#recovery holidays
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buglover77 · 10 months
Thinking about so many people this holiday season. People in ED recovery. People who haven’t started their ED recovery yet. People with sensory issues around food. People with unwanted dietary restrictions and intolerances and allergies. “Picky eaters.” You are valid, you are loved, you are capable, you are strong. I hope you are able to find joy and delight this year in your meals. Wishing you all the best. ❤️
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I don’t think this man has had a single movie be both critically and commercially successful
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you do not need to tolerate disrespect from anyone
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the-jesus-pill · 2 years
Here’s a friendly reminder!
You are allowed to say ‘no’.
You are allowed to hang up the phone.
You are allowed to ignore calls.
You are allowed to delete emails, texts and messages.
You are allowed to ignore the doorbell.
You are allowed to decline invitations.
You are allowed to lie about why you can’t / won’t go. 
You are allowed to refuse gifts or give them away.
You are allowed to prioritize yourself or your friends over family.
You are allowed to leave. 
You are allowed to leave without saying goodbye. 
You are allowed to withhold politeness to those who disrespect you.
You are allowed to express your anger.
You are allowed to shut someone out. 
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thepeacefulgarden · 9 months
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The devil made me do it but the devil is David Tennant and the "it" in question is just watching a niche piece of media I'd never have watched otherwise
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captnbas · 2 months
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seasonal dynamics
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katyspersonal · 9 months
I am out of the hospital!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
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oh-hell-help-me · 1 year
July 31: National Watermelon Day
Luigi had waited for this day- the moment he planted their seeds, he knew it was guaranteed that he and his family would be eating watermelon.
Up until the start of the month, he thought his chances of grabbing even a slice of the fruit was near zero with him and his brother being in another dimension (or universe… who knows?).
Which makes it an utterly amazing surprise to learn that this world did in fact have watermelon- even if it’s unusually sweet.
So, while he was extremely tempted on just buying the fruit when he wanted, he opted for seeds that will sprout replantable fruit.
The first few weeks had Luigi waiting with bated breath, unsure if the Royal Greenhouse was able to accommodate the seeds or if the seeds were viable at all.
And then he saw the first sprouts.
It was then that Luigi threw himself into the project, sometimes being joined by Roy, and carefully following the steps of watermelon cultivation.
If he was not in the Greenhouse, he was in the library researching fruiting plant care and preparation methods for when the fruit would ripen.
If he was in neither location, Luigi could often be found in the recesses of the castle making his own version of a vacuum sealer.
The only reason he comes out is to spend time with Bowser and the kids (and to avoid being dragged out). Without them, he likely wouldn’t have made it through the three months of tedious cultivation.
Then again, he wouldn’t be doing this at all if not for them.
Bowser was concerned for his husband- at first.
The pattern of overwork had been obvious, what with the decreased socialization and self care, but Roy’s involvement had stayed Bowser’s hand.
Then, he realized what Luigi was doing.
For some reason, the new addition of the Greenhouse has been receiving the most attention.
If if wasn’t for the fact that it was just a new plant, Bowser might have been jealous.
(…Okay, he might’ve been a little bit jealous.)
Still, the efforts his husband made to still spend time with him and their kids, in spite of this new addition, was enough to mollify Bowser’s fears.
And, in atypical fashion, he watches the weeks go by as the plants sprout into curly vines that somehow pop out a few pretty flowers.
He watches long after seeing the fliers wilt and be replaced a rapidly growing fruit, getting bigger and bigger into something that almost seemed famil-
He- why- hmm.
From the near ending of the third month of growth, Bowser is able to corner Luigi in the library, scooping him up in a sneak-hug that rewarded him a high pitched yelp.
“Now, what do you think you’re doing?”
“Um…” Luigi, his cute clueless husband, stutters. “Reading?”
“I meant the watermelons.”
“Oh!” And Bowser nearly looses his train of thought at the nearly blinding beam of a smile that spread across Luigi’s face. “I’m growing some for us!”
“Obviously.” Not really, but Luigi didn’t need to know that. “But why?”
“Well,” Luigi lets himself settle in his arms, craning his head back to meet eyes. “I wanted to share them with our family on Watermelon Day.”
“Another human tradition?”
“And did you tell the kids that?”
“Do you think the watermelons would have made it if I did?”
“Roy probably could have reined them in.”
“And what’s so special about them anyway?”
“Nothing really, just…”
Luigi breaks the eye contact, but the way he fiddled with Bowser’s claws showed a level of anxiety he hadn’t seen in a while.
“Before- before we came here, watermelon used to be one of the few things we could afford to celebrate with- a deal with a grocer, you know? It always tasted particularly sweet after a month of back to back plumbing jobs in the summer, and it always was something to look forward to.”
Bowser doesn’t twitch when Luigi snaps his head up.
“Not that I’m saying that I don’t have that here now! But- but it would be nice to share that tradition, and I…” Luigi looks like he wants to squirm. “I want to see you all enjoy that same bit of happiness.”
Well, who the hell would say that it wasn’t sweet? In fact, as the freaking Koopa King, he is in good authority to say that was the most sugary sweet sentiment he ever heard from his husband’s mouth.
A sentiment that always surprised Bowser, elated him in a way that made words hard to perfectly describe the urge of wanting to smother Luigi in affection.
“You sap.” And he kissed him instead, distantly noting that the fireworks of emotions that always came with it felt burning sweet this time.
Addictive, almost.
By the time they parted, their panting was the only thing breaking the silence of the Library. Until-
“I love you.” Bowser hears those magic words, and feels like he’s falling for Luigi all over again.
“I love you too.”
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scummy-writes · 9 months
I keep wanting to sit down and address all the messages I got individually, but unfortunately my social battery is recovering slowly during the holidays.
@yarnnerdally @kazesuke @keithsandwich @bicayaya @crows--den @corpiote @aquagirl1978 a lovely person named V, @olivermorningstar @xbalayage @m-mmiy @oigimi @claviscollections @the12thnightproject @ikemendrew @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @fang-and-feather @queengiuliettafirstlady @namine-somebodies-nobody and the lovely person(s) who left me messages from Gilbert and Isaac:
Thank you all so much!! I am not used to getting so many kind and specific messages when it comes to a holiday. Each of your messages were very sweet and made me smile, and made me happy that I am able to talk to many of you!! I appreciate the kindness and I am forever thankful for it 🥺 i am sorry that most, if not all of you, got a message from me that was akin to me kicking down your door like a silvio gremlin and going "MERRY CRIMMY" but I hope it made you smile as well!!!
May 2024 be a kind year for you all!!!
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tyranno-solei-rex · 4 months
i love my body. I love my stomach and thigh and belly chub. i love trying new food and I love snacks. I love my fading thigh scars, not because they are there but because they are fading. i love my summer freckles. I love my never-healed-quite-right broken finger and lopsided muscles from playing violin. I love my calluses and my strawberry skin I inherited from my dad. i love the triangle birthmark on my forehead that makes it look like I got shot right in between the eyebrows [I share it with my siblings]. I love the scratches on my hands from my overenthusiastic lizard. I love my uneven wrist tans from my thick collection of bracelets and watches. I love the hairs above my upper lip and in between my eyebrows. I even love the parts of myself I don't like to see in pictures - protruding chin and neck fat and lopsided eyes. and when I am old, I will love my wrinkles and wear my grey hair with pride. I don't care if it's cliche or trendy or cringe, my body has tried its best to keep up with me and i admire the way it adapts to fit me, even if it fails a lot. i love my body because it will only ever belong to me, and because it has done everything for me. even when nobody else will love my body, I will.
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solarisce · 2 years
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happy 2023!!!
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positivelyqueer · 2 years
Sending nothing but the upmost love and support to everyone recovering from an eating disorder these holidays. It can be a really hard time of year and I’m proud of you for all the progress you’ve made. People have the unfortunate tendency to say the most unhealthy, unhelpful and uninformed shit around food this time of year. Know that you never have to compensate for what you eat, and that you’re allowed to eat what you enjoy until you are full. However you need to get through these holidays is enough. I love you. Look after yourself the best you are able.
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(hops into time machine to yell this @ my younger self)
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lefttheparty · 1 year
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happy birthday to florence, everyone is sending all their love ♥️
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