#Carly and willow
myghanimationspage · 3 months
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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anyathefandom · 2 months
Oh let's not forget that Carly is going to drag her ass to heaven and back for this as if Willow didn't cheat on her last husband with Michael.😂
Sidenote: Like y'all this is about to be so chaotic and all I can do is laugh because everyone who's involved are terrible people so i'm just rooting for everyone's misery.😈 Well not really Nina's misery because girl has suffered enough.😬
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Saw a YouTube comment on a recent GH preview that said "If Nina is so convinced she did nothing wrong in calling the SEC on Carly and Drew, why is she so scared of getting caught?"
...Because Carly and Co. are always out for blood when someone screws with them (even if they are 100% in the wrong), and will probably KILL Nina if the truth gets out.
Carly already fucking hates Nina, this reveal will send her over the damn edge.
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superghfan · 11 months
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The Corinthos' celebrate Halloween!
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saintlesbian · 1 year
not for nothing but like I don’t wanna be a Carly hater I swear. esp bc I know how iconic of a character she’s been on this show and how popular she is for a lot of fans. but I think the show’s frequent favoritism towards her and her family is what takes me out of it… which is unfortunate since this is probably a lovely wedding from the perspective of a Millow or benson fan and I wanna be able to see whatever appeal those fans see! but nina was right about carly not facing consequences for things anymore, and she’s gonna continue to be right about that even with the SEC on Carly’s tail bc with her huge family support system she’ll be seen as a martyr rather than a criminal. again. and Ava is right that CarSon has this strange inescapable bond even when they’re not in love with each other bc carly is the mother of Sonny’s kids… which is unfortunate since while their constant on again off again relationship is iconic to many fans, it just looks… toxic to me 😵‍💫 ofc they’re obviously setting up the foundation for a CarSon reunion which is unfortunate bc they bring out the worst in each other at times.
and Nina will once again be on the outside of everything, demonized and hated again. bc she wasn’t able to fight against her internal impulsive nature, her need for revenge. she disregarded any possible negative consequences and instead gave into her momentary desire for cruelty. and at the end of all that, there’s no satisfaction to be gained from Carly going off to jail, due to how important she is in her family’s lives, including sonny’s life. Carly is essentially Willow’s new mother figure, and Willow is not going to forgive Nina for taking Carly away. Nina’s little breakdown as she realizes the full severity of her actions, how she’s made herself into the bad guy again and made carly the martyr, ironically Nina’s regret at her own selfish actions just makes me even more of a nina apologist sorry 😅 something is very DEEPLY wrong with her and she knows that but also she should really seek therapy instead of trying to one up Carly bc with the way the narrative is setup in GH, there was never any chance nina could come out of this victorious. I know nina wanted to balance the scales but this is just going to unbalance things even more 😬
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So what would it be like if Willow or Skara found the human counterparts of their partners?
There's certainly a fun idea here. I actually toyed with it a touch back in a far earlier post, this one right here. But there's a bit of a problem here, sadly, in that we don't really know much about the counterparts, or even if that's what they are. We know theymay have one, but we don't know anything about this counterpart as a person. That, and we don't even know if the Boiling Isles and human world even work like a parallel universe or if Luz's school just has weirdly similar students. A rational man would probably just shrug the question off, move on, and ignore it with all that going against it. I mean, I'd have to basically create two OC parralel universe versions of prexisting characters, so may as well throw in the
Paulina Wood
Willow's human counterpart, she's the girl in the Romeo and Juliet tryouts behind human Amity.
She’s adopted, with two loving moms who run a flower boutique together, though unfortunately it often ends up struggling.
Wanting their daughter to have a more successful life then themselves, her parents attempt to push her into careers in STEM, even getting her a part-time job tutoring her classmates, but Paulina's real passion is writing, specifically writing plays about the inner turmoil of tortured souls like herself (she later winces internally every time she remembers her earliest works and attitude, as all creatives are cursed to do).
Despite this, Paulina is a nervous girl, rarely showing off her plays to anyone and shunning the spotlight herself for fear of embarrassment. She prefers her contributions to be behind the scenes.
While she and Luz aren't really friends, she's at least nicer to Luz then a lot of their peers. She's often more surprised and a bit put off about her weirdness then disgusted by it, and attempts courteous conversation whenever the two cross paths.
She joined theater to get more direct experience with the medium. She wanted to simply be a stagehand, nervous about being in the spotlight, but was talked into trying out for the role of Romeo (the director declared it part of a personal artistic ***vision*** though it really had more to do with no boys seriously trying out for the play). She knew she didn't do amazing, and expected to simply be made a stagehand. But to her surprise, she won out as the Romeo understudy!
Carly Brae
So funny story: I was writing out an entirely unique skater girl OC because I thought that there was no character in the human realm at all who could serve as a potential Skara doppelganger. I decided to finally check the Owl House Wiki gallery however and, while its not as 1-to-1 as Willow's, there IS actually a character design that seems somewhat similar enough to Skara that it fits: In this case, the girl behind the Amity doppelganger during the cheer tryouts when she lands the backflip. Both girls have dark skin, poofy hairstyles, greyish eyes, and some connection to the popular girl cliques, so I feel she would make the best parallel between the two.
Carly is a part of Gravesfields cheer team, alongside Amity's doppelganger. The cheer team forms the schools 'mean girl clique', a la the Banshee's in Hexside, and love to bully those they deem unpopular, Paulina included. Carly, however, mostly stands in the back, not really engaging with most of the bullying and just being a general part of it.
She's mostly been raised by her single dad, a 'big ol' businessman' as she usually describes him, who doesn't have a lot of time for her. She try's spending as much time as she can at her friends houses, and whenever she is home, she's normally alone, with just a note and a dinner in the microwave.
Carly actually really likes the idea of being an actress: she likes feeling like she's part of the attention, thanks to her own issues at home. However, her friends often mock the drama kids, and Carly has to pretend to have no interest in it.
The cheer team wouldn't normally be caught dead hanging around theater kids. However, when Amity's doppleganger thinks Paulina's 'bad tutoring' caused her to fail an important test, she coaxes her into trying out for the show itself... namely so she could humiliate her by filling her 'poison' vial with a scentless concoction to have her throw up on stage. But she wants a backup person in case things go awry. Hence, Carly volunteering to join her plan. The two audition for Juliet, and Amity/Boscha's doppleganger apparently with the potion mixing, gets Juliet, while Carly becomes her understudy.
Over time, Carly and Paulina, being the understudies, spent a lot of time together, practicing their roles off each other. It started as awkwardly as one would expect, but over time the two became genuine friends. Paulina would invite Carly to her home to practice more, and when Carly discovered Paulina's scripts, she actually gushed about them, incredibly impressed. Paulina was surprised and grateful, having never had someone gush over her stories so much.
When Carly finally offered to let Paulina come to her house for practice, it was empty, as it ever was. Carly tried to play it off as no big deal, but after a while she had to admit, she liked having Paulina there, because she often felt alone in the big empty house. Paulina simply smiled, and said Carly made her feel less lonely too. That was the first time Carly's heart skipped a beat around Paulina, but it would not be the last...
Over time, the two became so close that Carly would spend more time with Paulina then the actual cheerleaders, much to Amischa's annoyance (that's the Amity/Boscha doppelgangers name now). Eventually, she had to threaten Carly with getting her kicked off the cheer squad and out of their clique if she didn't stop being too friendly with Paulina. Worried, she started hanging around Paulina less and less, only seeing her at practices, hurting both of their feelings.
The opening night comes. The Main Romeo is 'mysteriously' sick, and Paulina has to step up. But Carly tries to talk her down, trying to get her to step away from the show. She doesn't have the heart to tell her about Amischa's plans, but she can't see her getting hurt. Paulina refuses, though, and gets frustrated with Carly's insistence she stop. Carly can't say why, so Paulina walks away from her, angry.
Later at the play, it's the intermission, and Carly's backstage, pleading with Amischa to not go through with her plan. But Amischa doesn't even consider it, and Carly finally decides she's done with her: while Amischa's distracted, she swipes the vial Amischa was going to make Paulina puke with and pours it into Amischa's water, causing her to run off to the restroom. The director explains that Juliets understudy will need to take the role, with Carly taking over for the rest of the night. While Paulina's still upset, the two perform the play still, having just as much fun as they did during their practices together. When the big death comes, Paulina drinks the vial of clear, uncontaminated water, stage-kisses Carly, and dramatically dies, an act Carly recipricates.
After the show, Carly pulls Paulina behind the school to confess to everything: Amischa's plan, her being a backup, but most importantly, her own feelings for Paulina. Paulina is, as one would guess, is deeply confused about her own feelings on all of this, before Amischa comes out from the restrooms to yell at the two. Only for Carly to step in and tell her to buzz off. That she's quitting cheer and doesn't want to be around Amischa anymore. As an angry Amischa sulks off, Paulina admits she needs some time to think about her own feelings about... well, everything, for a while. Carly agrees, heartbroken but wanting Paulina to be happy above all.
A few weeks pass with Carly without her cheer team and Paulina not talking to her, unsure how to feel. They both hate it, but Paulina still needs some time to just think over what she really needs. Finally, after a few weeks, Paulina messages Carly, asking if she would like to meet up at a local café, Robins Roast. Carly accepts, trying to come off as casual but very obviously deeply giddy at the prospect of talking with Paulina again, but also deeply nervous that it may be the last time...
When they both arrive, Paulina admits that, after a lot of soul searching, she's realized she missed Carly. She missed being friends with her, and seeing Carly leave the cheerleaders and stand up for her made Paulina realize she meant it. So, she'd like to be friends again.
When Carly nervously asks about maybe being something a bit more, Paulina, blushing, admits that, thinking that over... she likes that idea too. Carly and Paulina then officially begin an awkward, but charming and sweet, first date.
Wow, I should make this a whole dang teen romance novel.
Oh, wait, you wanted to know how they'd interact with Skarlow.
Both Skara and Willow would be a touch weirded out by the discovery. They know about speculation that Realms close to each other cosmologically can have similarities, but running into another couple just like them in the same town as Luz? It be wild.
But, barring the Witches having to hide their ears, the four would get along well I feel. They would all be able to bond over their similar experiences, and both would love learning from the other: Skara showing Carly how to play instruments as Paulina show's Willow her scripts. I think they'd make a decent group of friends, honestly.
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burned-lariat · 2 years
...Well I can see where both Michael and Joss got their depraved indifference for human life from. Just...ghoulish behavior. Ghoulish behavior all around.
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bklynmusicnerd · 1 year
Carly: *giving Nina that typical possessive mob wife "Not everyone can handle Sonny's life!" speech she always gives*
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halfwayinlight · 2 years
Even this poor baby knows she lost the family lottery. She's protesting and struggling 😂💀
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myghanimationspage · 8 months
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Feel free to use just give me (Linda) the credit for the animation if you use elsewhere…thanks
PLEASE dont use my animations to make other animations or banners with it. I work hard on my animations  and I dont want people to use them to make other fanarts
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anyathefandom · 2 years
Okay I have paid zero attention to the Wiley's adult sl but all I'm seeing is people calling drew dumb asf and I'm dying😂. Like apparently the writers are writing him to be completely obtuse about Carly's scheme because they so badly need to keep this secret going about Nina being willow's mom and I'm just wondering why. Their dragging this lame sl into next year when they could've been revealed it by now. I legit want to know who is even still invested in this sl anyway.🥴
Sidenote: The Nina vs Carly crap is so boring and tired and the writers really got the audacity to keep the war going into next year.😭 Like babes who caaaaaaares??!!!
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"Leave Carly alone."
Ok you know what? Fuck you Willow. I made a whole essay talking about that actual good scene with you on Tuesday and you proceed to throw away all good-will from said scene by yet again demonizing Nina and propping up Carly.
I fucking swear to you that she didn't give Carly the same request to try and co-exist with Nina because co-existing with Sonny is one thing, but giving Nina the same common courtesy? Absolutely not! Nina is an evil monster...
These fucking writers, man. They can't just let the Benson family take one damn L for once. I bet to you that Carly (and by extension Drew and Michael) are gonna get off of these SEC charges with only a minor slap on the wrist. Actually no, they're somehow gonna be propped up as heroes and Sonny and Nina will be punished because "tHeY'Re tHE vIlLaInS!!" Meanwhile Joss and Dex can continue their trend of sleeping together and being angry about Sonny as if they're saints who didn't leave Britt fucking Westbourne to die.
Millow, Jex, and Crew are gonna get away with everything yet again and I. Am. So. Fucking. Sick. Of. It.
Willow, do me a favor, and "tragically" croak right as Drew and Liesl enter the room. Go straight to Hell along with Harmony.
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superghfan · 2 years
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Carly joins the Q’s for a typical Thanksgiving. 
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saintlesbian · 2 years
that moment as Willow went into the elevator and Carly got to talk to her all excited before she went in, and then that longing look Willow and Nina gave each other before the doors closed… yea I’m in my Nina apologist era again sorry. like Carly has willow’s forgiveness and affection already, while nina has to stand aside and watch the woman who kept both of her daughters from her acting as a mother figure to willow.
and Carly has loving family to spare in all directions! she’s got her mother Bobbie who loves her now, her daughter joss who is essentially a carbon copy of her, her little girl Donna, her grown son Michael who has already forgiven her, her grandson Wiley (who nina doesn’t even get to visit) and soon this new baby granddaughter… hell, even Avery calls her “mama Carly” and they’re not even related!
meanwhile Nina’s got her unhinged mother Madeline who put her in a coma and cost her 20 years of her life (which I can imagine would be Very difficult to adapt to) who is Dead now, her dead daughter nelle that she didn’t even know was hers until after she was gone, her dead cousin Britt, her other dead cousin Nathan, her nephew James, and her aunt liesl who is. not exactly the warmest or most sane person.
and I think we don’t give enough credit to Nina’s 20 year coma for her being the way that she is… like she was young and expecting a child and happily married before her mother put her in that coma, then she wakes up 20 years later to find her youth is gone, her child is gone, her husband is gone, and she’s reeling over how much her life has changed and how much time she’s lost… of course she’s still gonna want kids, still gonna want that second chance at motherhood, since she’s still trapped in that mindset of that expectant young woman from 20 years ago, but she physically can’t have any since her life has fallen apart in that time.
so to be nina, a broken woman longing for her that daughter she lost and in the middle of dealing with her small family getting even smaller, witnessing Carly, a woman with such a large loving family taking Nina’s daughter into the fold and about to celebrate her family getting even larger… idk. I think if I was nina at that moment I would’ve snapped from seeing that. like that would really drive me to the brink. Carly and Nina are bizarro mirror versions of each other but carly is the one that at least has the undying love and support from her family in the end… I can understand nina feeling resentful of that.
ok nina apologist rant over 😅
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heartcruncher · 1 year
Everybody wants to blame Carly for Willow's decision! 😂
Like anyone has to tell Willow (or Michael) not to invite Nina. If Willow doesn't even want Nina there even as she's dying, why would she want Nina to be present just because of a wedding? 😬
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dylanconrique · 2 years
was that real? did i just see that with my own two eyes??
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