#Carolina Deslandes
sparkles-oflight · 10 months
hope youre having a good time❤️
Hi bay <3 How have you been? I decided to shuffe four songs for this question
❤️ - what’s your favorite line(s)?
Torna a Casa - Måneskin
"Che questo è un viaggio che nessuno prima d'ora ha fatto Alice, le sue meraviglie e il Cappellaio Matto"
which is something along the lines of:
"This trip is a journey nobody has done before Alice, her wonders and the Mad Hatter"
💡 - do you associate the song with something? if yes, what?
Por um triz - Carolina Deslandes
I do. I believe this song should have been our 2021 ESC song and not "Love is on my Side" It brought me hope for the portuguese music's future again.
💭 - does this song remind you of someone? if yes, who?
Umazane Misli - Joker Out
I don't really associate it with anyone.
🌈 - is this song currently on any of your playlists? if yes, what one(s)?
I turn to You - Cornelia Jakobs
On my Cornelia Jakobs playlist 💀
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soniarbcastanheira · 2 years
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Precipícios - Carolina Deslandes 💽
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tomasalmeeida · 2 years
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
dilucisms asked:
i've got you. i'm right here.
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This is supposed to be your average evening at the Angel's Share. Moods are expected to be merry, the sound of chatter loud. A few excesses are to be made in terms of alcohol consumption. Nothing too extraordinary, according to anyone's books. And yet, Kaeya is quick to feel it. What exactly it is or from where it originates, Kaeya does not know. He simply is aware that, whenever the feeling slowly comes creeping up on him, there is bound to be misery.
The captain does not allow the world to see what disgrace is about to happen. His intuition is quick to tell him to leave the place as soon as possible, and so he complies. The stool he has been sitting on makes an audible screech against the wooden floor as Kaeya gets up at a fast pace. But customers are so entertained and immersed in their own little worlds, in their own little bubbles, that they pay no attention whatsoever to the sudden movement. Kaeya feels dizzy. He feels the need to use the top of the counter as a means of support for a few moments. His grip on the counter tightens, but he makes haste to figure out his next course of action. Where to next, where to next — ! He reaches enlightenment. The backroom. The backroom's bathroom, specifically. Almost no one goes there on a busy night, so one may very well classify it as a safe place, where no one shall bother him with unnecessary and unrequired attention. And it would not raise suspicion if he were to use it, considering his relationship with Diluc. Yes. For now, it shall suffice. 
Kaeya does not announce his departure to the owner of the tavern, who is currently busy collecting some bottles, mentally taking note of the drinks necessary for the required mixtures. Good. Let him focus on tending to the customers' orders. Kaeya shall use this opportunity to flee toward his objective. He does not run, but it is clear his pace hastens more than usual. A gloved hand reaches for the wooden door — salvation is ever so close. And once he realizes he is alone and the door behind him shuts, Kaeya drops all composure. He allows his body to lean against the coldness of the wall, and a gloved hand to desperately reach the location where his eyepatch rests, his breathing audibly quickening. The pain is starting to become unbearable. But no, this is still not safe enough. His gaze procures the bathroom. And once it finds it, he pushes his body away from the wall and heads toward his next safe haven, brusquely pushing the bathroom door wide open with the strength of his right shoulder. The door closes as violently as it opened.
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The scene is pitiable. Much like a panicking young child, he is quick to cower, dropping to his knees as breaths remain rapid, hands not daring to leave his aching eye. Perhaps in a vain attempt to believe that if he rests them there, maybe that will soothe the excruciating discomfort. Foolish. Futile.
He does not know why this happens. It is not often that it does, but he has had the displeasure of being immersed in this misery a few times now. And in the midst of the loudness that his thoughts provide, suddenly, he hears footsteps. His good eye widens open. Alarmed.
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No... No. No, no, no!
This was not supposed to happen!
He quiets down the best he can, hands covering his mouth and nose to suppress the noises that escape him. If someone has entered the backroom, then they must be one of the employees. Charles is working tonight, but so are a few other new members of the team. And then there is Diluc, but there is no way it is him. Right? Right?!
Kaeya does not move an inch, but the light that travels under the bathroom door is quick to attract his gaze. Perhaps it shall aid him in his quest to figure out to whom the silhouette belongs to. For a few moments, the stranger remains motionless. They seem to be considering all the possibilities. They are certain that they have seen someone flee here. And then, they make up their mind. For Kaeya's demise, however, they do not turn on their heels and leave the area. Instead, they close the backroom door and slowly make their way to the bathroom's. A palm rests on the other side of the door, if the exterior sounds do not fool Kaeya. It is obvious that, whoever this is, they are being hesitant. Cautious. Thinking about the best way to approach the situation. And that is more than enough to confirm the stranger's identity. Diluc Ragnvindr.
Turn away. Go back. Those are Kaeya's final wishes. Fate has been so cruel to him already. Could it not take pity and grant him a single wish, just this once!? And then, amidst rage and the sense of helplessness, there comes a new shocking wave of pain. One that Kaeya falls completely victim to, surrendering all control as a painful groan escapes his lips.
And that is enough to give Diluc the courage to barge in. Despite being in the dark, Kaeya stares at Diluc and sees ruby eyes widen in shock. Kaeya does not wish to see anything any longer, so he turns his back to Diluc, and cowers even more. Diluc, too, drops to his knees in desperation, warm hands soon greeting Kaeya's back, their grip tightening.
"i've got you. i'm right here".
This was not supposed to happen.
Why don't things ever go right!? It is always failure after failure after failure! The longer he climbs, the greater the fall. Kaeya's instinct tells him to cower even more, and his left arm is quick to be dismissive. Diluc's kindness — he does not deserve it! And he does not want Diluc to see what he has to go through! He just wants to be left alone! ( But does he? )
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«No! Leave...! I don't...» His throat is so incredibly tight. «I don't want to be seen like this...!»
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q-starhalo · 7 months
Como hoy es el día del idioma para qsmpblr, quería hacer una lista con todas las canciones que me han enviado y las que yo misma he elegido! ^^ ¡y si quieren enviarme más, por favor hazlo!
★ En la Ciudad de la Furia - Soda Stereo
★ Colgando en tus manos - Carlos Baute
★ Soñé - Zoé
★ Festival de las luces - Mueran Humanos
★ Japón - Mecano
★ Él Me Mintió - Amanda Miguel
★ Honey, No Estás - Bratty
★ Fuimos Amor - Esteman
★ Cariño - The Marías
★ ¿Porqué te vas? - Jeanette
★ Ahora Decide - Pimpinela
★ Se Eu Fosse Casado - Lui Lorenzo
★ Inveja - Lourandes
★ Avião De Papel - Carolina Deslandes, Rui Veloso
★ A Vida Toda - Carolina Deslandes
★ Lambada - Kaoma
★ Tout le monde se presse - Sanseverino
★ Jalousie - Angèle
★ Démons - Angèle, Damso
★ Ta reine - Angèle
★ Papaoutai - Stromae
★ Dernière danse - Indila
★ Je veux - Zaz
★ Ça (c'est vraiment toi) - Téléphone
★ Comme des enfants - Cœur De Pirate
★ Alles Neu - Peter Fox
★ Schrei nach Liebe - Die Ärzte
★ Molitva - Marija Šerifović
Idioma + Idioma:
★ Corazón - Maluma ft. Nego do Borel (esp. + pt.)
★ Fever - Dua Lipa, Angèle (eng. + fr.)
★ Everything Matters - AURORA, Pomme (eng. + fr.)
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thank you Lou @nouies for tagging me to list five songs that i listened to recently! here they are:
i'm tagging @oksfranta, @deludedandlostcause, @delicatepointofview and @floralotp to do this too but no pressure 😊
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liptoncha · 1 year
opa desculpem mas o que mais me irrita é quando jovens portugueses dizem que Portugal não tem música boa e que o Brasil é muito melhor.
primeiro: é impossível comparar um país do tamanho do Brasil com um do tamanho de Portugal.
segundo: ambos os países têm culturas musicais completamente diferentes. exemplo: no brasil um dos estilos musicais mais conhecidos é o funk, em Portugal é o fado. dois estilos completamente diferentes.
terceiro: na minha opinião a música portuguesa está num alto em comparação a anos passados. temos não só cantores antigos mas temos também imensos novos cantores super talentosos.
agora se eu não procurar por cantores portugueses e só ouvir brasileiros é claro que eu vou achar que Portugal não tem músicas boas. mas porra isso é apenas mentira.
nós temos de fado a pop a rock a metal a hiphop a rnb e a indie. nós temos de tudo e tudo muito bom. é apenas ridículo dizer que não existem bons artistas portugueses.
gente como sara correia, António Zambujo, fernando daniel, the gift, os quatro e meia, da weazel, diogo Piçarra, slow j, Bárbara tinoco, carolina deslandes, dzrt, e entre tantos outros artistas super talentosos é uma falta enorme de respeito pelo país e os seus artistas dizer que não fazemos música boa.
é que este tipo de gente que reclama da música portuguesa nunca se deu ao trabalho de sequer se esforçar para procurar. como se a música portuguesa coubesse numa só caixa e fosse tudo uniforme. não é!!!
tipo nem eu que sou super conhecedora de pop culture em geral sei que Portugal tem imenso a oferecer em termos de música e artes em geral. mas para ser apreciada globalmente é preciso começar por ser apreciada pelos próprios portugueses.
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mercysought · 1 year
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that unwanted animal by the amazing devil
Oh, and you rip my ribcage open and devour what's truly yours / And our screaming joins in unison, I cry out to the Lord / 'Cause if we join our hands in prayer enough / To God, I imagine it all starts to sound like applause.
blood in the wine by aurora
I was given a heart / Before I was given a mind / A thirst for pleasure and war / A hunger we keep inside / We fell from sky with grace / And life gave us a sweeter taste / You can drink, you can feast / There's beauty in your beast
the horror and the wild by the amazing devil
I steal the hours and turn the night into day / Day by day oh lord three things I pray / That I might understand as best as I can / How bold I was, could be - will be - still am, by God still am / Fret not dear heart, let not them hear / The mutterings of all your fears, the fluttering of all your wings / Welcome to the storm, I am thunder / Welcome to my table, bring your hunger.
sacrifices must be made by dan bull
No one wants to show their hands / For fear of knowing that we've only laid out hopeless plans / Life's a thankless slow advance / And no advantage shall suffice / To satisfy chance's appetite requires sacrifice.
eat your young by hozier
I'm starving, darling / Let me put my lips to something / Let me wrap my teeth around the world / Start carving, darling / I wanna smell the dinner cooking I wanna feel the edges start to burn
artemis by aurora
What will you do when she drinks the sea? / Drown her in sorrow or let her be free? / When she's upset, all of her heart is cold / What will you do when she eats the moon? / Make her return it or give her a spoon? / When she is full, all of her heart is warm 
"He didn’t even look angry; he looked like an ending given human form." — harrow the ninth by tamsyn muir
"You have referred to yourself and your fellow mortals as our children. You are not our children. You are… a bad first draft." — asmodeus (brendan lee mulligan) in fire and ruin (exandria unlimited: calamity)
"what is it that you contain? the dead. time. light patterns of millennia opening in your gut. every minute, in each of you, a few million potassium atoms succumb to radioactive decay. the energy that powers these tiny atomic events has been locked inside potassium atoms ever since a star-sized bomb exploded nothing into being. potassium, like uranium and radium, is a long-lived radioactive nuclear waste of the supernova bang that accounts for you. your first parent was a star." — weight: the myth of atlas and heracles by jeanette winterson
"Eu não vejo o copo meio cheio, eu vejo o mar." — carolina deslandes “I don’t see the glass half full, I see the sea.”
"preserve the past, poison the present." — the existential horror of david cronenberg’s camera by acolytes of horror
tagged by . @thomasrainier (thank you ✨) tagging. @valheri @prvtocol @weptfreedom @soveraign (Cersei? mayhaps?) @harringtontm
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luzmyway · 8 months
5, 8, 14? (song asks)
Hi! ☺️ This is more difficult than I thought so I'll just go with the first that pops into my mind!
5. Good song for road trips.
Dancing in the dark - Bruce Springsteen
It was the song of road trips with my dad in my childhood since he's the biggest Springsteen fan. It takes me back there but I also took it as a song of my own. I especially like to listen if I'm the one driving.
8. Song you want to see live.
Until the end of the world - U2
I believe this is my favorite U2 song and I've never seen it live. For me it's the perfect song, and the live version, with the little theatrics they put on is something I'd really love to experience. I've accepted I probably won't but I've been surprised before...
14. Happy song
I'll go with a song in my native language - Saia da Carolina by Carolina Deslandes. It's recent and I've been listening to it a lot, singing it a lot and it always puts a smile on my face. It's basically a girl power song but with a very traditional beat.
Thank you!
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sparkles-oflight · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3 (no pressure ofc)
Thanks for the ask! I shuffled my "on repeat" playlist to get more diversity
Joker Out - Carpe Diem
Carolina Deslandes - Saia da Carolina
Amor Electro - A máquina (acordou)
Jet Black Diamonds - Retro Anorak
Deolinda - Não tenho mais razões
That's a lot of portuguese music uh
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musicshooterspt · 1 year
Depois da quota obrigatória de 30% de música portuguesa nas rádios ser abandonada pelo ministro da Cultura, surge o movimento #QueroMaisMusicaPortuguesa. Este movimento conta com uma petição com mais de 2,000 assinaturas e o apoio de inúmeros artistas portugueses como Rui Veloso, Luísa Sobral, Luís Represas, entre outros.
Podem perceber melhor sobre este movimento com este vídeo do Expresso:
Alegando que “não há produção suficiente de música portuguesa para assegurar estes valores”, o presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Radiodifusão também se apresentou contra o aumento da quota.
Hoje deixamos algumas sugestões de música portuguesa, provando que existe muita e boa música no nosso país, que pode satisfazer todos os gostos.
Para fãs de thrash metal apresentamos os promissores Warout com a recente Addicted to Violence, uma bomba ao vivo! (Data de lançamento: 6 de Janeiro, 2023)
Os transmontanos Whales Don’t Fly, no género do Metal, iniciaram em 2018 e lançaram o primeiro álbum em 2022. Uma viagem que vale a pena fazer, do início ao fim (Data de Lançamento: 6 de Fevereiro, 2022)
Também de raízes transmontanas, os Soul Despair são uma banda promissora no MetalCore. (Data de Lançamento: 14 de Abril, 2023)
Outras bandas dentro do género que vale a pena ouvir: Seventh Storm, Jarda, Toxikull, Ledderplain, Moonspell, Tara Perdida, Apotheus
Vamos dar uma voltinha até ao rock, com os mirandelenses Dan’s Revival, que remetem para o rock dos anos 60. (Ano de Lançamento: 2019)
No folk rock temos os brigantinos Yvette Band com o novo álbum Co[N]tradição.
(Desculpem, isto está a tornar-se uma ode a Trás-os-Montes)
Os Diabo na Cruz, que continuam a deixar saudade.
No indie rock não podemos deixar de mencionar os já conhecidos Capitão Fausto e Ornatos Violeta
No pop rock/ punk rock os Baleia Baleia Baleia continuam a dar cartas com o álbum Suicídio Comercial lançado em 2022, considerado um dos melhores do ano.
No rock alternativo, Persona 77 lançaram o mais recente EP em 2022.
Paraguaii, First Breath After Coma, The Miami Flu, The Poppers, Fugly, Grandfathers House, Bed Legs tudo nomes de bom rock indie português
Os portuenses Jupiter lançaram hoje (14 de abril, 2023), Diamante em Bruto, um estilo funk/groovy “à moda do Porto”
No campo instrumental, já conhecemos Homem em Catarse
Os tops nacionais não mentem com vários artistas portugueses na lista, demonstrando que o público português gosta da música que por cá se faz:
Bárbara Bandeira, Carolina Deslandes, Diogo Piçarra, Slow J, Bárbara Tinoco, D.A.M.A., Miguel Araújo, António Zambujo, são apenas alguns nomes que estão uma e outra vez entre os mais ouvidos no nosso país
Lo-fi beats? Também temos
Com raízes no R&B, Lo-fi e rock, os vimaranenses The Midnight Spot surgiram há alguns anos e finalmente lançaram dois singles em 2021. Fica aqui um deles.
Chegamos finalmente ao rap e hip hop, com nomes como Sam the Kid, Plutónio, Wet Bed Gang, Boss AC, Da Weasel que são já parte do nosso vocabulário.
Bezegol, que dispensa apresentações e rótulos (esta com Rui Veloso, que dispensa ainda menos de apresentações) - Aqui
Não esquecendo a música popular, que não é só pimba, deixamos algumas sugestões engraçadas para fazer um bailarico à moda portuguesa.
Canedo // Galandum Galundaina
Quem nunca dançou esta música de braço com um amigo que atire a primeira pedra.
Ainda há muitos portugueses que acreditam não gostar de música nacional porque “não gosto de pimba”. Temos que deixar umas palavras de agradecimento ao pimba, mesmo assim, por todas as festas da terrinha, todos os finos derramados, os sorrisos rasgados e a certeza de que cada verão português vai deixar saudade até ao próximo.
O fado, é obviamente, um dos géneros mais característico do nosso país, apesar de não ser o favorito de toda a gente. Mesmo assim vale a pena ir a uma casa de fados e apoiar a nossa economia local, ou ir à Monumental Serenata em Coimbra chorar com os amigos.
Povo que lavas no rio // Amália Rodrigues
Canção do Mar // Dulce Pontes
Além de vários outros artistas aqui não mencionados (tentámos dar palco aos menos conhecidos, não querendo esquecer os nomes de renome no país), se esta lista ainda não te foi suficiente para despertar a curiosidade (esperamos que não), podes ouvir mais música portuguesa aqui:
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Carolina Deslandes & Sara Correia - Porquê do Fado/Não me importo
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joaopinto · 1 year
Veja "Sei lá - Bárbara Tinoco & Carolina Deslandes ao vivo na Altice Arena | PWG 2020" no YouTube
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liz-wes · 2 years
current top 5 songs
tagged by the lovely @drbrennans - thank you ellie 💜  
1. kill you to try by djats
2. the river by djats
3. outdoor pool by maisie peters
4. love him i don’t by maisie peters
5. raiva by carolina deslandes
my true current top 5 would be djats only songs and that’d be boring so i tried my “best” to include other songs 😂
tagging: @kenshivrome @jakeperalta @rileykeouhg @lizzybennets @anditwentlikethis @tomsgrennan but no pressure 💗
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bttrflyblu · 2 years
Carolina Deslandes - Saia da Carolina
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