#Cause thats what I'm calling it when I draw like this XD
sourtomatola · 11 months
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Clipsie had to join too~
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passable-talent · 4 years
Part 7 of the Dai Li series please!!! Excellent work again, as usual- I'm DYING XD
guess how long it took for this request to come in?
eleven minutes!! thats a new record!!
and so we return... ANOTHER whole month later!
| part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 |
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“I need you to tell me what happened to Iroh.”
Zuko kept your gaze, his eyes almost wide. You didn’t look away, couldn’t let yourself. A few heartbeats passed, and he looked away, shame clear on his face. 
“He was put in jail,” Zuko said, closing his eyes. “I visited him often, but when I went to help him break out during the eclipse, he was already gone.” Slowly, his gaze returned to you. “I wish I could tell you I knew where he was.” It made sense, what he was saying, and you knew he wasn’t lying. You had hoped something else had become of Iroh, that day, that maybe he’d escaped after securing yours, but some part of you knew that he was likely jailed in the Fire Nation, if not dead. 
Broken out, though. He had made it out- just like Zuko. Maybe, someday, they’d see each other again. 
But for now, you were satisfied. Zuko, though responsible for Iroh’s imprisonment in an odd way, was ashamed of it. And you wouldn’t hold against him actions that he was paying for. Your heart beating, yet stinging like a raw wound, you fell back into his chest, spending any long moment you could in his arms, the sky darkening around you and revealing its stars. 
The days before Sozin’s Comet just felt odd. 
Four days from the comet, you went to a play, which didn’t mention you at all. That pissed you off- you were instrumental to their escape from Ba Sing Se! Who the hell else would’ve protected Katara from Azula if not you? Not to mention Zuko died in it, which surprised all of you, most of all, Zuko. 
His upset from the night before bled into the next morning, when he attacked Aang. The terror in your chest, when you saw the fire struck toward the avatar again, was thick and visceral. You never thought you’d see him attack Aang again, not after Ba Sing Se, and you didn’t understand what had happened that made him so violent, so suddenly. 
But when you attempted to come to Aang’s aid, and stood between the avatar and the prince, you caught his gaze. That malice that you’d seen in Ba Sing Se, that you’d hated so much, that you expected to see now, in a prince gone mad- it wasn’t there. 
Zuko wasn’t doing this out of hatred for Aang. 
It stunned you enough that the prince slipped past you, continuing his attack. You watched as a spectator, until they dove into the attic, your mind swimming. What could Zuko be thinking?
Okay, so he was confused at Aang’s complacency. Real interesting decision making process there, Zuzu, attacking him to resolve such an issue. 
Three days from the comet. You run a drill- which didn’t make much sense as an actual plan, you had to say, but not many of these other teenagers had the benefit of actual military training like you. Your job was to draw fire with Sokka and Suki- and, though Sokka didn’t admit it, to be an earthbender who could throw up a shield at any time. It was fun training, which you hadn’t really gotten to be a part of for a while. 
Two days from the comet, and Aang is missing. 
Which is really, really, really bad. 
Like, sure, the kid wasn’t exactly super ready to face Ozai, but he’s still the avatar, right? That’s still got to count for something. And he’s missing, leaving a very gifted and still extremely underqualified gaggle of teenagers to face the Fire Lord. 
So you went to the Earth Kingdom. Zuko took you to an old friend named Jun, who seemed to go way back, back to before you’d met Zuko. She seemed like she’d be helpful, but then revealed even more deeply unsettling information- Aang was gone. Which was much, much worse than missing. 
So, facing the Fire Lord without the Avatar. How fun. 
And yet, there was a glimmer of hope, in the form of an old, smelly sandal, which really made you wonder why the hell Zuko still had it. And, really, now that you thought about it, how Zuko even got it. The Shirshu could definitely catch a scent from that- anyone with a half working nose could. 
One day from Sozin’s comet, and most of it was already gone, spent chasing a shirshu across the Earth Kingdom. Appa was the best, letting you sleep on a massive paw, and though he was itchy, it was much better than taking the time to set up your beds. Though, your rest didn’t last long- quickly you were ambushed, a ring of fire surrounding you. Four men looked down upon you, and though you didn’t recognize three of them, you did know King Bumi, and assumed that the others must be friends, if he were in league with them. 
“Well, look who’s here!” Bumi said, a snorting laugh following his words. You saw relief and joy on Sokka and Katara’s face, and so you knew that your assumption was true. It seemed like, for the first time in a few days, you were about to catch a break. 
“What’s going on? We’re surrounded by old people.” A smile cracking your face, you had to be grateful for Toph, and her outlook on the world. 
“Not just any old people. These are great masters, and friends of ours!” She bowed to an old man with long white hair. “Pakku.” 
“It is respectful to bow to an old master,” he said, returning her bow, “but how about a hug, for your new grandfather?” You raised an eyebrow as the siblings reacted with surprise, but not too much, like that was a normal thing to say, if exciting. Following their conversation, though, you picked up enough details to figure out a bit of the history that they must’ve had. 
“And this was Aang’s first firebending teacher!” Katara explained, and Sokka went on to explain the name of the third. 
“Master Piandao,” he said, and you smiled brightly, even if it was to yourself- this was truly a lucky day. 
“So, wait, how do you all know each other?” Suki asked. 
“All old people know each other, don’t you know that?” Bumi said with another snorting laugh. 
“We’re all part of the same ancient secret society,” Piandao explain, causing your gaze to shift to the matching uniforms they each wore. “A group that transcends the divisions of the four nations. 
“The Order of the White Lotus,” Zuko interjected, and you looked sideways at him, wondering how he knew that. He had a smile on his face- he looked hopeful. 
“That’s the one!” Bumi answered.
“The White Lotus has always been about philosophy, and beauty, and truth,” Jeong-Jeong began, and as you crossed your arms over yourself to protect them from the wind, you were glad that such a society exists in such a war-torn world. “But about a month ago, a call went out that we were needed for something important.”
“It came from our Grand Lotus,” Pakku said, diverting his eyes to Zuko. “Your uncle. Iroh of the Fire Nation.” While Zuko’s expression softened, yours brightened- Iroh was as trustworthy as you had always known him to be. You were glad to know that he kept peace just as much as he preached it. 
“Well, that’s who we’re looking for,” Toph said. 
“Then we’ll take you to him.” Reaching Jun and her shirshu, it felt sure that you were going to see Iroh again. But when you followed her for a day, the inevitability of it dribbled away. Yet here, again, your hope renewed, that you could see him again, and be reminded that there was at least one adult in the world that you could really, deeply trust.
“Wait,” Bumi shouted, shoving himself to the midst of the conversation, “There’s someone missing from your group. Someone very important... where’s Momo??”
“He’s gone,” Sokka said, clearly deeply troubled by having Bumi’s nose pressed to his face, “and so is Aang.”
“Oh well, so long as they have each other, I’m sure we have nothing to worry about!” Bumi said, prompting you to wonder what the king had seen and experienced to allow news such as a missing avatar to not startle him. “Let’s go!” 
It was a surprisingly far walk to the Order’s camp, in which the old masters caught up with their friends, and filled each other in on details. You kept quiet, having not personally known any of them. 
The sun came up as you reached the camp, and Zuko entered his uncle’s tent, to wait. You sat outside with Toph, but decide not to practice your seismics- whatever was happening between Zuko and Iroh deserved to stay between them. 
A nice stew was your breakfast, the gaang all sitting around its pot, with Iroh sitting at the head of the group. You’d sat between Zuko and Toph, one leg propped up on its foot with the other extended in front of you. Iroh had given you a long hug when he saw you- delighted that you had continued your path alongside the avatar, and secretly even more delighted that Zuko’s path had also lead him back to you.
“Uncle, you’re the only person other than the avatar who can possibly defeat the fatherlord,” Zuko said, and though you heard his mistake, you only smiled into your stew. 
“You mean the Fire Lord.” Because you could count on Toph to do it for you. 
“That’s what I just said,” Zuko snapped, but it was merely his temper, not true anger. “We need you to come with us.” Iroh seemed to consider for a moment. 
“No, Zuko, it won’t turn out well,” Iroh began, and you lifted your head, ready to hear true, unfiltered Iroh wisdom. 
“You can beat him,” Zuko insisted, before looking sideways across the rest of the group. “And we’ll be there to help.” You gave him a smile, but ultimately turned your attention back to Iroh.
“Even if I did defeat Ozai,” he began, “and I don’t know that I could, it would be the wrong way to end the war. History will see it as more senseless violence: a brother killing a brother to grab power.” Slowly you brought another bite of your stew to your lips, but once you had, your chopsticks slowly maneuvered around your fingers, finding a way to fidget as you considered. “The only way for this war to end peacefully is for the avatar to defeat the Fire Lord.” You let out a quick breath, recognizing the sense in his words, but feeling worry reveal itself. Wasn’t Aang... gone? Off world?
“And then... would you come and take your rightful place on the throne?” Zuko asked.
“No,” Iroh said, quickly, like he’d been prepared for such a question. “Someone new must take the throne- an idealist with a pure heart and unquestionable honor.” He was speaking directly to Zuko, and you understood before he’d had to say it. “It has to be you, Prince Zuko.” 
In all the time you’d known Zuko, you had known him as a lot of different things. Refugee. Waiter. Friend. Crush. Traitor. Enemy. Prince. Fire Nation. And in all that time, you’d realized his lineage, as the eldest child of the Fire Lord, and certainly most sane. Yet, in all that time, you’d never considered what he was poised to become: the Fire Lord himself. 
In that moment, you nearly felt the need to bow, or scoot away, as though you were reminded of his royalty, the true meaning of the term ‘prince’. Wasn’t the bloodline of the Fire Nation royals considered to have been made royal by the spirits? 
Inferiority didn’t even begin to cover it, but you’d worry about that another day. 
“Unquestionable honor?” He asked, looking away from his uncle. “But I’ve made so many mistakes.” At long last, days after you felt like you had finally forgiven the prince, you were put in a position where you could accept or deny the way he had hurt you in the past. But you weren’t just an earth kingdom citizen, not anymore. You were world-travelled, a soldier, a warrior, a friend to the future fire lord and the avatar alike. You knew the mature and good and right thing to do. And in that moment, it wasn’t to hold above him the things he’d done to you, but instead to recognize the way he’d overcome them. You shuffled closer to him. 
“Yes, you have,” Iroh admitted, his gaze briefly meeting yours. “You’ve struggled, you’ve suffered.” Gently, you took one hand from your bowl, and laid it on his, where he’d left it on his knee. He didn’t look at you, but his fingers slid around yours slowly. “But you have always followed your own path. You have restored your own honor. And only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation.” 
“I’ll try, uncle,” he promised, and you knew he would make good on it. 
“Well, what if Aang doesn’t come back?” Toph asked, and you once again thanked her for saying the things you couldn’t seem to get past your tongue.
“Sozin’s comet is arriving, and our destinies are upon us,” Iroh declared, using his chopsticks for emphasis. “Aang will face the Fire Lord. When I was a boy, I had a vision that I would one day take Ba Sing Se. Only now do I see that my destiny is to take it back, from the Fire Nation, so the Earth Kingdom can be free again.”
“That’s why you’ve gathered the members of the White Lotus,” Suki said, her words prompting you to look around at the dozen other old masters, who would be more than capable of pulling your mighty home city from the grasp of a few Fire Nation soldiers. 
“Yes,” Iroh agreed, turning his gaze back to the prince. “Zuko, you must return to the Fire Nation, so that when the Fire Lord falls, you can assume the throne, and restore peace, and honor. But Azula will be there, waiting for you.”
“I can handle Azula,” Zuko said, malice written across his face, but this time for your first real enemy. 
“Not alone,” Iroh insisted, “you’ll need help.”
“You’re right,” Zuko admitted. “Katara, Y/N. How would you like to help me put Azula in her place?” A devious smile spread over Katara’s face.
“It would be my pleasure,” she said, and you couldn’t help but smile as their gazes turned to you. 
“She’s had it coming,” you said, cracking your knuckles of your free hand into your thigh. 
“What about us?” Sokka asked, from between Toph and Suki, “What’s our destiny today?” 
“What do you think it is?” Iroh asked, halfway to his next mouthful of stew, and for a moment you saw Mushi again, being cheeky back at the Jasmine Dragon when he suggested you do something that would put you in Zuko’s path. 
“I think that,” Sokka began, considering, “even though we don’t know where Aang is, we need to do everything we can to stop the airship fleet.”
“And that means, when Aang does face the Fire Lord, we’ll be right there if he needs us.” Toph’s attitude, as though she would take on the comet herself, and win, filled you with a sense of hope. You could win the day. 
You rested your back against Appa’s saddle, leaning over the side to say your goodbyes to the Order. 
“So if I’m going to be Fire Lord after the war is over,” Zuko said, once again reminding you of such an insane fact, “What are you going to do?” 
“After I reconquer Ba Sing Se, I’m going to reconquer my tea shop!” You couldn’t help but laugh, remembering the place you’d fallen in love with Zuko, back before the world had fallen down around you. You could imagine going back there, when it was all over. “And I’m going to play Pai Sho every day!” His happiness, his hope, was infectious. 
“Goodbye, General Iroh,” Katara said, and you leaned down on your elbow, as though you could give him one last hug before you left. You already had- but that didn’t curb the impulse. 
“Goodbye, everyone. Today, destiny is our friend. I know it.” You could believe him. For that moment, you were filled with strength, and the feeling that though the day would be hard, it would be won. It had to be. 
Appa kicked off from the ground, and you crawled to the front of the saddle, closer to Zuko. 
“Hey, Zuko?” You asked, taking a deep breath. 
“Yes?” he didn’t look away from Appa’s path, but turned his head toward you. 
“When this is all over, I...” you swallowed, hard, but kept yourself from putting it off any further. “I’m ready to love you again. I think I already do.” 
And then, in that moment, for Zuko, there was a thousand more reasons why he needed to win the day. 
-🦌 Roe
stay tuned (aka request) for the series finale... 
edit: | part 8 |
tag list: @lammello @kittyddandnyla @aangsupremacy @qquell @caitff @coldlilheart @sleeping-with-the-fishes @duh-dobrik @dxcter @furblrwurblr @eridanuswave @bernadineisreborn @angxlicwanda @lmaoashley-blog @celamoon @mywigglybaby @silentwhispofhope @the-girl-in-the-box @mavix @eury-dice3 @ninipoo1 @bigbuckyenergy @lucensei @srgania @uncovered-mad-man @11mb0 @deansbbysblog @pillowjj @ilovespideyyy @heavensgaymenace @thearachna-kid @llama2264 @anime-simp @akariblue @lostgirlheart @kacchasu @ctrl-alt-jeon @tadpoledancer @i-bitch-you-bitch @wetleafwrites @annie-17 @vintageroses10 @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak @smol-vy @lana-isabelle @doomedcampesinos @luleck @izzieserra @little-miss-sleep-deprived
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maiuoart · 5 years
This is not a promp but I'm so happy you are working on the bara bros!!! Can you say a few headcanons of them?
Ohgoodness; Thank you for being interested in the lil’ tibbits!
Nothing is too cemented yet; I plan to work their area around that of Machine with Past. An example is the game called; Horizon Zero Dawn, but really tweaked to make it make more sense in their world. But I know their personalities are far different than their Regular selves for sure;
Cut because a LOT of information!!
BSF!Papyrus; Hound
-He’s a huge sweetheart, but he can also be a huge shitstarter if he’s bored. -He’s not a huge flirt, he’s actually very calm and relaxed; More silent, even? But when he has his sights on someone, he does tune it up and might even try to constantly hold or hug, an instinct to ‘Protect’ acts up without him fully realizing it.-Really can’t tick this monster off unless you’re being threatening; And even then it’s hard to get him to fully ‘Bare His Fangs’ in a sense.-He prefers to be a night owl; He loves to just lay in the grass to view the stars, or back in his Underground, view everything in Waterfall.-Has the same tired sockets and Golden fang placing on his left side like the Original, but has larger cracks. Difficult to describe his scars, I’ll draw him later~-He gets along well with most of the ‘Trade’ Monsters; Muffet, Gillby, Nice Cream Guy, etc. due to being a ‘Provider’ for them in his spare time.-What he gets them? Well, Meats and other odd items? He is a Traveler, there’s a lot he gets his claws on the rest can use.-Has a bit of a ‘Beast Mode’; where something takes over and he loses himself to the act of his primal instincts if triggered. That trigger is more or less Fear or something to Chase. -Doesn’t have a sweettooth, loves Salt instead
FunFacts; -He’s shares an ability of being stealthy like his brother. Is quick to strike to kill or hold down prey. Is far better being the one at long distances, but can work either way.-Favorite weapon of choice; His claws if he’s close enough, enjoys to have them lined with a sleeping drug. Second choice; Bone Daggers which have long chains attached to hook onto or make swift kills with.-Great tracker, hunter, and both his eyesight and his hearing are far better than most other Monsters; To the point he can pick up mere whispers and see over miles in the dark or foggy areas. -His sense of smell is screwed a bit, though; Can only pick up strong scents, but even then thats difficult for him. -You will not find him inside at all in any place unless the cold is seriously affecting him or his brother simply needs him around, he feels more comfortable within the woods or large forests spaces. And even if you do find him inside a Monster home; He’s a bit more finicky and will call it a case of ‘Cabin Fever’. -The reason he’s an outside dog is due to the fact he had a Lab Accident that caused him a lot of backlash and issues. It isn’t related to his growth, or any of the other Monsters, but it has affected his hands and how he’s very intune with the temperatures, unlike his brother.-He has a case of ‘Shaky Hands’ since the experiment was a failure. He won’t ever tell what he was working on, his brother doesn’t even know, but it was his reason for staying outdoors. It’s also a reason why he will constantly be moving his hands to be playing around with things; Stretching them out, playing with his lighter, a witting knife to just play with; Basically to retrain his hands. -You wouldn’t be able to tell unless you give him something smaller than his palms to hold, cause he will have to focus extra hard to keep his hands from spazzing out in order not to harm the creatures in his grasp. Anything larger, he doesn’t have to worry because his hands might twitch here and there; But they won’t hurt more sturdy ones. He’s just worried about doing an accidental harm on smaller creatures.-Despite the Lab Accident, he still highly enjoys creating things in the Labs. Will go to his Undyne and still help make things; However if it’s with chemicals; He feels a lot better having someone around and going with the list of rules set. He doesn’t trust himself, and his streak for causing havoc was blown out of him, he says.
BSF!Sans; Chance
-Soft spoken and soothing compared to his Original; A habit as to not give away his position or harm his brothers hearing. However; Don’t tick him off, his voice can and will get loud.-Very prickly, snobbish, but can be respectful the first time around, so long as you show it first; He’d be more prone to mirroring your good manners back. If not, be prepared for him to look down on you constantly.-Prefers to be in his Study and read when he has time; Fully enjoys solitude and dislikes being touched unless he issues the contact first.-A Perfectionist and a collector of ‘Unknown’ objects.-Excellent cook, likes to store extra food away due to his hectic schedule so they both aren’t low on magic.-Has a numb outlook on living creatures; If they serve their purpose to him and his, he would prefer to end their lives quickly and painlessly if they are injured. His brother prefers to try and heal them. -Tends to have a fun outlook on Prey and Hostiles; His name is ‘Chance’ for  reason…-Has a Sadistic side, actually enjoys to torture those on enemy lines. -When interested in someone; He is very caring and considerate, but might become a soft flustered idiot if he doesn’t watch himself.-Has two scars over his left socket, where the Original has three.
FunFacts;-His agility is as scary as his accuracy when fighting in close range, though can miss if he’s trying to be stealthy in long distances. Tends to plan something if that issue occurs if his brother isn’t nearby.-Has mild blindness in his left socket.-His favorite weapon of choice are Double Short Swords. Second favorite; Cracking Whip laced with poison. -Makes his own brand of Tea; Can’t stand being without it or a substitute; Or his grouch levels rise hard.-Morning Bird, nothing abnormal about that.-Cannot feel temperatures; Cold doesn’t phase him like it does for his brother. Despite that, Chance is always waking up being tucked into his covered when he sleeps on top of them.
Both brothers Magics don’t have temperatures like their Originals; Where Mutt has a ‘Bonfire’ type while Regal has a ‘Chilly Rain’ type. Their Magic is simple in feeling; Hounds has a a heavy ‘Caged Beast’ while Chance has a ‘Calm Before The Storm’ type.
I do believe, at this moment, thats how the two brothers be? A bit more polished than the Originals, I will say xD 
Thanks for reading!
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hiddenswordscomic · 3 years
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(cameo from @petsharknado btw who is also the editor of later pages of the comic ) So first of all. im 99% sure anyone could pinpoint the exact momment i started using the  new tablet XD anywy. i mean this is going to be more explained on the next page but. Mitri if it isn't clear by the sudden change. Is in the middle of evolving. Porchoros and hop are aware of this but evolution shouldn't just like cause a pokemon to collapse. Nor should the changes be occuring so quickly.. I'm refering to this as evolution but really its just growing . Since evolution isn't an instant proccess in this universe. But anyway this is like the next day in story. They had been training on the first route for a bit.   ~~i mean porchoros defs knows whats going on with the whole he is also in the middle of an evolution XD but it took years for him to make any progress in it. Also notes on some of porchoros's answears here Ecruteak City is actually considered a safe zone for werepokemon within the human territories. If any of them need official documentation and havn't been adopted into human society as a child (like esen. Esen would actually claim hometown (Ventus City) they will normally claim as that city. ~~i mean people would probbably think your crazy if you claim to be from like that really dangerous area between kalos jhoto and kanto. XD  also dont mind the XX i actually have no clue what year it is in comic cause i dont have any official dates . other than the fact its probbably 2000s Also Ransaian descent. So porchoros technically descends from the ransei region since thats the origins of werepokemon and he is an origin therefore decended from one of the original warriors. Therefore he is actually capable of linking with pokemon rather than having to use a pokeball  which is more instant then bonding but less instant than a pokeball.. I see it as an aknowledged ability in world. and he likely found out what it was called from hop or someone he met prior to going to galar or even just his parents tbh. also i decided to draw bede for the first time. SAy hi to that jerk  Also THERES A NEWS ARTICLE Welcome to the world of pokemon where hoenn is currently a big ol mess (cause READ REKINDLED FLAME XD) and Pokemon poaching is at an all time high.  also. Our first introduction to a non natural pokemon mutation outside of leon's pokemon EXTRA TYPE. Meet the flying chansey. They probbably wont show up again . or maybe they will idk other universe notes. Receptionist is not nurse joy nursejoy is currently atending to other patients. as for the temporary trainer card. You need some sort of card to own pokemon and travel with them outside of having them as pets atleast. For official battling mons wether for the gym challenge or for casual battling you have different types of cards and such. i might go over that when i show it.
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tumblunni · 6 years
I'm living for all of this Loki content my dash is blessed today -w-
Hey icm super glad you love it! Itcs all from the same one amazing artist who can do like 40 styles and draws loki from all of his different continuities! Im so glad i found a secret treasure trove of lokes!Oh and lol its also good to find some Non Problematic content of him for once, i donct reblog him ofteb cos its so hard to dig through the piles of creepy crud that occupy all the most popular slots in his tag. Like i mean eww the in/cest th/or/ki ship or whatever its called. (Slashes so it doesnt go in the tag, cos i dont wanna send shipping hate or anything.) It really creeps me out that its the most popular ship, cos even if loki is adopted they still grew up together from goddamn birth. Like usually at least these nebulous 'not blood related' ships are all 'well i just met my long lost brother as an adult and fell in love not knowing he's my brother' or somethibg. Still creeps me out but at least i can see the reasoning why other people aren't creeped, kinda. Aaagh why is it so hard to find wholesome childhood antucs with brothers who love each other in the normal brother way!!Oh and im not actually a HUGE fan of marvel loki? I personally prefer the original norse myth and only got into marvel loki cos i found the tags full of him and empty of anything else, lol. But he's still a good! If anything he'd be better as his own original character tho, which is why i prefer the changes made in the movie version. (Eveb if it has its own complaints like how they didnt develop him enough and never revisit his damn jotun backstory when its ALL WE WANT, MARVEL)Oh and funny random trivia is that even tho myth loki lacks the in/cest problem, him and thor is still a creepy ship cos he's actually his dad's age. Super stuck up myth accuracy obsessed teenage me could never get past this fact! Seriously it was such a weird choice to make loki thor's brother when he was odin's age in the myths. Like he was basically thor's godfather?? And also him and thor were 99% fun friendship adventures both on the hero side, instead of always at odds with only occasionally loki switching to the good. Srsly everyone forgets that myth loki was a 'good guy' for most of the story because his switch to a villain in the final ragnorok myth is so memorable. And i mean the myth aesir were more pragmatically neutral than 100% good anyway. Everyone was flawed which was why it was sad they dissolved into conflict in the end and destroyed each other. Loki wasnt some big destined evil coming out of nowhere to attack asgard, he was asgard attacking itself due to petty squabbling and causing its own downfall. So in a sense thats a way the marvel universe is accurate!Oh and myth loki also always knew he was a jotun lol,which makes it double frustrating that they made him have this inherantly sympathetic plot of lost selfhood and then NEVER FOLLOWED UP ON IT! Especially when they gave him a cool as fuck "true form" instead of making jotun look exactly like the other gods except generally stereotypically 'dumb'. Seriously loki being a small jotunn wasnt even super unusual, they weren't all giants even. There wasn't much consistancy to it though, sometimes the more main character-y chessmaster jotun were small and had shapeshifter powers, but also there were magical big ones and dumb orcish small ones and everything in between. And the rules of loki's magic seemed to change all the time too, lol! Mythology has way less internal continuity than actual books or movies, since its passed down orally for centuries after all.who even knows what's changed in all that time?Aaaaagh im rambling so offtopic yo cos mythology is so interesting and so is comic books and the MCU!!!Anyway Loki Is Good In All Of His Myriad FormsOh but even though i generally don't like comic loki as much, i do enjpy that they've recently made it canonical that he's genderfluid like his myth counterpart. You go loki you lgbt icon!!! Mcu version how bout adding some of that?Oh and i havent seen thor ragnorok or the thanos thing yet, cos i kinda lost interest in later thor movies cos well i was always here for loki instead of thor, lol. Its hard to keep track of exactly which mcu movies he was in when its like.. Half of his own series and 75% of everyone else's. But i do know generally what happens in those two, like how loki FINALLY gets redeemed and has cute brother scenes that have become Every Meme.and then he apparantky gets killed off at some point but tbh i dont believe it considerinh how many other times he's died and come back in other films/comics/tv shows/the everything. Nooooone dies like Loki! Always fries like Loki! Has mortality based on pure lies like Loki!God im in such a fandom mode right now aaagh youve set me off xD
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allbeendonebefore · 7 years
Yo! Have you ever drawn Nyo!alberta??? cause I'm in a pickle trying to draw a Very Lovely Lady rn and about to rip up my paper.
oh dear let me look
i know i have like ages and ages ago, but my tags are So inconsistent. 
(these are both a few years old so I probably will update how I draw her)
here is a modern one
here is a 1940s one
i know this isnt what you asked but if it helps, basically my thoughts on fem alberta are:
- short hair, really caught in the battle of trying to be both feminine and taken seriously so shes like a girl in a country song. She’s into all the dirtbiking/quadding/horseback riding stuff and determined to demonstrate how into football and hockey and trucks she is etc etc. But also will get offended if she’s called ‘masculine’. Has cried at Every Single Episode of Heartland, probably.
- a better mathematician/engineer than her bro and they are pretty evenly matched physically (though her bro has a high center of gravity and is easy to push over)
- i guess she would have a less outrageous body type but still probably kind of broad masculine shoulders that she’s kind of embarrassed over? 
- i guess if you wanted to continue my own personal tradition of having gender-slid/bent/whatever the appropriate term is versions of personifications as other important geographical regions, she would represent Northern AB aka the former District of Athabaska including Peace River/Fort Mac/Edmonton where Ralph/Bert represents Southern AB including Banff, Calgary, Medicine Hat etc. This means she tends to have more of a french/catholic metis background, a lot of slavic influence, etc
- basically what i’m saying is it would be cool to make fem alberta metis…  (probably cree background) like family resemblance, you can keep blonde hair and blue eyes etc, but maybe adjust some things like eye-shape and skin tone to strongly hint at it etc but lmao thats just me ;)))
- but i have to be careful because i want to figure out how to make her distinct from @thisnameisquitegooey‘s texas oc because so far they do have the short hair/mixed heritage/western wear in common xD but we can work on that
- it also means she is the home base of the two most politically opposed ridings in the province lmao while bert represents the stable conservative bible belt heartland so basically fem alberta is like….. CONFLICTED about EVERYTHING
ANYWAY I HOPE THAT MUSING HELPS AND FEEL FREE TO ASK ANY MORE QUESTIONS, i can try to figure out her design when I’m not editing a million papers
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