coffeewritesfiction · 3 months
Which Image - A Chzo Mythos fanfic
Title comes from the song Witch Image by the band Ghost. If there's interest I'll write more and explain to my followers what this game series is.
Apologies to the people who wanted to be tagged in this, Tumblr isn't recognizing your urls. I'll try to tag in a reblog. Also apologies to the British if my American ass screwed things up. I'll make edits as needed.
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London, 2015
In between the crackling thunder, a young man screamed in agony, sweet as the music of a harpsichord.
Footsteps pounded like the rain through the stolen, repurposed corpse of a building. An office, once, now a shell like any other mortal body. Down the many stairs the footsteps carried, sneakers squeaking wet on dirty tile. Down the stairs and through the halls, she ran.
Why the persistence? Too late, far too late, to save her friend. But the young woman resisted the obvious. Dark of hair and pure of heart, he could not harm her yet. He watched the sweat drip down her warm brown skin, how she brushed the strands of hair from her face. Standing, kneeling, struggling, suffering.
He watched and he wondered. Yes, he did wonder.
It'd been a strange choice, to offer up an American for a sacrifice, but Chzo was not a picky god. This young woman could not have looked more different from her light-haired friend. But in her eyes, a desperate fire burned, and looking away proved a challenge.
That fire… She reminded him of someone. How distasteful.
Of course, of course, too late for her friend. She opened the door to strangers standing over the remains. Of course, of course, too late for her. The cult would spare her, when they caught her, he would ensure it…
They did not catch her.
They did not even notice her, too consumed with their own escape. The Ministry agents closed in, fortune smiling upon them once again. She fled, they fled, and it had all gone wrong.
He could've been furious.
He could've been.
Instead, he stood upon the old building, his shadow stretching long in the light flashing overhead. He stood, and he watched her race into the darkness, her parcel, their parcel, clutched to her frail body.
He watched, and yes, yes he wondered.
She reminded him of someone… Cabadath wasn't sure he liked that.
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It'd been almost twelve hours before anyone realized the girl was gone. Far too late to save her life. The Order of Blessed Agonies worked fast. But so did Trilby.
The Order must've been desperate to prey on tourists. They had to have known who they were choosing. The accents on these kids weren't subtle. Five of them came overseas on spring holiday, bright eyed and oblivious. Three headed home tonight. The other two would follow in coffins.
“Trilby,” one of his supervisors said, “I know what you're thinking. Don't put yourself at risk to try and save this kid.”
“I'm already at risk,” he'd said. “What's a little more?”
“We need you alive - and so do they.”
And that was the thing, wasn't it? The Order wouldn't keep this girl, this Jillian Taylor Cortez, alive, but he couldn't say they'd do the same with him. Damned prophecies…
Her name was Jillian Taylor Cortez. She just turned 19. Mexican-American mother, British father. Got her middle name because the latter died before she was born, so said her friends.
She looked nothing like Simone Taylor. If she had, Trilby might've lost it again.
Twelve hours, they found the boy, or what was left of him. They'd followed the muddy footprints from the ground floor all the way to the altar. Trilby followed them back up, frowning. Pretended he didn't see the glances between the ones around him.
He had a hunch.
Just a hunch, but he'd been doing this for almost twenty years now. Just a hunch, he'd say later… but he'd been right before.
“Don't you dare!” Someone shouted at his back. “Damn it, Trilby! Get back here! It's not worth it!”
He ignored them, ignored the rain soaking his suit. Wasn't breaking the rules if nobody up top told you not to. Besides, he was just following a hunch. Just giving a quick check around the buildings. No harm in that.
No harm on her, when he caught her dead center in the light of his torch.
He stared at her and she stared right back, her eyes wide and hollow. The rain soaked her right through, plastering clothes to skin and hair to her cheeks. The bow in her hair, half undone. The fear in her eyes, too painful, too real.
Trilby raised a hand.
She bolted.
“Wait! No!”
Trilby followed.
The kid knew how to run. Ran through the streets like the world was ending. Trilby kept up. He wasn't young anymore, he'd feel it for the next few days, but he kept up. So did the rain.
Only took a few wrong turns. She didn't know anything about the area - neither did he, to be fair. Was only a little bit of a surprise to find themselves in another alley, to come across the fence blocking their way. Was a very big surprise when the girl ran right for it.
“Jillian!” He shouted over the thunder. “Jill!”
Did she even hear him? She didn't stop. Lunged for the fence, one hand grasping the chain link metal. Trilby moved faster than her.
He grabbed her around the waist. She screamed. They both hit the ground, he let her go and she scrambled backwards. He shifted, sat up, looked her in the face again.
Terrified eyes, wide and wild. It wasn't just the rain soaking her cheeks, the spring weather shuddering her shoulders.
Trilby raised his hands.
“Jillian,” he said. “It's alright, Jill. I'm with the Ministry of Occultism. We're here to help you. I can't believe you're still alive…”
She breathed. She held the book in her arms tight. Book? He looked down at it. Heavy, large, leather bound. Some kind of writing on the cover.
Oh my God, he thought. Did she steal that from the Order?
Trilby looked up to her face again. Her eyes locked onto something over his shoulder.
Trilby jerked out of the way. The blade buried into the ground he'd stood moments before. Trilby moved, backed away as far as he could go, the blood draining from his face.
“Oh, hell,” Trilby said.
The featureless face of the Prince of Pain tilted towards him. Cabadath had not changed at all in the last twenty years. Bone chilling, even after all these years and all their meetings. Still ever the same, nine feet tall and dressed in black, the rain coursing down his long coat and leaving the fabric dry. The Prince straightened in slow motions, raising the four pronged scythe and resting it by his side.
Still the Prince stared at him, though he had no eyes to do so. He raised a hand and pointed to the girl.
Jill. She'd gotten out of the way just in time. Trilby couldn't risk looking away from the Prince for longer than an instant, Cabadath moved too fast, but she still breathed, standing against the fence. Her eyes, still wild, locked onto the terror between them.
Had Cabadath been chasing her too? The Prince had powers like no human ever could. Hallucinations were a favorite, Trilby knew that from experience.
The Prince waited.
Trilby took a breath.
“Jillian,” he said. “Give him the book.”
She did not move but her whole body shuddered with her breath.
“He's playing nice right now,” Trilby said, eyes locked on the Prince, “but he doesn't have to. You don't know what he's fully capable of, you've just seen part of it.”
Jillian did not move.
“There's nothing in that book that can help you,” Trilby said. “You don't want to get involved with this more than you have been. I don't know how you got it, but you need to give it back. Before he takes it from you.”
Her body shuddered. Jillian blinked, hard. The Prince did not move. He did not look away.
Her arms unlocked. She took another deep, shuddering breath. Holding the book in careful hands, she laid it upon the ground at her feet, and stepped away. And away. And away.
Trilby watched the Prince. He did not notice where the young woman moved to, until she stopped. Stopped between him and Cabadath, facing the Prince, her arms stretched out as if she could protect Trilby from the monster watching them.
Protect him from Cabadath. He wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry at the thought.
The Prince tilted his head. His gaze shifted towards the girl. Trilby placed a hand on Jillian’s shoulder. Cabadath’s shoulders shook, as if in silent laughter. But of course, no sound came from the Tall Man. They were not worth the effort.
Turning away from the mortals, Cabadath stepped toward the book. He knelt, and with one long free hand, picked it up. Turning fully back towards the two humans, he bowed a mocking thanks. Trilby set his teeth, held Jill's shoulder as she flinched.
As the Prince straightened, he vanished. The rain poured down over them and the tension disappeared from Trilby's body. Cabadath truly was gone. For now.
Jillian sobbed.
Trilby's focus snapped to her again. Shit.
She placed her hand over her mouth as the sobs shook her body.
“Cal,” she whispered the name of her friend. “Cal, I'm sorry.”
He couldn't think of anything to say. Trilby wrapped an arm around her and pulled out his phone with the other. How long had it been ringing?
“Yeah?” He said. “Yeah, I'm alright. Yeah, we're both okay. I found the girl, she's alive. It's… it's a long story. I'll explain everything back at headquarters.”
Trilby held the young woman against his body as he led her back into the light. He glanced uneasy at the roofs above them, expecting a tall shadow staring down, but only the rain waited overhead, the drops falling down between her tears.
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tortillasconsal · 2 years
Splendorman doodles
The pink color is so pretty here omg
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I want to keep drawing him and the fam to get more used to their proportions and their individual features. But especially Splendor since I'm still focused on him and trying to explore his character and design a little bit.
Also a sneek peak on his black hands because I forgot to give him gloves and was too lazy to fix it when I started coloring.
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Trender might be the next member I'll make a post about since he is a fashion-focused character and I love fashion and clothing so much, but he might be tricky because the character the fandom has made seems to have a very boring hipster & business casual style and I have a bone to pick with those. But it works for him so I'll have to suck it up and see what I can do while make him a little bit unsettling since he's still a blood-thirsty eldrich entity in my vision
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eldritchflower · 1 year
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Some very familiar spooky peeps.. Well, at least one of them is to most people I've met...
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z0mbi3cr33pyyyy · 5 months
Sarah Lee - Their mother She/her, Bi, Cis She is African American and Korean, (has 4 bio kids, 6 kids total)
(Desc) She's very big and beautiful, long tight dark brown/gray curls, two sets of yellow/amberish eyes, gold jewelry, dark long tight dresses, very cheery and supportive
(Afab Slender creatures look human besides some small things but they can hide them easily! Amab do have a chance to have eyes, mpuths, hair, etc, but its not common!)
Cabdathe Lee - Their Father, He/Him(Any) Pan, Transmasc, He is German >w<
Desc) Tall and Lanky, opposite of Sarah, white blank face, scars and dark long ripped dark clothes, LOVES fashion (dosent show it as much) Rough (in a nice way) and quiet
(Human form) still pretty tall and lanky, Pale, Greenish/yellow eyes, ginger/gray hair, monocle, same style in clothes
Slender Marshall Lee - 2nd kid, Adopted from Cab's side, He/it(Any)(undecided on his shmexual orientation) Transmasc, French/German
(Desc) Long and lanky, white pale face, scars, (if dark academia was all black clothes, that would be Slender's style) Mysterious, quiet
(Human form) Long dark ginger hair, pale skin, Dark green eyes, glasses (only to read) Same style
(Adoption story) Slender was just a baby when his bio mom died, it was Cab's Sister, he was devastated and couldn't leave Slender with anyone else, so he took him in and raised him as his own son.
Splendor Lee - 3rd kid She/Her (Any Neos) Pan, Transfem, African American/Korean/German
(Desc) Stubby and tall, Dark Ember curly hair, Loves bright fun "cringe" styles, Yellow eyes and a mouth, sharp teeth and braces
Trender Lee - 5th kid, He/him, Gay, Cis, African American/Korean/German (Does drag regularly!)
(Desc) Skinny Lanky, blank white face, glasses, Silver jewelry, Usual outfit = Brown sweater. Dark baggy pants, but most recent popular styles are his fav/current style)
(Human form) Pretty tall and lanky, skinny waist, greenish yellow eyes, dark brown/black curly hair (blondeish ends)
These are all the "Cannon" Slenderbtohers! If you want my oc's I will gladly write more!
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mossyappendix · 3 months
no one's care if you die, because you dead already
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zretribution · 10 months
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"It hurts." (Cabadath stim board for @cabadath-prince-of-pain)
💀|💀|💀 / 💀|💀|💀 / 💀|💀|💀
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dadumtss · 1 year
The Slender Brothers’ Father / Cabadath Headcanons
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Part [1] [2] [3] [4] of the ask
Is Cabadath a Proud Dad?
If you asked him that question to his face he’d imply that he considers his sons too stupid to be proud of.
That’s just bluster.
If his wife was still alive he may have been more critical of his sons’ less ‘traditional’ lifestyles and jobs, regardless of their success. But right now all he wants is for what’s left of his family to be happy and healthy, and his sons have always been fulfilled by and successful in their paths in life whether they were preying on humans in secrecy or leading a business or government.
So in a word, yes. Cabadath is, and has always been, proud of his sons.
(Even if they can be absolute idiots)
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skellinore · 1 year
Like Father, Like Son...
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Lord Cabadath and his eldest son, Slender.
Slenderman has some pretty big shoes to fill.
Being a prince of a very successful and terrifying king is a lot to live up to.
My version of Slender is... very different from everyone else's Slender.
I would say.
Considering I give mine scars and gold accents, and also made Zalgo his husband, but that's beside the point.
I haven't gotten around to drawing Slender's "Mother"
I put mother in quotation marks because, again.
My version of Faceless Demons is that they have no concept of gender, and it's hard to tell Faceless Demons apart if you aren't one of them.
So none of the Faceless Demons have boobs or hair, because I find that incredibly lazy, I dunno, I just don't like it. But you do you, bestie.
(But for the sake of my own sanity, I will be using pronouns, considering I will be talking about three people in this post.)
But most Faceless Demons do look masculine, some of them may have a feminine waist or hips.
I like giving my Slender a snatched waist because he's a power botto-
Heading back on track.
Little story bits and facts:
Slenderman and his "Mother's" relationship has always been rocky, she's controlling and stubborn, with a bit of a temper.
Think... Stella from Helluva Boss, expect she loves her husband to death, she's possessive and self-absorbed, remember in my last Cabadath post, that Cabadath is aroace, and that he was forced into an arranged marriage with her.
She has a set curriculum and plans for each of her baby boys, especially for Slender, envisioning herself in each one of them, pushing her dreams onto them, pushing high standards on them.
By set plans, I mean she already picked out what they're allowed to wear, who to see, who they're going to marry, what they learn, what job they're going to have, etc.
One last quick fact about Slender's mother.
She used to be a guardian of the Earth, basically protecting the forests and wildlife, but she loves the city life in Hell more, so she lost her privilege of being a guardian, and so her blessing passed onto Slender.
So Slender can hear the trees whisper, understand what the wildlife is saying, hear the beautiful melodies that the wind and water provide, he's enthralled in all of it, he loves the wildness and untamed nature around him, and he'll do anything to protect it, which is why my Slender hates humanity.
Head-cannon time:
1.) Cabadath is actually the whole reason that Slender and Zalgo meet in the first place. Considering that Zalgo's father is the King of Hell, (and no not Lucifer or Satan, or whatever you want to call him, Zalgo's family slaughtered Lucifer, making Zalgo's family the new rulers of Hell.) Cabadath works for Zalgo's father, and he wanted his son to meet the King, but instead Zalgo snatched Slender's tiny waist and then they became friends from there.
2.) All Faceless Demons know proper etiquette and mannerisms, because it is forced upon them, most Faceless Demons get annoyed and upset by unproper etiquette and mannerisms including improper speech such as abbreviations. So Faceless Demons have classes for teaching them to get over this. Slender had to learn to get over this problem by Zalgo, to which he is grateful for.
3.) Both Cabadath and Slender like their coffee sweet and light, come on guys, I know how many of you like to make Slender drink straight up black coffee. So I'm doing something different. >:| (it's getting overrated...)
4.) My Slender knows how to control elements! Such as earth/rock/metal, fire/magma, water/ice/blood, and air. (He's the Avatar. Haha, kidding.)
5.) Cabadath and Zalgo's father are really good friends, Zalgo's father is pinning for Cabadath, what he wouldn't do to just hold hands with him. Cabadath realizes this, but he doesn't mind, he finds him much more pleasant to deal with rather than his own wife. Often staying nights or extra hours.
6.) Slenderman hates onions. Fuck onions.
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The thorn in my side just may be you
He envied him with the fury of a thousand suns.
(Cabadath/Trilby, angst and unhealthy stuff, and physical and mental hurt)
(I'm Not a Thief, I'm a Treasure Hunter — A Skylit Drive)
Mission: destroy Buzzers nest in city garden.
It's hard to breathe, thick, whitish fog that covers labyrinthine garden is clogging in lungs, soaking into clothes, settling on my exposed skin, and moving around arms like a small gnat swarm, covering a gun.
Shadows from the other world lay on that veil, playing, creating ethereal images of the creatures from the Land of Magic.
"One" step forward "Two" lean shoulder against shaped bush.
On third, counting is easier.
On fourth, a rumble burns ear.
On fifth, around the corner, a slightly cleared eye notices a pulsing, overflowing nest of creatures.
On sixth…
The sting of the Worker Buzzer came in below the elbow.
A palm blow flung the small body away — a corpse.
It hurts.
Feeling the blood, dozens of Buzzers rose into the air.
Soldier Buzzer, Worker Buzzer, Soldier Buzzer, Worker Buzzer, Soldier Buzzer.
Letting out a harsh exhale through gritted teeth, Trilby stepped back, swung his gun.There are too many of them. Some of it is real, some of it isn't.
Fog or opium.
It hurts.
Another sting, next to the previous one — next to swollen, quickly swelling inflamed mark.
It hurts.
A swing. The attacking row of buzzing soldiers turned into a sticky mass, clung to scythe blades, and slid down the sleeve of the long cloak.
Another swing. Dome of the nest collapsed inwards from a cross-blade blow.
Buzzers retreated; they never dared touch the Prince.
"Tall man"
"You" Trilby breathed out, not in a respectful bow, the pain dragging him to the ground and his floating vision barely recognizing the world beyond the Prince's back.
Everything converged on the nest, on the sound — a sound so similar to what he'd saw at the hotel.
Only then Cabadath struck lumberjack, not nest.
Again and again.
Body. Nest. Body. Nest.
 Again… Prince was in front of him.
Sudden touch to his forehead is warm, burning with heat of skinless flesh.
Trilby flinched away, and the back of his head slammed against front car door.
His eyes went black and his palms unclenched.
 It hurts.
There was just enough hesitation to miss the moment when Cabadath dropped down next to him, pulled up the edge of his jacket, and snatched his shirt from beneath his loose vest.
"You" Trilby repeats muffledly.
Prince didn't answer, didn't turn his blank face toward him — he pulled, tearing off the strip of cloth easily.
"Why?" Trilby understood the gesture, even before Kabadath grabbed his wounded arm.
Torn fabric tugged tightly above the elbow.
Prince stood up.
"Too late" the burning sensation licked muscles, "Bring first aid kit"
Cabadath tilted his head.
"In the car" was the Tall Man before his eyes a monster "Above" or an agent from the Ministry, whose appearance was twisted by a demented mind.
Shall he allow him to help or defend himself?
Does the murderer and thief deserve forgiveness?
Shards of the window broken by the end of scythe fell to the ground.
"Who are you?!
Straps that held the first aid kit in place popped.
"Who?" Trilby remembered how lucky Siobhan had been.
If he hit harder, if he had something heavier than a packet of sedatives at hand, if she hadn't woken up.
Prince tossed the first aid kit.
Inside, the ampoules clashed loudly against each other.
"Scholar?" attempt at a guess and a nickname.
Nothing; Cabadath froze in waiting — just like a human.
"You're not from the ministry, are you?" a suggestion.
A cultist coming to help the pawn of prophecy?
Who dares to hide behind Prince mask?
In response, Cabadath only pushed the first aid kit closer.
"I can handle it" tongue not listening "Go away"
The Prince did not move.
"Please" whoever reached out must leave "Please leave" Trilby's once nimble, now numb fingers could barely open the latch lock "Or kill"
Crouching down, Cabadath pointed to one of the syringes.
And Trilby obeyed the Prince.
"Happy?" antidote in his blood makes it easier to think, easier to accept his position — to draw a conclusion.
Cabadath nodded.
"For what?"
Cabadath swing his scythe.
"Your King…"
In a steel flash, the blade of the scythe appeared under Trilby's chin.
"Come on, kill me" closeness of death and the support behind his head pulled a phantom from his mind — the image of open palm in front of his face, — Again.
Kabadath stepped back: unnaturally easy carve something on the ground.
Disappeared with a final line, a spark.
"Not Chzo" Trilby lifted his head enough to recognize the rune.
Last and missing one.
Cabadath confirmed what the warehouse walls hinted at — what was behind the orange glow.
"Not Chzo" if virtue is a cult trap, a patch of distant and dry land in front of a drowning dog, then they're wasting their time.
His work is done.
Under the care of the Man in Red, next one will pay the debt.
Not him.
"Not Chzo" if it weren't for the danger, if it weren't for the race against time, if it weren't for the ringing of new messages — then thoughts, hooks would have pulled more threads of logic.
A tangle, pressing on sanity, realization of what was happening.
"Not Chzo" Cabadath didn't leave instantly, his hunched shadow glimpsed in headlights.
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tortillasconsal · 2 years
Here's a graph of my heights headcanons for the Slenderfam
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For the people that count with feet:
Splendorman is 11'4 ft
Offenderman is 10'4 ft
Cabadath and Slenderman are 9'8 ft
Trenderman is 9'1 ft
And Surrenderman is 8'2 ft
The example I'm using is 5'4 ft
I'll be sure to draw a line-up soon enough, or at least when I'm done showing you guys my versions of each of them (if I ever find the inspiration to make Cabadath and Surrenderman I definitely won't do Offenderman though)
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Would you take his hand??
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wryrlia · 2 years
driving to your non-canonical dad's retirement home
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HAPPY IT HURTS DAY!!! Been in the fandom for a while but I haven't made any fanart lmaoo
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dingostrash · 2 years
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Made the bf watch Chzo mythos with me. We had fun :)
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