#Campania region
travelella · 2 months
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Positano, Amalfi Coast, Salerno Province, Campania Region, Italy
Thomas Bormans
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thenationview · 2 years
Landslide in Ischia, Pichetto Fratin: funds allocated and never spent by the Campania region
Landslide in Ischia, Pichetto Fratin: funds allocated and never spent by the Campania region
Funds for Ischia allocated by the Berlusconi government and never spent by the Campania region. The Minister of the Environment, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, reveals to Il Giornale the presence of a document that attests to the allocation of more than 3 million euros never spent for the security of the territory of the island of Campania. Funds were allocated in 2010 by the Berlusconi government,…
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Funicular and Vesuvius volcano in eruption by Naples, Campania region of Italy
Italian vintage postcard
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auxoubliettes · 1 year
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areccofrancesco · 1 year
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Paestum - Templi - Magna Grecia
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lospeakerscorner · 6 days
Stop allagamenti
Gori al lavoro in via Ponte di Sirico per la realizzazione della rete fognaria che consentirà di mitigare il fenomeno degli allagamenti SAVIANO | CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Nuovi interventi alla rete fognaria comunale per restituire un servizio più efficace ed efficiente, mitigare il fenomeno degli allagamenti e rispondere in maniera concreta alle esigenze del territorio. È questo…
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The Off The-Beaten Track Villages in Campania, Puglia, and Basilicata
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Le Tariffe ai Servizi ai Cittadini del Comune di Napoli
La seduta del consiglio comunale del 09.04.2024 è stata molto faticosa una vera e propria maratona per approvare la manovra di bilancio previsionale del Comune di Napoli, non ho fatto mancare il mio contributo su alcuni temi di cui, comme sempre, cerco di dare conto ai cittadini. Buona Visione
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justaholeinmysoul · 1 year
Italy is funny because sometimes a person from another region talks and says something about food/habits/culture etc and you look at them completely clueless so much that if an alien was there he would make a lot more sense. I love it so much
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blogitalianissimo · 4 months
Letto nelle notifiche un'affermazione giustissima, ovvero che "i soldi destinati al sud andranno al ponte di Messina che nessuno vuole", ed è vero, nessuno vuole quel ponte mangiasoldi.
E il motivo è semplice: Perché è una grandissima presa per il culo. Nel Sud Italia mancano infrastrutture basilari come LE STRADE, I TRENI ecc, una volta che superi il confine Campania/Basilicata devi iniziare a farti la croce, perché l'affermazione "Cristo si è fermato ad Eboli" non è casuale. A noi ce ne sbatte i coglioni di 'sto ponte se per raggiungere Reggio Calabria devi pregare tutti i santi esistenti. Non è normale, ve ne rendete conto?
E vogliamo parlare della Sicilia? Vogliamo parlarne? Regione enorme, ha città ultramegaimportanti come Messina, Catania e Palermo, ma per attraversarla in treno 13 ore, TREDICI.
Inoltre, paradossalmente, il collegamento di traghetti Sicilia/Calabria è una delle cose che funzionano meglio al sud.
Questo ponte serve solo a farsi belli, nascondere la polvere sotto al tappeto, negare il grosso problema d'infrastrutture nel Mezzogiorno.
E se non vi bastasse come prova, sappiate che non esiste un collegamento decente tra Napoli e Bari, e qui sto parlando di 2 regioni messe molto meglio ad infrastrutture rispetto alle altre del sud (chi per posizione geografica favorevole, chi per conformazione del territorio dove è più facile costruire).
Perciò andatevene a cagare voi e questa autonomia di merda leghisti del cazzo.
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travelella · 2 months
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Sorrento, Naples, Campania Region, Italy
Thomas Bormans
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blueiskewl · 18 days
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US Returns $80 Million-Worth of Stolen Artifacts to Italy
It looked more like a museum exhibition of Italian art than a crime scene, but in the Central Institute for Restoration’s offices, located inside a former women’s prison in central Rome, some 600 works of art were put on display Tuesday morning.
Ranging from life-sized bronze statues to tiny Roman coins, from oil paintings to mosaic flooring, the pieces span the 9th century BC to the 2nd century AD and amount to just one year’s stolen and trafficked art confiscated by Manhattan prosecutor Col. Matthew Bogdanos’ team and returned to Italy.
The trafficked works, pillaged from the Italian regions of Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Calabria and Sicily, were sequestered in New York and New Jersey last year.
The returned works, together with 60 items repatriated last year, are worth more than $80 million (or roughly €73.6 million) — but are just a drop in the bucket when it comes to artwork still hidden away in private warehouses and on display in museums in the United States, Bogdanos said on the sidelines of a presentation to the media on Tuesday.
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Bogdanos said the $80 million of items does not include a further 100 items his team has just seized in the US.
What makes the seizure and return of stolen artifacts so difficult is that authorities often have no idea what they are looking for, according to Gen. D. Francesco Gargaro, commander of the Carabinieri for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
“When artifacts are taken from clandestine graves, they have never been cataloged,” he said. That means that, in addition to the items themselves, their historical context was stolen, robbing archaeologists of valuable information. (Instead, investigators work backwards, assessing paperwork and provenance claims for artifacts provided by their owners, as well as undertaking technical tests to best confirm a piece’s true origins.)
Most of the recent items returned to Italy were dug out of clandestine excavations or stolen from churches, museums and private individuals, Gargaro said.
Among the items on display on Tuesday was a cuirass and two bronze heads dating back to the 4th-3rd century BC that were confiscated from a gallery owner in New York.
There was also an Umbrian bronze statue depicting a warrior stolen from an Italian museum in 1962 that was found in a well-known American museum.
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And a mosaic floor depicting the myth of Orpheus enchanting wild animals with the sound of the lyre from the mid-3rd to mid-4th century AD was recovered after being stolen from a clandestine excavation in Sicily in the early 1990s. It was confiscated from the private collection of a well-known New York collector.
Italy’s Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection unit uses artificial intelligence to search for stolen cultural assets under a new program called “Stolen Works Of Art Detection System” (SWOADS), which searches for taken items by scanning the web and social media for images.
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“The return to Italy of cultural assets of such importance, both for their numerical consistency and for their historical-artistic value, is another significant achievement, Italy’s culture ministry undersecretary Gianmarco Mazzi said Tuesday.
“In addition to being works of art of inestimable value, they represent the high expression of our history, our culture and our national identity.”
In 2023 alone, 105,474 pieces of art worth more than €264 million (or $287 million) were found and confiscated worldwide thanks to the artificial intelligence project, according to Gargaro.
By Barbie Latza Nadeau.
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Street scene in Naples, Campania region of Italy
Italian vintage postcard
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famousinuniverse · 3 months
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Procida Island, Italy: Procida is one of the Flegrean Islands off the coast of Naples in southern Italy. The island is between Cape Miseno and the island of Ischia. With its tiny satellite island of Vivara, it is a comune of the Metropolitan City of Naples, in the region of Campania. Wikipedia
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areccofrancesco · 7 months
Destinazione Cilento - Una vacanza tra cultura e tradizione
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lospeakerscorner · 10 days
Altri reflui collettati al depuratore
Proseguono i lavori per il collettamento dei reflui: completate alcune importanti opere in via Campanariello e via Pagliarone TORRE DEL GRECO | CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Importanti passi in avanti nell’ambito dei lavori a cura di Gori per il collettamento dei reflui di Torre del Greco al depuratore di Foce Sarno. Sono stati ultimati, infatti, alcuni importanti interventi in via…
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