#Can we banish Mon-El to another dimension now?
pyramidhead316 · 4 years
Mon-El Sucks (Or how the staff at CW will bend over to please a formerly misogynistic, now self-entitled white man)
So, I’ve just heard that Supergirl will travel into the future to be with Mon-El, in the series finale.
Jesus, is stupidity a requirement for working at The CW? This is literally the worst decision they could have done!
The reason Kara left to go to the future in the DC “Justice League” animated universe was to go be with Brainiac-5. BRAINIAC-5!!!
Who here is very much in love with Nia, and not leaving the present anytime soon, I assume. There’s no need for Kara to go to the future!
And what happened to William?! I thought Kara was supposed to fall in love with him this season! Sure, he’s not as good as Lena or Lucy, or someone like Ted Kord, if they ever let him make an appearance, but goddamn at least he’s not as bad as Mon-El!! F*ck, I can’t believe I’m actually rooting for Kara to fall in love with William here, just so we can avoid this shitshow!
Jessica Queller, I don’t know what kind of lady hard-on you have for, or if you wish you could be married to the character himself, or if you want in on Melissa and Chris’ marriage, but enough’s enough. Just because Melissa and Chris are married in real life, doesn’t mean the characters themselves have to be married in the show! Ben Browder was married to his wife all during the filming of “Farscape”, but John Crichton and Aeryn Sun remained the premiere couple all throughout the series!
Here are my full Twitter posts on it:
“Ugh, I just heard the rumor that Supergirl will go to the future to go be with Mon-El. They just can't let that piece of shit go, can they? Mon-El, who dumped his insanely hot, brilliant, sweet wife to chasing after his former girlfriend.
The whole reason Supergirl left for the future in the DC animated universe was to be with Brainiac-5. BRAINIAC-5! Who here is in love with Nia, and presumably not leaving the present. There's no reason for Supergirl to go to the future!
Good idea, Kara. Go to the future, where all your family is dead and you don't know anyone! (Except for Winn.) And it's still not Krypton! And now you have to use a time travel machine to go back and forth, in order to visit them.
I realize that Melissa and Chris are married in real life, and with a child. And I'm glad for them. (Honestly.) But the whole show doesn't have to revolve around fuckin' MON-EL!! It's called "Supergirl", not "The Mon-El Show". We didn't sign up for this.
I get the feeling this is one of those seasons that the majority of fans will end up disowning. Like that garbage 9th season of "The X-Files", that destroyed the show. Or like I do with "Lexx" and most of season 4, except for "The Game" and the finale.
There, my rant is done. As far as I'm concerned, "Supergirl" ends with season 5, with Kara continuing to work with Alex and Lena to take down Lex Luthor. This is just some alternate timeline, with a less brilliant Kara who isn't quite as bright.”
There, I’m done. Also, isn’t the whole point of the future that superheroes such as Kara aren’t really needed as much anymore, with the Legion of Superheroes being around, since they can pretty much simulate any power with their Legion rings? So, Kara is going to the future to be...less useful?
Maybe she just misses the advanced technology. It must be so hard to make do around the house without those advanced toilets. It’s like condemning Captain Kirk or Captain Picard to live in the 20th century, I guess.
There is so much wrong with this, with this plan the CW has cooked up, that I don’t even know where to begin. *shakes head*
Jessica Queller, I don’t want to say you’re as dumb as a bag of rocks, but you’re as dumb as a bag of rocks. And what’s going to happen with Alex and Lena? Don’t tell me they’re going to kill Alex and Lena, too?! That would be the only reason for Kara to leave, if she no longer has any family residing in the present.
God, I hope not.
I guess this means Alex should hook up with Lena now, and we should change our primary pairing, since it’s obvious Kara isn’t worthy of Lena now? She’s not quite brilliant enough for Lena, it’s pretty obvious now.
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