#The CW Supergirl
proudtobealuthor · 2 months
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I wonder if Katie knows a literal Olympic athlete is a supercorp enjoyer and how she would feel about it
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scrtagnthamster · 1 month
Season 5 Lena
I've seen people say before that Lena should just get over her hurt feelings about the identity reveal and that she wasn't owed Kara's secret.
Please remember this isn't about who was right or wrong or even blame, I'm only trying to explain a possible reason Lena made Non Nocere. Not excusing it. Not blaming anyone. Just what did Lena's thought process look like? How did we reach the conclusion we are given.
I didn't view Non Nocere as her being angry that Kara was Supergirl and that there was a secret. I see her being angry for how she was treated. Supergirl treated her differently than Kara Danvers did. Kara Danvers said she would always be there for Lena. Supergirl had Lena's boyfriend spy on her.
Supergirl said Lena couldn't be trusted to do the right thing because of her family. Kara said Lena's family didn't define her. Well who is telling the truth? It's this back and forth, what do you really feel, that caused Lena to make Non Nocere. So no one else would have to go through this. Everyone would know where they stand with anyone.
Was it the right thing to do? I don't know, it's morally gray, does the end justify the means?
Should they have just talked? Yes. Why didn't they? Remember where Lena grew up, the Luthor's didn't provide the environment where discussing feelings was safe. Talking about feelings was shameful even. If someone wronged you, your response should be was to revenge. Lena posted a girl's diary in school and Lilian said she'd never been prouder.
As an adult she should know better. We learn this stuff as kids, but it takes hard work to get away from and people will stumble on the way as they learn. We aren't perfect.
Also an important thing to remember: It's fictional. It's a TV show and the writer's job is to make an interesting story and draw people in. To make money. Talking about the issue would have fixed the problem in, say, 3 episodes. But having a character stumble and make bad choices, well you can milk a whole season out of that.
Not ever thing is a person A is right and B is wrong or A is wrong and B is right. Both have flaws. Both can be wrong. Both can be right. One person maybe wrong on some stuff but right on other stuff. Life is complicated and messy.
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moon-axolotl · 5 days
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i saw your "who's gonna draw this as supercorp" and the answer is me! i did :)
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jltoyphotography · 2 years
Supergirl (2015-2021)
The Arrowverse 3/9
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Front Row: Jimmy Olsen (Guardian), Kelly Olsen (Guardian), Alex Danvers (Sentinel), Kara Zor-El (Supergirl), Nia Nal (Dreamer), Querl Dox (Brainiac-5), & Winn Schott
Back Row: Kal El (Superman), J’onn J’onzz (Martian Manhunter), Mon-El, & Lena Luthor
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Front row: Rama Khan, Queen Rhea, Lex Luthor, Ben Lockwood, & Nxylgsptinz
Back row: Reign, Astra, & Non
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ckducky · 2 years
CW Superman through the ages 
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becky5203 · 2 years
I always thought Kara started falling for Mon-El and considering him as a romantic option after they kissed but I’ve been watching some of their clips from season 2 and I never noticed that she seemed interested before that. Like it’s nothing that’s outwardly said or shown, at least not in the same way Mon-El’s feelings are, but if you go back and watch Melissa’s facial expressions in 2x08 you can see that she seems genuinely pleased by the idea of Mon-El liking her, and disappointed when he denies it. It’s interesting to think about even after all these years. Looking at it this way recontextualizes a lot of their interactions tbh.
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akynoctua · 2 months
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They’re so married.
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jennywebbyart · 11 months
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A super and A Luthor. Destined to hate each other but fell in love.
(This is a redraw from a drawing I did back in 2020) 
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imlostsomwhere · 4 months
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Would you guys still like me if i was a cwsg fan
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proudtobealuthor · 1 year
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The question is….are the fishnets also Katie’s as well as the sinfully short shorts because I’m gonna go feral if they are
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atomicjellyb3an · 5 months
Kara leaned in
Three years since the phenomenon that was “Kara leaned in” and we still have no explanation for it
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You had to be there. It was trending on Twitter.
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moon-axolotl · 2 years
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will-o-whiisper · 27 days
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gotta balance out the angst with some fluff💕
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jltoyphotography · 2 years
The Crossovers
The Arrowverse 9/9
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Back row: Kara, Barry, & Music Meister from Duet
Front row: The Monitor & Anti-Monitor from Crisis on Infinite Earths
Dark Arrow, Reverse Flash, & Overgirl from Crisis on Earth X
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