#Campbell Quay BaCC
rurpleplayssims 2 months
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馃摑Campbell Quay Recap - Part 1/2馃摂
I was recently asked to post a recap of what had been happening in Campbell Quay since I started posting the no-commentary styled posts back in April. The reason being that I wanted to catch all the characters up before I do another time jump of several years. Long story short, I want my families to have most of their children born before the time jump so I can move onto the next stage of the story with the next generation starting to shine.
馃摑So, in chronologically order, here is what has happened so far since I resumed the series in April:
Cooper Household: Round 5
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Matthew is visiting Zoey and Roselyn in their home and has lunch with them. (They'd been previously discussing Deidre and her apparent ignoring of her closest friend before she'd left town.) They discuss the success of the clinic after the remodel, and Matthew setting up the therapist's office when he's ready.
Natalia, the clinic's receptionist, is good friends with her boss and visits her.
Their home functions well after Roselyn (and her dog Lily) moved in. Roselyn takes the time to help raise Madeleine (Zoey's daughter with Tyler Ellis).
Zoey teachers her daughter to talk. Roselyn asks Jasper to come over to fix their broken TV. (He is the town's handyman).
Despite being her ex-boyfriend, Jasper and Roselyn's relationship is a strong one, but it's nothing more than sibling-like since they broke up ages ago.
Roselyn heads off to work. Zoey asks Jasper to fix the toilet when she realises he's there. They speak about their friends and how the town's changed since they established it. She puts her daughter down for a nap before working on her easel.
Madeleine, a bright toddler, enjoys building her creativity skill.
Zoey receives a phone call from Becky, her next-door neighbour, asking to come over. Zoey agrees and is distressed to see Becky in floods of tears on her doorstep.
Becky is inconsolable as Luke broke up with her after she refused his marriage proposal. (Luke is a werewolf and he saw her refusal as rejection, and as part of his werewolf culture, he feels like she's not his packmate, and that she broke them up, not him.)
However, there is something left unsaid between the couple. After getting her inside, Becky reveals to Zoey her reasons for rejecting the marriage proposal. They become best friends as a result of the trust between them.
Roselyn gets a bonus at work from a chance card.
Becky distracts herself by playing with Madeleine.
The girls discuss Luke and what Becky should still remain in the house next door (as Becky lives with Luke and their friend Helen.)
Roselyn returns home, greets Becky and gives her the same advice as Zoey. They become best friends too when Becky tells her her reasons.
Becky heads out, insisting on going for a quiet stroll around the block before heading home, wanting to compose her thoughts before seeing Luke again at home.
Roselyn and Zoey discuss their guests before they make out and head upstairs.
The following day, after Zoey heads to work, Roselyn invites Helen around. Helen is her apprentice and good friend. They discuss Becky and Luke, before Helen plays with Madeleine. (Helen is one of the main babysitters in town.)
The days pass by and their home is a happy one. Roselyn teaches Lily to Roll Over.
After about a week, Helen comes over to babysit Madeleine whilst Roselyn and Zoey head out for a date at the new tea shop that's opened. Despite the snow on the ground, the pair of them are keen to get some fresh air and time to themselves. (Readers who've been here from day one know the struggle it was to get to the stage where these two are in a happy and healthy relationship!)
At the tea shop, they see Thomas Campbell, looking a lot happier and socialising with everyone who enters. (Thomas was a zombie at the start of the series and this was not long after he's been cured and he and Althea's marriage became a lot steadier.)
On the way home, Roselyn proposes marriage to Zoey, who happily accepts.
The next day, Zoey holds the clinic staff meeting at her house.
Norman-Ashford Household: Round 1
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Jed promotes Alon to be the manager at the Norman Fitness Centre. (Jed owns the business, which is the local gym/swimming pool.)
Briony, the editor at the Campbell Chronicle newspaper, holds a meeting at lunchtime in her house she shares with Jed. The other employees are Starla Bennett (Alon's ex-girlfriend), Dominic Hawlings (who used to work at Proper Nosh!) and Cheryl Midlock (who used to work at Grim Groceries).
Dominic and Starla discuss the recently held Major election in the town, which Althea won.
Starla asks Jed about the gym, pitching to write an article about it. Jed agrees. She then asks about fingerprint scanning system that was being rolled out but Jed breaks off the conversation.
Jed is a stay-at-home father for the first few months of his and Briony's lives as parents. Their children are Holly and Harry, a set of twins.
The twins age up into toddlers.
Now that the children are a little older, Briony and Jed take turns in being the stay-at-home parent. Briony teaches the toddlers to use the potty, and Jed starts teaching them to walk.
Briony, who'd been carrying a lot of weight in her pregnancy to the twins, has worked hard to reach peak fitness afterwards. (Fun fact: Despite Film & Lit being her OTH, she rolls a lot of wants to do fitness-related activities. As that is Jed's OTH, I guess she's taking inspiration from her fianc茅.)
Thomas visits his brother to play with his niece and nephew.
Jed teaches Harry to walk and Thomas teaches Holly a nursery rhyme.
Briony teaches Holly to talk. Jed teaches Holly to walk and teaches Harry to talk.
Briony and Jed's relationship is strong and healthy, and he asks how the newspaper is going.
Sylvie invites Sylvie around. (She is the adoptive 'aunt' to Jasper, Phillip and Noah Morgan. When Briony moved to town, her car broke down in front of Sylvie's isolated cottage. During the months she lived with the ancient Fae, a mother/daughter bond sprung up between the two.)
Sylvie comes around, plays chess with Briony, has dinner with her and Jed, plays with her 'grandchildren'.
There is a new garage built, including an upstairs area where Briony has moved her office to, and the twins deserved a room of their own.
Jed invites Alon around and they discuss the fitness centre and the babies being born in town.
Briony cooks dinner for them all, and Jed expresses how pleased he is at the progress Alon has made since he came to town. (Alon was the first burglar in town, and his background is troubled. His parents were uncaring, his ex dumped him and he ran away to CQ and was struggling to live with no home before Thomas and Althea took him in and helped him. He is a successful reformed criminal in town and Jed, as Head of Security in town, is pleased to have been proved wrong that Alon would relapse to crime.)
Alon discusses health with Briony as Jed puts the kids to bed.
Thomas visits his brother again and he bonds with both children, becoming best friends.
Thomas and Biony discuss friendships in town.
Harry and Holly have a huggle.
A few days later, Briony asks Helen to come babysit for her so she can get some work done in her office without worrying about attending to her children.
She begins to write a novel (her 4th...I think).
Jed and Briony discuss recent crime rates and the fingerprint recognition program. Briony intends to write an articles in the Chronicle about its benefits.
Briony meets Julie Moore, the lady who has moved in right next door. They discuss the many babies in town.
Althea visits to introduce Julie to the other mothers in town, as Julie plans to open a nursery in town. Part of the vetting process is that all parents need to approve that they trust Julie, and that she will keep their children safe. (Long term readers will understand why Althea is insisting on this.)
Zoey and Ellen are invited over to meet Julie.
Matthew passes on his afternoon walk and Briony speaks to him.
Dalton Morgan (Jasper and Ellen's eldest child) is having a playdate with Harry, Holly and Madeleine.
Henry comes around to see Jed and his family. (Henry used to live with Jed and his brother Thomas.)
Jed speaks to the ladies about the security at the nursery when it opens.
Jed greets Jasper, who was also invited to meet Julie. (Helen is babysitting his and Ellen's four younger children btw.)
The toddlers become best friends with each other. (These 4 will be in the same age group, but Maddie is the oldest, then the twins, then Dalton.)
Jed continues to help his fiancee reached peak fitness.
This is where the tags for the households become a bit confusing as I jump around different households to show events happening to residents in (mostly) chronological order.
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Tyler and Victoria (nee Bransfield) are recently married and enjoying their newly refurbished home, which looks much more like the home to two business executives.
Althea gains her baby bumps and is placed on maternity leave. She and Thomas are thrilled to be expecting as they've sorted out their differences from what happened at the start of their marriage. (Click here for the full household tag, I'm not typing all that out!)
Thomas runs the town's grocery store (called Grim Groceries) and Emmy is his manager who runs it on a daily basis for him. This allows him to look at other business ventures he wants to set up in town. As the Founder's husband, he has expectations that he wants to carry out.
Becky visits Althea to discuss their work. She is Althea's chief assistant at the Mayor's office and is her deputy, only outranked by Thomas. She tells Althea about her and Luke's breakup in the hope it won't make work awkward and Luke works with them as an Intern.
The Founder's home gets a remodel and Cheryl visits to get notes for Althea's weekly column in the newspaper.
Althea invites the Jefferson couple over. (They have a family that is split up, as Libby works at the military base. They'd worked hard to get temporary accommodation for Robbie and their three children until Libby moves into the bigger home.)
Thomas finds a genie bottle.
Althea speaks to Janet Tanner, one of the cleaners in town, and offers her support during her pregnancy and after. (Janet moved to CQ with her boyfriend Frank. He wasn't keen to move to this town, despite Janet's love for the place. However, Janet confessed to Emily Morgan that she'd had a drunken one-night-stand with a male - we don't know who - after a row with Frank, but then when she went home the following day, she and Frank made up, leading her to not know who the father is. She has decided to keep the baby.)
Julie has dinner and Thomas and Althea, discussing their arrangements for the nursery amongst other things.
Jada, one of Althea's political assistants at the town hall, visits Althea to discuss priorities to be carried out whilst Althea is on maternity leave. She also helps set up Thomas's paperwork for his business ventures.
Some boring game rules here: The sims who own business lots and do not have an active career, they should be 'employed' in the Business career. In my mind it means they sign up to help and support from Campbell Quay Logistics, that Tyler organises as he's in charge of most business dealings with the town, only outranked by Althea.)
Victoria falls pregnant with her and Tyler's first child, and learns Couples Counselling.
Janet comes and visits Althea again to discuss her arrangements. Emily is with her as she was the first to guess that Janet was pregnant.
Sylvie's business, Sylvie's Garden, is doing very well! Despite being a very isolated person when she met the residents, she's come a long way in terms of confidence, and she's happy.
Sylvie's Garden reaches Rank 10 and it gets a Good Review as well!
Thomas's Grim Groceries is also doing well and opens up a car dealership, C&N Motors. (Not sure I mentioned it before, but it's a spin on his name, Campbell & Norman Motors, as Thomas married into a matriarchy family and took Althea's surname.)
Thomas reaches maximum enthusiasm in Music & Dance.
C&N Motors ranks up quickly and also gets a Good Review!
Althea studies some skills at home: Couples Counselling, Anger Management and Lifelong Happiness.
She also starts a novel to document all that's happened in town. It sells well!
As her pregnancy progresses, she studies some more, learning Fire Safety.
Phillips's daughters, Bella, Felicity and Phoebe age up to toddlers.
Proper Nosh! - Emily's restaurant gets some more remodelling and does well for business.
Phillip teaches Bella, the eldest, to walk.
Roselyn's art studio business is also doing well and earns a Good Review.
She also gets promoted in the Artist career to Level 7.
Zoey's Clinic has had a remodel and she welcomes her fellow doctor, Brandan, who is a surgeon.
Zoey has an appointment with Victoria, who is heavily pregnant.
Her next patient is Matthew and they make a point to discuss friendships in town. Zoey considers how fast her daughter is growing up.
Briony is based at the office, The Campbell Chronicle office and is working hard on her computer as Laura, a young teen, works at the till for the little shop at the front.
Gretchen (the business reviewer is who actually employed by Briony..?) awards the Campbell Chronicle a Good Review.
Townie Household, Round 2
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Luke is working in his beloved garden before he heads off to Sylvie's Garden, to buy some new tools and meet up with Sylvie. He also meets Lena, one of the military personnel that have started visiting the town.
It's an awkward atmosphere at home. Despite it being a few months since their breakup, Luke and Becky don't speak much.
Becky has constant flashbacks to when she said no to Luke's marriage proposal.
She tries to remain pleasant and upbeat but Luke is either quiet or muted in his response.
After their lunch and she heads to work, Luke goes outside and breaks down over the breakup, still quite heartbroken. He reminisces over their love intersected by the memory of her rejection.
They had both had a recent row and whilst Becky regrets what she said in anger. Later that evening, she apologises to him. Luke, still muted, accepts her apology but doesn't say much else.
Helen asks how Becky is over breakfast. Becky avoids the subject.
When Becky heads to work, Helen plays her violin before heading over to Campbell Square to play for some tips. Before heading out, she greets Cheryl.
She meets Claire and Abbie, two of her female friends for a coffee.
After their meetup, Helen gets herself a coffee and Brandon, the surgeon at the Clinic, introduces himself to her.
Helen is attracted to him, and she's attractive to him. Flattered by the welcome attention, she speaks to him for a bit.
She plays her violin and gets quite a few tips, including from Henry and Brandon.
Returning home, Helen does some painting.
Luke bird watches before reading the newspaper.
After transforming that night (he's a werewolf) he heads out for some bug collecting.
Emmy and Alon officially become a couple, despite being together since Althea and Thomas's wedding.
Cheryl gets promoted to Level 3 in the Journalism career.
Matthew spends a lot of his freetime out jogging, emailing on his computer and cooking healthy meals for himself.
Cheryl makes an effort on her own novel. Tony is alone in his flat.
Emmy spends most nights sleeping in Alon's bed, but they've taken it slow, and have not woohooed yet.
(Most of the residents on this lot have had their spaces repainted as I wanted to make them a little more personal.)
Max Huxley (who used to be a cleaner) is in the Dance career and gets promoted to Level 3.
Tony spends most of his freetime playing his guitar.
Noah and Henry have gone from strength to strength since he moved in. Noah is promoted to Level 6 in the Science career.
Whilst babysitting Madeleine, Helen looks after Lily too and gives her a bath.
Zoey is promoted to Level 7 in the Medicine career. Her bonus goes towards their upcoming wedding.
Emily and Phillip Morgan are doing well, in both their family, relationship and business. Proper Nosh! is Rank 10 and Phillip is a highly successful lawyer and the top lawyer in town.
Henry's business, The Bookshelf, is also doing well.
Emily speaks with Tony when he comes over to let her know that he'll be leaving his job at the restaurant sooner rather than later.
Whilst he's there, Janet accosts him, and is very angry.
Phillips earns a bonus of $43,000!
Janet imagines Tony coming over to her and apologising...but he doesn't.
It's still awkward at the Townie household. Becky tries to speak to Luke about general stuff but he can't stop relieving her rejection. He realises he needs to change something.
Helen sits down at the table and Luke and Becky talk freely when praising Helen and the confidence that she's developed since she'd come to town. (Helen was very shy/insecure of herself when she first came to town. She's grown a lot in that time.)
Luke checks his email. Helen studies. Luke checks the newspaper and can't help but look at Becky from the corner of his eye. He wants to speak to her but isn't sure how.
After she gets up to go to the kitchen, he approaches her. She smiles at him and he's just about to try to speak when her mobile rings, and he loses his courage.
Becky heads out to get out of the house.
Helen speaks to Luke about Becky and tells him about Brandon, and that she wants to quit her babysitter's job. Inspired by her talk with Roselyn and Althea, she wants to do something else.
Luke thanks Helen for her quiet, steadfast support and that he's glad they're friends. She says the same.
Becky comes home and is so exhausted that she falls asleep in her food!
The resident household members speak as they normally do in the morning, enjoying the fresh air. Cheryl mentions kissing and gets Tony confused and conflicted. (He misses Cheryl and hadn't been able to stop thinking of her since she broke up with him at Althea's wedding. She broke it off with him because he was dating other women at the same time and she wanted a faithful partner, despite how much she loved him.)
Tony distracts himself by working hard at his music shop, Tony's Tempo. It's a big money earner and he's quickly paying off the bank loan he took out for the building. His business reaches Rank 8!
Max has to pay a fine at work.
Cheryl, Dominic and Matthew catch up over lunch.
Alon and Emmy finally consummate their relationship.
Cheryl earns herself another promotion to Level 4!
Max finally opens his dance studio business, Studio Huxley.
Starla visits C&N Motors and buys herself a car.
Brandon also buys a car from Thomas's car dealership.
Roselyn and Helen discuss their interests and a business venture.
Becky earns a bonus of $500 but Luke gets demoted.
Helen rings Brandon and they speak on the phone for a few hours.
Later, she spots Luke sitting alone in the garden. She speaks to him and he mentions their friendship and his recent heartbreak.
Helen gets a phone call from Marion and is surprised. (No, it's neither of her sisters btw.)
Luke tells Helen he will be quitting his job at Althea's office and getting a job elsewhere. The new job involves moving out.
The next day, Luke tells Helen he's leaving and she tells him she's glad they're friends and he should ring whenever he wants to.
When Becky comes down for breakfast, Helen lets her know Luke will be moving out in an hour. Becky is stunned, relieving the memories of her relationship with Luke.
Luke packs up his garden pots and tools and puts them in his mobile greenhouse. He doesn't know if he will come back for them but he kept them out of the way in case the girls wants to do something else with the garden.
At the moment of departure arrives, Helen says goodbye to her friend and hugs him before heading outside to put his suitcase in his truck, leaving Becky and Luke alone.
Becky awkwardly wishes Luke well and is confused as to what Luke's new job is. Luke insists (appearing cheerful) to wish her well and they hug. They share a moment when they stare at each other, but Luke and Becky meet Helen outside.
Becky and Helen watch as Luke gets in his truck and drives away. As soon as he disappears from sight, Becky bursts into tears.
Due to Tumblr being blooming awkward, there is a text limit...great.
馃摑Part Two is here.馃摉
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rurpleplayssims 2 months
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馃摑Campbell Quay Recap - Part 2/2馃摂
If you've not seen the first half of this recap, you can read it here.
Helen invites Brandon around and they have a catch-up. Brandon is pleased to hear from Helen, and she makes him some lunch.
Impressed by her, Brandon asks how she is and that he's glad to have met her. He shyly admits to really liking her. Helen is flattered, pleased that he feels the same as her. He helps her clean up the plates and there's a moment when they look at each other. He hesitantly takes her hand in his and asks if she'd would want something more with him. Just as shyly, she agrees.
After a few more minutes with the chemistry thickening, Brandon kisses her, and Helen reciprocates.
Becky sees Helen with Brandon in the kitchen and is happy for her.
Helen feels herself falling for Brandon, his kind wisdom and Brandon is very fond of her as well.
She sees him off home and heads to bed, smiling to herself.
Becky asks about Brandon.
Helen goes outside to paint when Becky goes to work. Becky gets a promotion to Level 3!
Althea comes over to visit and Becky greets her after getting another promotion the following day to Level 4.
The pair of them talk about Luke's departure and to arrange who to promote to replace Luke.
Tony officially quits his job at Proper Nosh! He invites Emily around to tell her in person.
Whilst she's there, Matthew catches up with Emily. (He is the manager at her restaurant.)
Thomas comes over to speak to Emmy. Emmy quits her job at Grim Groceries as she wishes to open her own business. Thomas understands and wishes her luck.
Dominic spots Emily and comes to speak to her, reminding her that he will shortly be leaving the restaurant as well to work full-time at the Campbell Chronicle.
Emily nods and makes a mental note to hire more employees to replace Tony and Dominic as servers.
Althea is walking past as part of her daily goal to walk around. She speaks to Emmy who requests the name of the bank she can acquire a loan for her new business.
Max earns a promotion to Level 5!
Emmy officially buys the deed for Quay Quality Furniture.
Emmy explains her business venture idea to Alon, who supports her.
Emmy opens the furniture shop the following day.
Max earns some music and dance enthusiasm on a chance card.
Tony has a new date called Beryl. They make out and it goes well but already he's looking for someone else.
Emmy invites one of her employees back after their first day of business and turns out, she knows Briony quite well.
Tony is a Roadie, Level 6 in the Music career.
Dominic tells Tony about his new full-time role at the Chronicle. He's at Level 8.
Althea visits the furniture shop and praises the success of it when it reaches Rank 10!
It also gets a Good Review in the same day!
Already, Emmy wants another business to run. (Her LTW is have 5 Level 10 Businesses.)
Due to some staffing changes, Emmy promotes some and lets one go. (I kept getting a glitch with the cashier till so gave in and bought the automatic cash register object with the invisible recolours.)
It is revealed that Luke joined the military career! (I have a military subhood and all military personnel must live in the subhood. If you want to see more of it, you can see the posts here.)
Tony's Tempo gets a Good Review!
The Bookshelf gets a Good Review and reaches Rank 10!
Noah discovers a new star. He names it after Henry.
Henry and Noah are discuss their friends.
Jasper is about to open his new business (Jasper's Workshop) when he realises one of his employees is naked in a hot tub!
The business goes well once all employees are dressed in their new uniforms and their roles assigned. Althea and Thomas visit as per their custom with new businesses in town.
One of the employees had a bladder failure but he cleans it up before anybody else notices.
Jasper earns a silver restocking badge.
Beryl (Tony's latest date) works here and earns a bronze sales badge.
Jasper's Workshop reaches Rank 8!
Becky meets Jasper who asks after Luke, not aware that he'd moved away. Becky awkwardly tells him.
Roselyn meets Jasper and praises the business's success.
It earns a Good Review before reaching Rank 9!
Back home, Jasper is trying to teach Dalton to speak with minimal success but has better luck with the potty.
Ellen gains some dance enthusiasm via a chance card.
Dalton is completes his potty training with his mother, and learns to speak from her.
Ellen earns $4000 from a chance card and puts it in savings towards their wedding. Jasper praises her success.
Jasper teaches Dalton a nursery rhyme.
Roselyn's Art is earning a decent profit for her own wedding fund as it reaches Rank 7!
Emily comes to visit her sister's business.
Zoey spends a day at the clinic which earns a Good Review at Rank 5!
Althea's baby is due any day now and the couple are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their firstborn.
Thomas invites Zoey and Brandon over for a checkup.
Perfect timing! Althea's waters break as both doctors are present.
She gives birth to a daughter and they call her Matilda.
Brandon and Althea discuss love.
Thomas is overjoyed and besotted with his daughter, as is Althea.
However, Althea feels a little insecure and in a bid to do the best she can, she resolves to study Parenting.
Helen arrives to meet the baby Campbell.
Althea sends an email out to all founding residents to let them know the happy news, and to wish Victoria well on her baby, as she's only a few weeks behind Althea.
Thomas checks in with his businesses.
Victoria heads over to meet Matilda and checks in with Matthew on business dealings.
Thomas sets up a bank account for his daughter and sends quite a lot of his savings into it for her.
Victoria and Althea becomes best friends.
Over the next few days, Althea and Thomas are devoted to their daughter.
Jed comes over to meet his niece and loves her on sight.
He also speaks to her about new people coming into town.
Bluntly, he asks after the father of Janet's baby. Althea scolds him for his lack of tact, but Janet is unfazed.
Althea cooks lunch for them all and Thomas returns home after getting promoted to Level 7 in the Business career.
Thomas asks Janet is she's excited to meet her baby but Janet admits her fear and reveals that Frank broke up with her and left town.
Jed, Thomas and Althea discuss new security arrangements.
Thomas and Althea make some important phone calls with persons unknown.
Thomas takes some time to deal with his accounts in his office upstairs.
Althea completes her Parenting training and becomes best friends with Matilda.
Zoey and Natalia coordinate that day's appointments at the clinic.
Zoey, Brandon and Natalia have a quick staff meeting before seeing the various patients in the waiting room.
Briony discusses the security in town for a new article.
Althea visits the Campbell Chronicle and Briony comes out to congratulate her on the birth of her daughter.
Cheryl, Dominic and Starla have a staff meeting with Briony before they begin their assigned tasks for the day.
This is how far we've reached with the posts so far. I will update this post daily until we reach the commentary posts again.
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