#Cesar did an oopsie. a fucky
shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
"Get back here, you bastard!" Cesar snarled, chasing his prey. He was hungry and he witnessed someone make a severe fuck-up. He didn't want to think about it more than he already did, opting to focus on what he was trying to do.
He was careful to follow them discreetly until they were alone, but they heard him accidentally kick a rock and now there's a chase.
Lucky for Cesar, he's done this before and he knows how to catch his victims. No, targets. Prey. Thinking of them as victims makes him feel guilty.
With a pounce, he landed on top of the person. He lifted them off the ground, put a hand over their mouth and latched onto their throat with his teeth and began feeding. He nearly jumped out of his skin when they went limp, but not from the body.
He was so focused on following this person, he wasn't listening for another set of following footsteps. He took his mouth off the throat, blood dripping out of his mouth and down through his split chin. His white button-up and red bowtie were now stained with deep crimson. He dropped the body as he looked over his shoulder, panicked. He turned around to face the woman who caught him in the act.
"Sarah, I–I—" Cesar tried to speak but he just devolved into messy stammering; he was searching for words he just didn't have. He retracted his fangs and brought his chin together to make speaking easier. Finally, after what felt like forever, he found words. "P–please don't be scared of me! You know I'd never hurt you! …R-right…?"
"I–I… I'm calling Seth!" Sarah blurted out and began digging through her pocket to grab her phone.
Cesar's eyes widened even further. He shook his head frantically, reaching palms with splayed fingers in Sarah's direction. "S–Sarah, no! It's a full moon tonight and the sun's been down for an hour!"
Sarah stopped, seeming to ponder his words.
"Look, I know you want comfort right now and I can't provide it but please, just… don't be scared of me. I–I'll do anything…!" Cesar lowered his arms to his sides, keeping them in an open position. He was desperate, he didn't want to lose their friendship; not over something that couldn't be helped, at least.
His eyes teared up when Sarah took half a step backwards.
"Cesar…" Her voice had a low, wobbly warning tone.
Cesar was suddenly knocked down onto his stomach, teeth sinking into the nape of his neck. Cesar screamed, his mind dragging him back to the moment he got his first bite. He could tell he was getting drained. He started to lose consciousness, feeling incredibly weak.
Cesar snapped awake, quickly looking around the room he realized he was in.
Oh… It's my room. So then… was that just a nightmare? My neck feels funny…
Someone knocked on his closed bedroom door.
"Hello?" Cesar's voice came out scratchy; his throat was apparently raw.
"Hey, Cesar. Can I come in?" Seth asked through the door.
Seth opened the door and walked into the room. "How are you feeling?"
"...Strange. My throat's raw and my neck is like… numb."
"Yeah, the numbness is from the Lidocaine ointment. Sarah said you were screaming pretty loud. You're lucky she found you, you might've died…" Seth sniffled, breaking eye contact; the thought clearly pained him. "Please be more careful next time you're out, okay?"
"I will. By the way, where's Sarah…?"
"She's taking care of a simple investigation not too far from here."
"Ah, okay. Can I talk to her when she gets back?"
"I'll ask her. Now, you should probably try getting more sleep. Do you want any water or anything first?"
"No, thanks. Goodnight Dad." Cesar said with a slight sigh.
"Alright. Goodnight Cesar." Seth said with a little nod before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.
Cesar closed his eyes to return to sleep but he struggled. Did Sarah tell Seth his secret? He wished he asked how long it'd be until Sarah comes home.
I'll just have to wait and see, I guess.
The monster dudes. The guys
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