#Cape Meares
eopederson2 · 15 days
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Windblown, Cape Meares, Oregon Coast, 2000.
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paintbrusher · 5 months
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Coastal Forest
An evergreen forest grows along the rugged Oregon coast near Cape Meares.
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travelella · 8 months
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Cape Meares Lighthouse, Cape Meares Loop, Tillamook, Oregon, USA
Alex Moliski
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pauldavidgibson · 2 years
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Cape Meares, OR May 2022
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robertpallesen · 2 years
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Driftwood, Cape Meares, OR © Robert Pallesen
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terrainunexplored · 1 year
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Steven Xue. Cape Meares, Oregon.
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beadyeyes · 1 month
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Cape Meares Lighthouse
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rootlessly · 1 year
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cape meares ⋇ 25 may
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Oregon Coastal Mist - Sunrise from Cape Meares Lookout near the Octopus Tree. by Darren White
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worstjourney · 1 year
Greenland Dogs
Our dogs were selected in Siberia and Manchuria. They were not Greenland dogs but dogs that were used to following trails over which the mails were carried.  Greenland dogs were better and hardier but were not for us since the Danish government had already promised all that could be spared from Greenland.
Had these dogs been promised for Amundsen? Maybe, but Filchner's Deutschland expedition took Greenland dogs at this time.
Silas, p.41 (italics are CSW's memoir)
The Expedition did have two “Esquimaux” dogs (as per RFS) which were gifted to them, and were named Cook and Peary.  I have always assumed because of this that they were American and therefore possibly Alaskan, but I don’t think I’ve read any definitive statement of where they originally came from. Meares rejected Cook and Peary from the dog teams which he’d spent months assembling in Siberia, but Clissold took them under his wing and trained them up for fun, with one of Meares’ Siberian dogs as leader.
Yesterday Clissold took the same team to Cape Royds; they brought back a load of 100 lbs. a dog in about two hours. It would have been a good performance for the best dogs in the time, and considering that Meares pronounced these two dogs useless, Clissold deserves a great deal of credit.
R.F. Scott, 14 Aug 1911
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chouhatsumimi · 2 years
Vocab from Yoru Cafe, vol. 2!
Fewer crafty words this time, but lots of onomatopoeia!
目の敵にする, 目の仇にする, 目のかたきにする めのかたきにする to hate the very sight of, to hold a grudge against, to treat like an enemy, to bear constant enmity, to be gunning for, to have it in for
じゅうじゅう, ジュージュー sizzling (of cooking meat, fish, etc.), frizzling
お高くとまる, お高く止まる, お高く留まる おたかくとまる to assume an air of importance, to be self-important, to put on airs / creerse por encima de los demás, darse aires, actuar ex-cátedra, hacerse el importante, mear colonia
じりじり, ジリジリ, ぢりぢり, ヂリヂリ slowly (but steadily), gradually, bit-by-bit, irritatedly, impatiently, scorchingly (of the sun), sizzling (i.e. sound of frying in oil), sound of a warning bell, alarm clock, etc., oozing out (oil, sweat, etc.), seeping out / acabarse la paciencia, avanzar lento pero sin pausa, ser implacables los rayos de sol, sonido de alarma del reloj
手際よく, 手際良く てぎわよく efficiently, skillfully, cleverly / hábilmente, eficazmente
繋ぎ つなぎ, ツナギ link, connection, tie, bond, contact, filler, stopgap (job, budget, etc.), thickener (e.g. in cooking), thickening, liaison, hedging, hedge, overalls, coveralls, boiler suit, intermission (in kabuki), interval
咄嗟に とっさに at once, right away, promptly, on the spur of the moment / al acto, al instante, al momento
臆する おくする to be hesitant, to feel timid / acobardarse, arredrarse, temer
吹きかける, 吹き掛ける, 吹掛ける ふきかける to blow upon, to breathe on, to spray, to pick (a fight), to force (unreasonable terms), to exaggerate, to overcharge
鈍感 どんかん thickheaded, insensitive, dull, thick-skinned / insensibilidad, impasibilidad, apatía
装う, 粧う よそう to serve, to dish up, to dish out, to dress (oneself in), to attire oneself in, to adorn, to decorate
物の ものの only ..., no more than ..., a matter of
育ち盛り そだちざかり growth period (in children) / crecimiento (niño, etc.)
調子者, 調子もの ちょうしもの person who gets easily elated (when praised, etc.), person who readily chimes in with others, person who gets carried away easily
立ち込める, 立ちこめる, 立ち籠める, 立込める たちこめる to hang over, to shroud, to enshroud, to envelop, to screen
うっとり, ウットリ ecstatically, spellbound, with rapt attention, abstractedly, absentmindedly, absorbedly, vacantly / estar encantado, contentísimo
ぼそっと, ボソッと, ボソっと, ぼさっと, ボサッと, ボサっと absent-mindedly, vacantly, idly, lazily, in a whisper
目がない, 目が無い めがない being extremely fond of, having a weakness for, being a sucker for, having no eye for, being a poor judge of, lacking insight, having no chance (of succeeding) / estar muy encariñado con, tener debilidad por, tener buen ojo para, no tener posibilidad
梔子, 巵子, 山梔子, 梔 くちなし, クチナシ, しし, さんしし Cape jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides), Cape jessamine, gardenia
どんより dark, gloomy, overcast, gray, heavy, leaden, dull, lackluster, glazed
矢先に やさきに just when (one is about to ...), just as, the very moment when, on the point of
ぞろぞろ, ゾロゾロ in a crowd, in droves, in a stream, in succession, crawling (of insects), swarming, dragging (e.g. along the ground), trailing, stretching out / en filas, arrastrando
たじたじ overwhelmed, recoiling, cringing
意味深 いみしん, いみぶか with profound (often hidden) meaning, pregnant with significance, meaningful, suggestive, interesting / con profundo (frecuentemente oculto) significado, ser sugestivo, significativo
蹌踉めく よろめく to stagger, to misconduct oneself, to have a love affair, to waver, to feel some inclination / tambalearse, bambolearse, caer (en una relación extramarital)
的中, 適中 てきちゅう hitting the target, striking home, proving to be right, coming true, being on the mark / dar justo en el blanco, acierto, atino
木べら, 木ベラ, 木箆 きべら, きベラ wooden spatula
中火 ちゅうび medium flame (cooking), medium heat, medium fire
書き足す かきたす to add to, to insert
萼 がく, うてな calyx / cáliz (de una flor)
合い挽き肉, 合挽き肉, 合いびき肉, 合挽肉 あいびきにく (mixture of) ground beef and pork
ぽろぽろ, ポロポロ in large drops / llorar a grandes lágrimas, a lagrimones, en migas, desmigado y seco
煮崩れ, 煮くずれ にくずれ falling apart while cooking
笊 ざる draining basket (traditionally made of bamboo), colander, strainer, sieve, something full of holes, zaru soba, strong drinker, someone who can drink like a fish
ブイヨン bouillon / caldo
ひらひら, ヒラヒラ fluttering, flapping, waving, flickering (light, flame, etc.), frill, piece of thin material / revoloteando, parpadeando
形見 かたみ memento (esp. of a deceased person), keepsake, heirloom, remembrance, souvenir / recuerdo (objeto), suvenir
紛らわす まぎらわす to divert, to distract
御河童, お河童 おかっぱ, オカッパ bobbed hair
もぐもぐ, もごもご mumbling, chewing one's words, chewing (food), squirming, wriggling
笑み えみ smile / sonrisa
早とちり はやとちり jumping to a wrong conclusion
カッと, かっと flaring up, burning hotly, suddenly becoming bright, flying into a rage, losing one's cool, opening suddenly and widely (e.g. eyes, mouth), acting resolutely
不束者, ふつつか者 ふつつかもの incompetent person, ignoramus
すっぽり, ずっぽり, ずっぽし entirely, completely, cleanly, snugly
あっけらかん quite indifferent, looking blank, looking as though one has nothing at all to do with what is going on
吸い寄せる, 吸寄せる すいよせる to draw in, to attract
クロックムッシュ, クロックムッシュー, クロック・ムッシュ, クロック・ムッシュー croque-monsieur
ダボダボ, だぼだぼ loose (of clothing), loose-fitting, plenty (of pouring a liquid), sloshing about (e.g. of water in one's stomach)
鏡台 きょうだい dresser / cómoda, tocador, vestidor
名目 めいもく, みょうもく name, title, appellation, (something) nominal, (under the) pretext (of), pretense / nominación, pretexto
大事, 大ごと おおごと serious matter, major incident, matter of grave concern, crisis / importante, valioso, asunto grave
げんなり, ゲンナリ to be weary, to be worn out, to be tired, to be fed up (with), to be sick of, to be dejected, to be dispirited, to be disheartened
こき使う, 扱き使う, 扱使う こきつかう to work (someone) hard, to push (someone) around
戯ける, 戲ける おどける, たわける to jest, to joke, to play the fool, to act indecently, to be silly over, to talk foolishly
見せびらかす みせびらかす to show off, to flaunt / lucir, presumir
ほくほく, ホクホク soft and flaky (pie, potatoes, squash, etc.), fluffy, crumbly, fresh-baked, fresh from the oven, being pleased with oneself, beaming happily, chuckling to oneself / caminar en silencio, desmenuzado, deshecho, cara de alegría, rostro risueño
頬張る, 頬ばる ほおばる, ほうばる to stuff one's cheeks, to fill one's mouth (with food)
先っぽ さきっぽ tip, end / punta, final (e.g. parte final)
ふっくら fully, luxuriantly, fluffy, plump, soft and full
炭火 すみび charcoal fire
熱々, 熱熱 あつあつ piping hot, scalding, madly in love, passionately in love
追い打ちをかける, 追い打ちを掛ける おいうちをかける to attack a routed enemy, to sink the boot into, to pour salt on a wound
黒焦げ, 黒こげ くろこげ charred, burnt black, scorched black
宥める なだめる to soothe, to calm, to pacify / calmar, apaciguar, seguirle la corriente a alguien
到頭 とうとう finally, at last, ultimately, in the end / después de todo, al final, finalmente
ぶつぶつ, ブツブツ grunt, grumble, complaint, mutter, pimples, spots, eruption, rash, cutting into small pieces, simmering / quejas, inconformidad
プリプリ, ぷりぷり, ぶりぶり angrily, in a huff, in anger, high on marijuana, tender (to chew) / estar enfadado, estar de mal humor
ぷりぷりして in an angry mood, in anger, angrily, in a huff
ぐいぐい, グイグイ without hesitation, with great optimism, vigorously, with great vigor, positively, (pushing or pulling) strongly, (drinking) heavily
うじうじ, ウジウジ irresolute, hesitant
素っ気ない, 素っ気無い, 素気ない, 素気無い そっけない cold, short, curt, blunt / frío, indiferente, apático, indolente, poco amable, rudo, brusco, breve, seco, lacónico, displicente, desabrido, soso, frío, seco, de trato frío, frío, indiferente, apático, indolente, poco amable, rudo, brusco, breve, seco, lacónico
淡々, 淡淡, 澹々, 澹澹 たんたん uninterested, unconcerned, indifferent, dispassionate, matter-of-fact, detached, plain, light, simple, bland, flowing gently / desinteresado, despreocupado, indiferente, franco
もやもや, モヤモヤ hazy, misty, foggy, murky, fuzzy, hazy feeling, uncertain feeling, feeling gloomy, feeling depressed, pent-up feelings, ill feeling / poco claro, vago, turbio, atontado, borroso, neblinoso, difuso, apasionarse, excitarse
しかめっ面, 顰めっ面 しかめっつら frown, scowl, grimace / mueca, gesto
尖った, 尖がった, 尖んがった とがった, とんがった pointed, sharp, sharp (e.g. voice), on edge (e.g. nerves), outstanding, cutting edge, superior
ムカムカ, むかむか feeling sick, feeling queasy, feeling nauseated, being angry, being offended, being disgusted / con náusea, con disgusto
合わさる, 合さる, 併さる あわさる to join, to be put together, to combine, to unite, to fit, to close (e.g. of a wound) / aunarse, acoplarse, armonizar
敢えて, 敢て あえて purposely (of something needless, unexpected or seemingly counterproductive, etc.), daringly (doing something), deliberately, intentionally, not necessarily, not particularly, not especially, definitely not / si me permito (hacer, decir)
靴底, 沓底 くつぞこ sole (of a shoe), sole (fish)
予鈴 よれい bell signalling that work, class, etc. will formally begin shortly, first bell, warning bell
血相を変える けっそうをかえる to change facial expression or color (due to anger, embarrassment, etc.)
持て余す, 持てあます, もて余す もてあます to be too much for one, to find unmanageable, to be beyond one's control, to not know what to do with / ser demasiado para uno, encontrar inmanejable, estar más allá del control de uno, no saber qué hacer con
上擦る, 上ずる うわずる to sound shrill (of a voice), to sound high-pitched and excited, to sound hollow, to get excited, to become restless, to be thrown too high, to come in high
取り柄, 取柄, 取りえ, 取り得, 取得 とりえ worth, merit, value, good point, redeeming feature, saving grace / virtud, cualidad
副音声 ふくおんせい second (supplementary) sound channel
沸々, 沸沸 ふつふつ simmer, bubble out, flow out
刺々, 刺刺 とげとげ, トゲトゲ sharply, harshly, stingingly
刺々しい, 刺刺しい とげとげしい sharp, harsh, stinging, thorny, snappy
立ちはだかる, 立ち開かる たちはだかる to stand in the way (esp. with legs spread out), to block the way, to stand in the way (e.g. of progress), to obstruct
すやすや (sleeping) peacefully, quietly, soundly / plácidamente
はけ口, 捌け口, さばけ口 はけぐち, さばけぐち outlet (e.g. for water or gas), market (for something), outlet (e.g. for excess energy), vent (e.g. for emotions)
叩く, 敲く たたく to strike, to clap, to knock, to beat, to tap, to pat, to play drums, to abuse, to bash, to flame (e.g. on the Internet), to insult, to consult, to sound out, to brag, to talk big, to call, to invoke (e.g. a function) / golpear, dar palmadas, desempolvar, tocar tambor, ofender, insultar
ゴタゴタ, ごたごた trouble, difficulties, dispute, quarrel, discord, dissension, confusion, disorder, mess, muddle / liado, confuso, embrollado, desordenado, en desavenencia, con disputa
言いよどむ, 言い淀む, 言淀む いいよどむ to hesitate to say / vacilar
思いを馳せる, 思いをはせる おもいをはせる to think about, to send one's heart out to, to give more than a passing thought to, to think of something far away, to think nostalgically upon (esp. one's hometown) / pensar en alguien lejano, traer a la mente recuerdos o pensamientos de alguien o algo lejano, añorar
追い返す, 追返す おいかえす to drive away, to turn away, to send away, to repel, to repulse / mandar de vuelta
バクバク, ばくばく thumping (heart), banging, pounding, racing
とぼとぼ totteringly, trudgingly / caminar sin ánimo, andar afligido, caminar con cansancio
かぶり付く, 噛り付く, 齧り付く, 齧りつく, かじり付く, 噛りつく かぶりつく, かじりつく to bite into, to sink one's teeth into, to stick to, to cling to, to hold on to / morder, aferrarse, agarrarse
曇らせる くもらせる to cloud, to make dim or dull, to frown
ポタポタ, ぽたぽた, ボタボタ, ぼたぼた, ぼとぼと, ボトボト, ポトポト, ぽとぽと dripping, trickling, drop by drop, in drops, wet and heavy (snow, clay, etc.), (moving) slowly / gotear constantemente, gordo, rollizo, sonido sordo al golpear algo, gotear, caer grandes gotas, gordo, rollizo, pesado, a gotas, goteando
プンプン, ぷんぷん (smelling) strongly, pungently, furiously, indignantly, fuming, in a huff / estar indignado, estar furioso
ぶるぶる, ブルブル trembling (with fear, anger, etc.), shivering (with cold), shaking, quivering / temblor, sacudida, temblar, afección, agitación
赤らめる, 赧らめる あからめる to blush, to redden / ponerse colorado, ruborizarse
かき鳴らす, 掻き鳴らす かきならす to thrum, to strum
思い立つ, 思いたつ おもいたつ to set one's mind on doing, to get the idea of doing, to make up one's mind / idear, planear, tener una ocurrencia
週明け, 週あけ しゅう��け beginning of next week (usu. Monday), early next week
きんきん, キンキン shrill, strident, piercing, tinkling, metallic-sounding, sharp (pain, e.g. headache, earache), ice-cold, very cold / ruido metálico molesto, voz aguda y estridente, dolor agudo, punzada
くしゃくしゃ, クシャクシャ crumpled, rumpled, wrinkled, creased, tousled, disheveled, dishevelled, to be annoyed, to be irritated, to be upset, noisily (chewing) / arrugar, fruncir, rizar
鍵盤ハーモニカ けんばんハーモニカ melodica, pianica, blow-organ, keyboard harmonica
ボコボコ, ぼこぼこ, ポコポコ, ぽこぽこ with a burble, hollow (sounding), holey, full of holes or dents, lumpy, bumpy, viciously beating, hitting and kicking repeatedly, here and there, (sound of) walking slowly / que suena a hueco, burbujeante, espumoso, agujereado, abollado
音階 おんかい scale / escala musical
積む つむ to pile up, to stack, to load (car, ship, etc.), to pack, to acquire, to accumulate / intensificar, apilar
号令をかける, 号令を掛ける ごうれいをかける to give a command (e.g. in a loud voice), to give an order
頑な, 頑 かたくな obstinate, stubborn, mulish, die-hard, bigoted / obstinado, terco
揉みくちゃ, 揉み苦茶 もみくちゃ jostling, being jostled, being mobbed, (in a) crush, crumpling
突進 とっしん rush, charge
我武者羅 がむしゃら, ガムシャラ reckless, daredevil, frantic, foolhardy
放く こく to let loose (e.g. a fart), to utter (e.g. a lie), to do
調子こく ちょうしこく to be elated, to be excited, to be caught up in the moment, to be carried away, to get cocky
鉢合わせ, はち合わせ, 鉢合せ はちあわせ bumping of heads, running into, coming across, encountering
ふとした impulsive, unexpected, accidental, casual, inadvertent, on a whim
絃 げん string (of a shamisen, etc.), stringed instrument / cuerda (de instrumento musical)
鉄琴 てっきん metallophone, carillon, glockenspiel
せっせと diligently, assiduously, industriously, beavering away / con diligencia
強張る, 強ばる こわばる to stiffen, to become stiff / endurecerse, atiesarse
素振り, 素振 そぶり behavior, behaviour, manner, attitude, bearing
伴奏 ばんそう (musical) accompaniment
波打つ, 波うつ なみうつ to dash against (of waves), to billow, to roll, to wave (e.g. in the wind), to heave, to pound (of a heart), to undulate
耽る, 耽ける ふける to indulge in, to give oneself up to, to be obsessed by, to be engrossed in, to be lost in, to be absorbed in / abstraerse, enajenarse, extasiarse
いても立ってもいられない, 居ても立ってもいられない, 居ても立っても居られない いてもたってもいられない unable to contain oneself, itching to do something, cannot sit still / no poder parar quieto, estar nervioso, estar intranquilo, estar muy ansioso
駆け下りる, 駆け降りる, 駈け降りる, 駆下りる, 駆降りる, 駈降りる かけおりる to run down (stairs, etc.)
せめぎ合う, 鬩ぎ合う, 鬩ぎあう せめぎあう to fight each other
刻々, 刻刻 こっこく, こくこく moment by moment, hour by hour / momento a momento, hora a hora
甲斐がある, 甲斐が有る かいがある to be effective, to be fruitful, to be worthwhile, to be worth, to be rewarded, to pay off / merece la pena
出だし, 出出し, 出々し でだし start, beginning
変梃, 変てこ へんてこ, ヘンテコ strange, weird, odd, strange thing, strange person
サビ, さび hook (high point of a song), (at a sushi shop) wasabi
あたふた, アタフタ in a hurry, hastily, in feverish haste
締めくくる, 締め括る しめくくる to bring to a finish, to bind firmly, to superintend
濛々, 濛濛, 朦朦, 朦々 もうもう dense (e.g. fog, dust, etc.), thick, vague (as in being unable to think clearly), dim / ensombrecido por la niebla o el humo, distraído, despistado
愚痴る ぐちる, グチる to grumble, to gripe, to complain
書き下ろし, 書下ろし かきおろし writing something on commission, newly written text
If anyone ever wants a list to dump in a flashcard making program, I also have this list in an Excel sheet so I can grab just the Japanese very quickly, let me know and I can send you a copy!
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polarpics · 1 year
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Cecil Meares at the pianola in the hut at Cape Evans, 1911
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redrootblades · 2 years
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Walnut and brass on a carbon steel blade? Yes! Kitchen petty knives are live on the website. redrootblades.com (link in bio) . . . #knife #knives #handmade #carbonsteel #kitchenknife #foodprep #kitchenknives #knifepics #smallbusiness #knifelover #fixedblade #culinaryknife #americanmade #usamade #knifepics #pettyknife #knifemaker (at Cape Meares, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnUxclvCiQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pauldavidgibson · 1 year
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Cape Meares, OR May 2022
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fruitgoat · 2 years
I usually don't really give a shit about my birthday. (No, you didn't miss it, it's still in August, go back to sleep.) For the last several years I've gone to visit My Beloved Pacific Ocean to celebrate - Cape Lookout to Cape Meares is straight up my almost perfect jiggity-jam. (I also LOVE camping. Particularly when I can do it by myself, because - no offense - y'all kinda suck at camping. I've been camping since I was six months old; I have certain expectations of required hardship and certain levels of culinary glamor..........)
Oregon State Parks opens for reservations at 6:00am exactly six months in advance. The Deluxe Cabins at Cape Lookout (always my goal; there are only six) are fully booked by 6:02am on any given day. It's a fun game. This year is one of those Big Round Numbers that, again, I don't give a single shit about. (Stop guessing; the big round number for me is 40.) But it means I'm trying for something better, something bigger. I'm thinking a full two weeks of madness. Just because I CAN.
I've completely forgotten where I was going from here or if I had a point.
Um.... Celebrate!
I Guess!
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