#Caesar chats
cloud-craft · 2 years
I went into WCSMP expecting Scott to be like, the “evil” one, but its 100% joey. Joey is the evil one and everything Scott is doing is justified actually.
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stationk17 · 2 years
Anyone leftover from my original ego days may remember a certain fantasy au I was working on a whole bunch, and I just found the notebook the original notes were written in, including the map and written lang I made for this universe.
I don’t know if I will fully revamp it like I am with LOF, but I do miss it enough to redo designs and some world building, so maybe expect some of that at some point
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antxnous · 2 months
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chat what r they talking about
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thefiendly · 12 days
Oops I started an internal war in the arcade tag.
Going slightly more in depth with Caesar x Arcade or Vulpes x Arcade or whatever. The "supporting" arguments I've somewhat seen or heard of can all be explained by other factors.
People scream vulcade when Arcade recognizes Vulpes because omg!!! They're gay and in a relationship!!! No, Arcade can see through disguises because he has had to run his entire life and be in hiding because of his enclave connections. And also not to mention he has above average perception (6) and the highest intelligence out of any companion (10)
Again, on the topic of intelligence I have seen that one post saying that Arcade is of equal intelligence to Caesar. In which case are we forgetting Caesar is dumber than SNUFFLES THE MOLE RAT???? Caesar probably has a 3rd grade education. Caesar's entire legion depends on the fact that people don't know he stole the idea of the Roman empire. Because of this he has to be very convincing so he's more charismatic than intelligent considering he couldn't come up with a unique idea.
Besides that, Arcade literally REFUSES to talk to you if you have a legion uniform on. If you help Caesar he threatens to leave permanently. Can you sell him? Yes. Do we know how long he's in slavery before he kills himself? No. But it's safe to assume he did not enjoy it one bit and he would not stoop low enough to start banging probably the only person in the Mojave he absolutely HATES. Arcade is an advocate for self freedom which is why he prefers the independence route the most. Him being enslaved strips him of his freedom and being in a relationship with the man who enslaved him is probably his worst fear. He would much rather go out of his own terms than god knows what.
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my-name-is-apollo · 6 months
OKAY so I read "The Caesars" by emperor Julian and y'all, if you love Lucian's satires this is absolutely for you.
Here are some of my favorite parts from it:
A quick summary: Romulus (who has now attained the status of a god, like Heracles) once hosted a Saturnalia and invited the Greek gods and the Roman emperors to the banquet. A contest between the Roman emperors ensued, with Alexander the Great called in as an extra contestant upon Heracles' request.
Silenus is the star of the show, doing most of the jesting. But I really like the way his bond with Dionysus is highlighted
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And it's no joke, he really does roast these emperors till they're sizzling lol starting with Julius Caesar himself:
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Next comes Augustus Octavius, whose entry is so pretentious and pompous that it becomes repulsive
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Apollo gets a bit defensive over his "nursling" (a nod to the belief that Octavius was actually Apollo's son) and goes *insert Barbie meme "it's really not that bad! it just needs a little... shaping. To the salon!!"* ft Zenon the Philosopher who casts some spells of philosophy to make Octavius less obnoxious
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And it works because Octavius is mostly humble and well mannered for the rest of the day lol
Heracles grabs this opportunity to fanboy over Alexander the great.
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Like, "my beloved Alexander"?? It's cute when the gods gush over their mortal descendants.
Now, a shoutout to the emperors who didn't even get a chance to sit in the assembly because they were the worst of the lot apparently. We have:
Caligula, so terrible that the gods didn't wanna even look at him and he straight away was sent to Tartarus
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Nero, who tried to be an Apollo wannabe and promptly got taken to the underworld
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Commodus, whom Silenus didn't even bother to roast (and he tripped and fell anyway, what a loser)
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There are more but these were the funniest
Anyway, the gods decide on how to choose the best amongst the Emperors. Apollo and Hermes have differing opinions on this, but Zeus decides to entertain the suggestions of both of his sons :3 (finally, one instance where he treats Apollo and Hermes equally)
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All the emperors talk about their achievements first, then Hermes cross examines them to see if their motives were worthy enough and oh boy, it does not go well for Alexander who is brought to the verge of tears by Dionysus lmaooo
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Anyway, in the end the gods vote and Emperor Marcus Aurelius wins the contest. But after that, Zeus asks each emperor to choose a god to spend the rest of their evening with
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Ares and Aphrodite kind of just adopt Caesar LOL and yes, Cronus is present, sitting beside Zeus, with Rhea and Hera also sitting with them. He is the one who nominates Marcus Aurelius.
but here's the most crack part of this whole thing:
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Like who invited Jesus bro skdjsndn 😭
Anyway, the story ends with Hermes giving some generic advice to the author, Emperor Julian and ending the story. Also, Julian lets us know that this whole story was told to him by none other than Hermes himself, and gives a disclaimer that he doesn't know if it's is true or just a lie fabricated by Hermes, or a mixture of both LMAO
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outofcontextdiscord · 2 years
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spicyhip · 3 months
ya’ll wanna take a how many aura points do you have quiz with me
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charmavoid · 6 months
when I woke up I told my dad it's the ides of march and he said "Well, it's time to Caesar the day! ;)" and I'm not sure if he's making a pun or telling me to stab the day 23 times. Maybe both.
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thegingergal · 9 months
me: i have made my peace with hbo rome’s historical inaccuracies and come to appreciate (some of) them
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caesarsprincess · 18 days
Another pet peeve: when Character AI formulates the perfect reply only to get the laugh completely wrong.
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cloud-craft · 7 months
(It would be for fun and have no deadline/competition aspect. Also hc related for sure. No pressure to actually draw anything if you vote, I am just gathering data)
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stationk17 · 2 years
Okay so many of those blogs were deactivated so I will just, not include the idea of the self inserts in the revamp. I love the idea past me had with the fan collaboration aspect of the au, and everyone’s ideas for each of their inserts, but right now I am not in a position to juggle that so for future posts about SW, any gods or goddesses that are mentioned are going to be other characters from existing related online material (esp now that we have more to work with since 2018)
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antxnous · 2 months
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mom said it’s my turn on the terminal
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mine craft
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gay-caesar-truther · 1 month
Playing FNV has made me genuinely wish I had better taste in men
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bubbleman-caesarino · 2 months
You coming back yet bud?
[[it has been five years my guy]]
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i love how Caesar's hair colour changing reflects his darker mental state from having to deal with Noco
correct, objectively correct
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