#Camille answers
theyellowroseofsodor · 11 months
Camille, I know Thanksgiving is coming up, but I also know that it’s exclusively an American and Canadian holiday. Are you planning to bring Thanksgiving to Sodor this year?
🎁 Gift Anon 🎁
Camille: We haven’t done one before but Thanksgiving was my least favorite holiday. Not that I hate it, it just wasn’t my favorite. I think it would be a lot of fun but honestly, the cooks are me and Edward and maybe Emily and we’d have both Gordon AND Scotsman to feed and they’re freaking bottomless pits.
Gordon: I beg your pardon, darling?!
Camille: I have been out to eat with you and Scotsman before at an all you can eat buffet. That’s terrifying enough.
Scotsman: She’s got us there, Gordon. But to be fair, we are rather large males…and we need a lot of food.
Thomas: I wanna do a Thanksgiving! That sounds like fun!
Percy: Me too!
Gordon: Nobody asked you two little engines.
Thomas: Your wife is a shorty, quit insulting tank engines.
Camille: W-Wife??? 😳😳😳
Gordon: THOMAS!! Quit teasing her!
Scotsman: I dunno… you’re blushing too Gordon. 😏
Gordon: With you two around I’m not sure I have much TO be thankful for.
Scotsman: Aw, c’mon Gordon, I’ll always be your favorite. 😁
Thomas: You love us!
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camilleisback · 2 days
Atfg listen it’s a stretch but Seth x Kevin like they are enemies to lovers vibes
I probably don't like Seth enough to see the potential, honestly, but everything can be a good enemies to lovers with Kevin, if you squint hard enough. Ma boi isn't actually the easiest, in terms of temperament...
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camillekaze · 2 years
Hey I hope you’re doing okay. I really enjoy your blog and art and I just hope things are okay or at least get better.
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y'all are going to make me cry. this really means so much to me (and I hope you don't mind me hijacking this very nice thing you've said to me) but I've been thinking about all the friends I have made and folks I've met across fandoms/shifting interests and it's such a damn special thing that any of you even think of me. Gives me hope that things are getting better (and they are!)
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greyhands · 3 days
Hi, I saw that post where you mentioned working on your own visual novel and you posted a sprite of someone veeeery attractive called Eldris. That's so cool! Can you tell us a little bit more about it? Plot, setting, genre?
Hello ! Thank you for your interest, it helps me stay motivated (´ ∀ ` *)
Well, I initially started working on this project to practice creating a free visual novel with a fairly short story, before diving into another big project I’ve had in the works for a long time.
It’s set in a medieval fantasy world, with a story that mixes magic, political intrigue, and of course, romance. There would only be one LI (because it's still a trial run) with selectable gender, and I wanted to explore the Enemies to Lovers trope, with the player playing as a witch from a famous family working for kings and queens. I don’t have a nice writing style and I'm very afraid to fall into stereotypes and bland characters, so I’m trying to work on this whenever I can find some free time, and I’m lucky to have some lovely friends helping me with proofreading ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝
It's quite the journey, but I believe it will help me learn many things.
(here is an early test for a CG, drawn last year)
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ariuuokay · 3 months
Do you have any favourite ships? Any media you're interested in or just duo that you enjoy the dynamic of!!
Ok I barely join some popular media they're more like the quiet ones sooo
So uhh Napolington -
I usually stick to one ship in a fandom and call it a day,but in the end Love is love and as long as it's not really problematic I'm fine,Like when I first joined the Napoleonic fandom I stayed with my pairs till this day and those pairs were..(It may be in order)
And these pairs were pure gambles :D aka
I assumed relationships in FANART😨😨😨(Thank you Amino)
-Lannes&Ney:I feel like this Pair isn't talk ABT often😔😔😔My only history with them is that they're the first Marshals I found and paired
-Bessimu:Ill tell you a silly story of how I may have shipped them but I like their contradicting personalities!(they're literally the "inside you are two wolves" meme)
....uhhh ok after some thoughts this ship is sort of my guilty pleasure.Like it's literally corroding my brain
ok but genuinely I was relieved knowing they're relationship was pretty good (yk more support to the ship rather than just saying they both liked looting-)The letter from Massena also helped and I like imagining them interacting in my head which IM NOT TELLING YOU OR I WILL GET TAKEN TO THE PYSCHE WARD/but genuinely every knew irl or fannon interaction thats positive makes genuinely ecstatic and full of Dopamine(overall I like a tired grumpy man with a...tired...and old man idk)
-I have more actually it's just that I can't explain all since they did say"Media"so my generals but Classical music ig is next
{A ship I feel like my reasoning should just be kept since I'm on thin ice with this is Bethomoz,thank youu}
•Choliszt:Classic, literally unrequited love,I feel bad for Liszt ngl he seemed so genuinely sweet to Chopin (irl)and Chopin is just annoyed(from what I read)this is also the next ship you'll see in the fandom
Berlix- I heard somewhere Berlioz just casually calls Mendelssohn "Love" or something like that overall they seem quite nice for eachother that's all
Prokshos:I love them SM (Rns_williams drop another Prokshos fic and MY LIFE IS YOURS/SRS)I love the escalation from admiration to rivalry between them and even in the end Shosty still cared for Prokofiev:)
{Some rarepairs}
Vivaldi&Bach:They seem honestly so sweet for eachother.Bach's admiration for Vivaldi was so big he transcribed a handful of his concertos (And I think transcription is like a compliment since your spreading the work of an artist you think is great)Oh and look! They're blue and red what a twist
Paganini& Vivaldi: Literally those "AngelxDevil" gacha trope, They're also both Italians and from what I read Vivaldi was considered a Virtuoso before Paganini came in,Id like to see more stuff ABT them
Paganini &Mozart:Mostly a twist thing I genuinely don't hold that much love for it but I do find them funny and silly!
-Some other pairs(Pairs that I don't really think ABT but still pairs)
•Madohomu(Madoka Magica)
•Shin Skk(BSD)
Anyways thats maybe all I can cram:,)✧・゚:❀✧・゚✧・゚:❀✧・゚Thank you to whoever asked ABT this!Maybe we can even talk further if anyone who saw this happened to have something to say!!!🌸🍓🫶🫶
-yours truly
Oh once again I'm sorry for unorganised and probably worng wording so if you want clarification pls tell me😭😭😭😭I'm scared I got something misunderstood
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andreal831 · 3 months
What are your top 5 episodes on both TO and TVD?
This took me some time to put together but if you push me on any of these, I'll probably cave. I haven't rewatched in a while and I feel like I would have to sit down and actually rank them to get a list I feel confident in. A lot of my favorite scenes aren't even in this list because the rest of the episode just doesn't rank high for me. But without further ado, here is my tentative top episode list.
Top 5 Episodes for TVD
5. 1x22 - Founder's Day
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Despite how problematic the 'Founder's Day' was (like how they completely disregarded the actual founders. Justice for the Bennetts), Katherine's entrance was done so well. The revelation was a great twist and I love watching people watch this episode for the first time.
It's not higher because everything else was kind of just a normal episode. I love at this point we are getting glimpses of how powerful Bonnie is and Stefan's devotion to Damon. It also begins to build on the mystery of Tyler which was fun. But other than that, it was just a lot of high school drama. Katherine's entrance really made this episode.
This is one that I would probably replace if I rewatched.
4. 6x21 - I'll Wed You In the Summertime /6x22 - I'm Thinking of You All the While
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I'm already cheating and combing these episodes, but they are basically just a continuation.
I want to preface this with saying, I hate Matthew Davis more than I can express. I also don't think I like Alaric much in the later seasons. But I did really like him and Jo. This episode was so cute and light and fun. Up until it wasn't in true TVDU fashion.
I loved seeing season 1 Elena again. I will always defend Elena when people get misogynistic with her, but vampire Elena was not my favorite. When she took the cure, I felt like we got the old Elena back. If they hadn't of done that, I probably wouldn't have been sad to see her leave.
We got some really touching moments between Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline, with them getting ready and their goodbye. Bonnie and the feathers had me in tears the first time I watched this episode. We get Stefan torturing Damon with the fact that Damon loves being a vampire, sorry but I loved it. Caroline and Tyler actually talking as friends. Tyler and Liv making me sob. Stefan and Caroline moment. Kai's reappearance was terrible but pretty epic. Bonnie just being an amazing badass. Just all of the chaos was great and Damon faking us out thinking he wouldn't save Bonnie but then ultimately doing so.
My biggest complaint was that Bonnie was so separate from everyone, dealing with Lily with just Matt for back up. Though I do love a good Bonnie/Matt team up.
3. 3x05 - The Reckoning
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Surprisingly, this was the first episode I ever saw of the TVDU. I was at a family member's home for a holiday and they had it on and I was hooked. Not only did I love the friendship dynamics in this episode, but the villains were so good. Klaus and Rebekah were unhinged in this episode. It was a great introduction to the best aspects of TVDU.
Stefan fighting the compulsion for Elena is one of the reasons I'll always have a soft spot for Stelena. I loved Matt and Bonnie's friendship in this episode. They were both such selfless people and I loved moments we got of them together. I don't typically like Damon and Katherine, but even their interactions were so funny in this episode.
2. 4x20 - The Originals
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Is this cheating?
I always get so excited when I get to this episode because it's time to switch over to The Originals. But come on, we get to meet Cami and Marcel. We get haylijah and klamille's meeting.
It is weird that I almost like it more than the pilot of TO? Just purely for the nostalgia. Also because the pilot removed some of my favorite scenes that I always forget aren't there until I rewatch TO and then i have to go find wherever TVD is streaming.
And then stuff is still happening back in Mystic Falls, I guess.
I could probably also replace this one on a rewatch with a more TVD focused episode but I can't think of any right now.
2x08 - Rose
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No one is surprised this one tops the list. Not only is it the introduction of the Originals, but more importantly it's Elijah's introduction. I know I am biased, but this is my favorite episode in TVD and usually the one I start with on rewatches.
I also love Rose and Trevor (RIP). But the tension in this episode is so good and the show struggled to recreate it. They built up Klaus' entrance so much that it was kind of disappointing. Nothing could live up to the hype. But Elijah came out of nowhere. We didn't even know he existed before this episode. He just shows up, all creepy and mysterious, and then just casually comes back to life after being staked in the heart.
I wouldn't change a thing about this episode.
Top 5 Episodes for TO
5. 3x09 - Savior
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I'm a sucker for a Christmas episode.
But let's be honest, this is one of the best TO episodes.
We get the trio's reunion, if only briefly. We get Rebekah going mad and trying to kill everyone while dropping some hard to hear truths (sorry Hayley). We get Jackson starting to accept his in-laws. Cute scenes between the Mikaelsons, actually including Hope. Finn helping Freya save their siblings. Freya's first Christmas with her family. Klamille's first kiss. Plus a bunch of drama in the background.
One of my biggest complaints with TO is that it doesn't give us moments of just peace and let them be a family. It is so action packed that we never get to just have a comfort episode. It only took them 3 seasons, but we finally got one (mostly). I mean it ended terribly but I just stop watching before that.
4. 2x01 - Rebirth
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This is just Elijah's best episode hands down. And yes I am making this list about Elijah. It's kind of what I do here.
But seriously, he looked so good in this episode and was just so perfect.
I had no idea what to expect out of this episode since season 1 ended with so much up in the air and this episode delivered. So much happened. Elijah being the mastermind while Klaus and Hayley grieved losing Hope. Then them all working together as a team for the first time. And I'd be remis if I don't talk about Elijah's infamous scene of walking into the Guerreras house like he owned it. Also love them trusting Cami to help. Marcel is also in on it. I just love them all working together.
Getting to see Rebekah raising Hope. Marcel and Cami just being hot. But also Cami going to check on Klaus, that scene, the tension. So good. Cami and Elijah talking and then Elijah and Klaus talking about Cami. Perfection. Davina putting Oliver in his place. And then Hayley later doing the same. The introduction of Gia. Even the tension between Elijah and Hayley is so good. I could truly feel all of their grief and desperation. I also love Klaus and Hayley actually talking and Klaus realizing that his scheming is what cost them everything (although he will quickly forget this lesson).
It's another perfect episode. No notes.
3. 4x03 - Haunter of Ruins
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I'm honestly surprised an episode from season 4 or 5 is even on this list, but I do love this episode before everything goes to hell.
This episode was another comfort episode.
I clearly loved the amount of haylijah we get. We get our first "I love you" from both of them. Although I headcanon they said it before this. We get them just being super cute and flirty and then super hot. Hayley wearing Elijah's shirt when she runs to check on Hope is so perfect to me. I love the scene of them on the porch. They love each other so much and this episode does a great job expressing it.
We finally get the Mikaelsons all together, even Kol (sorry Finn). I love seeing them behave as siblings in the beginning, bickering. I love how they handled introducing Hope to them and how hesitant they all are, which is so out of character for them, but they have no idea how to interact with a child. Klaus and Hope was so sweet. And Rebekah finally standing up for what she wants and encouraging her brothers to do the same.
My only complaint is Freya and Keelin. I love them because this show is deprived of sapphic representation. But why did they have to make the only sapphic couple's origins be essentially stockholm syndrome. I loved Hayley standing up for Keelin but then Freya just immediately goes after her again. Only thing I would change is how Freya behaved in this episode.
2. 3x22 - The Bloody Crown
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May be unpopular, but I loved seeing the Mikaelsons get put in their place. And then I loved Vincent standing on his morals and turning around and put Marcel in his place. Everyone needs accountability.
Marcel awakening as an upgraded Original was so good. We got the return of Rebekah in this episode and she was fantastic. I loved Klaus' trial and I loved Rebekah getting to stand with the enemies (even if it was just the curse/part of the plan). People love to say Klaus didn't deserve it because Marcel was really mad at Elijah, but all of these people were here specifically because of Klaus. They all needed some humbling. Except Rebekah.
I can't talk about this episode without talking about haylijah. The show opens on one of their cutest scenes (we aren't going to talk about the problematic stuff that happened in the episode before). Elijah watching Hayley sleep was adorable. And then we get the scene of Elijah telling Hayley to not grieve him. They break my heart.
2x09 - Map of the Moments
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Not surprising, but another Christmas episode.
And no, it's not just because of hayllijah.
I mean, it's not not because of haylijah.
In case you can't tell, my favorite episodes tend to be the comfort episodes. I love the drama, but the reasons I adore these shows are because of bonds. We get to see the Mikaelsons reunite with Hope and actually have some moments of peace together.
There are so many scenes that made me actually laugh out loud. I just adore this episode so much. And yes, I love it because we finally get haylijah getting together, if only briefly.
This was such a fun ask, thank you! What episodes did I miss?
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meowskulls · 1 year
What's the living situation like on the Island or at least, what's your living space like
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horrorlesbians · 2 months
wait so what year is your so/td fic set in? cus idk why but I was imagining '95 Rust, and while rewatching True detective I realized that the events in sharp objects are happening during old man moustache messy ponytail time
i set the fic in 2015, a little earlier than when the sharp objects show takes place iirc but I didn't want rust to age too much bc I don't think he has a long shelf life lol. so yea it's my babygirl camille and my babygirl old man messy ponytail rust. or as amma calls him ⬇️
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For any couple who wants to answer: What’s your favorite quirk of your partner?
Edward: James snorts when he laughs really hard. Especially if he’s tickled.
James: Edward!! 😳
Edward: What? I think it’s cute.
James: You’re embarrassing me…
Hiro: I catch Henry talking or singing to his plants on occasion.
Henry: They thrive when spoken to.
Hiro: It’s very affectionate. It speaks volumes to his tender heart.
Henry: Hiro… 🫣 I like it went he calls me flower..
James: Hey! I didn’t get a turn!
Gordon: Should’ve spoken up sooner.
Camille: Gordon blushes on the tips of his ears when I compliment him. I think it’s super cute. 😊
Gordon: … … …
James: Hey! It’s happening now!
Gordon: Don’t you have somewhere to be, James?
James: 😁 Nope! Edward sometimes talks in his sleep and says the goofiest things.
Edward: Anything you find cute about Camille, Gordon?
Gordon: …
Camille: …?
Gordon: I don’t share that sort of information online.
Camille: 😊 Fine by me.
James: His ears are still red..
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camilleisback · 4 days
Your post about badly summarized wip showed up on my dash & I hoping that you could share something about who did you bury, this time, seb?
I can share the whole work, if you'd like!
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strawberrybrunette · 6 months
I have a question for research purposes-
If two turtles had to go find one sister each, Frida with Big Mama and Camille in the Other Dimension who would actually be better for story arc purposes?
Would Mikey and Donnie go to save Frida?
Mikey who refuses to give up on family and Donnie who has the opposite of Frida's abilities and could mirror her desire to gain Big Mama's approval.
Would Leo and Raph go to save Camille?
Leo who has BEEN to another dimension before and is willing to sacrifice himself to protect and save his family and Raph who knows how loneliness and isolation can take a toll on the psyche (he also has some impulsiveness that might make it easier for him to fight Camille if she's also unpredictable.)
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greyhands · 11 months
so are you making a visual novel rn? bc so far it looks really cool if you are
Oh, thank you so much !! Yes, I do work on my own first visual novel. I'm doing my best to find the courage to post about my more personal projects, and it really warms my heart to receive encouragement !
While I wait to be able to talk about it more (I'm trying to work on a demo, which would allow me to gather some feedback), here's one of the tests I did recently for Eldris' sprites ^^
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(click to enlarge)
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full---ofstarlight · 1 month
which of your OCs is the happiest and which saddest? Also which OC’s relationship is the most tragic?
Saddest: Nyx and Avis <3 on a more meta note, i think Hawke and Shepard share a LOT, esp in how they are both really doomed by the narrative and there's no real happy ending for them and that is what makes them such compelling powerful characters in the overall story esp bc in hawke's case you already know how this will end (and you basically get the feeling for shepard too)
however with the power of fanfic i will grant them the happy ending they deserve ✨✨✨
Happiest: honestly... Delvyre's real peachy and this whole tadpole adventure is just another cool thing she gets to look forward to. She's had a lot of tough shit happen but she attacks it all with a can-do attitude. Artemis, too, had a pretty sweet life... till her dad died but, like, she's remarkably well adjusted and had a pretty solid childhood. And Miss Camille, despite a tumultuous upbringing, is pretty happy -- and even all the horrors of the Hollow haven't deterred her much.
MOST TRAGIC: Avis and Anders for sure <3 <3 its ok theyre mostly fine in my band au. oh also avis and carver.... tragic siblings my beloved............and since im also interpreting this to include non romantic relationships Camille and Tabitha........ esp after Tabitha gave up her years ;-;
oh and i guess nyx and garrus if i didnt decide nyx survives lmao
once again TY FOR THE ASK <3 hehee
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andreal831 · 1 month
So, I know you're a Haylijah shipper, but what you have thought if the show had ever decided to explore Elijah and Cami as a couple? I think that would've been very intriguing and compelling to see. They were among one of my crack ships when I was into TVD/TO. Definitely would've been an interesting dynamic to see play out.
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I've gotten to asks about this so I'm going to answer them both here.
I've seen people ship Cami and Elijah, but I'll be honest I haven't given them much thought. I'm all about being a multi-shipper. I love most Elijah ships, even the crack ones. Before considering this, I had always thought Marcel and Cami were my third favorite Cami ship (haymille being the second of course). But I might have to reconsider. I think Cami and Elijah would have been interesting together and I wish we could have seen them interact more. I would definitely have gotten behind this ship. I just love them both so much.
They have a lot of similarities. They both feel responsible for their families and have a lot of guilt for their perceived failures. They both attempt to fall back on logic rather than emotions, although Cami is definitely more emotional mature than our poor, stunted Elijah.
They would have long, intellectual conversations and would challenge each other. Cami would encourage Elijah to go back to school and actually do something with his life and Elijah would encourage Cami to enjoy aspects of life outside of work and school.
The only time we ever see Elijah really open up is with Cami. I wish we could have seen more of Cami being vulnerable with him. We know it happened to an extent as Elijah later tells her he was in her head just as much as she was in his. I wish she would have talked about her brother and uncle or even the trauma she went through of Klaus' compulsion. They both know how it feels to be used by Klaus and lose those they love.
I was trying to think of a downside to this ship and my initial instinct was that they both are too reasonable and need a partner to be a little more combative to deal with them. But then I remembered Cami is that person. I think the reason Haylijah works so well together is because Elijah tempers Hayley's impulses and Hayley is stubborn and aggressive enough to pull Elijah out of his head. Cami is also that person. Hell, she had a harder challenge of doing that with Klaus. At least with Elijah, he's slightly more reasonable than Klaus.
I adore their friendship but I think they would be a solid ship had the show given them a chance.
Thanks for the ask!
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det-loki · 7 months
hi! just hopped in to say i'm lowkey obssessed with your rust x camille edit 😁 i've been on a general rust brainrot this past week and seeing him 'paired' with another extremely intriguing character is beyond exciting!
if you're comfortable with it, would you mind sharing a bit about the fic you're writing for them? thanks in advance 💕
hi lovely!! I'm so happy you like it!
welcome to the rust brain rot, my inbox is always open for it haha
I haven't written much for rust x camille, but I have been brainstorming a ton. I live for angst and obviously rust and camille are very 'angsty', complicated, characters that are portrayed in the most human, raw, real way. depth, grief, pain and suffering. I think they understand each other innately and i would love to explore their connection and dynamic. with that being said, this is literally all I have haha
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miranda-mundt-art · 2 years
I’m curious, what would Camille look like as a Demon?
Made this concept for patreon ages ago, I've drawn her a few times since then :) (link if you wanna see more eheheueh )
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