#Cara Tersu
jswahaarts · 2 years
The Gathering 1/4: “Cold”
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Summary: A group of Jedi Younglings begin their journey to find their Kyber Crystals.
Word Count: 1749
Authors Note: Just a lil silly story with my ocs lol!! (also including my friends ocs :] )
-28 BBY, Ilum -
“[I’m cold…]” Yaupé grumbled quietly. Well. As quiet as a wookiee could be. Which wasn’t very quiet at all. He was loud, in fact. Very loud.
“YOU’RE cold??” Cara whispered harshly, turning to her best friend, “You? The wookiee?”
“[Wookiees can get cold!]”
“Can not! You guys have all that fur!”
“[Uh! can too! Even with all this fur!]”
The two glared at one another. Of course, Cara knew wookiees were capable of getting cold. Heck, Yaupé was right here, buuuut… she couldn’t help messing with him. It was too much fun.
“Can not!”
“[Can too!!]”
“Can not!”
“[Can t—!!!]”
“Yaupé! Cara!” Master Yoda’s voiced called onto the two youngling. The two slowly turned their heads towards the Jedi Grand Master as their eyes opened wide. “Have something to say the two of you do? Hm?” He asked. It was easy to tell from the short green aliens tone that he was definitely annoyed at the two, which suprisingly wasn’t a rare occurance for them. By this point, everyone in the room had their eyes on them awaiting their response.
Kriff. This wasn’t good. They didn’t just interrupt a speech. They interrupted a MASTER YODA speech; meaning they could either be in for a long and boring lecture after this, OR he was totally gonna quiz them right now if they tried lying by saying they were paying attention—which they were’nt, so that could go equally as bad and earn them a lecture regardless.
The two younglings shot quick worried glances at one another before their eyes landed back on Master Yoda. Fearing the lecture, Cara quickly bowed apologetically, being as ‘Jedi-like’ as possible, “Apologies, Master Yoda, It won’t happen again!!”
Yaupé looked at the human girl, before following her lead, doing the same.
“[Yeah! Sorry, Master, we promise it won’t happen again!!!]”
“Hmm…” Master Yoda grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. He could hear the other younglings snickering at the human and the wookiee. At least they apologized though. That was something. “Saying, I was…” The old master sighed, starting again, “To protect others, how does a Jedi? Hmm?”. He looked around, making sure that all the younglings were really paying attention, before pulling out his lightsaber, igniting it, its green light bouncing off his olive green skin and reflecting off the ice and snow.
“The lightsaber.” He answered. “Build your own lightsabers in time, you will, but first, harvest your own crystal you must.”
The group of younglings all murmered to one another in excitement, expressing their clear enthusiasm with “No way!!”’s and “Heck yeah!”’s, along with two younglings who whispered; ‘Called it!’ and ‘No you didn’t, nerf-for brains!’. Master Yoda couldn’t help but smirk. If they were’nt listening before, they sure were now.
“The heart of a lightsaber, the Kyber Crystal is.” Master Yoda continued. “Focuses the Force from the Jedi it does…” He said, before raising his hands hand towards the sky. Master Yoda closed his eyes gently, focusing as he used the Force to open a window within the temple. When opened, a beam of light was shot from the outside into a crystalized contraption, hanging overhead, that reflected that beam into the tall icey doorway in front of the group, melting it all in seconds, and exposing the entrance to the caves where the younglings are to go for their crystals.
“If Jedi you are to become, enter the crystal cave you must.” Master Yoda started again, looking at each of the younglings. “Trust yourselves. Trust eachother, and succeed you will.”
As the water from the melted door cleared, the younglings stood by the entrance to the ice caves, listening to the instructions of Padawan Leonie as she explained the do’s and don’t’s for the ice caves. Everyone seemed to be paying much more attention to her than they did to Master Yoda during the beggining part of his speech.
“—Oh! And one last thing;” She said. “Once you find your crystals, DO NOT remain inside the caves. As soon as daylight ends, the door will freeze over once again and you WILL be trapped inside…”
As soon as she said that, everyone looked at one another, making sure they all heard the same thing. “Uhh… I have a question?” Tomar announced, raising a hand, instantly catching the padawans attention. “How long would we be trapped for?”
“One rotation.”
It took a moment for the group to process what Leonie had just said, before-
“One rotation???” Everyone called out in unison. One rotation? here?? Their hearts sank just at the thought of it… staying in some old and creepy ice temple on some snow planet for the night???
“Yes. One rotation.” Leonie confirmed. “Now… that’s everything! Wishing you all the best of luck!!” She concluded with a cheery smile and a supportive thumbs up towards the group.
“Huh? wait, but-??” Khad’ started speaking.
“No ‘but’s’! Now go! Hurry before the door starts reforming!” She rushed, her hands doing a ‘shooing’ motion towards them. The group all shot frantic glances at one another before they rushed into the ice caves, finally starting their journey to get their Kyber Crystals.
Inside the Ilum temples ice caves, all that could be heard were the footsteps of the Jedi younglings as they moved along, their boots crunching at the snow beneath them, as well as the sound of crackling ice every so often. It was cold. Dark, and almost creepy with all the old frozen-over architecture among the cave walls. It was also kinda hard to walk, the floor was super slippery. Nevertheless, the younglings persisted.
Everyone, for the most part, was quiet, their thoughts mostly caught up on the whole ‘door freezing over’ bit that Leonie talked about and silently hoping to the Force that they find their crystals in time before that happened.
“So…” Tomar started, breaking the long moment of silence and catching everyones attention. “Out of everyone here, who’s more likely to get trapped inside the caves?”. It was typical of Tomar to try and bring some humor or ‘what if’ scenario into a situation, but, it lightened the mood so everyone was welcome to it. Everyone answered with the first person that came to their mind;
“Khad’.” Said Cara.
"[Khad’.]” Said Yaupé.
“Khad’.” Said Eyre.
They all looked towards Aras, who signed ‘Khad’’.
“WHAT!! WHY ME??” Khad’ shouted, his voice bouncing across the cave walls.
“Ehh… you just seem like the type to get stuck in an ice cave for a day.” Cara shrugged, a smirk plastered across her face.
Everyone seemed to nod along in agreement to Cara, leaving Khad’ dumbfounded.
“Well— she’s not wrong.” Tomar snickered.
“Shut up!! Kriff you guys!! If I get stuck here I hope you all get stuck here with me!!”
Seeing the twi’lek’s over-the-top reaction made the rest of the younglings howl in laughter, their snorts, snickers and roars echoeing across the cave walls, much to Khad’s annoyance. After walking further into the cave and getting a few more giggles out, the laughter soon vanished as the group approached what seemed to be the caves first obstacle for them. Before them lied three different openings within the cave. Peering into each one, they all seemed to look the exact same; long, dark and icey tunnels that the younglings could only assume lead right into the path to find their crystals. But… there were 6 of them and 3 tunnels. How were they going to go about this?
“Sooooo… what now?” Eyre spoke after a moment of everyone just standing there.
“[Hmm…]” Yaupé scratched his chin fur as he thought about what next step they could all take. There were three caves so, naturally, splitting up would be the best option right?Wait… no. No, they can’t split up! They could get lost- HE could get lost or hurt or WORSE!! And to add to that, none of them really knew what dangers they could even face in these caves! The more he thought about it, the more he just didn’t wanna risk it. “[Maybe… we should try sticking toge-]”
“We should split up!” Khad’ declared. Everyones eyes turned to the twi’lek. “Hear me out! See, there’s six of us and three caves, we can just split up and go into one of em with a partner!” Khad’ explained. “Then BAM! We find our crystals and make our cool and awesome sabers, easy peasy!!”
“That could work!” Cara agreed. Everyone in the group seemed to take a liking to the idea. Which was suprising cause it was a Khad’ idea. But a good one nevertheless. They almost felt bad for clowning on him earlier. Almost. “Heck yeah it will!!” Khad’ babbled eagerly, mostly just happy at the fact that his friends liked an idea of his. “Say, Aras, wanna be my partner?” He asked, nudging the Togruta by the arm. Aras smiled nodding their head ‘yes’ as Khad’ cheered, “Alright!! C’mon!” as he grabbed their hand, pulling them along into the one of the three tunnels in front of them.
“[Wait! But—!”]
“Hey, Eyre, wanna-”
“HECK YEAH!! Let’s go!!” Eyre didn’t even let Tomar finish asking them before they grabbed his arm and practically dragged him into the second cave that was in front of them. “Later losers!!!” Eyre’s voice called out, their voice echoeing through the caves walls. “Hey!! Waitwaitwaitwait!!!, slow down!!” Echoed Tomar’s voice behind them, going further and further into the tunnel, away from Cara and Yaupé.
Yaupé could only make a low grunting sound as he watched what just unfolded in front of him.
“Well…” Cara began, “Can’t blame ya for trying to keep everyone together.” She snickered. Yaupé couldn’t help but snicker along with her. Cara’s energy was just contagious like that.
“Sooo… any chance you wanna be my partner? By default?” She asked.
“[Hmm…]” Yaupé pretended to think, putting a hand to his chin. “[Ehh… I dunno if you’re cool enough to be my partner…]”
Cara fake-scoffed, playfully hitting Yaupé on the arm, “Shut up!” She chuckled, immedietly making the both of them giggle.
“We should get going—I wanna get my crystal before they do!” Cara half-joked, tapping at the wookiee.
“[Mm!]” Yaupé nodded with a newfound spark of confidence. With Cara by his side, he knew that the two of them could get through anything this cave had to throw at them! And with that, and a quick “C’mon!” from Cara, the two started into the third and last tunnel in front of them.
Leonie Luroon belongs to: @jaigeye !!
Eyre Brraven Belongs to: @circadianaa !!
(Thanks for letting me borrow your kids, besties! 💚)
The Bg’s are edited screencaps from The Clone Wars !!
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Gubernur Tegaskan Lokasi Tersus Tak Makan Areal Mangrove, Gerakan Intaran Tolak LNG Dinilai Cuma 'Gimmick'
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Upaya Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Bali dalam mewujudkan kemandirian energi Bali di masa yang akan datang menjadi tantangan besar yang perlu didukung keberlangsungannya. Seperti yang diketahui, Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster terus melakukan berbagai cara untuk dapat merealisasikannya, termasuk dengan rencana pembangunan Terminal Khusus (Tersus) Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) melalui Perusahaan Daerah (Perusda) Bali, PT. Dewata Energy Bersih (DEB) yang nantinya adalah untuk mendukung penggunaan energi bersih untuk pembangkit listrik sehingga ada tambahan pembangkit 2x100 MW dengan pola pemanfaatan Terminal LNG terapung untuk mendukung kehandalan energi listrik tersebut yang dinilai tepat untuk mendukung terciptanya efisiensi energi listrik di Pulau Bali, Jumat (29/7/2022). Namun pada faktanya yang terjadi rencana pembangunan tersebut juga mendapat pertentangan oleh sejumlah masyarakat adat dan menolak rencana tersebut dengan dasar akan berdampak buruk bagi ekosistem lingkungan hidup, khususnya hutan mangrove di wilayah pembangunannya, seperti warga Desa Adat Intaran, Sanur, Denpasar, yang menolak pembangunan Terminal Khusus (Tersus) LNG di wilayah Desa Adat Sidakarya, Denpasar, terus menuai pro dan kontra di masyarakat. Belum lama ini, Desa Adat Intaran bersama Kekal Bali, Frontier Bali, dan Walhi Bali bersurat ke PT. Dewata Energy Bersih perihal mempertanyakan makna atas pernyataan dari PT. Dewata Energy Bersih terkait pembangunan Tersus sebelum G20 di Kawasan Tahura Ngurah Rai pada Jumat (22/7/2022), dimana Made Krisna Dinata selaku Direktur Walhi Bali menjelaskan bahwa pihaknya telah bersurat kepada PT. DEB untuk meminta penjelasan mengenai maksud statmen tersebut dan bertanya-tanya serta membenarkan keraguan, jika pembangunan Terminal LNG diluar areal Mangrove seperti yang dikatakan Gubernur Bali masih hanya sebatas wacana dan belum final. "Apakah ketika Selesai acara KTT G20 akan dilakukan pembangunan Terminal LNG di kawasan Mangrove Tahura Ngurah Rai ?,” tanyanya. Terkait adanya pernyataan tersebut, Gubernur Wayan Koster kembali menegaskan, bahwa dirinya melarang Pembangunan Terminal LNG di Areal Hutan Mangrove, dan bahwa pembangunan Terminal LNG Sidakarya tidak boleh mematikan aktivitas perekonomian, nelayan, di Desa/Kelurahan terdampak, serta meminimumkan risiko kerusakan lingkungan, sosial dan budaya di wilayah Desa/Kelurahan terdampak, dimana hal tersebut juga dipertegas oleh PT. DEB melalui humasnya, Ida Bagus Ketut Purbanegara. "Perusda Bali tidak boleh membangun di areal Hutan Mangrove dan menganggu Terumbu Karang yang ada di kawasan Desa Sidakarya, Desa Sesetan, Desa Serangan, Desa Intaran dan di Desa Pedungan, Kota Denpasar terkait adanya rencana pembangunan Terminal Liquified Natural Gas (LNG)," pungkasnya. Dalam hal ini, DEB akan bersinergi dengan Desa/Kelurahan terdampak, agar harmonis dan mendapat manfaat secara bersama-sama Konsep pembangunan kawasan sedang disusun oleh Kelompok Ahli Pembangunan yang melibatkan para pakar sesuai keahlian yang dibutuhkan Konsep pembangunan kawasan akan dibahas bersama Pemerintah Kota Denpasar, perwakilan komponen masyarakat di Desa/Kelurahan terdampak, serta pihak terkait. "Sekali lagi, kami sudah mengkaji pelaksanaan Pembangunan Terminal LNG Sidakarya, dimana lokasi dermaga sandar di Desa Sidakarya. Untuk penyimpanan gas kami pastikan akan dibangun di luar areal mangrove," tegas IBK Purbanegara. Rencana pembangunan terminal LNG telah di rancang sedemikian rupa untuk mengedepankan kesucian dan keharmonisan alam Bali, yang akan berkontribusi besar terhadap terciptanya penambahan lapangan kerja baru yang akan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat kedepannya, dimana semestinya hal ini bisa disambut baik oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Lebih lanjut, saat ini, tidak sedikit juga masyarakat Bali yang menilai bahwa demo tolak LNG diduga hanya sebagai kedok atau 'Gimmick' penyelamatan lingkungan. Alasannya, karena sangat jelas Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster sebelumnya secara langsung menanggapi aspirasi masyarakat, sehingga mengarahkan PT. DEB (Dewata Energi Bersih) membangun terminal penyimpanan LNG tidak lagi di areal mangrove. Untuk itulah, PT. DEB harus mendukung kebijakan pemerintah Provinsi Bali untuk memperhatikan serius aspirasi masyarakat terkait rencana pembangunan Tersus LNG di Sidakarya. "Apa yang Pak Gub lakukan agar dalam proyek-proyek energi seperti LNG, blok migas agung 1 di Bali utara, agar di masa depan ya lebih banyak Putra-Putri Bali yang berperan. Seperti konsep beliau membangun Bali, bukan hanya membangun di Bali. Jangan seperti airport di Ngurah Rai, yang hanya 5% orang Bali bekerja. Itupun jadi pekerja kasar. Bagaimana caranya agar di masa depan manajemennya juga bisa orang Bali sampai Ke level bawah. Agar orang Bali tidak jadi penonton dalam hal ini, jadi BUMD harus diperkuat dan SDM harus dibangun baru dapat terwujud kemandirian, kalau terus ditolak kapan kita mau maju," ungkap salah satu Pokli Gubernur Bali, Sugeng Pramono kepada awak media, pada Jumat (29/7/2022). Untuk dapat diketahui, Penggunaan LNG (gas alam cair) sebagai energi listrik juga memiliki nilai lingkungan dan ekonomis yang tinggi. Dibandingkan dengan bensin dan solar, LNG lebih ramah lingkungan karena dapat mengurangi emisi sekitar 85%, dan dibandingkan CNG, LNG memiliki nilai densitas energi 3 kali lebih besar pada volume yang sama disamping menghasilkan harga ekonomi kelistrikan yang sangat efisien. (aar/bpn) Read the full article
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sumber : tohasyahputra.com
Air Terjun Coban Talun. Sedari dulu, Batu adalah kota yang cantik. Kota ini dipilih oleh wisatawan dari segala penjuru Indonesia sebagai salah satu tempat ideal meluapkan kebahagiaan mereka. Kaya akan obyek wisata, baik wisata modern maupun wisata alam. Bahkan demi memanjakan para pengunjungnya, kebanyakan tempat wisata alam di Batu telah diperkaya dengan beberapa wahana. Selain Paralayang Gunung Banyak dan air terjun Coban Rais, ada juga Coban Talun yang kini semakin meriah dengan opsi-opsi wisata bertemakan alam. [nextpage] [su_note note_color=”#ffffff” radius=”15″ class=”kiri”]
Menu Aktivitas Fasilitas Harga Tiket Rute & Maps
[/su_note]Wanawisata yang lokasinya cukup dekat dengan taman rekreasi Selecta ini benar-benar menyambut siapa saja dengan dinginnya udara pegunungan Kota Batu. Bahkan, semenjak di perjalanan dari pusat kota menuju lokasi setiap pengunjung akan dijamu pemandangan perbukitan yang berjajar di sebelah barat Gunung Arjuno. Di sepanjang jalan itu pula banyak wisata berbasis apel dan bunga atau tanaman hias.
Coban Talun sendiri adalah air terjun dengan ketinggian kurang lebih 75 meter. Berada pada ketinggian 1000-an mdpl yang secara administratif berlokasi di Desa Tulungrejo, kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu. Air terjun yang merupakan hulu dari sungai Brantas ini memiliki debit air cukup besar hingga terciptalah kabut uap air yang cukup luas. Air yang jatuh bak kapas itu senantiasa membatasi rimbun hijau yang menyelimuti tebing berwarna basah nan elegan.
Sementara itu, dasar permukaan air terjun didominasi bebatuan dalam beragam bentuk dan ukuran. Kesan elegan sangatlah terasa, terlebih melalui komposisi batu-batu yang cenderung licin dan basah menimbulkan warna khas bebatuan yang mengkilap. Nuansa ketenangan cukup dimungkinkan ditempat ini, meski di beberapa area juga ada berbagai wahana yang sengaja diciptakan agar pengunjungnya enggan pulang.
Perhutani sebagai pihak pengelola telah bekerjasama dengan pihak swasta. Dari kerjasama itu, beberapa fitur rekreasi telah ditambahkan demi melayani keragaman usia, minat dan kebutuhan wisatawan. Di dekat lokasi parkir berkisar 1 kilometer dari air terjun, telah ada kebun bunga yang didesain sedemikian rupa. Selain itu, ada juga wahana Apache berupa kampung indian serta Pagupon Camp yang di rancang unik untuk melayani wisatawan yang ingin bermalam.
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Aktivitas di Air Terjun Coban Talun
Berkunjung ke Coban Talun, tentu saja tetaplah fokus pada obyek wisata utama, yakni air terjunnya. Meskipun oleh beberapa keadaan, Anda akan tergiur dengan beragam wahana disekitar, namun percayalah bahwa pesona Coban Talun tetap memegang kendali yang memastikannya untuk tetap di utamakan. Siapkanlah energi untuk memasuki kemolekan alam bernuansa sendu dan persiapkanlah banyak rasa bahagia dan ketakjuban.
Awalnya, dari lokasi parkir setiap pengunjung akan berjalan sejauh kurang lebih 1 kilometer melewati lereng bukit. Mencoba teliti akan keindahan selama perjalanan itu adalah ide sempurna. Citarasa alam pegunungan cukup kentara dalam naungan hutan pinus. Nikmatilah keharmonisan nada-nada alam melalui lembut semilir angin, gemeretak ranting-ranting, atau satwa-satwa hutan yang sedang berdendang.
Mengingat jalanan yang cenderung menurun terjal, berhati-hatilah. Berjalan santai sembari tetap nyaman dengan nuansa kesejukan, hingga tanpa terasa suara khas air terjun semakin kentara. Tentu, perjalanan ini cukup bersahabat dengan wisatawan dari berbagai usia. Tidak jarang, yang berusia lanjut dan anak-anak pun ikut serta. Semuanya berbahagia, terlebih ketika mereka sadari bahwa air terjun sudah di depan mata.
Setiap orang memiliki cara unik untuk mendefinisikan keindahan, tidak terkecuali ketika mereka berada di Coban Talun. Jadi, datanglah dan deskripsikan sendiri pesonanya sesuai dengan kacamata ketakjuban Anda. Umumnya, tradisi kebanyakan wisatawan adalah berswafoto dengan latar belakang alam yang tersaji. Hanya saja, adalah lebih baik jika tersedia energi lebih dalam penghayatan untuk menumbuhkan rasa kecintaan pada alam.
Wisata kali ini milik Anda, jadi lakukan apapun asal tetap beretika. Perlu diketahui, permukaan air terjun Coban Talun di dominasi oleh bebatuan licin. Selain disebabkan tempias air terjun dengan debit cukup besar, uap air di sekitar umumnya berskala luas. Berhati-hatilah, tetaplah memegang kendali rasa bahagia. Bersahabatlah dengan ketenangan, luapkan rasa kagum untuk memicu lahirnya rasa syukur pada sang Pencipta.
Setelah puas, jangan lupa bahwa disekitar lokasi parkir juga ada kebun bunga. Desainnya sangat baik, dalam naungan rindang hutan pinus, bunga-bunga aneka ragam dan warna berpadu dengan beberapa properti tambahan seperti payung dalam aneka warna. Wahana Apache juga ada dan cobalah menikmati apa yang disajikan.
Tidak lupa, ada Pagupon Camp sebagai tempat menginap dengan nuansa unik, lengkap dengan beragam fasilitas penunjang seperti taman, rumah pohon, hammock dan lain-lain. Ada lagi, OYOT (Obyek Wisata Coban Talun) sebagai fitur yang baru saja ditambah pada tahun 2018 ini. Selamat Berwisata!
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Fasilitas di Air Terjun Coban Talun
Mengingat Kota Batu adalah kota wisata, umumnya tempat wisata di Kota Apel ini telah dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang memadai. Hal ini juga berlaku pada Air Terjun Coban Talun. Fasilitas di obyek wisata alam ini meliputi lahan parkir yang luas, tempat ibadah (mushola), balai serbaguna dan toilet atau kamar mandi. Selain itu ada juga warung atau kantin penjual makanan dan minuman.
Ingin menginap? bisa mencoba sensasi bermalam di Pagupon Camp. Sebuah penginapan berbentuk sangkar burung merpati yang mana satu rumah memuat satu kamar tidur dan kamar mandi. Disini juga ada mushola, kantin, rumah pohon dan aneka fasilitas pendukung lainnya. Jika ingin lebih bersahabat dengan alam, bisa ke bumi perkemahan Coban Talun dan mendirikan tenda di sana. Selain itu, Kota Batu sendiri telah siap dengan banyak akomodasi dan penginapan.
Fasilitas lain yang bisa didapati disini adalah Warung Oyot, DAM Cinta, berkuda, kolam perahu bebek, play ground, gazebo, dan kolam pancing lele. Ada juga motor Trail dan ATV yang bisa disewa untuk berkeliling di sekitar wanawisata ini. Meski cukup jauh, sebenarnya disini juga ada jasa rafting. Jika energi wisata kali ini memungkinkan, tidak ada salahnya mencoba olah raga menegangkan itu untuk menambah pengalaman wisata Anda di Kota Batu. Ingin berlama-lama di Kota Wisata Batu? baca juga artikel Obyek Wisata Populer di Kota Batu.
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Harga Tiket Air Terjun Coban Talun
Seiring dengan penambahan wahana dan fasilitas yang ada, harga tiket masuk Coban Talun secara bertahap naik hingga Rp 10.000 pada awal 2018. Berikut ini adalah daftar harga tiket selengkapnya :
Tiket Masuk Coban Talun Rp 10.000 Parkir Motor Rp 5.000 Parkir Mobil Rp 10.000 Apache Camp & Pagupon Camp Tiket Masuk @ Rp 5.000 Menginap Rp 300.000 – Rp 500.000 / malam
Mengingat wahana di Air Terjun Coban Talun tersu bertambah, daftar harga diatas belum mencakup semuanya dan bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu bergantung kebijakan pihak pengelola
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Rute & Maps Air Terjun Coban Talun
Seperti yang telah disebut di awal artikel ini, Air Terjun Coban Talun terletak cukup dekat dengan Taman Rekreasi Selecta, 3,5 kilometer. Dari Alun-Alun Kota Batu lanjutkan perjalanan ke arah Selecta-Cangar. Rute menuju lokasi sangat mudah, ada juga angkutan berwarna merah muda yang bisa mengantar sampai di gang sebagai pintu masuknya. Dari sini, loket pembayaran karcis berjarak kurang lebih 50 meter saja.
Berikut ini adalah peta petunjuk jalan dari Kota Wisata Batu ke Obyek Wisata Coban Talun :
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Kemeriahan Air Terjun Coban Talun Air Terjun Coban Talun. Sedari dulu, Batu adalah kota yang cantik. Kota ini dipilih oleh wisatawan dari segala penjuru Indonesia sebagai salah satu tempat ideal meluapkan kebahagiaan mereka.
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asepsumarna · 7 years
Mencari Profesi Andalan
Sampai saat ini aku masih percaya, bahwa setiap orang memiliki potnsi besar untuk mengambil peran di dunia. Setiap orang itu, punya keunikan sendiri yang membuat mereka bia mengambil pran spesifiknya masing-masing. Karena itu, aku yakin, jika aku bisa menggali keunikanku sendiri dan mengasahnya kemudian menemukan satu hal untuk dikembangkan, akan ada hal berarti yang bisa aku hasilkan.
Pengkajianku akan diriku sendiri, masih terus berjalan. Aku memiliki beberapa kesukaan. Namun keahlian yang sulit di dapatkan. Aku suka menulis, namun tulisanku tidak kunjung membaik. Aku juga suka seni. Tapi keahlianu dalam bidang grafis sulit untuk diandalkan. Karena aku masih terus mencari, akhirnya aku putuskan untuk mengambil satu hal untuk di seriusi.
Untuk permulaan, aku memilih yang paling mungkin diwujudkan. Paling mungkin karena aku memiliki sedikit dasar keahliannya, aku juga menaruh minat atasnya, dan memiliki potensi ekonomis juga. Jika aku melakukan pengembangan pada bidag ini sangat mungkin aku akan meraih sesuatu yang berharga.
Pilihan pertamaku jatuh pada menulis. Sejak lama aku ingin menulis. Aku selalu menyimpan keinginan untuk menulis. Munculnya keinginan itu aku kira saat aku mulai suka membaca.Membaca membuatku mereasa lebih baik. Dan saat itu aku ingin melakukan sesuatu yang membuatku dan orang-orang lain mereasa lebih baik. Jadilah aku bercita-cita untuk menghasilka karya tulis.
Namun, mewujudkan keinginan itu tidaklah mudah. Saat awal mencoba, aku mendapatkan apa yang orang bilang sebagai “keberuntungan pemulaa.” Aku memenangkan lomba menulis, tulisanku dimuat di media dan tuisanku mendapat apresiasi dari orang-orang disekitarku. Namun, hal itu tidak berlangsung lama. Saat aku mengalami kegagalan dalam menulis, aku tidak lagi berusaha melanjutkannya.
Saat aku tidak lagi menulis, bukan berarti telah hilang keinginan untuk menjadi penulis. Keinginan itu masih tertanam dalam diriku Setiap kali aku membaca kata-kata “menulis, buku, kreativitas,” kata-kata itu masih saja menggtarkan hatiku. Aku terus berusaha mencari dorongan aga aku bisa menulis lagi. Sampai akhirnya aku mencba kembali menulis.
Peercobaan-percobaan menulis berrikutnya, bisa dikatakan aku tidak mendapat keberhasilan. Setiap mencoba, aku selalu merasa bahwa tulisanku tidak bagus. Aku terus saja merasa gagal. Aku kemudian berhenti agi untuk beberapa lama. Namun keinginan untuk menjadi penulis masih sering mengembalikanku pada kegiatan itu lagi.
Lalu, beberapa tahun terakhir, aku menemukan sebuah pemikirna tentang menulis bebas agar bisa menghasilkan tulisan. Dengan cara itu aku memang tidak akan  mendapatkan tulisan yang baik. Tapi dengan teknik ini, aku bisa menuangkan sebuah ide dalam bentu tulisan. Setelah tulisannya ada, barulah bisa dilakukan perbaikan. Maka sangat mungkin dihasilkan tulisan yang baik.
Sejak menemukan ide itu, aku ingin membuat kebiasaan menulis tanpa berpikir. Kebiasaan aku harapkan bisa menghasilkan keahlian. Namun, jangankan keahlian, kebiasaanpun tidak bisa aku wujudkan. Setiap kali aku memulia komitmen menulis setiap hari, aku selalu terhenti. Hingga akhirnya, setelah beberapa kali mencoba aku sampai pada capaian pertama melaksanakan komitmen membiasakan menulis setiap hari selama 99 hari. Pada saat tulisan ini dibuat, komitmen itu belum genap seluruhnya. Masih tersisa 10 hari terakhir untuk mencapai angka 99. Tapi, aku harus mengapresiasi bahwa ini adalah prestasi terbesarku dalam bidang menulis.
Setlah masa pembiasaan ini hampir selesai, aku masih beum puas dengan hasilnya. Keahlianku dalam menulis belum bisa diandalkan. Tulisanku masih hambar dan tidak berbobot. bahkan tulisanku masih sangat jauh dari kualitas tulisan yang aku sendiri tidak akan mau membacanya. Karena itu, aku belum akan segera membuat tulisan untuk dipublikasikan. Untuk sementara aku hanya akan berlatih hingga aku merasa tenang dengan hasil tulisanku. Mungkin sampai aku bisa merasa, “Aku tidak percaya bahwa akulah yang menulisnya.”
Rasa minder ini berasal dari kebiasaanku membaca buku bagus. Karena bacaan yang lumayan banyak, akhirnya aku bisa semakin mengenali buku dan tulisan yang bagus. Hal itu membuatku tidak menyukai tulisan yang buruk. Karena itu, saat aku mengetahui bahwa kualitas tulisanku masih dibawah kualitas tulisan yang aku nilai buruk, aku masih beum mau mempublikasikannya.
Saat aku mengatakan aku banyak membaca tulisan bagus, maka, kalau diingat-ingat, semuanya adalah tulisan orang-orang barat. Aku mengerti banyak diantara dilai-nilai yang ada di dalamnya tidak cocok dengan nilai-nilai keisalaman yang kau anut. Tapi aku bisa menkmati gaya mereka menulis dan cara mereka menyuguhkan sebuah gagasan dalam tulisan. Sepertinya aku memiliki kecenderungan untuk menganggap tulisan bagus itu tulisan seperti milik penulis-penulis barat.
Aku juga memiliki buku-buku islami karya orang-orang indonesia. Tapi jarang sekali karya mereka itu menggerakan hatiku dan membuatku ingin menbacanya berlang kali. Sebenarnya aku memiliki bberapa buku islami yang aku anggap bagus. Buku-buku itu aku baca berulang-ulang. Buku-buku itu lebih banyak buku berbahasa arab yang diterjemahkan. Aku menyukainya lebih kepada isinya, bukan kepada penutusannya. Sebenarnya ada beberapa buku yang sangat aku sukai gaya penulisannya. Namun, aku masih menyimpan keyakinan untuk bsia menulis karya sejenis itu, aku harus menjadi sangat hebat dan sangat berilmu. Barankkali itu juga yang tersu mendorongku untuk terus belajar
Setelah mengetahui keadaan diriku dalam bidang menulis, kini aku hanya akan terus berlatih hingga aku merasa puas dengan apa yang aku tulis. barulah setelah itu ak akan membuat publikasi.
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jswahaarts · 2 years
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dhjdhdhdg I drew this yesterday since it was Life Day but had no time to post it 😭😭😭
fhrjhr anyway Happy belated Life Day y’all!!! Have a Life Day Yap’!!!
Yaupé absolutely ADORES Life Day!! It’s literally his favourite holiday ever (mostly cuz of the food and the day off from training dhdhgdgd) his happiest memories naturally involve his friends and who he considers family; Cara, Talak, the clones, people he loves alot :]] Tho his most happiest is with Cara!!! 💚💚
Bg is from Star Wars Holiday Special (💀)
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jswahaarts · 2 years
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POV: You see these two gremlins at your door on halloween night, wyd?
gdjdghd wanted to post a silly lil halloween drawing of these two lol!!
I like to imagine that if the Jedi did do halloween, the ones who celebrated it would like prolly do it inside the temple and like give treats to kids and younglings from inside their quarters or whatev 😭
anyway, thoughts on Cara and Yap’s costumes? :o
BG is from the Star Wars Revenge Of The Sith game just edited lol!! :]
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jswahaarts · 2 years
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Y’all seen the new Galaxy Of Adventure shorts snapshots yet???
jk they’re not real sorry for lying💔
fghdhrg I wanted to try out the GOA style again, in between comms!! And suprise suprise, my two fav ocs are the test subjects once again 💚
augh but fr im super proud of how these came out!! This styles so fun to draw in!!! 😭😭
Honestly if Cara and Yaupé were to get their own GOA shorts, they’d probably be really silly kid friendly ones because they deserve cute little slice of life jedi adventures to distract themselves from the war 😭
(BG’s are from screengrabs from Star Wars Galaxy Of Adventures !!)
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jswahaarts · 2 years
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“Yap’s a good kid. A great pain in my shebs, but, a good kid overall. He’ll make one helluva Knight some day.”
Talak Kazar - Data Entry 19 BBY
Yaupé was a Padawan learner who served under the Republic during the beginnings and the end of The Clone Wars. He fought alongside his Master, General Talak Kazar, the pair leading the 421st Legion into battle countless times across the Galaxy. Though despite witnessing and experiencing the horrors of war at such a young age, Yaupé was what, his companions and friends would call him; A big goofball and a huge dork and he was always seen having a big dumb smile on his face. He was also no stranger to the longtime Wookiee tradition of giving out the best hugs in the galaxy.
“Cara is a strong and intelligent warrior, and an even greater Padawan. Although, she does have the tendancies to talk nonstop about her ‘anime’’s... during battle. Nevertheless; All the good qualities of an excellent future Jedi Knight… I think.”
Zyr’ra Soo - Data Entry 19 BBY
Cara Tersu was a Padawan learner who served under the Republic during the beginnings and the end of The Clone Wars. She was the proud Padawan to Jedi Master/General Zyr’ra Soo. The Master/Padawan duo would fight together throughout the entirety of the war, as well as leading the 697th Legion into battle Countless times across the Galaxy. Despite constantly having to experience the hardships of war and trying to live up to the high expectations of her master, Cara was always described by her peers and other masters as a very bright and cheery pupil, always coming up with lame jokes that couldn’t help but make you laugh. She was also a huge nerd; always bringing up her favourite media whenever she can.
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jswahaarts · 2 years
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gdjdghd wanted to post some finished Color Pallate/Expression requests i got from my friends here a bit ago!!
Yaupé and Cara are here but there’s also three ocs here that i never really posted so lemme introduce em real quick!! Khad’ Rara (He/him) is the Twi’lek, Aras Va’ar (They/them) is the Togruta, and Tomar Kesyk (He/him) is the other human !! They’re Cara and Yaupé’s other friends from their classes at the Jedi Temple! They’re mostly side characters but i love em alot :] They cause alotta havoc when they’re together!!
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jswahaarts · 3 years
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She’s probably thinking about watching that space anime she’s halfway through in the temple library computers after training.
What the scallop!!! Cara Tersu???? irl!!! what the heck!!!!!!!
hsjdhs I wanted to do another oc realism portrait, this time of Cara Tersu!! 😁😁 Also I wanna give a huge thanks to my friend @/tyluvuzii on IG for letting me use her as Cara’s faceclaim, honestly she was my top pick for an irl Cara Tersu!!
Also y’all should check out her shop https://instagram.com/tyflambo?utm_medium=copy_link !! or @/Tyflambo on IG!! She sells really cool stuff!! 😮😮
(Also adding Extra closeups like last post cuz I spent several days on this detail 💀)
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jswahaarts · 2 years
HDJDHD hi besties!! Happy pride month!! Sooo I wanted to do something similar to last year with some art of Cara and Yaupé, but this time, I wanna show off their love interests(short term because of story reasons) after Order 66!!
Yaupé and Krett(He/him) -
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Yaupé first met Krett during his time hiding out in the lower levels of Coruscant. One day Yaupé noticed someone who landed themselves in some imperial trouble involving smuggled goods, he was hesitant to help out, but decided to anyway- it then turned out that the person he helped was part of some rebel crew- in which, when Yap’ finished helping her, the rest of that crew had accidentally mistaken him for a thief. After some ‘peaceful’ resolutions they were pretty chill with him afterwards !!
While he was getting to know them, one of the crew members, a Lasat named Krett Bruzak, stuck out to him. He made bad jokes- like incredibley lame and REALLY corny jokes, but was kinda charming—and Yaupé liked that! They hung out and soon enough Yaupé caught himself catching feelings for Krett- and vise versa :] That led to the two dating for a while!! ^^ They didn’t last very long as a couple but they enjoyed the time they spent together!
Cara and Selah(She/her) -
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Cara first met Selah while hiding out and living on the lower levels of Coruscant. During her time in hiding with Yaupé, they both found themselves comfortable jobs that could afford rent. For Cara, she worked as a Mechanic, putting use to some of the skills she learned during her Jedi days!
Whenever Cara would clock out from work she’d see the same person, a Theelin woman, clock out from a diner across the mechanics shop at about the same time everyday as well. They didn’t really interact much until, at some point, the Theelin started greeting Cara when they got out. It then escalated to them talking and walking home together. Cara found herself enjoying spending time with the Theelin, who’s name was Selah Niss. She was super sweet! And she even liked Anime! Soon enough Cara caught herself catching feelings for Selah, and was really scared about it, cuz she didn’t wanna mess things up- but after some encouragement from Yaupé and some coworkers, she eventually asked her out- and Selah said yes! Afterwards the two would start dating and they were both super happy with their relationship!!
GDJDGHD thats all besties!! Happy pride 💚💖
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jswahaarts · 3 years
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gdhdvd lil belated birthday gift to myself of my two bbys 💚😭
Yaupé really likes hugs(like most wookiee’s in the galaxy), and though Cara likes her space, she’ll accept em from her bff 😁
(also she’s being lifted here cuz shes not at all tall lol)
also bonus doodle under the cut!!
the only downside to having a friend who’s a furry alien 🏃‍♀️
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jswahaarts · 3 years
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You know what?
//species swap au’s your Cara and Yaupé//
I thought making some species swap designs between my main SW ocs would be cool 😁😁
also some closeups too lol
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jswahaarts · 2 years
help i’ve been scrolling ur blog and something has been burning in my brain that needs to be answered and i’m sorry if u have already said this BUT: do Cara and Yaupé live well past Order 66 please I need to know
welllllllllllllll,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, things kinda get better, for a bit tho :o like they both still have alot of trauma from order 66- the pain never goes away but luckily they both have eachother to comfort and confide in(which is something not alot of jedi survivors get) (there’s so much hugging during that time in their lives too)
But yeah other than that their post-jedi life, for a while, kinda becomes a short sw slice of life thing, they become room-mates in like the lower levels of coruscant(cuz they were too scared/ had trust issues in talking to anyone about smuggling them off-world after O66 and they were broke) and they find suitable jobs and they’re kinda comfortable for a few years :]
They even give eachother the same last names when taking up new identities so techniqually, to them, that made them official siblings! 😁
oh yeah there’s also that part with the inquisitors too,,,
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jswahaarts · 2 years
28 for Yaupé hi I forgor also I forgor one for cara hi 32 pushes you over
28.) Is your oc always late, always early, or always right on time? Is there any reason for this?
It depends- like, for training with Master Talak? heck yeah he’d be late 💀 He doesn’t mind getting lectured for 5 minutes. For his friends? Right on time, he’ll be there 10 minutes early for them!!
32.) Is your oc a pacifist, or someone who picks fights? Why? In what situations would they be the opposite?
Cara prefers not to harm people, unless its training or cutting down droids, cuz if its that, that’s her favourite thing to do and she’ll play unfairly too !! And i’d guess she’d be a bit more prone to cause harm to someone if her or someone else’s life was on the line 😮
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jswahaarts · 2 years
2, 3 Yaupé 🤭
6, 16 Cara
11 Talak
2.) Can your oc play any instruments? Have they ever wanted to learn how to play any? Why?
Honestly, the only thing I imagine Yaupé playing is a triangle for a mini jedi talent show thing he and Cara did when they were younger or smthn 😭 He’d be pretty good i think and pretty confident in himself(he was a confidence baby wookiee), even if it was just constant dinging :]
3.) If you were to choose another name for your oc, what do you think it would be? Did you choose it for how it sounds or for its meaning?
GEJDGD literally, I can’t imagine Yaupé with a different name 😭😭 but if I had to choose for this hypothetical, i’d choose ‘Wrook’ because it sounds neat and kinda fits :]
6.) What was your oc’s relationship with their parents like? If they didn’t have any parents/didn’t know them, who in their life was the closest to a parent to them?
Cara’s master, Zyr’ra was the closest thing to a parent she had :] And they had a pretty good relationship!! Zyr’ra IS more strict when it comes to jedi stuff and training, which can be annoying, but other then that she and Zyr’ra are cool!! Zyr’ra listens to Cara about her interests and stuff, and Zyr’ra even went out of her way to look up whatever Cara was talking about to further understand it. (she found a spoiler for an anime Cara was watching once that included a character death and she had to carry that burden of knowledge while Cara was talking about how that character was her favourite.)
16.) How often does your oc lie? Why is that? What was the biggest lie they’ve ever told?
From time to time, but mostly cuz she does stupid things sometimes and she needs to get herself out of trouble!! ALTHOUGH her biggest lie started when she first met Yaupé when they were lil’ lil’ kids! She pretended that she could understand him. Like without any thought, she made him think she could understand shyriiwook when she couldn’t 💀 So, for like a year and a half whenever they’d talk, Cara would just wing it in front of Yaupé and by some miracle in the force she’d say the right things. Eventually she did learn to understand him through the force as she got better at it, so she didn’t need to worry about it anymore- (she never told him about it tho💀)
11.) What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to your oc?  Do they still feel ashamed for it? Were there any witnesses?
literally, it happened on a long mission on a snow planet once. It was super late so Talak, Yaupé and the 421st legion rested for the night. Yaupé was the first one to fall asleep, as he was the youngest there(14). Though, he fell asleep leaning on Talak, which Talak was kinda annoyed with and tried nudging the wookiee off, but, after some attempts he just gave up. He couldn’t really find his way out of this trap without waking Yaupé so he had to just deal with it. So he kinda just wrapped an arm around Yaupé to keep him in place—just so that he wouldn’t fall or anything. What he didn’t know, though, was that the clones were seeing the whole thing play out and were snickering at him.
Imagine it; Talak, some guy who’s built himself up to be a no-nonsense grouch who hated kids was suddenly acting like a soft dad in front of his troops- and he felt kind of embarrased about it at the time(most of his ‘dad moments’ with Yaupé were always away from the clones or just private). He didn’t feel that way later on though, just a minor thing that happened.
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