#Carmy versus Marcus
sydcarmyfan · 9 months
Syd with Carmy versus Syd with Marcus
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The difference between these two scenes is interesting. In first scene, Syd and Carmy are working on the menu in Carmy’s apartment. Syd and Carmy are laughing, flirting and getting to know each other. At some point, Carmy is leaning on Syd and there is no space between them.
In the second scene, Marcus is in Syd’s home and Syd is cooking for him but there is space between them and the space remains throughout the whole time Marcus is with Syd. What’s interesting is that Carmy becomes a topic of conversation. Syd is with Marcus but Carmy stays on her mind. Y’all, did Syd really invite Marcus into her home so she could ask him about Carmy? Syd is so unserious lol.
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freedelusionshere · 11 days
S4 thoughts (sorry it's long)
That kitchen is Syd’s. Carmy is just the chef.
If Syd leaves in S4, Tina will be upset AF. She will then probably go in on Carmy because she holds back until she doesn’t, and she’s already issued him a warning about how he treats Syd.
I kind of need to see it? Like, she’ll be pissed and then she’ll ask him what’s going on with him, just like she did when he was trapped in the walk-in. And notice how he feels in that moment like he can tell the truth to Tina, who he knows won’t bullshit him, versus how he reacts to Claire and Richie (his past).
Marcus will have some shit to say, too. Because when he asked Carmy to take them there, he didn’t mean what Carmy does in S3. This is not The Blind Side, LOL, he meant the passion and creativity he brought to The Beef and lifting up others together.
I think a lot about how Syd and Carmy have sort of parented Tina and Marcus in the kitchen and then in S3 we see them collaborating (not Syd and Carmy) and inspiring each other and how they’re in such a different place now, so joyful; it’s not just a job anymore, they’re loving what they do now they know they have made something special together and feel inspired and are shown reveling in it.
What Carmy talked about in Legacy has already happened, whether he realizes it fully or not, but I think he does, because Syd asks him about whether or not he knew Ever was special when he was in the middle of doing it and he admits he did not. Carmy then invites Syd to the Ever dinner which suggests that he’s starting to rethink what he’s been doing and is giving her a direct introduction as an equal. And it’s the happiest we’ve seen her all season.
Richie is still caught up in all the family stuff like Carmy is, so he’ll blame Syd leaving on Carmy. But Richie knows exactly what is going on with Carmy, he lays it all out in Tomorow and in front of everyone (a true Berzatto fam move). But Richie still doesn’t want to deal with the Mikey baggage any more than Carmy does.
Syd has basically replaced Mikey at The Bear in hearts and minds Richie hasn’t fully accepted it yet, he’s preoccupied with his gentleman transformation and looking for alliances. She's not Mikey, but her arrival and her idea that it could be so different (as she tells Carmy in S1) actually holds space for others to become better. Like Chef Terry did for Carmy. Carmy knows how much Syd wanted to go to Noma and she sent Marcus instead!
Now, I think it’s going to come full circle in S4 with Luca being around. Luca knows Carmy and watched him like a hawk. He is on the other side of what Carny has been doing. He knows that Syd was at Ever for reasons and he’s asking her very prying personal questions about herself, just like Carmy and Marcus have tried to do and gets kind of shut down. Not all the way, because Syd lets it go on a bit longer than she did with Marcus or Carmy because Luca actually opens up and talks about himself. She’s still dodging, though!
Syd in S4 might try to run away from stuff which the show has talked about constantly but hasn't shown the why. At least not from her perspective, but since we're getting her having anxiety attacks and seeing flashbacks that mirror Carmy's, I think we will.
I have always thought since I started watching this show (which was very late, I watched the first episode and didn't pick it back up until later) that Syd is actually the main character of The Bear. She's the one who has influenced everything since the first episode. Yes, it's shown through Carmy's POV, but it's about her. All of his thoughts and behavior are centered on her.
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unladyboss · 2 months
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Seriously just. Stop
No more of this group on the Bear. Carmy can be developed without them. We get it.
We get the whole thing about a TIME LOOP. we get the hints at the train station etc.
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WE DON'T NEED the groundhog day time loop hints from this group . Since it's this group nobody will believe it anyway.
Christopher, we don't care
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Ok they are a distraction for Carmy to stop him from his purpose. Thanks for pounding that into us.
This pic is gratuitous I HAD TO add it 👇👇👇
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I've should have said this from the beginning but I didn't want to seem like a hater. But looking at this group, this FAK GROUP in relation to the show, makes me have a physical reaction. It's visceral and grosses me out
It's really horrible when you have Ebra, Angel, Manny, and Marcus (even Sweeps) with stories to develop.
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You mean to tell me Carmy lost a brother and is grieving all this time, but Marcus has a brother and lost a MOTHER and we can't get him crying on Sydney's shoulder?
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Instead we get Faks in a hospital being weird?
Stop now.
This is the definition of ick.
Wrap it up quickly in the new season please
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unpassive-viewer · 1 year
The Bear: Season 2 Thoughts (Mild Spoilers)
Hey y’all,
I binged The Bear S2 this week and I have things to say.
This show is so visually beautiful, the shots of the food, the tight shots on the actors - everything was gorgeous. The cinematography impacted the story so perfectly in a way that I am not used to witnessing in television versus movies. 
I was rooting for every single character so much. Their stories were all expanded upon so well, and none of them were static. The acting was 10/10, I really bought the development of the relationships even though some of them seemed a little random coming off of S1. The writing for Carmy was perfect as a product of his dysfunctional environment (disclosure: my family is very similar to his, it was like watching myself in a character). Jamie Lee Curtis’ acting made me want to crawl out of my skin, which is a testament to how well she played the part. 
In particular, I fell in love with Richie and Tina this season. 
Richie got the perfect redemption arc - this season was truly his and I loved it. I could not stand him in S1, but S2 fleshed out his character so well. I want his character to get win after win, and I think he has has a long way to go in S3 (should we get it). Matty Matheson’s character was also a great counterweight to Ebon’s pessimism, I thought their dynamic was a lot of fun. 
I feel similarly about Tina’s character. This season you’re really able to understand their motivations and fears, which I always adore. Liza was incredible in the role. On one hand I think the show is best as a stand-alone, but I could also watch Tina’s story by itself. Both she and Richie get a huge dose of self-confidence this season and it makes for a very endearing, relatable story. I think very often stories that involve that kind of realization are very commodified and dramatized when it comes to middle-aged protagonists, but the growth of these characters felt very real and well-deserved. (Side note - I follow Liza on Instagram now and she’s such a sweet lady. She reminds me so much of my mom.)
Sydney - Ayo Edebiri - is an incredible character and Ayo’s writing was perfection. Syd’s and Carmy’s signing “I’m sorry” was a really interesting touch and encapsulates their dynamic so well. I also oddly love the way she’s styled. When she’s not wearing her work clothes, her style isn’t flashy, but she looks fantastic always. Her style is so reflective of her character - often slouched, baggy styles with pops of colour. In my opinion she looks like an artist - a creative - which I’d say is pretty accurate to her reality. 
Lionel Boyce’s portrayal of Marcus was once again very sweet, and I liked his somewhat less dramatic character arc. I didn’t love his little outburst at the end of the season, but as a character that’s been such a consistent teddy bear it’s nice to see some more conflict introduced to his story. 
After this season, I want more Will Poulter and Olivia Colman. I am very much in love with them, and their brief parts in the series were so lovely (despite feeling a little random). Olivia Colman brings the most incredible energy to every project I have seen her in, she is radiant and I love her. I also love the attention to detail with Poulter’s tattoos having a story behind them. 
Claire was a good character as well, but she didn’t have the same effect on me as Poulter and Colman. While they’re all static characters, Claire was just... too perfect. Not entirely manic pixie dream girl perfect, but I didn’t find her particularly compelling. For what the character was, she was played well by Molly Gordon, and it was nice to see Carmy get the chance to be something other than an anxious unhappy wreck for a few episodes. 
My singular big criticism as of now is that there was so much compressed into this season that it all felt a little random. There were a lot of characters introduced in a very short period of time. While it was nice to see the environment external to the restaurant and I think all of those characters fit very well, it was just a lot. I think the Christmas dinner episode was very important to the story, but the rest of the season could have used a little more breathing room that that episode took up. 
I binged it, but this show deserves to be mulled over. 
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Why I’m Not Feelin’ a Sydney Love Triangle
While I can respect fans seeing possibilities for our ingenue having potential with several men on The Bear I just really hope that doesn’t happen. I’m not one of those people that is against ANY romance on the show but having a love triangle does seem a bit soapy and honestly I just don’t think Sydney is that flaky. 
I’m not saying I’ve never loved shows that have a love triangle, I just usually love those shows IN SPITE of there being one. I find it usually makes me not like the person at the center as much even if I previously adored them. Plus, I hate seeing female characters look that indecisive and not self-aware. Something about it just comes across as immature. Maybe it’s just because while I have personally been capable of liking two people at the same time I’ve never been in a Bachelor A or B scenario. It just seems unrealistic that any competent person would be struggling over something like that in pursuit of a deep relationship. Just choose one or choose none. I never walk away from those plot lines viewing the woman as super empowered or desirable, I think she just ends up looking childish.
Now there is poor embattled, repressed Carmy. First, I just don’t want Carmy having to compete with anybody. Boy has enough suffering and doesn’t probably catch feelings easily. It would be nice to see him navigate romance without feeling like he needs to smoke a motherfucker. Second, Carmy needs friends, male friends. He lost a brother who seems to have been more like a stand-in dad. He seems to have been a loner most of his life. As dysfunctional as last season was he did establish bonds with Marcus and Richie and I think he needs camaraderie, not a challenge and bad vibes. There is a male friendship crisis. Let Carmy have guy friends!
Then, we get to the options. Carmy versus Marcus and Carmy versus Richie. 
As much as people harp on a power imbalance between Carmy and Sydney, the greater one exists between Carmy and Marcus (plus Sydney is technically Marcus’ boss, too). Now I can see Carmy maybe getting jealous of the friendship between Sydney and Marcus, I don’t think it will go beyond him mistakenly thinking something is up. And as much as people claim Carmy and Sydney have a strictly friends/mentor vibe that’s the vibe I get from Sydney and Marcus. Yes, they bonded fast but almost too fast like they are family. I see them as the two young Black professionals that are like, hey we in this together. I don’t see any sexual tension, like at all. No longing looks, no stolen glances, no touches that stand out. It’s more like I got your back, let’s giggle and talk shit. Them in a relationship also serves no narrative purpose. There is no challenge. Would either of them grow in a vital way? Would it add to any existing plot lines? No, it would be the definition of having a relationship just to have one, IMO. I also think Chester and Marcus could be a couple. 
Now, Richie. Granted, Richie and Sydney (also his boss) have an intense vibe that could be sexual tension, but this would be the messiest and most disappointing move. Like, serious broken relationships over what would just be merely a lusty hookup. And let’s not forget how disrespectful Richie has been to her. Like, at any other job he would be fired and have a potential lawsuit on his hands. The misogyny and harassment is kind of over the top. Even if the sex was explosive it just would not be enough to redeem how he treated this precious young Black woman just trying to be excellent. It just kind of grosses me out as a young Black woman. I could never be with a white man that treated me like that. We could get to cool, but never lover. Sorry. Richie also is kind of a loser. People say Syd is too good for Carmy (which I balk at, he just needs to heal), so no way in hell Richie is on her level. Richie has some good qualities but we have a man that is just kind of content with mediocre and lives in the past. What is the appeal for our fair lady? Carmy may be struggling emotionally but he has a maturity Richie doesn’t and has accomplished a lot and has a vision... that he shares with Sydney. Plus, Carmy and Richie would never be the same. Carmy is all Cousin got and Cousin is as close to Mikey as he will ever be again. 
So yeah, I know some people may really ship Sydney with more than one person or may just like maximal drama but I’m just not here for that kind of crazy on a show that already has enough crazy. Carmy deserves better, Sydney deserves better. Let the slow burn simmer. 
Bonus: Nobody looks at Sydney like Carmy looks at Sydney. The fucking end.
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sydcarmyfan · 10 months
UPS versus CIA: Sydney had Carmy on the brain
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When Carmy is going through Syd’s resume, Carmy asks what UPS is and if it is in Chicago so Syd tells him that it is the United Parcel Service. Syd’s face is like, are you for real? The moment is funny and cute because this man forgets that UPS even exists because a beautiful woman is in front of him. Compare this moment to Syd and Marcus talking about CIA.
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The episode after Syd quits and Marcus walks out of the restaurant, they are talking about Syd’s time at CIA. When Syd mentions CIA, she makes it clear that she’s talking about the Culinary Institute of America. Marcus is quick to say that he thought she was a spy so Syd says that she could do a regime change if she wanted to. Why does Sydney feel the need to make a distinction between the two CIAs when speaking to Marcus? This is what I think:
1. Although Marcus is with Syd in that moment and she is cooking for him, the person at the forefront of Syd’s mind is Carmy even before she starts talking about the best meal she’s ever had.
2. During his panic attack, we learnt that the moment Carmy met Syd is very important to him. Here, we learn that the moment is very important to Syd as well because Syd remembers it when speaking to Marcus so she makes sure that Marcus is aware of which CIA she’s talking about because a certain someone did not know what UPS was. If you look closely at Syd’s face after she says, ‘’Not the, you know, CIA…’’, she’s blinking her eyes and she has a small smile on her face. Does this small smile not remind you of Carmy in this important scene?
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Carmy and Syd are two souls in one body!
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unladyboss · 11 months
This post was supposed to compare Carmy sitting with Richie in the alley and Carmy sitting with Sydney in the alley.
However, I saw a lot more sitting pics and decided to show more
In this Photo essay I will successfully show how invested Carmy Berzatto is, in being physically close to one Sydney Adamu.
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(for extra credit)
Random guys sitting and standing together
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With Marcus
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