#Cat Story
aquilacalvitium · 1 year
Heartwarming story time
My dad's cat was abused and kicked out of her old home before being rescued by a shelter then adopted by him. She's utterly obsessed with him and at any time of the day she's either asleep or near him.
Well my dad retired earlier this year and went on holiday to just relax by himself for a whole week for the first time in who even knows how many years. While he was away, he took his cat back to the shelter he adopted her from to be looked after.
He had a lovely week, spending most of it reading or in the hotel pool. Then he went back home and picked his cat up from the shelter.
Cats rarely have readable facial expressions that look anything like human emotions but apparently the look on her face when she saw him was one of pure frantic relief and adoration.
The poor little princess who - may I remind you - was abused and kicked out of her home by her previous family, thought that dad had given her back to the shelter forever and was never coming back for her.
He swears to me up and down that he's never going on holiday again because he can't bear to see her so desperately upset ever again.
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⬆️ The princess in question (River Song (yes my dad is a Doctor Who fan and somehow thought he was being original with that name))
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spookysalem13 · 5 months
I have the world's most spoiled cat. This is not up for debate 😅. She has three bowls, one is filled with her favorite kibble, one fresh water I changed out this morning, and the third was where I had her freshly shredded chicken with broth that I warmed up and made for her breakfast 😋 😁.
Two hours or so after eating her breakfast, she's pacing everywhere, getting confused, crying and starring at her bowls.
My cat is 19, she's blind, she does get a bit confused sometimes. She needs a little guidance. But even I couldn't figure out what she wanted.
It took me 45 minutes of going back and forth with her screaming bloody murder at the top of her lungs at 3AM to figure out that her bowl of chicken was out of broth. What she wanted was more warmed chicken broth.
She had water, kibble, moist chicken. Yet she wanted more broth so she was going to try and burst my ear drums. 😅
The second I made it and put it on her tray, she was a happy 😊 kitty. She drank ALL of it up and then went to hide in her favorite cubby in the closet to curl up and sleep now that she has a full warm belly of broth 🤣.
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triangle-ears · 1 month
Today I've got a cat story to share!
When I was growing up, instead of going to the smaller Catholic church in our town, we sometimes went to the huge fancy one in the next town over, where my dad's family lived. It's not quite a cathedral, but it makes a good try. Its best feature is the enormous, intricate stained glass windows illustrating scenes and proverbs, but the ceiling is also a dizzyingly towering height that gives one vertigo to look up, in a kind of interestingly symbolic way. The floors are polished stone inlay, the giant crucifix is backed by a gold mosaic tiled wall all the way to the scarily high ceiling, and the altar is solid marble with fancy carvings. I think it's beautiful in an eerie liminal kind of way; opinions are mixed, you either love it or hate it; but indisputably, the place is almost terrifyingly formal and intimidating.
So of course, where the cat comes into this story is that it acted like it owned the place.
This was long before I was born; it was a story my dad often related from his own childhood-- complete with the pun that the kitty was cat-holic, of course; but the main point of the story was how nonchalantly this white cat would stroll into the building, saunter down the aisle during Mass with hundreds of people watching, and go to sleep right on the huge, remote altar with its snow white linens, totally unconcerned about all the organ music and loud chanting and miracles and other such hubbub taking place. What an extremely cat thing to do! The whole congregation must have been amused at this semi-regular occupation by the unstoppable feline.
Throughout my life, my dad told the story over and over, but it was decades before he slipped and said the part he had always left out:
It was his cat.
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zoezoegr · 2 months
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Admission of guilt: I never used to understand the appeal of cats. Maybe it's because I'm allergic so I've never been able to really interact with them. Can't quite explain it.
That all changed recently when I had a magical experience with a cat. Let me explain:
I was in Paris in the Cafe Beaubourg. I've been there at least a dozen times and I've in their downstairs bathroom many times, but I'd never seen a cat in there to the best of my recollection. It's clearly the cafe's cat, there's a water bowl and everything, but there was fur in the bowl and the cat wasn't interested in drinking their furry water, clearly.
The bathroom was empty aside from the two of us. I went to wash my hands and the cat jumped up on the sink and stuck his head in! I thought, wow he must be really thirsty if he's willing to risk getting all wet. I put my hand over the sensor to run the tap for him. He drank and drank and drank for much longer than I'm sure you're imagining. It was adorable.
I got a really good look at his little tiny pink nose and little tiny pink mouth and little tiny pink tongue lapping up the water. I'd never noticed how precious and pink and small cats' mouths are.
Later that night, I went to a supermarket. Underneath the cash register was a little cat, resting. He also clearly was a resident of this establishment. I stooped down to give my regards and he was totally at ease with me in a way I hadn't experienced before that afternoon with the cafe cat. This supermarket cat acted like we were old friends, rolling around his little area, yawning and licking himself without a care in the world. Also with his little pink tongue in his little pink mouth and his little pink yawns.
I'm starting to think this cat at Cafe Beaubourg put a spell on me. To thank me for helping him drink, I think he made me more appealing to cats, because ever since then, they seem to love me! It's kind of sad because I still can't pet them, but I finally feel really connected to cats and understand all of their charm and preciousness.
It's actually a little freaky to wake up one day as a fully grown adult and suddenly realize that cats are just the cutest little guys in the world. I've heard about people developing online porn addictions that destroy their lives, in my case, it might be cat pinterest! Uh oh!
Anyway, here's a drawing I did of some cats being just the cutest little guys.
Ps this is actually extra weird because I've always drawn cat cartoons for as long as I can remember. Makes no sense. Anyway.
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eroswmorals · 2 months
ffs i left my cat for like a week (not even home alone there were other ppl in the house) and she hasnt stopped clinging to me for dear life
i came home and was like "HIIIIIIIIIII BABBBBYYYYYYYYYY" and she acted like she didnt care. but the moment i went upstairs i heard her little paws scrambling to be there with me.
i then spent the next five hours working on a surprise for my boyfriend at my desk and she sat either on my lap or right next to me on her hind legs with her paws on the chair. she never does this. the motherfucker missed me.
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i’ve just had the worst ten minutes and also the best 5 minutes one after another.
worst ten minutes: some dude came to work on our dryer and left our door open. guess what. i have a cat. i spent 10 ish minutes crying uncontrollably bc i thought my cat who is scared of everything ran away. mind you, into the streets not our backyard. worst case scenario.
best 5 minutes: turns out she was under our couch. i proceeded to cry more and feed her treats. god i fucking love her.
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picture of said cat.
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kuudiwad · 4 months
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Orchid always used to lead with a smile with overflowing charisma, that’s what attracted Agatespirit to them in the first place. Their rule was a kind and easy existence…until “The Creature” started wreaking havoc on their home, The Pride of the Pearl.
As time passed their pride’s numbers dwindled, their smile fading with each death.
Until one by one their kits were killed, each younger than the last until…
There was only one.
Redesigning the leader of what will now be called The Pride of the Pearl! Or Pearl Pride for short c:
Its from my own cat story im making that, while it started as a warrior cats clan story, i wanna make my own and add magical bs so ya know gotta retcon some shit from the old story and make my leader a little more unhinged than originally planned lmao
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tyanis · 1 year
Reason 9137 why I hate Elon Musk:
I have a 12 year old cat named Tesla, after Nikola Tesla, and I always have to put out a disclaimer wherever I talk about him online because dumbasses think Muskrat made up the name on his own and it only relates to him.
Anyway, Tesla trapped himself in the bathroom this morning because he was mad that I didn't pour water on him while he was in the tub.
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atticollateral · 4 months
so my cat comes into my room this morning and he's cuddling with me right and he's like snuggling in this little crook I have where I usually lay between a bunch of pillows and me and he's like between my hip and the pillows and im wearing a hair tie on my left hand where he's laying and he kind of leans forward and bites at my hair tie gently and pulls on it, so I let him pull my arm and he pulls it so he's like, hugging my arm, resting his head on my hand and he just goes to sleep like that... and I just... WAAAAHHHHH 😭😭😭😭 I'm actually crying i love my boy. sadly it was very early and I did not get a picture. hopefully mental image serves.
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happyhealthycats · 2 years
Hi there! I hate to be a bother to you, but I wanted to share a kitty success story I think you might enjoy!
I rescued a cat from a not so great household a few years ago, and I still remember the day I got her home she was just so scared. The poor thing was covered in fleas and bruises and all fluffed up in her carrier on the ride home. One of the main things I noticed when I got her home was that she was incredibly shy about food. She would startle if any loud noises occured while she was eating her kibble, and she would refuse treats and actively avoid human food even when bites of it were offered to her (never at the dinner table, because that sets bad habits, but as treats later in the day). It became obvious that food was one of her big triggers, and so I made it my personal mission to make her comfortable knowing that I would never hurt her even if she did act up and steal things. My first order of business was to offer her some treats beside her kibble, alternating them to see what she liked and disliked (apparently she has an affinity for seafood and turns her nose up at steak) and then leaving the room while she ate. That seemed to do the trick, and gradually she became more accepting of treats offered to her, even willing to eat with me present and eventually directly from my hand. Needless to say her palate has expanded greatly over the years she's been with me, and while she still sometimes has reservations about eating treats with me watching, she's become a lot more bold. No more is the skittish kitty who freezes at loud noises and slinks around the house, for now I often find her hanging out on the couch (a place she previously avoided like the plague) and sticking her face in bowls of greek yogurt left unattended for too long. I honestly can't bring myself to be cross with her for the latter action, though, because it's proof of just how far she's come in terms of trusting people and showing her colourful personality. Plus, for my efforts I've learned that she's quite the cuddle bug! She insists on sleeping in my bed every night, or at the very least on one of her other perches in my room if I'm moving too much in my sleep. She may be a bit of a troublemaker now, but I'd rather have a prissy kitty than a scardey cat.
Here's some photos of the little lady herself! Lumi!
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This one was taken right after she stole $2 from my wallet. She looks so pleased with herself, for a cat who has no use for money. It was a good photo op, though! (even if the background is messy because I was rearranging)
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This photo was taken about a week after she came home! She still looks a little skittish here, but the fact that she's willing to sit on the console stand to smell the flowers speaks volumes about her progress. She really likes flowers, so whenever I get them I make sure to out then where she can reach. (She's not in any danger of poisoning, because she has no interest in eating them. She just likes sniffing 'em)
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Here she is hanging out in her second favourite place in the house; my bed! She prefers sitting on pillows, so she has a side of the bed all to herself. This time she decided my pillow was more comfy, though.
I have a million more photos of her to share, but I'll avoid making this ask too long. Sorry if I'm rambling, by the way! I have a fever at the moment so I'm kind of incoherent, but I just really need to tell people about my cat-
I just gotta say (mostly to cover my own ass) keep in mind cats can still get sick from the pollen of certain flowers, so they're still dangerous even if the cat's not prone to eating them. Great story! I'm happy you were able to have so much progress!
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thatonevioletflower · 2 months
OMG. I was cleaning my fish tank and left it on the floor beside a bucket, I enter the room and my kitten just sprints towards me, tries to jump over the bucket, fails, almost falls into the bucket, tries to jump again and ends up in the fish tank to then hit the tank's wall and managing to jump out.
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...You were supposed to survive in the WILD once
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scribblesniff · 11 days
The Enigma of Riverton: Whiskers and the Ancient Scrolls.
Chapter 2: The Enigma of the Scrolls
The dawn light filtered gently through the tall, narrow windows of Whiskers’ cozy, cluttered apartment. The room was a haven of comfort and curiosity, filled with an assortment of trinkets, old books, and mysterious artifacts. The morning sun cast a warm glow over the collection, highlighting the eclectic nature of Whiskers' interests. Amidst the disarray, the black cat sat perched on a high wooden shelf, his piercing green eyes fixed on the ornate box he had discovered in the alley.
The box, now safely ensconced in a patchwork quilt on the floor, seemed to hum with an enigmatic energy. The symbols etched into its surface glowed faintly, their luminescence shifting with the morning light. Whiskers leapt gracefully from his perch, landing silently beside the box. His sleek coat shimmered in the sunlight as he approached, his curiosity reignited.
Carefully, he opened the box once more, revealing the ancient scrolls within. The scrolls were wrapped in delicate, dust-covered cloths, each adorned with more intricate symbols. Whiskers nudged one of the scrolls gently, and it unrolled slightly, exposing a tapestry of arcane symbols and cryptic diagrams. The air seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy as the scroll unfurled.
Whiskers’ eyes scanned the symbols. Although he couldn’t decipher them directly, he could sense their power. His instincts told him that these scrolls held the key to something monumental. The symbols were not merely decorative; they were part of a complex magical language that resonated with an ancient, forgotten magic.
As Whiskers studied the scrolls, he felt a presence behind him. He turned sharply, his ears twitching as he caught a faint rustling noise. Emerging from the shadows of the room was a figure dressed in a simple, dark robe. The figure moved with a fluid grace, their face concealed beneath a hood. It was the same enigmatic figure he had encountered in the alley.
“Good morning, Whiskers,” the figure said, their voice carrying an ethereal quality that seemed to echo in the room. “It appears that you have begun to unravel the mysteries contained within the scrolls.”
Whiskers bristled, his fur standing on end. “I thought you left,” he growled, his voice low and wary. “What are you doing here?”
The figure stepped closer, their movements deliberate and calm. “I am here to guide you,” they said. “The scrolls you have found are not merely artifacts. They are part of a greater whole, a puzzle that must be solved to prevent a looming threat.”
Whiskers’ eyes narrowed. “What kind of threat?”
The figure’s hood shifted slightly, revealing a glimpse of their sharp, angular face. “An ancient evil,” they explained. “One that has been dormant for centuries but is now stirring. The scrolls hold the knowledge needed to stop it, but they are also dangerous. You must be careful as you delve into their secrets.”
Whiskers felt a surge of determination. The sense of adventure that had driven him to uncover the scrolls now mingled with a deeper, more pressing urgency. “Tell me what I need to know,” he said. “How do I use these scrolls?”
The figure reached into the folds of their robe and produced a small, intricately carved wooden staff. The staff seemed to resonate with a soft, golden light. “This staff,” the figure said, holding it out for Whiskers to examine, “is a key to unlocking the power of the scrolls. It is imbued with ancient magic and will help you decipher the symbols.”
Whiskers took the staff with a tentative paw, feeling its weight and the warmth it emanated. It was unlike anything he had ever encountered. “How does it work?” he asked, his curiosity piqued.
The figure’s eyes glinted with a hint of amusement. “The staff will respond to your intentions and guide you in understanding the scrolls. However, it is not without its challenges. The magic within the scrolls is complex and can be unpredictable. You must approach them with caution and respect.”
With that, the figure began to explain the significance of the scrolls in more detail. They spoke of an ancient prophecy that foretold the return of a dark power, one that had been sealed away by a long-forgotten order. The scrolls were the key to understanding this prophecy and preventing the dark power from breaking free.
As the figure spoke, Whiskers listened intently, absorbing every detail. The prophecy hinted at a series of trials that would test his resolve and skills. Each scroll contained a piece of the puzzle, and it was up to Whiskers to decipher their meanings and piece together the solution.
The figure’s words painted a vivid picture of a world on the brink of catastrophe, with the fate of both the magical and human realms hanging in the balance. The ancient evil was not just a legend but a real and present danger, and Whiskers was now at the center of this unfolding drama.
Just as the figure was about to reveal more, there was a sudden, sharp knock at the apartment door. Whiskers and the figure exchanged a look of concern. The unexpected interruption could not have come at a worse time.
“I’ll answer it,” Whiskers said, his voice tinged with urgency. He made his way to the door, his mind racing with thoughts of what might be waiting on the other side. The figure remained behind, their presence a silent assurance that they were prepared for whatever lay ahead.
Whiskers opened the door cautiously, his sharp eyes scanning the corridor outside. To his surprise, standing in the hallway was a familiar face—Lila, the city’s renowned historian and an old friend of Whiskers. She had a look of determination on her face, her eyes scanning the room behind Whiskers.
“Whiskers,” Lila said, her voice laced with urgency. “I’ve been searching for you. There’s something you need to see. It’s about the scrolls.”
Whiskers felt a twinge of relief mixed with apprehension. Lila’s expertise could prove invaluable, but her arrival also signaled that the situation was growing more complicated. “Come in,” he said, stepping aside to let her enter.
As Lila stepped into the apartment, her gaze fell upon the figure standing in the shadows. Her eyes widened slightly, but she quickly masked her surprise with a composed demeanor. “I see you’ve already made some progress,” she said, addressing the figure with a nod of acknowledgment.
The figure inclined their head in return. “Indeed,” they said. “Lila, I presume? Your expertise in ancient lore will be crucial in deciphering the scrolls.”
Lila nodded, her eyes focused on the box containing the scrolls. “I’ve been studying the recent disturbances in the city, and they seem to be connected to the ancient magic you’ve uncovered. I believe we’re dealing with a much larger issue than we initially thought.”
Whiskers watched as Lila and the figure began to discuss the scrolls and their implications in hushed tones. The conversation was filled with technical terms and references to arcane rituals, which Whiskers struggled to fully grasp. However, he could sense the gravity of the situation.
As the discussion continued, Whiskers felt a growing sense of responsibility. The scrolls were more than just ancient artifacts—they were a key to preventing a looming catastrophe. With Lila’s expertise and the figure’s guidance, Whiskers knew he was not alone in this daunting quest.
The conversation was abruptly interrupted by another, more insistent knock at the door. Whiskers, Lila, and the figure exchanged uneasy glances. The timing of these interruptions was becoming increasingly suspicious.
“Stay here,” Whiskers instructed Lila and the figure, his voice steady but filled with concern. He approached the door once more, his senses on high alert. As he opened it, he was greeted by a young man in a business suit, looking both frantic and determined.
“Mr. Whiskers,” the man said, his voice trembling. “I’ve been sent by the city council. We have an urgent matter to discuss. There’s been a series of strange occurrences reported throughout the city, and we believe they may be connected to the scrolls you’ve found.”
Whiskers felt a surge of unease. The situation was escalating quickly, and it was clear that the scrolls were at the center of a web of mystery and danger. “Come in,” he said, stepping aside to let the man enter.
As the young man entered the apartment, the tension in the room was palpable. Lila, the figure, and the newcomer exchanged glances, each one grappling with the implications of the situation.
“We need to act quickly,” Lila said, her voice resolute. “The disturbances are growing more frequent, and we don’t have much time. We must decipher the scrolls and uncover the truth before it’s too late.”
The figure nodded in agreement. “Indeed. The ancient prophecy warns of a time when the veil between worlds grows thin. We must be prepared for what lies ahead.”
Whiskers, Lila, the figure, and the young man gathered around the box of scrolls, their minds focused on the task at hand. The scrolls held the key to understanding the ancient prophecy and preventing the impending threat. Each member of the group brought their own expertise and knowledge to the table, and together, they began the arduous task of unraveling the mysteries contained within the scrolls.
As the hours passed, the room was filled with the soft rustle of scrolls and the murmur of focused conversation. The air was charged with a sense of urgency and determination. Whiskers knew that the path ahead would be fra
ught with challenges, but he was ready to face them.
With each revelation and discovery, the scope of the threat became clearer. The ancient evil that had been sealed away was not just a distant legend—it was a real and present danger that required immediate action. The scrolls were not just a relic of the past; they were a crucial part of the effort to prevent a catastrophe.
As the day turned to evening, the group worked tirelessly, their progress marked by moments of triumph and frustration. The sun set behind the city skyline, casting a deepening darkness over Riverton. The challenges ahead were daunting, but Whiskers felt a renewed sense of purpose.
As they prepared to take a brief respite, Whiskers couldn’t shake the feeling that something was lurking just out of sight. The city, with its shadows and secrets, seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the next chapter in the unfolding saga.
And so, as the night descended upon Riverton, the group remained resolute, their eyes fixed on the ancient scrolls and the mysteries they contained. The journey ahead promised to be perilous and fraught with uncertainty, but Whiskers and his newfound allies were determined to see it through to the end.
As the clock ticked towards midnight, the first hints of a new challenge began to emerge. The scrolls held secrets that would test their courage and resolve, and the path ahead was shrouded in mystery. Whiskers knew that the adventure was only just beginning, and that the true test of their resolve was yet to come.
With a final glance at the scrolls, Whiskers took a deep breath and prepared for the challenges that lay ahead. The fate of Riverton and the ancient world rested in their hands, and the journey was far from over. The night was filled with anticipation and the promise of new discoveries, as the story of Whiskers and the scrolls continued to unfold.
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dogslovers18 · 10 months
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crazypossumman · 4 months
We’ve had the same butter dish for two plus years, but last night we came home and found that the cats had gotten the lid off of it. They’ve NEVER done that. One of them ate what must’ve been an entire stick of butter, and now he is grotesquely ill. We’ve had to bathe him twice today just based on how absolutely nasty he has gotten while shitting his ass off. He’s perked up quite a bit this evening finally, but godDAMN what a fucking idiot.
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catgems · 2 months
cat found new friend by an accident
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artistryaffinity · 2 months
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