#Captain Laserhawk head canons
A little head canon for CLH Rayman/Ramon thanks to a discussion I had with a friend through discord:
Rayman/Ramon, much like his canon counterpart, can speak fluent French. He just primarily uses English to speak. Unlike his canon counterpart, he can speak and understand quite a number of other languages as well. Many seem to think that French may have been his native tongue. He's long since forgotten the native languages from the glade.
He is one of the few members of Murfy's resistance group that can understand whenever Bullfrog speaks French. He will sometimes act as translator for the group when Bullfrog cannot do it himself.
Whenever he does something like stub his toe or slam a door on his hand, Rayman/Ramon will start cursing and shouting in full French. Bullfrog refuses to translate whenever Rayman/Ramon does this but he can be seen laughing like a gremlin in the background.
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djsherriff · 1 month
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I’m making a Laserhawk swap au called “Captain Shauni: A Domz Blood remix”, with Jade and Dolph being the first two designs I’ve finished. I don’t have any plans besides doing the cast’s designs , maybe redo the original Laserhawk poster with them. I do however have ideas for this au and how everyone’s roles play out (Elements are subject to change depending on what happens in season two)
In this au Eden is set on Dimension X with The Board of Directors replaced with the The Council of Teensies, this au is not set on the Glade of Dreams however as this is still a sci fi focused setting. Unlike in canon hybrids are not lab made, instead being native aliens of Dimension X along side Rayman characters (and go by different names, maybe their species name based on beyond good and evil game lore?)
In this au Earth was destroyed by unknown forces (idk what yet) and humans had to take refuge in Dimension X. The social system of Eden is swapped in this au , making it so humans are seen as below hybrids/aliens who are average citizens , but Eden is still a dystopian society which naturally comes with lots of issues
While some older humans such as Pagan and Sam (who swap with Rayman and Marcus respectively) were alive during Earth’s destruction and remember life on humanity’s former planet, a majority of the human population weren’t even born when it happened, such as the two pictured above
Dolph Laserhawk takes Jade’s place in this au as the enthusiastic , young and athletic boy toy friend of Alex Taylor. While people give judgemental stares at their way due to their age gap, Dolph pays no mind as he both adores and idolises Alex. Being an abandoned orphan on the street Dolph didn’t really have anyone on and after Alex fixed him up with some prosthetics , Dolph couldn’t imagine being happy without Alex. (Just don’t tell him Alex’s dirty little secret). Being practically raised on the streets of Eden, Dolph is incredibly skilled with parkour, a deadly match with his laser pistols
Captain Jade Shauni is swapping with Dolph. Daughter of the famous pirate Captain Dakini, Jade was taken from her mother by Eden after Dakini was arrested for her piracy. Upon inspection it was found that Jade had unique biological traits, making her a suitable host for experiments with Domz DNA. Her Uncle Pey’J would later rescue her from a life of being Eden’s lab rat and the pair would go on to rebel against Eden’s cruel system , Jade even adapting the Captain title in honour her mother
Jade’s preferred weapon is a Bo staff , being more skilled in hand to hand combat than with long distant weapons. Jade also carries a camera with her , recording both Eden’s injustice during her rebellion stunts and as a way to remind herself of her own personhood that Eden desperately tried to strip from her
Being one of the few people who knew her mother, Jade was incredibly trusting of Pey’J and ignored many of his more unsavoury traits. Jade’s trust in Pey’J however would shatter during one mission where Pey’J would confess to being in love with her and urged her to marry him. Naturally disgusted in the proposal, Jade refused the offer even after Pey’J attempted to reason that marrying him would give a Jade more rights in Eden society. The next thing Jade knew, she woke up in a cell, with a creepy little frog telling her he put a bomb in her head
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shippyo · 8 months
This is random drama im looking at rn from captain laserhawk fandom,i dont post about i know but i like its content,so feel free to ignore my rage moment cause hhhhhh ill be very angry<3 /
istg the rayfrog drama is the dumbest shit alive in the clh fandom AUHGG💀
no it isnt pedophilic and yes im pointing and you people who said that dumbest shit,directly to your eyes BWBDBE
Just cause in your head you just made it up,ITS NOOOOT CANON,they are both adults,rayman is a guy who literally can live/sleep 100 years and mf can't age physically after origins,he is a ageless, a literal magical fantasyland creature made by gods,its actual creepier that you guys infantilize bullfrog on trying to make him like some kind of CHILD or teen who barely got to be an adult when in reality he is an old grown ass man who has been being an assasing for who knows how many years,that you guys had more that mindest speaks more of how creepy you are,stop infantilize grown ass adults istg
u can not like or u can feel uncomfy with rayfrog like thats absolutly fine dont get me wrong,that is not the problem and u can have for whatever reason,if u hc that they had an age gap,if they are just friends,familiar stuff,like other ship related to Bullfrog or idk but, don't try to made up arguments and do shit ass ship wars,they are adults PERIOD,grow up and stop crying about it,just block tags or be healthier for your own life to just shrugh about it and move on ITS NOT HARD 💀
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teecupangel · 7 months
Having just watched Captain Laserhawk, I must ask- no, i must Beg- for our dear precious Bullfrog to be descended from Desmond! And to let those poor souls LIVE HAPPILY- and preferably with the other ancestors who desperately need a hug! Dang that show was beautifully deranged
It absolutely was, nonny. I love it.
We’re gonna play fast and loose with canon in this one though. (Spoilers to Captain Laserhawk's season 1 ending)
Bullfrog was not the only hybrid in the Brotherhood.
But he came from two old Assassin families, a rarity even in the Brotherhood.
He had only heard about it though.
He was told that they were originally created in a modified lab of one of the ancient ones.
Created by the remaining descendant of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad and, through the Kenway line, Ezio Auditore.
A man that only goes by the name ‘Elijah’.
He was not an Assassin. He preferred to stay away from the war between the Brotherhood and the Order. But he was hunted by the Templars so he had a ‘distant’ alliance with the Brotherhood.
They didn’t trust him and he didn’t trust them in turn.
Elijah wanted to be left alone in peace and anyone who threatened that were killed without mercy.
Bullfrog’s grandparents were born from his lab, ‘blessed’ with Elijah’s blood and the blood of another great Assassin of old, Callum Lynch.
According to his parents, Callum Lynch agreed to provide his blood in exchange for Elijah’s help in one of the more dangerous missions the great Master Assassin had before Eden had taken over everything.
When there was still a glimmer of hope that the Brotherhood could defeat the Templars...
And from the combination of those two bloods, their ability to access the Calculations were formed.
Elijah’s blood held the genetic codes of the men whose fate were closely linked to the Calculations. Callum Lynch’s blood held the genetic codes of a French Assassin who can ‘see’ the memories of his targets.
Modifications had to be made to stabilize them and…
Like they said, the rest was history.
When Elijah disappeared (dead, he must be dead, it has been a long time), Bullfrog’s family was taken in by the Brotherhood. Bullfrog had grown up having human childhood friends, Hastings and Darcy.
Eden found them.
And Bullfrog survived because he had been lucky.
Because the Warden saw his potential.
He was sure Eden ordered the complete eradication of the Brotherhood.
The Warden was playing a dangerous game and everything went to head at the end.
And now, here he was, being escorted back to his cell.
At least they were kind enough to hand him a juice box to drink while they walk.
Maybe they were still all confused by the orders they received to stay his execution.
They seemed a bit daze.
There was one more thing that separated his kind from the other hybrids.
Bullfrog had lived his entire life with the whispers of dead men.
Sometimes, he would even stand back and let them control his body.
The Bleeding Effect, the Brotherhood called it.
It was rare though.
The whispers prefer to advise and to talk to him.
They were the ones who suggested he talk to Eden’s puppet.
There was nothing to lose after all.
The moment he heard that whisper echo with different voices, all speaking at once, he threw his juice box at the guard to his right before kicking the guard to his left. He grabbed the man’s pistol from his shoulder holster and fired at the three guards behind them.
The third one moved enough that he was hit on the shoulder and he quickly took out his own gun.
Bullfrog kicked the man he had taken the gun from and ducked, firing two more rounds.
The first one hit the man between them on the chest at the same time the guard with the bleeding shoulder fired and hit him on the back. The second one hit the hole that the first shot created and the shot goes through the man.
Both men fell on the floor, killed by that single bullet as it hit the chest of one and the head of the other.
Bullfrog jumped the remaining man that he had hit with his juice box, jamming his gun inside the man’s mouth and pulling the trigger as his screams were muffled by the gun in his mouth.
He jumped off the corpse as it slumped on the floor and rummaged their bodies, finding the key to his cuffs in the first man he killed.
The whispers continued the entire time.
[Good job.]
[We must go.]
[Don’t take the elevator.]
Bullfrog nodded.
His hidden blade and other weapons would be near his prison but it was too risky.
He’ll have to find someplace to make his own weapons after escaping this shithole.
That was easy.
One of his whispers knew how to make a hidden blade.
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theliterarywolf · 11 months
"captain laserhawk a blood dragon remix" head canon: the entire series serves as a metaphor for how Ubusoft has treated its varies IPs over the years.
...What does that say about Assassins Creed being reduced to funny characters in assassins' garb taking the themes of their IP far more seriously than those around -- Oh...
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sukablatnahui · 11 months
Okay guys, in the last vote everyone voted for Barbara, because in fact she is much more popular than Ly and she is known to most people who may have joined the Rayman fandom when the game Rayman Origins and Rayman Legends came out, but not a fact. So..... Here is your Barbara if she were in the animated series Captain laserhawk:
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..... Yes..... The design is not the best and in my head it was much better. I apologize to everyone that someone didn’t like her image, with that white robe and glasses. However, I at least tried to come up with reasons why she looks like this. I will write only facts, since unfortunately I didn’t draw any drawings or even sketches, sorry. If I have the desire, I’ll probably draw something, but for now, no.
Let's start with who she is by blood, what her character is and who her parents are. In fact, in the canon of the game based on Rayman legends, Barbara was a Barbarian princess, but most likely she is more reminiscent of some Viking who travels to all sorts of islands and brings something from the country to her homeland. Plus, as I read information from the Internet, the Vikings used to live in Sweden, Denmark and Norway. So I decided that Barbara would be a very distant great-granddaughter of the Vikings. By nature, she is a rather cheerful girl, optimistic and can also be quite stubborn and it happens that she does everything in her own way, she also often jokes and sometimes swears.She usually wears the clothes shown in the picture, but sometimes she also wears other clothes, such as just a T-shirt with shorts or a sweater with pants.
So, she used to have a father who was just a kind, jock, red-haired man who wanted to raise his daughter with his wife, and Barbara was raised by him for the first 3 years, but unfortunately, the biological father died in a car accident. (Unfortunately, Barbara currently does not remember her biological father very well, only that he was, in principle, a good person). However, then the mother married another man and this man became a stepfather for little Barbora. He was very different from his biological father in that he was not too big, he had regular black short hair, just a slender body, and he also wore a white robe and round glasses.But even despite this, the stepfather became a very good father for the girl, whom Barbara got used to and loved very much. He worked as a scientist, so Barbara was a little interested in science. My stepfather and Barbora were inseparable, even though they were very different in character, they were always there for each other and always helped until, unfortunately, there was one fatal incident. On Father's Day, 15-year-old Barbara was at her stepfather's work where he worked in the laboratory. They spent time together as usual until terrorism occurred where a bomb was about to explode. To save his daughter, the stepfather sacrificed himself and gave his daughter the parachute that he found, put it on her and said that he loves her and will always be with her,he threw it out of the window and exploded along with the building. Barbara fortunately survived because she had a parachute with her and fortunately her stepfather quickly explained to her that she should pull the rope. However, the loss of her non-biological father greatly shook her psyche. After that, in order not to forget her stepfather, she began to wear the same glasses that her stepfather wore, and a white robe.
Barbara is interested in her past ancestors and studies the history of the Vikings. Her family also has a very ancient Viking ax which she still keeps to this day.
She wears glasses not only because this is how she remembers her father, but because of her not very good eyesight. Of course, she sometimes uses lenses, but it is very difficult for her to put them on and take them out, so it is easier for her to put on glasses than to put on lenses.
She has her own car which is a repainted small ambulance with a Viking theme. Inside there is a table with a chair and many computers attached to the wall of the car. There is also a sofa with safety belts and a kitchen table. She usually drives her car normally, but when you are chasing her or need to get somewhere quickly, she is like the Flash, racing at the speed of light and doing all sorts of impossible stunts in her car.
Although the girl is bisexual, she is most attracted to women, especially milfs. And in principle, she likes men and women who are about 30 years old and they are people with experience. For her, an experienced couple is better than someone who is as inexperienced in relationships as she is.
She is also missing one tooth due to the fact that this tooth was already a molar and she knocked it out in a fight as a child. That's why it doesn't grow with her
It happens that she jokes about moms, especially the joke “YOUR MOM IS FANTASTIC BLYAT, IN STOCKINGS AND A BIKINI IN THE SAUNA SHE IS FANTASTIC” (This joke is taken from the Russian meme about Taxi Driver Ashot) However, this is not very often only in extreme cases when a complete fucked up, and in general we condemn jokes about moms
She also just loves to read and look at fashion magazines with clothes, because, as Barbara thinks, there are very beautiful women in very beautiful outfits and suits. She really likes them and is a fan of one model who is even familiar with Rayman. But more on that later
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v0xt3ch · 11 months
Taking writing commissions
What I'll do
Light Angst
Head canons
Female, Gender neutral, male etc.
What I won't do
Homophobic, Transphobic, Racism etc.
Fandoms I will write
The amazing digital circus
Mao Mao heroes of pure heart
Assassination Classroom
Teenage mutant ninja turtles
Don't hug me I'm scared
Howls Moving Castle
Gravity Falls
Captain Laserhawk: a blood dragon remix (Mostly about Rayman/Ramon, Bullfrog and Red)
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Requests are Closed!
(btw I am part of more fandoms, these are just the ones I am willing to write about!)
Also please be specific on what you want. Also do not demand me to make a fanfic if my request box is closed. Thank you for understanding.
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Years of trauma, heavy drinking, and hard drugs fragmented a lot of Rayman/Ramon's memories. He doesn't have very many left of Dimension X. He has trouble trying to remember what his own parents looked like.
The only person he really remembers from Dimension X was Globox. Rayman/Ramon assumed he died back in Dimension X.
He has to rely on pictures and stories to help jog the memory.
He latches onto Bullfrog as a friend after the rescue because of how much he reminds Rayman/Ramon of Globox. Bullfrog was hesitant on befriending Rayman/Ramon at first, but they did eventually bond. Rayman/Ramon and Bullfrog becoming close allies and friends.
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Was conversing with a friend a couple days ago about the idea of CLH Rayman's hair not being bleached but rather it's an effect his body has when he doesn't get enough sunlight.
The lore I have for Rayman was that he was weaved together from sunbeams. That still applies to the CLH universe. Due to his job as the Voice of Eden forcing him to stay indoors all the time, his body started to show the effects. His hair would start to turn that platinum blonde shade all on it's own and his skin would become more pale over the years.
When he's fired and begins focusing more on his resistance duties and getting more rest in between jobs, he'll start getting outdoors more and getting more sun. His hair will start to regain that golden color and his skin will return to it's original tannish shade.
The hair color returning is going to start from the roots and it's going to be noticeable. He may wear a hat more often until the color starts to even out more.
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More Captain Laserhawk Head canons, this one's gunna be short.
Rayman's managed to net at least one or two scholarships in college. He's very well educated. Due to the harsh treatment he'd face from others, he couldn't net a job that would benefit from his studies. He was originally a law student. He is well versed with the laws of Eden and old America.
As the voice of Eden, he was able to put a few of his studies to use. Mostly around the various languages he's learned. He even knows sign language and uses it to communicate to his deaf audience members. He knows how to talk to people to get information out of them, which came in use when he would do interviews.
When he was fired and replaced, he now tries to use his other skills he's learned.
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more head canons I have for the Laserhawk universe:
When he's helping to rescue kids and they ask him about how badly Eden's treated him, Rayman gives the "Ray of Hope" version of his story. The watered down version. Because what he actually went through, it's not something he wants to dump on a child.
He had it bad. Rayman was manipulated so badly that he genuinely thought he had a good job and that he was making a difference, but it made him blinded to just how abused he was by Eden as well. He's had friends removed from his presence because they were asking too many questions, or trying to get him to quit his job. Once Eden stepped in to remove them, he never saw them again. He became aware that they might've been disposing of his friends and it's one of the reasons he's taken to begging for mercy with the board of directors. He'd beg them for their lives to be spared. He has no idea if they ever listened.
The friends he was allowed to make were nothing more than yes men. They just wanted to keep Rayman appeased. They didn't talk to him like a person. It was always "Yes Mister Rayman!" or "No Mister Rayman!" This was one of his biggest pet peeves and it contributed to just how lonely the guy was.
All he really wanted was someone to accept him for who he was. He wanted a friend. A REAL friend who wouldn't be afraid to tell him their honest opinions about things. Not afraid to speak up about situations.
Rayman makes a comment to Bullfrog while they were sipping juice boxes together. "When I was your age..." This implies Bullfrog to be younger than Rayman is. Eden was created from the remains of America. Rayman's backstory put him in college. In America, the age for college is usually around the age of 18 give or take.
Because of this, I head canon Bullfrog to be about the age of 18 or 19.
Rayman looks to Bullfrog not only as a friend, but in a way he latches onto Bullfrog like he was an adoptive parent to Bullfrog.
If Dolph and the rest of the crew do get a reset, I can see Rayman and Pey'j working together to be the 2 dad friends/figures of the rest of the group. Like they become a found family to each other.
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some of my own Laserhawk Universe headcanons/lore!
Rayman and Bullfrog become friends after the events of season one and you can't change my mind. That sweet frog got Rayman to open his eyes and I'm convinced he's going back to make sure Bullfrog escapes from Eden prison after they failed to execute him.
Rayman never got caught for the murder of the board of directors and got away with it. He's still able to flaunt his position to get into high security places because the folks of Eden are unaware he got replaced. He staged the events that allowed Bullfrog to escape.
They'd meet up after the escape and become besties since Rayman doesn't have Globox in this universe.
Rayman keeps the outfit he used to blend into the crowd at the courthouse. Whenever he's asked why he's dressed like that he lies to tell them that he's just trying to enjoy the day without having to worry about paparazzi.
He's still fond of the tuft style of his hair and frequently changes between the two styles.
He still has one of his sets of purple suits and yellow dress shoes he wore for his talk show. He will wear them when he needs to. Mostly to fool Eden security.
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@corazcnes part 3
Disdain: what are their least favorite foods?
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Both Rayman's cannot stand anything bitter.
Even having a cup of coffee is difficult for him. They need really sweet blends. They tend to stick to specialty coffee drinks from the local cafes, otherwise he's going to overload his cup of regular coffee with cream and sugar to the point it's not really coffee anymore.
Game Rayman specifically does not like strong alcohol at all. One sip and he'll start coughing and retching. The local hoodlums like to trick him into drinking their fermented plum juice as a prank.
A little bonus: The Adventure/Pirate au Rayman will go with the crew to the local taverns and bars, but never touches the drinks. He sticks to devouring the bowls of peanuts. The supply of peanuts go missing often in the ship kitchens and all fingers point at him for it.
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Overly spicy food. While both Raymona's like their spice, the really powerful spicy dishes are something she cannot tolerate. She can actually hurt herself if she eats something way too spicy.
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Murfy's not very fond of chewy caramel candies. He doesn't like how they get stuck in his teeth. He prefers caramel hard candies, or the caramel toppings used in stuff like ice cream or baked desserts.
Floyd hates overly cooked meats. Well-done steaks or pork chops that are so tough it's like trying to chew leather.
He also hates really limp bacon strips. He's a crunchy bacon kinda guy.
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@corazcnes Part 2
Favorite: What are their favorite foods.
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Both Raymans adore either fruits or anything sweet. His favorite sweets are anything that have milk chocolate. Combine fruits and chocolate and he'll be in heaven.
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Would you believe Raymona's favorite dish is Ramen?
Game Raymona was known to have ramen noodle parties with her friends. She will make homemade ramen noodle dishes and will get all kinds of fixings to make it just how her friends like it.
For CLH Raymona, Noodle cups were a staple in their household when she was still living with Rayman, all the way into college. she would often throw ingredients they had on hand into the cup and it would be a full meal for them.
There was a point where Rayman would have piles of cups left around the place because he was so focused on his college studies. Raymona called him "Ramen" as a friendly joke. Given that Rayman knew it was her favorite, he took it as a compliment.
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Both Murfy's favorite food is pizza. The only typical pizza topping he's not very fond of is anchovies.
CLH Murfy orders take out often, especially on days where they're on their own for food or Raymona's not feeling well enough to cook. He'll get pizza for the entire household on those days.
Floyd's favorite foods are lasagna and his sister's homemade oven-baked mac 'n cheese.
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Allergy: Is there any food they’re allergic to? If they are is a mild allergy or a severe one?
Diet: Are they on any food restrictions? If so, why?
Favorite: What are their favorite foods?
Disdain: What are their least favorite foods? /For Both Raymans, Both Raymonas, Murfy and Floyd!
Part 1
Allergy: Is there any food they’re allergic to? If they are is a mild allergy or a severe one?
None of them have any allergies to food.
Diet: Are they on any food restrictions? If so, why?
None of them have food restrictions per say, but both Murfy's have drops in energy where they need to seek out high calorie or sugary foods to get his energy back. He'll let someone know when his "blood sugar is gettin' low" and they make sure to get him a snack when he needs it. It's not hypoglycemia, but he's an insect that needs to keep his energy levels in check.
Signs that he needs an emergency energy source are: when he's becoming confused or disoriented, his body starts to shake a little, and he's starting to fall asleep when he's in the middle of working or hero duty.
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CLH Murfy should be avoiding all those cups of coffee he downs, but doesn't. Those late nighters he pulls effect him a lot more than most of the people around him realize. Floyd's the only one who knows how much harm this can do to him.
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Rayman Head Canons: CLH Globox Edition
Globox lives within the city of Utopia, which is where Los Angeles once stood within California.
Uglette lost her life back in Dimension X. She could not escape in time with her at the time boyfriend. Globox carries a picture of her where ever he goes and he's not sure if he's ever going to be ready to commit himself to another relationship.
Because of Uglette's death, he never had the Globox children. Instead he adopts and cares for many rescued children. Some of these children suffer PTSD, Trauma related meltdowns, or are physically disabled. He is used to a child acting out and never treats them harshly. He is trained on how to handle when his kids suffer emotional episodes. Some of the scars he carries come from the children when they were still dealing with their traumas and lashed out at him. Nothing makes him happier than seeing the child's mood and health improve.
Globox's personality mirrors the one he had in Origins and Legends. He has lost the cowardice and is more of a silly goofball who tries to find all the positives in life.
Globox's attire consists of a white, stained undershirt, loose fitting khaki colored pants with a rope for a belt. The rope is because no belt has been made to fit his size.
Globox is a member of Murfy's resistance group. His alias is "Rain Dancer." While he's not much of a hacker himself, he does do field work for the resistance. His skills are of a mechanic, demolition expert, and he can operate the canons that are on the wall of Utopia.
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