#Catherine Townsend-Lyon Advocate
Gambling Recovery News, Lotteries Updates, and Opportunities to Share Your Story from Addicted Gambling. News Shared By 'Bet Free Recovery Now!'
Gambling Recovery News, Lotteries Updates, and Opportunities to Share Your Story from Addicted Gambling. News Shared By ‘Bet Free Recovery Now!’
Hello Recovery Friends, Supporters, and New Visitors, I have several updates and opportunities for you! One is about an exceptional video to watch of a conference held last week about STATE LOTTERIES. It is very informative to watch. The other news is TWO opportunities to share your story and experiences with ONLINE SPORTS BETTING. Then, the fine folks of the MA Council on Problem Gambling are…
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Parents, Take Note. These Are Teen and Young Adult Problem Gambling Risks. Online Gambling Is On The Rise Post-COVID Among YA & Teens...
SPECIAL GUEST ARTICLE By The Fine Friends of ALGAMUS Treatment Center. Gambling is on the rise among teenagers, and between 60 percent and 80 percent of high school students report having gambled for money in the past year, according to the National Council on Problem Gambling. Of this percentage, 4-6% are considered to be problem gamblers.  Gambling is something that needs to be taken…
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"Never Underestimate The Power of Divine Intervention." It Saved My Life & How I began The Path Within Long-Term Recovery Through Faith. . .
“Never Underestimate The Power of Divine Intervention.” It Saved My Life & How I began The Path Within Long-Term Recovery Through Faith. . .
There are certain situations that people find themselves, that it is only the hand of God that can bring them out. Divine intervention is the sudden movement of God upon your situation and challenges and when God is fighting for you as no one can harm you when under the covering of God… ~Unknown Let me share how I work my recovery and some of my backstory, if you will, about my recovery journey…
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Sharing From Award-Winning Blog of Two Drops of Ink... A Beautiful Tribute and The Legacy of Author Marilyn L. Davis by Scott Biddulph. . .
Sharing From Award-Winning Blog of Two Drops of Ink… A Beautiful Tribute and The Legacy of Author Marilyn L. Davis by Scott Biddulph. . .
A Tribute to the Life and Legacy of my dear friend who also had the blog “From Addict 2 Advocate, Marilyn L. Davis.” Catherine Townsend-Lyon Recovery Advocate
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I Support My Recovery Friends. A Special Podcast Event With Guest Randy Grimes. Randy Shares His Recovery With Jason & Mikey, Hosts of Knockin' Doorz Down & The Carlos Vieira Foundation.
I Support My Recovery Friends. A Special Podcast Event With Guest Randy Grimes. Randy Shares His Recovery With Jason & Mikey, Hosts of Knockin’ Doorz Down & The Carlos Vieira Foundation.
Welcome Recovery Friends, Warriors, and Visitors, I am so excited to be sharing an amazing new podcast episode from my friends of The Carlos Vieira Foundation and The Knockin’ Doorz Down Podcast: https://www.kddmediacompany.com/ with hosts Jason La Chance and Mikey Nawrocki and the crew. I am honored and blessed to know these guys who also support my recovery from gambling addiction. We know any…
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Learn To Be Present As The Holidays Are Around The Corner While Still In A Pandemic... Let's Be Present.
Learn To Be Present As The Holidays Are Around The Corner While Still In A Pandemic… Let’s Be Present.
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One thing I will be doing this holiday season is to ENJOY THEM for the first time in a long while. I share this because for 7-years I have been doing a holiday blogging watch and running my former book marketing online business. Thanks to this pandemic, I won’t be doing either this year. I just wound down my book promoting bussiness due to the pandemic climate and readers are not doing their…
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Bet Free Recovery Now-Holiday Series. Story #8, My Voice & Story of Gambling Addiction & Recovery as Featured In #ADIVAMagazine Fall/Winter 2020...
Bet Free Recovery Now-Holiday Series. Story #8, My Voice & Story of Gambling Addiction & Recovery as Featured In #ADIVAMagazine Fall/Winter 2020…
It is not every day you are invited and featured in a national and international womens magazine, this is what happened to me recently. I am not only honored but humbled to share my story and voice to other women around the world who just might be suffering in silence from addicted gambling like I was 14-years ago and had no clue how to STOP… The rest of that story I am about to share, the same…
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Advice as Maintaining Recovery Has Become Stressful, Online, and Gone Virtual. In Memoriam of Author and Writer Ms. Marilyn Fowler...
Advice as Maintaining Recovery Has Become Stressful, Online, and Gone Virtual. In Memoriam of Author and Writer Ms. Marilyn Fowler…
Welcome Recovery Friends, Warriors, and Visitors,
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I will start by announcing my mentor and amazing friend and author Marilyn Fowler I found out has passed. Marilyn was a beautiful soul and caring. She had worked for many years as a licensed therapist in one of the Jacksonville, FL prisons and always enjoyed blogging all her advice and wisdom here on WordPress. So I will lead with a…
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Merry Christmas Wishes To All My Recovery Supporters, Warriors, & Visitors. Thank You For All The Love & Support This Year...
Merry Christmas Wishes To All My Recovery Supporters, Warriors, & Visitors. Thank You For All The Love & Support This Year…
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I Was Excited To Be a Guest on an Amazing Podcast To Raise Awareness of Problem Gambling & My Mental Health on Grabbalicious. . .
I Was Excited To Be a Guest on an Amazing Podcast To Raise Awareness of Problem Gambling & My Mental Health on Grabbalicious. . .
Hello and Welcome Recovery Warriors, Friends, and All Visitors, I have another ‘Special Event’ I am sharing with you! I did another podcast as a featured guest with my new friend and sweet girl, Nicole Burris who is the host of Grabbalicious. She shines the light on mental health and other important topics on her show. As she describes her podcast you listen to on Anchor.FM, Google Podcast, and…
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How To Handle Roadblocks & Challenges or Even After a Relapse On Your Road To Recovery...
How To Handle Roadblocks & Challenges or Even After a Relapse On Your Road To Recovery…
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…… When we begin our recovery path, there might be times we feel like we can’t move past those speed bumps or the hurdles during this journey. I would search for the answers to why I’d feel stuck and think, how do I move forward?
Why do I get a stretch of abstinence and then relapse?
What if I’m not strong enough not to cave in to cravings, urges, and triggers?
What can I do not to RELAPSE?
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Recovery Ramblings of Family, Loss, Childhood, Choices, and Some Other Stuff. By Advocate Catherine Townsend-Lyon.
Recovery Ramblings of Family, Loss, Childhood, Choices, and Some Other Stuff. By Advocate Catherine Townsend-Lyon.
It has been quite some time since my last honest personal share about my recovery journey. It has been too long since sharing my thoughts, feelings, and what has been lying in my heart. What I mean is some real random recovery ramblings of living life while maintaining my recovery.  Maybe it is because the holiday season and a new year are approaching, and looking back over this last year, not…
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Why is Gambling Addiction The Hardest Form of Addiction To Beat? Is It The Denial & Lying? Or Is It Really All Just Fun and Games?
Why is Gambling Addiction The Hardest Form of Addiction To Beat? Is It The Denial & Lying? Or Is It Really All Just Fun and Games?
There could be thousands of reasons why people adopt gambling, and even psychologists don’t know why people gamble? It started as fun for some persons, and for some, it was meant to escape their sorrows. But in the end, the result was always the same; Gambling Stops Being a Diversion and Becomes an Addiction. ~Catherine Townsend-Lyon Author and Experienced Gambling Advocate of Recovery ~Marc…
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Welcome To Bet Free Recovery Now (.com) By Advocate Catherine Townsend-Lyon. We Have a Domain & We Are Now Live!
Welcome To Bet Free Recovery Now (.com) By Advocate Catherine Townsend-Lyon. We Have a Domain & We Are Now Live!
I am excited to finally share my recovery journey through an actual real live Domain Name! Why is this a big deal? Because everything I write and share for recovery will get a much farther reach and means I can hopefully share more hope and raise more awareness about problem gambling and recovery to many more people who may be still suffering in silence from problem gambling. I had hesitated to…
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Reflections of Recovery as I Celebrate My 13th Year and After Rising From The Ashes of Addiction and Sharing a New Friends Story . . .
Reflections of Recovery as I Celebrate My 13th Year and After Rising From The Ashes of Addiction and Sharing a New Friends Story . . .
….. Thirteen years ago I was within Total Darkness. I was HOPELESS, Broken, and Shattered. I was LOST and Never Thought I’d Wake Up From Hell. I was Sick, an ADDICT and Filled With FEAR …
I Was Still Frightened, Constant Pain, and LOST.  BUT THEN? I Seen A Sliver Of GODS LIGHT, I GRAB ON TIGHT, and I BEGAN TO RISE FROM THE ASHES OF ADDICTION!
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New Recovery Blog Name, New Link Address, Same Helpful Posts, Resources, and Still On "BLOGLOVIN Baby!"
New Recovery Blog Name, New Link Address, Same Helpful Posts, Resources, and Still On “BLOGLOVIN Baby!”
Hello Recovery Posse and Warriors,
I wanted to let everyone know about my New Blog Name and New Blog Link Address and ask you to please come on over if you are on “BlogLovin” like I am and follow my blog and all my posts from my new Recovery Blog of “Bet Free Recovery Now!”
….. My old WordPress blog link of “Gambling Recovery Can Start Here” is no longer Valid: https://catherinelyonaddic…
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