#Canyon de Nazaré
whatsjenniupto · 11 months
Forno de Orca
I had researched the tide. I had tried to figure out the best access point to the cave. And then I headed out to the Farol de Nazaré and realized just how overcomplicated everyone had made this out to be.
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Just to the north of the lighthouse is a pretty clear path and it takes you straight down to the cave without needing any sort of research.
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It's a relatively easy path through most interesting beach foliage, but there are moments that make you strategize how best to head over a steep edge. Just as I came to the first edge, there was a group of people, likely only a bit older than myself, discussing if they thought they could continue climbing down. I walked around the conversation, located my first step, and scaled down the side. Yoga, my friends. It's the best way to ensure you can stretch down a cliff or do a little b&e over a back wall.
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And then there you are. Climbing down the side of the cave and landing into the sand of the beach. Wondering why everyone made this out to be so complicated.
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Forno de Orca is only able to be visited during low tide as waves can reach the cave during high tide. The North Beach is home to the "big waves", those 30m waves that surfers have started tackling every winter. The waves that have revolutionized a small fishing village.
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Even in the summer, the waves were gigantic and amazing to behold, even at a third to a quarter of the size. I can't imagine seeing a 30m wave in person, much less deciding to surf it.
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There's an underwater canyon off the coast of Nazaré which leads to the forming of these gigantic waves. From what I experienced, it also adds to the unpredictability of wave size. I love to walk in the crested waves, aiming for the furthest distance the waves are reaching to keep the water around my ankles or lower because I'm usually wearing jeans, trying not to burn off my legs. Again. I could not get a good distance going and was constantly running further up the beach until finally accepting being wet up to my knees and an extended drying time relaxing on North Beach before lunch.
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news24fr · 2 years
Les hommages ont afflué pour Marcio Freire après la mort du légendaire brésilien en surfant sur les vagues géantes de Nazaré au Portugal.Freire faisait partie des trois surfeurs brésiliens pionniers qui ont figuré dans le documentaire de 2016 Mad Dogs sur leur tentative de conquérir la vague géante "Jaws" à Hawaï.Il a été tué jeudi alors qu'il surfait sur les célèbres vagues de l'Atlantique au Portugal, où se trouve le canyon de Nazaré, considéré comme l'un des défis les plus grands et les plus terrifiants de ce sport."Un homme de 47 ans de nationalité brésilienne est décédé cet après-midi après une chute alors qu'il pratiquait le surf à Praia do Norte", a indiqué l'Autorité maritime nationale dans un communiqué.« Les secouristes ont constaté que la victime était en arrêt cardio-respiratoire, entamant immédiatement des manœuvres de réanimation sur le sable. Après plusieurs tentatives, il n'a pas été possible de renverser la situation.Le canyon de Nazaré se trouve juste au large de la côte est de l'Atlantique, a une profondeur de 5 km et une longueur de 170 km."Je sens que je suis prêt" : un surfeur aveugle poursuit la plus grosse vague du monde à Nazaré | Kieran PenderLire la suiteSelon l'agence maritime locale, la victime était Freire, un surfeur vétéran qui a vécu pendant 20 ans à Hawaï, la patrie traditionnelle du sport.Les hommages d'autres internautes ont afflué sur Instagram. "Aujourd'hui, nous avons perdu l'un des nôtres", a déclaré son collègue surfeur de grosses vagues Nic von Rupp. « Il a surfé toute la journée avec un grand sourire sur son visage. C'est ainsi que je le garderai dans ma mémoire. Légende."Postant également sur Instagram depuis Nazaré, le compatriote surfeur brésilien de Freire, Thiago Jacare, a rendu hommage à un ami proche qu'il a qualifié de "plus qu'une idole" et "un vrai héros".Le photographe sportif Fred Pompermayer a écrit : « Aujourd'hui, nous avons perdu un grand homme, un très bon ami et un surfeur légendaire, Marcio Freire. C'était un esprit si joyeux, toujours avec un sourire sur son visage… Repose en paix mon ami.Des sources locales ont déclaré que les conditions de mer n'étaient pas particulièrement dangereuses jeudi.Nazaré est l'endroit où le surfeur allemand Sebastian Steudtner a établi le record du monde de la plus grande vague jamais surfée - un breaker de 86 pieds (26,2 m) - le 29 octobre 2020.Plusieurs accidents se sont produits sur le spot depuis que l'Américain Garett McNamara l'a introduit dans la communauté des surfeurs de vagues géantes au début des années 2010. Cependant, aucun n'avait été mortel jusqu'à jeudi.Avec Reuters et l'Agence France-Presse
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jbrasseul · 6 years
Du samedi 9 mars au samedi 16 mars, du Tage au Douro, de Parque das Nações à la marina de Porto à Afurada, avec arrêts touristiques à Peniche, Berlengas, Nazaré, Figueira da Foz, et dans les terres, Obidos, Alcobaça et Batalha.
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Sur le canyon de Nazaré, lever de soleil
Marina de Figueira da Foz
Entrée sur le Douro, Porto
A Porto, Douro marina à Afurada, village de pêcheurs qui a conservé tout son charme et son authenticité, un ferry boat permet de traverser le fleuve, le premier pont n’est pas loin, mais inaccessible aux piétons. Le village fait partie de la ville de Vila Nova de Gaia, en face de Porto, là où se trouvent tous les grands chais du fameux vin. Un des plus récents, Churchill’s Port. La dégustation est payante, mais la marina a des accords et l’offre à ses visiteurs :
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Churchill’s Port
Le fleuve est orienté sur un axe Est-Ouest, et très encaissé, la rive nord (Porto) est exposée au sud et reçoit le soleil, la rive sud (Gaia) est donc à l’ombre une bonne partie de la journée. Sans doute la raison pour laquelle, à Afurada, on trouve ce pittoresque étendage : tout le monde vient faire sécher son linge de façon collective au bord du fleuve, dans une zone un peu avancée qui reste au soleil plus longtemps, et pas sur des lignes rectilignes mais sur un enchevêtrement poétique de branches et de fils :
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Ferry boat Douro
Et finalement, à Povoa de Varzim, super marina à 15 milles au nord de Porto. Aux Bermudes, en 2017, en discutant avec un bateau à côté au mouillage, un équipage de jeunes Français, l’une des filles m’avait vanté la marina, “Au Portugal, allez à Povoa de Varzim”. Elle n’avait pas tort, l’accueil et l’efficacité, les installations aussi, sont hors norme. C’est aussi une immense zone de bateaux à sec, tout autour de la marina, l’occasion de remonter pour l’entretien habituel.
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Arrivée au port, toujours un bon moment
Au moment où le soleil se couche, la lune se lève, c’est la pleine lune.
Ville très agréable, en fait une grande banlieue/station balnéaire de Porto, un peu comme Cascais/Estoril pour Lisbonne, avec un immense casino et une superbe plage, reliée par le métro au centre de Porto et à l’aéroport, Povoa de Varzim est aussi une ville littéraire, c’est le lieu de naissance du grand écrivain Eça de Queiros. Mais c’est également un port de pêche, en plus bien sûr de plaisance, sur le chemin de Compostelle venant du sud.
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Eglise-phare, Lapa
Eça de Queiroz
Un petit air de Hollande
Métro, terminus
Restaurant Cécilia
Une terrible tempête, le 27 février 1892, emporte la vie de 105 pêcheurs retournant au port. On retrouve leur évocation un peu partout dans la ville.
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Souvenir sur l’église
Sur la digue
Remonter les bateaux
Passer la barre
Les lanchas
Itinéraire :
Du Tage au Douro Du samedi 9 mars au samedi 16 mars, du Tage au Douro, de Parque das Nações à la marina de Porto à Afurada, avec arrêts touristiques à Peniche, Berlengas, Nazaré, Figueira da Foz, et dans les terres, Obidos, Alcobaça et Batalha.
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Nazaré, Portugal
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The Swing
by Robert Louis Stevenson
How do you like to go up in a swing,   Up in the air so blue? Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing   Ever a child can do! Up in the air and over the wall,   Till I can see so wide, Rivers and trees and cattle and all   Over the countryside— Till I look down on the garden green,   Down on the roof so brown— Up in the air I go flying again,   Up in the air and down!
As a child, one of my favorite poems was Robert Louis Stevenson’s “The Swing.” I read that poem until I had it memorized. Reciting it made me feel as if I were swinging in that very moment. I’ve always loved the rhythm and freedom of swinging. Even as an adult, I find time to swing whenever I get a chance. So, when we encountered an “urban swing” on our recent trip to Portugal, I knew I had to take my turn flying out over the beachside town of Nazaré.
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We hadn’t set out to find a swing. Instead, we were on our way up the steep stairs to the iconic clifftop point above the world’s largest waves. In 2011, Nazaré became famous when Garrett McNamara surfed a 70-foot wave, the biggest ever surfed at the time. In 2020, Sebastian Steudtner set a new world record, surfing an 86-foot wave in the now famous Nazaré. Although I’m not a surfer, I knew I had to see this amazing big wave paradise. As a native Floridian, I’ve always been drawn to the sea. Even just sitting on the beach, the power of the waves washes through my senses like an immersive meditation experience. I watch their mesmerizing folding, smell and feel the salty air, and hear their crashing breaks against the shore. Even when the water is too cold for wading (as it was in Nazaré), I can almost taste gritty, sandy salt on my lips. 
We began our short trek from the town at Nazaré beach to the top of the cliff that overlooks the beach with the big waves. We expected lots of stairs, hot sun, and lots of resting stops. We didn’t expect a swing. But then, there it was, the Baloico de Ladeira swing. Even if I hadn’t needed a break from the steep ascent, I would have stopped and waited for my turn. When the family ahead of us finally finished their turns, I walked out on the hot sand, sat on the wooden seat, and wrapped my hands around the ropes on either side. Before pushing off, I sat still, taking in the sparkling blue water, white-sand beach, and red-tiled roofs at my feet. 
And then, liftoff. My sandaled feet cleared the edge, and I soared above the vibrant colors below. As I flew, the first lines of The Swing floated through my brain. How do you like to go up in a swing? Up in the air so blue? I smiled at the perfection of the moment. 
Soon, a line formed for a turn on the swing, and I relinquished my place on the wooden seat. As we returned to the path up the hill, a woman older than me clambered onto the swing. Although I never saw her swinging, a giddy laugh told me she’d pushed off. Like a child, she couldn’t help herself. We heard her whooping and laughing until we rounded the next bend. Adults turned to children. That’s the gift of the swing. Even in the middle of a long, hot trek, we could take a break to wonder at the immense beauty of our surroundings, let go of our cares, and fly.
Eventually, we made it to the top. 
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Despite strong winds, I stopped to peer over a viewpoint.
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And then I pushed through the wind on a trail toward the end of the cliff.
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At the end of the trail, I stood at the point, marveling at the power of the ocean and the unique hydrology that creates some of the world’s largest waves.
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To my left, Nazaré canyon lay deep below the water, surfacing as the sandy beach.
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To my right, I saw the deserted north beach. Although the season wasn’t right for the giant waves, the tumultuous sea hinted at the powerful forces that would create those waves once again in a few short months.
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lafilledesonpere · 3 years
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Canyon de Nazaré
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city of waves (Nazaré) from Carlos Silveira on Vimeo.
When the Hawaiian Garrett McNamara, the November 1, 2011 achieved the unthinkable, surfing the biggest wave ever, with 78 feet (23.77 meters) in Praia do Norte, Nazaré, Portugal, made history and the pictures ran world . Was the biggest wave ever surfed on the planet and suddenly the world got to know the little town of Nazareth, only 10,000 inhabitants. Nazareth became a tourist attraction, asserting itself internationally as one of the locations consistent big waves in the world and the village and the Portuguese coast became international destinations for surfers from all over the world and in particular to the "big riders. The fame of the waves of Nazaré has run the world. With giant waves that can reach 30 meters high, the Nazarene beaches regularly receive some of the best surfers in the world. What is behind the phenomenon is the Nazaré Canyon - the largest submarine canyon in Europe in the Western Atlantic Ocean, with a length of about 200 kilometers and reaches up to 5,000 meters deep. Part of the Nazaré Canyon cutting the continental shelf is a truly amazing underwater canyon with a maximum width of about 6 kilometers and walls that descend to the depth of 2000m. This cannon of Nazareth gives rise to huge waves, making the village an essential point of the route of the surfing world. Filmed in Nazaré in 2016. ---------------------------------------------------- cidade de ondas (NAZARÉ)
Quando o havaiano Garrett McNamara, a 1 de Novembro de 2011 conseguiu o impensável, surfar a maior onda de sempre, com 78 pés (23,77 metros), na Praia do Norte, Nazaré, em Portugal, fez história e as imagens correram mundo. Terá sido a maior onda jamais surfada no planeta e de repente o mundo ficou a conhecer a pequena vila de Nazaré, de apenas 10.000 habitantes. Nazaré tornou-se numa atracção turística, afirmando-se, a nível internacional, como um dos mais consistentes locais de ondas grandes do mundo e a vila e a costa portuguesa passaram a ser destinos internacionais para os surfistas de todo o mundo e em particular para os “big riders”. A fama das ondas da Nazaré já correu o mundo. Com ondas gigantes que podem chegar aos 30 metros de altura, as praias nazarenas recebem regularmente alguns dos melhores surfistas do mundo. ------------------------------------------------------------------- A Praia do Norte, na Nazaré, foi galardoada com o prémio de Maior Onda Surfada do Ano, dos Billabong XXL Awards e a onda surfada por Garrett McNamara em Portugal foi distinguida no Grove Theater de Anaheim, na Califórnia e é record do livro do Guinness. Este ano Nazaré será palco da prova Allianz Capítulo Perfeito powered by Billabong. E fará parte do calendário da WSL Big Wave Tour (BWT) em 2016/2017. Filmado na Nazaré em 2016. ----------------------------------------------------
Music credit to: Two Steps from Hell – “Cry”; “Release me”. Official Website: twostepsfromhell.com youtube.com/user/TwoStepsFromTheMusic/featured itunes.apple.com/en/artist/two-steps-from-hell/id372716646 Frame of movie: Big waves in Nazaré, Portugal. Thank you for watching ---------------------------------------------------
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