#Caregiver!Hanzo Hasashi
nxrseryclouds · 9 months
Hi! I have a moodboard request!! Two actually! :3 Can you do CG Hanzo Hasashi with CG Subzero Kuai Liang? (Mortal Kombat 11 specifically) Can Hanzo's be yellow and teddy themed? And Kuai Liang's be blue and ice cream theme? That would be amazing but if it's too difficult that's completely okay!!! Take you time, or ignore this, but have a good day!! :D
These icons are kind of silly but I hope you like it!
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starsurface · 5 months
Hi friend hope the hanzo mk 11 with Baby Bi-Han Mk 1 isn't too much hassle as a fic I know it can be hard sometimes even with the requests just letting you know I don't mind how long it takes just hope you're doing well and it isn't causing you any unnecessary stress or worry 😊
Hi!!! Sorry for this taking so long!! I have my Fics on another request list, which you can check on my AO3. :p
But also thank you for the support and concern! I'm doing well!! No stress at all! Just Senioritist seeping into posting. <3
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CG Hanzo MK11 w/ Regressor Bi-Han MK1 (Fic)
 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
"If you keep glaring at it, it might eventually freeze over," Hanzo said as he added some honey into a bottle of milk.
Bi-Han huffed, moving his glare from the bottle, to Hanzo, then back to the bottle.
He didn't need Hanzo's silly commentary. Just like how he didn't need some silly baby bottle!!
"Hate it!" Bi-Han spat. "We get rid of it!"
"Have you ever dranked from a bottle before, Bi?" Hanzo asked, receiving another huff. "If you truly hate it, we have a sippy cup instead."
Bi-Han didn't like that choice either.
He found . . . friendship with Hanzo and Kuai Liang, as did his brothers. It was an . . . interesting friendship, at first.
Timeline merging was something Hanzo had gotten used to, especially with the events that happened here. Although Liu Kang- Uh, "Lord" Liu Kang's new universe was . . . interesting.
Not bad just . . . a different take on their lives.
Although Hanzo, surprisingly to some, enjoyed this universes Bi-Han.
He was still Kuai Liang's brother, but in another universe, one where he wasn't fully corrupted by Quan Chi. 
One where he could be saved.
Even Kuai Liang enjoyed his company. And it was almost awkward that he wasn't with them. But he was hanging out with the Scorpion Kuai Liang and short haired Tomas.
Hanzo and kuai Liang enjoyed watching regressors, and after finding Bi-Han regressing, and the entire incident (meltdown) that followed, they had started taking a small CG role for him. Even encouraging little playdates when one of them were small.
Bi-Han wasn't too keen at the friendship at first . . . But he wouldn't deny that they provided somewhat of a safe haven for being tiny.
"Don't need that either," Bi-Han frowned. "Cup."
Hanzo shook his head, "Your too little for big kid cups-"
"No!" Bi-Han stomped his foot. hanzo put a hand in the air, indicating Bi-Han to take a deep breath, which he did. ". . . Not a baby, Papa."
Ah, that's what it was.
Even if Bi-Han did regress smaller than others, he had a habit of indicating that he wasn't 'some baby'. Always trying to do big kid things.
But even with straws, Bi-Han had a habit of knocking over his cups. Or dropping them by accident. It wouldn't matter if it was just water. But the angry shouting and throwing Bi-Han had after was something Hanzo didn't want to encourage.
Bi-Han hated regression items.
Or, he feared them, to an extent.
Most of his items were kept here, in another universe, where his LIn Kuei couldn't find.
What would they say if they found their Grandmaster's paci? Or a teddy bear on his bed? He'd be reducuiled, he know he would.
Still, Hanzo and Kuai Liang decided that a baby bottle and a sippy cup wouldn't hurt him. And they would just store it at the Shirai Ryu temple, there was no reason to be all fussy about it.
"Of course you aren't. you just need a cup with safer cup, one that won't spill as easily."
Bi-Han wanted to call bogus. There were so many big kid cups like that!! He didn't need some baby bottle or sippy cup- He just needed a big kid cup! Why couldn't Hanzo see that?! 
He was be silly, and not in the good way.
Hanzo noticed Bi-Han's grumpy scowl, ruffling his hair, "You'll be okay. Just try it out and if you'd like, I can change it."
Bi-Han wanted to press more, but knew it really wouldn't get anywhere.
Well, it could if he reeeeally wanted it . . . But he also couldn't completely deny that he did want to use one. It was just embarrassing, using some bottle.
"Fine," Bi-Han grumbled.
"There's blocks in the living room corner if you'd like to bring them out," Hanzo suggested, screwing the bottle cap on.
This sparked Bi-Han's interest. Blocks? he liked blocks! He didn't have them back at his place, but hanzo was more than willing to share his toys.
Bi-Han practically rushed out of the room, causing Hanzo to hold back a chuckle. Any sort of laughing would cause a tempter tantrum.
Hanzo shook the bottle before walking back into the living room, setting it on the low table. Bi-Han, who was in the middle of building his castle, paused his actions, glaring at the cup as if it were to attack him.
"The more it sits, the more it'll spoil," Hanzo warned him, sitting on the couch.
"Nap?" Bi-Han glared at Hanzo. 
Warm honey milk always made Bi-Han sleepy. Was Hanzo trying to make him take a nap? He wasn't some baby, only babies took naps!
"No, you asked for it?" Hanzo raised an eyebrow, receiving a huff.
Okay, maybe he had, but he wasn't going to admit it.
Bi-Han seemed hesiant. He tried to drink some, but quickly set the bottle down. It was too - Too embarrassing!! He couldn't drink out of it! Especially while Hanzo was right there, just watching!
Hanzo tried not to watch, amused by Bi-Han's actions. But he didn't want the milk to go bad. And Bi-Han was clearly thirsty, he couldn't have the little one go thirsty.
". . . Come here," Hanzo patted his lap. Bi-Han looked confused. "Lay your head on my lap."
Bi-Han hesitated, looking between his blocks and Hanzo. Eventually, he slowly got up, waddling with his bottle in hand.
He sat beside Hanzo, laying his head on his lap. Hanzo gently stroked Bi-Han's hair, holding the bottle to his mouth, which Bi-Han hesitantly accepted.
Bi-Han felt himself grow tired, sluggish. Warm honey milk always made him sleepy. But laying down, having his hair tussled defienty made him sleepy. He was only halfway through before Hanzo took it away, making Bi-Han whine.
"I think it's time for a nap," Hanzo said, putting the bottle on the table. Bi-Han tried to protest, but he just got shushed instead. "Shh, there's no need to fuss, I can see your eyes dropping."
"Ba!" Bi-Han angrily mumbled, making grabby hands for the bottle. "Papa, ba!"
Hanzo shifted Bi-Han to his hip as he stood. He grabbed the bottle, which Bi-Han quickly snatched and tightly held as Hanzo carried him to Hanzo's room.
He tried, tried, to lay Bi-Han down. But instead Bi-Han fussed and whined, clinging onto Hanzo.
"Nooo!" Bi-Han whined, pointing to the bottle that Hanzo set on the nightstand. "That!"
"Here you go," Hanzo tried to hand it to him, but received a headshake. "What do you want then?"
Bi-Han glared at Hanzo, as if he expected Hanzo to know what he wanted.
"Can we use our big boy words?" Hanzo asked.
Bi-Han pointed to the bottle again, "More Papa. . ."
"You want to lay on my lap again?"
Bi-Han thought about it, before nodding.
But when hanzo sat down, Bi-Han didn't lay his head on his lap. Insead, he sat on it. He clung to Hanzo's chest, trying to make sure that Hanzo wouldn't kick him off. Which Hanzo made no more to do.
Ah, he wanted to be cradled.
Bi-Han looked proud, happy in the fact that he had 'tricked' Hanzo to get what he wanted.
"You want me to bottle feed you?" Hanzo double check, earning a grumble. "I need words, Snowflake."
Bi-Han grumbled at the nickname, mumbling out a small, "Yes."
"Thank you," Hanzo smiled, grabbing the bottle.
It wasn't long before Bi-Han passed out. He felt . . . safe in Hanzo's arms. And with the bottle making his tummy feel all warm and happy, he felt all sluggish and tired again. 
Hanzo gently tucked him in, kissing Bi-Han's forehead. He heard the door click behind him, Kuai Liang walking into the room.
"Shhh, he fell asleep," Hanzo shushed him. Kuai Liang nodded, walking over. Bi-Han's eyebrows furrow, curling more into himself. "Get out of here, you'll wake him."
"As if he can stand your heat," Kuai Liang rolled his eyes before noticing the bottle. "Did he take kindly to it?"
". . . Only a bit of screaming," Hanzo admitted. "But he seemed content after being fed."
Kuai Liang nodded, noticing hanzo's phrasing but not pressing further. Perhaps he would bug him about it when he wasn't in the room with the sleeping baby.
He just hoped Bi-Han wouldn't get upset for 'letting him do silly things' while regressed, again.
Or straight up ignore them . . . again.
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Hope I wrote Bi-Han right. I like his character, but he's hard to get accurate sometimes. 😭
Also thank you again for the concern, it was really nice of you. I'm doing okay! Posts might be a bit slow for the next little bit (something bad also happened) but I'll be alright. <3
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generalasshattery · 5 years
The Kombatants with an Autistic S/O
So I know this one is especially vague, and focuses on only a couple of aspects of autism, it would be a fucking novel if I tried to hit everything within the beautifully diverse world of the Autism “spectrum.” I know I’m not the only one that doesn’t like the word spectrum for it. Anyway, if there’s something you want covered as far as symptoms go that’s not on here, reply to this post and I can add on to it. It’s important to me y’all feel represented.
Kuai Liang
Similar to his ability to be a rock for people with ADHD, Kuai is a man that many people with Autism may find soothing in a relationship. His strict adherence to schedules can be a pure stress relief for people that have trouble with changing routines. He also is the calm, stoic sort of man that by his nature prefers quiet company so your struggle with socialization doesn’t bother him or make him feel isolated from you. As he would do with anyone, he’s fine adjusting his daily routines to deal with whatever specific symptoms a partner struggles with. The one thing that may prove difficult is a partner with a sensitivity to touch, as even being around him can palpably change the air. Not to mention his cold hands, rough from years of fighting. He’ll take his queues on how to deal with that from you though, and if you’re able to comfortably communicate what you need, Kuai is a man that will offer it in abundance. Not only that, but you may find the notoriously introverted man greatly appreciates the quirks that make you, you. He’ll have a strong fondness for the symptoms that don’t make you miserable, like hyperfixation, stimming, or repeated movements.
Speaking of Hyperfixations, Kabal could absolutely listen to you talk about yours forever. It really doesn’t matter what it is either, your excitement makes him happy. Listening to you babble at him about whatever is his favorite pastime, and he’ll definitely bankroll your interests. His life is pretty hectic though, and he’s not so good at keeping up with routines that you may need. He does try really hard at it, but he’s the sort that likes to chase excitement and whims, and his enthusiasm for it can sometimes blind him about your needs. He’ll never hold a meltdown against you though, especially if it’s regarding that. Seeing you like that hurts him, but it does make him want to work to make your life more pleasant.
Ermac is possibly the most empathetic, because by the very nature of his existence- he deals with a lot of the same things you do. A vessel for endless souls with varying opinions means simple things can feel overwhelming- any social interaction can mean intense disagreements that he has to try to reign back into some sense of unity amongst many. So he doesn’t do much socialization when he can avoid it, but with you he’s found a kindred spirit. He doesn’t need more from you than you can offer, and he doesn’t expect you to do better or to learn how to handle society better. Quite the opposite really, the fact that the two of you can exist and connect outside what society expects is more meaningful for him than he could truly explain. So all the other symptoms, no matter which ones you have, are just another part of the wonderful being that is you.
Hanzo Hasashi
Isn’t concerned with the details of you, like whether or not you can make eye contact, or if you need to rock when anxious. He doesn’t worry about whether or not you make strange statements or obsess on random things. Hanzo is motivated to love by the content of one’s character, and by the empathy that can exist between two people. In fact, if you deal extreme empathy, he’s likely to be extra compassionate to the struggles that can bring. Like Sub Zero, he’s a man who loves his routine, and while making you a part of it doesn’t come as naturally to him, he is the right sort of stable and reliable that he wouldn’t have to adjust much to accommodate you. He might not be as good at listening to your hyperfixations, but he won’t snap at you. He may just politely nod along while you talk.
The Kollector
He’s a stimmer who loves having endless things he can touch and experience, if that’s an aspect of autism you deal with, his home is basically paradise. The Kollector can be territorial about his partners, viewing them as extensions of his collection, something to be kept and cared for. So he makes it a point to learn which of the specific traits of autism are yours, and learns how to handle them most efficiently. He can at times potentially be a little condescending about feeling like your caregiver, which is very much how he views himself with any partner (regardless of how they’re abled). Despite that, you’ll find he can bond very deeply with you, and you may gain access to his almost never seen soft side. He’ll indulge you, and if you indulge him there’s a lot of hurt and pain in the Kollector’s past you can help him start to repair.
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starsurface · 7 months
Hi!! Sorry if I request a lot >< can I ask for regressor!Hanzo & cg!Kuai Liang from MK11? If you want to make it subscorp where they're dating that's cool too 🫶
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kuai Liang w/ Regressor Hanzo Hcs
🦂 Hanzo regresses from about 1-4
⛄️ Either a grumpy baby, or a grumpy toddler
🦂 Kuai Liang was a caregiver long before he began watching over Hanzo, and wasn't too surprised when he found out that Hanzo regressed (and also praised him for finding a healthy coping mechanism)
⛄️ Kuai Liang first saw Hanzo regress when they were still friends
🦂 Hanzo was extremely upset over something, and threw a very big tantrum
⛄️ Kuai Liang helped him calm down, and set anything he accidently set on fire, and then had to deal with one extremely guilty and shameful tiny Hanzo
🦂 After that, Kuai Liang became his main CG, especially after they got together
⛄️ Hanzo is a very . . . angry baby
🦂 If he's having a stressful day, he'll end up throwing things and breaking into tears and shouts
⛄️ Tantrums are, unfortunately, very often, especially when Kuai Liang first began watching him
🦂 They've gotten increasingly better over the years, and now Hanzo will angrily pout and huff and sit beside Kuai Liang when he's feeling upset
⛄️ Kaui Liang knew how to deal with the tantrums, Bi-Han had them sometimes
🦂 He'll let Hanzo sit on the floor and scream and cry, sitting nearby and making sure he doesn't hit his head or smack the floor too hard
⛄️ When Hanzo calms down, Kuai Liang will let him sob in his lap and tell him that while no, he's not naughty, he doesn't need to scream and hit, sweetheart
🦂 If Hanzo’s powers activate (rare but has happened) Kuai Liang sets out any fire and will scold him later for that, right now his main goal is to calm Hanzo down
⛄️ Luckily, somehow, no one has ever really seen his tantrums and rarely has anyone ever gotten hurt (except for Kenshi and Takeda)
🦂 I like to think Kenshi and Hano are friends, and babysit each other or sometimes regress together
⛄️ And Takeda both regresses with Hanzo and will babysit him (I LOVE TAKEDA!!!)
🦂 Again, Hanzo’s tantrums decrease as time goes on, and Kuai Liang and him work through different ways to control his anger
⛄️ Hanzo rarely tells Kuai Liang when he's small, but Kuai Liang's really good at figuring it out
🦂 Hanzo will get quiet and cling to Kuai Liang's arm and hide in his shoulder
⛄️ Now, just because Hanzo’s tantrums have died down, doesn't mean he isn't a grumpy kid most, all, times
🦂 Will sit and angrily pout as Kuai Liang tries to figure out what snack he wants
⛄️ Or will glare at Kuai Liang until Kuai Liang figures out what's wrong
🦂 Most times, Kuai Liangs good at figuring out what he wants, especially as they get further into dating
⛄️ But sometimes Kuai Liang asks Hanzo to use his big kid words and Hanzo will, incredibly quietly, tell him what he wants
🦂 Now, just because Hanzo’s grumpy, doesn't really make him a brat
⛄️ Doesn't like breaking rules and the only ‘naughty’ thing he does is his tantrums
🦂 Also, feels absolutely TERRIBLE after his tantrums and will try his hardest to make it up to Kuai Liang for forgiveness
⛄️ Kuai Liangs already forgiven him though, he understands most times it's because of a stressful day or Hanzo just not knowing how to deal with his emotions
🦂 But if Kuai Liang says no to something? Well he doesn't like it and will pout for a few minutes, but will eventually get over it
⛄️ Kuai Liang says it's time for bed? He doesn't want it to be, but Kuai Liang says that they get to cuddle and get into comfy jammies!!
🦂 Punishments don't do well with Hanzo, and will only make him break down more
⛄️ Most times, Hanzo’s rule breaking is accidental, especially when he regresses younger
🦂 Also, most times, learns his lesson the first time because Kuai Liang will make him fix his mess or he doesn't get the snack now :(
⛄️ Hanzo claims he can do everything by himself and Kuai Liang will let gim, only because Hanzo will get fussy is Kuai tries to intervene
🦂 However, Hanzo will sheepishly come ask for help five minutes later and Kuai Liang will gladly help
⛄️ Kuai Liang's CG nicknames are Dada, Kuai, and Frosty!! (Hanzo only calls Kuai Liang the last one when he's super small and it melts Kuai Liang's heart)
🦂 Hanzo’s favorite nicknames are Firestarter, Firefly, Sweetheart, Little One, Baby Boy
⛄️ Not Sweetie though, that nickname was one Harumi gave him and it will make Hanzo spiral for days on end
🦂 Kuai Liang felt terrible when he first called Hanzo that and will make sure to stay clear from the nickname
⛄️ He's also very patient because he understands that he still misses Harumi and he'll cuddle with him and coddle him and do whatever Hanzo needs to feel better again
🦂 Hanzo really appreciates it, but does feel bad for being upset over Harumi while he's with Kuai Liang (which Kuai Liang is quick to gently shut down)
⛄️ Kuai Liang's favorite activity together are when he can make little snowflakes appear and Hanzo marvels at them
🦂 Scorpion doesn't like regressing outside of his room, but sometimes he'll venture out to the fire gardens
⛄️ Will NOT regress at the Lin Kuei temple unless he really needs to (terrified of being judge, but Kuai Liang's quick to put people in their places)
🦂 (^ Surprisingly, because of Kuai Liang being Grandmaster, age regression is more commonly seen at the Lin Kuei Temple)
⛄️ (^ Not that it isn't accepted at the Shirai Ryu!! People just more regress in their rooms)
🦂 The Sharai Ryu has koi fish and he adores them and gets grumpy when he hears Lord Raiden's new names for them
⛄️ ^ He would never name one of his fishies Blubber and Kuai Liang will never hear the end of it! >:(
🦂 If Hanzo’s been somewhat good, Kuai Liang will surprise him with ice cream (technically he should only be able to make icies, but hush) and it makes Hanzo get very happy and excited
⛄️ Hanzo LOVES his teddy bear and will always have him when he's small (unless he's outside because he gets embarrassed)
���� ^ although the one time Mr. Bear did come outside to the fire gardens, everyone was super supportive and asked what his name was, so maybe Mr. Bear can come outside again
⛄️ If Kuai Liang needs to get work done during nap time, Mr. Bear becomes Hanzo’s new best friend and cuddle partner (he is very upset that Kuai Liang has to do paper work instead of cuddling him)
🦂 Gets very upset when Mr. Bear has to get cleaned, and clings to Kuai Liang the entire time and makes sure to double check if Kuai Liang's being careful with him
⛄️ Once he gets Mr. Bear back though, Kuai Liang gets thrown to the side again :3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
They're actually almost always in my mind. <3
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starsurface · 7 months
Love love your subscorp ones!! Can I request CG!Hanzo & Little!Kuai Liang from mk11 this time? Thank you!! :D 💕
Yes!! So sorry for the wait!! I'm not sick anymore though!! :D
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CG Hanzo w/ Regressor Kuai Liang Hcs
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⛄️ Kuai Liang feels a bit more of an age dreamer to me??
🦂 Another Raiden problem, there's so much to do, especially as Grandmaster, also struggles to fully regress alone :(
⛄️ But with Hanzo’s help, he regresses to about 3-5
🦂 ^ Has also regressed to babyspace, but only when he gets flashbacks of his (horrible) childhood
⛄️ Kuai started regressing with Johnny as his main cg (they're actually friends in cannon!!)
🦂 ^ Johnny saw how stressed Kuai Liang was, and suggested the coping mechanism
⛄️ Kuai shared his regression after Hanzo regressed with him the first time, he didn't want Hanzo to feel awkward or embarrassed around his ‘rival’
🦂 Kuai Liang has a difficult time fully regressing when he's alone, and needs someone with him
⛄️ Luckily, regressed Kuai is rarely ever aline, whether he has Hanzo, Bi-Han, or even Frost
🦂 Hanzo started caretaking when Takeda started regressing
⛄️ It was actually really hard when Hanzo started caretaking for the first time, especially because it was Takeda
🦂 After all these years, he is still always reminded of his son, and now he's watching after the boy he swore himself he'd treat as any other student (although he basically ended up adopting Takeda, and no, Takeda was not a replacement for Satoshi)
⛄️ Hanzo does, however, really enjoy caregiver, and was very excited the first time Kuai Liang ever regressed around him
🦂 He's a very proud Papa, and honestly kinda misses the Dad life
⛄️ Hanzo is extremely . . . over protective of Kuai Liang
🦂 If he had it his way, Kuai Liang wouldn't escape his cuddles at all >:(
⛄️ But Kuai Liang enjoys being slightly independent, and Hanzo is still learning to take a step back sometimes
🦂 Completely over panics when Kuai Liang gets hurt, even if it's just a simple nick
⛄️ ^ This has caused Kuai Liang to start crying too, but most times he calms his Bàba down
🦂 Don't worry, both are fine, and Kuai gets a ton of cuddles and kisses after
⛄️ Hanzo's main caretaker names are Bàba when he's smaller, like babyspace, and Papa the rest of the time
🦂 Both have tried to call the other (correct me if I'm wrong) Otòsan before and both times it's made Hanzo cried
⛄️ Kuai Liang's main nicknames are Snowflake, Bunny, and Baby Boy
🦂 Main babysitters are Johnny, Bi-Han, Frost, and sometimes Kenshi
⛄️ Although Kuai Liang doesn't really need babysitters most times, unless he request it
🦂 Hanzos a busy person, but he'll cut meetings short if Kuai Liang slips, and he's very good at multitasking with his work while Kuai’s small
⛄️ He'll do most of his papers on the bed or divide his desk in half so Kuai Liang can color for an hour or so
🦂 Kauai's pretty okay with it, he likes being able to sit next to or on Hanzo's lap and do his own work (which Hanzo always loves to praise)
⛄️ Kuai’s actually a very energetic kiddo
🦂 Really likes outside time, and doing craft activities
⛄️ Outside time is specifically for the Lin Kuei temple, he likes the snow
🦂 He's fine walking the gardens and looking at the fish, but he has much more making snow angels and building snowmen
⛄️ It's not uncommon to see both Grandmasters outside in the snow
🦂 Nor is it uncommon to see Kuai Liang order Hanzo around during their play time (they have To make good snowmen, Hanzo, not just three weirdly shaped circles on top of each other)
⛄️ He also really likes different crafts, whether that's coloring, or finger painting, or stuff like that
🦂 Does prefer coloring because he can give Hanzo his pretty drawings
⛄️ Only a very few select drawing get to go up in their house because Kuai is embarrassed someone will catch onto his regression
🦂 He also likes wrestling or play fighting a bit, but mostly because it ends in giggle fits and a cuddle pile
⛄️ Hanzo is really good at controlling his strength, and he'll never let Kuai Liang win >:(
🦂 Mostly because he makes Kuai think he's won, and then will overpower him so he can pep his face with kisses and squish him in a hug
⛄️ ^ Kuai firmly believes that's cheating but whatever 😒
🦂 Hanzo is slightly reluctant to let Kuai cuddle or touch his Teddy while Kuai is small
⛄️ Kuai doesn't play with it often, but sometimes he wants to play with his Papa's toys and would pretty please like to hold Teddy
🦂 Hanzo let's him, but keeps an incredi close eye on him
⛄️ It does make him really happy thar Kuai is very obviously much gentler with teddy than his other stuffies
🦂 Kuai doesn't actually have many stuffies, but he'd rather cuddle Papa instead (his personal heater)
⛄️ Sometimes Kuai Liang gets really bad memories, especially of his childhood
🦂 His childhood was . . . extremely terrible, to say the very least
⛄️ It makes him feel really small, and scared, and vulnerable
🦂 He'll hide and cry into his Bàba's chest for comfort, refusing to leave his side
⛄️ Hanzo will gently rock him, scratch his back while he places soft kisses on Kuai Liang's forehead
🦂 He's very good at comforting Kuai, and makes sure to give his baby some extra loving during these times <3
⛄️ Kuai Liang actually really likes having playdates with others, especially with Frost and Bi-Han (it's also how he rekindle his relationship between the two)
🦂 Hanzo was cacious, especially at first, but he actually does enjoy the friendship he's made with them
⛄️ Frost very much loves her baby, but puts up a good fight for Hanzo some times (she's a big girl!! She doesn't need a babysitter, and neither does Kuai!)
🦂 Bi-Han likes cuddling with Kuai, but Is also a bit too aggressive in play wrestling (one of the brothers favorite activities together)
⛄️ Kuai Liang is Hanzo's main priority when he's small (he's his main priority In general, but knows he needs him now when he's tiny)
🦂 . . . That does not mean that Kuai Liang can just freeze him in place when he says no to something >:/ (bullstuffies)
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These aren't the best, I'm so sorry. I've never imagined regressor Kuai before, but I can always redo or do more!! <3
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starsurface · 5 months
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Btw, Noob Saibot is called Bi-Han in this fic. :3
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Little Bi-Han w/ CG Hanzo MK11 (Fic)
"Where is Kuai Liang?" Bi-Han asked as he threw open the door.
"Walking into the Shari Ryu Grandmaster's room without asking?" Hanzo glared at him, pausing his paperwork. "What are you even doing here?"
"I was shown to here by one of your recruits. Now where's Kuai Liang?" Bi-Han asked again.
"I don't know," Hanzo shrugged, sipping his tea. Bi-Han knew he was lying, his small smirk said everything.
Bi-Han didn't want to deal with this right now. Hanzo didn't hate him, but he didn't like him either. It was more of a mutual respect most times. Hanzo was dating his brother, so they were civil.
Forgiveness was given and accepted, and Hanzo mostly blamed Quan Chi for what happened to his family. Some grudge, but not most. In fact, it was more Bi-Han that despised Hanzo for dating his brother. Although the two did actually got along sometimes . . . surprisingly they actually had much in common.
But they both still knew how to get on each other's nerves.
"I told you he's not here," Hanzo said. "He's most likely out with Frost training or something."
"How do you not even know where your husband is?" Bi-Han scoffed. "I need him."
Bi-Han stayed silent. He didn't want to tell Hanzo of his regression. But he was already feeling so small, and he just wanted his brother to comfort him. Where was he? Why wasn't he here for him? He was supposed to be at the Shari Ryu temple for the weekend. He could steal him back to the Lin Kuei temple for an hour, it would have been fine! Hanzo shouldn't be this fussy about this.
Bi-Han looked at the ground, almost ashamed, "I need him."
"For what?" Hanzo asked, standing up from his chair. "I didn't even know you were coming. Perhaps if I could be informed of your amazing presence, I can inform Kuai Liang you're here."
". . . Why are you so stubborn?" Bi-Han asked, crossing his arms. "I just want to see Kuai! . . Wanna see Kuai."
Hanzo hesitated at Bi-Han's tone. He sounded desperate, afraid even. He always said brother, or Kuai Liang's full name, never just Kuai.
"He's in the Fire Garden with Takeda and Frost," Hanzo sighed. "He wished for silence to help teach Takeda more Mandarin, but that's where they are. "
". . . Where is that?" Bi-Han asked quietly.
"You. . don't know?" Hanzo almost scoffed. "Find the recruit that lead you here, I need to return to my paperwork."
"Don't want them! Want Kuai!" Bi-Han huffed, stomping his foot. "Give me Kuai!"
He didn't care right now if he was acting strange or childish. He spent all that time trying to get here, only for Kuai Liang to be busy. Sareena was busy, and he couldn't depend on her right now. He wanted Kuai Liang! Not some recruit!
Hanzo was slightly taken back by Bi-Han's behavior. It was . . . extremely unusual. He had seen the behavior before, mostly in young children. But also, when he regressed. Hanzo knew he was a . . . difficult regressor, at times. Stomping his foot, throwing, screaming. And he wasn't prepared to have a full-on meant down in the middle of his room.
But did Bi-Han even regress? Kuai Liang spoke of watching some regressors back in the Lin Kuei, but Hanzo mostly just thought that he was speaking of Frost, trying to protect her identity. Maybe she wasn't the only one?
"Want Kuai, want Kuai!" Bi-Han began to cry, stomping the ground again and shaking his hands. "Want him now!"
"I know, but we need to calm down before we can see Kuai. Otherwise we'll be very fussy and-"
"No!" Bi-Han shouted, turning away from Hanzo. "Want him now!"
"There is no reason to raise our voices," Hanzo said firmly. "How about we take some deep breaths while I send someone to go get him? Would that make you feel better?"
No! No, it wouldn't make him feel better! Well, it probably would, but Bi-han wasn't thinking clearly. All he could think about was how Kuai Liang wasn't there for him. He wanted to be held and comforted. He felt so tiny, and all these silly little things weren't helping him. Why wasn't Kuai Liang already here?
And now Hanzo was going to make fun of him, or call him a brat, or tell Kuai Liang he had been naughty! And he was being mean, so mean! Well, he wasn't, but Bi-Han knew he was! Besides, Bi-Han was yelling instead of communicating, he knew he should tell Hanzo what's wrong, but Hanzo was clearly going to make fun of him!
"No!" Bi-Han shouted, sitting on the floor as he began to cry. "Want- Want Kuai!"
Hanzo watched as Bi-Han practically thew a tantrum on the ground. He went to try and put his hand on Bi-Han's shoulder, wanting to help ground him, but he was hit away. Bi-Han continued to scream and cry, demanding for Kuai Liang and telling Hanzo how mean he was being.
He let Bi-Han scream and throw a fit. Sometimes, it was needed. And letting out all these big emotions this way wasn't the worst, Hanzo would know. He wasn't going to yell at Bi-Han or call him naughty, that would be wrong. Instead, he'd let Bi-Han get out all his feelings. And then probably have a tired out exhausted baby afterwords.
He texted a Shari Rye member to fetch Kuai Liang and bring him to his room. Oh how he hated new technology, as useful as it was . . . He also missed his old flip phone, his phone case used to be amazing.
Hanzo knelt next to Bi-Han, sitting beside the boy. Bi-Han paused his crying, eyeing Hanzo. Hanzo spread his arms slightly, indicating that Bi-Han could hug him if he'd like. It helped Hanzo when he was feeling big bad feelings.
And to both their surprise, Bi-Han rushed into the hug.
Hanzo held Bi-Han tightly, gently shushing him as Bi-Han just sobbed in his arms. He wasn't screaming and kicking anymore. He practically sat mostly quietly on Hanzo's lap, other than his tears.
They stayed like that for a small bit. Bi-Han felt . . . embarresed, to say the least. He just had a full-on tantrum in front of someone who should hate him. He had just sat on the ground and screamed at Hanzo for what felt for him, hours. It wasn't, but it felt like it.
Bi-Han rubbed his puffy eyes, "Want Kuai."
"I know, I know, he's on his way," Hanzo gently shushed him. "You're gonna hang out with Hanzo for a little bit until he comes over."
". . . Don't wanna, gonna make fun of me," Bi-Han admitted. Hanzo almost felt hurt, but he knew how he felt, and he couldn't blame Bi-Han for thinking that.
"Even I would not stoop so low as to insult someone for this," Hanzo stressed, holding Bi-Han tightly. "I'm not mad or upset even. You wanted Kuai, and I know how it feels regressing in front of someone new. It's scary, isn't it?"
Bi-Han pouted, "Mhm, really scary."
"Right, well you don't have to feel so scared anymore," Hanzo gently shushed him, petting his friend's hair. "Because everything going to be okay, and Kuai's going to be here in a few minutes. It's scary, feeling all small and vulnerable in front of others. Even I know the feeling."
Bi-Han looked at Hanzo a bit confused, did Hanzo regressed too? Hanzo just gave him a soft smile. Bi-Han huffed and looked away.
". . . You gonna tell Kuai I was . . naughty?"
"No, you weren't being naughty. You just had a small hissy fit, that's all," Hanzo shook his head. "You were feelings some pretty big bad feelings back there, huh?"
"Mhm," Bi-Han sniffed, rubbing his eyes again.
"Come, let's get you all cleaned up," Hanzo helped Bi-Han stand, leading him to the restroom. "You didn't harm anyone or break anything, so I personally wouldn't say you were naughty. How about we say that you sat and waited patiently for Kuai, hm? Would that make you feel better?"
"Mhm!" Bi-Han nodded, feeling a bit better as Hanzo wiped his face.
"How about you go sit at my desk and color something? Kuai's on his way, but he might take a while," Hanzo suggested.
Bi-Han pouted again, but he liked the idea. Hanzo let him sit in his chair, giving him some paper and a crayon box.
Bi-Han practically screamed when hanzo began to walk across the room, clinging onto Hanzo's pant leg. No! No, he didn't want Hanzo to leave him alone!
He clung to Hanzo, hiding from him. Refusing to look at his face. He didn't want to say it but . . . he didn't want Hanzo to leave yet. Not because he liked him!! . . . He just didn't wanna be alone . . And maybe he liked Hanzo just a little.
Hanzo looked at the paperwork he moved to his bed before sighing, patting Bi-Han's head as he slowly let go of his leg.
"You want some company?" Hanzo asked softly, receiving a sheepish nod. "How about we figure out what we're gonna make for Kuai?"
Kuai Liang bursted into the room about thirty minutes later, panting, and looking dazed.
"Hanzo! Where is-"
"Kuai!" Bi-Han asked, practically shoving Hanzo out of the way to hug his brother.
". . . I wasn't expecting you both to be hanging out," Kuai Liang admitted, picking Bi-Han.
"He made me wait for you," Bi-Han pouted, accusingly pointing at Hanzo.
Hanzo crossed his arms, "Oh really?"
Bi-Han tensed and hid in Kuai Liang's neck, ". . . Can we stay in here with him pease, Kuai?"
Kuai Liang wasn't expecting the request, knowing the relationship both men had towards each other. But Hanzo grabbed a paper from his desk, walking over and showing it to him.
"He drew you two," Hanzo explained. It was true, there was a wobbly Bi-han and Kuai Liang on the paper, with a tiny scorpion in the corner. "And I think me?"
Bi-Han huffed, "Your scorpions silly,"
"Hey, be nice," Kuai Liang warned, smiling at the paper. "I'm happy that you and Mr. Hanzo got along well. I was expecting a full-on war or screaming fit when I walked in."
Hanzo and Bi-Han looked at each other, small smiles on their faces. Hanzo rolled his eyes and shook his head. And Bi-Han pouted at Kuai Liang.
". . . That's silly, Kuai. Don't be silly."
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I'm putting all my Mortal Kombat AO3 Fics on here. No reason, I'm not deleting my AO3 account or anything, just so y'all get more content. :3
Maybe I'll put my Spiderverse Fics on here but I'm not sure yet. :p
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starsurface · 6 months
^ This was the request above!! :D
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CG MK11 Hanzo & Kuai Liang w/ MK1 Regressor Bi-Han Hcs
If we ignore the amount of CHAOS that would happen if MK11 and MK1 crossed universes, I think Kuai Liang would really like Bi-Han (he'd probably really like the entire Lin Kuei trio, ngl)
But Bi-Han? He's special, that's his brother in another universe, one where maybe he isn't fully corrupted by Quan Chi, one where he could be saved
Hanzo liked this Bi-Han because he hasn't hurt Harumi yet (does keep an incredibly close eye for weeks though)
Bi-Han on the other hand? He doesn't mind Subzero Kuai Liang, as he's a fellow Lin Kuei and a Grandmaster, but thinks he runs his clan weak
And Hanzo? Makes fun of him a bit, he's like 14 in his universe and rubs it in his face a bit
Kuai Liang notices the stressors that begin to make his own brother effect Bi-Han, and is very dead set of on making sure he's okay
He babies Bi-Han a bit too, shoulder pats, soft smiles, praises for simple things (he does still treat him as Grandmaster and a warrior though)
Hanzo does the same, dang it!!! It's like they're both set on destroying his title as Grandmaster?!
It makes Bi-Han feel . . . small, he only receives some of these things when he's tiny
And it doesn't help that Kuai Liang and Hanzo are nice, decent people, strict warriors, but stepping in for Father figures quiet easily for anyone who needs
They find out about Bi-Han's regression by complete accident
Kuai Liang insisting that Bi-Han should be checked up upon adter he screams at someone and angirly stomps to his room (an outlash from overworking and working with stupid people)
Hanzo following his husband around to make sure he doesn't cross any lines by accident (he needs some reminders that this isn't his Lin Kuei)
They end up finding a tiny Bi-Han, who was trying to read his book, playing with his stuffie and sucking his thumb
. . . There was a lot of yelling and crying (mostly on Bi-Han’s part)
It only stopped when Bi-Han tried to hit Kuai Liang and Kuai caught his wrist and told him sternly that he can’t hit people and it got Bi-Han to pause his little tantrum
Hanzo gets tantrums very often (as does Kuai Liang’s Bi-Han) and he used his old tricks to help him calm down
How? Many tricks, the candle fingers, punching a pillow, crying into Kuai Liang’s chest
Hanzo helps too, warming up his body temperature so Bi-Han can sit on his lap and rock him (it actually really helps Bi-Han stabalizd his emotions)
Bi-Han did completely ignore them afterwards, although they received a small thank you note and a gift
Afterward, Kaui Liang and Hanzo took more of a parent role for them (and the other brothers)
Bi-Han will sometimes sheepishly come to them while small, maybe even venture to their universe!!
Kuai Liang helps encourage Bi-Han to coke outside more while he's regressed
Whether he's in the Shirai Ryu Gardens, or Kuai Liang's Lin Kuei Snowy Gardens
^ Bi-Han is super hesitant to venture outside while small, but is slightly awed by How accepting both their clans are (his clan isn't there yet, unfortunately)
Bi-Han likes having little snow days at Kuai Liang's Lin Kuei
But it has to be in Kuai Liangs secret little garden area!! >:(
Bi-Han really likes Hanzo's hugs (they're warm) and will shyly tug on his gi to sit on his lap
Bi-Han's tried to regress in the Shirai Ryy Gardens, but he didn't like how passers by would wave or look at him (they werent judgy, it's judt not often that Grandmaster Hasashi has friends over)
His fishies were cool though, hes have to tell MK1 Harumi to get some
Also agreed that Blubber was a stupid fishy name and received many headpats from Hanzo :D
Both realize very quickly that Bi-Han is more of a calmer regressor (favorite activities being coloring and taking a nap)
So Hanzo and Kuai Liang make sure to have extra paper and crayons at their place just in case
Bi-Han got incredibly upset when he came over one time and found his drawing on the fridge >:/
Excuse me, someone could see that?! Why would they dare put that up?!
They took it down . . . Only to place it in their room (Bi-Han really can't win over here 😮‍💨)
Both Hanzo and Kuai Liang try to do little shows with their powers!!!
Kuai Lianf makinf small snowflakes, Hanzo making small flames
Its be perfect, if it wasnt for the fact that Bi-Han is now super insidtant that he can do what they do
. . . This causes a small . . accident that involves ice, a now frozen dressor, and a sobbing toddler
Bi-Han didn't get into too much trouble, Hanzo wasn't able to fully fix the dressor (it got broken and scratched), ans Bi-Han had to serve one of his first ever timeouts
^ They did make sure to tell gim that they didn't hate gim, and it was a mistake, and he wasn't naughty or a bad boy (Bi-Han usually freaks out badly at timeouts, but also understood thar he couldnt get Scott free with what he did)
He did repay them from the dressor, Hanzo and Kuai Liang told him he didnt have to, but he felt really bad, especially since they told gim he cant use his powers when hes that tiny anyhow
Hanzos better at deciphering Bi-Han's nonverbal ques slightly better than Kuai Liang
Kuai Liangs really good at it too!! Hanzo just picks up on them faster
Bi-Han's been staring at his sippy cup for a few minutes? It might need to be refilled, first one to notice wins (it turns into a small game between the adults)
They get Bi-Han some little gear too!!
. . . It caused Bi-Han to freak out, and it's kept in the MK11 universe, but he's really happy to have some new things
He was very adimate that if they were going to buy him a baby cup, it might as well be a sippy cup, not some stupid bottle
But, uh, Bi-Han actually really likes using bottles (drops his sippies too often) and both men are more than happy to bottle feed him around nap time
^ Hanzo was the first one to ever bottle feed Bi-Han, Bi-Han was really fussy around nap time and hey, it worked with Takeda when Takeda was tiny
Bi-Han gets really embarrassed at the action . . . But also demands for him to do it because he doesn't like falling asleep without the action
Kuai Liang does it too, Hanzo was just the first (Kuai Liang looks so proud when he's doing it though that it makes Bi-Han fuss until he's happily drinking his milk)
Hanzo’s cg nickname is Papa
And Kuai Liang’s cg nickname Dada
Bi-Han gets many nicknames, Bi-Bi, Little One, Sweet Thing, Tough Guy, Grumpy Pants
Bi-Han HATES Grumpy Pants >:(
Hanzo called him it once (a nickname he learnt from his Johnny) and Bi-Han pouted for hours afterwards . . . Which proved his point, but whatever 🙄
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Hope these are okay!! The ideas really cute, I like cross timeline stuff. I can always do more or a pt 2!!!
(I'll add the emojis when I'm not at the dentist and doing Tumblr from my phone <3)
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starsurface · 7 months
Hello I hope you don't mind another request is it possible to have a platonic thingy for CG Hanzo Hasashi and Regressor Takeda Takahashi ? Either headcannons or a one-shot fic totally up to you I really like your content
Yes!!! So sorry for the time it took!!! <3 (this is also on my AO3 if you wanna check it out!! :D)
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CG Hanzo w/ Regressor Takeda (Fic)
When Hanzo saw his Chujin, the boy seemed frustrated, upset.
Hanzo hadn't espect to see him this upset. Normally Takeda wasn't a hot headed individual.
But when he came back to spend a few days with the Shirai Ryu, he seemed cold, irritated by the smallest things. Blinking back tears as Hanzo hugged him.
Takeda wasn't supposed to stay for long, just a few days before heading back from Special Forces. Had something happened on base? Or did him and Jacqui get into a big fight?
Hanzo had sent Takeda to his room so he could unpack his things. Making some tea for the two to share, and maybe speak about what was bothering Takeda.
"Chujin?" Hanzo knocked, letting himself into the room after a moment. "I made us some-"
Takeda snapped, snapping his head towards Hanzo, "What?! I'm unpacking, what could you possibly want-"
Takeda took a step as he turned, knocking his side into the corner of the his old desk.
The corner, to be exact.
And he hit it hard
He winced in pain, holding his side as he stumbled slightly. Hanzo grimaced, knowing this would only irritate the boy more.
What Hanzo hadn't expected was for Takeda to punch the table.
"Fuck!' Takeda yelped, holding his wrist as he backed into his wall. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Shit that hurt!"
"Of course it did, you punched your desk," Hanzo gently scolded, placiing the tea on the desk. "Let me see it. Your wrist was bent and your punch was sloppy. . . It doesn't look broken, nor did you make a mark. Are you okay?"
"'M fine," Takeda looked at the ground. Feeling ashamed of his childish actions. "Didn't mean to hurt the table."
"It's okay. Can I see your bruise?" Hanzo asked, Takeda pouted. "I want to know if it needs any ice or treatment."
Takeda nodded, lifting the side of his shirt. Hanzo frowned at the forming bruise. It was a bad one too.
"Alright, I'll send someone to get some ice-"
Takeda hiccuped, finally letting his tears flow. His side really hurt, and his wrist hurt too.
And there was his entire month. It had been so crappy, so irritating. Setting him in a bad mood when he left the base and followed him here. he felt so tiny and small when he got home, and right now wasn't helping.
Hanzo frowned, kneeling slightly so he could see Takeda's face, "Chujin? Tell me whats wrong."
"Hurts," Takeda mumbled, holding his side. "Hurts, Papa."
Hanzo was slightly taken back by the Papa title. Normally Takeda called him Bubba. Unless he felt smaller, or was upset.
"I know," Hanzo sent a quick text to one of his higher members to bring an ice pack to Takeda's room. he then opened up his arms, "Come here."
Takeda looked slightly suspicious, "Hug?"
"Hug," Hanzo confirmed.
Takeda rushed into Hanzo's arms, breaking down immanently. Hanzo wrapped his arms around Takeda, rubbing his back and swaying them. It helped Hanzo when he was upset. And it seemed to work on Takeda.
Takeda squeezed him harder, choking slightly. He had been so stressed all month, and it was all catching up so quickly.
He felt so small and tiny in Hanzo's arms. His mind felt fuzzy too, and he knew he was regressing very fast.
Takeda cried in Hanzo's arms for a small while before pulling away. The poor boy rubbed his puffy eyes. hiccuping softly. A small knock was at the door, and someone asked if Grandmaster Hasashi was inside.
Hanzo quickly grabbed the ice pack, and Takeda sat on his bed. Hanzo knelt in front of him, and Takeda lifted his shirt slightly so Hanzo could put the ice there. His side hurt badly. And his bruise looked like it was going to stick around for a bit.
"You know, Takeda, we can't hit things when we're upset," Hanzo said, pressing the wrapped ice against Takeda's side. Takeda hissed slightly at the temperature. "I know, bub, it's pretty cold."
"S'okay," Takeda mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "'M sorry for hitting the table, Papa. Was naughty of me."
"A bit, but I understand that you were frustrated," Hanzo ruffled his hair. "But next time we can't hit things when we're angry, okay? Is that what we do when things get stressful?"
"No," Takeda shook his head.
"What do we need to do first?"
"Breathe?" Takeda asked, looking confused. "Sleep?"
Hanzo held back a laugh, "Both very good answers. But we need to communicate about why we're so upset. Otherwise we could hit others."
Takeda nodded, "And that's not nice."
"Your very smart, Takeda," Hanzo praised, ruffling the boy's hair. Takeda's eyes lit up at the comment. Although his face went sad and almost pouty.
"Am I in trouble for hitting the table?" he asked.
"Well. . . This behavior isn't very nice nor acceptable," Hanzo said firmly, receiving a small nod. "However, I think we can let some things slide-"
"Really!" Takeda smiled, kicking his feet slightly.
"If," Hanzo continued, receiving a sheepish giggle from the boy, "you tell me why you were so upset. Rarely do I see such a fire from you, young Chujin."
Takeda frowned, his feet no longer kicking. He held his ice pack so hanzo could sit beside him. Hanzo put an arm around him, pulling Takeda into another hug as the boy began to cry again.
"Long month," Takeda finally said. "I- There's so much to do, Papa! It's been mission after mission, and when there's free time it's just training!"
Hanzo wrapped his arm around Takeda's shoulder, gently shushing him as Takeda began to cry again, "Let is all out, young one. When was the last time you slipped?"
"A month? Two? Didn't mean to, just didn't have any time!" Takeda frowned. "Want my Momma, Papa."
"Shall I call Jacqui?" hanzo offered, receiving a small hesitated nod. "I can still stay, young one. I won't leave if you don't want me to."
"Want cuddles and tv," Takeda looked hopeful. "And facetime Momma. . . On the tablet."
"Ah, Skype," Hanzo nodded. "We can do that."
". . . Love you, Papa," Takeda mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Although there was a small smile on his face
Hanzo smiled softly, "Love you too, Squirt."
Perhaps he should call Johnny or Sonya and tell them off.
. . . Okay, he definitely will, but Takeda didn't have to know that. . . yet.
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Hey!! If anyone knows what Papa/Dada and Mama/Mommy are in Thai, could you tell me? :3
I wanted to have Takeda call them thar instead, since Shujin was Thai and it'd make sense for him to know it. <3
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starsurface · 7 months
Hello again!! I really liked the Little!Hanzo & CG!Kuai Liang HCs :D could I ask for more please? Thank you!
I've got you!!! :D
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CG Kuai Liang w/ Regressor Hanzo Hcs pt 2
🦂 Actually such a sweet baby 🥺 (when he isn't angry or having a tantrum
⛄️ Kuai’s doing laundry? He wants to help too!!
🦂 Kuai Liang will let him put the clothes in and tell him what buttons to press
⛄️ Or instruct him, with detail, if they're doing hand washing
🦂 Kuai's making something yummy for dinner? He wants to help too!!
⛄️ Kuai Liang will let him stir and mix, but is super cautious of him getting near the stove
🦂 Luckily though, Hanzo’s fireproof, so (with Kuai Liang's help) maybe he can put the cookies into the oven
⛄️ If he's had a bad tantrum, or just a hissy fit in general, he'll overdo it and try to do task he knows he can't so while small
🦂 He wants to show Kuai that he loves him and he didn't mean to get all fussy and mean
⛄️ Also doesn't want Kuai to leave him because he acted out and shouted and kicked and was naughty :(
🦂 Don't worry, the moment Kuai Liang sees him do this, he'll call him out and they'll talk about it
⛄️ Hanzo overall doesn't real lIfelike sweet treats like candy, and he's rather prefer something like dark chocolate or traditional Japanese candies over other things
🦂 Ice cream, however, does NOT count as something sweet!! >:(
⛄️ Or, that's what Hanzo tell Kuai Liang
🦂 Hanzo usually doesn't over indulge while he eats
⛄️ But he has eaten an entire carton of ice cream by accident while he was tiny (and got really upset over the fact he let himself do that)
🦂 Don't worry, Kuai Liang told him that he doesn't feel guilty for eating his treat, and he knows he didn't mean to eat all of it
⛄️ Kuai Liang also watches Hanzo’s ice cream intake now, just so Hanzo doesn't panic and cry again
🦂 Luckily, Hanzo really likes Kuai Liang's homemade ice cream, and Kuai Liang will make small containers of it so he can have some
⛄️ If Kuai Liang made dinner, Hanzo’s Teddy also gets a plate, there are no ifs and buts
🦂 Also the one time Kuai Liang tried telling Hanzo that Teddy doesn't need to eat, Hanzo bursted into tears and claimed Teddy was gonna starve
⛄️ Teddy has his own special plate, and Hanzo gets to eat off it because Teddy is a ‘slow eater’
🦂 The first time Kuai Liang had to clean Teddy, Hanzo completely freaked out
⛄️ Teddy was a prize Kuai Liang got for him on the first date they went to, and has been there through Everything.
🦂 Man has a spot on the bed by now, fr
⛄️ Hanzo knew that the more he fussed, the more damage Teddy could get (it was a stain but needed to be cleaned quickly)
🦂 He sat teary eyed for hours, clinging to Kuai Liang and trying not to cry
⛄️ Hanzo cuddled Teddy until the next day, Kuai Liang kinda got shoved to the side
🦂 Kuai Liang has totally never gotten jealous of Teddy at all (lier)
⛄️ Don't worry, Hanzo can cuddle them at the same time
🦂 He'll sit in Kuai Liang's lap, and Teddy can be in his lap!! :D
⛄️ Hanzo got sick once and regressed super small and was not a happy camper >:(
🦂 He couldn't do anything!! And Dada still had busy Grandmaster work, and he couldn't cuddle him because he might get Dada sick
⛄️ And then Teddy was taken away the next day so he could get ‘disinfected’ (Kuai Liang tried taking it when Hanzo was sleeping, but Hanzo woke up to Teddy gone)
🦂 And he had to take yucky medicine, and he felt too warm but also too cold
⛄️ Baby boy was NOT having a good time >:(
🦂 Luckily, Kuai Liang gave him a bunch of cuddles and loving the next day to make up for it (and Teddy was warm from being taking out of the dryer!!)
⛄️ Even while small, Hanzo really likes to play and scratch Kuai Liang's head
🦂 The only problem is that the smaller he is, the more he tugs hair :(
⛄️ Most times he doesn't notice, and the tugs are small
🦂 But other times Kuai Liang's thinking about buying a wig, just in case
⛄️ But how could he say no to his baby? Especially when he's doing ‘🥺’ after?? Accidents happen!!
🦂 He will get a small scolding if it wasn't an accident though
⛄️ Not that he ever would!! . . . Unless Kuai was making a bad joke 😒 (But it's literally not his fault!!)
🦂 When he's big, one of his favorite date activities is pottery making
⛄️ Little Hanzo really likes painting said pottery (sometimes they'll make something and leave a paint aside)
🦂 Hanzo isn't very much of an active regressor
⛄️ Is super content with laying in bed and cuddling all day
🦂 What does Kuai mean they need to have potty and munchies breaks? No they don't >:(
⛄️ Such a sweet baby, even if he's got some angry moments <3
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I hope you like them, I had to made them during this super loud, super flashy party I went to. :(
I can always do more or remake it!!! :D
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