#Cafe Metropol
semioticapocalypse · 9 months
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Lisette Model. Singer at the Cafe Metropol. New York. 1946
I Am Collective Memories   •    Follow me, — says Visual Ratatosk
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emmieexplores2 · 3 months
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Loretta Young and Tyrone Power in Cafe Metropole c.1937
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detectiveangel · 4 months
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tyrone power playing around with his monocle while pretending to be a displaced russian prince in café metropole (1937)
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hellostarrynightblr · 2 years
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Adolphe Menjou in Cafe Metropole (1937) dir. Edward H. Griffith
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internatlvelvet · 7 months
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Loretta and Tyrone on set of Cafe Metropole in 1937
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crislemos86 · 11 months
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Me vê um café. Sem açúcar e nem adoçante. Apenas o seu puro sabor. Quente e amargo. Por favor.
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verstappen-cult · 4 months
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✦ ۰ —ᣞ ⊹ ݁ ﹙ 🖇️ ﹚: monaco grand prix !
early morning coffee from the terrace overlooking the harbor. runs along the race track. evenings at the beach club. spa at le metropole to be ready for the numerous weekend’s festivities. lunch at cafe de paris. quick shopping spree to attend the race on sunday. watching free practice from the comfort of your apartment. being the paddock’s princess and making it your fashion show. late night dinners on your boyfriend’s yacht. relaxing at the paddock after qualifying. cheering for your boyfriend & celebrating his win at jimmy’z.
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gwen’s message. how i missed making my moodboards! i love being a little delulu and manifesting my dream life with them. & don’t know if you’re into them as much as i am, but a reblog is greatly appreciated. <333
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citizenscreen · 5 months
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Gregory Ratoff, Loretta Young, and Tyrone Power leaving the 20th Century Fox studios after a day’s shooting on Edward Griffith’s CAFE METROPOLE (1937)
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southeastasiadiary · 1 year
Day 4: From Literature to Egg Coffee, Interrupted by a Cyclo Ride
I mentioned on Day 1 that one of the reasons I have long wanted to come to Vietnam is that Hanoi is home to the Temple of Literature, a name that I find absolutely fascinating. Well, today I got to visit the Temple of Literature. (Check off one major life goal accomplished.)
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Constructed in the eleventh century, this complex contains a temple to Confucius, Vietnam’s earliest university, the site of national exams for scholars in feudal times, and basically everything that you can imagine in terms of glorifying higher learning. As far as I’m concerned, if there's a heaven, it must look something like this.
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The centrality of education to Vietnamese culture is apparent from the fact that the site is featured on the back of the 100,000 Vietnamese đồng banknote.
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After spending much of the morning at the Temple of Literature, our next stop was far more sobering: the Hanoi Hilton, also known as Hoa Lo Prison (“Fiery Furnace Prison,” so-called because of the pottery kilns that were on the site before the prison was built). The French, who built the structure in 1896 when they were still trying to turn Vietnam into a French Colony, simply called it the Maison Centrale, an oddly quaint name that belied the horrors that occurred there.
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The exhibits at the prison surely don’t pull any punches with regard to brutalities that occurred there or the impact of the American war of the 1960s and 1970s. The futility of that conflict seems inescapable. The stated goal of American involvement was to prevent communism from coming to Vietnam and then to all of Southeast Asia. Well, communism came anyway, but now Vietnam is one of America's closest allies, and even Ho Chi Minh’s complex has its own, very capitalist-oriented gift shop (as does the Hanoi Hilton, for that matter). So, what was all that suffering for, again?
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After lunch, the tone grew lighter once more with an hourlong cyclo ride through the Old Town.
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Seated basically on the front of a tricycle without seatbelt or helmet can be an interesting experience as cars and hundreds of motorbikes all seem to be coming toward you at once. (If the video below doesn’t play automatically, be sure to click on it to make it start. You need to see it as a video to get the full effect.)
Many streets of Old Town are devoted to individual trades, like the bamboo, market, the fish market,
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the flower market, and so on.
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The ride ended at St. Joseph’s Cathedral, built by the French (when, apparently, they weren’t building prisons) from 1882 to 1886. Most Vietnamese just call it “the big church,” and it’s easy to see why.
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We then walked partly around Hoan Kiem Lake (only partly around because some heavy rain showers came through late this afternoon). The name of the lake means the “Lake of the Returned Sword," because of a legend that a magical sword once used by the most revered heroes to defeat the Chinese Ming Dynasty had to be returned to the Golden Turtle God of the lake. What is it about kings and the magical swords they so often receive from figures living in lakes?
The day ended with a stop at Cafe Dihn, a tiny (and very crowded) coffee shop on the second floor of a building adjacent to the lake.
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There Tony introduced me to egg coffee, which sounds unappetizing but is actually amazing. First developed at the Hotel Metropole in Hanoi, the inventor’s daughter then founded the Cafe Dihn, which has been serving it ever since. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s like cappuccino but even thicker and creamier. Its taste is sweet and chocolatey, more like a dessert than just a cup of coffee. Certainly a wonderful way to end a marvelous day.
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cyberlucie · 2 years
...Metropol cafe...
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With love from St. Petersburg to Moscow.
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pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/08/10 Llegamos al puerto donde hay muchas esculturas, placas conmemorativas e, incluso, un café en una cabaña de madera. Nos recordó mucho al café que hay en la capital de Finlandia.
We arrive at the port where there are many sculptures, commemorative plaques and even a coffee in a wooden cabin. It reminded us a lot of the cafe in the capital of Finland.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Chegamos ao porto onde há muitas esculturas, placas comemorativas e até um café em uma cabana de madeira. Nos lembrou muito o café da capital da Finlândia.
Google translation into Italian: Arriviamo al porto dove ci sono molte sculture, targhe commemorative e persino un caffè in una baita di legno. Ci ha ricordato molto il caffè nella capitale della Finlandia.
Google Translation into French: Nous arrivons au port où se trouvent de nombreuses sculptures, des plaques commémoratives et même un café dans une cabane en bois. Cela nous a beaucoup rappelé le café de la capitale finlandaise.
Google Translation into Arabic: نصل إلى الميناء حيث توجد العديد من المنحوتات واللوحات التذكارية وحتى مقهى في كوخ خشبي. ذكرنا كثيرًا بالمقهى في العاصمة الفنلندية.
Google Translation into German: Wir kommen am Hafen an, wo es viele Skulpturen, Gedenktafeln und sogar ein Café in einer Holzhütte gibt. Es erinnerte uns sehr an das Café in der finnischen Hauptstadt.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Mbërrijmë në port ku ka shumë skulptura, pllaka, madje edhe një kafene në një kasolle prej druri. Na kujtoi shumë kafenenë në kryeqytetin finlandez.
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Пристигаме на пристанището, където има много скулптури, плочи и дори кафене в дървена колиба. Това много ни напомни на кафенето във финландската столица.
Google Translation into Czech: Přijíždíme do přístavu, kde je mnoho soch, plaket a dokonce i kavárna v dřevěné chatrči. Hodně nám to připomínalo kavárnu ve finském hlavním městě.
Google Translation into Slovak: Prichádzame do prístavu, kde je veľa sôch, plakiet a dokonca aj kaviareň v drevenej chatrči. Veľmi nám to pripomínalo kaviareň vo fínskej metropole.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Prispemo do pristanišča, kjer je veliko skulptur, plošč in celo kavarna v leseni koči. Zelo nas je spominjalo na kavarno v finski prestolnici.
Google Translation into Suomi: Saavumme satamaan, jossa on paljon veistoksia, laattoja ja jopa kahvila puumajassa. Se muistutti meitä paljon Suomen pääkaupungin kahvilasta.
Google Translation into Greek: Φτάνουμε στο λιμάνι όπου υπάρχουν πολλά γλυπτά, πλάκες ακόμα και ένα καφέ σε μια ξύλινη καλύβα. Μας θύμισε πολύ το καφέ της φινλανδικής πρωτεύουσας.
Google Translation into Dutch: We komen aan bij de haven waar veel sculpturen, plaquettes en zelfs een café in een houten hut staan. Het deed ons erg denken aan het café in de Finse hoofdstad.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Vi ankommer havnen hvor det er mange skulpturer, plaketter og til og med en kafé i en trehytte. Det minnet oss mye om kafeen i den finske hovedstaden.
Google Translation into Polish: Dopływamy do portu, gdzie znajduje się wiele rzeźb, tablic, a nawet kawiarnia w drewnianej chacie. Bardzo przypominał nam kawiarnię w stolicy Finlandii.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ajungem la port unde sunt multe sculpturi, placi si chiar o cafenea intr-o cabana de lemn. Ne-a amintit mult de cafeneaua din capitala Finlandei.
Google Translation into Russian: Приезжаем в гавань, где много скульптур, мемориальных досок и даже кафе в деревянном домике. Это очень напомнило нам кафе в финской столице.
Google Translation into Swedish: Vi anländer till hamnen där det finns många skulpturer, plaketter och till och med ett café i en träkoja. Det påminde mycket om caféet i den finska huvudstaden.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ahşap bir kulübede birçok heykelin, levhanın ve hatta bir kafenin bulunduğu limana varıyoruz. Bize Fin başkentindeki kafeyi çok hatırlattı.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אנחנו מגיעים לנמל בו יש הרבה פסלים, לוחות ואפילו בית קפה בבקתת עץ. זה הזכיר לנו הרבה את בית הקפה בבירה הפינית.
Google Translation into Hindi: हम बंदरगाह पर पहुंचते हैं जहां लकड़ी की झोपड़ी में कई मूर्तियां, पट्टिकाएं और यहां तक ​​​​कि एक कैफे भी है। इसने हमें फिनिश राजधानी के बहुत सारे कैफे की याद दिला दी।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kami tiba di pelabuhan di mana ada banyak patung, plakat, dan bahkan kafe di gubuk kayu. Itu mengingatkan kami pada banyak kafe di ibu kota Finlandia.
Google Translation into Malay: Kami tiba di pelabuhan yang terdapat banyak arca, plak dan juga kafe di pondok kayu. Ia mengingatkan kami banyak kafe di ibu negara Finland.
Google Translation into Japanese: 港に着くと、たくさんの彫刻や飾り板、さらには木造の小屋にカフェまであります。 フィンランドの首都のカフェを思い出しました。
Google Translation into Korean: 많은 조각품과 현판, 그리고 나무 오두막집에 카페까지 있는 항구에 도착합니다. 그것은 우리에게 핀란드 수도에 있는 많은 카페를 생각나게 했습니다.
Google Translation into Chinese: 我们到达港口,那里有许多雕塑、牌匾,甚至还有一间木屋里的咖啡馆。 它让我们想起了芬兰首都的咖啡馆。
Google Translation into Persian: به بندر می رسیم که در آن مجسمه ها، پلاک ها و حتی یک کافه در کلبه ای چوبی وجود دارد. ما را به یاد کافه های پایتخت فنلاند انداخت.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Nakarating kami sa daungan kung saan maraming mga eskultura, mga plake at kahit isang cafe sa isang kubo na gawa sa kahoy. Ipinaalala nito sa amin ang maraming cafe sa kabisera ng Finnish.
Google Translation into Thai: เรามาถึงท่าเรือซึ่งมีประติมากรรม โล่ หรือแม้แต่ร้านกาแฟในกระท่อมไม้มากมาย มันทำให้เรานึกถึงร้านกาแฟมากมายในเมืองหลวงของฟินแลนด์
Google Translation into Urdu: ہم بندرگاہ پر پہنچتے ہیں جہاں لکڑی کی جھونپڑی میں بہت سے مجسمے، تختیاں اور یہاں تک کہ ایک کیفے بھی ہے۔ اس نے ہمیں فن لینڈ کے دارالحکومت میں بہت سے کیفے کی یاد دلا دی۔
Google Translation into Bengali: আমরা বন্দরে পৌঁছেছি যেখানে কাঠের কুঁড়েঘরে অনেক ভাস্কর্য, ফলক এমনকি একটি ক্যাফেও রয়েছে। এটি আমাদের ফিনিশের রাজধানীর অনেক ক্যাফে মনে করিয়ে দিয়েছে।
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Приходимо до гавані, де багато скульптур, меморіальних дошок і навіть кафе в дерев'яній хатині. Нам це дуже нагадало кафе у фінській столиці.
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goodgardener · 17 days
Top Tips for Planning the Perfect Wedding in Hove
Hove, with its charming blend of coastal beauty and vibrant local culture, is a stunning location for a wedding. Nestled along the English Channel, this picturesque town offers a variety of venues and services to create a memorable celebration. Whether you're envisioning a grand seaside ceremony or an intimate gathering in a historic venue, Weeding Hove has something to offer every couple. Here’s a guide to help you plan the perfect wedding in this lovely town.
Choosing the Right Venue
Hove boasts an array of venues, from elegant seaside hotels to charming countryside estates. Consider what atmosphere best matches your vision
Beachfront Venues: The sea views and sandy backdrop make Hove's beachfront locations ideal for a romantic ceremony. Venues like The Grand Brighton or the Hilton Brighton Metropole offer stunning ocean vistas.
Historic Venues: For a touch of history, venues such as the Old Market or Hove Museum & Art Gallery provide a unique and elegant setting.
Countryside Settings: If you prefer a more rustic vibe, check out local estates or barns that offer beautiful gardens and scenic landscapes.
Local Vendors and Services
Hove is home to a range of talented local vendors who can make your wedding day special:
Caterers: Explore local catering options that can provide everything from gourmet meals to delightful canapés. Companies like "The Salt Room" offer high-quality, locally-sourced dishes.
Florists: Enhance your wedding with floral arrangements from local florists like "Ginger and Lime," known for their creative and beautiful designs.
Photographers: Capture your special day with the help of experienced photographers such as "Lilly and Lime Photography," who are familiar with the best spots in Hove.
Accommodation for Guests
Ensure your guests have comfortable places to stay by recommending local accommodations:
Luxury Hotels: For a touch of luxury, consider options like "The Charlotte Hotel" or "The Brighton Harbour Hotel.
Boutique B&Bs: Offer a cozy, charming stay with boutique bed and breakfasts such as "The Artist Residence."
Budget-Friendly Options: For those looking for more economical choices, local guesthouses and inns provide affordable and comfortable lodging.
Planning Your Itinerary
To make the most of your wedding in Hove, plan a comprehensive itinerary that includes:
Rehearsal Dinner: Choose a local restaurant or venue for your rehearsal dinner. "The Set" offers a modern dining experience that’s perfect for a pre-wedding meal.
Day-of Activities: Plan activities for your guests to enjoy, such as a seaside stroll, a visit to the Hove Park, or exploring the local shops and cafes.
Post-Wedding Brunch: Keep the celebration going with a post-wedding brunch at a local café like "Hove Place" or "The Flour Pot Bakery."
Legal Requirements
Ensure all legal requirements are met for a smooth wedding day:
Marriage License: Apply for your marriage license at the Brighton and Hove Register Office. Ensure you have all necessary documents and meet residency requirements.
Officiant: Choose an officiant who is registered and authorized to perform weddings in your chosen venue.
For more info:-
Seasonal garden clean-up Brighton
Low maintenance garden design Brighton
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metropolethuthiemcom · 4 months
Phuc hop can ho dang cap The Metropole Thu Thiem Noi hoi tu tinh hoa cuoc song
The Metropole Thủ Thiêm là một khu phức hợp căn hộ chung cư cao cấp nằm tại vị trí đắc địa số 33 Đường Trần Bạch Đằng, Thủ Thiêm, Quận 2, TP. Hồ Chí Minh. Được phát triển bởi Sơn Kim Land, một trong những nhà phát triển bất động sản uy tín và danh tiếng tại Việt Nam, dự án hứa hẹn sẽ trở thành biểu tượng mới của sự sang trọng và tiện nghi tại khu vực này.
Vị Trí Chiến Lược
Tọa lạc tại Thủ Thiêm, Quận 2, The Metropole Thủ Thiêm sở hữu vị trí chiến lược với nhiều lợi thế vượt trội:
Kết Nối Giao Thông Thuận Tiện: Dự án nằm gần các tuyến đường huyết mạch, giúp cư dân dễ dàng di chuyển đến các khu vực trung tâm như Quận 1, Quận 3 và các quận lân cận. Gần cầu Thủ Thiêm và các tuyến đường lớn, việc di chuyển trở nên nhanh chóng và tiện lợi.
Khu Vực Phát Triển Năng Động: Thủ Thiêm được quy hoạch thành một khu đô thị mới hiện đại, với hạ tầng hoàn chỉnh và nhiều dự án lớn, tạo điều kiện lý tưởng cho sự phát triển bền vững và gia tăng giá trị bất động sản.
Thiết Kế Đẳng Cấp Và Tiện Nghi
The Metropole Thủ Thiêm không chỉ là một nơi để sống mà còn là một trải nghiệm sống đẳng cấp quốc tế:
Kiến Trúc Hiện Đại: Các căn hộ được thiết kế với phong cách kiến trúc hiện đại, tối ưu hóa không gian sống và ánh sáng tự nhiên. Mỗi căn hộ đều được trang bị nội thất cao cấp, mang đến sự sang trọng và tiện nghi.
Tiện Ích Đa Dạng: Khu phức hợp bao gồm các tiện ích đẳng cấp như hồ bơi, phòng gym, khu vui chơi trẻ em, khu vườn cảnh quan, và khu vực BBQ. Ngoài ra, dự án còn có các khu thương mại, nhà hàng, quán cafe, đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu mua sắm, ẩm thực và giải trí của cư dân.
Môi Trường Sống Lý Tưởng
Sống tại The Metropole Thủ Thiêm, cư dân sẽ được tận hưởng một môi trường sống xanh mát, trong lành:
Không Gian Xanh: Khuôn viên dự án được bao phủ bởi nhiều mảng xanh, công viên và khu vườn cảnh quan, tạo không gian sống thoáng đãng và thư giãn.
An Ninh Tuyệt Đối: Hệ thống an ninh hiện đại với đội ngũ bảo vệ chuyên nghiệp hoạt động 24/7, đảm bảo sự an toàn và yên tâm cho mọi cư dân.
Trải Nghiệm Đẳng Cấp Quốc Tế
The Metropole Thủ Thiêm không chỉ là nơi an cư mà còn mang lại trải nghiệm sống chuẩn mực quốc tế:
Cộng Đồng Văn Minh: Cư dân tại đây là những người thành đạt, văn minh, tạo nên một cộng đồng cư dân đẳng cấp và gắn kết.
Dịch Vụ Chất Lượng Cao: Các dịch vụ quản lý và chăm sóc khách hàng được cung cấp bởi những đơn vị chuyên nghiệp, đảm bảo sự hài lòng và tiện nghi tối đa cho cư dân.
Kết Luận
The Metropole Thủ Thiêm, với vị trí đắc địa và thiết kế hiện đại, không chỉ là một nơi an cư lý tưởng mà còn là biểu tượng của cuộc sống đẳng cấp tại TP. Hồ Chí Minh. Được phát triển bởi Sơn Kim Land, dự án mang đến cho cư dân một môi trường sống tiện nghi, an toàn và đầy đủ các tiện ích cao cấp. The Metropole Thủ Thiêm thực sự là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho những ai tìm kiếm một không gian sống đẳng cấp và phong cách sống quốc tế.
Hashtag: #metropolethuthiem #themetropolethuthiem #metropolequan2
Thông tin liên hệ:
Website: https://metropole-thuthiem.com
Fanpage: https://metropole-thuthiem.com/tin-tuc/
URL: https://metropole-thuthiem.com/tin-tuc/
Hotline: 0789355779
Address: Số 33 Đường Trần Bạch Đằng, Thủ Thiêm, Quận 2, TP Thủ Đức, TP Hồ Chí Minh. Các MXH chúng tôi tham gia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJPAzdFUJk-Ni6Mj-2Fbj6Q
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timehascomeagain · 6 months
Been listening 2 this album since yesterday when I played it at the charity shop and I hate to say it but I will always have a soft spot for this kind of stupid meandering lethargic unimaginative early 2010s hipster guitar music. His latest album is absolute bum but this is so like aww. For a time there was something to be saved in the time before the boards went up and the fairy lights came down on every decent pub n cafe in a mile radius of every half-size metropole in this horrible country. So -___-
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internatlvelvet · 7 months
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Loretta Young and Tyrone Power in Cafe Metropole (1937)
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vietnam-travel-tips · 9 months
Unique Hanoi Egg Coffee: Savor Authentic Vietnam Flavors in Every Sip
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Hanoi Egg Coffee, also known as Cà Phê Trứng in Vietnamese, is a popular drink that originated in Hanoi, Vietnam. This unique beverage is made by combining egg yolks, condensed milk, sugar, and robusta coffee to create a creamy and rich concoction that has become a must-try for tourists visiting Hanoi. In this article, we will explore the history, ingredients, preparation, and variations of egg coffee Hanoi, as well as provide tips on how to enjoy this delicious drink!
The History of Hanoi Egg Coffee
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Hanoi Egg Coffee History Hanoi Egg Coffee was invented in the 1940s by Nguyen Van Giang, a bartender at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hotel in Hanoi. At that time, Vietnam was facing a shortage of milk due to the French colonial rule, so Mr Giang had to come up with a creative solution to make his coffee drinks more appealing. He experimented with whisking egg yolks with condensed milk to create a frothy and creamy topping for his coffee, and thus, egg coffee was born. Initially, egg coffee was only served at the Sofitel Legend Metropole Hotel, but its popularity quickly spread throughout Hanoi. Today, you can find egg coffee being served in various cafes and restaurants all over the city, each with their own unique twist on the traditional egg coffee recipe.
Ingredients Used in Egg Coffee Hanoi
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Hanoi Egg Coffee's Ingredients The main ingredients used in Hanoi egg coffee are egg yolks, condensed milk, sugar, and robusta coffee. The egg yolks are beaten until they become frothy and then mixed with condensed milk and sugar to create a thick and creamy topping. The coffee is brewed separately and then poured into a cup, followed by the egg mixture on top. Some variations of Hanoi egg coffee may also include additional ingredients such as cinnamon, vanilla extract, or coconut milk. These additions add a unique flavor to the drink and make it even more delicious.
How to Make Ha Noi Egg Coffee
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The Steps to Make Hanoi Egg Coffee Making Hanoi egg coffee is a simple process, but it requires some patience and attention to detail. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to make this delicious drink: Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients To make a perfect cup of egg coffee, you will need the following Hanoi egg coffee ingredients: - 2 egg yolks - 2 tablespoons of condensed milk - 1 tablespoon of sugar - 1 cup of hot robusta coffee Step 2: Beat the Egg Yolks In a mixing bowl, beat the egg yolks until they become frothy and light in color. Step 3: Add Condensed Milk and Sugar Add the condensed milk and sugar to the beaten egg yolks and continue whisking until everything is well combined. Step 4: Brew the Coffee Brew a cup of robusta coffee using your preferred method. You can use a French press, pour-over, or any other brewing method that you prefer. Step 5: Assemble the Drink Pour the brewed coffee into a cup and then slowly pour the egg mixture on top. Use a spoon to gently mix the two layers together. Step 6: Enjoy your Cup of Egg Coffee! Your Hanoi egg coffee is now ready to be enjoyed. Take a sip and savor the creamy and rich flavors of this unique Vietnamese drink.
Variations of Egg Coffee Hanoi
While the traditional egg coffee recipe includes only egg yolks, condensed milk, sugar, and coffee, there are many variations of this drink that you can find in Hanoi. Some popular variations include: - Egg White Coffee: Instead of using egg yolks, this version uses egg whites to create a lighter and fluffier topping. - Coconut Egg Coffee: This variation adds coconut milk to the egg mixture, giving the drink a subtle coconut flavor. - Egg Cappuccino: This version uses espresso instead of regular coffee and adds steamed milk to create a frothy topping.
Tips for Enjoying Egg Coffee Ha Noi
To fully enjoy your Hanoi egg coffee experience, here are some tips to keep in mind: - Mix well: Make sure to mix the coffee and egg mixture well before taking a sip. This will ensure that you get a balanced flavor in every sip. - Sip slowly: Egg coffee is a rich and creamy drink, so it's best to savor it slowly rather than gulping it down. - Pair with a snack: In Hanoi, egg coffee is often served with a small snack such as a piece of cake or a cookie, sunflower seeds, melon seeds, cashews.., This helps balance out the sweetness of the drink. - Try different variations: Don't be afraid to try different variations of Hanoi egg coffee to find your favorite. Each one offers a unique flavor profile that is worth exploring such as iced egg coffee, hot egg coffee, yogurt coffee Hanoi, coconut coffee Hanoi, salted egg coffee...
Suggestions of Hanoi Egg Coffee Near Me?
Discover the ultimate delight of Hanoi's famed Egg Coffee right in your neighborhood! Our carefully curated list of suggestions ensures you find the perfect spot nearby to savor the rich and creamy indulgence. Immerse yourself in the authentic Vietnamese coffee culture, where each sip is a journey to the heart of Hanoi's culinary excellence. Don't miss out – explore these local gems and treat yourself to the extraordinary experience of Hanoi Egg Coffee just around the corner: Giảng Café:
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Giảng Cafe Add: 39 Nguyễn Hữu Huân street, Hoàn Kiếm district, Hà Nội. Google map here: Welcome to Giảng Café, a father of Hanoi Egg Coffee and a hidden café in the heart of Hanoi, where tradition meets innovation in the art of crafting Egg Coffee. Nestled in the Old Quarter’s street, Giảng Café boasts a legacy of perfecting this iconic Vietnamese delight. Indulge in the velvety texture and rich flavor that have made Giảng Café a beloved destination for coffee enthusiasts. Step into a cozy ambiance and let the aromatic allure of Hanoi's signature Egg Coffee elevate your sensory experience. Giảng Café invites you to savor the heritage and warmth of Vietnamese hospitality, one delightful cup at a time. Đinh Café:
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Đinh Cafe Add: 13 Đinh Tiên Hoàng street, Hoàn Kiếm district, Hà Nội. Google map here: Step into the heart of Hanoi's cultural tapestry at Đinh Café, where tradition meets modern elegance. This charming café is a haven for coffee connoisseurs, offering a unique experience of the renowned Vietnamese Egg Coffee. Amidst the timeless architecture and serene ambiance, Đinh Café crafts each cup with precision, delivering a harmonious blend of robust coffee and creamy egg goodness. Immerse yourself in the soulful charm of Hanoi as you sip on perfection at Đinh Café, where every visit is a celebration of authentic flavors and refined craftsmanship. Café Phố Cổ:
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Cafe Phố Cổ Add: 11 Hàng Gai street, Hoàn Kiếm district, Hà Nội. Google map here: Immerse yourself to the enchanting streets of Hanoi and sip a cup of Egg Coffee at Café Phố Cổ, a hidden gem where history and coffee converge. Nestled in the heart of the Old Quarter, this charming café captures the essence of Vietnam's rich heritage. Dive into a sensory journey as you savor the signature Egg Coffee, meticulously crafted to perfection. Café Phố Cổ invites you to unwind in its cozy ambiance, surrounded by the echoes of the past and the aroma of freshly brewed delights. Immerse yourself in the timeless allure of Hanoi's traditions, one exquisite cup at a time. Relax and enjoy the scenery of the Old Quarter, Hoan Kiem lake as well as experience the daily life of the locals with a cup of egg coffee. Vi Anh Coffee:
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Vi Anh Coffee Add: 37B Nguyễn Hữu Huân street, Hoàn Kiếm district, Hà Nội. Google map here: Embark on a delightful coffee odyssey at Vi Anh Coffee, where passion meets perfection in every cup. Tucked away in the heart of Hanoi, this charming café is a haven for coffee aficionados seeking a truly authentic experience. Indulge in the artistry of Vietnamese Egg Coffee, as Vi Anh masterfully blends rich coffee with velvety egg cream. The cozy ambiance and warm hospitality create a welcoming retreat for those craving a moment of tranquility in the bustling city. A visit at Vi Anh Coffee and let each sip tell the story of Hanoi's timeless coffee culture. Hanoi Coffee Culture:
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Hanoi Coffee Culture Add: 45 Nguyễn Hữu Huân street, Hoàn Kiếm district, Hà Nội. Google map here: Dive into the heart of Hanoi's vibrant coffee culture at our establishment, where every cup tells a story. At Hanoi Coffee Culture, it celebrates the city's rich tradition of coffee craftsmanship. Immerse yourself in the enticing aromas and flavors of meticulously brewed blends, showcasing the diversity of Vietnamese coffee. Whether you're indulging in the iconic Hanoi Egg Coffee or savoring a classic drip brew, its cozy ambiance and commitment to excellence invite you to experience the essence of Hanoi's coffee culture. Take a journey of taste and tradition at Hanoi Coffee Culture. Neo Café:
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NEO Cafe Add: 35B Nguyễn Hữu Huân street, Hoàn Kiếm district, Hà Nội. Google map here: Welcome to Neo Cafe, a contemporary haven in the heart of Hanoi’s Old Quarter. Embrace a modern twist on traditional flavors as they redefine your coffee experience. At Neo Cafe, they curate a harmonious blend of ambiance and innovation, inviting you to savor unique coffee concoctions, including their signature Egg Coffee. Immerse yourself in the chic surroundings and let the rich aromas of expertly crafted brews transport you to a world of indulgence. Join in for a cup of coffee at Neo Cafe, where every sip is a celebration of modern elegance and the bold spirit of Hanoi's evolving coffee scene.
FAQs about Egg Coffee Hanoi
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Tips for Vietnamese Coffee Culture What type of coffee is used in egg coffee Hanoi? Traditionally, Robusta coffee is used in egg coffee Hanoi. However, some cafes may use other types of coffee, such as Arabica, depending on their preference. Is Hanoi egg coffee safe to consume? Yes, egg coffee Hanoi is safe to consume. The egg yolks are cooked through the process of whisking and mixing with hot coffee, making it safe to drink. Can I make egg coffee at home? Yes, you can make Hanoi egg coffee at home by following the egg coffee Hanoi recipe mentioned above. However, it may take some practice to perfect the technique of creating the frothy egg topping. Does egg coffee Hanoi taste like eggs? No, Hanoi Egg Coffee does not taste like eggs. The egg yolks are used to create a creamy and frothy topping, but they do not add an eggy flavor to the drink. Is egg coffee Hanoi sweet? Yes, Hanoi Egg Coffee is on the sweeter side due to the addition of condensed milk and sugar. However, you can adjust the sweetness by adding more or less sugar according to your preference.
In Conclusion
Hanoi Egg Coffee is a unique and delicious drink that has become a must-try for tourists visiting Vietnam. Its rich and creamy texture, combined with the bold flavors of robusta coffee, make it a favorite among locals and visitors alike. With its interesting history, various variations, and simple preparation method, egg coffee Hanoi truly stands out as a one-of-a-kind Vietnamese delight of drink. So, the next time you find yourself in Hanoi, don't forget to indulge in this delightful beverage and experience its unique flavors for yourself. Embark on a Flavorful Journey. Treat Your Taste Buds to the Irresistible Charm of Hanoi's Egg Coffee – Indulge Today for a Culinary Adventure like No Other! Read the full article
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