#Can&039;t Stop the Feeling
jolieeason · 3 months
Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Books on the Cover
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Every Tuesday, a new topic is assigned from the schedule below. Then, you take that topic and fly free with it. You can do as little or as much as you want to (I have…
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howtoexloveback · 2 years
Control Lover By Eating Paan
Control Lover By Eating Paan
कोई भी पान खिलाकर अपने प्रेमी/प्रेमिका को अपने वश/काबू में कर सकता है| ज्योतिषी प्रयोग और टोटकों में पान का विशेष महत्व है| कई मंदिरों और पूजा स्थल पर आपने लोगों को पान का प्रयोग करते देखा होगा| आप अपने कार्यों की सिद्धि के लिए पान वशीकरण मंत्र का सहारा ले सकते हैं| ये मंत्र हर मनोकामना की पूर्ति करने में आपकी मदद करते हैं| अगर आप किसी स्त्री के प्यार में पड़ गए हैं लेकिन आपको सफलता नही मिल रही है…
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popwrapped · 8 years
Justin Timberlake Gives Moving Speech At iHeart Radio Awards
Justin Timberlake Gives Moving Speech At iHeart Radio Awards
There’s no denying that Justin Timberlake’s song “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” is catchy. There’s also no denying that the mere mention of it has probably left it stuck in your head for the next 24 hours. The song, originally penned for Dreamwork’s animated movie Trolls, hit the BillboardHot 100 chart at No. 1, tying with Adele’s “Hello” for fastest-ever rise to the top, and became the…
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kurowvie · 3 years
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⋆ the angst part is like... real angsty (esp number 52, it got my eye twitching)
⋆ the angst part has some sensitive topics like being blamed for someone's death and mental illnesses
⋆ it was really hard for me to think of fluff prompts so i got almost all prompts after number 15 from here.
⋆ I don't write smuts (U), yandere(U), mafia(C), agere(C) or poly(C)
U = uncomfortable writing
C = i just can't write these, the final product is usually shit HELP
001. ❝Stay away from me.���
002. ❝I can't believe you've done this!❞
003. ❝Can I ask you one thing? Could you... Could you please leave me alone right now?❞
004. ❝You're a psycho!❞
005. ❝Revenge is not the answer to everything!❞
006. ❝Do you like hurting people?❞
007. ❝Why are you acting like this?❞
008. ❝Maybe if you weren't being a b*tch.❞
009. ❝You're so annoying.❞
010. ❝F*ck off!❞
011. ❝How can you be so happy?❞
012. ❝You should be sad.❞
013. ❝You broke me first.❞
014. ❝Why are you always so negative?❞
015. ❝I can't handle your *mental illness* anymore. Forgive me.❞
016. ❝You're sick!❞
017. ❝You wouldn't be here if it weren't for me.❞
018. ❝I saved you!❞
019. ❝I was eighteen! I was jobless, I had no family, I couldn't get into a good university! Then came your stupid little heart break, I had to leave everything and come to your house in the middle of the night! I missed my admission test because you wanted me to be there for you! That night I went home and had nothing to eat! Not even a single slice of bread while you had the latest phone, the most comfortable bed, all the food you ever wanted, rich parents who got you into your favourite university but when you cried I came! Why? Because I was your best friend. ❞
020. ❝When your b*tchy girlfriend said shit about me, I said nothing because i knew you would believe her, like you always did. Like you are doing right now. And... God must hate me because I have no single proof that she did that.❞
021. ❝Tsk tsk tsk.❞
022. ❝This is why no one loves you.❞
023. ❝This is why your parents are dead.❞
024. ❝You killed your parents.❞
025. ❝If I had a child like you, I would k/ll myself too.❞
026. ❝You deserve nothing.❞
027. ❝You belong to the streets.❞
028. ❝You could never fit in.❞
029. ❝You're so embarrassing.❞
030. ❝I'm ashamed to be seen in public with you.❞
031. ❝You dress like trash.❞
032. ❝You can never get things done.❞
033. ❝I don't know why I told you to do that when I knew you would mess it up, like you always do.❞
034. ❝Stop thinking about yourself for a moment.❞
035. ❝You're so selfish.❞
036. ❝No this isn't self-love. You're so obsessed with yourself, gosh.❞
037. ❝Do you realize that other people also have feelings.❞
038. ❝Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?❞
039. ❝Why don't you believe me?❞
040. ❝You out of everyone!?❞
041. ❝I regret loving you.❞
042. ❝All I ever wanted was to be enough for you!❞
043. ❝I was insecure!❞
044. ❝Maybe in another life.❞
045. ❝I can't stay here anymore.❞
046. ❝Gosh, I hate you so much.❞
047. ❝You left me there crying!❞
048. ❝I was just trying to get close to you-❞ ❝You were embarrassing me!❞
049. ❝I... I don't know what to do now.❞
050. ❝Please love me back.❞
052. ❝Aw, did i hurt your wittle feelings?❞
001. ❝Let me get that for you.❞
002. ❝Here, hold my hands.❞
003. ❝Would a kiss make you feel better?❞
004. ❝Your hands are so small.❞
005. ❝We fit into each other's arms perfectly! We're meant to be!❞
006. ❝If I could do anything to ease your pain, I would.❞
007. ❝You're so strong and I am so proud of you.❞
008. ❝I told you that you could do it!❞
009. ❝I will be here beside you.❞
010. ❝You are the best thing that happened to me.❞
011. ❝You're the most beautiful person i've ever seen.❞
012. ❝You look cute but you'd look cuter in my clothes.❞
013. ❝Your smile is so pretty.❞
014. ❝You're so good at what you do.❞
015. ❝I wish I could be as talented as you!❞
016. ❝Come cuddle.❞
017. ❝Damn, you look so good.❞
018. ❝You're so good at this!❞
019. ❝And I thought I was the best at this.❞
020. ❝I like the way your hand fits in mine.❞
021. ❝You can't leave without letting me hug you first.❞
022. ❝Your lips are really warm.❞
023. ❝You look so comfy, and cuddle-able.❞
024. ❝Why are you staring at me like that!❞ ❝Oh, don’t mind me. Just enjoying the view.❞
025. ❝Would you mind if I kissed you?❞
026. ❝I remember when you first held my hand. I was blushing for days!❞
027. ❝God, you’re perfect.❞
028. ❝You’re hair is really soft after you wash it.❞
028. ❝I don't mean this in a creepy way but you're so cute when you're half asleep.❞
029. ❝You are my new pillow.❞
030. ❝I think I love you.❞
031. ❝Don’t be silly. You didn't upset me.❞
032. ❝Your bed head is really cute.❞
033. ❝I love your hugs.❞
034. ❝Shush and go back to bed.❞
035. ❝But I want to hear you sing.❞
036. ❝I like it when you pat my head.❞
037. ❝Let me do it for you.❞
038. ❝I think that's enough for today. Go sleep.❞
039. ❝I feel this urge to protect you whenever I'm around you and I know you're tough and badass but... still. So, please let me be there for you and protect you.❞
040. ❝Here, I saved some for you. Try it?❞
041. ❝You. Me. Movie marathon. Get all the snacks you can carry.❞
042. ❝This would look so cute on you!❞
043. ❝Fight me. Pillow fight. And by fight I mean cuddle.❞
044. ❝C'mon, with anyone else this would be too weird.❞
045. ❝That sounds like a bad idea. I’m in.❞
046. ❝I want to kiss you and hold your hand any time I want.❞
047. ❝I am who I am because of you.❞
048. ❝Your eyes are amazing… do you know that?❞
049. ❝Wow - you look… amazing.❞
050. ❝We just met, this is crazy, I’m referencing a song… but call me maybe?❞
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ryopangari-mateus · 5 years
Random questions.
(Since I am super bored and no one actually asks me questions I have went ahead and filled them all out.) 001. When is their birthday? 3rd Sun of the 6th Astral Moon 002. Do they do anything to celebrate their birthday? Not normally. 003. Does your character like coffee better, or tea? Tea 004. Do they prefer being alone or with others? It really depends on the moment. Ryo likes her privacy and does not like huge crowds. She does like spending time with her loved ones. 005. Are they in good health? Yes 006. What sense do they most rely on? Sight/smell 007. Is your character an optimist or a pessimist? Depends on the situation. 008. What is their favorite fairy tale? N/a 009. Do they believe in happy endings? Not really 010. Do they believe in love at first sight? Not in the normal aspect. She believes that there is a connection between souls, not always pertaining to love. Even with that connection, love is something that requires work. 011. How would your character court the person of their dreams? She already has the person of her dreams… though their start was not "fairytale" material. 012. What makes your character embarrassed? Compliments, messing up (which happens quite a bit) 013. Have they ever been bullied or teased? Yes 014. Detail one secret shame your character feels. Allowing the tribe to influence her thoughts on others for so long. 015. Are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? Tongue.. Until that no longer works. 016. What is their choice of weapon? Red mage Rapier or white mage staff 017. When does your character think that violence is justified or deserved? Depends on the situation. 018. Your character wakes up to find that war has been declared. What do they do? "Ah shit.. Again? So much for my quiet day." -Gets out of bed with a sigh and gets to work- 019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Isn't Hydaelyn's blessing and the echo enough? Okay.. If she had to pick something else it would be the ability to read minds. 020. What are their hobbies? Painting, crafting 021. How do they display affection? Hugs and dotes. 022. What is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? The sky in Churning Mists both during a thunderstorm or a clear night. Sunrise from her home. 023. What do they consider beautiful in others physically? Ryo does not normally focus on the outer beauty because it can be very deceiving. 024. What do they consider ugly in others physically? See above answer 025. What do they consider beautiful in others personality-wise? Kind, willingness to help others, and bravery. 026. What do they consider ugly in others personality-wise? Deceit and lies 027. What is their idea of perfect happiness? (Alone)Curled up with a book or painting with music in the background. (With others) Spending time with her loved ones. 028. What makes them laugh out loud? A lot of things. Most often is the craziness of her FC. 029. What sort of sense of humor does your character have? Ryo can find humor in a lot of things. Her sense of humor ranges from dark and light airy, even the occasional inappropriate joke. 030. Do they believe in the afterlife? Yes 031. Are they superstitious about anything? Not anything specific. 032. Does your character believe in ghosts? Of course, she's seen them before. 033. Do they keep their promises? Yes 034. What’s their view of lying? Absolutely despises it.. She hates being lied to. However on the flip side of that she can also see the benefits of having to lie sometimes. 035. What is the most important rule your character lives by? Always do what you say you are going to.. 036. How honorable is your character? For the most part she is pretty honorable. 037. If your character saw someone drop a large sum of money and knew that they could probably take it without anyone noticing, what would they do? There was a time when she would have THOUGHT about keeping it… Now Ryo makes a pretty decent living from her paintings and adventuring on the side. 038. What bad habits do they have? 039. What do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? Exploiting someone for your own gain. 040. What is their obsession? Plushies. 041. Are they comfortable with technology? Yes 042. What is their greatest achievement? Not sure. 043. What will they stand up for? Ryo stands up for those who need it. 044. What disgusts them? See above answers. 045. Does your character have any chronic medical conditions? No 046. How do they handle getting sick? Ryo usually does not show that she is sick. If she gets sick she normally powers through it… That is until she pushes herself too far and gets even more sick. She then becomes a sick child who wants nothing more than to be held and to sleep. 047. What was the last medical problem your character had? N/a 048. Do they have any allergies? No. 049. How does your character feel about growing old? She is indifferent. 050. How does your character feel about their own mortality? Ryo doesn't really think about it. She knows that on every mission that she goes on it is something that can happen but she doesn't dwell on it. 051. If they knew they would die tomorrow, what would they do today? Ryo isn't one who would do crazy things. She would spend a quiet day at home surrounded by those that she loved. 052. What is your character’s worst flaw? Ryo appears very standoffish. Because of that some people feel that they have a hard time approaching her. 053. What is your character’s greatest strength? Not to sound cliche, but her greatest strength her friends and family. Because Ryo has issues making new contacts those bonds that she has established are strong 054. Does your character want power or authority of any kind? No. 055. Is your character an introvert or an extrovert? Introvert.. Ryo tries being more sociable but usually ends up wishing that she were home with a good book. 056. Has your character ever struck someone in anger? Yes. 057. Has your character ever killed anyone? Uhhh….. 058. What is your character’s idea of a perfect day? See above (question 27) 059. List several phrases your character is fond of uttering. Where did they pick them up? "Wait what?" "The things I'd do for a refresh." 060. What is your character’s attitude toward education and learning? Learning is lifelong. It doesn't just stop once your education is done. 061. Does your character prefer adventure or safety and security? A little bit of both. 062. What sort of legacy does your character wish to leave behind? Ryo does not seek to leave a legacy. 063. How well does your character handle difficult people? Avoids them if possible. If not possible she confronts them. 064. In what ways does your character annoy others? Not sure. 065. Is your character better at leading or following? Which do they prefer? When in a group Ryo will usually let someone else lead. That's not to say that if she does not agree with them that she won't speak up. 066. Does your character prefer city life or being out in nature? Out in nature. 067. Does your character believe in fate or destiny? No. 068. How strong is your character’s sense of responsibility? What kinds of things trigger it? 069. What about your character is heroic? Ryo enjoys helping out other people. 070. What about your character is cowardly? While she doesn't normally let it stop her, she is always thinking of ways that things can go wrong. 071. How kind is your character? Very, though she doesn't always look it. 072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.) Druid or sorcerer 073. In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.) Hmmm…. Not sure. 074. What is your character’s favorite game? N/a 075. Is your character ticklish? Yes 076. How do they express anger? Ryo has trouble hiding her anger.. It shows on her face. As for how she expresses it that depends on the situation. 077. How often do they cry? Over what? Not very often. 078. How emotionally stable is your character? Normally pretty stable. 079. How easy is it for them to read the emotions of others? Easy. 080. How easy is it for others to read your character’s emotions? Depends on the emotion. Sometimes people misread her. 081. Is your character religious? No. 082. What are your character’s sleeping preferences? On her side or her back. Cooler room, blanket on. 083. What is the first thing they say and/or do when they wake up? Nothing specific. 084. Describe your character in one word. Helpful 085. Describe your character in three words. Sometimes too helpful 086. How would your character describe themself in one word? Complicated. 087. How would your character describe themself in three words? 088. Is your character quiet or loud? Quiet normally 089. How vocally expressive is your character? Depends on the situation 090. How bodily expressive is your character? She is pretty expressive. She talks with her hands, and has trouble hiding her emotions as it normally shows in her expression or movements. 091. What type of music does your character like? She will listen to anything atleast once. She doesnt have a favorite genre. 092. What emotion does your character evoke in others? She hopes that she evokes joy. 093. What is your character’s goal in life? To live a good life and find something beautiful in everyday. 094. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to know. Not sure. If i think of something ill come back to this. 095. Name three things most would not expect your character to be able to do. Same as above. 096. How do they move and carry themselves? What energy do they project? Ryo is normally a ball of energy, especially when she is around her family and friends. 097. How well do they adapt to change? Not very well. 098. Does your character like animals? Absolutely. 099. Do they talk to inanimate objects? Occasionally 100. Does your character dream? If so, what do they dream about? Ryo either does not dream or does not remember her dreams. If she remembers anything at all it is usually the energy or feelings from her dreams.
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sheetmusicboss · 7 years
Learn #CantStopTheFeeling by @jtimberlake on piano with this easy tutorial! #JustinTimberlake
Sheet music: https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/title/can-t-stop-the-feeling-from-trolls-easy-piano/20467289 SUBSCRIBE for a new piano tutorial every day from Sheet Music Boss!
Learn piano songs quick and easy with this app: https://tinyurl.com/sheetmusic-flowkey
Get the newest sheets: https://tinyurl.com/smb-sheet-music
Learn Can’t…
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madeintahite · 8 years
Justin Timberlake Gives Moving Speech At iHeart Radio Awards
http://ultrafiles.co/cocgames Justin Timberlake Gives Moving Speech At iHeart Radio Awards " data-medium-file="http://popwrapped.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/justin-timberlake-2017-iheartradio-awards-1-e1488917923300.jpg?w=300" data-large-file="http://popwrapped.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/justin-timberlake-2017-iheartradio-awards-1-e1488917923300.jpg?w=545"> Inquisitr There’s no denying that Justin Timberlake’s song “Can’t Stop the Feeling!” is catchy. There’s also no denying that the mere mention of it has probably left it stuck in your head for the next 24 hours. The song, originally penned for Dreamwork’s animated movie Trolls, hit the BillboardHot 100 chart at No. 1, tying with Adele’s “Hello” for fastest-ever rise to the top, and became the… View On WordPress http://popwrapped.tumblr.com/post/158127379859
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nerdgeekfeelings · 8 years
[VÍDEO] Brian Hull (ou Mickey Mouse) cantando Let it go.
[VÍDEO] Brian Hull (ou Mickey Mouse) cantando Let it go.
Brian Hull é uma pessoa normal, como todos nós; tem necessidades normais, como todos nós; mas ele tem uma habilidade sonhada por deuses e mortais: ele pode copiar a voz de qualquer personagem de desenho animado. É serio… Espera, não vai embora! Vai me dizer que, quando você era criança, nunca tentou imitar o voz do Bob Esponja, do Pica Pau ou do Scooby Doo? (more…)
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thelowdownunder · 8 years
2017 Grammy Awards Announced!
2017 Grammy Awards Announced!
The Grammys are upon us and we’re updating live as we go! Adele, Justin Timberlake and Beyonce have already picked up gongs and keep on chekcing back to see who’s in for the wins!
Best New Artist Kelsea Ballerini The Chainsmokers Chance The Rapper Maren Morris Anderson .Paak
Best Pop Vocal Album
25 — Adele 
Best Rock Album Tell Me I’m Pretty — Cage The Elephant 
Best Rap Performance
“No Problem” —…
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roysexton · 6 years
#CarpoolKaraoke: “Lights, Camera, Cure!” edition Enjoy our version of #CarpoolKaroake for #LightsCameraCure. In part one, my carpool buddies Bethany Basanese​, Aimee Chapman​, and I take on #JustinTimberlake, #MoonRiver, #CelineDion, and #Detroit’s own #Eminem.
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elshowmagazine · 8 years
Justin Timberlake y Sting interpretarán las canciones nominadas al Oscar
Justin Timberlake y Sting interpretarán las canciones nominadas al Oscar
La 89° entrega de los premios Oscars tendrá lugar el 26 de Febrebro en el Dolby Theatre de la ciudad de Hollywood, California.
John Legend, Justin Timberlake, Sting y Lin-Manuel Miranda y Auli’i Cravalho interpretarán las cinco canciones nominadas en los 89° Premios de la Academia, anunciaron el viernes los productores Michael De Luca y Jennifer Todd. Timberlake interpretará “Can not Stop the…
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musicveinuk · 7 years
Musicvein Chooses Kickstarter Songs for BBC Radio Leicester
#Musicvein Chooses Kickstarter Songs for BBC Radio Leicester @BBCLeicester @Jolouhayward
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Today, Jessica Biggs aka Musicvein was featured on BBC Radio Leicester! Following my call to the Radio Station to retell a funny story regarding my Grandfather – who was unfortunately called Ronnie Biggs and nearly arrested on several occasions – I was invited by presenter Jo Hayward to choose songs for a lively Monday Morning segment called Kickstarter Monday. The idea was that I should choose…
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meistoshia · 6 years
talk to me about your favorite episodes of xyz !!! or your favorite moments !!
oh my god ,     okay ,     uh ,     i have     SO many favorite episodes / moments ,     this is gnna take a hot motherfuckin sec   ( post!editing edward here ,     i was right ) ,     uh ,     KDSFJGHSDFJ ,     okay ,     sO   …               folks ,     if you’ve ever wanted a somewhat comprehensive summary of all of my feelings on the xy/z series ,     here it is ,     all in one place :
                                001 - 002.
right from the start of satoshi showing up in kalos ,     the entire energy of the series was just so !!! & the battle animations were just such a breath of fresh air after having watched bw & i was just instantly drawn in .               then there was the whole incident with the gablias & just satoshi following it up the tower & having calming it down enough to remove the collar ,     knowing that it was in pain ,     be the first priority ,     & then leaping after pikachu when an edge of the tower broke off   ——   my heart just was so warm throughout all that .
satoshi consistently repeating that a strategy is needed against yayakoma sort of just made me smile & think ,     yeah he’s grown a lot since previous seasons .               along with that ,     the moment where it clicks for satoshi why keromatsu has been described as   “ the pokemon that battles as it pleases without listening to its trainer ” ,     understanding his feelings & working to attain keromatsu’s goal together instead of him just leaping blindly without considering how to most effectively achieve it  ;          that also just really made me soft ,     because finally there’s a trainer that actually understands keromatsu & it reaffirms that him choosing satoshi was indeed a good choice .
a really small thing ,     but when satoshi’s stuck on how to counter viola’s pokemon & he & serena have a small talk & serena says that he told her   “ don’t give up until the end ”   & that he hasn’t changed &   “ this is so like you ”   & satoshi just pauses for a second .               & then he laughs .               because how could he forget   ??               it’s not like him to mull things over too much ,     he just goes at it with fighting spirit ,     no matter what it may be or even if fighting spirit is all he has .                 that moment just always makes me smile to think about ,     probably mostly due to the pause & laugh ,     honestly .
serena putting her sihorn knowledge to use & teaching satoshi how to ride one ,     & the moments where she was remembering herself learning & when she repeats her mom’s words of   “ don’t talk !!     you’ll bite your tongue !! ”   &   “ go for broke !! ”   without even thinking   ——   those were sweet .               also the kalos gang talking to serena’s mom for the first time ,     that was really adorable ,     especially with everyone pushing each other out of the frame to talk & satoshi excitedly talking about serena teaching him to ride sihorn & her trying to get him to shush up & ending up just shoving him away from the phone entirely before he could finish a sentence .
satoshi & pikachu continuing to battle the rocket gang even after maaiika blinded pikachu by having satoshi become his eyes & guide where to dodge & where to strike  ;          it was a really nice way of showing the trust that pikachu has in satoshi & vice versa ,     because battling blind while relying on someone else’s directions does take a lot of trust to pull off smoothly .
honestly just the entire episode  :          the backstory with the citroid ,     citron reclaiming his gym ,     the kalos gang saying they’ll grow together with citron ,     him declaring to his dad that he wishes to travel with satoshi & serena & stating that they’ve helped him grow as a person in even just the short amount of time that they’ve been together at that point ,     the promise between satoshi & citron to have a proper gym battle against each other once satoshi reaches the skill level of someone with four badges & citron promising to get stronger as well to be able to give that proper gym battle   ——   this entire episode was filled with so much goodness .
after rewatching the orange league arc ,     i’d come to realize that zakuro giving his challengers the option to climb their way to the battlefield was quite similar to a previous gym leader that too had his challengers climb for the right to challenge him ,     but there were a few differences ,     one significant one being that ,     in kalos ,     satoshi has zero hesitation in his decision to climb the walls & ,     though he slips once ,     he doesn’t look down & finishes his climb with relative ease ,     a vast improvement from the aforementioned orange league arc ,     & the connection with the earlier arc makes this a moment ,     or rather thing ,     that i really liked .               also the evolution of way of fighting through battle with the counter - tombs was really neat .
                                030 - 033.
honestly just watching corni & her lucario bond & grow & come to truly understand each other & overcome the overwhelming power of lucario’s mega evolution was all just really interesting  ;          also the understanding that satoshi had for her connection with lucario & for the need to battle the bursyamo in the cave on their own due to his own experience ,     that was nice .
the entire episode ,     really .               satoshi took one look at luchabull & just went   “ kin ” .              the excitement & admiration he felt at meeting luchabull & him asking if kanazawa could share some stories about him & just being so !!! when kanazawa tells him he could take him to luchabull’s training spot   ——   it was all just so tangible & heartwarming .               satoshi working with luchabull to help master the flying press & trying to help by thinking of a way to increase the speed of the attack without having to remove the personal dramatic flair aspect of luchabull’s particular move was also really sweet ,     along with admitting total defeat even though it was a draw between luchabull & keromatsu because luchabull had perfected his flying press after trying satoshi’s suggestions only once & impressed him + luchabull still wanting to go along with satoshi & the others .
                                039 - 042.
the rival trio were so great & the summer camp was a wonderful way of introducing these recurring characters ,     not to mention that this marks the beginning of steady discovery for serena of what sort of dream she wants to attain ,     with sana telling her about the trypokarons & it sparking an interest for her .
oh man ,     the gym battle between satoshi & corni was such a ride to watch ,     especially just the first time around ,     like the animation team really pulled out some god damn stops for this episode because ,     holy fuck ,     it was like a cup of coffee for me .               also ,     the moment with satoshi realizing he can’t really copy anyone else’s strategy because he’s got his own type of rhythm to battling was just kinda nice .
serena’s first caught pokemon & her deciding that she wants to become a pokemon performer along with fokko & yancham .               she’s struggled with the fact that she’s the only one she knows without a goal or a dream in life all the way up until this episode & just the fact that she’s finally so certain of something like that really warmed my heart .
going off from the aforementioned ep ,     serena confronting her mom about wanting to become a pokemon performer & challenging her to a race with the stakes being that ,     if serena loses ,     she’s going to come back home ,     & even though she falls down in the middle of the race ,     not giving up & her determination getting her through to the finish line first .               she finally had something she’s so passionate about & i just felt nothing but pride & joy for her .
kojiro & maaiika ,     man .               kojiro & maaiika .
while serena may have failed in her first trypokaron ,     it was really heartwarming to see her finally turn around in the end & not let the failure stop her entirely from pushing on ahead ,     knowing that she’s not alone in it ,     she has her pokemon with her .               also the blue ribbon she got from satoshi being used for her new look was sweet .
elle & serena’s battle & serena taking elle’s advice of smiling while performing with her pokemon to heart & reaching fokko in a way that made it evolve into tairenar all hit me in the heart like a bag of bricks ,     not gonna lie .
oh man .               the entire gym battle between satoshi & citron .               it really was so electrifying to watch ,     the animation & emotion in the battle was off the hook & i could swear that my heart was racing its own marathon during all of it .               i really felt that feeling of not wanting the battle to end & wanting it to last forever ,     & when it was over i felt like i’d just gotten an absolute rush of adrenaline & had to slowly come down from it .               it’s honestly my favorite gym battle to date ,     full stop   ( though the unofficial gym battle against kasumi in sumo is a close second due to similar reasons as this one ) ,     because not only was the battle itself so incredibly well done ,     but the chemistry between not just trainer & pokemon ,     but trainer & trainer as well was just so beautifully displayed in a way that none of the other gym battles with travelling companions who were gym leaders had   ( the battle against kasumi is one of an old friendship from the very early first days of their journeys ,     sort of an   “ it’s been a long while, wonder how you’ve you been ” ,     while the one against citron is more that of gratitude & respect ,     mostly coming from citron  ;          they’ve got two distinctly different connections )  ;          citron was inspired by satoshi to be the type of trainer he is in this episode ,     all the events & incidents that have happened up until this battle have made him the way he is ,     & he is giving it his all because it’s not only what satoshi deserves but it’s also what citron has achieved   ——   he’s grown as a trainer & as a person & this battle is his way of showing all his progress thus far .               it’s a thank you .               also ,     you can pry the line   “ satoshi, you need me.     a fighter like you needs a calm type like me by his side ”   from my cold ,     dead grasp .
satoshi dealing with the trick rooms was interesting to watch ,     & even though the end result may not have been quite as satisfactory as he’d hoped ,     the repeated use of flame charge to build up speed for when the room timed out was a heh moment that i liked  ;          he’s got a tendency to sometimes purposefully make his opponents think he’s making a mistake while he’s actually just waiting for the right moment to make a good move & i really appreciate those moments .
the gang parenting the newly hatched onbat was so sweet & so cute ,     especially with satoshi & his flying types ,     helping it learn to fly .               it’s kind of a small thing ,     but it’s so adorable & heartwarming that i can’t help but call it a favorite .
kojiro stepping up & helping serena with tairenar’s broken stick because he understands the feeling of losing something that may seem easily replaceable to others but holds immeasurable value & memories to the one who owns said something .               it was honestly just so sweet & so heartwarming & he was happy for tairenar even while getting blasted off ,     i mean come on .               my heart was mush .
tiny thing but satoshi sprawling out in his sleep to the point of having an arm draped over citron was really cute & a favorite thing .
                                092 - 093.
first off ,     i dig gojika’s whole Thing so much & i think she might be my favorite gym leader purely aesthetic - wise  ;          second ,     the foreshadowing of satoshi - gekkouga & gekogashira’s backstory ,     holy shit .               not gonna lie ,     the lines   “ what keromatsu wanted was something deeper .     i call this … love .   […]   this one’s future   …   is you two climbing up towards a future of new greatness   …   that no one has ever seen before . ”   hit me in the heart like a bowling ball .               & oh man the gym battle   …               god it was so much fun to watch & i loved every moment of it ,     particularly satoshi having pikachu time the amount of time it takes for gojika’s future sight to strike ,     & Oof the moment where gojika sees satoshi & gekogashira’s future in the water pulse .
                                100 / xy&z07.
gekogashira’s evolution & the first instance of satoshi - gekkouga   …               honestly ,     almost every time i rewatch an instance of it after a while of not seeing any ,     i realize i forgot just how intense the satoshi - gekkouga state is ,     like even just the powering up part on its own .
                                106 / xy&z13.
something about the abruptness of the ends of the battles between satoshi - gekkouga & jukain & mega lizardon always cracks me up ,     i don’t know what to tell y’all .               also the exchange of   “ satoshi, what was that ??     how can you do that ??     please tell me !! ”   “ i don’t know either.     my vision goes bam & then i’m all rargh. ”   “ i see, i see   …   wait, that does not help !! ” .
                                112 - 113 / xy&z19 - 20.
even though she lost in the end ,     the fact that serena had even made it to the point of facing off against elle in the first place was such a huge deal & i can honestly say that i cried a Lot during these episodes & that they are the reason i now instantly get teary - eyed upon hearing serena’s dori - dori song .               also ,     it was really nice that musashi accepted her loss as well as she did ,     casually stating that it was because of the rest of the gang that she made it even that far ,     even though just a few trypokarons ago she would have blown her lid off at a loss when she was so close to her goal  ;          the rest of the gang being just so proud of her & kojiro & nyarth being more than willing to pay for the celebratory dinner was really sweet ,     too .
                                116 / xy&z23.
small things stuck with me & make this a nice episode to rewatch ,     such as the start of studying satoshi & gekkouga’s synchronization ,     pikachu shouting at satoshi for calling out onvern for a battle instead of him & getting pouty ,     the small details of satoshi’s eyes narrowing just as he’s about to resume battle with gekkouga having freshly powered up & his pupils contracting in a closeup when an attack is incoming which are such tiny things but delight me to no end ,     & just the enthusiasm with which satoshi goes into his decision to raise his own strength closer to that of gekkouga’s .
                                118 / xy&z25.
where can i even begin with this episode Holy Shit   …               first off ,     this ep reaffirmed to me that carne is such a delight ,     honestly ,     def one of my favorite champions ,     second   …   that battle though   …   that battle   …   poetic cinema   …               the battle choreography ,     the animation ,     the way satoshi - gekkouga’s theme seemed to perfectly sync up with what was on screen ,     satoshi moving in perfect sync with gekkouga’s movements as he attacked as though he were the one performing the attacks ,     the raw emotion in satoshi’s voice as he called out attacks & declarations of becoming much ,     much stronger   …               it was such a rush of adrenaline to watch ,     even bigger than the one i got while watching the gym battle between satoshi & citron ,     i felt like my heart stopped beating the moment the battle was abruptly ended by satoshi losing consciousness .               & hey ,     the animator(s) responsible for the scenes with the white background & black paint splatters ,     let me get y’all’s number ,     i wanna treat y’all because holy fuck those were intense .               i loved them .
                                119 / xy&z26.
this episode is less of a favorite due to what happens & more of a favorite due to the content as a whole .               upsetting to him as it may have been ,     satoshi had been having a huge winning streak ,     alan & black - outs excluded ,     so a loss was imminent ,     & ,     honestly ,     understandable .               seeing that shoota had surpassed him in an aspect & grown so strong in such a short amount of time got to him & affected his psyche  ;          kid got scared .               he got nervous & ,     as we all know ,     a nervous trainer leads to a faulty battle .               i will say though that the little bit after the internal thoughts in the middle of the jukain vs gekkouga battle of satoshi saying shoota surprised him delights me to no end & i blame how rica said the line along w/ the small motion satoshi makes while saying it .
                                120 / xy&z27.
satoshi literally saying   “ hold my jacket while i fight this guy ” .               i can’t call anything else a favorite even though i loved this episode because everything else just made me emotional & upset  ;          particularly the fact that the preview for the next episode was silent except for the snowy wind blowing & satoshi dejectedly reading out the title of the episode without even saying the   “ everyone, get pokemon ”   line at the end .
                                121 / xy&z28.
putting aside the upsetting factor of the title not being read out by anyone   …               the flashbacks of younger satoshi with all those wild pokemon really warmed my heart after all of the upsetting stuff that had been going on .               also the moment of satoshi & gekkouga finally making their power their own ,     based on their mutual strong desire to save one pokemon ,     along with them both deciding to start fresh from zero ,     gekkouga rolling his monster ball towards satoshi just as like when he initially chose him & everything .
                                122 / xy&z29.
oh honey when satoshi - gekkouga showed up   …   oh Honey   …               again ,     the thing with satoshi moving in sync with gekkouga’s moves as though he were the one attacking ,     except this time even more intense than during the battle with carne  ;          for some reason the aerial ace kick downwards always gets me & that small bit is one of my top favorite parts of the entire episode somehow .
                                123 / xy&z30.
satoshi & eureka finishing off the preview for the next episode together while citron’s in the background wordvomiting about the wonders of ingenuities .               that is all .
                                125 / xy&z32.
satoshi’s declarations of aiming to win the entire league ,     serena having to physically drag satoshi away from a battle before it begins when he’s already running out of time to get registered for the conference ,     satoshi doing the arm thing on trova ,     seeing the frustration of someone who failed to get all eight badges in time ,     just so many favorites across the episode .
                                126 / xy&z33.
the various mega - evolutions ,     tierno & shoota’s battle ,     & numelgon rejoining the team were all Oof .
                                127 - 128 / xy&z34 - 35.
satoshi’s eyes shining while watching alan’s fight honestly made my heart go ding ,     not gonna lie  ;          the boundless excitement building in him is real & it’s wonderful .               & the start of the battle between satoshi & shoota   …   i felt like satoshi using pikachu’s electric ball against bloster’s grip was a nice callback to using it to get out of horubee’s grasp on his tail in the first episode ,     & honestly the part where satoshi had pikachu block gillgard’s entry into its shield was such a heh moment ,     like it really was so on brand for him to pull something like that ,     something that would have failed were the timing off even in the slightest  ;          also i really liked the small detail of satoshi’s pupils contracting when he spots a chance for dealing with king’s shield & the little laugh he did when shoota’s peroream returned the favor for what onvern did .                    but holy fuck the finale of the battle between satoshi & shoota   …   the fight between satoshi - gekkouga & mega jukain   …   oh man i absolutely felt that battle  ;          the adrenaline rush i got from watching it was on par with the gym battles against corni ,     citron ,     & urup ,     & the battle against carne .               the raw power in it   …   wrow   …               the animation ,     the battle choreography ,     just how absolutely tangible the attacks were   …               but the true oof was yet to come   …   this was only the semi - finals   …   the biggest big dick energy of them all was still only just around the corner   …
                                129 / xy&z36.
honestly this episode had just really tiny things that i liked ,     like the nurse joy at the beginning of the episode wishing for satoshi to do his best in the finals with a shine in her eyes which was honestly really cute ,     citron & eureka’s dad stealing the citroid’s line about waiting in line for 2h being an easy feat ,     the jirachi keychain ,     alan genuinely being excited for the finale & battling satoshi ,     & how could i list off favorites in this episode without mentioning the ending song ,     oh my god ,     it’s the softest & cutest & sweetest shit ,     i swear i could get a cavity from watching it on repeat .
                                130 - 131 / xy&z37 - 38.
ho - ly - shit .               i mean ,     this was the finals match ,     so no fucking shit the battle would radiate big dick energy ,     but the absolute wave of power that ran over me while watching it was absolutely phenomenal .               the animation ,     the movements ,     the emotion ,     the raw power behind each call of attack & execution of move ,     the absolutely palpable energy of the battle   …   whew   …   i needed to sit back for a few minutes & just catch my breath after all of that   …               like ,     putting aside how much hatred i have for the constant baiting of a league victory for satoshi   ( with him declaring he’s aiming for victory throughout the entire series & a bunch of characters saying lines that imply a league victory   ( not to mention ,     the final episode of the conference being called   “ kalos league victory !!     satoshi’s ultimate match !! ” ,     like holy shit ,     can you pull a bigger dick move ) ) ,     only for alan to beat satoshi - gekkouga with a move that he’d easily blocked before in spite of gekkouga using an insanely more powerful counter attack than the first time while also having the type advantage   ( but go off i guess )   …   it was an incredibly well executed battle & ,     really ,     the end result was the only thing that i would   ( & did )   change .               also ,     a bunch of tiny things that i really loved were citron’s hand trembling out of excitement during the start of the battle ,     luchabull coming out of his monster ball on his own when onvern was defeated & badly hurt ,     alan experiencing the same feeling that most trainers feel while battling satoshi   ——   the feeling of wanting the battle to continue on for as long as possible because they’re deriving such fun & enjoyment from the raw passion that arises in the midst of the fight ,     kojiro starting to root for satoshi & while initially giving him slack for it musashi & nyarth joining in on it ,     rocket gang stating that they were the ones that helped make satoshi as strong as he is   ( which ,     honestly ,     go off y’all three because you’re so right & i’ve been saying it for a while now ) ,     & again ,     the fucking ending song ,     i swear it could cure my depression if i watched it enough times .               & then there was the start of fleur - de - lis’ plan being set into motion   …
                                132 - 134 / xy&z39 - 41.
rocket gang broadcasting live coverage of the happenings in miare city ,     the zygarde showdown ,     serena & platane going to save hari with manon & rocket gang following them & the    “ this is that   “ the enemy of our enemy is our friend ”   thing ” ,     citron kicking flare gang ass   …               satoshi & gekkouga resisting energy that was powerful enough to control zygarde & satoshi’s speech of loving this world & there being people & pokemon he loves & the absolute raw Emotion in his delivery as he shifts into the bond phenomenon along with the return of   …   the Thing with the white background & black paint splatters   (seriously ,     people responsible for those ,     hit me up & let me treat y’all )   …   poetic cinema   …               in the midst of fighting against fleur - de - lis ,     satoshi honestly dropped some intense fucking lines ,     not gonna lie ,     & you can’t deny ,     like   …   “ fighting instinct, whatever   …   there’s more to a pokemon’s power than that.     i’ve realized during my journey   …   that me & my pokemon’s strength is constantly believing in each other   …   & constantly loving each other no matter what.     if you don’t get it, i will show you here & now !! ”   &   “fleur - de - lis !!     i don’t care if you hate this world or not ;     the world belongs to humans & pokemon alike.     it belongs to everyone !!     stop being selfish & talking about   …   how you’re going to destroy or change it, or that we won’t live to see tomorrow !!     those who will meet someone dear to them tomorrow, those who will achieve their dreams tomorrow, those who will start their journeys as trainers tomorrow, & those whose wounds will heal tomorrow ;     each & every one of them has their own tomorrow !!     you have no good reason to not let them see that tomorrow !!     that’s why   …   me & my pokemon will fight for their tomorrow !! ”   were some raw as fuck lines .               & speaking of raw as fuck   …   holy shit did eureka bringing squishy back to its senses absolutely tear me apart   …               this child   …   she’s scared for her life & in tears ,     but she’s not crying for herself ,     she’s crying for the one she’d promised to protect & never let go of   …   & she finds it in herself to sing to it the song she’d made up just for it & that she’d sung & hummed to it throughout their journeying together   …   & the more she sings it ,     the louder she does so ,     hoping ,     knowing   …   it will help bring her friend back   …   & it does .               & ,     if you listen closely ,     you can hear edward in the background absolutely sobbing just remembering it all .               oh but the emo shit doesn’t end there ,     oh no - no - no   …   there’s the citroid .               i have one image for that   …
Tumblr media
                                135 - 136 / xy&z42 - 43.
putting aside the rocket gang also kicking flare gang ass & continuing to broadcast live coverage of the mayhem unfolding ,     i think we all know who the true hero of the zygarde arc was .               it was eureka ,     that’s who .               she befriended a basically - god & saved it & protected it & made it & another basically - god of it’s kind realize that the world is worth saving .               i love her & i’m proud of her .               that being said   …   eureka tickling a spot on the other z - core while saying that squishy likes when she does that & it just nodding next to her like she’s said the wisest truth in the universe was really hecking cute .               the little detail of daigo kissing his key stone to activate mega evolution was neat ,     & oh damn carne & the gym leaders assembling to assist   …   they came in ready to kick ass & kick ass they did .               everyone charging in on the megalith ,     even the rocket gang joining in ,     the back - to - back champion fighting ,     everyone doing everything within their power to save hari & stop the maglith   …   & the zygarde   !!!   “ we have set our hopes on humans.     she has protected us this whole time.     she promised she would never let us go.     now it is our turn !! ”   oh honey   …               i’m telling you ,     eureka saved the world with her kindness .               but the use of the piano instrumental of squishy’s song when the zygarde are saying goodbye & the ending song bye nyarth was illegal ,     bye .
                                137 / xy&z44.
honestly just someone instantly recognizing satoshi from the league made me really happy somehow ,     especially since the only other time someone’s recognized him from a league that i can name of the top of my head was masato way back in advanced .               the citroid learning about the joys of gym battles all over again was really nice ,     too .
                                138 / xy&z45.
serena deciding to hold a pokemon performance in miare city’s square to lift everybody’s spirits higher with sana & musashi joining her in it absolutely lit my heart up ,     so i’d say serena was quite successful in her plan .               also ,     satoshi pointing out things he knows are of interest to serena while they’re out in the city & him pulling her along by the hand to battle when he notices her being gloomy was really cute & sweet  ;          i might not be on board for them as a ship but man i can so absolutely see the appeal .               also - also ,     the mention of pokemon contests   !!!   which makes me think that it’d be really interesting for serena to meet with haruka & hikari & their rivals & face off against them ,     which i know we’ll never get to see but it’s nice to think about .               also - also - also ,     yashio saying she’s a fan of serena’s & the beginning of dori dori kicking in really yanked at my heart strings & still makes me instantly turn into a tearful mess ,     thanks .
                                139 / xy&z46.
the long - distance battling with satoshi - gekkouga was really nice ,     especially since i’m particularly fond of any & all scenes that display the powers / abilities brought out by the bond phenomenon   ( something i might make a post on some day ,     actually ,     since it really is such an interesting thing to think about )   …   but alas ,     it was time to say goodbye to gekkouga   …   it was sad ,     yes ,     but the knowledge that their bond will always connect them no matter the physical distance is a comfort   …                    the promise between squishy & eureka to go on an adventure again when eureka’s a trainer sort of punched me in the soul ,     honestly .
                                140 / xy&z47.
hanako & okido   !!!   pikachu squishing his face on the monitor   !!!   satoshi leaning way into the camera   !!!   it was all so cute !!               also ,     rocket gang editing the footage they filmed so that it looked like they were the ones responsible for the defeat of the flare gang & it actually working  ;          i also really liked the little heh detail with the solrock & lunatone keychains as a nudge about the upcoming sumo series .               but good lord eureka’s speech to dedenne about not wanting to say goodbye either but knowing that they have to & that one day she’ll become a trainer with dedenne as her partner   …   i barely skimmed over that part while rewatching the episode & even two lines from it made me start crying .               also ,     what does it say about me that the first thing i thought when citron said   “ [..] can i also ask one last favor ??     there is something i want to do very badly. ”   was if he wanted to kiss satoshi too ??               i will say though ,     them having one last battle before parting ways warmed my heart a lot   …               the flashbacks of everyone’s adventures throughout this journey & the glimpses of what the side cast were up to hit me in the emotions ,     but what truly played my heart like a violin concerto   …   was satoshi coming home .               there was no big fanfare ,     no grand welcome back ,     just a boy returning to his home town after a long journey ,     nothing but the sounds of the night accompanying him as he makes his way to his house ,     followed by a message of   “ & to your own way. ” ,     unlike in previous finales where the send - off was   “ next time   …   a new beginning   !! ” ,     a sign that ,     from here on out ,     we are no longer going to follow satoshi ,     that ,     though he still has a ways to go before achieving his goal of becoming a pokemon master ,     we won’t be accompanying him on his next journey .               the way satoshi arriving in masara town was executed   …   it felt final & it really felt like coming home .               & i for one can only wish satoshi the best on his next adventure .
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cruiseloading902 · 3 years
Guitar Pro 6 Mac Keygen
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Now guitar pro 6 is installed but it won't play any sound until you upgrade it. So close guitar pro and install the upgrade.dmg file 8. Once installed, close again the Guitar Pro and install the soundbanks file, once finished, relaunch the Guitar Pro 6 and that's it! For WINDOWS INSTALLATION. Mac app to reduce size of jpg attachments. Guitar Pro 6.1.5 r11553 + Soundbanks r370 Free Download Guitar Pro Full Crack - is a software which is used for composers and arranging, studying the notes of a song, to make a song his own with a variety of instruments which include tabulation notes or beam. Youtube celine dion songs. Guitar Pro 6.0.7 (Mac OSX) 1.39 GBGuitar Pro is first and foremost a program designed to edit tablatures for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments from 4 to 8 strings.Its great ease of use and the success of its specific file format have made it a program used by guitarists worldwide.It now includes editing support for many other instruments like the piano or the drums, a realistic. Git tool for mac windows 10.
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Guitar Pro 6 Keygen Download
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Guitar Pro 6.0.7 (Mac OSX)
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Guitar Pro 6.0.7 (Mac OSX) | 1.39 GBGuitar Pro is first and foremost a program designed to edit tablatures for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments from 4 to 8 strings.Its great ease of use and the success of its specific file format have made it a program used by guitarists worldwide.It now includes editing support for many other instruments like the piano or the drums, a realistic audio engine, and interactive tools to support every musician’s practice. System requirements: Title: Guitar Pro Final + Soundbanks Year: 2011 OS: Mac Language: Multilingual Installation Instruction: 1: Install the Software from the .dmg 2:For Username and Key ID enter anything, but make sure you enter as much data as it can fit so that the “Offline Activation” button becomes available.3: Choose Offline Activation and copy the serial it gives you…4. Open Terminal – drag & drop the keygen onto it (without writing anything) and hit return…5. You get a keygen Embrace logo and at the end it says….Enter your offline activation request code: 6. Enter or copy & paste the code you got from offline activation and hit return… 7. You should then be given another serial… copy & paste and you should be good to go!!!!!! How to get rid of the permission denied error, when runing the keygen thought the terminal: 1. Open Terminal; 2. Type and leave a space at the end: chmod u+x 3. Drag n’ Drop the keygen_osx, then hit the enter; 4. Try the keygen again, it should work now. For those who are getting “permission denied” Problem For those who are getting “permission denied” Problem, put the keygen file on your desktop, and type in the terminal chmod_u+x_(drag ‘n’ drop your keygen file). You can see that your icon have changed from a standard file to a terminal file. Note that the “_” means that you have to enter the spacebar Wink. I will check, If link dead, I will reupload at here
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bumpsweat · 5 years
Viral Rx - Imporve Your Performance
Viral RX Male Enhancement
It is fundamental to give quality time to the accomplice. Then again, that time will make you longer and straightforward the couple's sentiments with no issue. Why you don't think with respect to our sexual exhibition. It is possible that you are intense to give the quality and quite a while to the accomplice. Or on the other hand accomplice is content with your perform. At that point start taking the Viral RX common male upgrade supplement. Around then, because of the numerous reasons a male body won't be dynamic and progressively drawn out, is the body can't do what's necessary in the sex because of the absence of vitality. He won't know how to glad the accomplice during the bed hours. In this manner, you should consider yourself. In the event that you have lower sexual capacities than you should attempt to get the best limit and fulfill your wedded life.
An Introduction to Viral RX Formula
Viral RX is an incredible male improvement supplement that has numerous other positive wellbeing changes impacts. This recipe is the most current and equipped enough in the market. That accompanies numerous positive wellbeing changes. Absence of sexual stamina is the regular rundown issue that has each third male on the planet. That issue is characterized as getting extreme conditions around then; it will never be lower by any means. In this way, you may not have to require significant investment when you have the best body with the higher stamina; your room execution will naturally extend. That is only because of the admission of Viral RX Male Enhancement Supplement.Viral Rx Review
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Is Viral RX Formula Effective?
Truly, this equation is viable enough. Viral RX is set up under positive conditions with the goal that make can't get any hurtful impacts from it. The principle reason for this equation to get out the veins. At the point when those vessels are clear with no blockage, the blood will be Pas out at a higher speed. Because of the different blood stream rate from the sex organs' ability and the exhibition will be dynamic constantly, and the erection is much than previously.
On the other when the sex makes a couple upbeat and allows to invest quality energy and gain more experiences with one another. Simultaneously, the procedure of treatment and sperm tally will be generally significant. At the point when the law body has enough pledged to prepare than the no other issue will stop that procedure. So to clarify the sperm rate, this recipe improves the discharge of testosterone hormone that is the primary male body hormone. That hormone will be available at a higher rate and extends the sexual drive in the male body.
·         Fix the Sex Organs - Sex organ fixing is the rundown significant when you can perform well, and your sex organs will no longer with you. Around then, you should feel disgrace at the front of the accomplice. In this manner, to continue the sexual organs execution Viral RX Supplement will work and give harder and longer erection.
·         Longer staying Time - Little sex time is for the most part because of the absence of body stamina's the male has insufficient vitality to do well for quite a while than how he will have the option to execute well. This regular male improvement supplement builds the fortitude, help certainty, and extends the body's vitality level.
·         Expel pressure and sorrow - This is unmistakably expressed by the analysts. At the point when the body and the brain are distraught because of numerous reasons than how an individual will be fit physically and ready to perform well. In this way, you should attempt to decrease the pressure and concur with your accomplice to begin taking the Viral RX Formula that is useful to bring down the pressure and sorrow.
·         Lose body weight and poisons - Because of the higher poison impacts, a male won't be intense to give the best and the more drawn out time to the accomplice. Along these lines, to Clare out every one of the poisons and the hurtful substances, Viral RX improves the assimilation and retention that greases to the weight reduction process as well.Viral Rx Male Enhancement
Step by step instructions to Consume Viral RX Supplement
Viral RX is accessible as pills that you can rapidly ingest without getting any torment. This is the explanation this equation is viable and exceptionally utilized because of the free from any frenzy impacts.
Take two containers of Viral RX in your day by day schedule for getting snappy and compelling outcomes in sexual execution.
Include one case in your morning time and another on win your high time before resting. The utilization of Luke's warm water for the utilization of this equation will make a progressively solid body.
Include some exercise. At the point when you are at the wellness objective and doing any movement with the utilization of Viral RX, the impacts will be longer and the quick.
Skirt any garbage and seared nourishment that square your blood flow in Lowe's body part. Eat regular had solid nourishment for dependable outcomes in sexual execution.
Precautionary measures and Limitations for Viral RX
·         Viral RX is intended for male wellbeing. A female e isn't equipped for taking the single portion of this recipe.
·         Ensure that the enhancement is genuine and the equivalent, as I referenced previously.
·         Peruse the data that is available with this equation for the best outcomes.
·         Start taking Viral RX supplement with your primary care physician's announcement.
·         Eat normal and sound nourishment for enduring outcomes. If there should arise an occurrence of any serve response and the body, changes, skirt Viral RX equation.
·         Utilize this enhancement consistently for the two months to get the best impact on the sexual organs.
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Where to Buy Viral RX
Viral RX isn't accessible at the disconnected store. Along these lines, you should no compelling reason to do any battle to discover the equation from the nearby spot. This is incredible in treating the issues of the prostate which is extraordinary. Now and then ordinary pee issues can influence your sexual exhibition. That is the reason it is utilized to fix every one of the issues you need to support your presentation. You can get this item from here. Simply click on the picture that is connected to the official site of Viral RX, read all data, and get this recipe in your location inside a brief span.
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