#Ch 1076 spoilers
dbphantom · 2 years
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Alright, holy shit lmao
What a chapter
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joy-girl · 2 years
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One Piece chapter 1076 / One Piece chapter 1063
40 years old emperors Shanks and Blackbeard looking like bullies in elementary/middle school, picking on little kids so that they give to them all the snacks they have lmao.
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ninhaoma-ya · 2 years
1076 — Old friends
I’m sure the chapter titles will make sense once we have the whole picture, but at the moment I am very confused. Sure, it refers to the end of the chapter, but will it also (in hindsight) refer to the beginning?
No cover story but very pretty colour spread:
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The dynamics of Kaku and Lucci with Zoro and Luffy are just *chef’s kiss*
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Oda’s perspective shifts, both narratively and artistically, are really nifty. Here, for example, we don’t know what Kaku means, since his face is in shadow and mouth hidden. We just have the two very different interpretations as offered by Luffy and Zoro to go on.
The following pages don’t shed any further light: did Kaku want to get feee to pursue their original goal in the end, or did he just keep mum about it to reduce antagonism due to “you’re just here to kill us”-vibes? Why is Lucci really telling all — is he confident in their ability to fulfil their orders, no matter what their opponents know, or does he bet on honesty over deception to get out of their cuffs?
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It’s a nice reminder that the others are still in danger!
However, Zoro, you should have more confidence in your crewmates. They can take care of themselves once they get their head in the game, even the Weakling Trio (all conveniently paired up with a stronger member at the moment).
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Good thinking, Luffy, making sure Lucci goes first after you when all’s said and done. Of course Lucci couldn’t ignore such a thinly-veiled insult.
Luffy does have an eye for personal drivers and battle strategy, doesn’t he?
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I just enjoy the pairing of brute force + brute force and slicy + slicy.
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But what is happening on the island? Who captured Vegapunk?
Is it evil Lilith, who was shown to control the seabeasts? Is it logical Shaka, voice of reason and analytical skills? Is it A Secret Third Thing?
Too tired to think about this right now, hopefully there-crafters out there fill in the blanks.
And my new favourite sub-arc! Kid vs Shanks!
First, the introductory panelling is genius. Even though we see a house, the disparity between ship size and house size could be chalked up to rushed sketching or lazy reading. The placement of the “bar at a small port”-bubble, completely obscuring the ship behind confuses further.
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And then, of course, we have just a silhouette we all know and a very familiar call-back to the very first chapter. Everything looks nice and normal. The size of the sake cup is similar to what Shanks was shown to share with Whiebeard, so nothing particularly remarkable there — the dude’s been shown to love partying, after all, maybe he just loves over-sized cups. The size of the meat could also be just seaking or something similar.
And then, sudden giant blueberries.
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We’re not in Kansas, anymore, Toto.
I wonder who won the fight in the end.
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Shanks has a certain je ne sais quoi. I love him.
So Rockstar’s role seems to be messenger. Iiiinteresting.
It’s so funny to see the dejected kid from a few pages ago just completely dwarf Shanks and his crew. Could he even fit on the Red Force?
A bit weird that the giants follow Shanks, though. I thought they’d be much too fierce warriors to do so, but on the other hand: Harjudin and his New Giant Pirates served under Buggy, so maybe the last 100 years without proper leadership really left Elbaf to the mercy of other powerful players?
And how will Usopp visit if the island is under Shanks influence — would a Straw Hat visit be construed as an act of war?
And poor Makino (beloved OTP) if the behaviour of the ladies in this chapter is something to go by. A girl in every port, huh…
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Kid looks a bit worried there, while Shanks exudes calm and confidence.
I wonder if Shanks has the last missing Poneglyph. We also didn’t get confirmation that they found Kaido’s red one in Wano, so that’s still up in the air.
So exciting!
I give the chapter two thumbs up: one from Shanks and one from Kid.
I give the chapter two thumbs up (one from Shanks and one from Kid).
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rubidusmagnet · 2 years
Ch. 1076 discussed a lil below
I’m just gonna focus on the most important part of this chapter and that is apparently Kiddo wants to fight Shanks again. It is also canon that he had his arm taken by a member of the Red-Hair pirates rather than Shanks himself which in fact he apparently didn’t even get a glimpse of!
Hopefully Kid can get some payback and not be treated like some laughingstock again. Either that, or something happens to divert attention from a fight so that doesn’t occur. I do not enjoy seeing my muses getting humiliated on.
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