#Cap fam
euyuyuu · 1 year
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Cap Fam x Mario
(extra: Bucky as Bowser sing Peaches to Sam)
these are the wip of something i did a while ago, think i might never finish them so imma post them here :3
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gradelstuff · 11 months
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League of Villains group art pt.2
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shysheeperz · 5 months
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mikaikaika · 1 year
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Chim: When I see really attractive people like Eddie, I just laugh because I know if we lived in the Aztec culture, they'd be sacrificed for their beauty.
Bobby: I mean, that's one wat to cope with not being attractive.
Hen: Works for me.
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anisaanisa · 2 years
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The Higurashis ☆
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catlokis-blog · 2 years
FUUUCKK YOU if you think gman coolatta is a bad dad or hc him to be abusive or whatever. gman ACTUALLY loves his son SO MUCH he tears up when he talks about tommy's achievement in treating the perfect dog because he is SO PROUD.
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claudiajcregg · 10 days
nine people I want to get to know better
Thanks to the awesome @onekisstotakewithme for the tag; apologies for taking forever to answer. Lovely @unseenacademic tagged me and reminded me this might be buried in my drafts, oops. (It was.) So I opened it and practically updated half of it, haha.
LAST SONG? “The Grudge” by Olivia Rodrigo. The catharsis I felt singing it live. I'll never be over how relevant it's been to my year.
FAVORITE COLOR? Purple. I also love blue (esp some shades) but it's always been purple.
CURRENTLY WATCHING? Literally “The Circle,” but I haven't really been watching TV (so they're piling up – see: all the fic I also have to read)… I'm watching Acapulco S3 with my family (rewatch for me), which is one of my favorite shows, and we recently finished "Kaos," which was solid.
LAST MOVIE? “Self-Reliance” on my plane to London. “Twisters” at the movie theater.
SWEET/SPICY/SAVORY? Sweeeeeeeeet. I love savory too, and a bit of spice but my pick is always sweet.
CURRENT OBSESSIONS? I'll be hyper-specific for the sake of it, but they're probably the most accurate and what people would say I talk about the most. The story I've been writing for almost 18mo that I'd like to start posting soon (before its time passes completely, and even if it doesn't do well). The Eras Tour. On the “I wish I wasn't,” some work stuff and things surrounding ~things~ I mentioned above.
LAST THING YOU GOOGLED? Oh god, I cannot remember. It had to either be the “granny glasses meme” (to use as a reaction image) or something related to pregnancy (for the aforementioned story).
Tagging nine people is hard, so I'm sorry if you've been tagged before. No pressure if you don't want to do it, ofc. @likeanorangeonatoothpick @holy-ships-x-red-lips @hondagirll @clintbeifong @thebreakfastgenie @ballroompink @darlingbandit @district447 @chatnip
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baddybaddyadardaddy · 2 years
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“fiiiiiiive goooooooooooooold riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings...”
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thehappiestgolucky · 4 months
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More fam outting pics - but there's fourth person. It's Darora (@strixling ,kitty edition) Agira's big strong wifey! Aka tried creating Darora in character creator, realised I could and went huh regular beastren Darora sure is watching the world go to hell
and of course Agira and Darora are super married. Good on you Pawngira you get a wifey after everything! (not pictured is a tiny small kitty baby Darora is carrying so lovingly. Lil baby Micha you know friend. yknow)
TLDR: Big strong Mama joins the party!
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valeriefauxnom · 7 months
More Dragalia Minor Details!
This time, quotes edition!
I think it's interesting how Leonidas and Phares both have a sort of speech pattern in their unit quote spread as well as their general dialogue. Leonidas is the simpler one to explain, so I'll start with him. He utilizes a lot of 'Perhaps' in his quotes.
Ex, among his Gala and Summer alts, he says:
Perhaps I ought to make arrangements for the decisive battle that awaits. My brother has acquired many useful pawns. His good-naturedness perhaps has merit. Perhaps I'll go surfing. Perhaps curry for supper? Perhaps I will stop in at the cafe.
If I read into it, I might say it is a reflection on his focus on the future. Leonidas is always looking for paths to make his ideals reality, and how he acts in the present is all in fulfillment of his aims. As such, evaluating each action under how it might help said goals might be more on his mind (even when it comes to things like leisure, 'would my goals be hindered if I do so/could I accomplish something to further my aims if I did?'), leading to the overuse of perhaps.
In a broader sense, Leonidas tends to flip-flop verbally between simple, short sentences, rarely busting out the flowing complicated ones one might expect as the standard 'royal' speech patterns. Sometimes he compromises between the two worlds and throws complicated words into short sentences to get his mood across succinctly.
Here's what I mean.
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Phares, meanwhile, has his own fixation on a word. Several, in fact. The biggest are 'must' and 'will', but in general sentiment, he has another tendency. It's a bit hard to describe, but while he is future-focused like Leonidas, he expresses it more in concrete terms of what to do, with no true 'deliberation' found in Leonidas' 'perhaps'.
Take these lines from his unit (emphasis mine as I try to illustrate):
My next experiment will be... I must procure a book. I must make record of this. I swear to find a treatment for wyrmscale so the tragedy of our royal family is never repeated. How many times have I envied Valyx's stoutness? I shall have to ask him for some training. I should have died, but was kept alive. My task now is to show the meaning of that to the world. I shall support you. I will not let you die here! I will investigate truth, and contribute to the people until the life granted to me is ended.
Hopefully this helps give an idea of what I mean. There's no real deliberation about his next action; he has already decided, and is dead-set on doing so unless and until it kills him. It's an interesting departure from Leonidas, since Leonidas himself is rather blunt and similarly dead-set at times but still hedges a lot more than Phares.
As for his general speaking style, Phares, whether using short or long sentences, more frames things in a bit of an atypical way than necessarily using complex words all the time. Like, instead of, 'no need to be formal / no need for formalities' he instead will say, 'there is no need for formalities among we fellows of science'. Don't get me wrong, he uses more complex/rarer words often, but they're not an absolute prerequisite to the atypical wording, if you get my drift.
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(Instead of 'it's okay' or other typical variations)
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(Instead of 'don't worry')
To explain these tendencies, I'd simply line it up with his many brushes with death in the recent past. By the end of Phares' adventurer story, he's almost died an additional 2-3 times, and that's not counting his previous issues with wyrmscale and the Progenitor. He knows just how tenuous life is, and yet wishes to do so much in the future to capitalize on the many near-saves he's had. To him, he likely no longer has the luxury of indecision at all: what he wants (to live, to protect his family, the world, to learn more), he will manifest it through determination alone.
Heck, even his adventurer story ends on this, highlighting the 'will' tendency:
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So yeah, when I noticed these two had a particular flair to their style of speech, I figured I'd write it down! Maybe I'll find something more for some of the other family members, but these two were the most glaring with the repetition.
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danikoshi-doodles · 1 year
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Decided to quickly revisit and revamp my Perseverance design because my old WIP sketch for 'em was absolutely atrocious 🤩
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Why are they dressed up at the firehouse? (my theory)
TL;DR: Chief is going to run for mayor-Bobby is promoted as the new chief- Hen promoted to captain of the 118 permanently
The only time we've seen them dress up in their dress uniform is for either a funeral (Kevin) or for a passing probation celebration (Eddie). Now I would imagine dress wear would also be worn for any sort of commendation they'd receive for their hard work. But this is not something we've seen (although they deserve it) yet and honestly i don't think it would be a general like award for the team because the only thing that's been big enough to maybe warrant ceremony would be the cruise ship and the Chief would not give them a commendation for this. One because they went against orders and two because he's already stolen credit for it. Plus there at the firehouse and I feel like something like this would be done somewhere more public (like a city hall or something) but if the ceremony was only specific to one or maybe two people it would make sense it would be held at the firehouse. I'm also ruling out funeral cause I just don't think its that and theres no one to celebrate a probation with
I think it'll have something to do with the Chief and with Bobby. Now we know the Chief is gunning for the mayors job (politics oh boy) we've seen this in the way he's handled the incident with Hen (and the guys connections who he was protecting) and also in the way he took credit for the cruise ship rescue. Like Chief reeks of politics and so I feel like he's setting himself up to move into running for mayor (or any role within politics but Maddie made a comment about the Mayor soooo this is the path i'll choose) And I feel like Bobby is at the point in his career where moving up would make sense (I don't see him retiring ever). I feel like the chief has approached him and offered him the role of chief. I think they set up a ceremony with the ruse that Bobby will receive some sort of commendation for his years of service with the LAFD and so everyone has gathered for what they think is to celebrate bobby and it is just not in the way they think.
Chief announces he'll be running for mayor(moving to politics) and that in the transition period that Bobby will be being promoted to chief. Everyone is shocked but everyone is clapping and celebrating, Bobby get's up and makes a speech about his time at the 118, how they'll always be his family and that he's leaving them in good hands. Bobby then announces that Hen will be captain. This is a complete surprise as Hen wasn't expecting but then Denny, Mara and Karen appear and join in the celebrations as the news sinks in. Bobby steps down and says to Hen the job is hers only if she wants it and Hen accepts.
Also we get Ravi full time on the A shift as a fun little treat
Thanks to @buck-up-buck and @whollyjoly for letting me ramble. I also ramble in the tags XD
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shysheeperz · 1 year
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mignonmark · 1 year
im ngl … i am the slightest bit heartbroken that jungkook isn’t a leo rising with his moon in the 1H🥲 idk why that seemed so fitting to me
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Hen: Tell Bobby off, Chim! Assert yourself!
Chim: That’s my ice cream!
Hen: Good! Now let him have it!!
Chim, handing Bobby the ice cream: Here, you can have it!
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