#Captain Jack Sparrow x FEM OC
𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟡
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
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General POV.
Elizabeth stood on a dry piece of land in the cave looking at a few pieces of gold.
Jack however was throwing all kinds of treasure around looking for good pieces to bring.
Rose walked over to Elizabeth and gave her a tight hug.
'I'm so sorry for everything' Elizabeth said softly
'I'm the one giving you a death scare' Rose said smiling.
'I love you Elizabeth. you're my best friend. I would do it all over just for you' Rose said as she took Elizabeth in another tight hug.
'You know before we went off to the Black Pearl.
And you were already down in the dinghy. Your father came to the captain's quarters.
He sat in front of the door. Telling us how proud he is.
On me for trying to save you.
But he thought it was good of you to say yes to the proposal.'
'Of course he would say that' Elizabeth said softly smiling watching Will.
'But he also said that sometimes the most ideal decision, can be a really bad decision when made with bad reasons' Rose said softly while brushing a hair behind Elizabeth's ear.
'He loves you any how Lizzy..
Not only when you marry Norrington'
Rose wiped the tear of Elizabeth's face.
Rose saw Will coming.
'I'll leave you two alone.' Rose said softly and walked off towards Jack.
'Jack' Rose said as she walked up to him.
'Rose' Jack exclaimed having all kinds of gold around his neck. And walked over to her.
Rose gave him a slap in the face.
'Dying!? Really you gave me the biggest scare of my life!' Rose said tears in her eyes.
Jack snickerd.
'Love. I didn't enjoy seeing you die either' he smirked
Which made Rose smile back at him.
He brushed his fingers over her cheeks.
'I wouldn't mind tho. Being Immortal with you' Jack said a bit softer.
Rose smirked looking up to him. And before she knew it Jack had filled the gap between their lips again. His arm in this small of her back. He did stab her on accident with the gold chandelier he was holding. But that was soon forgotten.
Rose laid her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss with Jack.
'We should return to the Dauntless.' Elizabeth said softly towards Will.
'Your fiancé will be wanting to know you're safe. ' Will replied.
Elizabeth nodded softly and walked away towards the dinghy's
'Really Will!' Rose said behind him.
Her hands up.
'if you were waiting for the opportune moment' Jack said
'That was it' Rose and Jack said at the same time.
'Now, I'd be much obliged if you'd drop me off at my ship!' Jack said smiling at Rose.
Rose knew she couldn't go with Jack. But he told her to write to Tortuga and he would collect her letters.
When they were on the dinghy rowing towards the open sea.
The Black Pearl was nowhere to be found.
'I'm sorry Jack' Rose said softly laying a hand on his shoulder.
'They done what's right by them. Can't expect more than that.' Jack said laying his hand on mine.
When they were hovered above the Dauntless. Jack got cuffed and taken towards the brig.
'Do I really need to tell you that he is a new man now..' Rose said towards Norrington.
'He might be Rosemary.
But this time he already got wat he wanted and the only he now has in his future are the gallows. So he will try to escape.
And now I don't want to hear anything about it anymore okay?' Norrington said as he stormed off.
'Its okay love' Jack mouthed towards Rose. As they took him below deck.
Rosemary's POV
'And now you two' Norrington said towards me and Will
He looked over towards Will.
'I will be letting these charges go if. You will never ever will try to steal a ship from us again. And go off on your own. This is still Royal Navy duty. Not just the duty of an Black smith and a tailor.'
'Do we have an understanding' Norrington said towards us. With a small smile.
'Thankyou Commodore ' Will and I both said.
'Now out of my sight!' Norrington said and we went below deck.
I heard the guards planning the hanging of Jack right were Will and I both sat.
I looked at him with tears in my eyes. And he came closer to me and laid an arm around my shoulders.
'I think I have a plan' Will said softly
'Lets talk about it when we get back. Now go get some sleep and check on Elizabeth' Will said as she pushed me up.
'I'll check on Jack and thank him for everything. ' I nodded and smiled at Will.
I walked up to deck and walked over to the captain's quarters were Elizabeth sat on a dining chair.
'Oh Rose!
I'm so sorry.. I couldn't do anything for Jack.' I smiled at Elizabeth.
'You can't help it Liz.
But thank you ' I said genuine towards Elizabeth. and gave her a kiss on her cheek.
'Now please.. Lets do something about that hair. Cause It's a real mess.' I said giggling towards Elizabeth.
'I thought you'd never ask!' Elizabeth said
When back in Port Royal.
The normal life started again.
Will was busy making lots of new material cause lots had been damaged in the last fights.
And I was busy tailoring all the dresses for the hanging of Jack. It made my heart ache.
But I couldn't help it. I made a promise to Norrington.
For Elizabeth I made a new dress without a tight corset. But with an under burst corset. So That Elizabeth would be able to breath way more.
The dress I made for myself was way more handy.
It was an dark green color. It was a tight dress but the back was long and wavy. There was a ribbon on the back of it.
I made the fabric thinly sown together.
So that if I ripped at the bow hard enough it would rip the heavy skirt of the dress down leaving me with just the corset of the dress.
I made the dress a bit shorter then usual. Because I wouldn't be wearing heels but flat boots.
The hips of the dress were broad so I could actually hide my sword and gun in there around my waist.
I also made an outfit for Will. I made him an amazing hat with feathers. And a nice suit to wear to the hanging.
He thought it would be way to much. But It would be way easier to notice him in the scene of people and I could follow him towards Jack. 
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Hector Barbossa x Lora (oc)🧭🍏🌊
Hector Barbossa x fem navigator reader
Synopsis: A simple dance that unites a navigator and captain.
Warnings: none
A/n: Hello, I've made a one-shot on behalf of a gift to a couple of artists I've commissioned. Hope you enjoy it, and please check out the respected artists for they are extremely talented.
A/n: Down below, I've attached an x-reader version if you're interested in that instead :).
Let me know if you would like a part 2 🙌
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Twas a silent night aboard the Black Pearl; the gentle current rocked the sailing galleon. A young woman stood on the open deck at the taffrail, staring at the heavens above her. Her blue eyes were captivated by the brightest star of the east ‘Sirius’. She couldn’t pinpoint why or how it fascinated her; she was undoubtedly no astronomer like Carina, but something about it pulled her in. The charts displayed the constellations, but observing them with the naked eye was undoubtedly more captivating. The woman stood motionless, her senses attuned to the wind’s gentle caress as it brushed against her bare shoulders, causing her golden locks to sway and dance in the breeze. In her grip, she clutched a piece of parched paper tightly, its surface etched with cryptic writings that detailed the exact coordinates leading to an uncharted island renowned for its fabled treasure trove, discovered by the notorious Anne Bonny. Despite the potential danger, she had spent countless hours gathering similar documents and ship logs from explorers, sailors, and even pirates, all in pursuit of something greater. Nothing could deter her from this quest, and she was willing to risk everything to uncover the secrets of the unknown. As she set sail, her thoughts consumed by the prospect of adventure, she carefully unfurled the yellow parchment, revealing a hand-drawn map with a bright star marking the location of her destination. The woman's grip on the parchment tightened as the wind picked up, threatening to snatch the delicate document from her hands. She remained steadfast and determined to hold the valuable prize despite the wind. Her eyes scanned the paper, memorizing the precise navigational longitude and latitude leading her to her destination. She clung to the parchment with unwavering focus, unwilling to let it slip away from her grasp.
Standing proudly at the ship’s helm was the captain, resplendent in his vibrant blue frock coat and black bicorne, adorned with intricate gold embellishments. Leaning his weight on a sturdy wooden crutch, he expertly wielded a silver-coated spyglass, his keen gaze fixed on the endless expanse of stars that gave him crucial guidance to his intended destination. Two other men, rugged and weathered, stood nearby, sporting rough coats and thick beards, their tricorne hats perched jauntily on their heads. “Orders, sir? we’ve got Jack tied to the mast.” With a respectful gesture, Murtogg raised his hand to his forehead in a salute and inquired politely, “May I ask a question captain, whadda we do with the other two” In a gesture of solidarity, Mullroy followed suit replicating the same action. Following a period of stargazing through his trusty telescope, the captain turned his gaze to the steadfast sentinels standing at his side. “Leave Jack an’ tha ot’er lad, Carina be tha one we need; she holds tha map ta tha trident”, he gave out his command. “As for the girl, sir? Shall we tie her along with Sparrow” Murtogg asked. The captain turned his head, looking perplexed at the young woman; he couldn't reasonably determine what had seized her interest. But as soon as he caught sight of the parchment in her hand, he understood, she was utilizing the constellations. The woman's fascination with the star Sirius was undeniable, but her callow experience in sailing was an obstacle. Despite her ardent love for the sea, she knew encountering a strict and uncompromising captain could result in severe punishment. The thought of being subjected to the brutal cat-o-nine tails or even keelhauling made her shudder. Nonetheless, her unwavering passion for the stars and the sea drove her forward, and she remained determined to pursue her dreams, no matter the challenges ahead.
“Sir?” Murtogg said once more.
“Nay, she ain’t o’ any use ta us fer now, we’ll maroon er’ once we obtain what we came ere’ fer”, The captain’s coarse voice confirmed.
“A-aye then, captain” After saluting, Murtogg and Mullroy proceeded to guard Jack and Henry. The captain firmly grasped the helm's handles; curiously, he glanced back at the young woman holding the parchment. Perhaps he should’ve tied her up with the others; allowing one leverage isn’t something he usually does. What is she doing? What was she thinking? What in the blazes is she wanting? 
His eyes fixated on the girl. Treasure? The sea? Freedom? Going on account?
What does she want? He was deep in thought. Further and further, his mind strayed from his position. Her inquisitive mind is—"Oh belay this, tis be addle, why on ear’t should I be—" He posed questions about her curious mind. Once he returned to reality, the young woman’s parchment slipped through her fingers. On instinct, he hobbled down the ladder and tried to catch the parchment, only for it to be caught under his wooden peg leg. He bent over and picked it up; his rough, chapped, calloused hand kept the piece in his grip. He precisely examined the intricately drawn map, tracing his finger over each coordinate until his finger landed upon the dazzling drawn star. The celestial bodies on the map and in the vast expanse of the sky were in immaculate alignment, forming a mesmerizing spectacle. The star in the sky shone brightly, and its beauty entranced him. “Excuse me, sir; you have something of mine in your possession.” He stood there, lost in thought, he suddenly became aware of a soothing, dulcet-toned voice from behind him. The voice was elegant, as if it belonged to a refined and cultured lady.
As the captain turned around, his gaze fell upon a striking young lady with luscious golden tresses fashioned in a pouffe with a single coil gracefully cascading down her shoulder. Her complexion was as fair as porcelain, and her countenance radiated with youthful vitality. She was adorned in a light whitish gold sack-back gown, perfectly complementing her complexion. Tiny freckles were scattered lightly across her nose and cheeks, enhancing her angelic features. Her lips were full and luscious, painted in a rosy, pink hue.
“Tis my map, sir; it slipped from my fingers whilst I was trying to read the coordinates”, The young woman explained.
Hector held the map in his grasp, not precisely giving it back right away, intending to ask: "What is yer purpose fer possessing it? Are ya anticipatin’ discoverin’ a coffer o’ medallions, gold, jewels, or silver?".
Instead, he couldn’t open his yap; no words came out. He felt like an utter addle blaggard. “I anticipate sailing on the high seas; I’ve no desire for treasure nor the thrill of anticipating in such greed”, The young woman spoke.
“Then why possess a map if ye don’t intend ta track what’s marked” He seemed puzzled, with a questioning tone and expression. He held the map in one hand while leaning on his wooden crutch.
“Perhaps, rather silly of me to say, you’d expect some nautical naval admirer to want something with a map. Well, What I desire can’t be easily explained, so to answer it as easily as possible” She expressed her ambition and optimism in her speech. “I wish to know more about the sea rather than the final destination, tis rather hard for me to say; I suppose one could compare me to an explorer anticipating some exhibition”.
“An ye have naught the slightest worry, of o’, so to say—pirates, scoundrels, buccaneers” He grinned with a dry, entertaining demeanour.  
“Why should I? Tis not hard to reason with them; I would propose an agreement that satisfies both parties to a reasonable extent, ensuring a fair and amicable resolution.” She smiled in confidence.
“And what tif the other party decides ta disagree,” He asked.
“From my perspective, it seems like a fair agreement. They retain possession of the treasure while I explore an uncharted island that shall be in my name. In my opinion, it's an equitable arrangement.” The young woman seemed rather artless in knowing what pirates were like, no matter how many exchanges and fair deals she made. She would only end up marooned on some island whilst they steal her ship.
“If we start baring away 2 points on the port bow, we can head into the ongoing direction of where we need to be—well—where I aim to be. Evading any potential danger and obtaining the landmark of an unknown island” The young woman smiled affirmingly in her written directions.
“I’d watch yer ambition, missy; too much of it can getcha killed”, Hector warned her.
“Ambition or an opportunity, captain, an opportunity to find such a marvel, an opportunity to seek adventure and free one from the confines of society” The young woman grinned.
“Ye speak smartly within yer knowledge of cartography, but alas, ye lack the experience, to be out at sea, ye need to handle more than just yer “studies” He was surprised by the young lady's determination to dock at an unfamiliar island despite having no prior sailing experience.
“My knowledge of the sea is quite va—”
“Vast if ye’ve ever been in command of a ship, lassie”.
She stayed silent. Every word that came out of her mouth, he contradicted. It was like communing with a brick wall, deflecting all her ideas. She could’ve argued more and more, but that would’ve been a waste. She did have the knowledge! It shouldn’t have mattered what the old salt thought! She should just set out at sea on her father’s ship. Her father was a merchant who sailed across the vast port’s docking cargo for businessmen or nobles that wished for certain silks, foods, or goods.
“Although I am not the captain nor a sailor, I will keep clutching my goals under the watchful gaze of my father from the heavens.” She reasoned.
He laughed with wry amusement. “Aye then, who be yer father missy, was he a miserable cod that dreamed too”.
“No, he was a brilliant sailor, one that travelled to many continents”, she continued. “My father was William Rosaline—”
Hector's expression shifted from amusement to confusion, and he furrowed his eyebrows as he posed a question. “Wait! You! What’s yer first name!”.
“My first name is…Lora, sir,” she answered with a quizzical soft tone.
The captain stood upright on his wooden crutch, feeling somewhat baffled by the sudden reunion. If she recognizes him, everything will come crashing down. He didn’t speak; holding his tongue, he felt like an utter fool. He couldn’t recognize her, and for how long? For what reason couldn’t he interpret her face? Was it so complicated that his mind had to hide it deep within his distant recollections? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
“Captain?” Lora asked.
“Lor’rer” That! That was all he could muster up after not seeing this young thing for so long!
The captain quickly glanced over where Sparrow was tied at the mizzen mast. He only managed to open his mouth slightly before quickly hobbling away without uttering another addle word out of his yap. He ended up at the helm, and from behind him was the mizzen mast where Jack was tied.  “Running away, are you? Think you can outrun the world~” Jack smirked, a line that reflected what Hector had once said. “Something tells me ol Hector is flabbergasted by something; hmmm; shall I take a gander and say it’s a lass? I’m envisioning a past flame you’ve had, one involving a hideous wench” he smiled amusingly.
The captain angrily confronted Jack, brandishing his sword of triton dangerously close to Jack's gullet. “One more word an’ Yer one step away from hangin at hempen holter”.
“Hmmm, at least I’m a captain going down with his ship from which you stole, remember.” Jack continued. “And might I say, you’re still terrible at it; you don’t even grip the helm right; she prefers handsome rouges, not men with scraggly beards—”.
The captain approached Jack with a stern glare. “All right, all right, I’ll hold my tongue—only, that fine woman over there strikes me as something familiar; her face; those eyes, ohhhh~ how smitten you were back then”.
“You couldn’t even say her name, right? Something along the lines of luau, lunch, luff, leach, leaf, long—” Jack teased.
Hector was getting infuriated.
“No, wasn’t long John silver, was it; ah! That’s right, Lora” While his hands were still bound to the mast, Jack gestured with his finger. “Except you say her name weirdly and strangely”.
“I’m starting to envision this golden artless naïve creature that would go on and on about ravishing adventures and a ship of her fathers” Jack’s face coiled, trying to remember the young woman. “By god, she was so young, a smart lass she was, always talking about cartography and sailing—I’ll admit I zoned out at some of it”.
"I must confess, twas a terrible idea of mine to use her in a bet to win a keg of rum against Master Gibbs," Jack admitted.
Jack was met with a confused expression from Hector. Jack gestured with his hands. “Was in the past; she probably won’t remember a thing”.
“We’ll keep it that way cause she ain’t even recognised me yet”, Hector spoke with a coarse voice.
Hector pulled out a flask from his pocket and leaned against the mast next to Jack; he popped off the lid and drank the rum. He then handed Jack the flask offering some, which he gladly took with his mouth. After Jack had “handed” the rum back to Hector, he asked, “So, if she remembers, do you think she’ll want to run or scream when she sees you now?”.
“I mean, you haven’t even told Smyth who you are—” A rag was placed into Jack’s mouth by Hector’s white-faced capuchin. “Thank ye, Jack,” he thanked the capuchin. Sparrow furrowed his brows and rambled through the rag while Hector tended back to the helm. In some way, Jack had a point; how would she react to seeing him now—probably an old blaggard who aged like a swine in her eyes— He wasn’t precisely the same sailor she once knew. Perhaps twas a better idea to keep his identity a secret for now—or—until she recognises him. The capuchin sat on his master’s shoulders, examining his expression. For once, his mind was clouded in thought. He couldn’t stand idly by until the cows came home; he had to do something, anything, if it meant at least a gaze of recognition. The only thing was, he was hesitant for reasons that should’ve been considered fear. However, fear wasn’t precisely the case. Deeply inhaling, he started moving—hobbling—over toward where she was.
However, he stopped only a few inches from where she stood. This was bloody ridiculous! He thought. He’s been through death, faced monsters the size of gods, and fought battles that would’ve ended him, yet…why is it so hard to speak to a lass he could easily invoke fear through.
He took a step forward using his peg leg facing outward. And yet his gaze was met just as his peg leg landed on the wooden floorboard. The captain immediately composed an expression of authority and imperiality. Lora biddably faced him while clutching the parchment in her hand. Hector awaited the doe-eyed woman’s inane response. “Ay—”
“I should’ve thanked you earlier for guiding me”, her voice softened. “i-in the right course of direction”.
Lora placed the parchment in his rough, callous hands, gently curling his fingers with one hand on top of his. “Take it, tis more useful to a captain than a doting lady.”
Hector furrowed his eyebrows in a bewildered manner. “Is this what-che want, fer me ta haul in yer accordin’s”.
Lora's lips curved into a smile, conveying a sense of comfort and reassurance. “I want you to be the one who shall set sail and command this voyage to the rightful destination.”
The captain expressed a striking visage of emotion that showed a genuine side to him naught anyone had witnessed. A gentle smile had formed on his rough, chapped lips. “Yer treasure lo’rer’.”
As she gazed into his eyes, filled with earnestness, her blue eyes, like those of a doe, reflected his admiration. Her lips, slightly parted, were a silent testament to his flattery's impact on her. Hector lifted his thumb to her chin, feeling the plumpness of her skin. Oh, how he had yearned to touch her, feel her under his watchful gaze. His heart was filled with a deep longing to reach out and connect with her on a profound level. He yearned to bask in the warmth of her presence while keeping a vigilant watchful eye over her, protecting her from any harm. The desire to be with her. He delicately traced the curve of her upper lip with his thumb, following the line down to the plumpness of her lower lip, where he stopped with his nail. His hand trailed down along her shoulder and arm, only to reach her palm, lightly grasping it. He held her hand and gently pulled it into the air while his other arm wrapped around her back. Lora carefully followed his lead and mimicked his graceful movements as he began to move in a waltz step. When was the last time he had waltzed like this? It must’ve been a century ago. From a distant memory, he recalled a moment in a grand setting with a regal woman. Her striking raven tresses cascaded down her back, framing her beautiful face that was accentuated by her deep brown eyes. His image of her elegance remained vivid.
Lora accounted for how fluent his moves were as if he were gliding on ice. He was surprisingly good despite having a peg leg; one after the other, with a tap and stomp, the peg leg moved forward as the other leg soothingly assisted with turning. For Lora, it was relatively easy to follow; her heels moved back as the captain stepped forward in rhythm. If they had attended a masquerade or gala, they would’ve gripped the audience’s attention, with the pair being the most incongruous and grossing couple. Hector stopped abruptly with his peg leg and began to spin slowly, holding the parchment between their hands as they twirled around. The radiant celestial Sirius, situated above their heads, mirrored their existence with a resplendent and luminous reflection. As Lora moved closer to him, her lips parted slightly, revealing her rosy hue. She was just inches away from his chapped lips, creating a moment of anticipation and tension. Her gaze soon turned quizzical as she recalled, ' His face resembles someone familiar, someone I once knew”.
“CAPTAIN, THE SILENT MARY HAS BEEN SPOTTED OFF THE PORT BOW, SIR!” The lookout shouted from the crow's nest, holding a wooden brazen spyglass. Hector smartly came to a halt, dropping Lora’s hands, accidentally letting go of the parchment. He turned to the sailor who bellowed out the sighting. In a sudden rush, he hastened away, his gait impeded by a hobbling motion as he made his way towards the helm with a firm determination to take a brace of action. He started to bellow orders while the crew manned their stations. “MAN, YER STATIONS YE FILTHY ROACHES, ALL HANDS HOY, PREPARE TA TACK N’ START BARING AWAY 5 POINTS ABAFT STARBOARD BEAM, PREPARE THA CANONS”.  The captain started to turn the wheel vigorously, trying to change course and direction to lose sight of their pursuers who were oncoming from the port bow.
Lora witnessed the parchment being carried away by the wind and eventually landing in the water. The ink began to bleed and dissolve in the saltwater, causing the writing and drawings to become illegible scribbles. Her eyes could read a line pointing toward the star; suddenly, she turned, looking up at Sirius. A realization crossed her mind as she hatched a plan. Smartly heading up from the open deck to the quarter deck to where the helm was, over on the horizon, she could spot a Spanish three-masted royal naval galleon that was rickety and rotten. Her eyes widened at the impossible ship with deteriorated fore, aft and main sails. She lifted her skirtings and held them at her waist as she hurried, taking care not to trip over her heels. Her coiled locks bounced as she climbed the ladder when she made it before the helms deck. “Bare away from the starboard beam, captain, we can lose them faster, and the canon fire will have a guaranteed hit!” Lora raised her voice to the captain to allow him to hear.
Hector was skeptical. did she even have any plan to evade Salazar's ship, or was she improvising to head toward their death?
“Nay, belay that!” he shouted.
“I assure you, once we head in that direction, we can then tack and head broad on the port bow, eventually going on dead ahead heading into the direction of Sirius,” Lora told him of her plan.
However, Hector debated, his eyebrows furrowing together when she mentioned ‘Sirius’. He turned to the brightest star of the east, realizing what Lora was trying to talk about. “I hope yer not countin Fiddler's Green as part o’ tha plan, missy.” he complied and turned the wheel toward the direction she was speaking of.
Lora turned to face the bow and saw Black Pearl's bowsprit turn in motion. Lora's coiled lock and hair strands billowed in the wind as the Black Pearl changed direction. The Black Pearl was heading West-South along the current while The Silent Mary came from the North-East. The two ships were heading in an ongoing pursuit; The Silent Mary was gaining speed. Upon the Silent Mary’s Fore castle, the captain laughed with a mirthless wheeze. “Prepare to meet your damnation Jack Sparroh” Salazar’s grin oozed with black liquid.
The Black Pearl had picked up speed further, traversing across the sea. When The Silent Mary had just reached a certain distance behind the Black Pearl. Lora shouted, “Tack Now!”.
As the ship continued its course, the sailors smartly adjusted the various riggings to shift the gaff, foresail, jib, top, and main sails in response to the subtle shifts in the direction of the wind. Their skilled hands deftly worked the ropes and pulleys, ensuring the ship was travelling at peak performance, enabling them to navigate safely through the treacherous waters. As the Black Pearl turned, leading the Silent Mary off their track.
Hector was filled with a sense of incredulity as he witnessed the success of their plan. Against all odds, they had bought themselves a precious amount of time, allowing them to load their cannons with a newfound sense of urgency and efficiency. Although things looked swell, the Silent Mary hadn’t lost chase yet.
Lora knew she had to come up with a new plan soon. As she gazed at the horizon, she prayed for a glimpse of hope. A chance to avoid being swallowed by the ghosts of death.
X reader version
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Twas a silent night aboard the Black Pearl; the gentle current rocked the sailing galleon. A young woman stood on the open deck at the taffrail, staring at the heavens above her. Her eyes were captivated by the brightest star of the east ‘Sirius’. She couldn’t pinpoint why or how it fascinated her; she was undoubtedly no astronomer like Carina, but something about it pulled her in. The charts displayed the constellations, but observing them with the naked eye was undoubtedly more captivating. The woman stood motionless, her senses attuned to the wind’s gentle caress as it brushed against her bare shoulders, causing her locks to sway and dance in the breeze. In her grip, she clutched a piece of parched paper tightly, its surface etched with cryptic writings that detailed the exact coordinates leading to an uncharted island renowned for its fabled treasure trove, discovered by the notorious Anne Bonny. Despite the potential danger, she had spent countless hours gathering similar documents and ship logs from explorers, sailors, and even pirates, all in pursuit of something greater. Nothing could deter her from this quest, and she was willing to risk everything to uncover the secrets of the unknown. As she set sail, her thoughts consumed by the prospect of adventure, she carefully unfurled the yellow parchment, revealing a hand-drawn map with a bright star marking the location of her destination. The woman's grip on the parchment tightened as the wind picked up, threatening to snatch the delicate document from her hands. She remained steadfast and determined to hold the valuable prize despite the wind. Her eyes scanned the paper, memorizing the precise navigational longitude and latitude leading her to her destination. She clung to the parchment with unwavering focus, unwilling to let it slip away from her grasp.
Standing proudly at the ship’s helm was the captain, resplendent in his vibrant blue frock coat and black bicorne, adorned with intricate gold embellishments. Leaning his weight on a sturdy wooden crutch, he expertly wielded a silver-coated spyglass, his keen gaze fixed on the endless expanse of stars that gave him crucial guidance to his intended destination. Two other men, rugged and weathered, stood nearby, sporting rough coats and thick beards, their tricorne hats perched jauntily on their heads. “Orders, sir? we’ve got Jack tied to the mast.” With a respectful gesture, Murtogg raised his hand to his forehead in a salute and inquired politely, “May I ask a question captain, whadda we do with the other two” In a gesture of solidarity, Mullroy followed suit replicating the same action. Following a period of stargazing through his trusty telescope, the captain turned his gaze to the steadfast sentinels standing at his side. “Leave Jack an’ tha ot’er lad, Carina be tha one we need; she holds tha map ta tha trident”, he gave out his command. “As for the girl, sir? Shall we tie her along with Sparrow” Murtogg asked. The captain turned his head, looking perplexed at the young woman; he couldn't reasonably determine what had seized her interest. But as soon as he caught sight of the parchment in her hand, he understood, she was utilizing the constellations. The woman's fascination with the star Sirius was undeniable, but her callow experience in sailing was an obstacle. Despite her ardent love for the sea, she knew encountering a strict and uncompromising captain could result in severe punishment. The thought of being subjected to the brutal cat-o-nine tails or even keelhauling made her shudder. Nonetheless, her unwavering passion for the stars and the sea drove her forward, and she remained determined to pursue her dreams, no matter the challenges ahead.
“Sir?” Murtogg said once more.
“Nay, she ain’t o’ any use ta us fer now, we’ll maroon er’ once we obtain what we came ere’ fer”, The captain’s coarse voice confirmed.
“A-aye then, captain” After saluting, Murtogg and Mullroy proceeded to guard Jack and Henry. The captain firmly grasped the helm's handles; curiously, he glanced back at the young woman holding the parchment. Perhaps he should’ve tied her up with the others; allowing one leverage isn’t something he usually does. What is she doing? What was she thinking? What in the blazes is she wanting? 
His eyes fixated on the girl. Treasure? The sea? Freedom? Going on account?
What does she want? He was deep in thought. Further and further, his mind strayed from his position. Her inquisitive mind is—"Oh belay this, tis be addle, why on ear’t should I be—" He posed questions about her curious mind. Once he returned to reality, the young woman’s parchment slipped through her fingers. On instinct, he hobbled down the ladder and tried to catch the parchment, only for it to be caught under his wooden peg leg. He bent over and picked it up; his rough, chapped, calloused hand kept the piece in his grip. He precisely examined the intricately drawn map, tracing his finger over each coordinate until his finger landed upon the dazzling drawn star. The celestial bodies on the map and in the vast expanse of the sky were in immaculate alignment, forming a mesmerizing spectacle. The star in the sky shone brightly, and its beauty entranced him. “Excuse me, sir; you have something of mine in your possession.” He stood there, lost in thought, he suddenly became aware of a soothing, dulcet-toned voice from behind him. The voice was elegant, as if it belonged to a refined and cultured lady.
As the captain turned around, his gaze fell upon a striking young lady with luscious tresses fashioned in a pouffe with a single coil gracefully cascading down her shoulder and her countenance radiated with youthful vitality. She was adorned in a light whitish gold sack-back gown, perfectly complementing her complexion. Her lips were full and luscious.
“Tis my map, sir; it slipped from my fingers whilst I was trying to read the coordinates”, The young woman explained.
Hector held the map in his grasp, not precisely giving it back right away, intending to ask: "What is yer purpose fer possessing it? Are ya anticipatin’ discoverin’ a coffer o’ medallions, gold, jewels, or silver?".
Instead, he couldn’t open his yap; no words came out. He felt like an utter addle blaggard. “I anticipate sailing on the high seas; I’ve no desire for treasure nor the thrill of anticipating in such greed”, The young woman spoke.
“Then why possess a map if ye don’t intend ta track what’s marked” He seemed puzzled, with a questioning tone and expression. He held the map in one hand while leaning on his wooden crutch.
“Perhaps, rather silly of me to say, you’d expect some nautical naval admirer to want something with a map. Well, What I desire can’t be easily explained, so to answer it as easily as possible” She expressed her ambition and optimism in her speech. “I wish to know more about the sea rather than the final destination, tis rather hard for me to say; I suppose one could compare me to an explorer anticipating some exhibition”.
“An ye have naught the slightest worry, of o’, so to say—pirates, scoundrels, buccaneers” He grinned with a dry, entertaining demeanour.  
“Why should I? Tis not hard to reason with them; I would propose an agreement that satisfies both parties to a reasonable extent, ensuring a fair and amicable resolution.” She smiled in confidence.
“And what tif the other party decides ta disagree,” He asked.
“From my perspective, it seems like a fair agreement. They retain possession of the treasure while I explore an uncharted island that shall be in my name. In my opinion, it's an equitable arrangement.” The young woman seemed rather artless in knowing what pirates were like, no matter how many exchanges and fair deals she made. She would only end up marooned on some island whilst they steal her ship.
“If we start baring away 2 points on the port bow, we can head into the ongoing direction of where we need to be—well—where I aim to be. Evading any potential danger and obtaining the landmark of an unknown island” The young woman smiled affirmingly in her written directions.
“I’d watch yer ambition, missy; too much of it can getcha killed”, Hector warned her.
“Ambition or an opportunity, captain, an opportunity to find such a marvel, an opportunity to seek adventure and free one from the confines of society” The young woman grinned.
“Ye speak smartly within yer knowledge of cartography, but alas, ye lack the experience, to be out at sea, ye need to handle more than just yer “studies” He was surprised by the young lady's determination to dock at an unfamiliar island despite having no prior sailing experience.
“My knowledge of the sea is quite va—”
“Vast if ye’ve ever been in command of a ship, lassie”.
She stayed silent. Every word that came out of her mouth, he contradicted. It was like communing with a brick wall, deflecting all her ideas. She could’ve argued more and more, but that would’ve been a waste. She did have the knowledge! It shouldn’t have mattered what the old salt thought! She should just set out at sea on her father’s ship. Her father was a merchant who sailed across the vast port’s docking cargo for businessmen or nobles that wished for certain silks, foods, or goods.
“Although I am not the captain nor a sailor, I will keep clutching my goals under the watchful gaze of my father from the heavens.” She reasoned.
He laughed with wry amusement. “Aye then, who be yer father missy, was he a miserable cod that dreamed too”.
“No, he was a brilliant sailor, one that travelled to many continents”, she continued. “My father was Y/F L/N—”
Hector's expression shifted from amusement to confusion, and he furrowed his eyebrows as he posed a question. “Wait! You! What’s yer first name!”.
“My first name is…Y/n, sir,” she answered with a quizzical soft tone.
The captain stood upright on his wooden crutch, feeling somewhat baffled by the sudden reunion. If she recognizes him, everything will come crashing down. He didn’t speak; holding his tongue, he felt like an utter fool. He couldn’t recognize her, and for how long? For what reason couldn’t he interpret her face? Was it so complicated that his mind had to hide it deep within his distant recollections? Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!
“Captain?” y/n asked.
“Y/n’rer” That! That was all he could muster up after not seeing this young thing for so long!
The captain quickly glanced over where Sparrow was tied at the mizzen mast. He only managed to open his mouth slightly before quickly hobbling away without uttering another addle word out of his yap. He ended up at the helm, and from behind him was the mizzen mast where Jack was tied.  “Running away, are you? Think you can outrun the world~” Jack smirked, a line that reflected what Hector had once said. “Something tells me ol Hector is flabbergasted by something; hmmm; shall I take a gander and say it’s a lass? I’m envisioning a past flame you’ve had, one involving a hideous wench” he smiled amusingly.
The captain angrily confronted Jack, brandishing his sword of triton dangerously close to Jack's gullet. “One more word an’ Yer one step away from hangin at hempen holter”.
“Hmmm, at least I’m a captain going down with his ship from which you stole, remember.” Jack continued. “And might I say, you’re still terrible at it; you don’t even grip the helm right; she prefers handsome rouges, not men with scraggly beards—”.
The captain approached Jack with a stern glare. “All right, all right, I’ll hold my tongue—only, that fine woman over there strikes me as something familiar; her face; those eyes, ohhhh~ how smitten you were back then”.
“You couldn’t even say her name, right? Something along the lines of Luau, lunch, luff, leach, leaf, long—” Jack teased.
Hector was getting infuriated.
“No, wasn’t long John silver, was it; ah! That’s right, y/n” While his hands were still bound to the mast, Jack gestured with his finger. “Except you say her name weirdly and strangely”.
“I’m starting to envision this golden artless naïve creature that would go on and on about ravishing adventures and a ship of her fathers” Jack’s face coiled, trying to remember the young woman. “By god, she was so young, a smart lass she was, always talking about cartography and sailing—I’ll admit I zoned out at some of it”.
"I must confess, twas a terrible idea of mine to use her in a bet to win a keg of rum against Master Gibbs," Jack admitted.
Jack was met with a confused expression from Hector. Jack gestured with his hands. “Was in the past; she probably won’t remember a thing”.
“We’ll keep it that way cause she ain’t even recognised me yet”, Hector spoke with a coarse voice.
Hector pulled out a flask from his pocket and leaned against the mast next to Jack; he popped off the lid and drank the rum. He then handed Jack the flask offering some, which he gladly took with his mouth. After Jack had “handed” the rum back to Hector, he asked, “So, if she remembers, do you think she’ll want to run or scream when she sees you now?”.
“I mean, you haven’t even told Smyth who you are—” A rag was placed into Jack’s mouth by Hector’s white-faced capuchin. “Thank ye, Jack,” he thanked the capuchin. Sparrow furrowed his brows and rambled through the rag while Hector tended back to the helm. In some way, Jack had a point; how would she react to seeing him now—probably an old blaggard who aged like a swine in her eyes— He wasn’t precisely the same sailor she once knew. Perhaps twas a better idea to keep his identity a secret for now—or—until she recognises him. The capuchin sat on his master’s shoulders, examining his expression. For once, his mind was clouded in thought. He couldn’t stand idly by until the cows came home; he had to do something, anything, if it meant at least a gaze of recognition. The only thing was, he was hesitant for reasons that should’ve been considered fear. However, fear wasn’t precisely the case. Deeply inhaling, he started moving—hobbling—over toward where she was.
However, he stopped only a few inches from where she stood. This was bloody ridiculous! He thought. He’s been through death, faced monsters the size of gods, and fought battles that would’ve ended him, yet…why is it so hard to speak to a lass he could easily invoke fear through.
He took a step forward using his peg leg facing outward. And yet his gaze was met just as his peg leg landed on the wooden floorboard. The captain immediately composed an expression of authority and imperiality. Y/n biddably faced him while clutching the parchment in her hand. Hector awaited the doe-eyed woman’s inane response. “Aye—”
“I should’ve thanked you earlier for guiding me”, her voice softened. “i-in the right course of direction”.
Y/n placed the parchment in his rough, callous hands, gently curling his fingers with one hand on top of his. “Take it, tis more useful to a captain than a doting lady.”
Hector furrowed his eyebrows in a bewildered manner. “Is this what-che want, fer me ta haul in yer accordin’s”.
Y/n's lips curved into a smile, conveying a sense of comfort and reassurance. “I want you to be the one who shall set sail and command this voyage to the rightful destination.”
The captain expressed a striking visage of emotion that showed a genuine side to him naught anyone had witnessed. A gentle smile had formed on his rough, chapped lips. “Yer treasure lo’rer’.”
As she gazed into his eyes, filled with earnestness, her eyes reflected his admiration. Her lips, slightly parted, were a silent testament to his flattery's impact on her. Hector lifted his thumb to her chin, feeling the plumpness of her skin. Oh, how he had yearned to touch her, feel her under his watchful gaze. His heart was filled with a deep longing to reach out and connect with her on a profound level. He yearned to bask in the warmth of her presence while keeping a vigilant watchful eye over her, protecting her from any harm. The desire to be with her. He delicately traced the curve of her upper lip with his thumb, following the line down to the plumpness of her lower lip, where he stopped with his nail. His hand trailed down along her shoulder and arm, only to reach her palm, lightly grasping it. He held her hand and gently pulled it into the air while his other arm wrapped around her back. Y/n carefully followed his lead and mimicked his graceful movements as he began to move in a waltz step. When was the last time he had waltzed like this? It must’ve been a century ago. From a distant memory, he recalled a moment in a grand setting with a regal woman. Her striking raven tresses cascaded down her back, framing her beautiful face that was accentuated by her deep brown eyes. His image of her elegance remained vivid.
Y/n accounted for how fluent his moves were as if he were gliding on ice. He was surprisingly good despite having a peg leg; one after the other, with a tap and stomp, the peg leg moved forward as the other leg soothingly assisted with turning. For y/n, it was relatively easy to follow; her heels moved back as the captain stepped forward in rhythm. If they had attended a masquerade or gala, they would’ve gripped the audience’s attention, with the pair being the most incongruous and grossing couple. Hector stopped abruptly with his peg leg and began to spin slowly, holding the parchment between their hands as they twirled around. The radiant celestial Sirius, situated above their heads, mirrored their existence with a resplendent and luminous reflection. As Y/n moved closer to him, her lips parted slightly, revealing her hue. She was just inches away from his chapped lips, creating a moment of anticipation and tension. Her gaze soon turned quizzical as she recalled, ' His face resembles someone familiar, someone I once knew”.
“CAPTAIN, THE SILENT MARY HAS BEEN SPOTTED OFF THE PORT BOW, SIR!” The lookout shouted from the crow's nest, holding a wooden brazen spyglass. Hector smartly came to a halt, dropping Y/n’s hands, accidentally letting go of the parchment. He turned to the sailor who bellowed out the sighting. In a sudden rush, he hastened away, his gait impeded by a hobbling motion as he made his way towards the helm with a firm determination to take a brace of action. He started to bellow orders while the crew manned their stations. “MAN, YER STATIONS YE FILTHY ROACHES, ALL HANDS HOY, PREPARE TA TACK N’ START BARING AWAY 5 POINTS ABAFT STARBOARD BEAM, PREPARE THA CANONS”.  The captain started to turn the wheel vigorously, trying to change course and direction to lose sight of their pursuers who were oncoming from the port bow.
Y/n witnessed the parchment being carried away by the wind and eventually landing in the water. The ink began to bleed and dissolve in the saltwater, causing the writing and drawings to become illegible scribbles. Her eyes could read a line pointing toward the star; suddenly, she turned, looking up at Sirius. A realization crossed her mind as she hatched a plan. Smartly heading up from the open deck to the quarter deck to where the helm was, over on the horizon, she could spot a Spanish three-masted royal naval galleon that was rickety and rotten. Her eyes widened at the impossible ship with deteriorated fore, aft and main sails. She lifted her skirtings and held them at her waist as she hurried, taking care not to trip over her heels. Her coiled locks bounced as she climbed the ladder when she made it before the helms deck. “Bare away from the starboard beam, captain, we can lose them faster, and the canon fire will have a guaranteed hit!” Y/n raised her voice to the captain to allow him to hear.
Hector was skeptical. did she even have any plan to evade Salazar's ship, or was she improvising to head toward their death?
“Nay, belay that!” he shouted.
“I assure you, once we head in that direction, we can then tack and head broad on the port bow, eventually going on dead ahead heading into the direction of Sirius,” Y/n told him of her plan.
However, Hector debated, his eyebrows furrowing together when she mentioned ‘Sirius’. He turned to the brightest star of the east, realizing what y/n was trying to talk about. “I hope yer not countin Fiddler's Green as part o’ tha plan, missy.” he complied and turned the wheel toward the direction she was speaking of.
Y/n turned to face the bow and saw Black Pearl's bowsprit turn in motion. Y/n's coiled lock and hair strands billowed in the wind as the Black Pearl changed direction. The Black Pearl was heading West-South along the current while The Silent Mary came from the North-East. The two ships were heading in an ongoing pursuit; The Silent Mary was gaining speed. Upon the Silent Mary’s Fore castle, the captain laughed with a mirthless wheeze. “Prepare to meet your damnation Jack Sparroh” Salazar’s grin oozed with black liquid.
The Black Pearl had picked up speed further, traversing across the sea. When The Silent Mary had just reached a certain distance behind the Black Pearl. Y/n shouted, “Tack Now!”.
As the ship continued its course, the sailors smartly adjusted the various riggings to shift the gaff, foresail, jib, top, and main sails in response to the subtle shifts in the direction of the wind. Their skilled hands deftly worked the ropes and pulleys, ensuring the ship was travelling at peak performance, enabling them to navigate safely through the treacherous waters. As the Black Pearl turned, leading the Silent Mary off their track.
Hector was filled with a sense of incredulity as he witnessed the success of their plan. Against all odds, they had bought themselves a precious amount of time, allowing them to load their cannons with a newfound sense of urgency and efficiency. Although things looked swell, the Silent Mary hadn’t lost chase yet.
Y/n knew she had to come up with a new plan soon. As she gazed at the horizon, she prayed for a glimpse of hope.
A chance to avoid being swallowed by the ghosts of death.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta ✨
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gracehateseggnog · 1 month
the alcott ˚˖𓍢ִ໋ will turner x oc
summary: will turner has left minerva's hidden island without as much as a note. the following week, she sees a vision and feels his death on her fingertips. can she find him before it's too late?
pairing: will turner x fem!oc
word count: 6.1k
a/n: minerva is heavily based on morgana le fay's depiction in the mists of avalon book. for some background: she's the ruler of a hidden island off the coast of wales. all of the prayers used are basic pagan prayers with a bit of editing to match her religion, and the welsh is badly translated from google, but has translations of what it was meant to be!
tw: angst, a bit of gore, mentions of infertility and miscarriages.
gif creds: unknown
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Minerva awoke the morning after her court’s gathering to an empty bed, save herself. She wept until the late hours of the afternoon, then cursed herself for thinking so foolishly, and dressed herself to protect her handmaidens’ eyes from her poor state.
“We can work something out!”
Commonly, when Jack Sparrow found himself on the deck of another man’s pirate ship, he was pillaging it and foraging for any gold coins or rum left in the Captain’s Quarters, pulling down flags and replacing it with his own depending on if the boat was as beautiful as his was or not—usually it was not. Now, he stood at starboard, near the plank of the ship, hands bound behind his back and his feet tied together with the same, thick twine. He didn’t dare wriggle and cost blood to be spilt, many Captains, including himself, would roar with anger at the thought of their deck becoming stained with the fruits of their own cruelty, instead, he continued to negotiate, to haggle using his ‘charm’ that nobody truly believed existed and had worked as commonly as he boasted it did in the past, in order to get himself off the ship and back to Wales, where the search for John Callis’ treasure would resume.
Captain Sparrow’s actions were unmistakably unique when standing next to Will Turner, who fought every moment that he could to unwind the rope from around his wrists. His skin was already raw and bruised, bleeding from the friction and staining the twine he was captured with. His struggle had already gained him a deep sword cut against his hairline, blood dripping into his eyes and across his forehead, and a dagger to the stomach, which still hadn’t been released from its embedment in his skin. This treasure had only been trouble since the very beginning, though he supposed the karmatic rules that Minerva believed in had only given him a visit on this day, for all the moments he shared on the island of Cantre'r Gwaelo, according to her philosophies, he was bound to have something bad happen in return, and his capture atop this enemy pirate ship seemed the perfect punishment.
“We’ve got lots to offer!” Jack continued. “Gold, jewelry, a map to a’ old Welsh treasure, some very attractive deckhands—”
“A map, you say?”
Will didn’t miss the twinkle in his Captain’s eye as the pirate opposite him sneered with sudden interest and stepped forward, he was taking the bait Jack had laid out for him. “Yes! Apparently, it’s worth more than both our ships, combined.”
“How much exactly, Sparrow?”
“A couple hundred…”
“A couple hundred what?”
“Hmph.” The pirate scoffed, “We ain’t lookin’ for gold.”
“You're pirates. Of course you're looking for gold!”
“We’re lookin’ for ‘im.”
With a wandering eye, the pirate turned his gaze to Will, one hand placed firmly on the hilt of his longsword and the other flat against his hip. Many enemies were to be made as a pirate, Will knew that as well as the next person, but there was always a shock when the person angry with The Black Pearl had it out for Will rather than Jack. The pirate eyed him up with a squinting gaze, stepping forward and causing Will to scooch backwards out of instinct to get away, forgetting the iron grip weights tied against his ankles, rubbing back and forth against his skin painfully and making him wince. He didn’t know what to do, truly. Usually, Jack had some sort of exciting negotiation or escape plan ready, and all he would have to do was give Will a look for him to know that they would be in the clear, that his mastermind personality had come to shine once again. But Jack’s face stayed stoic, and he did not dare to look to his left at Will.
He wondered if he should pray, Minerva did, she had done so often, but had never told him that he should, only taught him how. His father wasn’t a Christian man, if he was he would’ve been quite a bad one considering his actions as a pirate, but Minerva wasn’t either, she had beliefs incomparable to the rest of the modern world, beliefs that most on her island believed as well. She had told him that praying would never increase his luck or karmatic value, but often for her, it eased her mind and told her that her Gods, whoever they were, were truly listening. Perhaps it wouldn’t stop him from getting pushed off this boat, but maybe it would convince Minerva’s Gods to take it just a little bit easier on him. In all truth, he had no idea how any of it worked, Christian nor Pagan, but he was willing to give it a try if it meant his life or his death.
‘Mam pob peth, gwylia drosof heno, dal fi yn dy freichiau, tan olau boreuol.’ 
Mother of all things, watch over me tonight,
Hold me in your arms, until the morning light.
Even through thought, Will could not speak Welsh as Minerva did, and butchered nearly every word, but hoped that it was enough to prove his life was worth saving.
“‘is father’s Bootstrap Bill, d’ya know tha’?” The pirate asked, swinging his gaze over to Jack, who widened his eyes at the sudden confrontation, then furrowed his brows. “We ‘eard you was travelling with ‘is kid, Sparrow—”
“—but we didn’t think ya’d be stupid enough to let ‘im get captured. Again!” The pirate howled with laughter only caused by his own remark, which Will didn’t really find all that funny in the first place.
“He’s not under my jurisdiction, he’s quite the idiot.” Jack then turned to look at Will, his eyes filled with the anger he had nearly trademarked for himself, and Will shrunk down, since the whole altercation was really mostly his fault. “But I’ve got the map to this ol’ treasure, so we can all go on our merry ways with a nice split. Savvy?”
The pirate’s jaw moved slightly to the left. “No. Vesh!”
Will Turner did not get to see who the deckhand Vesh was before a large club was beaten over the back of his head. Pain seared up through his hair only for a moment before his entire vision blacked out, and his mind slipped into the world of painlessness, yet unconsciousness. Jack looked at him with a sense of empathy, knowing all too well the shock of getting hit over the head, and that of the experience of fainting from the impact. The head pirate of the captor ship didn’t waste a moment before pushing him off the ledge of the ship, leaving the ever sinking body of William Turner to plummet to the sands underneath the North Atlantic Ocean. 
She had stopped counting the days after the first week passed. Will Turner had left the mists without so much as a goodbye, or even the half-decency to leave a note on her bedside table, a gesture she would have greatly appreciated despite his horrendous penmanship. Minerva wanted to believe that her reasoning for ceasing to etch the tally marks of the days passed into anything she could find was simply because he had left and she was so incredibly angry because of it, but she knew the truth was deep inside her, and that truth was that she loved him so deeply the days blended into one another. Her scatteredness of time wasn’t just caused by the mists that separated her from the clocks that ticked away in Europe, but because her eyes were in such a haze she could not think properly for the most part, except for diplomatic reasons, of which hadn’t been addressed in a while. She supposed she looked as miserable as she was.
The dining hall that once seemed so small when it was just Will and her sitting at the end of it, eating their weight in fish had turned into something daunting, somewhere that transformed into a place she felt so small in, not like she owned it as she did. Minerva sat at the head of the table, the foggy light cascading through the stained glass window behind her and creating an ethereal glow around her as she looked at the plate of food in front of her. Even nourishing herself had begun to feel like a chore, and she often felt so grief-stricken for not only herself, but for her people that could not care for themselves without a leader such as herself, and were now stuck dealing with her future predecessor, Conwinna, who was much too young—six and ten, to be exact—but Minerva supposed that she was being offered great experience and allowed the Lady to grieve in peace.
“My Lady.”
Minerva’s head shot up from her stuck gaze on her platter of fish, suddenly feeling a loss of appetite as the figure in front of her was not who called her ‘my Lady’ as an endearing term, just one of her guards that had called her by her correct title. She was surely going mad. “Yes, Sir Gerbaut? What is it you require?”
Sir Gerbaut bowed, then returned to stand tall. “Sovereign Conwinna is requesting your assistance with Elder Apolduc’s family. He has fallen ill and they are requesting the Castle to take him to his final resting place in South Wales.”
“What is there to confuse?” Minerva shook her head, pushing both palms of her hands against the wood of the dining table and standing up, her chair scratching against the stone floors as it moved backwards. “He will need to be escorted by soldiers and our nobleman’s boat. You may escort him, if you so wish. I know he was your mentor for a time.”
“Thank you, my Lady.” Sir Gerbaut nodded.
“Is there anything else?”
“Sovereign Conwinna is doing better than you may assume, my Lady.”
“Is that so?”
“She has kept her composure.”
“That is not what makes a Lady of Cantre'r Gwaelo. Composure is not enough, she must know that empathy is not the only emotion one can have, though I am giving it to Elder Apolduc and his family this time.”
“She is only six and ten.”
“I was three and ten, Sir Gerbaut. I have taken ease upon her, which seems to be a mistake now that she is sitting atop my throne, her training and prayers should have started years ago, not now.”
“She is trying her hardest—”
“That is not good enough!” Minerva caught her voice raised in her throat, and settled it just as soon as it had crawled up. If Conwinna could continue her composure through her hardest times, she had to, as well, despite the ache in her chest. “There is trying until you break, and there is passing that stone brick wall that you must climb thorns and ivy to clear. If she does not find that out now, I fear she never will. You are dismissed.”
Sir Gerbaut nodded and bowed to Lady Minerva once more before turning his metal heel the opposite way, disappearing through the large, wooden doors and into the main court room, leaving his Lady behind in the dining hall alone with the ghost of the man she had once loved, but still loved all at once. She grieved for someone that hadn’t died, but had left such a cavity in her chest that she feared would never fill, no matter how many men she would court in hopes of an heir that was not her orphaned niece. Minerva was not naive enough to believe that the kind of love she felt for Will only passed her lifetime once, but she did not want to believe that any man could rip out her heart as the pirate had done. Perhaps after her reign, she would live the rest of her life in the church of Cantre'r Gwaelo, singing and awaiting the day her promise would return.
A deep, pained groan ripped from her lips as her chest suddenly lit with fire and froze both at the same time, pain striking through her sternum like a bolt of lightning and a roar of thunder. Minerva nearly doubled over, but kept her balance with one hand against the top of the table, her other clutched in between her breasts to mark the pain, in a futile way to ease whatever bubbled inside her. She cried out in agony as the pain only rippled and doubled in torment, clawing at the inside of her ribs as if something was inside of her, trying desperately to escape. Hacking coughs soon followed from her mouth, yet nothing, blood or saliva exited, as if she was drowning from the very air she breathed. Her chest lit with the searing sensation of burning, and her knees and body fell to the floor, her hand slipping off of the table and slicing her palm open with a deep splinter.
Footsteps rushed into the room. “Lady Minerva!” Sir Gerbaut cried out, then turned back to the open door from whence he had come. “The Lady has fallen! Gather her handmaidens!” He shouted, the metal of his armour scraping against its own pieces and creating a dreadful noise as he dropped down to look at Minerva. “My Lady, can you hear me?”
But Lady Minerva did not see Sir Gerbaut as he looked upon her pale, grieving face, nor did she see her handmaidens grasp at her hands to check for the constant beating in her wrists. No, because in that moment, she saw William Turner, eyes shut as if in a peaceful slumber, floating in the sea, without a gasp of breath passing into his lips, his hands bound by rope, and his legs shackled with iron weights. A scream clawed up at her throat, tears pricking in her eyes, this is what she had felt, the drowning was her body against his, her feelings his own. She then noticed the blood surrounding him, the deep gash across his forehead and floating through the water, the darkness that stained his coat and bruises surrounding his ankles and wrists from the binds. Minerva then knew this was what she was meant to see, the Gods she knew had given one last vision of his breath to her so she could be with him.
Minerva shot up from her position on the floor, coughing once, twice, and once more before looking up at Sir Gerbaut, her eyes bloodshot and skin a sickly pale, but both returning to their natural hues as the moments passed. “My horse. Gather my horse.” When Sir Gerbaut hesitated, Minerva cried, “Now!” and he left the room in haste by her command. “Help me up.”
The worried handmaidens each placed a hand beneath her arms, pulling her gently up to her feet. Her—Will’s—pain and weakness had gone just as quick as it had come, and her fire was fueled by the knowledge she needed to get to him, wherever he had disappeared to in the sea. He could not be far from the coast of Wales, if he had followed the directions of the map, but her rationale told her there was not much she could do other than look, but he would surely be filled with water instead of life before she could drain the ocean for her love. She would try, nonetheless, and she would refill it with her own tears if she had to. Her feet stabilized on the ground and as soon as she gained her balance, Minerva swept the bottom of her green dress against the flooring of her castle and left the dining room, rushing down the court room, ignoring the worried pleas from Sovereign Conwinna before pushing the large front doors open, and disappearing down the stairs.
Sir Gerbaut met her at the bottom of the winding stairs that led to her castle, holding the reins of her horse Marchogion ready for Minerva to take. She grasped onto them and pushed her feet into Marchogion’s stirrups, clicking her heels against his fur and turning away from the castle, cantering down the remaining few steps and into the town. Citizens gasped as she rode through the cobbles, the only thing protecting her from the elements being the cloak over her head and shoulders and her casual dress over the rest of her. She hadn’t time to prepare if her visions were true, which they had never been untrue as far as she had lived, and if Will was drowning… She tried not to think about how long he had truly been beneath the water, devoid of air and sunlight, tears streamed down her cheeks, nearly freezing against her skin as she galloped under the archway into the city, now facing the mists.
With a flick of her palm, they veiled behind her, protecting the stone walls from outsiders as she drove her horse as fast as he would run towards the Northern docks, where boats lay across the water, anchored to the ground and only to be used by those willing to forsake Cantre'r Gwaelo for the rest of their mortality. Minerva did not allow her mind to ponder what would wait for her on the outside of the mists that she controlled, or what would happen to her once she crossed the sea border of her island. She had never left in her twenty years, she had never even set foot upon the waters that graced the edges of the Isle, just the water that touched the lakes, small rivers, and streams that made their way through the mossy grounds. A short prayer to the Gods spoken in a murmur to only herself she hoped would do the trick to help her on her journey, to not get accused as a witch as had happened to many of her kinswomen that came before her as soon as she stepped foot on mainland.
“Mam pob peth, gwylia drosof heno, dal fi yn dy freichiau, tan olau boreuol.”
Mother of all things, watch over me tonight, Hold me in your arms, until the morning light.
The mists of her island parted in front of her as if sensing her prayers, and the shore lined with three wooden boats became visible through the sudden clearing. Thanking the Gods, Minerva slid off her horse, giving Marchogion as short of a stroke across the back of the neck as she could before picking up the bottom of her dress and running through the grass and to the shore. She didn’t pay mind as her feet and dress grazed the cold, rushing water beneath her as she stepped onto the rocks, hastily untying the rope of the center boat from one of the man-made posts. The skin that touched the ocean water began to prick with pain from the cold, but she paid no mind, even as the waves licked her shins and drenched the bottom of her dress. All she cared about was getting to the mainland for Will as she pulled at the small sail, pushing harshly against the back of the boat to get it dislodged from the rock it had been docked atop of—nobody had used any of the boats in so many years, there was no point in truly anchoring them if they could harbour them on land without any trouble—and leaping on, bidding a ‘goodbye’ to her island.
Minerva raised her arms above her head, joining her hands in the center and creating a triangle with her fingers. Then, she spoke, “Dduwies Mam helpa fi i fod yn amyneddgar ac yn gryf, i weld beth sy'n wirioneddol bwysig, i weithredu heb hunanoldeb nac ofn. Duw tad elpa fi i ymddiried yn dy ddoethineb, i wrthsefyll ffordd y llwfrgi, i rodio mewn ffydd a thosturi, i fod yn wirioneddol ddynol o ran ysbryd a chalon.”
Goddess Mother help me, to be patient and strong, to see what is truly important, to act without selfishness or fear. God Father help me to trust your wisdom, to resist the coward’s way, to walk in faith and compassion, to be truly human in spirit and heart.
She pulled her hands apart slowly, and the thick mists in front of her veiled like a curtain of a window, allowing her to see the true, blue sky for the first time. The air was much different than in Catre'r Gwaelo, in a way worse yet better, clearer yet muggier. Clouds only dotted the blue every once in a while, though she could see thunderous clouds looming far in the distance, far in the distance towards where she needed to go. If Will was drowning like she had seen, the lightning would only do him worse considering the metal binds keeping his legs from separating and the rest of his body from floating. Everything felt like fire to Minerva, her eyes as she tried not to weep before she had even caught sight of him, her legs as they fought against the rigidness of the water they had been whipped with. At the discovery of a whole new life outside of her own, perhaps she would have cried out in excitement of it all, but instead, she looked painfully out to sea and tugged against the sail rope once more, setting off for the mainland.
When the beaches of Brandy Cove, Gower came into Minerva’s gaze, she nearly collapsed into her boat. The sand was what she had seen in the background of her vision, the large mountains that shielded the newfound civilizations of South Wales from seeing such a dastardly act occur on a ship on the water. But the ship had gone, it was the only thing that had changed, and as she neared closer, she peered as far into the water as she could, begging the Gods for a sign of Will. The water swayed peacefully beneath her as sprinkling rain poured overhead, wetting her hair slightly and making it stick to the back of her neck and the apples of her cheeks. Her sails flapped and floundered against the oncoming wind as the boat began to reach land, the sight of the beautiful sandy beaches of Gower coming into view, and signifying her first steps onto land that was not her own. It was terrifying, but she could barely think about how monumental the moment was for her, not when—
“Ah!” Minerva cried out in a voice that didn’t sound her own when it slipped past her lips, not with the pain and sorrow that painted her chest red.
There, in the darkness of the clouds that covered the once blue sky, she could see the faint silhouette of an ever-sinking body in the ocean, mixing between the tall-growing kelp and the fish that nipped and prodded at its clothing. She didn’t have to recognize him, she knew it was Will from the pain that threatened to crush the inside of her chest as soon as she caught a glimpse of him. His hair and clothes looked the same shape as he had worn when he first arrived at Cantre'r Gwaelo, albeit it was more tousled and unkempt in the water. The final thing Minerva saw from him before taking action was the thick, red colour of blood floating around his floating body, pouring out from his forehead and stomach and dispersing into the water, creating a hazy cloud around him of his own innards, it nearly made her throw up into the boat.
Without missing a moment, Lady Minerva dove from the inside of her boat into the sea, landing with a splash and taking a few seconds before opening her eyes completely and letting them sting in pain just to see Will. She pushed herself forward and swam through the water, blinking back the irritation in her eyes and the horrid feeling of her brown dress becoming utterly soaked by the saltwater. Soon enough, her vision was clouded by his blood, her chest seizing with pain as she looked upon his limp frame in the ocean. He didn’t look as peaceful as the dead, which gave Minerva a slight sense of hope for his life, but his eyebrows were furrowed deep, his lips in a frown as if he was still in pain, even in his unconscious state. Everything about where he was and how he looked filled her with dread, the dread that she was simply too late and he was past recovering crept up into her gut.
She used everything in her power not to let out a gasp in shock as she finally took a look over Will. A huge gash ran across the front of his forehead, nearly lining the wrinkles that would appear whenever he raised his eyebrows in question and wonder. The hilt of a dagger was the next thing Minerva spotted, dug deep into the left side of his stomach, right near the junction of his hip bone. Two iron clasps were fastened together around his ankles to weigh him down, reminding her that he continued to sink towards the bottom of the sea at every moment that passed, and his hands were tied together at his back with thick, twine rope. Whoever had done this to him wanted him hurt badly, and Minerva tried her best not to think about what would happy after she saved him, if these people would try to come after him again or not, as she swam around him.
One of each of Minerva’s hands snaked in between Will’s torso and his bound arms, hooking underneath his armpits and meeting in the middle of his chest, pushing inwards so she could get as best a grip on him as she could in the water. Kicking her legs, she began to swim upwards with the limp man in her arms, slowly but surely to the surface of the water. The iron clamps weighed them down significantly, but it didn’t make the journey impossible, just slower than Minerva anticipated. Her chest began to burn with the need for fresh air but her resolve didn’t falter, she had felt worse pain, physical and mental, in her life beforehand, she could handle this much. Will’s hair was matted and floated around her face, an increasingly painful reminder of how she loved to run her fingers through it when it wasn’t caked in blood and saltwater. She shook her head in remorse for the memory, and took one final push forward before breaking through the water.
Coughs racked her body first, seizing her chest and running her throat dry with each hack and gasp for air. Will still didn’t move in Minerva’s arms, so she barely took a moment before pulling him the short distance to the sandy shore, her biceps beginning to contract in pain with each push forward. He was quite a lot heavier than she was, and the water soaking both of them head-to-toe didn’t help in the slightest, especially when it came to her dress. She could see her small boat, beached atop the sand, the sail having led it to the coast she needed to be on. Her prayers to her Gods had been answered, perhaps, as she knew there were decent enough medical supplies and herbs on board prepared, hopefully enough to repair the cut on his forehead and the deep stab in his abdomen. His chest was the uncertainty for her, if he had breathed in the seawater he was submerged in, she wasn’t sure if she could get it out of him, but she damn sure would try.
With a final heave of Will’s body, Minerva pushed them both onto the sand, coating her wet dress and skin in a fine layer of the granules, her hair caked in a mix of the sand, water, and Will’s blood. She didn’t allow her legs to wobble when she stood up, as much as they protested against her movement after hauling such a heavy weight against the calm ocean, and she stepped towards her boat. Her hands found a  small, wooden box off to the right side of the ship that she grasped onto tightly, heaving upwards and holding against her stomach as she walked back to Will. She could hear the squelching of her feet in her shoes, the hair and sand that stuck to her skin uncomfortably, and the pain in her eyes from opening them underwater, but she pressed forward, dropping to her knees on Will’s right side and placing the medicinal box down in front of her.
“Please…” Minerva begged as she opened the hatch of the wooden box. Inside was an organized platter of different Catre'r Gwaelian medicine herbs, bandages, tools for stitching, small bottles of rum and other liquor, and herbs for pain, which hopefully she wouldn’t need to use up until Will woke up. “Thank the Gods.”
First, she grabbed a piece of cloth and one of the bottles of rum, biting her teeth against the cork and yanking it out, spitting it somewhere into the sea behind her. With one hand on the thick cloth and another on the bottle, she poured a generous amount of the liquor into the cloth, dampening it in its entirety and spilling some of it over her hand, making her hiss in pain when the liquid ran over some of the messy cuts on her palm. Minerva pushed herself forward in the sand and gently placed the cloth over the large cut on Will’s forehead, trying not to let tears fall from her eyes when his body made no reaction to what was surely a painful sensation. She continued to wipe it down to the best of her ability, covering the fabric with a mix of his blood, water, and the dirt that had accumulated from the exhaustion of travelling. She wondered how long they had been away from the island.
Then came the bandage. Since it was only a surface-level cut and not nearly as deep as the one caused by the dagger in his side, Minerva knew it wouldn’t need stitches, or at least, the stitches could wait until they returned to her island, or he ventured deeper into the towns and cities of Wales and England, or went back to The Black Pearl. She carefully placed one end of the bandage at the left side of his hairline, then took it around the back of his head, gently lifting up the back of his neck so she could wrap it around his forehead once, twice, three times, until she reached the other end of the bandage. Her hands grasped around a metal safety pin in the box, and she was vigilant not to cut herself on the sharp end before weaving it in and out of the bandage, securing it in place. Few splotches of blood managed to seep through her handywork, which meant that the blood was stilling, which was a good sign of his survival.
Minerva let out a shaky breath and gazed upon the sharp dagger in his stomach, thinking for a moment about her plan of action before readying her tools. She soaked another two cloths in rum, squeezing them together to create a thicker piece of fabric and placed it on his chest for safe keeping. After that, her shaking hands took hold of the needle and thread most commonly used for stitching, which she would use for the exact same reason, and weaved them through each other, preparing to close the wound as best as she could. She had been trained as a nurse for many years before her coronation, before her father’s death and her succession, and she had the best relative knowledge she could ask for, but she hadn’t needed to use her skills in such a situation before, not in a situation that truly mattered. Those were the prayers that never worked, the prayers she whispered in hope she would never require the skills she had learnt.
Wincing and bracing for Will’s body to start spasming, Minerva quickly unsheathed the dagger from his stomach. “I’m sorry, Will, I’m sorry, I know it hurts.” She spoke to him, his muscles twitching under the pain slightly until the dagger was out.
Blood quickly began pouring out from the wound, dripping onto his skin and staining the fabric of his torn shirt. Minerva grabbed the rum-soaked cloth she had prepared minutes before and applied pressure to the wound with it, desperately trying to cease the bleeding and rid the wound of sand, dirty water, and the muck in general he had most likely accumulated from his lifestyle. She tossed the bloodied dagger onto the sand and began to tear his shirt around the area of his laceration, making it easy to see the skin surrounding it. She didn’t feel particularly sorry for the item of clothing, her mind was in such a haze only comparable to her island’s mists that she couldn’t truly think of anything else other than Will. This was how she solved problems, how she was taught to solve problems; to isolate the situation and not let her mind wander, especially not to foolish questions such as:
“Where in your Hell did Jack go?” Minerva asked Will, but it ended up more a question for only herself when he obviously didn’t reply. She sucked a quick breath in and pushed the first stitch into his skin, beginning the process of closing up the stab wound. His body convulsed under her shaking hands, but fell limp again shortly after. “‘Sorry.”
In and out the thread weaved, slowly but surely closing the injury and stopping the majority of the blood flow out of Will’s body. When it was completely shut, Minerva grabbed a pair of shears from the box and snipped the end of the thread, placing the remainder back where it came from and applying the same pressure of the rum-soaked cloth back on his wound, making sure it was still thoroughly clean before grabbing the bandages. The main challenge was getting underneath his back to wrap it around his torso, but Minerva made quick work of it by pulling him into a half-seated position on the sand, letting his head fall limp onto her left shoulder as she worked the bandage around his back thrice over, and fastened it in place with a safety pin back where she began, leaving no remnant of the bandage leftover to put back in her box.
A sigh flew from her lips as she tossed the dagger off to the side, unable to look at it as her body finally relaxed. “You can’t simply be happy with a life of normalcy, can you?” Minerva slowly maneuvered her aching body onto the sand, laying on her side beside Will. She took a hand to the strands of hair that weren’t covered by the bandage, brushing them despite the blood and dirt. “Please live, Will. You have defied horrid odds before, you can do it again.”
Minerva moved onto her back and let her hand fall from Will’s face and onto his open palm beside her, she grasped onto his wrist, making sure that if she fell asleep, the absence of his life’s pulse would awaken her. She could feel his heart thumping ever so slightly as she prayed in a whisper, her eyes shut despite the bright light of the sun above her, the clouds of rain having cleared. “O Dduwies Fawr, Mam Trugaredd ac Iachawdwriaeth, anfon egni Hygeia i faethu o'i Phowlen Sanctaidd. Anfon egni Brigid i iachau dyfroedd ei Ffynnon Gysegredig. Anfonwch egni Demeter i adfer bywyd i gelloedd gwywo. Anfonwch egni Quan Yin i fendithio yr iachâd â thangnefedd. Anfon dy ddoethineb iachusol i'r corff i adfer ei gydbwysedd cysegredig. Diolch Dduwies Fawr, Mam Pob Oes.”
Oh Great Goddess, Mother of Mercy and Healing, Send the energy of Hygeia, to nourish from Her Sacred Bowl. Send the energy of Brigid, to heal with waters of Her Sacred Well, Send the energy of Demeter, to restore life to withering cells. Send the energy of Quan Yin, to bless the healing with peace. Send Your healing wisdom to the body, to restore its sacred balance. Thank You Great Goddess, Mother of All Life.
She continued to chant her prayer in a whisper, repeating it from back-to-front as she fell into a deep slumber on the sandy coast, her hand still grasped tightly around Will’s.
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fictiondotbored · 3 years
M a s t e r l i s t
⟁ i'm a slow writer so it'll take a while for all these ideas to be written out ⟁
Here you'll be able to find links to all of my fanfics, oneshots ans drabbles and all that stuff
Most if not all stories will be x Fem!OC
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Jujutsu kaisen
- Two cursed souls (fanfiction, ongoing) intro | one | two | three |
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Loki Laufeyson
- Helpful assistant ¦ multi chapter (coming soon)
Steve Rogers
- A thief's way ¦ multi chapter (coming soon)
Peter Parker (mcu version)
- venomous heart ¦ multi chapter (coming soon)
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Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
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Captain Jack Sparrow
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melodylnoelle · 4 years
The Writing Rolodex
So I used to think it was too soon for a masterlist (maybe it still is), but I get a liiiiiiittle overzealous with spamming the reblog button and making my writing disappear admist all the Tom Hiddleston/Loki, Stargate, funny posts, and all the other random bullstuffs... So here we are.
Anyways, welcome to my Masterlist! There are some pieces on here that are NSFW and will be tagged in the masterlist and on the post as such. Please read all warnings before reading my work. Most of it, though, is safe for anyone to read. Much more to come in the future since I can never shut my brain up. I hope you enjoy!
Any questions/comments/concerns/technical issues/prompt ideas... you get the point, feel free to send me a DM or an ask. However, please do not repost any of my work without tagging me in it. Reblogs are fine though! Happy reading!
For Flex Your Writing Muscles Challenge by captain-rodgers-beard
Bioshock Characters
Booker DeWitt - Dance With Me, Mr. DeWitt (Day 7) Elizabeth - A Vision of Paris (Day 10)
Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters
Steve Rogers - Comforted (Day 14) Thor - The Stories of Ragnarok, Part 1 (Day 16) Clint Barton - Click (Day 3) Loki      Colorful Memories (Day 4)      Norway (Day 8)      Comic Con (Day 11)      The Stories of Ragnarok, Part 2 (Day 16)      Temporary Freedom (Day 25)
Stargate Characters
SG1      Fishing (Day 5)      Impulsive (Day 6)      Memories of Jolinar (Day 30)
Atlantis      Teyla Emmagan - Ferris Wheel (Day 20)
Twilight Characters
Alice and Jasper - Something Borrowed (Day 9) Carlisle x Esme - Sunflowers and Sunlight (Day 1) Edward Cullen - Her Final Letter (Day 12)
Witches of East End (TV Show) Characters
Freya Beauchamp      Seaside (Day 2)      Fortuna (Day 13)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Original Character, Jack Sparrow, Joshamee Gibbs      A Mermaid’s Tear (Day 27)      Arrival (Day 21)      The Wishing Tree (Day 15)
Crossover: Harry Potter x Marvel Cinematic Universe - The Match (Day 19) Harry Potter: Birthday Surprise (Day 26)
  Natasha Romanoff, PI for Val’s 500 Writing Challenge by marvelgirlonamarvelworld More Coming Soon
Chapters: 1; 2, 3, 4...
For Fictober Writing Challenge by paradoxical-scribbler
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Trick or Treat (Day 1) Challenge Accepted (Day 6)
Stargate SG-1
What’s Halloween? (Day 4)
Original Characters
Just This Once (Day 2) Bonfire Stories (Day 3) Be Careful What You Ask For (Day 5) - Continued from Bonfire Stories. Please read the warnings before continuing.
The Cards Have Spoken! With brightsun-and-darkmidnight Where we both pull cards for characters in the MCU, a type of story, and various other elements and have a few days to create a story out of them. Usually, we will post these on Wednesdays and Fridays. See here to see the possible cards for me to pull each week. And please check out brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s The Cards Have Spoken! Masterlist for her amazing work with these! She is a creative powerhouse.
Jones (Week 1, my cards)      Sam Wilson; Angst - Character Death Here We Are Again (Week 1, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Thor x Jane Foster; Angst - Break-Up; Mafia AU Aftermath (Week 2, my cards)      Maria Hill and Tony Stark; Wild Card A Night At Home (Week 2, brightsun-and-darkmidnights’s cards)      Loki x OC; Fluff - Movie Night at Home; Coffee Shop AU Apartment 302 (Week 3, my cards) - NSFW!!      Steve Rogers x OC; Smut - Pregnancy/Breeding Kink A Complicated Matter (Week 3, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Thor x fem!reader; Fluff - Falling asleep on the other; Werewolf AU Here I Am (Week 4, my cards)      Steve Rogers x OC; Relationship-Driven Plot I’m With You (Week 4, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Bucky Barnes x gn!reader; Fluff - Comfort from a bad dream;      Cannon - Post AOU Running From Fate (Week 5, my cards)      1940s!Bucky Barnes; On the Run AU Past and Presents (Week 5, brightsun-and-darkimidnight’s cards)      Loki x OC; Fluff - Giving/receiving gifts; Reincarnation AU Knight Captain (Week 6, my cards)      Steve Rogers; Royalty AU Intermission (Week 6, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards) - NSFW!!      Tony Stark x Pepper Potts; Smut - Exhibitionism - Band AU What Happened on Midgard? (Week 7, my cards)      Thor; Wild Card Change of Arrangements (Week 7, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Loki x reader; Fluff - Proposal; Mafia AU Opposite Sides (Week 8, my cards)      Natasha Romanov x Loki; Enemies to Lovers Nothing New (Week 8, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      1940s!Bucky Barnes x fem!reader; Angst - Amnesia; On the Run AU Companions (Week 9, my cards)      Maria Hill; Fluff - Getting a pet Kiss It Away (Week 9, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Steve Rogers x reader; Angst - Hospital - Soulmate AU Paprikash (Week 10, my cards)      Wanda Maximoff x Vision; Fluff - Getting the other food The Cabin (Week 10, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Loki x OC; Fluff - Snowball fight/building a snowman/snow activities;      A/B/O AU Wakanda Sunset (Week 11, my cards)      Shuri; Fluff- Picnic in the park Drunken Sentiments (Week 11, brightsun-and--darkmidnight’s cards)      Tony Stark; Fluff - talking lovingly about their partner with others Music is the Best Medicine (Week 12, Free Write)      Bucky Barnes x Reader; Fluff; Dealer’s Choice all around Unresolved (Week 13, brightsun-and-darkmidnight’s cards)      Thor x Asgardian!reader (past); Angst - Self-Sacrifice; A/B/O
Misc Fanfiction
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Apache Tear Their Normal Friend Surprise! It’s Fire, Isn’t It?
Loki      Writer’s Block - Loki x Reader      Thunder - Loki x OC      Snowfall - For lokisgoodgirl’s Winter Warmers Collection
Bucky Barnes      Ice Cave - NSFW!!
Don’’t Let Go - Loki - helping out @brightsun-and-darkmidnight on this one - Be sure to check out all her work!!
1, 2, 3, 4...
Poetry Coming Soon
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
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Chapter 17: Getting Back
General POV
Only the chubby and the fake eyed pirate were giving another job.
They were to disguise themselves so that Norrington's men would be distracted.
The other pirates on the other hand were starting to climb onto the rope of the anchor. On top of the Dauntless.
Mr. Swann asked the guard in front of the door were Rosemary and Elizabeth were stuck to be alone for a second with them.
'Girls' He knocked on the door. But no sound came out.
' I just want you girls to know.
I'm proud of what you did to save Elizabeth, Rosemary.
And Elizabeth I believe you made a very good decision today. Couldn't be more proud of you to.
But you know, even a good decision, if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision. '
Rosemary was climbing trough the window when she heard what he said.
'Even Mr. Swann thinks it's a bad decision to marry Norrington' she thought to herself.
'good to know' she said softly before letting herself climb out of the window.
'Girls are you there?' Mr. Swann asked when he did not hear any sound come back.
'Are you even listening to me?' He asked when he opened the door. Seeing the window open and none of the girls left inside.
'Come on Elizabeth lets row towards the pearl!' Rosemary said. As she started rowing towards the black pearl.
'Why!? we better go to the cave! To save Will.'
'No we got to release the crew first' Rosemary answered as she rowed towards the Black Pearl.
The pirates that were a distraction in the dinghy were starting to fight with each other leaving their bodies exposed to the full moon.
Which made Norrington's eyes grow big.
'WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE DAUNTLESS! ' He yelled as the soldiers started rowing back towards the Dauntless.
Meanwhile. In Isla the muerta.
Jack was inspecting all kinds of gold the crew of the Pearl had picked up on their voyages.
'I must admit Jack, I thought I had you figured,
But it turns out you're a hard man to predict.' Barbossa told him.
'Me I'm dishonest.
And a dishonest man you can trust to be dishonest.
Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for. ' Jack said while walking towards Barbossa.
'Because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.' Jack said before pushing Twigg down and grabbing his sword.
Jack threw Will the sword. And ran towards Barbossa starting a sword fight with him.
Will had cut his rope lose and started fighting the other three pirates who were after him.
Jack had cut the feather of Barbossa's head.
'Ha- ha' he smirked
Barbossa snarled at him and ran after him.
'You're off the edge of the map, mate.
Here there are monsters' Barbossa smirked as he pushed Jack around.
Rosemary's POV
We have reached the Pearl.
'Come on lets climb up!' I said towards Elizabeth. we climbed up on the railing
We came by a few pirates who were already choosing which piece of pie they were going to eat and taste first when they would have slit Will's throat.
Come on I motioned up towards Elizabeth.
I reached the deck and wanted to climb upwards when that stupid monkey came along again and screeched at me.
'You filthy little ' I grabbed him and threw him down towards the water.
Which made the pirates look out of the window and up the stairs looking around if they could find someone.
Elizabeth and I were thankfully already on the ship hiding.
' Down the stairs' I mouthed towards Elizabeth. and we ran to the brig on the lowest level of the ship.
'SHH' I heard Gibbs say as they looked around. And saw me coming down the stairs with Elizabeth behind me.
'ITS ROSE!' He said.
Elizabeth and I opened the brig and they all came out.
Ana Maria hugged me tight.
'I knew you were a fierce girl' she smirked and we all ran up deck.
The two pirates were still looking over the railing to see what happened to the small monkey. When they got a dinghy against their head and they fell into the water.
'Come-on! We need to save Will and Jack!' I yelled at them and Elizabeth and I started pulling a dinghy towards the water.
But I noticed there were not more people trying to push with us.
'Really? ' I asked them
'I know it's the code but please..' they all shrugged.
'We love you Rose..
But this might be our death sentence and we have the pearl now.. ' Gibbs started
'Yes but Jack is still there?!' I said pointing towards the cave.
Ana Maria looked at me.
'I love you, but please don't make us do this. We got what we want now..'
And a few minutes later it was just me and Elizabeth rowing towards Isla the muerta. And we could see the Pearl sail off.
'Bloody pirates' I cursed under my breath. And we rowed a bit faster.
'I hope we're not to late' Elizabeth said.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19
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Chapter 18: Females can wield swords to!
General POV.
Will was fighting three pirates at the same time.
It actually went pretty well.
But they can't die so every time while hoped he had one. It stood back up.
And now one even threw a bomb towards him what made him jump and lay on his back.
'I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain' the pirate said
'Do you like pain?'
And the pirate got struck into his head with a huge bar.
'Try wearing a corset' Elizabeth snapped at him.
'Elizabeth!' Will exclaimed Elizabeth then pulled him up.
The three pirates were smirking and walking towards them.
Elizabeth did not have a sword so she went running off. A pirate following her.
'That's kinda mean you know. Following a lady without having a weapon. I mean that's not really a fair fight' Rose said jumping in front off Elizabeth and slicing his arm off with her sword.
She winked at him.
'Sorry not sorry' she took the sword out of the hand she just sliced off and gave it to Elizabeth.
'Please try and don't die' she begged Elizabeth.
'Give it up Jack' We could hear Barbossa spat.
' You can't beat me' He said while throwing his sword away.
Which made Jack stand up and push his sword right through Barbossa stomach.
Which made Barbossa sigh.
And he pushed his sword right through Jack's stomach. Making him tumble backwards.
Rosemary's POV
'NO' I screamed at Barbossa and jumped right in front of him.
Falling over Jack.
'why did you do that Jack. You know he can't die..' I sobbed hanging over him.
Jack took my hand and laid something in it.
'Jack..' I exclaimed.
But Barbossa pulled me back. Holding my hair.
'How are you still alive you filthy girl' Barbossa spat at me.
'Wouldn't you like to know I said smirking and turned around. As he let go of my hair.
'First you kill my father. Then you kidnap my sister. Then you almost murder Will and now you just kill Jack.
I won't have this' I spat at him. And sat my sword at his throat.
'Maybe you can't die but I can cut your head clean off.' I said while smirking at him.
'My dad didn't fear you. Why should I?'
And he looked at me and frowned.
'You little piece of shit' he said as he clenched his sword with mine.
General POV
'Oh my god' Elizabeth exclaimed.
'Is Jack dead?'
'I don't think he is' Will said.
'and what is Rosemary even thinking!' Elizabeth exclaimed while they were fighting the other three pirates of them.
'I don't think you know this side of her' Will said smirking.
'Ever since Gillette took off her most important value. She started training sword fighting with me.
And went to all kinds of fight classes in Tortuga.'
'How did I not know this?!
I thought she told me everything?' Elizabeth said while fighting off another pirate.
Will kicked the pirate in his stomach looking in Elizabeth eyes.
' I know and I'm sorry but we tried to protect you. It was better that you didn't know any of this.'
'You filthy brat!' Barbossa spat at Rose will stomping her on the ground.
'You would have been a great member of my crew.
But of course you needed to side with Sparrow.' He said to Rose while picking her up by her blouse.
'How could I ever join you. You asshole.' Rose said while ripping the fabric of her blouse.
'You killed my dad. And kidnaped my sister.'
'Did I step on your little toes' Barbossa mocked Rose.
Rose snickerd ' Oh you wish you had me to be part of your crew. '
She clashed her sword with his again.
But this time he was faster then her. And smirked at her.
'Nine years ago. I killed your father.
And now I will kill you.' Barbossa smirked as he pushed her sword through her chest.
'ROSE NO' Rose heard screaming from the back and hearing Elizabeth's cry of help.
Rose slowly took a few step backwards and walked into the moonlight.
'I was hoping this would happen' Rose said with a smirk. While getting the amulet out of her pocket.
'How is that possible' I heard Barbossa snap.
'Easy mate. You don't pay enough attention!' Jack said from behind him.
'How are you even still alive?! '
'Again with the attention. Did you really not miss two pieces of gold?' Jack winked at Barbossa.
Barbossa turned around and took Rose her sword. And they again clashed swords.
Rose took the sword out of her chest and also clashed her sword with Barbossa.
Jack took a quick step back and held the amulet he slit his hand bleeding over the amulet. He gave it to Rose and then took over the fight with Barbossa.
Elizabeth made a scream which made Jack look towards Rose.
'Go help them! I got it' Rose nodded and jumped down towards Elizabeth.
'So what now, Jack Sparrow?' Barbossa asked Jack.
'Are we two immortals locked in an epic battle untill judgement day and the trumpets sound?' He spat at Jack.
'Or you could surrender?' Jack said smirking.
Which made Barbossa stand up again and they were fighting again.
Rose sprinted towards Elizabeth. and jumped infront of her. So the sword of the pirate pierced her and not Elizabeth.
'ROSE!' Will and Elizabeth exclaimed.
'wow wow wow. Easy pirate' Rose spat at him as she stood up. She took the sword out of her stomach and pierced it through his own chest.
Which made him scream but ofcourse not die.
Elizabeth and Will were fighting with this huge piece of metal and pierced it trough a pirate. Or not all the three pirates were pierced together.
' I have an idea Will said ' as he let out a bomb and lighted it.
He pushed it into the Skellington off the pirate in the middle and rose kicked them towards the dark piece of the cave. So there bodies would turn back human.
'no fair' He said before the bomb exploded Which made Elizabeth, Will and Rose jump over the rail of a small mountain of gold.
'How are you still alive' Elizabeth said with her mouth gaping open at Rose.
'Jack gave me an amulet when he 'died' ' Rose answered.
'But now lets go we need to lift this curse. ' Here's Jack's amulet Rose searched in her pocket finding it nowhere.
'Shit!' she looked over and saw it lying on the place she fought off Barbossa.
Go to the chest. I'm coming right behind you!' She said as she ran over towards the place and took Jack's amulet.
And ran back over towards Will and Elizabeth.
But Elizabeth stopped dead in her tracks. When Barbossa all of a sudden pointed a gun at her.
And he shot it.
'NO' Rose shouted.
But Elizabeth didn't fall over It was Jack's pistol that fired the shot.
'ten years you carry that pistol, and now you waste your shot.'
'He didn't waste it. ' Will shouted as Will cut his hand and let his amulet fall in the chest.
'Boy Jack and Rivers both have a amulet. I didn't die' Barbossa spat
'YET' Rose said. As she stood behind Will letting two amulets fall in the chest.
Barbossa turned back to Jack and openend his coat. Revealing his chest and the blood pouring out of the wound.
He looked at Jack and chuckled for a second before saying
'I feel.. cold' Before he fell backwards on the ground.
The pirates who were fighting on the Dauntless were starting to fall on the ground. Dead
As the last few of the crew dropped their swords and surrendered. 
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17
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Chapter 16: Going back.
General POV
The dauntless had arrived at Isla the Muerta. And Norrington and crew were in dinghy's on save distance.
Norrington did bring Jack along. So he was behind them in the dinghy.
'I don't care for the situation.' Norrington said.
'Any attempt to storm the caves could turn into an ambush.'
'Not if you're the one doing the ambushing.' Jack told him he was climbing forward in the dinghy towards Norrington.
'I go in and convince Barbossa to send his men out with their little boats.
You and your mates return to the Dauntless and blast them with your little cannons. ' Jack explained his plan.
'What do you have to lose?' Jack asked Norrington.
'Nothing I'd lament being rid of.' Norrington replied
'Now to be quite honest with you, there's still a risk to those aboard the Dauntless, which includes the future Mrs. Commodore and her best friend Madam Rivers. ' Jack said
Back to the Dauntless.
'Sorry but it's for your own safety' two soldiers said towards Elizabeth. who was struggling getting her towards the captain quarters.
Rose followed with two guards but she didn't give any struggle.
'The commodore, there's something I have to tell him!
The pirates , they're cursed They can't be killed!' Elizabeth shouted. As she got pushed inside the captain's quarters.
Rosemary got pushed in after her.
'Don't worry, miss he's already been informed of that.
A little mermaid flopped up on deck and told him the whole story.' He said mocking Elizabeth.
Rose put her sword up his throat.
'Don't you dare mocking her' Rosemary spat at him. As she pulled her sword back.
'ass' she scoffed as she walked off towards the table and took an apple.
When he closed the door. Elizabeth slammed on the door with her hands.
'This is Jack Sparrow's doing!' she yelled.
'What do you have to say for yourself Rose!
And why are you so calm!!
He betrayed us!' Elizabeth spat.
'Did he? I'm not sure he did. I mean look' Rose pointed up towards the window's in the back of the ship.
'They can open you know. We can help saving Will.' Rose said as she stood up the apple in her mouth.
She took the apple out.
'But you need to shut up with the screaming because then they will notice that we're gone' Rose explained.
'Here tie those sheets together!' She threw Elizabeth the sheets of the bed.
Isla the Muerta
Will got dragged towards the top of the small mountain. And they hang him above the chest with the aztek gold.
Barbossa lifted his knife and every crew member started shouting.
Jack came in through the back the back. And started making his way through the crew.
' I beg your pardon' Jack said while pushing trough the crewmembers.
'Begun by blood' Barbossa started his ritual.
'Excuse me' Jack said again pushing another crew member aside.
'By blood and.. ' You could hear Barbossa stop seeing Jack walking through the crew.
He was trying to get Barbossa's attention.
'Jack!' Will said looking at him.
'It's not possible. ' Barbossa said
'Not probable. ' Jack replied.
'Where are Elizabeth and Rosemary?' Will asked.
Jack was almost at the small mountain as the scar faced man took a hold of Jack.
'She's safe, just like I promised.
She's all set to marry Norrington, like she promised
Rose will get her life back and take care of her like she promised.
And you're going to die for her like you promised!'
'So we're all men of our word, really.
Except for Rose and Elizabeth who are, in fact, woman' Jack said thinking about if what he said was correct.
'Shut up!
You're next!' Barbossa spat at Jack.
Barbossa took the knife and bowed Will back over the chest, ready to slit his throat.
'You don't want to be doing that, mate.' Jack said seriously.
'No I really think I do.' Barbossa said to Jack as he turned his attention back to Will.
'Your funeral.' Jack said as he looked down and crossed his hands in front of him.
Barbossa rolled his eyes and took his attention back to Jack.
'Why don't I want to be doing it?' He asked Jack.
'Oh because' Jack wanted to walk forward but he still was in the grip of the scar faced pirate.
But he pushed his hand of him.
And walked towards Barbossa and Will.
'Because the HMS Dauntless, pride of the Royal Navy, is floating just offshore, waiting for you.'
Barbossa facial expression changed looking towards Jack. And the whole crew started murmuring.
Back to the Dauntless.
'Come on Liz.
You can do it.' Rose said as she helped her trough the window of the Dauntless. Throw the cloth out and climb in the water. I will follow put. ' Rose said.
'But who's going to help you get through the window.' Elizabeth asked.
'I've been doing a lot of incredible stuff lately im pretty sure I can do this' Rose answered.
Isla the Muerta.
'Just hear me out mate' Jack said to Barbossa.
'You order your men to row out to the Dauntless.
They do what they do best.
Roberts your uncle, Fannie's your aunt.
There you are with two ships.
The makings of your very own fleet.' Jack explained towards Barbossa who was looking at Jack with a frown. But still listening.
'of course you'll take the grandest ship as your flagship, and who's to argue?
But what of the pearl?
Name me captain. I'll sail under your colors.' Jack suggested towards Barbossa.
Who was listening more carefully now.
'I'll give you 10 percent of me plunder,
And you get to introduce yourself as Commodore Barbossa.' Jack said finishing his proposition.
'I suppose in exchange, you wanted me not to kill the whelp' Barbossa said while looking over at Will.
'Oh no no no no, not at all.
By all means kill the whelp.
Just not yet.' Jack said.
'Wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment. ' Jack said looking at Will.
Will looked back confused.
Jack turned himself back to Barbossa.
'For instance' Jack grabbed a handful of aztek gold.
'After you killed Norrington's men.' Jack let a piece of gold fall back into the chest.
'Every' he let another one fall
'one' he let the last one drop.
Will was looking at Jacks hand and looking up towards him before yelling
'You've been planning this from the beginning, ever since you've learned my name!'
'Yeah' Jack said with a smirk towards Will.
'I want 50% of your plunder!' Barbossa joined in.
'15' Jack replied
'40! ' Barbossa spat
'25' Jack said looking Barbossa in the eyes.
'I'll buy you a hat. A really big one!
Commodore.' Jack propositioned.
Barbossa smirked but sticked his hand out towards Jack.
'We have an accord.' He stretched his arm to meet Jack's.
'All hands to the boats!' Jack said towards the crew.
He looked confused and then said.
'My apologies. You give the orders.' He said while taking a small bow towards Barbossa.
'Gents take a walk' Barbossa said smirking.
'Not to the boats?' Jack asked. Confused. 
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
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General POV
'But we've got to save Will!' Elizabeth and Rose said towards Mr. Swann.
'You're safe now.' He said to Elizabeth.
'And I'm not done with you yet' Mr. Swann said to me.
'Forgive me sir. But I did found her didn't I.
And I got her back.'
'You've worked together with an pirate Mrs. Gillette' Norrington spat at Rose.
Which made Gillette chuckle behind him.
There was a shiver down Rosemary's spine.
'what?' Rose said softly looking down. 
'You heard me. Miss Rivers.'
Rosemary took Jack's gun out of his belt and held it in front of Norrington's face.
'Say that again and I'll pull the trigger you bloody bastard' Rose cursed at him.
'Now now miss Rivers. That's an attitude all right.
Mr. Sparrow must have teached you a few things.' He laughed stiffly.
' That's what I thought' Rose said lowering the gun and giving it back to Jack.
Rose walked back over towards Elizabeth and Mr. Swann. Who were looking shocked.
'Sorry' She shrugged.
'Well we will return to Port Royal immediately' Mr. Swann said.
'Not go gallivanting after pirates'
'Then we condemn him to death' Elizabeth spat at her father.
'The boy's fate is regrettable, but then so is his decision to engage in piracy.' Mr. Swann said.
'To rescue me. To prevent anything from happening to me.' Elizabeth argued. 
'And what about me. Will I be hanging on the gallows now to' Rose said her arms crossed.
'I have done what I can for you Rose. You can still live in Port Royal if you marry '
Rosemary scoffed but kept her mouth shut.
'If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion.' Jack interrupted the conversation.
'The pearl was listing after the battle
Its very unlikely she'll be able to make good time.
Think about it.
The Black Pearl the last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. ' Jack said to Norrington.
'How can you pass that up, eh?' Jack asked Norrington.
'By remembering that I serve others, not only myself.' Norrington said to Jack.
'Commodore, I beg you, please do this. For me .' Elizabeth said walking past Jack. Towards Norrington.
'As a wedding gift.' Elizabeth said.
Rose looked up towards Jack. Her mouth hanging open.
Jack motioned that it was hanging open.
And Rose thanked him for mentioning.
But Rose did raise her eyebrow.
And scooted over to Jack.
'I thought she loved William?' Jack asked
' She does. But this is the only way to bring Will back.' Rose said sadly.
'She is smart. But this will be so hard for her.' Rose said closing her eyes.
'Elizabeth' Mr. Swann said.
' Does this mean you're accepting the proposal.' He asked.
'Yes. Yes I am' Elizabeth said
' I love weddings!' Jack suddenly exclaimed.
'Drinks all around!'
Jack looked up to Norrington.
'I get it I get it. Clap m in Chains' Jack said putting his arms forward.
'Mr. Sparrow you will accompany these fine men to the helm.
You will then spend the rest of the voyage contemplating all possible meaning of the phrase.
Silent as the grave' James said to him.
Rosemary was hit like a bus.
Did James just act normal towards Jack.
'Did I make myself clear?' Norrington said.
'Inescapably clear.' Jack said.
Jack got taken to the helm with a few soldiers.
And Mr. Swann took Elizabeth to the captain's quarters.
So it just left Rosemary , Norrington and Gillette.
'Now Miss Rivers now we shall act on your behavior' Gillette smirked.
Walking over to her.
Norrington frowned towards Gillette.
'You stay over there you disgusting piece of shit.' Rose said while pointing her sword at him.
'You've done enough Gillette. You acted like you cared. Then took my maiden hood and left me for garbage. You didn't even make a fast planning for a wedding and ignored me completely.
You just thought it would bring you higher up the governors ass. ' Rose spat at him.
'So I made a choice when I went away with Jack and Will.
And I'm not completely sure you have told your commodore what has been going on. '
Rosemary said with an attitude. Crossing her arms. Taking a defensive stance.
Norrington was frowning even further.
'You've hurt me like I was hoping no one could.
And with the skills I have learned now. I will cut of your head from your romp with just a swift move.' Rose spat at him. Her hatred was flowing through her eyes.
'Commodore. Do you really believe this bullshit' Gillette said
'She probably just got cold feet. And doesn't want to marry me anymore. Or she is in love with that pirate!' Gillette spat at me.
'one swift move Gillette' Rose said again.
'Both of you shut it!' Norrington said.
'Rosemary, is this really true? ' Norrington asked me genuinely.
'It is James.. I swear to my dad.. ' she said looking up at him. Putting her sword back in her belt.
'Men. Take Gillette to the brig. I will take with him when I have time. Don't listen to anything he says. He's there to stay' Norrington said and walked away.
Rose stood there silent. Looking at the men she hated for years.
He just cleared her horizon.
'James.. ' Rose said softly making Norrington turn towards her.
'Thankyou..' Rose said softly looking in his eyes with tears in her eyes.
'Always' he plainly said and walked away. 
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15      
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Chapter 11: Escaping the Pearl
General POV
Will had brought Elizabeth to the Interceptor.
Where she found an unpleasant surprise.
There were no navy or royal guards on board.
'No no, Not more pirates' Elizabeth said when she stood on the deck.
'Welcome aboard miss Elizabeth.' Gibbs said stepping forward.
'Mr. Gibbs?' Elizabeth said with an confused look in her eyes.
Will jumped on board of the ship.
'Hey boy, where be Jack?' Gibbs asked to Will.
'Jack? Jack Sparrow? ' Elizabeth spat at Will
'And where did you leave Rose!' Ana Maria stepped forward.
'Rose? As in Rosemary?' Elizabeth asked even more confused.
'They fell behind' Will said and took Elizabeth below the deck.
Everyone stared at Mr. Gibbs.
Who stood there gulping but then straightening his shoulders.
'Keep to the code.' He said nodding towards Ana Maria.
'Weigh anchor! Hoist the sailes! ' Ana Maria shouted.
'Split-quick you dibbies!'
Rosemary's POV
The pirates had dragged us to the middle of Isla the Muerta.
I was standing next to Jack feeling uncomfortable.
While Jack was hanging on an oar. Looking at Barbossa.
'How the blazes did you get off that island?' Barbossa spat towards Jack.
'And how are you still alive?' he spat towards me.
I replied with just an wink towards Barbossa. Changing my stance.
'When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate' jack said with a straight face.
'I'm Captain Jack Sparrow' he said while opening his arms probably expecting some form of applause.
'Ah. Well, I won't be makin' that mistake again. ' Barbossa said while walking forwards towards Jack and me.
'Gents, you all remember Captain Jack Sparrow.
And the beautiful daughter of a certain commodore' Barbossa said while brushing his filthy hand across my cheek.
Making me trying to turn away from him.
'Kill him, and take her' Barbossa said.
While the crew grabbed me and cocked their guns towards Jack.
I started a fight immediately the pirate with the fake eye was holding my arms but I stomped on his feet and took his sword while spitting in the eye of an other pirate trying to grab me.
'The girls blood didn't work did it?' I heard Jack say with an smirk on his face.
To which all the pirates stopped their doings and looked sheepishly towards Jack. Making me quit fighting and looking at him to confused.
Barbossa stopped dead in his tracks. Turning around towards Jack.
'Hold your fire' he cursed.
'You know who's blood we need.' He spat at Jack.
'I know who's blood you need.' Jack said with an wink.
General POV
(Back to the interceptor)
'What sort of man trades a man's life for a ship?' Elizabeth cursed while trying to wind a bandage around the cut Barbossa made in her hand.
'Pirate' Will simply replied.
He watched Elizabeth struggle for a second before taking her hand.
'Here. Let me.' He said softly and took her hand fixing the bandage.
'Thank you' Elizabeth softly replied.
'Rose told me you gave Barbossa my name as yours Why?'
'I don't know' Elizabeth softly replied
But she gasped when Will tightened the knot around her hand.
'Sorry. Blacksmith's hands. I know they're rough' Will softly said
'No. I mean, yes, they are, but.. ' Elizabeth brabbled.
Will was adjusting the bandage and then leaving it. But Elizabeth told him not to stop.
He looked at her. And she looked back in his.
They moved in closer.
'Elizabeth' Will softly said while laying a hand on her cheek.
Elizabeth gasped and guided his hand towards the necklace around her neck.
'Its yours' she softly said as she pulled the necklace off her neck and gave it to Will.
'I thought I'd lost it the day they rescued me.' Will said looking at the necklace.
'It was a gift from my father. He sent it to me.'
Elizabeth didn't have anything to say but when she looked back up towards Will. he had an confused look on his face.
'Why did you take it?' he asked her.
'Because I was afraid that you were a pirate.
That would have been awful. ' Elizabeth softly explained
Will was thinking and all of a sudden it clicked.
'It wasn't your blood they needed.
It was my fathers blood!
My blood.' He looked at the necklace in his hand.
Clutching it in his fist.
'the blood of a pirate.'
'I'm so sorry. Please forgive me Will.' Elizabeth said softly asking for his forgiveness.
But Will slammed his hand on the table trying to process this.
To which Elizabeth walked off. Trying to leave him alone.
(Back towards Jack and Rose but on the black pearl)
General POV.
'So you expect to leave me on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it's the one I need?
And watch you sail away on my ship?' Barbossa questioned Jack.
Rosemary sat at the table in the captains quarters. Looking at Jack and Barbossa making negotiations.
'No. ' Jack exclaimed
'I expect to leave you on some beach with no name at all, watching me sail away on my ship, and then I'll shout the name back to you.
Savvy? ' Jack said simply towards Barbossa.
Rosemary took an apple out of the bowl on the table.
And couldn't help but laugh at what Jack had just proposed.
Barbossa looked at Rosemary with his eyebrow raised. And she looked at him, and took a bit out of the apple .
'But that still leaves me on some beach with naught but a name and your word it's the one I need.' Barbossa said trying to explain the story to Jack again.
'Out of the two of us. I am the only one who hasn't committed mutiny.
Therefore, my word is the one we'll be trusting.' Jack said while searching an apple out of the bowl to. Nodding towards Rosemary and taking a bite out of it.
'Although, I suppose I should be thanking you, because, in fact, if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die, I would have an equal share in that curse, same as you.' Jack said while sitting down his feet on the table.
Rosemary almost chocked on the apple she was eating.
Such sass! She thought to herself.
'Funny old world, isn't it?' He said towards Barbossa
'Hmm' He said while having an eye twitch.
Suddenly the scar faced man walked up into the quarters.
'Captain. We're coming up on the interceptor.' Which made Rosemary sit up in her chair.
The pirate smirked at her. And she narrowed her eyes.
'I will get him. ' she cursed under her breath.
Barbossa smirked at Rose and Jack and stood up walking towards the helm of the ship.
Jack and Rose followed on foot and Rose looked out of the rail of the ship. Seeing the interceptor on their starboard getting closer any second.
Barbossa was reeling out his binocular and looked at the ship.
But Jack jumped in front of it, trying to get Barbossas attention.
'I'm having a thought here, Barbossa.' Jack said.
'What say we run up a flag of truce, I scurry over to the interceptor, and I negotiate the return of your medallion aye?
What say you to that?' Jack said while waving his apple around.
'Now you see Jack. I say that's exactly the attitude that lost you the Pearl.' Barbossa said with a soft smirk.
'People are easier to search when they're dead.
Lock them in the brig.' Barbossa said while pushing his binocular back into one piece.
Barbossa took Jack's apple when they grabbed him. Looked at it. And rolled his eyes.
He threw it trough the sails of the ship. Cursing under his breath.
Rose also got caught before she could try to put up a fight.
(Back to the interceptor)
General POV
Elizabeth openend the handle towards the upper deck. When she heard Gibbs scream orders around.
'Hands aloft to loose ta'gallants!
With this wind, she'll carry every sail we've got! ' Gibbs Barked around.
'What's happening?' Elizabeth said as she stepped closer towards Gibbs.
'The Black Pearl' Ana Maria said.
'She's gaining on us!' Elizabeth looked over her shoulder over the sea. And she saw the Black Pearl getting closer and closer.
'This is the fastest ship in the Caribbean. ' Elizabeth cursed and walked up the stairs.
'Teel them that after they've caught us.' Ana Maria said.
'We're shallower on the draft right?' Elizabeth asked Ana Maria.
'Aye ?' Ana maria answered her question confusingly.
'Can't we lose them amongst those shoals?' Elizabeth asked pointing towards the shoals in the distance.
'We don't have to outrun 'em long. Just long enough!' Gibbs exclaimed.
'Lighten the ship! Stem to stern!' Ana Maria Shouted while she pulled over the helm.
'Anything we can afford to lose, see that it's lost!' Gibbs shouted towards the crew.
(Back to the Pearl)
Rosemary's POV
Jack was being held by the scar faced pirate. And the fake eyed one and the chubby one were holding me down.
As they took us below the deck towards the brig.
There was so much water on the floor. That Jack was trying to tell them.
'Apparently, there's a leak' Jack exclaimed which made the pirate lock the door faster and walk off.
'Well great! And what do we do now Jack?' Rose mocked at him.
'We've been captured by these pirates and they're gonna sink the whole crew on the interceptor including Elizabeth and Will!' She was almost shouting at him.
'Were you even trying to help us?' I threw my hands up. Towards him.
Jack was just plainly ignoring me and looking out of a hole in the ships side.
'Look at this!' Jack exclaimed and waved to me that I should take a look.
I rolled my eyes but walked closer seeing that he was right.
'What the fuck? Barrels?' how?' Rose asked confused.
'they're lightening the ship. They're smarter then they look' Jack said. Smirking.
'Lets wait how this play's out. We're going to be fine Love' He said with a smirk patting to the chest he was sitting on just enough room for the both of us to sit.
I rolled my eyes but took the spot and sat next to him.
General POV
'Haul on the main brace! Make ready the guns!' Barbossa shouted at his men.
'And run out the sweeps.' He said smirking towards the scare faced pirate.
Will came out of the lower deck of the interceptor and saw everyone throw the food and barrels over the railing.
When he looked over the side of the ship. He saw the Black Pearl pull out their sweeps.
When a fellow crew member Marty was going to lose the cannons Will interrupted him
'we're gonna need that'
When Elizabeth looked back towards the Black Pearl she saw it was gaining in on us.
'It was a good plan, up till now.' Ana Maria said genuinely to Elizabeth.
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𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕊𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕠𝕨'𝕤 ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕖 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟘
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15      
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Chapter 10: Isla the muerta
General POV
The crew was getting the dinghy ready to go ashore.
And Rose was making herself ready to go in. she tied her hair up in a high ponytail. So it wouldn't be in the way at all.
She wore pants and a coat this time so she wouldn't have any trouble running.
She stole the coat from one of the crew.
Because she wasn't wearing anything from Norrington's closet.
Will on the other hand was ready to jump in the dinghy and to get Elizabeth back straight away.
As soon as Jack and Rose came towards the dinghy Will stepped in.
The three of them nodded to each other before the dinghy was lowered onto the water.
Will was rowing them towards the entrance of a cave.
The entrance of Isla the Muerta Rosa assumed.
As soon as we entered the cave the atmosphere changed. It felt horrible and smelled like death and rust.
'What code is Gibbs to keep to if the worst should happen?' Will asked Jack
'Pirates code' Jack said
'Any man who falls behind is left behind.'
'No heroes amongst thieves, eh?' Will said while he was looking around the cave.
'You know, For having such a bleak outlook on pirates, your both well on your way to becoming one.
Sprung a man from jail, commandeered a ship of the fleet, sailed with a buccaneer crew out of Tortuga, And you're completely obsessed with treasure.' Jack said to both Will and Rose.
The dinghy reached the small shore. And everyone jumped out.
Rose didn't say anything on Jack's comment.
But Will couldn't help himself.
'Im not completely obsessed with treasure'
Both Jack and Rose were ignoring his comments and crawling further towards all the noise.
'Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate. ' Jack said as an reply on Will's comment.
In the distance we could hear Barbossa talk towards his crew.
'Gentleman the time has come!'
Rose was ducking behind a wall of rocks. With Jack and Will. trying to peek on what was happening and if she could see Elizabeth.
'Our salvation is nigh!' Barbossa sounded again.
Rose could get an almost clear view.
She saw Barbossa standing on a rock decorated with treasure.
Elizabeth was standing right next to him. Behind a treasure chest. Which Rose assumed was the one with all those amulets.
'Our torment is near an end!' Barbossa sounded again.
'Elizabeth' Rose breathed.
'What the bloody hell is she wearing. That color looks hideous on her!' Rose cursed under her breath.
To which Jack looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
'For ten years we've been tested and tried, and each man here has proved his mettle a hundred times over. And a hundred times again! '
To which his whole crew stood cheering and shouting.
'Punished we were, the lot of us, disproportionate to our crime!'
'Here it is!' Barbossa said as he shoved the lit of the chest.
It fell right infront of Elizabeth's feet. And the whole box was filled with all the same amulets.
'What the fuck' Rose cursed.
'How did she even get one of these things' she mumbled to herself.
'The cursed treasure of Cortes himself.
Every last piece that went astray, we have returned.
Save for this!' Barbossa said pointing towards elizabeth's neck.
Where she was wearing the necklace.
'Jack!' Will and Rose said at the same time jumping up. Wanting to run straight in trying to save Elizabeth. But Jack stopped them.
'We wait for the opportune moment.' Jack said as he pulled rose and will back.
He crawled away from them.
'When's that?' Will asked as he got after Jack.
'When its of the greatest profit to you?' he spat at Jack.
To which Jack stopped and turned around to face Rose.
He laid his hands on her shoulders and scooted her aside a little.
'May I ask you something? Have I ever given you reason not to trust me?' he said while walking closer to Will.
'Do us a favor' He pointed to Rose and then to himself.
'I know it's difficult for you, but please stay here, and try not to do anything stupid. ' Jack said looking him directly in his eyes almost begging him. To indeed do nothing stupid.
'And same goes for you Love. I know you want to save your dear Sissy, but please wait this out. We will get her back.' He said turning towards Rose.
'And who among us has paid the blood sacrifice owed to the heathen gods?' Barbossa said echoing through the caves.
To which his whole crew screamed 'AY'
'and whose blood must yet be paid?' He said his voice even louder.
'HERS' the crew screamed.
'You know the first thing I'm going to do after the curse is lifted?' Barbossa said while looking back at Elizabeth.
'Eat a whole bushel of apples!' he said chuckling
When he was done chuckling he pushed Elizabeth with her head down over the treasure chest.
All the pirates were mumbling.
'Bood, Blood! , Blood!' and you could see the fear in her eyes.
Barbossa took the knife.
'begun by blood. By blood undone.'
Jack and Rose walked towards the more gateway of the cave. Keeping eye contact.
But then Rose saw Will walking behind Jack with an oar. And before Rose could even motion to Jack to watchout.
Will hit Jack with the oar. And he fell over Rose. Which made Rose tumble over with Jack on top of her.
'Will!?' Rose cursed at him.
'What the fuck do you think your doing?'
'Sorry guys, I'm not going to be Jack's Leverage.'
'Please Rose stay there. I'm going to get Elizabeth.'
'Where do you think I'm going with him all over me. You asshole!'
Barbossa took the necklace of Elizabeth's neck and lied it in the palm of her hand.
And with the knife he cut in the palm of her hand.
Making Elizabeth gasp.
Barbossa closed her hand and turned it around. He pushed her hand open causing her to bleed all over the amulet. And then Elizabeth let it fall into the chest full of the other gold pieces.
'That's it?' Elizabeth asked
'waste not.' Barbossa simply replied.
Barbossa let go of Elizabeth and closed his eyes. Trying to feel if he went back to his normal self.
'Did it work?' A pirate asked.
'I don't feel no different.' The pirate with his fake eye said.
'How do we tell?' the chubby pirate asked.
Barbossa rolled his eyes and took his gun out of his belt.
He plainly shot the chubby pirate through his chest.
'You're not dead!' the first pirate said
'no' the chubby pirate simply replied.
'You shot me!' He said pointing at Barbossa.
'It didn't work! The curse is still apon us!' Another claimed
Barbossa looked at his knife and then looked at Elizabeth.
'You maid! Your father, what was his name?
Was his name William Turner?'
'No ' Elizabeth said with an almost smirk on her face.
'Where's his child that sailed from England eight years ago!
The child that flows the blood of William Turner'
'Where?!' Barbossa said again.
Elizabeth smirked and stayed silent.
Barbossa got angry and he smacked Elizabeth on her face. Making her fall of the mountain of gold. She fell next to the water with the amulet next to her.
'You two!' The pirate with the scars on his face said.
'You brought us the wrong person!'
'No ! she had the medallion. She's the proper age. ' The chubby pirate tried to explain.
'She said her name was Turner. You heard it yourself' The fake eyed pirate said.
Will snuck up to Elizabeth diving up from the water. He lied his hand on Elizabeth's mouth to which she shockingly woke up. Looking at Will. he motioned to her that she should come with him. And she nodded. Getting the amulet and following Will in the water.
'You brought us here for nothin' A pirate screamed at Barbossa.
'I won't take second-guesses from the likes of you, Master Twigg!' Barbossa spat.
'Who's to blame him? Every decision you have made had led us from bad to worse!'
Will pulled Elizabeth out of the water and let her to the dinghy.
'Lets get out of here!' he silently told Elizabeth.
'It was you who sent Bootstrap to the depths!'
'And its you who brought us here in the first place!' the crew said pulling their swords towards Barbossa.
To which Barbossa pulled his sword out towards them.
'If any coward here dare challenge me, let him speak!'
'I say we cut her throat. And spill all her blood!' A pirate screamed.
Jack the Monkey was screeching and jumping up and down pointing at the exit from the cave.
To which Barbossa looked at the place he pushed Elizabeth to.
To see that she was gone.
'The medallion! She's taken it!' Barbossa screamed
All the pirates were running through the exit of the caves.
'The oars are gone! Where are the oars!?' the pirates screamed at each other.
'The oars have gone missing? ' a pirate shouted
'FIND THEM!' he screamed at them.
Rose and Jack were still laying over each other in a caveway.
Until a few pirates found them. With a smirk
'Well well well' he pulled Jack up still unconscious. And they pulled up Rose to!
'Let go of me you filthy imbecilic pirates' she muttered
Rosemary's POV
By the time the pirates brought us towards the beginning of the cave. Jack had woken up.
While the pirates all stood around us.
'You're supposed to be dead.' They exclaimed.
'Am I not?' Jack simply replied
'Oh?' he said and he wanted to walk off. But he couldn't because he was hold by two pirates.
They all pointed their guns at Jack and also at me. When he started murmuring words.
'Pa..Paarrot.. Paar.. par' He started but he couldn't get it rolling of his tongue.
'Parley?' I asked him and he smirked up towards me
'THAT'S THE ONE ! I call on Parley!'
'Damn to the depths whatever muttonhead thought up parley!' The chubby pirate spat at Jack and me.
'That would be the French!' Jack exclaimed.
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