them so much though.......... (pretend I marked the *clenches fist* box too thanks) because there's so much symbolism with them it hurts.
Since original/canon Coworkers are designed so well in regards to each other, CW!Colette and GL!Edgar are just 👌👌👌👌👌 fhsids so perfect.
They help each other so much and trauma dump but skfjdjwr Bestie, they commit crimes.
I want the world for them but also they need to chill /pos /lh 🖤💝
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LCA! 🎬📸💰
Nani: Red
Lola: Green
Belle: the other one
They became a thing because of ME, except I haven't properly discussed them in public (tumblr) just on discord. XD
Fluff is for Nelle because they're soft, and of COURSE Scene Stealers/Belladonna make each other worse.
NANI deserves better :( but its okay because I'll just have to write things for her.
The rivals one is that AU 👁
The angst one is that other AU >:) (the superhero one, but she no spoilers)
I'll be honest and say Nani and Lola need some time to develop their side of the relationship. But imo it's also cute <3 because on their own, Lola would defintely be "oh! She's cute!" And try to win her favor. Nani... isn't really impressed at first because of her attitude. It'd probably be a sweet, slow burn.
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Para the beloved wives 💕
Idk why other people started shipping them but I remember I watched the brawl stars animations, and in Mortis' Mortuary, Tara was dancing, and in Barley's Last Call, Piper was dancing and I thought "What if they danced..... together? 😳" and it's all uphill from there.
Anyway, I'm glad that Tiper is popular but I think Para is a better ship name because it sounds cuter. <3 in before my second account name lore shhhh
Their aesthetics are great somehow?? Like okay one, they have matching colored outfits. And then we have Misfortune Tara who just 👀👀 with a Baker old timey gal???
A Princess and her Mystical girlfriend??? I feel like I'm not explaining myself right but I'm just looking at them, tbh. 💜💙
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aroacenita · 3 years
Hey, umm...
Moots? Or just, anyone who is on the Bs community? Would ya mind doing me a favor?
Could you tag any content that implies that Byron, Belle, Piper or Tara are on a romo relationship? As in, one where they would need to feel romantic attraction to be in? Maybe with the tag "Cw romo Byron/Belle/Piper/Tara"
I know this sounds really weird, but genuienly get physically unwell when I see that, and idk why. So, if you could do that for me, it would be a big favor. If you can't, then no problem!
(Unless it's Piper X Belle, my brain immediatly defaults to "It's on a QPR kinda way!" So no need to tag that)
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starrysupercell · 3 years
srry i have no idea how tumblr works
Answer: it doesn't. C:
Under the cut because I feel bad spamming long posts lately. Sorry folks who don't like me ✌ there is more, and that's my warning :3
Ship that you didn’t expect to ship but now do: 💓
Okay, it's a little weird, but Brock/Rico(chet) is pretty cute, ngl.. Someone on reddit pointed out that they have matching jackets and I can't stop thinking about it.
The only reason why I think it's slightly awkward is because I originally started Bounced Around as a familial type bond between all three, but in some future scenes I've written, they have a kind of cute interaction... like small, mutual crushes...where both parties don't know what to do with said crushes...
Even re-reading through the current scenes I have, Rico(chet) treats Brock different from 8-Bit, so it's like I subconsciously shipped them already. (Case in point, Rico treats 8-Bit like a younger brother, but talks to Brock and there's a sense of respect because of how they met.)
But I'm not too sure what I'll do with them in the end- I don't like stifling characters, but at the same time I don't have a plan for them. So... we'll see? :3
Ship that is most misunderstood: 💢
Misunderstood, like a tortured artist, or like misinterpreted by the fandom?
In either case, a PSA:
Edgar doesn't have a crush on Emz, it's the Scarf that has a crush on Emz's Bandages. Or who knows, maybe Scarfy has a crush on Poco's Guitar. Or both.
(Only joking. I honestly think any shippy interpretation of that picture is fun :3 I've even talked about polyamorous Poco/Edgar/Emz with somebody.)
Ship that you have as an OTP: 🌹
*glances at your username* Can you guess? :3 Because Tiper is real, you know.
Like, man. Can I gush about these two? I can't say for sure what kickstarted my interest in them. Probably pieces of fan art here and there, and the canonical bit of them both liking to groove (shown individually).
And their interactions are like... Sweet.
In my main verse, Piper just does not take it easy. Tara gives the air of being a mysterious, important entity, and that's what gets Piper to talk to her in the first place. But she gradually slows down in matters like those because Tara's outlook in life is constant self-improvement. Honestly, Piper could stand to learn a thing or two... and Tara being happy gives me life.
I'd like to focus on them more... I have plans for them in one story as Misfortune Tara/Piper. Where their dynamic from the start is even sweeter, with no actual ulterior motives from either side. Agh, but why can't it just write itself? Smh.
Anyway Tiper has been mega real since 1965, maybe even sooner.
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